인도네시아 축구팬의 배은망덕…日에 졌다고 "신태용 OUT"
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- (서울=뉴스1) 문영광 기자 = 인도네시아 축구 대표팀이 사상 첫 월드컵 본선 진출을 노리는 가운데 최근 부진을 이유로 일부 축구팬들이 신태용 감독 퇴진 운동을 벌이고 있다. 아시안컵 등에서 괄목할 만한 성과를 낸 신 감독을 국민영웅으로 대접하던 여론이 단 몇 경기 만에 돌아선 모양새다.
인도네시아는 북중미 월드컵 아시아지역 3차예선에 진출한 18개국 중 유일한 동남아 팀으로 이름을 올리며 일본, 호주, 사우디 등 강호와 한 조에 속해 싸우고 있다. 사우디, 호주, 바레인과의 경기에서 모두 승점을 따내며 초반 선전했다.
그러나 4차전에서 승리가 없던 중국에 1-2로 덜미를 잡히더니 지난 16일 일본과의 홈경기에서 0-4로 대패하며 순식간에 조 최하위로 떨어졌다.
인도네시아는 귀화 선수를 대거 출장시켜 선수비 후 반격을 꾀했지만 일본은 강력한 전방압박으로 인도네시아를 괴롭혔고, 결국 수비진의 자책골로 첫 골을 헌납한 뒤 시종일관 일본의 공격에 흔들리며 패했다.
그러자 신 감독을 그야말로 신(神)처럼 떠받들던 인도네시아 축구팬들은 곧바로 등을 돌리고 있다.
X(옛 트위터)에는 '신태용 아웃'(#STY OUT)이라는 해시태그를 달고 신 감독의 사퇴를 요구하는 글이 넘쳐났다.
인도네시아 매체인 라다르 시타본도는 17일 "'신태용 아웃'이라는 해시태그가 인도네시아 SNS를 가득 채웠다"며 "16일 기준으로 4천여 개의 관련 게시물이 올라왔다"고 전했다.
신 감독 퇴진을 주장하는 인도네시아 축구팬들은 축구협회의 적극적인 귀화 정책으로 자국계 네덜란드 선수 여러 명을 귀화시켰는데 신 감독이 이들을 제대로 지도하지 못하고 있다며 네덜란드계 지도자를 데려와야 한다고 주장하고 있다.
특히 지난달 인도네시아로 귀화한 네덜란드 1부리그 PEC 즈볼레 소속 엘리아노 라인더르스를 왜 일본전 명단에서 제외시켰는지를 두고 많은 온라인상에서 불만이 터져나온다.
신 감독의 인스타그램 게시물마다 왜 엘리아노를 기용하지 않았는지에 대해 항의하는 댓글이 넘쳐나고 있다.
그러나 비판에도 불구하고 인도네시아에는 현재 유럽 5대 리그에서 주전으로 활약하는 선수가 단 한 명도 없는 것이 현실이다. 게다가 갑자기 모인 선수들을 한 데 모아 조직력을 다지는 일도 시간이 필요하기 마련이다.
신 감독은 일본전에서 패한 후 "최악의 상황이다. 현실적으로 3~4위를 노리겠다"며 플레이오프 진출 순위권을 바라보겠다는 각오를 밝혔다. 이어 "감독으로서 압박감이 있는 것이 사실이다. 이러한 감정을 이겨내도록 노력할 것이며, 선수들과 단합해 월드컵 무대를 위해 노력하겠다"고 말했다.
#인도네시아 #신태용 #월드컵
원래 그런 나라다. K-21 전투기 사업에서 우리는 인도네시아의 시커먼 속을 싹 다 보았다. 뒷통수치는 4형제 인도네시아 태국 베트남 인도 조심해야 한다.알고 당하는 거와 모르고 당하는 거랑 다르다.
러시아도 우리 뒷통수 친다.
베트남, 인도는 인도네시아보다 한 수 위죠, 뒤통수로는!...
말레이시아도 동남아 다 그럼 똠양꿍무애타이태국,말레이시아,베트콩,인도네시아 쪽빠리일본이 저거 잘 나갈때 1960~70년대 못된거 가르쳐놨네
중국 일본 동남아 인도 다 뒷통수 치는 나라면 어디랑 손 잡을래??
