SKT vs FNC | Day 7 S9 LoL Worlds 2019 Group Stage | SK Telecom T1 vs Fnatic

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

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  • @EpicSkillshot
    @EpicSkillshot  5 лет назад +22

    2019 Worlds Groups Playlist:
    Follow all updates on my FB page where I communicate the most -
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  • @JLMetaMix
    @JLMetaMix 5 лет назад +453

    *In Meeting Room*
    SKT Team: whats the plan.
    Koma: Just yolo play it, Dive to your hearts contend.

    • @Nattbad
      @Nattbad 5 лет назад +50

      Every G2 meeting

    • @fcos9704
      @fcos9704 5 лет назад +2

      @@Nattbad sure

    • @nemjor9253
      @nemjor9253 5 лет назад

      JL MetaMix A

    • @dantheman3022
      @dantheman3022 5 лет назад +2

      Already excuses lololololololol

    • @drinkwaterreminderformenot919
      @drinkwaterreminderformenot919 5 лет назад +8

      @@dantheman3022 its true if you clearly watched.... they were making so many mistakes that were pretty questionable

  • @775.-
    @775.- 5 лет назад +216

    Gragas & Veigar were cleaner than the soap dettol

  • @mischanorizin4677
    @mischanorizin4677 5 лет назад +516

    Epic Skillshot faster than FNC hopes returning.

    • @EpicSkillshot
      @EpicSkillshot  5 лет назад +42

      i'm cheering for FNC so hard right now :)

    • @MuskaYTB
      @MuskaYTB 5 лет назад +1

      @@EpicSkillshot Same ❤️

    • @mischanorizin4677
      @mischanorizin4677 5 лет назад

      @@EpicSkillshot let's hope Clutch does it for the west.

    • @mathieul4303
      @mathieul4303 5 лет назад +7

      Seems like FNC hopes weren't in vain

    • @Christopher6hf
      @Christopher6hf 5 лет назад +1

      @@EpicSkillshot Yourr my fav channel and you go for FNC as well? Man

  • @KleinpeterHank
    @KleinpeterHank 5 лет назад +251

    That Veigar was SUCH a smart pick. The event horizon is fantastic into every champion SKT has.

    • @lyg483
      @lyg483 5 лет назад +34

      Event horizon is easly one of the best no-R abilities of the game

    • @SimpleInThinking
      @SimpleInThinking 5 лет назад +27

      When you're trapped inside the event horizon, you have no option but flash away or choose to stay inside and receiving tons of damage from veigar and his teammates

    • @sirneil1419
      @sirneil1419 5 лет назад

      @@SimpleInThinking if you're a low elo player and no IQ i guess...
      Smokescreen? And the 2nd skill of vegar are dodgeable believe me...

    • @omniyambot9876
      @omniyambot9876 5 лет назад +20

      ToniProductions well you can dodge it even if you're inside it. but veigar is good on teamfights and interrupts all engages because of his E. and yes, how can you dodge tons of skills in a small area?

    • @natef1212
      @natef1212 5 лет назад +1

      vladimir can get out with his untargetable ability

  • @duodecillion8954
    @duodecillion8954 5 лет назад +510

    skt were testing league of legends mobile version

    • @nickhudson5266
      @nickhudson5266 5 лет назад +78

      @Git Gud If SKT is overrated then G2 shouldn't even be a thought lmao

    • @ddalkii
      @ddalkii 5 лет назад +18

      Git Gud is this kid serious?

    • @brianlee1733
      @brianlee1733 5 лет назад +32

      @Git Gud yea they are just wins worlds like 5 times yes for sure over rated

    • @leekanoa6072
      @leekanoa6072 5 лет назад +17

      @Git Gud yeah winning worlds multiple times and going 5-0 in current SO..overated.. lmao. You're dumb.

    • @Alex-do5ke
      @Alex-do5ke 5 лет назад +6

      @Git Gud It was a strategy to lose, kid.

  • @hedgeguy7527
    @hedgeguy7527 5 лет назад +115

    When kkoma sees 4-1 Skt

  • @sya4849
    @sya4849 5 лет назад +286

    That Rekkles troll in champ select XD

  • @mikelytou
    @mikelytou 5 лет назад +227

    To be honest, when I saw this game was a 29 minute video, I feared the worst for FNC.
    And instead they pretty much shredded SKT.

    • @timeless1882
      @timeless1882 5 лет назад +6

      Same lol

    • @lucasyoderick2602
      @lucasyoderick2602 5 лет назад +64

      Intentional loss by SKT, dude. I mean even TL knows how to play around Veigar. Those failed dives were intentional.

    • @sunitadhamania6740
      @sunitadhamania6740 5 лет назад


    • @silver3990
      @silver3990 5 лет назад +16

      Ehhh it’s not too big of an issue SKT dropped one game I mean people thought G2 was gonna have a clean run then Griffin stomped them into the ground I feel like as long as these teams make it outta groups with decent places shouldn’t matter in the end

    • @lucasyoderick2602
      @lucasyoderick2602 5 лет назад +3

      @@silver3990 RNG is a threat but SKT still had GRF

  • @RoomerJ
    @RoomerJ 5 лет назад +31

    This guy saying Veigar can't go offensive. Did he miss just a few days ago when veigar got brought in?

  • @ZRazehLoL
    @ZRazehLoL 5 лет назад +21

    14:30 Clid's Lee sin kick to deny gragus the smite

  • @JOSEPHXsMusic
    @JOSEPHXsMusic 5 лет назад +228

    Imagine guys...

    • @mohddanielhaiqalramli922
      @mohddanielhaiqalramli922 5 лет назад +22

      Its intentional

    • @MaxZerox69
      @MaxZerox69 5 лет назад +26

      @@qui1010 he had his ult ready, he just didn't expected to be killed so instantly by Veigar ult

    • @mattvidurys
      @mattvidurys 5 лет назад +11

      what's the excuse this time, Koreaboos?

    • @LooneyClipse
      @LooneyClipse 5 лет назад +10

      @@MaxZerox69 tfw faker doesnt expect that veigar also bursts.

    • @Clarity520
      @Clarity520 5 лет назад +33

      It was obviously a clear int to bring rng into a tie breaker with fnc. There's no way in hell Faker didn't anticipate veigar's ult

  • @christianwai1796
    @christianwai1796 5 лет назад +103

    Nemesis is playing out of his mind

    • @christianwai1796
      @christianwai1796 5 лет назад +16

      @@ivmen98 Nemesis is carrying fnatic when they win and when they lose he is one of the only ones performing. He wasnt really expected to be the top player of fnatic (at least by me and maybe im clueless lol). Are you gonna attack him and my point by pointing to a situation in which he didnt even play badly?

