the most controversial kpop songs of 2023

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 269

  • @ajanugu
    @ajanugu  Год назад +139

    i forgot to do my honorable mentions at the end. i would personally add stamp on it, (similarly to yena in that, instead of getting on the song, people were just dragging BOA the entire time), maybe newjeans's omg (bc of the music video), young dumb stupid (i cant believe i forgot to add ha), love me like this, maybe jisoo's solo, and thats all i could think of! if i forgot any, i give you the one opportunity to tell me i missed something 🤍

    • @xiaorina
      @xiaorina Год назад +1

      whats wrong with the omg mv?

    • @PastelN01r
      @PastelN01r Год назад +26

      @@xiaorina min heejin did her thing

    • @xiaorina
      @xiaorina Год назад +24

      @@PastelN01r ohhh right lmfao i forgot abt that their mvs be too long and too boring for no reason like i do not need an 8 minute mv for a 2 minute song please be serious and for half of it to be min heejin justifying her bs like dont piss me off

    • @sowhat_idontcare151
      @sowhat_idontcare151 Год назад +30

      The BoA hate train was disgusting. I need a public apology from everyone that dragged her for that dancebreak like, the entire choreo was shite, she did her best there and NO Hyo was not gonna save it

    • @lemonade0627
      @lemonade0627 Год назад +1

      macaroni cheese was pretty controversial! but you already did a whole video on that lol

  • @statesofgracie
    @statesofgracie Год назад +141

    I think it was yoon that said they all loved beautiful monster and were expecting it to be their biggest song and got very confused and disappointed by the poor reception to it. likewise they did NOT like or want to do teddy bear but it was a smash in korea

    • @ajanugu
      @ajanugu  Год назад +60

      yeah it was yoon. i wonder how they feel about poppy and bubble then

    • @yohanedescends4683
      @yohanedescends4683 Год назад +21

      they never said they disliked teddy bear, they just thought it would flop and were extremely worried since they’re not a big group.

    • @si_multifandom_ch_5099
      @si_multifandom_ch_5099 Год назад +6

      @RoyaleMusicalThe way Bubble is literally so much better than Teddy Bear?!

  • @zimzalabimdenickimenajzala2003
    @zimzalabimdenickimenajzala2003 Год назад +118

    Stayc needs to go back to that concept they did in stereotype it was slay it wasn't a high note it was just that girl

  • @escritora84
    @escritora84 Год назад +291

    Beautiful Monster got a lot of unnecessary hate, but I really need STAYC and other girl groups to dead the idea that they need high notes in their songs to be good. I miss when girl groups knew their range and played to those strengths - Stereotype and So Bad are the perfect wheelhouse for STAYC.

    • @ajanugu
      @ajanugu  Год назад +83

      they were screaming a lot in so bad but i agree. songs like stereotype, even horrible asap, and poppy-teddy bear-bubble (dont remember if they had high notes) are better suited for the group

    • @renejun
      @renejun Год назад +19

      And that’s why stereotype is their best title track

    • @Elric-zz2sb
      @Elric-zz2sb Год назад +33

      i miss trained vocalists, no shade though!

    • @inmydreamsily
      @inmydreamsily Год назад +6

      beautiful monster sounds horrible bcs of the high note scream like especially yoon part, they need to released the demo

    • @kkseung
      @kkseung Год назад +2

      have to disagree, like i miss the days when groups did high notes and adlibs in the last chorus beside some runs of 2 seconds, always make the last chorus better, 4th gen groups don't that as much, but not stayc, they always serve vocaloid high notes and I LOVE IT! i feel like their songs would be super empty without it, just train yoon and sieun (maybe even isa) to be better vocalists and stop destroing their voices and that's okay

  • @Etherealzyo
    @Etherealzyo Год назад +278

    I feel bad for Yena because it clear she wasn’t hating on Olivia but people still decided to hate on her I mean yea the song wasn’t that good but they could’ve at least told her what was wrong with it instead of hating on her. Coca Cola is good all of y’all who hate it are haters and need to live a little

    • @ventaliq
      @ventaliq Год назад +10

      @@patootiepoopit’s clickbait

    • @Etherealzyo
      @Etherealzyo Год назад +12

      @@patootiepoop You act like it says “I hate Olivia Rodrigo” she could’ve been talking about anyone but I’m pretty sure she did it for clickbait. I don’t think it was a good idea for obvious reasons but even after everything was cleared up people still continued to hate her.