영프독은 상대도 안해줄거 같은데
나머지는 소국들이고ㅋㅋ
애초에 ㅋㅋ 일본이 우리나라보다도 강팀인데 ㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 도랏나보네
옛날에 박항서의 베트남꼴... 축구선수 소리 듣게 해줬더니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 인도네시아 니들이 일본에 비빌 레벨이냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
솔직히 우리나라도 일본이랑하면 해외 배팅사이트에선 역배임 ㅋㅋㅋ
그만큼 강팀인데 양심 개나줚나봄 ㅋㅋ
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
홍명보 보내라... 인도네시아에 딱 맞는 감독이다.
인도네시아는 여러모로 안되겠다 국민성이 뭐 저따위야!
니들도 똑같아 ㅋㅋㅋ 냄비야 벤투한테 한짓 기억 못함?
Setidaknya indonesia tidak melempar telor busuk..
Setidaknya indonesia tidak melempar telor busuk..
Bagaimana dengan orang korea plastik yang meminta klinsmann out??😂😂😂
인도네시아가 월드컵 3차 예선을 어떻게 갔나, 신태용 아니면 가능했을까
Shin Tae Yong and PSSI. both have important roles
I wonder why so many Koreans misunderstand some of the people who asked Shin Tae Yong out. What exactly does the media there make news about this? And some people talk about kf-21 as well (?).. Okay back to the topic.. you think they did it because we lost against Japan, right? That's a big mistake. Those who voiced Shin Tae Yong out were disappointed with the Starting Line Up chosen by coach Shin during the match against China. Some people regretted the decision because it was a crucial match, which should have been used to get an extra +3 points because China was not as strong as our previous opponents. But, unexpectedly, coach Shin chose that Starting Line Up. Which is a couple of players who've been underperforming a few times, and we've actually lost. It was 50:50, over the selection of the starting line up and the ability of the players. The crowd's concerns grew even greater as we lost an additional +3 point and the next opponent was Japan, which, we all knew and no one expected more about the match, because Japan was at a different level. No one is angry at the outcome of the match against Japan. We all understand that. So it wasn't all because we lost once, against Japan. Okay, I hope you understand this explanation. a lot of people misunderstand..
and just so you know, those who talk "out" are just a handful of people who take advantage of adversity. What happens on social media is sometimes very different from the reality.
They're too outdate about this news. If they concern about Shin Tae Yong, then why they making fuss after we lost to japan? We know who's behind the #STYOUT rising. But we didn't care. We have rights to crititize STY because of his decision. But never making sack him. Also, he's happy to stay in Indonesia instead of South Korea.
Jumlah orang Indonesia ada 290 juta orang
Disetiap negara manapun pasti memiliki orang yang suka dan tidak suka.
Ada pro ada kontra.
Jika yang membenci ada 1.000.000 orang.
Itu hanya sebagian kecil.
Hanya 0.34 %
99.7 % orang indonesia dari 290.000.000 orang, mencintai pelatih SHIN TAE YONG., ❤️
jadi jangan membuat kesimpulan bahwa seluruh orang membenci nya.
Itu hanya 0.3 %. 🥱🥱🤭
289.000.000 orang mencintai pelatih shin tae yong.
Karena telah membuat prestasi pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa. 😊❤️
감독직은 파리목숨이여~
아무리 잘해도
지면 끝이여!
박항서 감독
처신 잘 했지요
신 감독님!
인니에서 아웃하면
조용하게 좀 쉬세요
신 감독님
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
야 일본을 이긴다는 생각을 한다는게...우리나라도 냉정하게 말하지만 지금 일본은 승부가 어찌될지 모르는 강자인데
*승부가 어찌될지 모르는 강자가 아니라 한국하고 일본 축구하면 지금 인도네시아 꼴 난다 머저리 새끼야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 국뽕짓거리도 현실봐가면서 씨부리자 ^^*
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
인니KF-21분담금미납사건 벌써 잊었냐?원래 통수의 나라😂😂😂
Urusan bola jangan di sangkut paut sama pesawat tolol..👊
어째 베트남이랑 똑같네
Tidak berbeda juga dengan korea, paling tidak indonesia masih punya kesopanan dan tidak melempar telor busuk..
