NHL Highlights | Jets vs. Ducks - December 18, 2024

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Ryan_Wayne
    @Ryan_Wayne 7 часов назад +25

    That cold-blooded poke check by Dostal in final seconds was sick.

  • @josephstalin4906
    @josephstalin4906 10 часов назад +43

    That poke-check in the last seconds by Dostal was so cold!

  • @K0TK0
    @K0TK0 12 часов назад +54

    If only the ducks played like this every night…

  • @danferguson2724
    @danferguson2724 12 часов назад +31

    GO TO the 9 min mark. Game ends with a top 10 all-time poke check.

  • @truckn
    @truckn 4 часа назад +7

    As a JETS Fan watching from Thailand, Comrie is the reason it was even that close.

    • @LGR910
      @LGR910 3 часа назад

      They played back to back games aswell

  • @notyourrealfather
    @notyourrealfather 12 часов назад +16

    I'm a Pens fan, and even though we had a really good run of going to the playoffs, I've always had a soft spot for underdog teams, and I've been kinda rooting for the ducks this season (not against the Pens of course). Glad to see a win over such a dominant team,especially with the no calls.

    • @derekjay.s
      @derekjay.s 4 часа назад +1

      We miss rakell😢

    • @robertchristiansilva280
      @robertchristiansilva280 2 часа назад +1

      Thanks for the support! I know the Pens are in the dog house right now, but hopefully you guys get a new coach to turn it around this season.

  • @snemeis01
    @snemeis01 12 часов назад +11

    Достал!!!! Ну все Достал!!!
    Толи утки сегодня летели, или самолёты не взлетели.
    После 1го периода я думаю, утки так заряженны на игру, да потом оказалось что просто джетс на вялом играют.
    Вообщем эмоций много.
    Спасибо парням за победу!!!

  • @westernmac5944
    @westernmac5944 2 часа назад +2

    Ducks are showing signs of moving in the right direction. They’re rough around the edges but there’s a diamond in there.

  • @barbituratik
    @barbituratik 7 часов назад +7

    "Pionk!" - the puck whistled on its winning way to the net

  • @biancavaunt999
    @biancavaunt999 11 часов назад +18

    Ducks don't win often but when they do it's always with maximum drama.

  • @Evan8787
    @Evan8787 12 часов назад +36

    As a Sharks fan, it brings me joy to see the Jets lose in the final minute.

    • @lilPerc30
      @lilPerc30 12 часов назад +1

      I was Laughing saying Karma. Jets Will Lose first round anyways

    • @Bizxeh
      @Bizxeh 12 часов назад +7

      ​@@lilPerc30they ain't toronto. You got your teams mixed up

    • @Bizxeh
      @Bizxeh 12 часов назад +6

      Guess you have a horrible life if your a sharks fan 😂😂 Def next team to move. They even have any fans in the seats anymore ?

    • @awwwshucks443
      @awwwshucks443 11 часов назад

      ​@@Bizxeh have you considered touching grass?

    • @jared5275
      @jared5275 11 часов назад +5

      as a jets fan, it brings me joy to see the sharks choke in the final minute

  • @thethe-nt1tb
    @thethe-nt1tb 12 часов назад +8

    The Jets seem to struggle in front of Comrie. They just don't give him the kind of goal support that Bucky gets, and it is going to cost them later in the season.

    • @LGR910
      @LGR910 3 часа назад

      Back to back game.

  • @russell-di8js
    @russell-di8js 6 часов назад +3

    Terry's goal sweet as chocolate orange!

  • @toasttoasted3492
    @toasttoasted3492 10 часов назад +8

    Congrats Ducks, as a Jets fan I will be sitting in the corner...WTF !!!

    • @robertchristiansilva280
      @robertchristiansilva280 2 часа назад +1

      I thought the Jets was gonna shut us down after the Scheifle goal, but it’s “cliché” never give up! in the final 3rd

    • @toasttoasted3492
      @toasttoasted3492 2 часа назад

      @robertchristiansilva280 FACTS!! I am still sitting in the corner

  • @trekker8033
    @trekker8033 53 минуты назад +1

    Unlike Hellybuck, Comrie is too far out in the blue, he comes out too far and is not as good a goalie. That is why the Jets lost tonight. It is on the coach though, this time!

  • @Domes_TV
    @Domes_TV 11 часов назад +8


  • @strejvaren
    @strejvaren 12 часов назад +6

    Lets go Ducks!!🎉

  • @benderbendingrodriguez420
    @benderbendingrodriguez420 2 часа назад +1

    Jets play well infront of Comrie challenge: impossible

  • @Серёга-7
    @Серёга-7 9 часов назад +1

    молодцы утята!красиво сыграли!

  • @ВладимирПеронов
    @ВладимирПеронов 12 часов назад +3

    Злые утки😅🎉🎉🎉

  • @jozef6791
    @jozef6791 Час назад

    great game, thank you

  • @javelldunn3379
    @javelldunn3379 6 часов назад +1

    Let’s go Ducks final minute with the win at home

  • @Jenjoshstars2012
    @Jenjoshstars2012 11 часов назад +3

    Jets lose to the Ducks …OMG

  • @charleshutton84
    @charleshutton84 12 часов назад +4

    Brutal performance. They left Comrie
    out to dry in this one. Good hockey teams don’t play to or below the level of their opponents. Can someone explain to me why schiefflie (?) can’t win face offs on power plays?