    • @htesfaye9521
      @htesfaye9521 Год назад +16

      personally, i hated that her and her team chose to copy paste an existing album art and theme. i get it nothing is original but it doesn't sit well. the hate train towards her specifically is unwarranted though.

    • @indygogames
      @indygogames Год назад +13

      @@Etherealzyonot defending any1 here but she used pictures of her in the pic so obviously it’s about her 😭

    • @Etherealzyo
      @Etherealzyo Год назад

      @@indygogames Ik I’m just talking about the name

  • @gabe7001
    @gabe7001 Год назад +83

    beautiful monster flopping was strange to me considering it wasn't a change of concept and was clearly made to work in Korea, but it just didn't happen, And IVE being able to put kitsch and baddie at #1 just proves that they were born to win like

  • @syncere
    @syncere Год назад +114

    i think baddie’s purpose is too show that IVE are versatile cuz looking at either way and off the record, none of these songs make any sense together. and the album also had no cohesive sound or themes. regardless i do find all 3 tracks enjoyable.

  • @PastelN01r
    @PastelN01r Год назад +394

    If there was one good thing baddie did, it was make it easy to pick a worst ive track

  • @aa-pj4vz
    @aa-pj4vz Год назад +182

    I am convinced kitsch was made for some wack boy group (cravity) but starship gave them that song to fill the I've album. The chanting on the chorus gave it immediately away

    • @syncere
      @syncere Год назад +12

      the album honestly has a lot of songs for a k-pop album idk if that was the reason. idk what the motivation was for kitsch but the concept of the song doesn’t really align with what boy groups usually do. being different, staying true to yourself.

    • @soulare
      @soulare Год назад +81

      As much as bg hater myself, this is a delulu and far off reach. Bibi literally made Kitch 😂 it's a woman on woman crime

    • @kigariq
      @kigariq Год назад +1

      Wait, now i see it

    • @noahcakke9869
      @noahcakke9869 Год назад +6

      it was made for bibi

    • @OrangeVerse
      @OrangeVerse Год назад +22

      Blame wonyoung, she wanted that song so bad 😭

  • @gigglehertz
    @gigglehertz Год назад +16

    "Baddie... dull, monotonous, and corny" You nailed it.

  • @lemuelygusquiza8117
    @lemuelygusquiza8117 Год назад +24

    5:18 the editing 😭😭😭 "same mom, different daddies"

  • @kigariq
    @kigariq Год назад +54

    Sieun and Yoon are our best sirens!

  • @lemuelygusquiza8117
    @lemuelygusquiza8117 Год назад +14

    1:24 no kids choice award 😭😭😭

  • @bluehourbaby
    @bluehourbaby Год назад +13

    ITZY’s pipeline from “FUNZY!” to “who the hell is this?”💀 7:26

  • @allelitememesaem3916
    @allelitememesaem3916 Год назад +61

    I agree, they were so unfair to Zero LOL
    If a New Jeans song belongs here it's ETA. That whole terrorist group scandal thing had yall playing detective like what was that???

  • @eduardos9905
    @eduardos9905 Год назад +15

    It's so obvious for me that Stayc were scarrrrrd after the Beautiful Monster era cuz even tho they've always brought bubbly sounds (ASAP for example) that sound always had something else to it. They switched it up real quick with Teddy Bear and Bubble cause those are literally kidz bops and I'm afraid they won't be releasing anything similar to Young Luv anymore

  • @Liz-jc3fz
    @Liz-jc3fz Год назад +15

    imagine if Baddie and Kitsh is for proving a POINT or SSE want that "weird era" and the newt year they come with sm unexpected and a HIT?

  • @d_d_d_d_
    @d_d_d_d_ Год назад +13

    my tummy hurts pls wish me well

  • @auroriiiia
    @auroriiiia Год назад +53

    I would add to this the release of young posse's 'macaroni cheese' because either ppl love it and defend the song as much as they can or ppl are aware the lyrics are sexual and they have 13 year old singing it.. it's newjeans cookie moment but just in 2023. No one is fooling anyone, I've been called pedophile two times for being against the release, I've also heard that "but the girls wrote it, so it's fine!!" yeah they did, with the help of four adults.. ALSO even if they had been the only ones to write it, anyone, anyone old enough could've told them, yeah let's not do this, but they didn't. Company gave it a green flag and ppl not understanding how that's a red flag worry me.