@@idocipp9936 못살잖아 가난하잖아
@@idocipp9936*동남아시아가 앞으로도 미개한 문화권으로 남아있을 수 밖에 없는 이유🤣🤣*
@@idocipp9936응 그래서 전투기사업 왜 뒷통수쳤음?
@@idocipp9936 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
보이는것도 못보면 살기힘들어져. 아무리 옹호해도 아닌건 아니라고 말해야지.
나도 사업하면서 인도네시아인으로부터 뒤통수 맞은 적 있음...
일본 전력이면 ㅋㅋ 우리나라 이란도 승리 장담 못하고 해외 배팅하면 오히려 우리가 역배인데 ㅋㅋㅋ 인니가 언제부터 그정도 강팀이였어? 어후 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
인도네시아 클라스
Setidaknya kita tidak melempar telor busuk..
@@idocipp9936응 전투기사업 돈이나 지불해라.
중국한테도 사기치는 나라인데 뭐 ㅋㅋ나라 자체가 삼류 일본 지하철 사기 ㅋㅋ 세계적으로 양아치 삼류 국가 다 아는 사실임
저 레벨도 네덜란드인 피 섞여서 저 정도 레벨 된게 빅웃음
@@유동국-y6lkami tidak butuh pesawat itu..!! Pesawat dan proyek yang banyak drama..!!
Kami sudah bosan dengan drama pemerintahan korea..
Silakan pesawat itu buat ada semua, kami sudah menggantinya dengan kerja sama dengan turky dan juga kerjasama dengan prancis..
벳남하고 똑같네 ㅋㅋ
베트남은 욕하는사람없었음. 박항서는 자발적으로 나갔고. 당분간 국대감독할맘없다함 그리고 다시 한국감독 뽑았음 김상식. 이번엔 욕먹을듯
뭘없어?ㅋㅋㅋ 뉴스로본게 얼만데 ㅋㅋㅋ@@KoreanCock
Setidaknya kami tidak melempar telor busuk..
@@KoreanCockㅇㅣ색기 튀기인가? 맨날 댓글 올리네
펩 클롭 이가도 안되는 나라는 안되는거다 아샨컵16강 갔으면 그게 어디더냐 월컵이 쉬운줄아나보네
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
ㅎㅎ 지네가 언제부터?
일본에도 이기려고? ㅋ
이전 중국전에서 진게 좀 큰거 같긴한데
재들 피파랭킹 생각하면 너무 과하게 요구한게 맞음
적당히 하고 옆에 캄보디아나 태국 같은데로 이동하면 될듯
@@고양이-q9b 동남아 애들이 동북아 국가에 이입해서 중국 무시하는 게 존나 웃김. 한국 일본 정도나 되니까 중국을 무시하는 거지 동남아 상대로 압도적 상대전적 가진 나라고 동북아라서 피지컬부터 동남아 국가들하고 다름. 어쨌든 최종예선 꾸준히 나오는 나라고 1세기 가까이 최종예선 한번 나오지 못했던 동남아 국가들하고 급이 다른데 존나 웃기긴함. 장담하는데 50년 뒤에도 동남아 국가들 중국 못넘어섬 그나마 비비는 게 태국 정도밖에 없는데
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
오늘 사우디 2대0으로 이겼는데 그래도 신태용 그만둘까? 인도네시아의 축구실력을 생각해라. 얼마나 큰 매직을 만들기를 바라냐!
히딩크가 2002 월드컵 종료 후 부리나케 사령탑 그만 둔 이유가 이거임. 박수 칠 때 떠나야 함. 존나 카리스마 있게.
We always love director Shin. We cried so much when he left
몇달전 내댓글에 발악하던 백여분들 다 어디갔나?😊
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
우리나라도 예전엔 월드컵에만 나가면 승이 없을 때 있었다. 처음 월드컴 예선 출전하고 승을 바라다니
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
동남아시아 애들이 좀 단순하고 경솔하고 그래요 ㅎㅎ
텐하흐 어쩌고 하는 게 너무 웃기네 ㅋㅋ 한국 일본이 불러도 무시할 텐하흐가 인도네시아ㅋㅋㅋ 왜 전세계 모든 개도국들은 자기 나라들 주제를 모를까.. 비단 인도네시아만의 문제도 아니고 축구계만의 문제도 아님 뭐 브라질 인도 터키 뭐 이런 나라 애들하고 이야기 하다보면 걍 기가 참 .. 한국처럼 스스로를 비판하고 성장해나가려는 반성이 없음. 우린 잘못됐고 항상 모자라다는 걸 인지해야 발전하는데
한국이 급속발전한 이유가 거기에있죠. 다른나라는 아직도 개도국이고 한국만 놀랍게 발전한 이유.