    • @KyleJon
      @KyleJon 12 часов назад +3

      Want to talk about Pionk being responsible for the last 2 goals in this game? No? Sheifeles fault? Maybe it was Ehlers fault? Probably should get rid of Stanley right? Wait! It was the guy wearing the Pink shirts fault! Whatever tho, it’s NEVER Pionks fault!

  • @gordonklassen3182
    @gordonklassen3182 7 часов назад

    Jets are giving up too many shots on goal. A blowout is coming. An embarrassing freaking blowout. They had 4 shots in the first period. That opening spurt at the start of the season means nothing if they tank from Christmas to April. Let’s get it together Jets.

  • @kevinteichroeb6997
    @kevinteichroeb6997 8 часов назад +2

    Duck a l'orange.

  • @urbanoutdoorsman5654
    @urbanoutdoorsman5654 11 часов назад +2

    Sweet giveaway by Pionk to lose the game. Only said that a few dozen times over the years

  • @kylem2836
    @kylem2836 12 часов назад +8

    Easy dub

  • @supertaj1800
    @supertaj1800 12 часов назад +1


  • @ryanfromthecharley3800
    @ryanfromthecharley3800 10 часов назад

    Some gambler made out like a bandit tonight.

  • @DucksonQuack1
    @DucksonQuack1 18 минут назад

    Troy Terry had a beautiful goal to finish and besides this video as a whole, no one is showing it 🤦‍♂️ no love for the Young Ducks

  • @FischerFan
    @FischerFan 3 часа назад

    Not happy! Pionk should be benched after such a lazy effort and such a sloppy, costly giveaway. This choke job is inexcusable.
    Arniel should be furious and do everything in his power to make sure this doesn't happen again.

  • @Dbjcl007
    @Dbjcl007 4 часа назад

    Only 8 shots on goal going into the 3rd?? My god 😂 ..If you showed the highlights of this game to someone who rarely watches hockey...and told them one team is 1st in the league and the other is 1 of lowest in the standings....theyd think the NHL is a joke if you told them Wpg was #1 😅

  • @maahes7139
    @maahes7139 12 часов назад +2

    Jets really blow chunks

    • @KyleJon
      @KyleJon 11 часов назад

      Chunks? Was he there?

  • @griggbaylee5808
    @griggbaylee5808 11 часов назад

    Ouch 😉

  • @pallaschiron
    @pallaschiron 11 часов назад

    what a trap game...

  • @nascarawesomesquid2456
    @nascarawesomesquid2456 12 часов назад +8


    • @Evan8787
      @Evan8787 12 часов назад

      Fake fan
      Nobody likes you

    • @Bizxeh
      @Bizxeh 12 часов назад +4

      So you like following losers? One spot out of last place haven't done anything in about 10 years ?

    • @hardrada3534
      @hardrada3534 12 часов назад +4

      @@Bizxeh Sir we went to the conference finals in 2017. Are historically a good team. Are coming out of a rebuild. Lets Go Ducks.

    • @CanucksQuintin-m5h
      @CanucksQuintin-m5h 12 часов назад +2

      Watch then their going to lose the next game and this guy is gonna arrive in the comments in 2 seconds and type a document on how terrible they are. Troll.

    • @Bizxeh
      @Bizxeh 12 часов назад +1

      @hardrada3534 7 years ago and still at the bottom ? Man not a good look. Next you'll tell me your favorite baseball team is the cubs

  • @ItgelMergen
    @ItgelMergen 2 часа назад


  • @hoskins666
    @hoskins666 12 часов назад +1

    number 4? more like number 2

    • @ItgelMergen
      @ItgelMergen 2 часа назад


    • @ItgelMergen
      @ItgelMergen 2 часа назад

      Грлтььл ИТ литтмсмраммпчрсррющщшшшимит

  • @jackson2620
    @jackson2620 2 часа назад


  • @Rexsuprime
    @Rexsuprime 12 часов назад

    Anoher game proving Jets are utter trash. Such incompetent team.

    • @urbanoutdoorsman5654
      @urbanoutdoorsman5654 11 часов назад

      First overall ya loser

    • @wr15t95
      @wr15t95 11 часов назад

      yeah man #1 in the league look at how incompetent they are… you sound so dumb rn lol

  • @MarcoCastillo-n5w
    @MarcoCastillo-n5w 8 часов назад

    Princess Belle She Was At This Game Ducks Won 3-2 Over Winnipeg Jets

  • @al.grundau9441
    @al.grundau9441 12 часов назад +4

    Jets suck and should re locate
    Oilers are better

    • @cosmicr670
      @cosmicr670 12 часов назад +2


    • @Mulukkis
      @Mulukkis 12 часов назад +6

      Dude your trashtalk has gone limp.

    • @algrundau4991
      @algrundau4991 12 часов назад +1

      @@Mulukkisit’s not actually me it’s a fake account run by KOODA and mr watts. I have contacted the police about this and have an open case

    • @al.grundau9441
      @al.grundau9441 12 часов назад

      @ I never go limp I take viagra

    • @nascarawesomesquid2456
      @nascarawesomesquid2456 12 часов назад

      ​@@algrundau4991I trust you.

  • @ChrisEaston-oy5en
    @ChrisEaston-oy5en 10 часов назад

    What a joke.we get what we pay for.its time to get rid of comery.send to the moose

  • @vasyavetrov-s3g
    @vasyavetrov-s3g 10 часов назад

    Да, уж, гуси навалили, так навалили... ☝️☝️☝️