    • @thinkabtloona
      @thinkabtloona Год назад +3


    • @gyal7892
      @gyal7892 Год назад +1

      some ppl say its soft 🌽

    • @LovelyLittleLillies
      @LovelyLittleLillies Год назад

      The lyrics are the problem? I thought it was the music video? I halfhazardly listened to the lyrics and didn't catch anything bad?

    • @gyal7892
      @gyal7892 Год назад

      @@LovelyLittleLillies full of popular s_x innuendos sung by minors as young as 2009

    • @ApplezOi
      @ApplezOi Год назад

      Make that 3, pedo

  • @AirHockeyTable
    @AirHockeyTable Год назад +11

    Not to be that guy but 2:19 technically Ditto is considered Baltimore Club but jersey and bmore club borrow from each other

  • @bineficente
    @bineficente Год назад +27

    can they stop pushing a girl crush image with ive bc it always ends up awkward 🧌 if they’re already eating SOME of what they have, what’s the point of risking cornballs?

    • @bineficente
      @bineficente Год назад +21

      yujin deserves some credit tho! She eats up their girl crush concept

    • @gyal7892
      @gyal7892 Год назад +3

      ​@robinandrew6648 my sister never missing iktr

  • @stargirIll
    @stargirIll 5 месяцев назад +1

    girl back up from the mic damn

  • @nvvember
    @nvvember Год назад +62

    zero is a hit!! like ouu all of a sudden we dfw an antidrop or repetitive chorus. let me see your stan list. oh okay.

  • @Slm99
    @Slm99 Год назад +9

    Kpop needs to return to its roots give me genie, the boys, and hoot. More love me like this less o.o

  • @suminxa
    @suminxa Год назад +56

    I truly loved IVE's elegant theme it suited them so much and is what made them popular. I haven't seen an elegant group concept like that since GFRIEND....and then they just throw that away? Girlgroups need to STOP going for the girlcrush theme. So many groups are doing that, what's the point of throwing away a great discography and concept??? IVE disappointed me with kitsch, then I gave them a second chance for their next album. I get a song with just the word " Baddie". Not only is it cringey as hell but doesn't even sound good. If Dives liked that garbage they r just biased at that point... sorry IVE but the only recent song I've liked before since 2023 was WAVE, that song being a japenese comeback is so sad. I hope they dont become like itzy where the japenese title tracks are better then the Korean...

    • @fairymanon
      @fairymanon Год назад +5

      Girlie never heard of IZ*ONE before, like okay.

    • @suminxa
      @suminxa Год назад +1

      @@fairymanon My bad Iz*one did have the elegant concept and I did love it, but they didn’t hit me as much as gfriend. While Iz*one’s songs were good they weren’t as elegant as GFRIEND’S, Iz*one had a more of a pop vibe to it, while if you hear Gfriends songs, they have that elegant classy vibe to it, and then made it catchy with the dance break with the guitar. How I miss both groups, but GFRIEND was more of the classy impact statement.

    • @LovelyLittleLillies
      @LovelyLittleLillies Год назад +1

      @@suminxa maybe rest of their songs don't hit the elegant concept, but IzOne literally birthed the elegant concept with La Vie En Rose which went big.
      Can you rec me GFriend songs you consider "elegant concept" cause I need more songs like that

    • @lollopolli2962
      @lollopolli2962 Год назад +2

      Fr like I was so disappointed when baddie came out 😭

    • @jk2000jk
      @jk2000jk Год назад +1

      I was JUST about to cross the border and become a dive after WAVE then Baddie dropped

  • @freshrainbow7823
    @freshrainbow7823 Год назад +15

    With that stuffy nose aisha got some competition in the studio 😂 I would add also young posse debut, never seen people so conflicted to either love or hate it and not even because the song is "bad", at least with O.O everyone agreed to hate it

  • @tamiaangela2200
    @tamiaangela2200 Год назад +27

    I love girl crush when it's done well and not corny😭 also it's not that cake isn't itzy, it's that it isn't good🤧

    • @ClubPuguin
      @ClubPuguin Год назад

      Idk I liked the songs 🤷

  • @hellokiffy69
    @hellokiffy69 Год назад +10

    I hate when people drag our queen yena like the girl is advocating citation #antiplagiarismqueen

  • @oyyiinn
    @oyyiinn Год назад +25

    I think the thing with itzy is that it’s like they’re trying way too hard to please everyone. Plus I feel almost every group that has released something this year under jyp was unforgettable.