    • @christianwai1796
      @christianwai1796 5 лет назад +14

      @@ivmen98 if you did i am sorry just had so much irony and bitterness comming to those kinda comments that i automatically assumed every comment was negative. Sorry mate

    • @kaiwatanabe3736
      @kaiwatanabe3736 5 лет назад +9

      Nemesis was insane but i feel like hylli is really coin flip in some of these games. If he was consistent, fnatic have a great chance in winning worlds

    • @christianwai1796
      @christianwai1796 5 лет назад

      @luke g well facts spoken but i wasnt talking about that game only. Maybe he had the better matchup but nemesis was the only fnatic player to perform relatively consistant in all the games and i think he deserves to be praised for that

  • @Rajveersingh-se8sx
    @Rajveersingh-se8sx 5 лет назад +64

    25:17 bwipo taunting then dies.

  • @BillZheng
    @BillZheng 5 лет назад +111

    Who is here after FNATIC got out of the group of death?

    • @user-gv1ud2oq1w
      @user-gv1ud2oq1w 5 лет назад +24

      FNC is part of what made the group the group of death imo, i feel bad for CG

    • @this_guy_here3090
      @this_guy_here3090 5 лет назад +9

      @@user-gv1ud2oq1w part but I dont think they were part of the death group.. rng and skt were the one that made it a death group..

    • @beiggo21
      @beiggo21 5 лет назад +9

      @@this_guy_here3090 It was a group of death for cg but not for the other 3. FNC isn't worse than rng and not enough worse than skt to call it a "death" matchup. FNC could even take skt down in a b05 on a good day.

    • @AbsolutGoblin
      @AbsolutGoblin 5 лет назад

      Toua Vang and still rng got smashed by fnc?

    • @Jayrem7
      @Jayrem7 5 лет назад +2

      @@this_guy_here3090 U forgot that Fnatic is world vice champion...

  • @rajivnarayan5214
    @rajivnarayan5214 5 лет назад +6

    When nemesis got dove by those 4 people his positioning on the 2nd tier turret brush to prevent getting ganked from behind was some insane foresight holy moly, and it also made the gap to attack extremely small for SKT

  • @JOSEPHXsMusic
    @JOSEPHXsMusic 5 лет назад +91

    - Who you think you are ? Faker ?

    • @775.-
      @775.- 5 лет назад +11

      He's like SIT DOWN and BE HUMBLE

    • @justspace4217
      @justspace4217 5 лет назад +20

      Im an akali main and let me tell u what i think about that bs and why i always ban veigar. This champ can one shot akali the sec he gets his ult. And when his built he can one shot akali's whole health while only using he's ult. Which is retarded.

    • @justspace4217
      @justspace4217 5 лет назад +5

      That's the reason faker couldn't do much

    • @tuerdotwav
      @tuerdotwav 5 лет назад +12


    • @Mitoru.
      @Mitoru. 5 лет назад +17

      @@justspace4217 Imagine a champion that can oneshot you, that's so unfair.

  • @zaneeeneal
    @zaneeeneal 5 лет назад +83

    SKT finally got a herald eye lol

    • @Alex-do5ke
      @Alex-do5ke 5 лет назад +5

      nah. it's all Kkoma's strategy to kick out RNG from the groups so they won't face RNG again.

    • @stellar5634
      @stellar5634 5 лет назад +14

      @@Alex-do5ke What are you talking about? This guy is talking about the herald eye

    • @corvair5454
      @corvair5454 5 лет назад +4

      @@stellar5634 lmao ikr

    • @meoshimo5592
      @meoshimo5592 5 лет назад +5

      @@Alex-do5ke Yea, because Kkoma was sure that FNC will win 1-0 RNG but ofc he is sure they cant beat them twice that's a great strategy, I remember an interview where Faker said he is sad that he did not 6-0 (SKT is seed 1 interview) Man you SKT fan are so delusional xD

  • @davejavu1863
    @davejavu1863 5 лет назад +70

    when faker missed that one minion we all knew skt is going easy on em

    • @davejavu1863
      @davejavu1863 5 лет назад +4

      thorbjørn mann you mad bro?

    • @Robert-fc9xz
      @Robert-fc9xz 5 лет назад

      @@davejavu1863 thats not a very good excuse

    • @Chrontard
      @Chrontard 5 лет назад +4

      yeh sure skt did go easy on g2 to lose msi also..

    • @alexursu563
      @alexursu563 5 лет назад +4

      Skt is going easy on everybody thats why they have been irrelevant for 2 years lmfao

    • @davejavu1863
      @davejavu1863 5 лет назад

      thorbjørn mann damn, u sure is taking this sarcasm for real lmao smh

  • @Osun6
    @Osun6 5 лет назад +268

    SKT 5Head wintrading to potentially eliminate RNG

    • @UpperMoon95
      @UpperMoon95 5 лет назад +13

      I think so

    • @somerandomdude1988
      @somerandomdude1988 5 лет назад +9

      I hope that's true. I just can't believe Skt lost to fnatic despite winning against rng TWICE. I'm really dissapointed right now.

    • @zobmixer9122
      @zobmixer9122 5 лет назад +52

      @@Mdmok27 I love this excuses. "SKT lost because they have a plan hehhe". I love this really. Koreans are so so so salty. I really wish that skt grf and damwon would lose in quarters it would be hillarious to see their reactions.

    • @babatunde805
      @babatunde805 5 лет назад +69

      @@zobmixer9122 you do realize that EU fans do the same right? "G2 lost to GRF because of (insert reason)." Cant call out koreans fans when EU fans do the same.

    • @911wasdonebyfukinturtles9
      @911wasdonebyfukinturtles9 5 лет назад +41

      @@zobmixer9122 korean is better than eu

  • @Pythonerate
    @Pythonerate 5 лет назад +1

    Drakos' sudden transitions into lightspeed play-by-play commentary have me rolling on the floor. huge props to him

  • @MrOrthodox13
    @MrOrthodox13 5 лет назад +33

    When you win so hard against SKT making everyone that butthurt, that they think you are wintrading.
    *Can it get any better*

    • @kanzakikun
      @kanzakikun 5 лет назад +4

      Yeah, gotta love how skt fans sucks them off bevause if skt lose is only because they are trolling KEKW

    • @bluemeep5861
      @bluemeep5861 5 лет назад +1

      Delusional Eu fans sucking off G2 and fnc but they can’t even top their groups in neither a or c yikes

    • @janl5879
      @janl5879 5 лет назад +2

      @@kanzakikun I am not a SKT Fan but the Dive from Faker or the Fiesta on Top was just a big Matchfixing.

