From a Saturday school failure to an actual Japanese voice actor. What an inspirational story. Yet another message that anyone can achieve their dreams with hard work and determination.
This motivated me a lot Shuu. I can relate to you since im also currently studying japanese as of now. I struggled with kanji the most but i can mostly read hiragana and katakana. Im also learning basic words and phrases as well. Im a filipino but i wanted to go to japan and maybe find a job as a voice actor thats why i study japanese. Another reason why i study the language is because i love watching anime and listening to jpop and anime songs (such as love live) and i wanted to understand their meaning without having to look at subtitles. Everyday i try my best to study and hopefully i can undestand more words and phrases soon.
I can relate to this so well, I'm currently learning Japanese cause of my dream of being a seiyuu/voice actor in Japan too and I've done everything that you have done Shu-chan funny enough, I'm still very far off from being really good at Japanese, I can hold a small conversation in Japanese with people I have met but I will continue to practice and study it in order to get to that goal! Thanks again Shu-chan for yet another fun video!
寝る前に英語のリスニングとして見ています! 聞き取れなかった単語は字幕があるのですぐにわかるのと同時に,日本語訳があるので意味の確認もすぐにできるのでとてもありがたいです! 声がとても聴きやすいので集中して聞いてられるし,内容も面白いのでとてもいい・・・・! I watch this video before going to bed as English study. I'm happy because the words I cannot understand are displayed as English and Japanese subtitles so I can understand its meaning easily. Her voice is so easy to hear and the topic is so interesting! I am sorry if my English sentences are wrong. I am studying English.
Your tips are basically how I learned English, with the exception I didn't talk to anyone. I would usually talk to myself, watch and read a lot of things in English. I started really learning it 3-4 years ago, but only since September I started talking with other people in English because I changed countries.
Just realized that it was Shu Uchida... Like THE shu uchida like Mia taylor! Thank you for doing this video I also want to be a seiyuu/voice actor in Japan like most of the people in the comment
This is what actually i want to ask you when you were revealed as warspite's seiyuu and actually an seiyuu raised on australia But now i get the answer when watch this video,thank you shuu-san 😁
Every time I have one of your videos going in another tab I expect the next words out of your mouth to be "WELCOME BACK TO HOW TO COOK THAT I'M ANN REARDON" your aussie accent is so strong, I love it
This video couldn't have come at a better time for me as I'm just getting started learning the Japanese language. Thank you for posting and I look forward to using your tips and suggestions here in there future!
Could relate to a lot of this video. Went to Chinese language school as a kid, but never really cared to learn because of the writing system. Also didn't care enough to learn Japanese when I lived there for a few years as a kid either because I went to an international school where they speak English so I thought I didn't really need to learn it. Now it would have been useful to learn Japanese to enjoy anime and manga. Learning either language would also help with maybe getting a job as a translator...
@@NahsaRune Yes. I can barely read and write (easier to read than write). I can understand and speak enough to get around, but maybe not for work or to talk about news/politics. Accent is good enough to understand, but my cousins could probably point out if my grammatical structure was based on English instead of Chinese.
I'm currently studying Japanese in University and I realized that even if I understand most videos on RUclips that's in Japanese, I just tend to rely on my English whenever I try to speak or practice Japanese with my friends. I think having the mindset of not relying on a language that you're already able to use is one of the most important thing that you need to remember whenever you do want to learn a new language :) Ah yes! Jump comics really helped also with the furigana!
That was really helpful knowledge. Your Japanese is so natural that I honestly thought you’d been speaking it since childhood. By the way, I watched the English version of Nijigasaki, and I was wondering why you weren’t cast as the voice actor for Mia. Since you speak English, I thought you’d be perfect for the role in the English dub, like Maho Akashi in D4DJ. I feel like asking the staff why they didn’t choose you. とにもかくにもミアの演技はマジで良いから虹ヶ咲の声優やってくれてありがとナス!
@ She's Japanese Australian, she was born in Japan to Japanese parents and moved to Sydney when she was around 2 years old and only returned to Japan around 18. That makes her a child of an immigrant family. Many immigrant families make their young kids go to language schools on weekends so the kids will be able to speak the mother tongue of the parents or the child because if the child migrated when really young the child often loses their mother tongue and fully adopts the language of the place they migrated to as their native language, as you can see in the comments as well as what Shu-chan herself said in this video. It's a very common experience amongst immigrant families.
@@ytsersius while in the minority of Asian immigrants Sydney has a big enough Japanese population to have a dedicated Japanese international school. Northbridge also had that Japanese supermarket so yeah no surprises they have weekend Japanese schools for Japanese kids where the parents might want them to attend normal schools so the children integrates while only going to weekend language schools to retain the heritage. That's also very relatable lol.
As a anime fan from Shanghai, I studied a lot of Japanese during my study in Seattle. Usually I tried to join the Japanese community and understand their conversion. If I could not understand the meaning, I took notes often. highlighting the unfamiliar vocabulary.
I had a similar experience to you when it comes to Saturday school- except for me it was on a Sunday and the language was Mandarin Chinese. i could not pay attention in that class and the amount of characters scared me and the teacher only spoke chinese so i was lost for most of the time. I don’t recall my parents being particularly strict on speaking only chinese in the house, like they’d speak chinese and me and my siblings would reply in english and visa versa. But i did end up doing a summer internship and going on a semester abroad in Beijing and I ended up talking to my classmates with a mix of Chinese, English, Japanese, and French (japanese bc i’m too much of a weeb and french bc i took 6 years of school for it but I can barely speak it, i just used vocabulary I remembered and hoped they understood w) Nowadays my parents complain that I know more Japanese than Chinese even though I converse much more in Chinese than in Japanese (and Im less fluent in jp).... i just consume too much Japanese media ww and plus I’m more open to learning Japanese bc there’s less pressure when I mess up, since as a Chinese American raised in a house that spoke Mandarin most of the time, I’m supposed to know the language (but I don’t). I feel like I’m allowed to mess up in Japanese bc it doesn’t feel like I’m supposed to know it bc of my family and heritage like Chinese, but as a personal interest that i can take my time with;; but I’m trying to rectify that so ‘m doing my best to learn Chinese and Japanese But your statement about comics helping you learn is very common among language learners! I know that graphic novels are helpful for second language learners as the reason as you stated before
Thanks, for this shu I'm currently trying to learn Japanese as a 17 year old from the USA. I struggle alot with learning the kanji but I'm learning. The things you did I might try.
always wondered how people were supposed to figure out kanji they didn't recognize since it isn't like english and some other languages where you can just spell the word out and look it up.
Same i started to learn japanese and i wasnt good, now still isnt good, but i have a group of japanese friend that i at least i can practice with and im happy that im still keeping up my japanese
絶対わかるこれ。Minus the time going to Japanese Saturday school as a kid. I started taking classes in high school, but I didn’t really get to become at least “a person that can get by in Japan” until I was able to visit Japan on my own and be in the 田舎 and have a conversation with a Japanese taxi driver in some 山形弁.
OK, here is a translation for Traditional Chinese (Taiwan). Feel free to point out my mistake or reject this if there is another better one. Or, if someone have also translated it to Traditional Chinese, maybe you could share it here or somewhere, and we could discuss the translation to make it better. Again, thanks Shu to told us these, I'm trying to learn Japanese now (as I think most foreign viewers of this chan does) and I think this do help me find out the way to learn more efficiently. I will try find someone to talk to in Japanese, though I think it's really hard for me, lol. title: 我是怎麼學日文的?? 今天我想告訴大家的是我如何學習日文 先提一下因為我的父母是日本人 所以小時候他們就會用日文跟我講話 因此從我很小的時候 我對日文就有了一些認識 而且我有去週六班 那是一個在週六的課 會讓我們學三小時的日文 包含漢字、平假名、片假名等等 這大概是我怎麼學基本的日文 「但」,學日文的大家應該知道 日文其實不只包含 講日文、讀平假名 還有平假名、片假名、漢字等等 所以有很多你必須學習的地方 小的時候,我能夠 講一些些日文以及讀平假名 但我在週六班的考試分數很低 這大概是 100分拿10分 或100分拿20分 因為我對日文其實沒有很有興趣,只是一直想 「為什麼我要去週六班????」 「為什麼我要會讀這個漢字」 「尤其它可能還有5種不同的方式讀它」 所以我沒有動機去學日文 也因此成績不太好 而且其實週六班的學生 對於說英文感到更自然 所以在班上老師會叫我們說日文 但你知道,小朋友嘛...😅 大多的小孩都用英文互相講話 而這對於學日文沒有幫助 真正改變我的是我開始覺得 我想去日本成為聲優 我跟我媽媽說,我想要 去日本當聲優,在我小學的時候 然後她看了我的成績後,跟我說 「嘿,你看看你這些成績,沒辦法的吧」 「你應該沒辦法順利當好聲優」 但,我 「我真的很想當聲優!」 所以從那時候開始,我對學日文有了很大的動力 我開始努力去背日文字典 而且是從第一頁開始(笑) 大概像是看到 あいうえお 的 あ 後 以這個開頭的第一個字是...、下一個是... 第三個是...!! 而且我真的背到了大概う的部分 就是日文順第三個的部分 但我後來發現這其實不是那麼有效率 而且字典會包含其實可能日常生活中 不會用到的字 所以我真的做了且有幫助我學日文的事 是多多的閱讀 我從很小的時候就很喜歡閱讀 所以我讀很多英文的書,但 我不太情願去讀日文的書,因為 有太多的漢字了... 而且不像英文 你雖然可能不知道單字的意思 但你可能可以讀它,看它怎麼拼的 但日文的話,你甚至不知道怎麼讀 你甚至不知道它念起來會是如何 因為有太多的方式去念一個漢字 尤其當它們黏在一起的時候 就像如果有兩個漢字黏在一起,這大概 啊啊啊,這要怎麼讀啊啊!? 所以我其實沒有讀很多日文的書 但我知道讀書其實可以幫助你的語言學習 所以我開始讀日文的書 從一些非常簡單的書開始 遇到有不會的字的時候 我會把它查出來並記到我的筆記本 所以我之後還可以記得它 另外讀漫畫其實幫了我很多 我做的是,我讀日文的漫畫 而有的漫畫會標注音假名 意思是在漢字旁邊會有平假名 所以這就比較好讀 而且這也幫助我更快的 去查到我不知道的單字 所以這某種層度上幫了我 而且漫畫有圖像,所以你可以去想像 它大概想說什麼或它想表達什麼 這真的幫了我很多 我自己是讀了「很多」少女漫畫 因為我喜歡少女漫畫 而且現在也是 XD 或許下次我可以推薦你們一些 另一個我做的事情是 我看動畫跟日劇 有日文字幕的那種 我會想搭配字幕 看日本動畫跟日劇是因為 你知道你在看劇跟動畫 但你有不知道的字的時候 如果有字幕在那 那那個字的寫法就會出現在字幕裡 所以這幫助我去查那個字的漢字、 查那個整個字,而這幫助我記了很多單字 最後,我推薦的是 我真的超級超級超級推薦的 去跟日本人講話 (或那些說日文的人) 講話真的幫助你學很多語言本身的內容 而且可以幫助你學習如何用那個語言溝通 我知道這很簡單如果單純坐在書桌前 讀讀文字、詞彙 或讀讀文章,或之類的各種 但可以用那個語言講話 也是非常重要 (至少我這樣認為) 所以我真的推薦你找一些日本朋友 或是交一些朋友,甚至可以是在日本的 因為你知道,網路上 XD 因為現在有網路了,你可以做幾乎任何事 所以找一些日本朋友 然後跟他們練習講日文 因為這真的會對你學日文有很大很大的幫助 所以,我希望這有幫到你一些 祝那些在學日文的人好運 我也還在學各種漢字 也還有很多字我也不知道要怎麼用 我跟我的經紀人說話的時候,有時候會 「ㄜ,等等,那個字是什麼意思!?」 因為有時候就算你讀書 書裡面用的字跟大家平時講的用字 可能不太一樣,所以 你跟人說話的時候可以學到很多東西 所以,耶! 祝大家好運,我們在下支影片見 拜拜~~~~!