    • @franksocean
      @franksocean Год назад +1

      did twice release this year?

    • @gogogogig
      @gogogogig Год назад +10

      @@franksoceanIJBOL they did but the fact that u said this proves the ogs point😭😭😭

    • @franksocean
      @franksocean Год назад +4

      @@gogogogig wasn’t their last release talk that talk in 2022?? 😭😭😭

    • @aessseo
      @aessseo Год назад +5

      ​@@franksoceanpleaseeee was set me free THAT forgettable💀 (it kinda is tbh)

    • @aessseo
      @aessseo Год назад +3

      hare hare was good tho

  • @redvelbeyexox
    @redvelbeyexox Год назад +10

    YESSSS someone finally gets Zero

  • @rk_ri
    @rk_ri Год назад +20

    teddy bear is their best title do you understand what i'm saying??

    • @ajanugu
      @ajanugu  Год назад +20

      well no but i fwy

    • @reigenwb
      @reigenwb Год назад +7

      teddy bear is literally their worst title track

    • @lizart9143
      @lizart9143 Год назад +4

      i get you sister ‼️‼️‼️

  • @yujinomic
    @yujinomic Год назад +3

    zero is such a good song, the instrumental in the beginning sounds so majestic 🩷

  • @cloudofreverie786
    @cloudofreverie786 Год назад +3

    baddie sounds like a girlcrush version of RV’s birthday.

  • @amybalducci7217
    @amybalducci7217 Год назад +14

    it’s the way zero is one of my fav new jeans songs. It’s so refreshing and catchy!!!

  • @aba4055
    @aba4055 Год назад +14

    CAKE IS SOOOOOOO UGH I LOVVVE HER, ITS SO FUN, wooWEE (la lalala lala la la!) ugh love love love. and the mv is so cutesy funny

    • @nubelinda
      @nubelinda Год назад +4

      it’s a cute and fun song

  • @missanthroporeads8658
    @missanthroporeads8658 Год назад +20

    yes i love poppy and i think teddy bear is dookie and bubble is certified platinum in my household, idk what you want me to do😭

    • @ajanugu
      @ajanugu  Год назад +22


  • @perhappuls
    @perhappuls Год назад +6

    hewwwooo love the windows noise

  • @FearlessBunnyy
    @FearlessBunnyy Год назад +28


  • @Likelyfairy
    @Likelyfairy Год назад +8

    I’m An avid stayc listener but beautiful monster was boring to me from the get go. Not a bad song but I just couldn’t get into it

  • @IuvIies
    @IuvIies Год назад +1

    totally unrelated but im so glad that you keep doing voiceover videos bc ur voice is sooo nice!!

  • @loleritook
    @loleritook Год назад +9

    I'VE MINE is ive weakest release IMO, You Can´t release the Album of the Year and right after release Baddie as a TT, people wanted Blue Blood and I AM, not 2 singles that sound almost the same and a hypnosis clone but not done properly. Im scared that it is ive´s best selling album and starship might think that people want this when its a lie please bring back eleven and love dive

  • @miikapm2
    @miikapm2 Год назад +32

    idk whats up with everyone else but ive been eating up the funzy revival like checkmate and kill my doubt are staples in my bedroom🤞
    also why did zero kinda outdo get up (minus super shy)

    • @ajanugu
      @ajanugu  Год назад +8

      well sorta kinda!

    • @herminegranger8455
      @herminegranger8455 Год назад +3

      Funzy is what ppl want and what we need. Sadly the songs recently were bad. I‘d love to have another song like Icy, Not Shy, Dalla Dalla … but sadly Sneakers and Cake wasn‘t it imo, even Ringo was better music wise and it was „just“ their JP release. 💀 But tbh most of JYP‘s recent releases kinda were either bland or not good. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @marquisehebbler9471
    @marquisehebbler9471 Год назад +4

    I really liked cake 😅 but I think they’re gonna go back to their other sound since sales weren’t reaching previous releases…

  • @narwhaIe
    @narwhaIe Год назад +4

    ive is the only idol group to achieve 3 paks in one year with I AM, Kitsch, and BADDIE 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @franklin_du_bois
    @franklin_du_bois Год назад +6

    Idc, I liked cake by itzy and bratty went platinum on my bedroom. The only i would listen to baddie is when i'm rewatching that Yujin fancam.