    • @MrOrthodox13
      @MrOrthodox13 5 лет назад +1

      @@bluemeep5861 Pathetic.

  • @CommonRoyal
    @CommonRoyal 5 лет назад +66

    Godamn skt gonna be banned in China

    • @Alex-mf8dr
      @Alex-mf8dr 5 лет назад +3

      not like South korea, they banned China vs Korea LOL Asian Games after korea lost。

    • @lucasyoderick2602
      @lucasyoderick2602 5 лет назад

      China also uses win trading. Suning Gaming used this technique to avoid fighting IG.

    • @praklang264
      @praklang264 5 лет назад

      That's y they have a coach

    • @bootione3276
      @bootione3276 5 лет назад

      @@Alex-mf8dr but China banned hongkong from their freedom

  • @ayumuchorizo4486
    @ayumuchorizo4486 5 лет назад +36

    Instead of arguing/debating/justifying/theorizing in the comments how 'bout we just be happy for fnatic for bagging this win and just wish good luck for both teams on their next game? 😊

    • @avatarkalo2802
      @avatarkalo2802 5 лет назад

      skt is a better team than fnc they just had a bad game

    • @wilfredomangila696
      @wilfredomangila696 5 лет назад +1

      I hope everyone have the same mindset as yours.

    • @astrea4020
      @astrea4020 5 лет назад +1

      Ayumu Chorizo this is the league community be reasonable

    • @Tenpesuto-D
      @Tenpesuto-D 5 лет назад

      Actual lol players: We dont do that here

    • @mahiruchan6424
      @mahiruchan6424 5 лет назад

      Too bad no, skt fans jus a sore loser that's all.

  • @alexjl8513
    @alexjl8513 5 лет назад +87

    Did anyone see the dude in the chat: "SKT lost so that their pick-ems would be right"
    Edit: It's a joke guys, please don't fight over this or take it seriously.

    • @amboyfie217
      @amboyfie217 5 лет назад

      Alexj L yeah your right

    • @imhachi6500
      @imhachi6500 5 лет назад +9

      Skt lost on purpose for a chance to get rng knocked out there plan worked perfectly n also go an easiest group for next set

    • @sunasaru9615
      @sunasaru9615 5 лет назад +6

      Im Hachi if this is true, they should be punished very hardly

    • @poro9211
      @poro9211 5 лет назад +13

      @@sunasaru9615 Not really its a strategy its legal

    • @coinneachXO
      @coinneachXO 5 лет назад +3

      @@sunasaru9615 For? Losing on purpose for their own benefits? Makes sense bruh

  • @marko9547
    @marko9547 5 лет назад +1

    How do you get hexaflash

  • @efthymiosn3381
    @efthymiosn3381 5 лет назад +3

    For all of you haters: Here 15:46 could have killed him and flash out but did not press r quick enough cause he first pressed q.

  • @klompi
    @klompi 5 лет назад +8

    after that clown fiesta versus cg i didnt belived that they can win skt/rng... idk fnatic splyce after first week was 1-2 and both teams come back with 3-0 its like something impossible to do. holy shiiiiiiiiiet

  • @jorgemendez4517
    @jorgemendez4517 5 лет назад +84

    SKT FANS: "It WaS IntEnTiOnaL"

    • @markjosephejares1612
      @markjosephejares1612 5 лет назад +26

      which is true, RNG is out

    • @TheToXiiK72
      @TheToXiiK72 5 лет назад +40

      @@markjosephejares1612 Why would SKT be scared by RNG when the beat them twice xD. SKT Throwing the game intentionally would get them disqualified. Why would SKT risk that just so that a team that they beat twice don't get out of groups ?

    • @jorgemendez4517
      @jorgemendez4517 5 лет назад +19

      @@markjosephejares1612 nope, fnc just won fairly

    • @nik7bkh965
      @nik7bkh965 5 лет назад +43

      @@TheToXiiK72 wow that's too much Logic for these dumb Korean fanboys/EU haters from garbage NA region... Let them believe their dumb conspiracy bullshit. These type of people think the world is flat too...

    • @samuricexful
      @samuricexful 5 лет назад

      Nik 420 LOL you’re gotten to. If you actually believe the shit you said you wouldn’t be so mad.

  • @therealsquadax8534
    @therealsquadax8534 5 лет назад +2

    So deserved. FNC is back 🖤🧡

    • @therealsquadax8534
      @therealsquadax8534 5 лет назад

      @Timothy Sean Carlos C. Nakpil They eleminated Rng too

    • @therealsquadax8534
      @therealsquadax8534 5 лет назад

      @Timothy Sean Carlos C. Nakpil I do, come back here when Fnc got worlds

  • @LleoneLevano
    @LleoneLevano 5 лет назад +23

    LMAO it’s okkkk, focus on the next game!!!

  • @dragonxda2
    @dragonxda2 5 лет назад +31

    What if SKT was actually feeding just so they could get RNG out early, which did happen.

    • @reymarm.3
      @reymarm.3 5 лет назад +3

      yeaa. They dropped their 1 match so that if FNC will win in RNG. its advance to groupstage without a tie breaker

    • @lightingsword8268
      @lightingsword8268 5 лет назад +1

      that's right

    • @deodoens8668
      @deodoens8668 5 лет назад

      fuck... they are in another lvl o_O

    • @pogchamp2897
      @pogchamp2897 5 лет назад +5

      Imagine unironicaly say that, they bashed RNG twice in a row they are not a threat to them at all

    • @yitzu48
      @yitzu48 5 лет назад +3

      SKT acttually looked if they were trying to giving the mathc to fanatic i mean is their home soil. the game was weird overall

  • @Mobiiius
    @Mobiiius 5 лет назад +8

    Imagine being a #1 Seed and losing to a Veigar comp. KEKW

    • @lewinathan8868
      @lewinathan8868 5 лет назад +5

      Lul seems you didnt know that confirmed wintrading by riot games support
      Cuz they wont let rng go upper so atleast korea and eu still have 3 teams

    • @stevenleblanc8146
      @stevenleblanc8146 5 лет назад +2

      The amount of luls from peons shitting on a god squad that dominated the group of death. Almost as funny as fanboys claiming SKT "win trading" this one away. They were playing far too loose and didn't stop, very unlike SKT now and historically. It's one game though, not even a relevant one. Props to FNC for saying fuck you as Faker and co try to style on these guys but at some point, that was just an easy thing to do for a pro team. SKT could have slow rolled this game easy but instead got wood league agro for no good reason. You won't see them do this again at Worlds, although this won't be the last time they get stomped either.