@@Meitou_Masamune Oops, sorry for that. Maybe you will get the chance next time. It's really just a luck for me to know this vid a few moment right after it has been uploaded, and actually I'm busy most of my time.
Hi Shu-chan, I just wanted you to know that basically I'm learning English right now with your content, I'm a Spanish speaker, but I did the same thing that you did with Japanese, I started to watch media (specially anime) with English subs, and that's helped me a lot, so as you can notice, all of your content it's really helpful for me, and I'm sure that it is for a lot of people as well, thanks for everything
I knew that she was from Australia the first time I heard her accent I have a friend that's from Australia and she has mostly the accent as my friend lol
I never had problems in learning languages, and I started studying Japanese in 2018. I m still learning it through twitter posts or yt videos but not with my teacher since ive got a lot of work to do and i cant keep up with my schedule. I love everything about Japan, its culture, language... Never had a chance to travel there. I have no problem in learning kanji, it seems fun learning new kanji.
I admire your effort so much Shu 😭 I moved to Japan last fall to study japanese in a language school and I can relate to a lot of your previous struggles 🥺 It also makes me feel a bit better about my skills knowing that you as a seiyuu even struggle with japanese kanji and finding words you dont know 😂 Thank you for this video ✨
I listen to a lot of Japanese, but I don't read it very often since I know so little kanji. Maybe I'll give it a shot, and do what you suggested Shu-chan, by trying to learn words as I read!
i am currently studying japanese.. like stuDYING ㅠㅠ so this video motivated me a lot!! i also like to read so i'll make sure to read some japanese books! thank you shuu-chan!
It's interesting how I agree with her on so many things that she said. Kanji being more tricky than hard for me because of the on'yomi and kun'yomi pronunciations though my knowledge of Chinese does benefitted me to a degree. And speaking to Japanese people since I do speak to Japanese people as a form of challenge and reflect on how to be more prepared when those topics come up in the future so yea
Mrs. Uchida: "Hey, you know, with these test marks, you're not going anywhere." Shu: *becomes a seiyuu* Mrs. Uchida: "Perhaps I treated you too harshly..."
I think what her mom told her motivated her. I think it kinda worked. Sometimes it takes someone who cares about you to put it to ya straight! Of course for some, this doesn't work, but for others (me included) it does work.
I've been doing Saturday school except I do German for several years now. Saturday schools are really helpful but I started at a young age and I'm guessing Shu did too. My parents didn't speak German to me growing up so learning is harder but it's worth it!
hi i was searching up if there were any voice actors from Australia that currently worked in japan as i am half Japanese and Australian, and one day wish to move to japan (seems really hard right now with covid and stuff which sucks) and pursue a career in voice acting. and fortunately someone popped up (it was you :) i have no experience in voice acting and am going to graduate school at the end of this year (i am 17 right now). i would love to know how you got into voice acting and any experience you had and the path you took to get to become an actual voice actor. i really hope you read this and could answer some of my question. also i went to a saturday school in victoria aswell and the experiences are mostly the same lol
Just quickly reviewed this translation line by line, and, indeed, the word choice in this is much formal than mine. However, I think maybe this is just a favor related issue. Also, thanks for this to make me know I didn't translate sth really wrong. I think you really do a lot effort on this, so sorry again for making your work in vain. Let's support Shu together and make this channel great, lol. edit: Ah, glad to see your work actually landed as the Chinese one, so your work won't in vain. Thanks Shu.
I just wish I could learn another language besides English, it's just so damn hard to put language stuff in my brain at 20+ years old. Maybe I should attend a saturday school too lol, idk how long that's gonna take me though
Thanks for sharing your ways of learning Japanese! Talking to Japanese people really helped me a lot. But at first I felt a little bit nervous to talk to Japanese, you know, as you said in the former video, the problem of Keigo... I was really afraid to say something may be impolite. But fortunately, everyone I knew in Japan is so nice and friendly. And... here are today's Simplified Chinese Subtitles. Title: 我是怎么学日语的?? 今天我想和大家聊聊我是怎么学习日语的! 不止是因为我的父母都是日本人, 在我很小的时候就用日语交流, 因此我对日语有了基本认知 在我很小的时候, 我会去周六学校, 是一种在周六开课的学校, 在这里我们会学习3小时日语 例如汉字、平假名、片假名等等... 这就是我日语基础学习的方式, 但是,学过日语的人应该知道, 学习日语并不只是 用日语交流,或者是阅读平假名, 日语里同时有平假名、片假名和汉字 所以有很多需要学习的东西... 当我还是小孩子的时候我就可以 说一点点日语,并且还能阅读平假名 但我在周六学校的成绩很低... 就好比, 满分100我只得了10分.... 或者20分, 因为我当时对日语并不感兴趣,就像是, “为什么我要去上周六学校??” “为什么我要会读汉字” “并且还有...5种不同的读法!?” 所以我当时并没有学习日语的动力, 就得了很低的分数, 当然,上周六学校的学生们, 大多数都更倾向用英语交流, 所以在课堂上,老师让我们用日语交流, 但,你知道的,小孩子嘛...(;'∀') 大多数学生都还是用英语交谈, 这并不能对学习日语有帮助。 我发生改变的时候是我开始想, 我想在日本当一名声优的时候, 我告诉妈妈我想 成为一名日本声优,那时候我还在读小学, 然后她...看了看我的成绩...于是她说 “嘿,你也知道你的日语成绩,你哪儿都去不了。” “当声优你是养不活自己的”类似这样的话 于是我说, “但我就是想当声优...!” 所以从那开始,我就有了学习日语的动力 于是我开始背日语辞典 从第一页开始背...哈哈 就比如按あ、い、う、え、お的顺序背 第一个词是这个,下一个是这个.... 第三个是这个词...!! 我就一直这么背背到大概是う的时候 按日语50音表的顺序... 这时我突然意识到这样效率好低, 而且辞典里有的词在日常生活中 你根本用不到。 所以我觉得真的帮助我学习日语的, 是多多阅读! 我从小就喜欢阅读, 所以我读过大量英语书籍, 但是我其实很抗拒读日语书 因为里面汉字实在是太多了... 而且不像英语, 就算你不认识一个单词, 你也能根据拼写把它读出来, 但日语,你根本都出不来... 你甚至都无法想象它的读音 因为同一个汉字也有很多种读法。 而且当汉字出现在一块儿时... 比如两个汉字放在一起,就觉得... 啊...这该怎么读!? 实际上我并没有读太多日语书, 但我知道阅读的确有助于语言学习 所以我开阅读日语书籍, 从最简单的开始, 遇到我不懂的词, 我就会查它们的意思并在笔记本上记下来 这样我回头还可以把这些词背下来, 读漫画也给了我很大帮助。 我以前会阅读日语漫画, 并且,有些漫画会有注音, 就是在汉字旁会有对应的平假名读音 这样就读起来轻松一些。 这就有助于我去查这些词 能让我更快地查这些我不知道怎么读的词, 所以这就帮了我... 并且漫画是有插图的,这样你就可以猜一下 漫画里想说想表达什么。 这也给了我很大帮助! 我自己读了非常多少女漫画... 因为我喜欢少女漫画... 至今都喜欢...哈哈 也许下一次我可以做个推荐! 我学日语的时候还做了一件事, 就是看日漫和日剧 有日语字幕那种, 我看有字幕的日漫和日剧 是因为, 当你在看动漫和电视剧的时候, 会有一些你的确不认识的词, 如果这时候有字幕, 这些词就会在字幕里用汉字写出来, 这样我就能通过汉字 查这些词,这点有助于我记忆单词的读音。 最后,我要推荐, 真的真的要推荐, 去和日本人交谈!(或者会说日语的人) 交谈确实有助于学习语言 能让你掌握用一门语言会话, 我知道对大家而言坐在桌前 学学单词,记记读音 读读文章或是别的非常容易... 但用这门语言交谈 同意重要(至少我这么认为...) 所以我十分推荐去找一个日本友人, 或者甚至在日本交一些朋友! 因为你也知道,通过互联网 有了互联网,你几乎能做到任何事! 所以找几个日本朋友, 和他们用日语练习会话 能非常非常有效帮助你学习日语。 那么,但愿这能帮到你, 祝学习日语的你们好运! 我自己现在还在学习各种汉字, 现在还会遇到一些我不知道该如何使用的汉字 我有时候会和经纪人交谈... “等一下...嗯...这些词是什么意思...!?” 因为有的时候即使你读了书... 书面语言和日常用语也是有差别的... 在口头上有区别,所以... 有很多东西只能从与他人交流中学习 :) 那么...好吧! 祝大家好运,下期视频再见! 拜拜~!