국뽕 정신 차리셈
아시아는 절대 유럽 못따라감
그나마 아시아 자존심 유일한 희망이던게 과거 일본
지금은 뭐 미국은 커녕 영프독한테도 쳐발림 얘네들 1인당 GDP가 5만불선인데
한국 일본도 아직 3만불대임
참고로 10년 전 2014년에도 거의 3만불이였음 일본은 4만불이였고
같은 기간 미국 5.5만 -> 8.1만
한일 둘 다 성장없이 실질적으로 하락한셈임
미국 유럽이랑 아예 비교가 안됨
거의 한국 일본이랑 중국 말레이시아급 차이임 (약 2만불)
일본이나 한국이나 서비스업에서 가격이 안오르고 임금도 억제 되는 디플레 수준 경기침체라 가격 오르고 임금도 오르고 GDP 쭉쭉 오르는 미국 유럽이랑 차원이 다름
하긴 뭐 국민성 자체가 저렴한것만 찾고 남의 서비스는 무료로 생각하는 스레기 민족 정신이라 어쩔수 없지
국뽕 정신 차리셈
아시아는 절대 유럽 못따라감
그나마 아시아 자존심 유일한 희망이던게 과거 일본
지금은 뭐 미국은 커녕 영프독한테도 쳐발림 얘네들 1인당 GDP가 5만불선인데
한국 일본도 아직 3만불대임
참고로 10년 전 2014년에도 거의 3만불이였음 일본은 4만불이였고
같은 기간 미국 5.5만 -> 8.1만
한일 둘 다 성장없이 실질적으로 하락한셈임
미국 유럽이랑 아예 비교가 안됨
거의 한국 일본이랑 중국 말레이시아급 차이임 (약 2만불)
일본이나 한국이나 서비스업에서 가격이 안오르고 임금도 억제 되는 디플레 수준 경기침체라 가격 오르고 임금도 오르고 GDP 쭉쭉 오르는 미국 유럽이랑 차원이 다름
하긴 뭐 국민성 자체가 저렴한것만 찾고 남의 서비스는 무료로 생각하는 스레기 민족 정신이라 어쩔수 없지
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
신감독님 나가면 저나라 베트남꼴 날꺼임
Pergi aja saya gk butuh..👈
Indonesia akan merekrut pelatih dari Belanda jika shin tayong pergi.
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
"인니는 간사하기 짝이 없어 신의를 지켰다는 말을 들어본 적이 없다"
Tai kau.
Ga usah di ladenin
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
신태용 OUT 인니 어떡하냐
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
@onyxphoenix7485 who or you
Who or you ❌
*Who are you* ✅
@@onyxphoenix7485 Don't patronize me
@@onyxphoenix7485 Go out to Indonesia😤🤬
신태용이 얼마나 훌륭한 감독인데 주제도 모르는 인도인들 . 신태용이 제일 약한 거 외부압력만 인도 정부에서 요구하지 않으면 엄청 잘하는 감독이다. 분명히 외부압력이 있었겠지. 외부 압력에 굴복하는 약점 만 아니면 신태용은 전설급 명장 맞다.
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
신태용감독도 이제 토사구팽 이네
바레인경기가 진짜 아깝지 이긴건데 연장전을 10분넘게 줘서 골넣고 무승부함 중국도 이겼어야함
그냥 의지가 없던데 인니 선수들
인도네시아가 3라운드 진출권을 획득한 것은 신태용뿐만 아니라 네덜란드를 여행한 선수들 때문이기도 하다. 어쨌든 신태용은 인도네시아를 여기까지 끌어올 수 없었을 것이다. 영어가 서툴러 선수간 의사소통에 어려움을 겪기도 한다. 신태용은 아세안 챔피언십에서도 단 한 번도 우승한 적이 없다.