    • @veritasabsoluta4285
      @veritasabsoluta4285 5 лет назад +2

      @@lewinathan8868 Lmao you are a fucking lying piece of shit.

    • @lolkialos
      @lolkialos 5 лет назад

      Well tbh skt's comp gets countered by that veigar pick so SKT cant.really do anything about it not to mention LS Akali Alistar all have dashes so whenever they try to pick off the veigar they just get stunned by the event horizon

    • @lewinathan8868
      @lewinathan8868 5 лет назад +1

      @@veritasabsoluta4285 go check twitter die hard fan eu

  • @Eli-eg5zj
    @Eli-eg5zj 4 года назад +2

    9:28 “I’m gonna circle the minion wave right there”
    Me: that’s a zigzag lol

  • @Clourie
    @Clourie 5 лет назад +44

    Nemesis playing so sick.
    In reality he just throw his stun.

    • @xxaragamixx8214
      @xxaragamixx8214 5 лет назад +3

      yea ..and the outplay.. he just press r... woa.. like a dude said today in my ranked... yi is a skill champ xD

    • @tazzzn833
      @tazzzn833 5 лет назад +5

      "Oh my God that outplay from Nemesis on Faker!"
      Dafuq Nemesis literally just ulted him under tower.
      And plus these casters are so BIASED

    • @Clourie
      @Clourie 5 лет назад

      @@SoulMaStER456471 lmao, i like Fnatic 2nd after SKT. I rather see Fnatic get 2nd place then RNG. But honestly Veigar is a crap champ. Literally just Q till 10min+ game and 1 shot ulti on ppl. 0 skill, just hope u get a high stakes.

    • @tazzzn833
      @tazzzn833 5 лет назад

      SKT losing to FNC is intentional so that RNG gets eliminated. FNC should be thankful to SKT for giving them the chance to play in quarterfinals.

    • @Brien831
      @Brien831 5 лет назад +1

      Suffian Azmier Im pretty sure that cage placement is nothing a diamond player can perform on the highest level,neither is laning against faker on a useless laning champ

  • @TheOnlyRaviol
    @TheOnlyRaviol 3 года назад

    Looking at this in 2021 ... damn i miss hearing the public during matches ....

  • @imapotatoooo0o0
    @imapotatoooo0o0 5 лет назад +24

    18:53 hahah that confirms it.

    • @beiggo21
      @beiggo21 5 лет назад +8

      Confirms what? That faker tired to set up the fight for khan's flank but failed? Please, stop with the excuses. They got bested fair and square.

    • @francoromero8681
      @francoromero8681 5 лет назад

      Shut up

    • @shiooorii
      @shiooorii 5 лет назад +1

      No, FNC bested them and that's it

    • @haiche9268
      @haiche9268 5 лет назад

      Noscoptic GT how do they misunderstand when they have coms? It’s not like they have to type out anything

    • @crmsnrd
      @crmsnrd 5 лет назад +2

      all these eu fanboys in the replies HAHAHAHAHAHA. they can't even see how many dumb mistakes that were intentionally done by skt in this game

  • @jonathanarcher5356
    @jonathanarcher5356 5 лет назад

    Please can we get fanatic week 2 and G2 week 1 performances consistently.

  • @Zeriay
    @Zeriay 5 лет назад +3

    18:35 Walks back into the stun when he was clearly far from it.
    18:50 Faker trying to 1 v 5 with no backup.
    15:20 Diving GP with level lead and no minions to tank.
    15:40 Faker diving tower like that.

    • @djnxsua
      @djnxsua 5 лет назад

      Yep they definitely werent trying to win this one.

  • @qingchen6814
    @qingchen6814 5 лет назад

    What's the background music at the beginning?

  • @gregorymercher6266
    @gregorymercher6266 5 лет назад +9

    Na and Korean fanboys lmao just accept the fact that eu is not a wildcard region like na, na wont make it out of group btw while eu is 2 on 3 atm

    • @stevenleblanc8146
      @stevenleblanc8146 5 лет назад

      EU is a wild card region irl.

    • @Wolfrevan
      @Wolfrevan 5 лет назад

      EU is probably gonna be finished in Knockout stage.

    • @boompanot6089
      @boompanot6089 5 лет назад

      wildcard region finished second god damn

    • @gregorymercher6266
      @gregorymercher6266 5 лет назад

      @@shinsoc y thats why eu smashed them at msi na fanboy lmao

    • @nikidein8753
      @nikidein8753 4 года назад

      @John Doe what bs is this?

  • @아레스-p4d
    @아레스-p4d 5 лет назад +2

    18:35 never intended?

    • @praklang264
      @praklang264 5 лет назад

      It's easy to avoid viegar wall but they just pretend that he didn't avoid it damn alistar

    • @this_guy_here3090
      @this_guy_here3090 5 лет назад

      That was really obvious that he ran into that stun lmao

  • @josefchristianto
    @josefchristianto 5 лет назад +55

    Lost to fnc so fnc can compete with rng for 2nd place
    What a genius team

    • @lucasyoderick2602
      @lucasyoderick2602 5 лет назад +15

      Got that right. These dives and teanfights from SKT make me laugh. EU fans never realized how much humiliation FNC just underwent. Imagine winning just because the team gave themselves over.

    • @MrTheVadimpje
      @MrTheVadimpje 5 лет назад +17

      @@lucasyoderick2602 Imagine making things up to feel better because, you can't accept the fact that they lost that's just pathetic as long as you don't have any proof your thing is bs. They lost so what they finished first that's enough no matter how "Good" you are there will be game where you are going to lose. So don't act like a bitch and man up.