Thank you for the great work!💝 I've uploaded them now :D And same...I still feel nervous when I talk in Japanese because of the same reasons as you...keigo...x)
Inspiring as usual!!! Thank you Shu-chan!!! I noticed how JP entertainers are adding too much JP subs to their videos (even when the sound is clear). It's very handy for learning but I wonder why do they do so... Well, it's not always handy, because sometimes I just want to practice pure listening, but my eyes are devouring the subs xD
Oh man just found out this channel today. The nostalgia. I lived in Australia too for my childhood and they sent me to Saturday school. I fucking hated it 😂 In the end I went back to my home country and I still can't speak my mother's tongue, what a waste of perfectly good Saturdays. Unfortunately my Aussie accent has died a bit cause I have to adapt to the English here so others can understand me. Man it'd be great if I could go back - say sunnies, undies and collect cricket cards from Weetbix again. It's so refreshing hearing the Aussie accent even if it is a bit different than what I'm used to, I think it's from Sydney. I'm #Perth
I can't write in English. Sorry. (Even this sentence uses a translator.) 例えば内田さんが担当されている海防艦御蔵の御の字だけでもお、おん、み、ごって読みが有るし…おくら?おんくら?みくら?ごくら?ってなりますよね。 あと海防艦つながりで福江(ふかえ)や平戸(ひらと)なんかは知ってないと読めない…
As a fellow Banana... I can relate going to language tutors to learn other languages when I had 0 motivation. So you fellow Bananas, teach your kids another language! Bribe them by making them watch anime in Japanese only. Don't even give them the English/other language subtitles.
Sometime can you please talk about love live school idol festival on your next video and how's the experience of being Mia Taylor as part of Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. That's all and please shout out me here in Philippines...thank you!
I think about whether or not I should've learned Italian because half of me is, but no one under my Nan and Pop knew Italian while all of dad's cousins did and I don't particularly feel like going there long enough to really need it. I wouldn't mind learning Japanese but just to speak it not necessarily read it
Hello there, Portuguese (BR) Subs here :) Quero falar com vocês hoje sobre, como aprendi japonês! Para deixar claro, meus pais são japoneses, Então eles conversavam em japonês comigo quando eu era pequena, Então eu tinha um certo conhecimento de japonês Desde que era menor, E eu ia a Saturday School, Que era a escola no sábado, Durava 3 horas e nos podíamos aprender Japonês, Kanji, hiragana e Katakana Foi assim que aprendi o básico de Japones MAS, assim como as pessoas estudando japonês sabem Japonês não é apenas conseguir Falar japonês e ser capas de ler hiragana, Tem hiragana, katakana e kanji, Então tem muita coisa para aprender... Quando era menor eu conseguia Falar um pouco de japonês e ler hiragana, Mas, eu tinha notas baixas na minha Saturday School... Era tipo, 10 de 100 pontos... Ou 20 de 100 porque, Eu não era realmente interessada em japonês, eu pensava “Porque eu tenho que ir a Saturday School??” “Porque eu tenho que conseguir ler esse Kanji” “Que tem... 5 formas diferentes de se ler!?” Então eu não tinha motivação para aprender japonês, E tinha notas péssimas, E obviamente, os estudantes na escola, A maioria deles sentiam-se mais confortáveis falando em inglês E durante a aula os professores diziam-nos para falar em japonês, Mas, sabe né, crianças... A maioria das crianças conversavam em inglês, Oque, não ajuda a aprender japonês O que me mudou, quando eu comecei a pensar, Que queria me tornar uma dubladora no Japão, Eu disse a minha mãe que eu queria Ser uma dubladora no Japão, quando estava no ensino fundamental, Ela... olho minhas notas e... ela pensou “Ei, você sabe que com essas notas, isso não vai a lugar nenhum” “Você não vai sobreviver como dubladora” Mas eu fiquei, “Mas eu quero ser uma dubladora...!” Dali em diante, eu estava tão motivada a aprender japonês Que eu comecei a memorizar i dicionário japonês Da primeira página... lol E ficava “a(あ)”, “i(い)”, “u(う)”, “e(え)”, “o(お)” A primeira palavra é essa, a próxima é... A terceira é essa...!! Eu estava realmente gostando de pensar, eu acho que “u (う)” No “alfabeto” japonês... Mas, eu comecei a perceber que isso não era tão eficiente, E dicionários tem umas palavras no que você não vai usar No dia a dia. Então o que eu fiz e o que eu acho que me ajudou a aprender japonês, Foi ler mais! Eu gostava de ler desde bem pequena Então eu estava lendo muitos livros em inglês, mas Mas estava relutante em ler livros em japonês porque Havia muitos Kanjis... E diferente do inglês onde, você pode Sabe, mesmo se não souber a palavra Você pode tentar ler ela parte por parte e tentar descobrir Mas em japonês, você não consegue nem ler... Você não consegue adivinhar como aquilo soaria Porque existem tantas formas de um único Kanji E quando eles estão juntos... Quando tem 2 Kanji juntos, é... Wow... como você lê isso!? Enfim, eu não li tantos livros em japonês. Mas eu aprendi que ler livros realmente ajuda a aprender a língua Então eu comecei a ler em japonês, Alguns bem simples, E palavras que eu não soubesse, Eu pesquisaria e escreveria no meu caderno Para conseguir memorizar, Ler mangas também ajudou bastante. Algumas mangas têm furigana Que é, além do kanji ele tem hiragana também, Então era mais fácil de ler. E me ajuda a procurar as palavras que eu não sabia de forma mais rápida e isso me ajudava bastante... mangas também tem ilustrações, então dá para tentar imaginas o que estão tentando passar, o que estão tentando dizer e isso ajudava muito. Eu pessoalmente lia MUITOS manga shojo... Porque eu gosto de shojo... E eu ainda leio... XD Talvez na próxima eu recomende alguns para vocês! Outra coisa que eu fiz, foi Assistir animes e dramas japoneses Com legendas em japonês A razão para eu ver animes e dramas japoneses Com legendas em japonês foi porque, Sabe quando você assiste animes ou series E tem palavras que você não entende, Com as legendas Aquela palavra com kanji aparece lá Isso ajuda a como procurar o kanji, A palavra, e ajuda a memorizar vocabulário. Por fim, eu recomendo, O que eu REALMENTE REALMENTE recomendo, É conversar com japonese! (ou pessoas que saibam japonês) Conversar ajuda muito a aprender uma língua E ser capaz de se comunicar usando a língua Sei que é fácil só sentar-se e Só estudar palavras, vocabulário E ler textos e tudo mais... Mas conseguir conversar na língua É realmente bem importante (eu acho pelo menos...) Então o que eu sugiro é achar algum amigo japonês Ou fazer alguns amigos, talvez do Japão Sabe, Internet XD Temos internet nos dias de hoje, você pode fazer literalmente de tudo! Encontre alguns amigos japoneses E pratique conversando em japonês Porque isso vai ajudar muito, muito mesmo. Eu espero ter ajudado de alguma forma, Boa sorte a todos aprendendo japonês! Eu ainda estudo muito kanji, E ainda tem algumas palavras que eu não sei como usar Conversando com o meu agente, algumas vezes eu... “espe... uhm... o que isso significa...!?” Porque mesmo que você leia livros As palavras no livro são diferentes das que as pessoas... Realmente falam... Tem várias coisas que você só aprende conversando com outras pessoas :) Então...é! Boa sorte a todos, e vejo vocês no próximo vídeo! Tchau~! ----- sorry for vanish in the last few weeks, i was busy with my final paper
Great video as usual here are spanish subs once again :D Title: ¿Cómo estudie japonés? Hoy quiero hablarles de como estudie japonés! Noten que mis padres son japoneses, Así que ellos me hablaban en japonés cuando yo era pequeña, Entonces yo tenia un poco de conocimiento de japonés desde que era pequeña y yo iba a la escuela en sábado, la cual era una escuela en sábado, que duraba por 3 horas y nosotros estábamos aprendiendo japonés, kanji, hiragana, katakana, etc... Así es como aprendí mis habilidades básicas de japonés, PERO, como las personas que aprenden japonés saben, japonés no es todo acerca de ser capaz de hablar japonés, y ser capaz de solo leer hiragana, está el hiragana, katakana, kanji, así que hay mucho de que aprender... Cuando era pequeña fui capaz de hablar un poco de japonés y leer hiragana, pero, yo tenía muy bajas calificaciones en mis exámenes de la escuela de sabado... era de 10 de 100 o 20 de 100 porque, Yo no estaba realmente interesada en el japonés, yo era de que, "¿Por que tengo que ir a la escuela los sábados?" "¡¿Por qué tengo que ser capaz de leer este kanji kanji que tiene como... 5 diferentes formas de leerse?!" Así que yo no tenía nada de motivación para aprender japonés y sacaba bajas calificaciones Y obviamente, los estudiantes en la escuela, la mayoría de los estudiantes ahí estaban mas cómodos hablando en ingles así que en clase, los maestros nos dirían que habláramos en japonés, pero, ya saben, niños.... La mayoría de los niños hablaban entre ellos en ingles, lo cual, no ayudaba a aprender japonés. Lo que me cambió, fue que empecé a pensar, que quería convertirme en un actor de voz en Japón, Le dije a mi mamá que quería hacerme una actriz de voz en Japón, cuando estaba en escuela primaria, y ella...miró mis calificaciones...y ella estuvo como "Hey, sabes con estas calificaciones, no vas a ir a ninguna parte" "No serías capaz de sobrevivir como actriz de voz" Así que yo estaba como, "¡Pero quiero convertirme en actriz de voz...!" Así que desde ahí en adelante, estaba muy motivada en aprender japonés que de hecho empecé a memorizarme el diccionario japonés desde la primer Entonces estaba como "a(あ), i(い), u(う), e(え), o(お)", La primera palabra es esta, la siguiente es esta... ¡la tercera es esta...! Yo de hecho literalmente pensaba "u" en el alfabeto japonés pero, empecé a darme cuenta de que no estaba siendo eficiente, y los diccionarios tienen palabras que