뭐하러 저딴팀 계속맡음 나가야지 할만큼했으니 이젠사퇴 할때임
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
홍감독하고 트레이드 하면 되것네
인도네시아 진짜 실망이네요 인도네시아 팀 경기 보면 열심히 응원해 줬는데 일본한테 안방에서 참패 당했다고 인도네시아 축구팬들이 신태용 감독을 경질 시킬려고 퇴진 운동까지 한다니 진짜 팬 마인드 가 진짜 이것 밖에 안됩니까 ?? 인도네시아 는 현실을 생각 하십시오 3차 예선에 많 올라온것도 엄청 좋은 결과 입니다 인도네시아 실력 으로는 아무리 좋은 귀화 선수들을 데려와서 국가대표팀 발탁 한다고 해도 월드컵 본선을 노릴수 있는 실력이 안됩니다 3차 예선에 나오는 팀들은 인도네시아 보다 경험 과 선수들 클래스 자체가 높습니다 인도네시아 는 아시아 중위권 아닌 아시아 약체임 그 약체팀을 우리나라 의 신태용 감독이 팀을 맞으면서 그래도 좋은 성과를 많이 내줬는데 이런게 배신을 때리나요 진짜 실망 입니다. 인도네시아 의 본선 탈락을 기도 하겠습니다
This is not what you think
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
간댕이가 부었네 ,근본을 알고 나서야지
뒤통수의 나라
내가 직접 만나서 겪어 본 인도네시아 사람들은 보통은 참으로 순박하던데 하지만 현지에서 오래 살아 온 교민들의 공통된 의견들이 무슨 국가적 큰 이슈가 있을 때나 그럴 때 그 순박하던 사람들이 갑자기 함부로 살인하고 상점 다 부시고 강탈해 가는 그런 막 나가는 행동을 하던게 바로 이 인도네시아 사람이라는데 진짜 인도네시아 사람들 이런 의외의 국민성에는 참 쯥 😢😖
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
우리랑 바꾸자. 명보 데려가라~~
홍명보를 인도네시아로~~~
인도네시아 꼴결정력 다떨어지고 수비도 최하수 심각한하다
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
그냥 딱 거기까진걸 이제 알았어? ㅎ그이상은 절대아니다
동남아는 365일 날씨가 더워서 제정신인 사람들이..
박항서 꼴..인도네시아=베트남=태국
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
Go out to Indonesia😤🤬
Stupid? Really?
베트남, 인도네시아 등
동남아는 인스턴트 국민성인 걸 모르나
우승했을때 관둬야 뒷끝이 없지.
한국은 안 저랬냐?ㅋㅋ 히딩크때 잊었어??
히딩크는 욕 하기도 전에 박수칠때 떠났는데 뭔 헛소리
한국냄비근성도 만만치 않지 ㅋㅋㅋ 벤투에게 한짓을 보면 ㅋㅋㅋ
@@홍영주-e1i헛소리같은 소리하네
@@fortress-r7y이거 ㅁ.ㅊ 색기네 ㅋ
신태용 감독의 선택이다
Kami mencintai pak shin!!
일본에 진 것보다 홈에서 중국한테 패해서가 아닐까.
응 사우디 이기는중이죠
인도네시아.. 참 대단한 인간들이네.. 월드컵 3차예선에서 두번 졌다고 감독갈자고.. 한국도 그렇게는 못해. 베트남도 그렇고 인도네시아도 그렇고.. 너무 많을걸 바라네..
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
명보줄게 태용다오
bro its just coach Shin haters in Indonesia or just about 2% of our national team supporters , majority of us always supporting our national team Coach even if he's make mistake. why foreign media always like that. your information not accurate. sorry for my bad english btw. fvck y0v
I thought so. But Public opinion is always led by the minority.