    • @Pottan23
      @Pottan23 5 лет назад +6

      @@MrTheVadimpje STK only lost the last couple of worlds to build the hype up for this year, hasn't the SKT fanbois told you? ;^)

    • @shinjincai
      @shinjincai 5 лет назад +7

      @@MrTheVadimpje clearly your tony brain can't comprehend the out of game macro plays. If you've seen any previous games with SKT this worlds, it's obvious they weren't the same team this game.
      Edit: tiny, not tony lol

    • @lucasyoderick2602
      @lucasyoderick2602 5 лет назад +1

      @@MrTheVadimpje How about you man up? You sound so triggered by facts. SKT intentional feeding and losing. I didn't even said that EU fans are crying. Remember you guys were so happy. So man up.

  • @nogamenolife1901
    @nogamenolife1901 5 лет назад

    When should I build Stormrazer or Manamuna on Kaisa?

  • @jhayemstack9108
    @jhayemstack9108 5 лет назад +26

    if FNC win against RNG..
    it's a mission accomplished for SKT..

    • @forsaturn4629
      @forsaturn4629 5 лет назад

      5Head 5Head 5Head big brain 🧠

    • @skippilein
      @skippilein 5 лет назад

      this is such bullshit lol xD why would it matter for skt u guys are delusional

    • @jasonduong7430
      @jasonduong7430 5 лет назад

      sascha uchiha so they don’t have to face rng later on

    • @skippilein
      @skippilein 5 лет назад

      @@jasonduong7430 But when fnatic is better is better THAN RNG??? HOW DOES IT MATTER? LOL

    • @skippilein
      @skippilein 5 лет назад

      @@jasonduong7430 Then they have to face fnatic this is so stupid they anyways have to face the better team xD

  • @marcebreo1547
    @marcebreo1547 5 лет назад

    I think teddy using the ig kaisa skin. Am i right?

  • @JoeSMoss
    @JoeSMoss 5 лет назад +7

    If you have listened to korean channel, you'd understand what others are saying.. you can actually see during the game against FNC that Faker and other players telling each other that they aren't going to play against RNG today.. so that's where all the "SKT losing on purpose" came from..

    • @wqweqwet1804
      @wqweqwet1804 5 лет назад

      Why wouldn’t they want to go against rng?

    • @eragonshurtugal4239
      @eragonshurtugal4239 5 лет назад +1

      Well if that would be true they could be fined for that and i dont think that 3 Veterans would risk that

    • @aisuruhito2515
      @aisuruhito2515 5 лет назад +1

      @@eragonshurtugal4239 Well if that IS true, they will get disqualified. But obviously, it's not true, and it's just salty people inventing things ^^

    • @eragonshurtugal4239
      @eragonshurtugal4239 5 лет назад +3

      @@aisuruhito2515 Yes exactly what i was triyng to imply, exspaly korean teams are way to compatetive to throw a game

    • @brylle8505
      @brylle8505 5 лет назад

      @wqwe qwet because RNG is hard opponent of SKT , they lose on purpose to FNTC if u watch the day 1 of SKT VS FNTC you will see how skt destroyed fntc , and SKT VS RNG is always a have close game like how SKt and Rng match at the day 2.

  • @12LippE
    @12LippE 5 лет назад

    What´s the name of the Song at the end of the game?

  • @markanders567
    @markanders567 5 лет назад +19

    haha all the korean shills from the g2 grf comment section trying to justify the game with some sort of rng conspiracy

  • @brianlee1733
    @brianlee1733 5 лет назад

    Wait so which 2 teams went up from group c

  • @koi2428
    @koi2428 5 лет назад +21

    28:29 atleast cover your depressed face with a fake smile Nemesis

  • @OomikerrozooO
    @OomikerrozooO 5 лет назад +1

    Notices it's a 29 min video....
    This is gonna be a quick one!

  • @koi2428
    @koi2428 5 лет назад +29

    No one:
    Literally not a single soul:
    *SKT loses against FNC*
    Diehard SKT Fans:
    "woaah, what a memorable _SCRIPTED_ game"

    • @misutasa
      @misutasa 5 лет назад +3

      was it not??

    • @vollBehindert33
      @vollBehindert33 5 лет назад +1

      delusional clowns

    • @misutasa
      @misutasa 5 лет назад

      @@vollBehindert33 LCK ftw

    • @koi2428
      @koi2428 5 лет назад +1

      @@misutasa yah i know SKT had to purposely lose so that FNC will face RNG becos RNG is more of a threat than FNC....
      i just posted that to tick sum red flags
      also, i'm a die-hard SKT fan as well HAHAHHA

  • @ioannishussein8038
    @ioannishussein8038 5 лет назад

    Misdived at 15:39. (15:42)

  • @brianwalther5515
    @brianwalther5515 5 лет назад +46

    G2 loses*
    Skt fans: Stop making excuses, a loss is a loss
    SKT loses*
    Skt fans: They lost on purpose

    • @eddiewinchester3272
      @eddiewinchester3272 5 лет назад +7

      a bit different when its a tie break and when skt already secured 1st place

    • @GetdonkedOn
      @GetdonkedOn 5 лет назад +7

      I already saw an excuse in the comments with many likes of course they lost on "purpose". 🤣🤣🤣

    • @brianwalther5515
      @brianwalther5515 5 лет назад +9

      I want SKT to win but dear god, the fanbase is cancerous

    • @thezeitos469
      @thezeitos469 5 лет назад +3

      Hypocracy in the most cancerous fanbase I ever saw?
      What a shock..

    • @GetdonkedOn
      @GetdonkedOn 5 лет назад +1

      @@brianwalther5515 well for me I don't want them to win, but I respect SKT they're one of the top teams in the world. Its the freakin cancerous fanbase that making me not like SKT. IMO worst that EU and NA.

  • @EmpressYuki
    @EmpressYuki 5 лет назад +1

    Okay so people are saying that SKT threw so FNC can play against RNG.
    I'm dumb so can someone explain it in detail why they did that? If SKT won against FNC here what would happen? because i'm so confused.

    • @itsu_tft3636
      @itsu_tft3636 5 лет назад +1

      If skt won over fnc then rng secure the 2nd seed. Skt let fnc won so both teams will tied at 3 - 2 making rng battle fnc for 2nd seed and seat for the quarter finals.

    • @ukjung2890
      @ukjung2890 5 лет назад

      if skt won all rounds and it went to the last match, fnc would have to win 2 times in a roll to qualify. Rng only needs to win once. By losing to fnc, skt eliminated the possibility of rng getting a tie breaker

    • @EmpressYuki
      @EmpressYuki 5 лет назад

      @@itsu_tft3636 Oh thank you so much man that explained a lot!