realmente no usas en la vida diaria. Así que lo que hice, y lo que pienso que me ayudó a aprender japonés, ¡fue el leer mas! Me gusta leer desde que soy muy pequeña, así que estaba leyendo muchos libros en ingles, pero yo dudaba mucho en leer libros en japonés porque tiene mucho kanji... y a diferencia del ingles, donde puedes saben, aunque no sepas la palabra puedes mas o menos leer lo que la palabra suena parecer, pero en japonés, ni siquiera puedes leer... no puedes ni siquiera adivinar como suena porque hay demasiadas maneras de como poder leer un kanji. Y obviamente cuando están pegadas juntas... así que hay dos kanjis pegados, es como... wow... ¡¿Como lees esto?! Así que, yo de hecho no leo muchos libros japoneses, pero yo aprendí que leer libros en verdad te ayuda con el lenguaje así que yo empecé a leer libros en japonés, como muy simples, y las palabras que no sabía, las buscaría y las escribía en mi cuaderno para que la pudiera memorizar después, también leer manga me ayudó mucho. Lo que hice fue, leía manga en japonés, y, algunos mangas tienen furigana, que significa que además del kanji tienen hiragana en ellos así que era más fácil de leer. Y eso me ayudo para buscar palabras que no sabía de una manera más rápida, así que eso mas o menos me ayudó... También las ilustraciones del manga, para que te puedas mas o menos imaginar lo que están tratando de decir o lo que están tratando de expresar. Eso realmente me ayudó también. Personalmente leo MUCHO shojo manga... porque me gusta el shojo manga... Y todavía lo hago...XD ¡Tal vez la siguiente vez les recomiendo alguno! Otra cosa que hice, fue Veía anime y dramas japoneses con subtítulos en japonés. La razón por la que veía anime en japonés y drama japonés con los subtítulos era porque, sabes cuando estas viendo anime y dramas, y están como palabras que realmente no entiendes si los subtítulos están ahí entonces esa palabra con el kanji va a aparecer en los subtítulos. Así que eso me ayudó a buscar los kanjis. Buscar las palabras, y eso me ayudo a memorizar mucho vocabulario. Finalmente, lo que puedo recomendar, lo que EN VERDAD recomiendo, ¡es hablar en japonés con personas! (o personas que puedan hablar japonés) Hablar realmente te ayuda a aprender el lenguaje y ser capaz de comunicarte usando ese lenguaje. Se que es realmente fácil solo sentarte en tu escritorio y solo estudiar palabras, vocabulario, y leer textos y todo... pero ser capaz de hablar en ese lenguaje también es muy importante (o eso pienso...) Así que lo que yo recomiendo es encontrar unos amigos japoneses, ¡o hacer unos amigos, incluso en Japón! porque saben, internet XD ¡Hay internet estos días, literalmente puedes hacer lo que sea! Así que encuentra unos amigos japoneses, y practica hablando en japonés con ellos porque eso en verdad te ayuda a aprender japonés. Así que, espero que les haya ayudado en alguna manera, ¡Buena suerte a todos los que están aprendiendo japonés! Todavía estoy estudiando mucho kanji, y aún hay algunas palabras que ni siquiera se como usarlas Hablo con mi manager y en ocasiones estoy como... "Espera...uhm...¡¿Que significa esta palabra...?!" Porque a veces aunque leas libros... las palabras usadas en libros son diferentes a las palabras que usan las personas... fuera de su boca así que... Hay muchas cosas que puedes aprender solo con hablar con personas :) Así que... sí! Buena suerte a todos y los veré en el siguiente video! Bye!
*Subtitle bahasa indonesia* I'm still lazy about learning Japanese for now. I wish my laziness is gone XD. Anyway, thanks for the tips (‐^▽^‐). Title: Bagaimana aku belajar bahasa Jepang?? Subtitle ------------ Aku ingin berbicara dengan kalian hari ini tentang bagaimana aku belajar bahasa Jepang! Hanya mencatat bahwa orang tuaku orang Jepang, jadi mereka berbicara denganku dalam bahasa Jepang ketika aku kecil, Jadi aku punya sedikit pengetahuan tentang bahasa Jepang sejak aku masih sangat kecil, dan aku pergi ke Sekolah Sabtu, yang merupakan sekolah pada hari Sabtu, berjalan selama 3 jam dan kami belajar bahasa Jepang, seperti kanji, hiragana, katakana, dll... Itulah caraku belajar kemampuan dasar bahasa Jepangku, TETAPI, sebagai orang yang belajar bahasa Jepang tahu, bahasa Jepang bukan hanya berbicara bahasa Jepang, dan membaca hiragana, ada hiragana, katakana, kanji, jadi cukup banyak yang perlu kalian pelajari... Ketika aku masih kecil aku sudah bisa berbicara bahasa Jepang sedikit, dan aku bisa membaca hiragana, tetapi, aku mendapatkan nilai rendah dalam Ujian Sekolah Sabtu... itu seperti, 10 dari 100... atau 20 dari 100 karena, Aku tidak terlalu tertarik dengan bahasa Jepang itu sendiri, aku seperi, "Kenapa aku harus pergi ke Sekolah Sabtu??" "Kenapa aku harus bisa membaca Kanji ini" "yang mempunyai... 5 cara berbeda untuk membacanya!?" Jadi aku tidak punya motivasi belajar bahasa Jepang, dan aku mendapat nilai rendah, Dan tentunya, murid yang ada di sekolah, kebanyakan muridnya lebih nyaman berbicara bahasa Inggris, jadi di kelas, guru memberitahu kami untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Jepang, tapi, kalian tahu, anak-anak...😅 Kebanyakan anak-anak berbicara dengan yang lain dalam bahasa Inggris, yang, tidak membantu dalam belajar bahasa Jepang. Apa yang mengubahku, ketika aku mulai berpikir, bahwa aku ingin menjadi pengisi suara di Jepang, Aku memberitahu ibuku bahwa aku ingin menjadi pengisi suara di Jepang, ketika aku masih SD, dan dia... melihat nilai ujianku... dan dia seperti "Hey, kamu tahu nilai ujian ini, kamu tidak akan pergi kemana pun." "Kamu tidak akan bertahan sebagai pengisi suara" Jadi aku seperti, "Tapi aku ingin menjadi seorang pengisi suara...!" Jadi dari itu, aku sangat termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Jepang aku benar-benar mulai menghafal kamus bahasa Jepang dari halaman pertama... lol Jadi aku seperti "a(あ)", "i(い)", "u(う)", "e(え)", "o(お)", Kata pertamanya ini, selanjutnya ini... yang ketiga ini...!!! Aku benar-benar berpikir, "u(う)" dalam alfabet bahasa Jepang... Tetapi, aku mulai sadar bahwa itu tidak efisien, dan kamus mempunyai kata-kata yang tidak kalian gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Jadi yang aku lakukan, dan apa yang membantuku belajar bahasa Jepang, adalah untuk membaca lebih banyak! Aku suka membaca ketika masih sangat kecil, jadi aku sudah membaca cukup banyak buku bahasa Inggris, tetapi Aku sangat enggan untuk membaca buku bahasa Jepang karena berapa banyak Kanji yang ada di sana... dan tidak seperi bahasa Inggris, kalian bisa kalian tahu, bahkan jika kalian tidak tahu arti katanya kalian bisa membaca seperti apa kata itu, tapi dalam bahasa Jepang, kalian bahkan tidak dapat membaca... kalian tidak dapat menebak seperti apa suaranya karena ada banyak sekali cara membaca satu kanji. Dan ketika mereka bergabung... Jadi jika ada 2 kanji bergabung, itu seperti... wow... bagaimana kamu membaca ini!? Jadi, aku tidak benar-benar membaca banyak buku bahasa Jepang, tapi aku belajar bahwa buku bacaan sangat membantu kalian jadi aku mulai membaca buku bahasa Jepang, dari yang mudah, dan kata-kata yang tidak aku tahu, Aku mencarinya dan mencatatnya dalam buku catatanku jadi aku bisa menghafalnya nanti, Membaca manga juga banyak membantuku. Apa yang kulakukan, aku membaca manga dalam bahasa Jepang, dan, beberapa manga mempunyai furigana, yang berarti, di sebalah kanji terdapat hiragana jadi lebih mudah untuk dibaca. Dan itu membantuku untuk dapat mencari kata-kata yang Aku tidak tahu lebih cepat, Jadi itu membantuku... Manga juga mempunyai ilustrasi, jadi kalian bisa membayangkan apa yang mereka coba katakan dari apa yang mereka coba ungkapkan. Jadi itu cukup banyak membantuku! Aku pribadi membaca banyak manga shojo... karena aku suka manga shojo... dan aku masih melakukannya... XD Mungkin lain waktu aku akan merekomendasikan kalian beberapa! Hal lain yang aku lakukan adalah aku melihat anime dan drama Jepang dengan takarir bahasa Jepang. Alasan mengapa aku melihat anime dan drama Jepang dengan takarir, karena, kalian tahu ketika kalian melihat anime dan drama, dan ada kata-kata yang tidak kalian mengerti, jika ada takarir di sana, lalu kata itu dengan kanjinya akan muncul dalam takarirnya. Jadi itu membantuku mencari kanjinya, mencari kata-katanya, dan membantuku mengingat cukup banyak kosa kata. Terakhir, apa yang dapat aku rekomendasikan, apa yang BENAR-BENAR dapat aku rekomendasikan, adalah mengobrol dengan orang Jepang! (atau dengan orang yang bisa bahasa Jepang) Mengobrol sangat membantu kalian untuk mempelajari bahasa itu sendiri dan dapat berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa itu. Aku tahu sangat mudah untuk hanya duduk di mejamu dan hanya belajar kata-katanya, kosa kata, dan membaca teks dan semuanya... tapi dapat berbicara dalam bahasa itu sangat penting (atau begitulah menurutku...) Jadi apa yang aku sarankan adalah cari beberapa teman orang Jepang, atau berteman, bahkan mungkin di Jepang! karena kalian tahu, internet XD Ada internet hari ini, kalian dapat melakukan apapun! Jadi cari beberapa teman orang Jepang, dan berlatih berbicara dengan mereka dalam bahasa Jepang Karena itu akan sangat-sangat membantu kalian belajar bahasa Jepang. Jadi, aku harap ini dapat membantu dalam beberapa cara, Semoga beruntung untuk semua yang belajar bahasa Jepang! Aku masih belajar beberapa kanji, dan masih ada beberapa kata yang bahkan aku tidak tahu cara menggunakannya Aku berbicara dengan manajerku dan kadang aku seperti... "Tunggu... uhm... apa arti dari kata itu...!?" Karena kadang bahkan jika kalian membaca buku... kata-kata yang digunakan dalam buku berbeda dengan kata-kata yang orang gunakan... keluar dari mulut mereka, jadi... Ada banyak hal yang kalian bisa pelajari hanya dengan mengobrol dengan orang :) Jadi... ya! Semoga beruntung semuanya, dan sampai jumpa di video selanjutnya! Bye~!