  • @haerincore.4572
    @haerincore.4572 Год назад +1

    that intro made me cry tears of joy omg.. it was so pretty

  • @i.mwhatiamman3335
    @i.mwhatiamman3335 Год назад +3

    Calling Ive's b-sides trash is.... a very bold statement. I feel completely opposite.

    • @ajanugu
      @ajanugu  Год назад +5

      the bsides on their first 3 singles are not good and thats okay

  • @ill_handle_this
    @ill_handle_this Год назад +4

    It may be stupid, but I just can't hate Yena.
    So I was so sad when people started attacking Yena on Twitter.

  • @DoeFoot
    @DoeFoot Год назад +2

    Baddie made me sad because I love the theme but I didn't enjoy the song. I hope they do a similar theme one day

  • @abibxe
    @abibxe Год назад +1

    im obsessed with your editing style, ate the kpop-tuber community UP!!!

  • @poisonedgirlfriend
    @poisonedgirlfriend Год назад +1

    To me cake was so good

  • @gabesvideosofficial
    @gabesvideosofficial Год назад

    zero jid remix is sooooo good

  • @mhmt2307
    @mhmt2307 Год назад +1

    I think one of the main reasons why kitsch got hate was because Liz didn't have much line ONLY 5 SECONDS!!!!! 5!!!!!!!! im sick of starshet leaving this girl in the shadow

  • @qr-eh9es
    @qr-eh9es Год назад +3

    hey aja my sister whats how did u put the retro windows set up on your computer ??? pls tell me i or i will stream newjeans and jessi for real😡

  • @marietapetita1212
    @marietapetita1212 Год назад +11


  • @DoeFoot
    @DoeFoot Год назад +2

    I'd love a badass theme for ITZY :) Won't happen but it's fun to imagine for me

  • @run2_u
    @run2_u Год назад +3

    ive just always tops the charts its crazy

  • @boxedlunchmuncher
    @boxedlunchmuncher Год назад +7

    bro ever since sneaker itzy has hit their titanic iceberg cause what the actual dog water are they releasing I get they want to build a younger audience but this aint the way cause they already had such a massive fan base for their amazing stuff but nah they just shot themselves in the head with each comeback since sneaker

    • @gyal7892
      @gyal7892 Год назад

      i feel theres just no more hope for itzy to regain their hype

  • @naefirbre
    @naefirbre Год назад +9

    Cake,Sneakers and ICY are itzy real Holy trinity ...most of yall dont like fun ,yall can defend queencaed but not Cake?

    • @gogogogig
      @gogogogig Год назад +8

      replace cake w dalla dalla girl…..cake is lowk more listenable than queencard tho i can’t even lie

    • @aecksdee
      @aecksdee Год назад +7

      It isnt funzy without dalla dalla

  • @Ewnothank
    @Ewnothank Год назад +1

    Ok but like why are all those song in my favouritee playist, iv'e be blasting baddie and cake TT

  • @loonaaroundtheworld3410
    @loonaaroundtheworld3410 Год назад +4

    tbh everything ive done never satisfied people, when they release I am ppl say they tired with the elegance cockroach when they release baddie they upset bcs they change concepts anyway Ryan sjhun need to go away from Ive asap

  • @meikoluvv
    @meikoluvv Год назад +4

    Sieun and Yoon need vocal training because why are y’all screaming in my ear especially in Beautiful Monster. That song is unlistenable, headphone warning YALL

    • @sooyngs
      @sooyngs Год назад +1

      rt its not a bad song but i just cant do the loud chorus 😭😭

  • @Palestinewillbefree0006
    @Palestinewillbefree0006 Год назад +6

    Itzy my favorite Kidz Bop group, I always hated their music tho I’m a real one. Terrible terrible voices , dookie lyrics , trash production and guess what I don’t gaf if they’re good dancers Y‘ALL ARE (supposed to be) SINGERS

    @JEFFSTAR18 Год назад +2

    OMG the channel's pfp😭😭

  • @yohanedescends4683
    @yohanedescends4683 Год назад +7

    if bubble came out before beautiful monster, it would’ve been popular with ifans and if asap came out after beautiful monster, it would’ve been hated for being childish

  • @vaespor
    @vaespor Год назад +1

    1:04 CHER???? LMAO

  • @ozmer
    @ozmer Год назад +5

    Yena's b-sides on HATE XX are good and unique. One of the best releases of 2023. Kitsch and Baddie are also two bangers. Ive can never go wrong.