    • @christophhoelbarth217
      @christophhoelbarth217 5 лет назад +1

      @@EmpressYuki Reading the wrong answers here.
      So... If SKT would've won, FNC would be 2-3 and RNG 3-2.
      Then the last match of the day would be FNC vs RNG. If RNG would've won that, they would be 2nd seed. If FNC would've won that (as they did in our timeline), both teams would be 3-3 now. This means, that a tie breaker would decide who will move on.
      So the people saying that SKT threw on purpose are kinda... well.. wrong! It wouldn't have changed anything really, as the 2nd seed got only decided on the last match anyway.

    • @quyenanghoang812
      @quyenanghoang812 5 лет назад

      @@christophhoelbarth217 But if SKT win FNC, FNC need win 1 game to come to that last match, and it's clearly harder.

  • @piggymother
    @piggymother 5 лет назад +5

    SKT: now that our spot in knockout stage is secured, better focus on not letting RNG get out of groups :)

    • @mahiruchan6424
      @mahiruchan6424 5 лет назад

      I blive Skt wan 1st seed as well Ltr Match more easier. Even skt is strong lol

    • @eddiewinchester3272
      @eddiewinchester3272 5 лет назад +2

      @@mahiruchan6424 They beat CG and they are first seed regardless of who wins rng or fnc, they are 1st 100% this game is just to give fnc a chance to eliminate rng

  • @danger4682
    @danger4682 5 лет назад +1

    Do you guys think SKT purposely lost this game to lower RNG’s chances of making it out of groups?

  • @ExperiencePath
    @ExperiencePath 5 лет назад +3

    RNG Fans : SKT feed this match on purpose to kick out RNG

    • @1125ammo
      @1125ammo 5 лет назад

      EU fans : SKT was playing serious, while Faker dive into 5 people alone with Shuriken flip

    • @burai647
      @burai647 5 лет назад

      Or they are just bad.

  • @joelhannold6184
    @joelhannold6184 5 лет назад +1

    This is the fanatic that I remember seeing play

  • @kylegualberto6691
    @kylegualberto6691 5 лет назад +16

    I mean, look at Nemesis' face, he knew that this was just a free game. He tried to smile when broxah, rekkles tapped and talked to him but still wasn't satisfied. Poor Nemesis.

    • @picturethis9
      @picturethis9 5 лет назад +7

      nemesis is always like that, why is everyone making excuses cause skt played bad..

    • @jhirelia5180
      @jhirelia5180 5 лет назад +11

      @@picturethis9 because its not a excuse.... skt intentionally lose this game so fnc will be the one fighting against rng.... you wanna know why? cause skt wanted to eliminate rng so they can win easly

    • @adtoxic3344
      @adtoxic3344 5 лет назад +10

      @@jhirelia5180 finally some insides from a coach kappa.

    • @MonkeyDLuffy-bn5be
      @MonkeyDLuffy-bn5be 5 лет назад +9

      @@jhirelia5180 skt wouldnt have faced rng till finals if rng would have made it out of groups. salty skt fanboys will always find an excuse why they lost. get over it m8. skt members even said that if u want to be the best you shouldnt be afraid to face any one. u legit trying to tell us faker is afraid of uzi/rng?

    • @Leiard2910
      @Leiard2910 5 лет назад

      @@jhirelia5180 haah nope. if they would do that, than they get kicked out. they just lose because fnc had the way better comp. u fan boys can talk so much u want. skt losing this game and they tried 2 win but they cant.

  • @username2872
    @username2872 5 лет назад

    hhmmmm LoL but the ads plays "mobile Legend"?

  • @samuricexful
    @samuricexful 5 лет назад +24

    SKT trying to screw RNG out of playoffs. 🤣

  • @ghoul3927
    @ghoul3927 5 лет назад

    So, skt lost again?

  • @jaysonthomas5423
    @jaysonthomas5423 5 лет назад +9

    SKT definitely let FNC win. How can you NOT see that lmaoooooo

    • @starwish1037
      @starwish1037 5 лет назад

      Jayson Thomas that part, so obvious

    • @inconvenientfacts58
      @inconvenientfacts58 5 лет назад

      They all put on that Lee Sin blindfold and act cocky like Bwipo.

    • @joshua90z
      @joshua90z 5 лет назад

      That didn’t aged well haha

  • @SCuttherapper
    @SCuttherapper 5 лет назад +1

    Imagine selling half of your best players to NA and still be one of the three best regions in the world...

  • @notasaintjoseph7365
    @notasaintjoseph7365 5 лет назад +19

    I dont really know how to feel about this. Im super happy for FNC but faker dove a veigar with ult also khan with the questionable engages. plus the uncoordinated teamfights doesnt feel like SKT. Maybe SKT wanted RNG eliminated? IDK man.

    • @chefreyna2291
      @chefreyna2291 5 лет назад

      joseph tinoy wouldn’t be out of reason to think that

    • @mahiruchan6424
      @mahiruchan6424 5 лет назад +1

      I blive Skt can eliminate rng in finals tho. Even they meet each other Ltr. No benefit for skt to trolls. It jus making SKT fans despair lol.

    • @GetdonkedOn
      @GetdonkedOn 5 лет назад +6

      So you think SKT is not trying at all? Lmao, I don't hate SKT as a team they're one of the best teams in the world. But their fanbois are probably worst fanbase in the world yes worst than NA and EU. When they lose there are many excuses ready this was a good game for both teams fnc was just better "this" game.

    • @mahiruchan6424
      @mahiruchan6424 5 лет назад

      @@GetdonkedOn was thinking what benefit can skt get by eliminate rng. And if skt lose to clutch Ltr on. Skt 1st seed also can't guaranteed unless they dun wan meet G2 lol.

    • @avant9764
      @avant9764 5 лет назад +2

      @@GetdonkedOn Yo chill. Atleast SKT fans have a strong reason as to why SKT lost this game. RNG are dangerous in bo3 or bo5, so eliminating them in the group stage is the most smart thing to do and face FNC instead. Unlike other fan base validating that G2 are just "trolling". You tell me.