Actually I only speak thai with my mom, but sometimes you just don't know or forgot the word and turn to the other language you speak (in my case it's german or swiss german) does someone else who is bilingual do that too?
i have self study japanese language in 10 years.........but still not smooth yet to speak it, is there a slightly easier way to speak japanese properly? Thank you.........
Last advice: Talk to people
Me an introvert: Interesting.
lol relatable
what i like to do is put on tv shows and act like i’m there. like if they ask a question answer it yk?
Me: I wonder if my wall can speak japanese
me living in an island in Italy where Japanese don't even exist
How I learned Spanish, my mom would refuse to talk to me in English whenever I was home LOL
Good idea, imma do that when i have kids
I wish my mother did this to me. She's Thai. I can barely speak Thai 🙂
My dad gave up on me cause i told him he was talking funny
@@DanielMorales-jm3ll Lmao u hurt a good man's feeling xd
@@tengahmain1055 i was very young, its probably one of my earliest memories. just a little kid being a little kid
From a Saturday school failure to an actual Japanese voice actor. What an inspirational story. Yet another message that anyone can achieve their dreams with hard work and determination.
虹ヶ咲でいうと内田さんが本格的に参加するようになって、英語の発音がきれいになった気がします。特に歌で。声優さんたちの耳が良いと言うのもあるとは思いますが、内田さんがいい影響を与えているんだなぁ、と感じた「Colorful Dreams! Colorful Smiles!」でした。
I am a Japanese people who like "Lovelive".
I listen to the this video because I want to speak English.
I love how your both fluent in Japanese & English!!
This motivated me a lot Shuu. I can relate to you since im also currently studying japanese as of now. I struggled with kanji the most but i can mostly read hiragana and katakana. Im also learning basic words and phrases as well. Im a filipino but i wanted to go to japan and maybe find a job as a voice actor thats why i study japanese. Another reason why i study the language is because i love watching anime and listening to jpop and anime songs (such as love live) and i wanted to understand their meaning without having to look at subtitles. Everyday i try my best to study and hopefully i can undestand more words and phrases soon.
I can relate to this so well, I'm currently learning Japanese cause of my dream of being a seiyuu/voice actor in Japan too and I've done everything that you have done Shu-chan funny enough, I'm still very far off from being really good at Japanese, I can hold a small conversation in Japanese with people I have met but I will continue to practice and study it in order to get to that goal! Thanks again Shu-chan for yet another fun video!
I watch this video before going to bed as English study.
I'm happy because the words I cannot understand are displayed as English and Japanese subtitles so I can understand its meaning easily.
Her voice is so easy to hear and the topic is so interesting!
I am sorry if my English sentences are wrong. I am studying English.
I'm sorry but your mom is pretty savage lol. This definitely helps. Motivation and Enjoyment is definitely important.
Your tips are basically how I learned English, with the exception I didn't talk to anyone. I would usually talk to myself, watch and read a lot of things in English.
I started really learning it 3-4 years ago, but only since September I started talking with other people in English because I changed countries.
Just realized that it was Shu Uchida... Like THE shu uchida like Mia taylor!
Thank you for doing this video I also want to be a seiyuu/voice actor in Japan like most of the people in the comment
This is going to help me to learn Japanese, thanks Shu-chan! Also can’t wait till your next video!
So we have Mia Taylor's va teaching us how to learn Japanese
This is what actually i want to ask you when you were revealed as warspite's seiyuu and actually an seiyuu raised on australia
But now i get the answer when watch this video,thank you shuu-san 😁
Every time I have one of your videos going in another tab I expect the next words out of your mouth to be "WELCOME BACK TO HOW TO COOK THAT I'M ANN REARDON" your aussie accent is so strong, I love it
Shu is so happy talking about shojo manga ^^
This video couldn't have come at a better time for me as I'm just getting started learning the Japanese language. Thank you for posting and I look forward to using your tips and suggestions here in there future!
Could relate to a lot of this video. Went to Chinese language school as a kid, but never really cared to learn because of the writing system. Also didn't care enough to learn Japanese when I lived there for a few years as a kid either because I went to an international school where they speak English so I thought I didn't really need to learn it. Now it would have been useful to learn Japanese to enjoy anime and manga. Learning either language would also help with maybe getting a job as a translator...
Chinese school failure gang? I went to chinese school for 9 years and I can barely speak, read, write, and understand (but I have a good accent)
@@NahsaRune Yes. I can barely read and write (easier to read than write). I can understand and speak enough to get around, but maybe not for work or to talk about news/politics. Accent is good enough to understand, but my cousins could probably point out if my grammatical structure was based on English instead of Chinese.
that is dedication but glad shu chan persisted, now we get to see her as a anime voice actor.
I'm currently studying Japanese in University and I realized that even if I understand most videos on RUclips that's in Japanese, I just tend to rely on my English whenever I try to speak or practice Japanese with my friends. I think having the mindset of not relying on a language that you're already able to use is one of the most important thing that you need to remember whenever you do want to learn a new language :)
Ah yes! Jump comics really helped also with the furigana!
That was really helpful knowledge.
Your Japanese is so natural that I honestly thought you’d been speaking it since childhood.
By the way, I watched the English version of Nijigasaki, and I was wondering why you weren’t cast as the voice actor for Mia.
Since you speak English, I thought you’d be perfect for the role in the English dub, like Maho Akashi in D4DJ.
I feel like asking the staff why they didn’t choose you.
Ah, kids forced by Immigrant parents to go to language school on weekends to retain their mother tongue... can relate to that lol
Tell me about it, all I wanted to do was sleep in on Saturdays lol.
@ She's Japanese Australian, she was born in Japan to Japanese parents and moved to Sydney when she was around 2 years old and only returned to Japan around 18. That makes her a child of an immigrant family. Many immigrant families make their young kids go to language schools on weekends so the kids will be able to speak the mother tongue of the parents or the child because if the child migrated when really young the child often loses their mother tongue and fully adopts the language of the place they migrated to as their native language, as you can see in the comments as well as what Shu-chan herself said in this video. It's a very common experience amongst immigrant families.
Getting poor marks on language school tests is even more relatable lol
lol theres Saturday school for Chinese for basically every Asian kid in Australia but didn't know they had those for Japanese too
@@ytsersius while in the minority of Asian immigrants Sydney has a big enough Japanese population to have a dedicated Japanese international school. Northbridge also had that Japanese supermarket so yeah no surprises they have weekend Japanese schools for Japanese kids where the parents might want them to attend normal schools so the children integrates while only going to weekend language schools to retain the heritage. That's also very relatable lol.
Nice to know the saturday school experience is universal.
As a anime fan from Shanghai, I studied a lot of Japanese during my study in Seattle. Usually I tried to join the Japanese community and understand their conversion. If I could not understand the meaning, I took notes often. highlighting the unfamiliar vocabulary.
Your videos are very helpful for my English study. Thank you!!
I had a similar experience to you when it comes to Saturday school- except for me it was on a Sunday and the language was Mandarin Chinese.
i could not pay attention in that class and the amount of characters scared me and the teacher only spoke chinese so i was lost for most of the time. I don’t recall my parents being particularly strict on speaking only chinese in the house, like they’d speak chinese and me and my siblings would reply in english and visa versa. But i did end up doing a summer internship and going on a semester abroad in Beijing and I ended up talking to my classmates with a mix of Chinese, English, Japanese, and French (japanese bc i’m too much of a weeb and french bc i took 6 years of school for it but I can barely speak it, i just used vocabulary I remembered and hoped they understood w)
Nowadays my parents complain that I know more Japanese than Chinese even though I converse much more in Chinese than in Japanese (and Im less fluent in jp).... i just consume too much Japanese media ww and plus I’m more open to learning Japanese bc there’s less pressure when I mess up, since as a Chinese American raised in a house that spoke Mandarin most of the time, I’m supposed to know the language (but I don’t). I feel like I’m allowed to mess up in Japanese bc it doesn’t feel like I’m supposed to know it bc of my family and heritage like Chinese, but as a personal interest that i can take my time with;; but I’m trying to rectify that so ‘m doing my best to learn Chinese and Japanese
But your statement about comics helping you learn is very common among language learners! I know that graphic novels are helpful for second language learners as the reason as you stated before
Thanks, for this shu I'm currently trying to learn Japanese as a 17 year old from the USA. I struggle alot with learning the kanji but I'm learning. The things you did I might try.
always wondered how people were supposed to figure out kanji they didn't recognize since it isn't like english and some other languages where you can just spell the word out and look it up.
