Yea, but as an SF main, I can tell you with the fear duration he had, all he needed was the razes refreshed and he triple razes the cm to death. If he keeps his ult he can shutdown the TA bb, and end the game right there.
@@cheifshadow you playing in these brackets wont even lead u to get the items SF has in this video, u may be an SF main but sure as hell ur gonna get rekt on mid on this bracket
@@hahuhuta800 I’m not arguing that at all. I’m just saying he’s overcommitting spells. One of the biggest things in team fighting the higher you go in mmr, is how well you min-max your spells. Using the ult on the cm isn’t bad at all. However, I know I wouldn’t have made that same decision, because I know how much level 25 razes do to supports and I know that if he looks back at his replay, he is going to think the same thing, and in future games will change the decision depending on enemy draft and itemization.
@@josebradleyabad process in a split second? How slow are your eyes? The fear duration on cm is at least 2 seconds and he has arcane blink razes + shard. If you know the damages from experience, you know to make the call. I’ve never said it was a bad play. Because it wasn’t a bad play. Im just stating, with experience, that there is a more efficient play, and it’s one that he will see himself, the moment he looks over his replay and then he will change his gameplay to accommodate, because that’s how much better than us he is. It took me hundreds of games, if not over a thousand to get to that understanding with SF. He can get there much, much quicker, you can’t get there at all.
Bruh, people say why ult CM. Look at the minute. At this minute, it's necessary to kill every last one of them, no matter the role because it'd be a huge impact.
really? u watch the death time for cm, 99sec, it shows that cm already buyback and bb on cd, with 2 death in enemy team after TA’s buyback and 99sec until cm respawn, u can fight another war for highly secure win with 5vs3 after monkey king bb and tp to radian base…
@@JCAxie2777 every action must have a reason behind it, u sure he can raze cm to death? we dont know whether cm has available bkb, and its not an easy kill using raze after fear end… and if cm has bkb base on yatoro item build, he dont have massive physical damage… besides, u can easy kill with ulti why need to chose the hard way…
It's his timing mistake...he didn't expect the damage mk received....and just 1 second after he realised he wanna jump in but being hit by ta psi blade and cant jump...thats all not because ta got sheld charge...
Dear heralds, open your eyes to see that CM was after buyback and he ensured 4vs5 situation for 90 sec on a 55 min.
Yea, but as an SF main, I can tell you with the fear duration he had, all he needed was the razes refreshed and he triple razes the cm to death.
If he keeps his ult he can shutdown the TA bb, and end the game right there.
@@cheifshadow wow. then you must be top 1 in your region to even process that in a split second hahahaha
@@cheifshadow you playing in these brackets wont even lead u to get the items SF has in this video, u may be an SF main but sure as hell ur gonna get rekt on mid on this bracket
@@hahuhuta800 I’m not arguing that at all. I’m just saying he’s overcommitting spells. One of the biggest things in team fighting the higher you go in mmr, is how well you min-max your spells.
Using the ult on the cm isn’t bad at all. However, I know I wouldn’t have made that same decision, because I know how much level 25 razes do to supports and I know that if he looks back at his replay, he is going to think the same thing, and in future games will change the decision depending on enemy draft and itemization.
@@josebradleyabad process in a split second? How slow are your eyes? The fear duration on cm is at least 2 seconds and he has arcane blink razes + shard. If you know the damages from experience, you know to make the call.
I’ve never said it was a bad play. Because it wasn’t a bad play. Im just stating, with experience, that there is a more efficient play, and it’s one that he will see himself, the moment he looks over his replay and then he will change his gameplay to accommodate, because that’s how much better than us he is.
It took me hundreds of games, if not over a thousand to get to that understanding with SF. He can get there much, much quicker, you can’t get there at all.
Bruh, people say why ult CM. Look at the minute. At this minute, it's necessary to kill every last one of them, no matter the role because it'd be a huge impact.
i watched his sf from his pov he plays so fast
centaur is dancing XD
Bruh is it really necessary to refresher ult CM too
Yes , and she need to be nerfed
@Rovshan Komilov elaborate
@Rovshan Komilov if killing cm with refresher ult would make u win TI then no Russian team could ever win a TI
@Rovshan Komilov dude chill
Yeah, to secure a die back
I miss arcane blink so much bros 😭
Что за итемы у ТА?
The only question i have is how the damage gets thru to the refract.
Sf’s ult is dmg per soul released, if you ult right next to TA’s refract will only tank like 7 out of whatever amount of souls Sf has stacked
I m curious how would people play with no scripts.
без рук играет талант
every game i can see it lmao
Eh, That ult on cm wasn't worth it, could just blink raze just save ult for jump ult again, to next enemy.
really? u watch the death time for cm, 99sec, it shows that cm already buyback and bb on cd, with 2 death in enemy team after TA’s buyback and 99sec until cm respawn, u can fight another war for highly secure win with 5vs3 after monkey king bb and tp to radian base…
@@wanorie didn't you read i said raze, not ult it can be killed by just raze
@@JCAxie2777 every action must have a reason behind it, u sure he can raze cm to death? we dont know whether cm has available bkb, and its not an easy kill using raze after fear end… and if cm has bkb base on yatoro item build, he dont have massive physical damage… besides, u can easy kill with ulti why need to chose the hard way…
Why ult the CM too lmao
Because cm after buyback
Thats why u are in low rank
хороший закуп, не думал удалить доту?
Is this supposed to be a good play? It looks dumb to me coz sf let mk die before he goes in lol
Blink on CD noob wtf
U seems like a guy who always shouting putanginamo in my pub on literally everytime u feels like it
Blink on cd and TA still had refraction charges
blink is on cd
It's his timing mistake...he didn't expect the damage mk received....and just 1 second after he realised he wanna jump in but being hit by ta psi blade and cant jump...thats all not because ta got sheld charge...
без рук играет омага
дота на украинском... жесть. а говорит всеравно на русском, как же тошнит
а что не так? человек не может играть в доту на своем родном языке?
@@IIII-zk5qm пусть говорит на нем, иначе он фашист
@@maknoname если у меня игра английском, а я говорю на русском я тоже фашист?
У меня дота на английском и что😂
@@arisheru ты не патриот? Ты рашист?
Красава подождал пока МК убьют)
Ну или подождал пока откатится блинк после попадания пси блейдами ланаи?
@@vitalikarelin8720nope, he wait for TA’s refraction gone…
И зачем употреблять маты!просто скажи чел без блинка…разве это круто с матами?!
Вхахахахах что ты несешь
Да круто, вопросы?
2 кнопки
nada de mais
12 thousand’s
@@vovtet is that supposed to mean something
Magic fiend without scythe of vyse?
О боже дота на українській 🥰.. Повертаюсь в доту
@@maknoname тримай в собі свою жовч
@@vunrapt почему он говорит на русском? Типичный рашист, кошмар
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