  • @HuyenNguyen-jj8tz
    @HuyenNguyen-jj8tz 5 лет назад


  • @jaspersuh
    @jaspersuh 5 лет назад +16

    I can’t help but feel that SKT totally threw the match. For sure that gank in the mid lane didn’t go SKT’s way but even after they had plenty of opportunities to reset and keep their game. FNC was just coming back at that moment. But instead skt kept on making these weird Yolo plays that were so uncharacteristic of them. Is this SKT trying to eliminate RNG by boosting FNC? I think there is an argument to be had here. Also, as we will see soon, second seed from this group will have to face the either FPX or the winner of the last group. Honestly, I think SKT like their chances against FPX, DWG, Liquid, or IG. FPX hasn’t looked that great, they have beaten DWG before, IG isn’t what it used to be, and liquid they have owned at MSI. This is of course a theory. But we will see. If skt throw against CG I think this theory will be confirmed.

    • @oxhaed
      @oxhaed 5 лет назад +1

      15:39 sums up your theory

    • @adtoxic3344
      @adtoxic3344 5 лет назад +1

      Skt simply got punished for their plays. Skt didn't do anything different from the other games. In the end they just tried to go all in and looked like they are inting which is normal when good teams are losing.

    • @aabbvcddeeffaass6216
      @aabbvcddeeffaass6216 5 лет назад

      ad toxic I don't watch LEC but good teams in the LCK never int when they are behind. They reset and wait for the next object on the map.

  • @worthified
    @worthified 5 лет назад

    this is obviously skt wintrading to fnc so fnc got a chance to win group stage. or at least rng got a chance to lose right?

  • @megalul4141
    @megalul4141 5 лет назад +22

    Skt lost the game to eleminate rng
    Edit: and thats what happned

    • @AbsolutGoblin
      @AbsolutGoblin 5 лет назад +1

      Electronic Rabbit nice pfp, edgy shitposter lol

    • @Leiard2910
      @Leiard2910 5 лет назад +1

      SKT got outdrafted so hard and lost because they played bad. thats the real shit. why they should want 2 face fnc over rng? fnc is the better team and will kick skt´s ass again if they play again. faker wanted the 6-0 and they tried 2 win. but they cant.

    • @megalul4141
      @megalul4141 5 лет назад +2

      fnc fan WeirdChamp 👉🚪

    • @isakferm7674
      @isakferm7674 5 лет назад

      Electronic Rabbit In denial

  • @Kloetzchenkuenstler
    @Kloetzchenkuenstler 5 лет назад +2


  • @태연김-y8o
    @태연김-y8o 5 лет назад +18

    Korean said That is skt skill beacuse they lose for fnc and they take 2nd, so Rng can't go main round :)

    • @zeokasebu8017
      @zeokasebu8017 5 лет назад

      태연김 we'll never know 내 친구

    • @MrSamurajo
      @MrSamurajo 5 лет назад +6

      Yeyeye, SKT also intentionally lost MSI semifinals to find out how will G2 manage to win against NA kappa

    • @zeokasebu8017
      @zeokasebu8017 5 лет назад

      MrSamurajo truuee skt are a bunch of 5Heads

    • @MrSamurajo
      @MrSamurajo 5 лет назад +1

      @@zeokasebu8017 SKT is one of best teams in world. But when their fans imply that everything they and other teams do is according to some of their 300IQ masterplan, I can definitely call them 5Heads xD

    • @Am0n_Gus
      @Am0n_Gus 5 лет назад +1

      can’t compare semifinal to a group stage that they know they already going to pass. It give them room for manipulation

  • @Wulfbanes
    @Wulfbanes 5 лет назад

    Is there a specific reason we're doing the 30 second skip after picks, but at game start?

  • @dirkklapzeiker4891
    @dirkklapzeiker4891 5 лет назад +2


  • @irgendwas2251
    @irgendwas2251 5 лет назад +1

    wintrading after 4/0 . how much did they get ?

  • @furakiii
    @furakiii 5 лет назад +56

    Epic troll: dived turret without any reason and died CONSTANTLY
    Faker jumped straight under turret.
    I think after first 2 games vs rng, skt be like “ man, uzi such carries. We need to bye bye him and since we can beat cg, secure the first seed of group so throw one gams to Fnc is okay.”

    • @Sham1r0
      @Sham1r0 5 лет назад +1

      I think that also

    • @keithdenzelroque2072
      @keithdenzelroque2072 5 лет назад +2

      They already qualified so the chances of them trolling this game is highly likely, those dive fiesta tho XD

    • @lucasyoderick2602
      @lucasyoderick2602 5 лет назад +1

      To force RNG to fight FNC

    • @TheHonorq8
      @TheHonorq8 5 лет назад +3

      plan worked ^^

    • @shiaeliminator6484
      @shiaeliminator6484 5 лет назад +5

      For that to happen fnc needed to have rng game secured, if they loosed this game and won rng thry would have to play against rng again, so that scenario is unlikely. And last skt always or almost always fail to new comps. Look how fnc moved all together through the map, their comp looked to counter akali's power dive, and they did.

  • @thefeel2261
    @thefeel2261 5 лет назад

    Why is everyone banning pantheon tho?

  • @andryx46ify
    @andryx46ify 5 лет назад +4

    Fnatic are insane wow

  • @gnsgml11
    @gnsgml11 5 лет назад +1

    There is not a single skt match where they go in one by one and dive like that. Im a diamond player and it was so obvious they wanted to lose for a chance for rng to be eliminated. Thank god there are people out there that think it was all fnatic so riot wont ban skt.

    • @quyenanghoang812
      @quyenanghoang812 5 лет назад

      yeah, if noone believe skt was actually lost, SKT would be banned.

    • @corvair5454
      @corvair5454 5 лет назад

      Yeah. It was already questionable around mid game. Faker diving despite knowing what veigar can do and even teleported to flank 5 players on his own lmao. Im not sure how much truth the win trading has but it was really suspiscious. Either way, win or lose this game its a win win scenario for them. Only if they really recognize RNG as a threat.

  • @minhngai8243
    @minhngai8243 5 лет назад +16

    Skt 5-1
    RNG 3-2
    FNC 3-2
    Everything is according to plan

    • @cquickk
      @cquickk 5 лет назад

      Dank Liway skt is 4-1

    • @minhngai8243
      @minhngai8243 5 лет назад

      5-1 now after with Clutch

    • @_nameless8068
      @_nameless8068 5 лет назад

      Now RNG is eliminated, Kkoma really wants the throne back

    • @minhngai8243
      @minhngai8243 5 лет назад

      All according to plan

    • @luniqueful
      @luniqueful 5 лет назад

      @@minhngai8243 delusional

  • @abdullahalbader426
    @abdullahalbader426 5 лет назад

    Why the fucking camera is only on Bwipo and Khan?