The aussie accent is so cute😩💓
Same i started to learn japanese and i wasnt good, now still isnt good, but i have a group of japanese friend that i at least i can practice with and im happy that im still keeping up my japanese
絶対わかるこれ。Minus the time going to Japanese Saturday school as a kid. I started taking classes in high school, but I didn’t really get to become at least “a person that can get by in Japan” until I was able to visit Japan on my own and be in the 田舎 and have a conversation with a Japanese taxi driver in some 山形弁.
wow so much type of CC, fan's power
Well same with Filipino language. So many definitions in so many dialects.
i wanna be a jp voice actress and this helped me! ty
kanji melts my brain
OK, here is a translation for Traditional Chinese (Taiwan). Feel free to point out my mistake or reject this if there is another better one.
Or, if someone have also translated it to Traditional Chinese, maybe you could share it here or somewhere, and we could discuss the translation to make it better.
Again, thanks Shu to told us these, I'm trying to learn Japanese now (as I think most foreign viewers of this chan does) and I think this do help me find out the way to learn more efficiently. I will try find someone to talk to in Japanese, though I think it's really hard for me, lol.
title: 我是怎麼學日文的??
大概像是看到 あいうえお 的 あ 後
而且現在也是 XD
去跟日本人講話 (或那些說日文的人)
也是非常重要 (至少我這樣認為)
因為你知道,網路上 XD
Wow your so quick at translating! XD
Thank you for this! 💝
I've uploaded them now!
damn, you got the lead. I'll upload mine as well later.
@@Meitou_Masamune Oops, sorry for that. Maybe you will get the chance next time. It's really just a luck for me to know this vid a few moment right after it has been uploaded, and actually I'm busy most of my time.
@@o_ToT_oT lol, never mind.
Hi Shu-chan, I just wanted you to know that basically I'm learning English right now with your content, I'm a Spanish speaker, but I did the same thing that you did with Japanese, I started to watch media (specially anime) with English subs, and that's helped me a lot, so as you can notice, all of your content it's really helpful for me, and I'm sure that it is for a lot of people as well, thanks for everything
As someone who is still learning Japanese. This is quite a motivational video 😁😁
I'll do my best!! 😁😁😁😁
I want Shuu-chan to be my Japanese tutor one day thooo ;;
Read Manga? You got it!
I read manga as well to learn, especially Lovely Complex, so now I can speak some kansaiben too.
I knew that she was from Australia the first time I heard her accent
I have a friend that's from Australia and she has mostly the accent as my friend lol
I also love shoujo manga, would love a video on your manga recommendations!
I never had problems in learning languages, and I started studying Japanese in 2018. I m still learning it through twitter posts or yt videos but not with my teacher since ive got a lot of work to do and i cant keep up with my schedule. I love everything about Japan, its culture, language... Never had a chance to travel there. I have no problem in learning kanji, it seems fun learning new kanji.
I remembered the first time i saw a kanji word when i was a boy, i was like "Is that a Sanskrit?"
BAHAHA OH GOSH! As a person who learnt Sanskrit I don't see any similarity at all but that's an interesting encounter 😂😂
I admire your effort so much Shu 😭 I moved to Japan last fall to study japanese in a language school and I can relate to a lot of your previous struggles 🥺 It also makes me feel a bit better about my skills knowing that you as a seiyuu even struggle with japanese kanji and finding words you dont know 😂
Thank you for this video ✨
I listen to a lot of Japanese, but I don't read it very often since I know so little kanji. Maybe I'll give it a shot, and do what you suggested Shu-chan, by trying to learn words as I read!
Favourite shoujo manga video next 😹💖
i am currently studying japanese.. like stuDYING ㅠㅠ so this video motivated me a lot!! i also like to read so i'll make sure to read some japanese books! thank you shuu-chan!
It's interesting how I agree with her on so many things that she said. Kanji being more tricky than hard for me because of the on'yomi and kun'yomi pronunciations though my knowledge of Chinese does benefitted me to a degree. And speaking to Japanese people since I do speak to Japanese people as a form of challenge and reflect on how to be more prepared when those topics come up in the future so yea
Mrs. Uchida: "Hey, you know, with these test marks, you're not going anywhere."
Shu: *becomes a seiyuu*
Mrs. Uchida: "Perhaps I treated you too harshly..."
I think what her mom told her motivated her. I think it kinda worked. Sometimes it takes someone who cares about you to put it to ya straight! Of course for some, this doesn't work, but for others (me included) it does work.
I've been doing Saturday school except I do German for several years now. Saturday schools are really helpful but I started at a young age and I'm guessing Shu did too. My parents didn't speak German to me growing up so learning is harder but it's worth it!
I recall watching a few films in Spanish/French while taking those classes in school. May have to do that if I want to learn Japanese or compare manga
hi i was searching up if there were any voice actors from Australia that currently worked in japan as i am half Japanese and Australian, and one day wish to move to japan (seems really hard right now with covid and stuff which sucks) and pursue a career in voice acting. and fortunately someone popped up (it was you :) i have no experience in voice acting and am going to graduate school at the end of this year (i am 17 right now). i would love to know how you got into voice acting and any experience you had and the path you took to get to become an actual voice actor. i really hope you read this and could answer some of my question.
also i went to a saturday school in victoria aswell and the experiences are mostly the same lol
Whenever I try to read Kanji, I accidentally read it in Chinese so that really doesn't help my learning progress lol.
Great video !!!
I upload Japanese lifestyle now.
Then I want to be like you in near future.
Thank you so much.
Jeez, still can't beat other people in speed. As an experienced translator, I always care about the accuracy about the translation.
A little bit too far. Here are the Traditional Chinese subtitles.
Title: 我是怎麼學日語的??
因為網路無遠弗屆 XD
你在對話時就可以學到很多東西 :)
Really thank you for making this video, I might go grab some people who know Japanese really well and practice my Japanese conversation!
Thank you for the subs!!💝
It's all good! accuracy is important:)
I've uploaded them now! :D
Just quickly reviewed this translation line by line, and, indeed, the word choice in this is much formal than mine. However, I think maybe this is just a favor related issue. Also, thanks for this to make me know I didn't translate sth really wrong.
I think you really do a lot effort on this, so sorry again for making your work in vain.
Let's support Shu together and make this channel great, lol.
edit: Ah, glad to see your work actually landed as the Chinese one, so your work won't in vain. Thanks Shu.
@@o_ToT_oT It's true that different people comes up with different translations, especially in Chinese. Thank you.
I just wish I could learn another language besides English, it's just so damn hard to put language stuff in my brain at 20+ years old. Maybe I should attend a saturday school too lol, idk how long that's gonna take me though
Thanks for sharing your ways of learning Japanese! Talking to Japanese people really helped me a lot. But at first I felt a little bit nervous to talk to Japanese, you know, as you said in the former video, the problem of Keigo... I was really afraid to say something may be impolite. But fortunately, everyone I knew in Japan is so nice and friendly.
And... here are today's Simplified Chinese Subtitles.
Title: 我是怎么学日语的??
有很多东西只能从与他人交流中学习 :)
Thank you for the great work!💝
I've uploaded them now :D
And same...I still feel nervous when I talk in Japanese because of the same reasons as you...keigo...x)
Inspiring as usual!!! Thank you Shu-chan!!!
I noticed how JP entertainers are adding too much JP subs to their videos (even when the sound is clear). It's very handy for learning but I wonder why do they do so...
Well, it's not always handy, because sometimes I just want to practice pure listening, but my eyes are devouring the subs xD
thank you for posting this!! i will look forward to your future videos
Oh man just found out this channel today. The nostalgia. I lived in Australia too for my childhood and they sent me to Saturday school. I fucking hated it 😂
In the end I went back to my home country and I still can't speak my mother's tongue, what a waste of perfectly good Saturdays.
Unfortunately my Aussie accent has died a bit cause I have to adapt to the English here so others can understand me. Man it'd be great if I could go back - say sunnies, undies and collect cricket cards from Weetbix again. It's so refreshing hearing the Aussie accent even if it is a bit different than what I'm used to, I think it's from Sydney. I'm #Perth
this is very helpful.
i believe motivation is the key for your starting point lol
I can't write in English. Sorry. (Even this sentence uses a translator.)
As a fellow Banana... I can relate going to language tutors to learn other languages when I had 0 motivation.
So you fellow Bananas, teach your kids another language! Bribe them by making them watch anime in Japanese only. Don't even give them the English/other language subtitles.
Sometime can you please talk about love live school idol festival on your next video and how's the experience of being Mia Taylor as part of Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. That's all and please shout out me here in Philippines...thank you!
Twintail Uchida-san
I think about whether or not I should've learned Italian because half of me is, but no one under my Nan and Pop knew Italian while all of dad's cousins did and I don't particularly feel like going there long enough to really need it. I wouldn't mind learning Japanese but just to speak it not necessarily read it
Hello there, Portuguese (BR) Subs here :)
Quero falar com vocês hoje sobre, como aprendi japonês!
Para deixar claro, meus pais são japoneses,
Então eles conversavam em japonês comigo quando eu era pequena,
Então eu tinha um certo conhecimento de japonês
Desde que era menor,
E eu ia a Saturday School,
Que era a escola no sábado,
Durava 3 horas e nos podíamos aprender
Japonês, Kanji, hiragana e Katakana
Foi assim que aprendi o básico de Japones
MAS, assim como as pessoas estudando japonês sabem
Japonês não é apenas conseguir
Falar japonês e ser capas de ler hiragana,
Tem hiragana, katakana e kanji,
Então tem muita coisa para aprender...
Quando era menor eu conseguia
Falar um pouco de japonês e ler hiragana,
Mas, eu tinha notas baixas na minha Saturday School...