  • @reyahhhh5519
    @reyahhhh5519 Год назад

    I don’t like bubble pop or super bright poppy sounds typically except for a few so I just never (I think) publicly comment on songs like Cake and Sneakers lmao

  • @DollSavant
    @DollSavant Год назад +7

    oh you appreciating coca cola just shows the taste YUPP

  • @juyeonwantme
    @juyeonwantme Год назад +2


  • @perhappuls
    @perhappuls Год назад +3

    cher sliding in and k-cher being put on her face?:):?:!:!:

  • @user-kp7iz4dr8l
    @user-kp7iz4dr8l Год назад +4

    zero is SO good idec

  • @yerimissemm
    @yerimissemm Год назад +1

    Teddy Bear is good bubble was good enough but they better stop doing this I’m so tired of the other members except yoon and Sieun getting more lines like why is sumin on a final Chorus ?? That’s Isa’s job they need to bring back what made them successful in the first place. Their older sound with either sumin or j starting off the song

    • @yerimissemm
      @yerimissemm Год назад

      It made me appreciate the old stayc and what beautiful monster did for us!!!

    • @yerimissemm
      @yerimissemm Год назад

      Poppy too !!!

  • @randominternetuser3609
    @randominternetuser3609 Год назад

    apoki's space reaction? an AI legit outdid almost everyone ande did space concept the CORRECT way

  • @DoeFoot
    @DoeFoot Год назад

    I was surprised about Teddy Bear. Kitsch was my fav IVE song

  • @pommurin
    @pommurin Год назад +8

    need your thoughts on ex-lip bubble and gp999 contestant You Dayeon’s solo debut Down Down Down (need y’all to get my sister outta nugudom)

    • @ajanugu
      @ajanugu  Год назад +6

      haven't listened

  • @kairos-049
    @kairos-049 Год назад +5

    Beautiful Monster wasn’t well received bc people got bad taste

  • @currybboi
    @currybboi Год назад +5

    tbh everyone's just ditched the itzy ship and moved on to newer gps like atp they could release #soty and still get dogpiled and dragged to hell for it I'm not saying their work hasn't been lackluster lately but it's not as bad as ppl are acting let's be fr other 4th gen idols have put out worse things and kpoppies have eaten it up and this is coming from an itzy disliker i feel bad 4 them...

  • @cottoncandyflavouredicecream
    @cottoncandyflavouredicecream Год назад

    1:50 why are you so bitter towards gidle help...

    • @pompom1136
      @pompom1136 Год назад +1

      A dedicated Gidle hater for no specific reason .

    • @stargirIll
      @stargirIll 3 месяца назад

      @@pompom1136 you know damn well there are many reasons to hate gidle

  • @hihi707hihi
    @hihi707hihi Год назад


  • @mishapsmakemagic
    @mishapsmakemagic Год назад

    Kitsch was the first Ive song that I loved tbh, I agree the first 3 titles were pretty generic

    @AESTHETIC1SM Год назад +3

    We love you ajanugu 🫶🏾

  • @lalalala67021
    @lalalala67021 Год назад +12

    Kitsch slays im not listening to the propaganda ❗️❗️❗️

  • @a-swizzle
    @a-swizzle Год назад +7

    i rly liked kitsch idc 🤷‍♀️

  • @LovelyLittleLillies
    @LovelyLittleLillies Год назад +3

    As I get older I actually enjoy fun, nonsense kpop songs. I enjoyed cake, it was a great release by Itzy; Teddy Bear grew on me though I didn't like or get it at first. And Ive's take on baddie doesn't work imo with the lyrics (Pretty Savage by BP does it better), but the oldschool hiphop sound I enjoyed and for some reason tye chorus is catchy thougt it's my least favourite Ive title track. Idk why kpop fans are complaining about fun, nonsense songs like macaroni cheese and always got a problem with Itzy releases - but maybe they're just attached to a specific sound and have specific expectations. Still, Cake isn't as bad as people claim it to be. It's better than MITM and Sneakers

  • @galaxyofc12
    @galaxyofc12 Год назад

    idk if it's just me but I find Baddie so cringy

  • @pigeondance
    @pigeondance Год назад +2


  • @brynndolynn
    @brynndolynn Год назад +4

    Ill NEVER forgive people for sleeping on Beautiful Monster

  • @pompom1136
    @pompom1136 Год назад

    What terrorism????

