Olověná noc /Die Nacht aus Blei/ 1985

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @lacazelionel-gerard6452
    @lacazelionel-gerard6452 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you very much for upload this underrated chef d'œuvre of Czech director PetrWeigl (1939-2018). Totally unknown his was essentially a director of opera and ballet but also a movie picture director whose beginning was "Raduz and Mahulena" (1970), a film inspired by the Secession style at image. Such esthetic work was no more permitted after 1969 in Prague. With the "normalization" in Czechoslovakia, he was not permitted to direct other films only a version "Rusalka" (L'Ondine) in 1977. He worked for TV and in the 1980 in Germany where he turned this film-ballet about a homophobic murder and the pre-murder and after-life of the protagonist. Scenography, music are first class. Influence of Pasolini, Fassbinder and his proper world. The film is a profound meditation on beauty and death. It's a scandal that nobody recognized his genius (only in Germany and a little in Czech Republic). Hommage to the Young ballet dancer and actor handsome Lubomir Kafka who died at 34 years, 4 years after this film. A book was published on Weigl's work in the 1990's in Prague with superb pictures. He was gay and turned a version of ""Le martyr de Saint Sebastien" (1984) with Michael Biehn in the title role and participation of actors by Pasolini. He filmed also a version of "The turn of the Screw" in 1982.

    • @enilnomlif
      @enilnomlif  6 лет назад

      YES!!! Everything is exact! Thanks for Your words. I have my own commentary on another place of these sites, where I confess my participating of "8 1/2"... Not with Fellini, but just with Peter Weigl. It is the number of my participate on his movies of 80th... By that time I was the camera assistent on "Sebastian", "Werther", "Nacht aus Blei" and some others... It was a great pleasure for me, starting this work by second half of "The Turn" and I consider all these following common years the best of my professional career. Now, when the life lane of this magnificent creator has been finished, I feel to be obliged to popularize his amazing work, wrongly neglected and even almost unknown by movie viewers... I am proud that number of visitors "Sebastian" on my website is near half of million and I am ready to go on publication other titles as soon as I shall be able and the law will allow me... Meanwhile there are together 4 here, could You find them, please?

    • @lacazelionel-gerard6452
      @lacazelionel-gerard6452 6 лет назад

      It's me to thank you to have upoloaded "Olovena noc". Twenty years I wanted to write a monography o Czech movie. But It's difficult to see movies. With the net, I collected many (but allmost lost all). I tried to reconstitute my collection with the site "ulozto" and went in CZ. But at that time, films were in VHS and not DVD.
      Here I discovered Weigl when I baught the book made on him. But the difficulty is Czech language. At a time when I worked on my monography (not finished but 350ff) there was a phenomenon of habituation and I began to understand. My study was on films, historical and search for themes. I found some. I wanted to do a thesis on that which was refused. Psychology and cinema are terra incognita.
      The first film of Weigl I was "Raduz & Mahulena" one the work of the new wave with a new use of color which make these films the major ignored movies of this wave because done after 68 and nobody in Occident had interessed for them. Films like those of Chytilova's chef d'œuvre ("Ovoce.., adaptations of Juraj Herz (also died this year) and other were ignored even dispised. I ask me if there was not "normalization" what should have been" Czech movie. An example is for me these 2 films of Weigl and Nemec 'adaptation of Kafka. I have to see other than Sebastian the other you put online. "Die Nacht aus Blei" is for me such a high level to rejoin Pasolini, Fassbinder and the greatest filmmakersof the '70. In my personal film this film is second after Fellini's Satyricon and Pasolini ax-aequo. Very touching, aesthetic and Lubomir Kafka was an angel (alas dead at 34 y). So sad. The music is second in the movie but a chef d'œuvre. It's difficult to me to see that film because its theme on death of an angel is hard to swallow an homophobic murder. Excuse me to have been so long. I had a passion for Czech movie and to see this I aspected 30 y to see it. So beautiful and distrbing. But …"only to the happy few". All the best. Thank also for your personal story. I remember your name.All the best.

  • @enilnomlif
    @enilnomlif  7 лет назад +2

    Točil jsem 8 a 1/2! Ne ovšem s Fellinim a ne pod tímto názvem. Je to celkový počet titulů režiséra Petra Weigla, na nichž jsem měl možnost participovat ve funkci asistenta kameramana během svého angažmá ve Filmovém studiu Barrandov. S téměř již třicetiletým odstupem považuji tuto spolupráci dodnes za jedinou hodnou připomenutí. Nevlastním bohužel originály, ale i záznamy jejich televizního uvedení v dobově bezkonkurenčním formátu VHS a systému SECAM bedlivě opatruji. O většinu z nich se doufám stihnu podělit i na těchto stránkách...

    • @leoskovarik9592
      @leoskovarik9592 7 лет назад

      to by bylo o Vás záslužné. Většina filmů Petra Weigla je nesehnatelná. a přitom se jedná o takové umělecké skvosty..

    • @jiri111000
      @jiri111000 6 лет назад

      i já se přidám s prosbou o přidávání těchto skvostů. mimochodem podle titulků odhaduji, že jde o uvedení ze začátku 90.let. je tomu tak?

  • @lacazelionel-gerard6452
    @lacazelionel-gerard6452 5 лет назад

    Hi! Mr Moravec
    I write you because as you know I have been very touched by this film. In searching about it either I found that Lubomir Kafka died very young. I can say this novel schocked me.
    I wanted to know if you have some pics of this splendid dancer and actor. And if you please if it is the case can you send me some.
    Thank you in advance

  • @tmsmkr169
    @tmsmkr169 4 года назад

    Zdravím pán Moravec, nemáte niekde originálny súbor? Vďaka.

    • @enilnomlif
      @enilnomlif  4 года назад +1

      Bohužel. Byl to velmi náročný projekt zahraniční zakázky, natočený z velké části v reálech, po nocích a za třeskutého mrazu. Jsem tedy vděčný i za tuto kopii, neboť za každým záběrem si vybavuji ono tvůrčí úsilí tandemu režiséra Weigla s výraznou osobností kameramana Jaroslava Kučery, nikterak nepolevující ani v těchto ztížených podmínkách, vyžadujících maximální sepětí i fyzického nasazení celého filmového štábu. A taky specifický, zodpovědný přístup k "mým" doménám natáčecí techniky a filmové suroviny...

    • @tmsmkr169
      @tmsmkr169 4 года назад

      @@enilnomlif Vďaka ja som mal skôr na mysli, súbor teda zdigitalizovanú VHS predpokladám, ktorý ste uploadli na youtube. Chcel by som sa tiež opýtať spomínate si na prácu s Michaelom Biehnom (vo filme Franz). Ešte by som nezabudol, je to naozaj skvelé dielo. Som fanúšik

    • @enilnomlif
      @enilnomlif  4 года назад +1

      @@tmsmkr169 Mám to samozřejmě stažené na disku, jako všecko, na čem jsem dělal s Weiglem. Ale až na jedinou výjimku /Werther/ nevlastním žádné originály. Dělal bych pro to víc, ale nemám na to dost prostředků. Uvítal bych jakoukoliv, byť i jen symbolickou formu sponzoringu... Michael Biehn? Dělal s námi hlavně Sebastiana /viz zde/, tenkrát absolutně neznámý, mlaďounký, začínající elév... Nosil si věci osobní potřeby v povlaku od polštáře z hotelu... Ká Dvojka, Vetřelec aj. filmy přišly mnohem později...