Era tipo,
10 de 100 pontos...
Ou 20 de 100 porque,
Eu não era realmente interessada em japonês, eu pensava
“Porque eu tenho que ir a Saturday School??”
“Porque eu tenho que conseguir ler esse Kanji”
“Que tem... 5 formas diferentes de se ler!?”
Então eu não tinha motivação para aprender japonês,
E tinha notas péssimas,
E obviamente, os estudantes na escola,
A maioria deles sentiam-se mais confortáveis falando em inglês
E durante a aula os professores diziam-nos para falar em japonês,
Mas, sabe né, crianças...
A maioria das crianças conversavam em inglês,
Oque, não ajuda a aprender japonês
O que me mudou, quando eu comecei a pensar,
Que queria me tornar uma dubladora no Japão,
Eu disse a minha mãe que eu queria
Ser uma dubladora no Japão, quando estava no ensino fundamental,
Ela... olho minhas notas e... ela pensou
“Ei, você sabe que com essas notas, isso não vai a lugar nenhum”
“Você não vai sobreviver como dubladora”
Mas eu fiquei,
“Mas eu quero ser uma dubladora...!”
Dali em diante, eu estava tão motivada a aprender japonês
Que eu comecei a memorizar i dicionário japonês
Da primeira página... lol
E ficava “a(あ)”, “i(い)”, “u(う)”, “e(え)”, “o(お)”
A primeira palavra é essa, a próxima é...
A terceira é essa...!!
Eu estava realmente gostando de pensar, eu acho que “u (う)”
No “alfabeto” japonês...
Mas, eu comecei a perceber que isso não era tão eficiente,
E dicionários tem umas palavras no que você não vai usar
No dia a dia.
Então o que eu fiz e o que eu acho que me ajudou a aprender japonês,
Foi ler mais!
Eu gostava de ler desde bem pequena
Então eu estava lendo muitos livros em inglês, mas
Mas estava relutante em ler livros em japonês porque
Havia muitos Kanjis...
E diferente do inglês onde, você pode
Sabe, mesmo se não souber a palavra
Você pode tentar ler ela parte por parte e tentar descobrir
Mas em japonês, você não consegue nem ler...
Você não consegue adivinhar como aquilo soaria
Porque existem tantas formas de um único Kanji
E quando eles estão juntos...
Quando tem 2 Kanji juntos, é...
Wow... como você lê isso!?
Enfim, eu não li tantos livros em japonês.
Mas eu aprendi que ler livros realmente ajuda a aprender a língua
Então eu comecei a ler em japonês,
Alguns bem simples,
E palavras que eu não soubesse,
Eu pesquisaria e escreveria no meu caderno
Para conseguir memorizar,
Ler mangas também ajudou bastante.
Algumas mangas têm furigana
Que é, além do kanji ele tem hiragana também,
Então era mais fácil de ler.
E me ajuda a procurar as palavras
que eu não sabia de forma mais rápida
e isso me ajudava bastante...
mangas também tem ilustrações, então dá para tentar imaginas
o que estão tentando passar, o que estão tentando dizer
e isso ajudava muito.
Eu pessoalmente lia MUITOS manga shojo...
Porque eu gosto de shojo...
E eu ainda leio... XD
Talvez na próxima eu recomende alguns para vocês!
Outra coisa que eu fiz, foi
Assistir animes e dramas japoneses
Com legendas em japonês
A razão para eu ver animes e dramas japoneses
Com legendas em japonês foi porque,
Sabe quando você assiste animes ou series
E tem palavras que você não entende,
Com as legendas
Aquela palavra com kanji aparece lá
Isso ajuda a como procurar o kanji,
A palavra, e ajuda a memorizar vocabulário.
Por fim, eu recomendo,
O que eu REALMENTE REALMENTE recomendo,
É conversar com japonese! (ou pessoas que saibam japonês)
Conversar ajuda muito a aprender uma língua
E ser capaz de se comunicar usando a língua
Sei que é fácil só sentar-se e
Só estudar palavras, vocabulário
E ler textos e tudo mais...
Mas conseguir conversar na língua
É realmente bem importante (eu acho pelo menos...)
Então o que eu sugiro é achar algum amigo japonês
Ou fazer alguns amigos, talvez do Japão
Sabe, Internet XD
Temos internet nos dias de hoje, você pode fazer literalmente de tudo!
Encontre alguns amigos japoneses
E pratique conversando em japonês
Porque isso vai ajudar muito, muito mesmo.
Eu espero ter ajudado de alguma forma,
Boa sorte a todos aprendendo japonês!
Eu ainda estudo muito kanji,
E ainda tem algumas palavras que eu não sei como usar
Conversando com o meu agente, algumas vezes eu...
“espe... uhm... o que isso significa...!?”
Porque mesmo que você leia livros
As palavras no livro são diferentes das que as pessoas...
Realmente falam...
Tem várias coisas que você só aprende conversando com outras pessoas :)
Boa sorte a todos, e vejo vocês no próximo vídeo!
sorry for vanish in the last few weeks, i was busy with my final paper
Ohh thank you so much!😇
I hope you did well in your final paper!!
Great video as usual here are spanish subs once again :D
Title: ¿Cómo estudie japonés?
Hoy quiero hablarles de como estudie japonés!
Noten que mis padres son japoneses,
Así que ellos me hablaban en japonés cuando yo era pequeña,
Entonces yo tenia un poco de conocimiento de japonés
desde que era pequeña
y yo iba a la escuela en sábado,
la cual era una escuela en sábado,
que duraba por 3 horas y nosotros estábamos aprendiendo
japonés, kanji, hiragana, katakana, etc...
Así es como aprendí mis habilidades básicas de japonés,
PERO, como las personas que aprenden japonés saben,
japonés no es todo acerca de ser capaz de
hablar japonés, y ser capaz de solo leer hiragana,
está el hiragana, katakana, kanji,
así que hay mucho de que aprender...
Cuando era pequeña fui capaz de
hablar un poco de japonés y leer hiragana,
pero, yo tenía muy bajas calificaciones en mis exámenes de la escuela de sabado...
era de
10 de 100
o 20 de 100 porque,
Yo no estaba realmente interesada en el japonés, yo era de que,
"¿Por que tengo que ir a la escuela los sábados?"
"¡¿Por qué tengo que ser capaz de leer este kanji kanji
que tiene como... 5 diferentes formas de leerse?!"
Así que yo no tenía nada de motivación para aprender japonés
y sacaba bajas calificaciones
Y obviamente, los estudiantes en la escuela,
la mayoría de los estudiantes ahí estaban mas cómodos hablando en ingles
así que en clase, los maestros nos dirían que habláramos en japonés,
pero, ya saben, niños....
La mayoría de los niños hablaban entre ellos en ingles,
lo cual, no ayudaba a aprender japonés.
Lo que me cambió, fue que empecé a pensar,
que quería convertirme en un actor de voz en Japón,
Le dije a mi mamá que quería
hacerme una actriz de voz en Japón, cuando estaba en escuela primaria,
y ella...miró mis calificaciones...y ella estuvo como
"Hey, sabes con estas calificaciones, no vas a ir a ninguna parte"
"No serías capaz de sobrevivir como actriz de voz"
Así que yo estaba como,
"¡Pero quiero convertirme en actriz de voz...!"
Así que desde ahí en adelante, estaba muy motivada en aprender japonés
que de hecho empecé a memorizarme el diccionario japonés
desde la primer
Entonces estaba como "a(あ), i(い), u(う), e(え), o(お)",
La primera palabra es esta, la siguiente es esta...
¡la tercera es esta...!
Yo de hecho literalmente pensaba "u"
en el alfabeto japonés
pero, empecé a darme cuenta de que no estaba siendo eficiente,
y los diccionarios tienen palabras que realmente no usas
en la vida diaria.
Así que lo que hice, y lo que pienso que me ayudó a aprender japonés,
¡fue el leer mas!
Me gusta leer desde que soy muy pequeña,
así que estaba leyendo muchos libros en ingles, pero
yo dudaba mucho en leer libros en japonés porque
tiene mucho kanji...
y a diferencia del ingles, donde puedes
saben, aunque no sepas la palabra
puedes mas o menos leer lo que la palabra suena parecer,
pero en japonés, ni siquiera puedes leer...
no puedes ni siquiera adivinar como suena
porque hay demasiadas maneras de como poder leer un kanji.
Y obviamente cuando están pegadas juntas...
así que hay dos kanjis pegados, es como...
wow... ¡¿Como lees esto?!
Así que, yo de hecho no leo muchos libros japoneses,
pero yo aprendí que leer libros en verdad te ayuda con el lenguaje
así que yo empecé a leer libros en japonés,
como muy simples,
y las palabras que no sabía,
las buscaría y las escribía en mi cuaderno para que
la pudiera memorizar después,
también leer manga me ayudó mucho.
Lo que hice fue, leía manga en japonés,
y, algunos mangas tienen furigana,
que significa que además del kanji tienen hiragana en ellos
así que era más fácil de leer.
Y eso me ayudo para buscar palabras que
no sabía de una manera más rápida,
así que eso mas o menos me ayudó...
También las ilustraciones del manga, para que te puedas mas o menos imaginar
lo que están tratando de decir o lo que están tratando de expresar.
Eso realmente me ayudó también.
Personalmente leo MUCHO shojo manga...
porque me gusta el shojo manga...
Y todavía lo hago...XD
¡Tal vez la siguiente vez les recomiendo alguno!
Otra cosa que hice, fue
Veía anime y dramas japoneses
con subtítulos en japonés.
La razón por la que veía anime en japonés y drama japonés
con los subtítulos era porque,
sabes cuando estas viendo anime y dramas,
y están como palabras que realmente no entiendes
si los subtítulos están ahí
entonces esa palabra con el kanji va a aparecer en los subtítulos.
Así que eso me ayudó a buscar los kanjis.
Buscar las palabras, y eso me ayudo a memorizar mucho vocabulario.