오해이기를 바란다
처음으로 월드컵 예선전에 참여한 인니를 응원하지만 객관적으로 귀화선수들 실력이 뛰어난 선수들이 아니었음 c조에서
4위하기도 매우 어려울것으로 예상되니 행운을 빈다
4위라도해서 한번의기회를더얻자
언능 나와버려요 베트남꼴 보고싶네요
경질되어야 위약금 받지
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
인도네시아 애들은 안되 어디 안 좋은거만 배워서
신태용은 주변 눈치를 좀 봐야 합니다. 신태용이 인니 진출 이후 광고를 어마어마하게 찍었죠. 최근 예능에 나와서는 인스타 팔로워가 폭증했다며 자랑까지 했었죠. 현직 국대 감독이면서 축구 외의 활동이 너무 많아요. 총선때는 뭔 정치인 지지선언까지 하질 않나.. 이렇게 촐싹거릴 때가 아니라는 걸 신태용 본인이 알아야 합니다. 최종예선 진출이 인도네시아 기준으로는 좋은 성적이지만, 지금 이렇게 방방 떠서 셀럽놀이할만큼 대단한 성적이냐 하면 절대로 아니에요.
남이사 이런거에 댓글다는 수준 ㅉㅉ
신태용이 우리나라오면 지금보다 성적좋을것같다 신태용전술을 인도네시아 선수들이 못따라가는듯
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
주제파악 못하는 인니
3차최종예선 올라간 것도
동남아는 카멜론이다.
10하흐가 미쳤으면 😅
중국일본 동남아 신뢰가 안감
배은망덕 인도네시아
차기 인니 축햡회장으로 정몽큐
차기 인니 국대 감독으로 홍봉사
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
삼성보다 신따이용 ~~~
전투기값 떼어먹더니 ㅋㅋ
어처구니가 읍네~~
동남아쪽 국민성은 모두 똑같네요.
Itu lebih baik dari pada korea..!!
Mungkin anda lupa dengan leparan telor dan bantal saat di depan media..
@@idocipp9936 Koreans act like they r better than Japan in every way & are always jealous of Japan. Arrogance, jealousy & racism are the national character of South Korea
Hal yg lumrah dalam sepak bola
한국인은 연승중인데 퇴진하라고 하는 인간들임 ㅋㅋ
감독의 능력이 아니라 뽑힌과정에 문제가 있는거니까.... 그리고 지금은 아시아 지역예선이니 지금의 기록들은 당연히해줘야하는 부분들임.
우리나라는 안그런가? 성적좋다가도 안좋으면 다그럼 인간의 본성일 뿐이야
📛 *How stupid are these people to think that the STY OUT slogan emerged coz Indonesia was defeated by Japan.* 🤭 LOL, IT’S NEVER ABOUT THAT. Indonesia doesn't even care about its defeat by Japan coz Indonesia knew that Japan is on a different level, so defeat against Japan is something that Indonesia has predicted.
The slogan STY OUT emerged from *minority of the people* who were disappointed with *Indonesia's defeat against China.* They were disappointed with the starting line up made by Coach Shin when playing against China. Coach Shin used players who weren’t very capable in the starting line up. Coach Shin underestimated the Chinese team since China wasn’t as strong as Arab & Aussie.
For decades, Indonesia has had a sweet & harmonious💕 relationship with the 2 countries that colonized it (🇳🇱🇯🇵). Indonesia has built flawless cooperation with 🇯🇵&🇳🇱 in terms of economics/trade, education/student exchange, politics, export-import, etc, which has been going on for decades.
Unlike 🇰🇷 & 🇨🇳 who have not moved on from the past colonization of 🇯🇵 against them.
리그 최하위로 떨어진 것이 가장 큰 원인이었네...
감독이 욕 먹을만한 상황일 수 밖에 없네...
한국도 좋은 감독이 왔는데 리그 최하위로 떨어지면 욕 먹을 수 밖에 없잖아...
인니는 네시 입니다
Anda tidak tau kalau negara anda juga butuh Indonesia.. Indonesia membeli peralatan militer dari negara anda dari jet tempur sampai kapal selam cangbogo clas hanya negara Indonesia yang mau beli kapal selam dari negara Anda
제발 탈락 ㅋ
머 우리나라도 일본한테 발리는 현실인데 너무 국뽕올라친거아니냐? ㅋㅋ
동남아시아 국민성 을 몰랐나? 상대하면 피곤한 국가들임 ...인니 부터 시작해서 ....주변국도 국민성 대한민국 사람들이 이해 하기 힘든 민족임
인도네시아 진심 나오네. ㅋ
이것들은 구제불능들이다 돈맛을 알았기 때문에 어떤 길이 저거들이 가야할 길인지 모르고 있다
클리스만 돈주고 보내는나라인대 내로남불 남욕할거없음
클린스만 옹호하는 놈은 너가 처음이다
클린스만 축구를 보니 전술이 보이디? 알려진 선수들 알아서 뛰어 전술이 좋디? 대가리는 무겁게 폼으로 달고 다니냐?