  • @luckybychance05
    @luckybychance05 5 лет назад +19

    Kkoma is a mastermind...rng gonna have a hard tym

    • @epicloot5120
      @epicloot5120 5 лет назад

      Rng eliminated

    • @luckybychance05
      @luckybychance05 5 лет назад +1

      @@epicloot5120 as i said....kkoma the mastermind

    • @Leiard2910
      @Leiard2910 5 лет назад +1

      SKT got outdrafted so hard and lost because they played bad. thats the real shit. why they should want 2 face fnc over rng? fnc is the better team and will kick skt´s ass again if they play again. faker wanted the 6-0 and they tried 2 win. but they cant.
      fnc is way better than rng and the bigger threat, ur guys are so dumb xDD

    • @gnsgml11
      @gnsgml11 5 лет назад

      Leiard2910 fuck off

    • @juansofly3916
      @juansofly3916 5 лет назад +1

      @@Leiard2910 funny how you portray rng, RNG is a better team than your cocksucking Fnatic. That's the fact

  • @muhfreebrums5445
    @muhfreebrums5445 3 года назад +1

    19:31 May god help us all

  • @yaysaber3731
    @yaysaber3731 5 лет назад +7


  • @MM-hs7xo
    @MM-hs7xo 5 лет назад

    SKT is obviously int @ 13:15 - 13:20. See what's effort doing while their vald ulted 4 people

  • @GTeaMaestro
    @GTeaMaestro 5 лет назад +9

    Why does it look like SKT throwing more than FNC winning? Lmao well RNG out of world is good

    • @Leiard2910
      @Leiard2910 5 лет назад +2

      SKT got outdrafted so hard and lost because they played bad. thats the real shit. why they should want 2 face fnc over rng? fnc is the better team and will kick skt´s ass again if they play again. faker wanted the 6-0 and they tried 2 win. but they cant.
      its always look like that when a team get stomped like bronze 5.
      fnc is way better than rng and the bigger threat, ur guys are so dumb xDD

  • @efthymiosn3381
    @efthymiosn3381 5 лет назад

    It does not seem intentional. SKT were crashing them early with proactivity and good cs leads,

  • @M0ONCommander
    @M0ONCommander 5 лет назад +11

    Nemesis: *uses point and click Veigar R*

  • @finalfantasyfreakk
    @finalfantasyfreakk 5 лет назад +2


  • @user-sr5kj6ej9z
    @user-sr5kj6ej9z 5 лет назад +3

    Feels bad for Uzi honestly. This game was something.. Effort is basically inting, Faker diving veigar when he knows he'll get stunned and SKT just let FNC outscale them. But FNC beat RNG fair and square, there's no doubt about that.

  • @swe1337swe
    @swe1337swe 5 лет назад

    Every comment in the chinese vods are saying SKT threw to make it a higer chance that RNG would get kicked out

  • @miguelferreira4370
    @miguelferreira4370 5 лет назад +13


  • @vapersmith7859
    @vapersmith7859 5 лет назад +2

    The dream of Veigar being somewhat viable in a rating higher than Platinum is also still alive with this.

    • @beiggo21
      @beiggo21 5 лет назад

      Veigar is simply underrated. He is one the most op picks but people refuse to play him.

    • @juansofly3916
      @juansofly3916 5 лет назад

      Cuz he is boring that is all. But an op hero

  • @bahaaus3388
    @bahaaus3388 5 лет назад +23

    skt throwing betting on fnc so they get rid of rng in the fastest way possible😂

    • @MrSegafredo89
      @MrSegafredo89 5 лет назад

      This ^

    • @UpperMoon95
      @UpperMoon95 5 лет назад

      100% true

    • @NewbieObi
      @NewbieObi 5 лет назад

      I know they did this before but still disappointed they didn't go for 6-0

    • @elvielvi4722
      @elvielvi4722 5 лет назад

      @@NewbieObi 6-0 < possible world trophy. do the math

    • @NewbieObi
      @NewbieObi 5 лет назад

      @@elvielvi4722 I said I know. But that I was still disappointed.
      I understand why they did it.

  • @thedominasian
    @thedominasian 5 лет назад +1

    Great pick in the Veigar, but let's be real, the only game SKT truly cared about today was RNG and they won that in impressive fashion. All they had to do after that was crush the winless CG and worst case, they go 5-1 and first place in the group.

  • @ahmedsamv3988
    @ahmedsamv3988 5 лет назад +3

    Faker: report my team pls.

  • @zyos11
    @zyos11 5 лет назад +1

    Leona played dumby dumb early, but diving a Veigar... that early, when his stun is up and with a Gragas right next to him...
    Totally disrespectful , that loss was well deserved.

  • @ManicRipper2
    @ManicRipper2 5 лет назад +8

    SKT may have lost the battle but won the war.
    Kkoma 4D chess 20 bill IQ win trade.

    • @Leiard2910
      @Leiard2910 5 лет назад

      SKT got outdrafted so hard and lost because they played bad. thats the real shit. why they should want 2 face fnc over rng? fnc is the better team and will kick skt´s ass again if they play again. faker wanted the 6-0 and they tried 2 win. but they cant.
      fnc is way better than rng and the bigger threat, ur guys are so dumb xDD

    • @ManicRipper2
      @ManicRipper2 5 лет назад

      @@Leiard2910 Because its a funny narrative

    • @gnsgml11
      @gnsgml11 5 лет назад

      Leiard2910 fnatic only got threw because of the skt win which skt wanted. Fnatic got fucked by rng in their first game. So call it even but against skt? Fuck off

    • @alonsomaluen4552
      @alonsomaluen4552 5 лет назад

      Leiard2910 I’ll be back when Skt vs fnatic bo3 happens :’)

    • @NumeroSMG
      @NumeroSMG 5 лет назад

      @@Leiard2910 BuT FeKuR saID He WanTeD 6-0 ThUS ThE gAmE wAs LeGit GieF mE tEh FnC dIcK To SuCk oN PlzZ

  • @Wesley-ed8hv
    @Wesley-ed8hv 2 месяца назад

    After 15:39 playFaker was never the same again.