Finalmente, lo que puedo recomendar,
lo que EN VERDAD recomiendo,
¡es hablar en japonés con personas! (o personas que puedan hablar japonés)
Hablar realmente te ayuda a aprender el lenguaje
y ser capaz de comunicarte usando ese lenguaje.
Se que es realmente fácil solo sentarte en tu escritorio
y solo estudiar palabras, vocabulario,
y leer textos y todo...
pero ser capaz de hablar en ese lenguaje
también es muy importante (o eso pienso...)
Así que lo que yo recomiendo es encontrar unos amigos japoneses,
¡o hacer unos amigos, incluso en Japón!
porque saben, internet XD
¡Hay internet estos días, literalmente puedes hacer lo que sea!
Así que encuentra unos amigos japoneses,
y practica hablando en japonés con ellos
porque eso en verdad te ayuda a aprender japonés.
Así que, espero que les haya ayudado en alguna manera,
¡Buena suerte a todos los que están aprendiendo japonés!
Todavía estoy estudiando mucho kanji,
y aún hay algunas palabras que ni siquiera se como usarlas
Hablo con mi manager y en ocasiones estoy como...
"Espera...uhm...¡¿Que significa esta palabra...?!"
Porque a veces aunque leas libros...
las palabras usadas en libros son diferentes a las palabras que usan las personas...
fuera de su boca así que...
Hay muchas cosas que puedes aprender solo con hablar con personas :)
Así que... sí!
Buena suerte a todos y los veré en el siguiente video!
Thank youu!💝
I've uploaded them now!! :D
un heroe sin capa
We were all scared of 2-word kanjis, until that 4-word kanji idiom came and said hi
good job
*Subtitle bahasa indonesia*
I'm still lazy about learning Japanese for now. I wish my laziness is gone XD.
Anyway, thanks for the tips (‐^▽^‐).
Title: Bagaimana aku belajar bahasa Jepang??
Aku ingin berbicara dengan kalian hari ini tentang bagaimana aku belajar bahasa Jepang!
Hanya mencatat bahwa orang tuaku orang Jepang,
jadi mereka berbicara denganku dalam bahasa Jepang ketika aku kecil,
Jadi aku punya sedikit pengetahuan tentang bahasa Jepang
sejak aku masih sangat kecil,
dan aku pergi ke Sekolah Sabtu,
yang merupakan sekolah pada hari Sabtu,
berjalan selama 3 jam dan kami belajar
bahasa Jepang, seperti kanji, hiragana, katakana, dll...
Itulah caraku belajar kemampuan dasar bahasa Jepangku,
TETAPI, sebagai orang yang belajar bahasa Jepang tahu,
bahasa Jepang bukan hanya
berbicara bahasa Jepang, dan membaca hiragana,
ada hiragana, katakana, kanji,
jadi cukup banyak yang perlu kalian pelajari...
Ketika aku masih kecil aku sudah bisa
berbicara bahasa Jepang sedikit, dan aku bisa membaca hiragana,
tetapi, aku mendapatkan nilai rendah dalam Ujian Sekolah Sabtu...
itu seperti,
10 dari 100...
atau 20 dari 100 karena,
Aku tidak terlalu tertarik dengan bahasa Jepang itu sendiri, aku seperi,
"Kenapa aku harus pergi ke Sekolah Sabtu??"
"Kenapa aku harus bisa membaca Kanji ini"
"yang mempunyai... 5 cara berbeda untuk membacanya!?"
Jadi aku tidak punya motivasi belajar bahasa Jepang,
dan aku mendapat nilai rendah,
Dan tentunya, murid yang ada di sekolah,
kebanyakan muridnya lebih nyaman berbicara bahasa Inggris,
jadi di kelas, guru memberitahu kami untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Jepang,
tapi, kalian tahu, anak-anak...😅
Kebanyakan anak-anak berbicara dengan yang lain dalam bahasa Inggris,
yang, tidak membantu dalam belajar bahasa Jepang.
Apa yang mengubahku, ketika aku mulai berpikir,
bahwa aku ingin menjadi pengisi suara di Jepang,
Aku memberitahu ibuku bahwa aku ingin
menjadi pengisi suara di Jepang, ketika aku masih SD,
dan dia... melihat nilai ujianku... dan dia seperti
"Hey, kamu tahu nilai ujian ini, kamu tidak akan pergi kemana pun."
"Kamu tidak akan bertahan sebagai pengisi suara"
Jadi aku seperti,
"Tapi aku ingin menjadi seorang pengisi suara...!"
Jadi dari itu, aku sangat termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Jepang
aku benar-benar mulai menghafal kamus bahasa Jepang
dari halaman pertama... lol
Jadi aku seperti "a(あ)", "i(い)", "u(う)", "e(え)", "o(お)",
Kata pertamanya ini, selanjutnya ini...
yang ketiga ini...!!!
Aku benar-benar berpikir, "u(う)"
dalam alfabet bahasa Jepang...
Tetapi, aku mulai sadar bahwa itu tidak efisien,
dan kamus mempunyai kata-kata yang tidak kalian gunakan
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Jadi yang aku lakukan, dan apa yang membantuku belajar bahasa Jepang,
adalah untuk membaca lebih banyak!
Aku suka membaca ketika masih sangat kecil,
jadi aku sudah membaca cukup banyak buku bahasa Inggris, tetapi
Aku sangat enggan untuk membaca buku bahasa Jepang karena
berapa banyak Kanji yang ada di sana...
dan tidak seperi bahasa Inggris, kalian bisa
kalian tahu, bahkan jika kalian tidak tahu arti katanya
kalian bisa membaca seperti apa kata itu,
tapi dalam bahasa Jepang, kalian bahkan tidak dapat membaca...
kalian tidak dapat menebak seperti apa suaranya
karena ada banyak sekali cara membaca satu kanji.
Dan ketika mereka bergabung...
Jadi jika ada 2 kanji bergabung, itu seperti...
wow... bagaimana kamu membaca ini!?
Jadi, aku tidak benar-benar membaca banyak buku bahasa Jepang,
tapi aku belajar bahwa buku bacaan sangat membantu kalian
jadi aku mulai membaca buku bahasa Jepang,
dari yang mudah,
dan kata-kata yang tidak aku tahu,
Aku mencarinya dan mencatatnya dalam buku catatanku jadi
aku bisa menghafalnya nanti,
Membaca manga juga banyak membantuku.
Apa yang kulakukan, aku membaca manga dalam bahasa Jepang,
dan, beberapa manga mempunyai furigana,
yang berarti, di sebalah kanji terdapat hiragana
jadi lebih mudah untuk dibaca.
Dan itu membantuku untuk dapat mencari kata-kata yang
Aku tidak tahu lebih cepat,
Jadi itu membantuku...
Manga juga mempunyai ilustrasi, jadi kalian bisa membayangkan
apa yang mereka coba katakan dari apa yang mereka coba ungkapkan.
Jadi itu cukup banyak membantuku!
Aku pribadi membaca banyak manga shojo...
karena aku suka manga shojo...
dan aku masih melakukannya... XD
Mungkin lain waktu aku akan merekomendasikan kalian beberapa!
Hal lain yang aku lakukan adalah
aku melihat anime dan drama Jepang
dengan takarir bahasa Jepang.
Alasan mengapa aku melihat anime dan drama Jepang
dengan takarir, karena,
kalian tahu ketika kalian melihat anime dan drama,
dan ada kata-kata yang tidak kalian mengerti,
jika ada takarir di sana,
lalu kata itu dengan kanjinya akan muncul dalam takarirnya.
Jadi itu membantuku mencari kanjinya,
mencari kata-katanya, dan membantuku mengingat cukup banyak kosa kata.
Terakhir, apa yang dapat aku rekomendasikan,
apa yang BENAR-BENAR dapat aku rekomendasikan,
adalah mengobrol dengan orang Jepang! (atau dengan orang yang bisa bahasa Jepang)
Mengobrol sangat membantu kalian untuk mempelajari bahasa itu sendiri
dan dapat berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa itu.
Aku tahu sangat mudah untuk hanya duduk di mejamu
dan hanya belajar kata-katanya, kosa kata,
dan membaca teks dan semuanya...
tapi dapat berbicara dalam bahasa itu
sangat penting (atau begitulah menurutku...)
Jadi apa yang aku sarankan adalah cari beberapa teman orang Jepang,
atau berteman, bahkan mungkin di Jepang!
karena kalian tahu, internet XD
Ada internet hari ini, kalian dapat melakukan apapun!
Jadi cari beberapa teman orang Jepang,
dan berlatih berbicara dengan mereka dalam bahasa Jepang
Karena itu akan sangat-sangat membantu kalian belajar bahasa Jepang.
Jadi, aku harap ini dapat membantu dalam beberapa cara,
Semoga beruntung untuk semua yang belajar bahasa Jepang!
Aku masih belajar beberapa kanji,
dan masih ada beberapa kata yang bahkan aku tidak tahu cara menggunakannya
Aku berbicara dengan manajerku dan kadang aku seperti...
"Tunggu... uhm... apa arti dari kata itu...!?"
Karena kadang bahkan jika kalian membaca buku...
kata-kata yang digunakan dalam buku berbeda dengan kata-kata yang orang gunakan...
keluar dari mulut mereka, jadi...
Ada banyak hal yang kalian bisa pelajari hanya dengan mengobrol dengan orang :)
Jadi... ya!
Semoga beruntung semuanya, dan sampai jumpa di video selanjutnya!
Thank you for the subs!💝I've uploaded them now for everyone to use :)
and yes...Japanese is a super hard language to learn...
Actually I only speak thai with my mom, but sometimes you just don't know or forgot the word and turn to the other language you speak (in my case it's german or swiss german) does someone else who is bilingual do that too?
Very Welll English
Did you forget to make the shojo rec. video?
i have self study japanese language in 10 years.........but still not smooth yet to speak it, is there a slightly easier way to speak japanese properly? Thank you.........
do you know any sites where you can watch anime with japanese subtitles? :o
i desperately need help in my nihongo