이럴거 알고갔잔아
인도네시아, 베트남은 지들이 무슨 피파랭킹 50위권은 될정도의 실력이 가지고있다고 착각하고있는거같네… 피랭 130위가 피랭 15위인 일본을 상대로 이길거라 생각한건가?? 아님 1:0으로 질거라 생각한건가?? 피랭 92위 중국도 일본한테 7:0으로 지는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 어이가 없네
메타인지 ㅈㄴ 못하네ㅋㅋㅋ
정몽따이옹 나가
월드컵 못가면 바로 경질하긋네 박수칠때 떠났어한듯
😅 호구냐
아 제발 비추 몇 번 시키면 이 쓰레기 국뽕 유튭이 보이지 말아야하는데
돈이면 아주 나라까지 팔아먹을 놈들
Pelatih adalah yang paling tanggung jawab, saat menang pelatih yang di teriak-teriakan saat kalah pelatih juga yang di teriaka-teriakan..
Saya rasa itu adil..
Hidup dan mati shin tae yong ada di laga arab saudi dan indonesia..
Apakah shin tae yong akan mampu bertahan sampai tahun 2027? Kita akan lihat strategi apa yang akan di gunakan,,,
Semua fasilitas sudah di terpenuhi dan sudah di berikan oleh Erik tohir,,
사태용이 인니에 가기전에 인니는 동남아 최하위팀이엇지 역사상 처음으로 월드컵 예선에 나가더니 머리가 돌앗나 봄
신태용이 말려시아와 계약햇다면 월드컵 예선전에 말레시아가 참여햇겟지
객관적으로 현재 인니 귀화선수들. 프레이는 중국보다 한 수 아래였음
자신의 실력을 객관적 볼수 있는 용기가 없다면 결코 발전할수 없다는 거 명심해라.
신탱용이 잘린다면 위약금 가득 안고 다른 나라 가면 그뿐임
신감독 걱정할 시간에 인도네시아의 부패 문제나 개선해라
뭘 살아 남아
관둬야지 갈 팀이 인니만 있냐
일본이라해도 졌을땐 뭐라하는게맞음
조선인들은 일본한테 져도 그래도 잘했다~ 인프라 차이니 뭐니 ㅋㅋㅋ
씹후달리는 헬조선식 인프라 차이는 인정해라 ㅋㅋ 안방 아니였으면 4강도 못갔어 ㅋㅋ
이 병신은 피파랭킹 15위가 ㅈ으로 보이냐?
지금 일본 대표팀 스쿼드 26명중에 유럽 현역에 주전으로 뛰는 선수만 몇인지 알고 하는소리?
22월컵에서 독일, 스페인 잡고 죽음의조에서 1위 16강 간게 ㅈ으로 보임?
진짜 이새끼는 축알못이거나 아니면 국뽕환자거나 반일정신병자인듯.
원래 인니 그자식들은그래! 태용아 그냥한국으로와~
신태용 감독님
고향에 오세요 전번 추석에 기다렸는데 이루어내지못 했습니다.
대한민국 음양오행침술보존명장
영덕 로타리클럽 산악회회장
축산면 대곡리
풋ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 눈만 높네ㅋㅋㅋ일본을 어떻게 이기냐~
인도네시아 기를 팍 죽어나야되~ 귀화왜 했냐ㅋㅋㅋ
동남아 국가들중 베트콩과 인도네시아는 동급. 배은망덕한...
다그러지 성적이 안되면 욕먹구 잘되면 ㅊㅋ 해주고..우리나라도 안그냐?
솔직히 그럴만하지 인도네시아현지선수는거의없고 거의 전부 유럽선수들로 구성되었는데 저성적이면 짤려도 할말이 없지
유럽리그면 머하나 거기서 주전으로. 못뛰는 삼류들인데
동남아는 다 그런거 아닌가
우리나라도 그래...
유럽 선수출신이라고.!
근데 실력은 동남아수준인데..