  • @hattorihanzo5707
    @hattorihanzo5707 10 месяцев назад

    funzy lmao

  • @__Sunny___1010
    @__Sunny___1010 Год назад +2

    idk about you but I personally loved beautiful monster

  • @slaystinn
    @slaystinn Год назад +3

    I generally don't like Zero not because of the chorus but the drum and bass and UK garage was just stereotypical and nothing insteresting to me personally. I don't see it being very special and the compositions just sounds like the producers repeat a 30 second melody 4 times.

  • @vivennecapri
    @vivennecapri Год назад +27

    I have to stand and say the truth since no one else wants to………
    Kitsch was a good song 👩🏽‍🦯

    • @redrobin0107
      @redrobin0107 Год назад +2

      well! sorta kinda..

    • @slaypa
      @slaypa Год назад +6

      i personally love kitsch 😭

    • @franksocean
      @franksocean Год назад +8

      The verses are insane especially wonyoungs opening verses like woah they really did that

    • @theraffypascual
      @theraffypascual Год назад +5

      @@franksocean "It's our time urin dalla teukbyeolhan ge joa
      Oh, what a good time
      Nan jal sara nae geokjeongeun nangbiya"
      - Wonyoung 2023.

    • @aessseo
      @aessseo Год назад

      the rap tho...

  • @ihaveminn
    @ihaveminn Год назад +6

    i dont mind baddie but everytime i listen to the whole ive mine ep its just not... like we're getting so emotional we are getting vibey and cute then suddenly you hear the wack ass "b-b-b-baddie" intro its like u just want me to be PISSED... it singlehandedly made the album incoherent like.. still love ha tho

  • @lucidream278
    @lucidream278 Год назад

  • @dondizm2678
    @dondizm2678 Год назад +4

    Y'all cant stay anything about Kitsch. It managed to win 2 wins as a pre-single! Dive into IVE! It's our time! 🤩🏆💗

    • @vaespor
      @vaespor Год назад +6

      It was still poop from a butt

    • @being_myself
      @being_myself Год назад +13

      Wins don't make song good, it's all about popularity. Fans will vote for whatever their faves release

    • @IVEREIStan
      @IVEREIStan Год назад

      @@being_myselfive are still popular though, and have accumulated more music show wins than any other 4th gen group (only 9 behind gidle even though they debuted over 3 years before ive).

    • @being_myself
      @being_myself Год назад +3

      @@IVEREIStan Popular ≠ High Quality

    • @IVEREIStan
      @IVEREIStan Год назад

      @@being_myself you just said its all about popularity, and ive is popular. They literally have one of the best discography’s in K-pop, thats why they’re popular.

  • @yoyeojin1747
    @yoyeojin1747 Год назад +3

    i just have to say it… zero feat jid is 100% better than the og 😭

  • @GeeW0rld
    @GeeW0rld Год назад +2

    First time watcher here , context on why it’s a bad thing to have a g-idle feature? I heard the word misandrist & then g-idle caught strays minutes later , I was caught off guard 😭😅

    • @Edu_Vi
      @Edu_Vi Год назад +2

      She's a Loona stan
      Loona tanked & GIDLE one of the biggest 4th gen groups
      So hate GIDLE
      Don't take GIDLE hate seriously ❤

  • @userello-x5h
    @userello-x5h Год назад +9

    I love you think kitsch flopped it did better than spicy and unforgiven on the charts while being more girl crush. Kitsch got paks

    • @ajanugu
      @ajanugu  Год назад +31

      nowhere in this video was the word flop even mentioned

    • @userello-x5h
      @userello-x5h Год назад +3

      @@ajanugu you stated ive “ relevancy is decreasing each comeback “ but they’ll have a pak on saturday and are at their all time first album sales. I don’t know why you didn’t put unforgiven when that still getting hit hate tweets to this day

    • @ajanugu
      @ajanugu  Год назад +23

      @@userello-x5h no i did not...

    • @userello-x5h
      @userello-x5h Год назад +2

      @@ajanugu you did

  • @yohanedescends4683
    @yohanedescends4683 Год назад

    teddy bear was good ifans just don’t get it but at least korea does 😂