Side effects for cholesterol-lowering medications known as Statins may be overblown

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • Side effects for cholesterol-lowering medications known as Statins may be overblown, research shows.

Комментарии • 132

  • @lavernec7812
    @lavernec7812 Год назад +37

    Why are doctors dismissing the crippling pain in your legs. I had to walk with a cane in my early 50s. I had to stop. I’m walking and running now. Shame on them for trying to dismiss this serious side effect.

  • @brutishfossil5022
    @brutishfossil5022 2 года назад +64

    This message brought to you by the manufacturers.

    • @beannamated
      @beannamated Год назад +6


    • @CDtheMan
      @CDtheMan Год назад +3


    • @MR-pr8tp
      @MR-pr8tp Год назад +9

      My exact thoughts! Wonder which pharmaceutical paid to tweak the stats for this to air? Pharmaceutical lobbyists are paid very well. I have worked for a pharmaceutical company so I can attest to their ability to sell a "bad" product.

    • @prof.5251
      @prof.5251 Год назад +6

      Exactly!!! 😡

    • @poewitx
      @poewitx Год назад

      More fake news?

  • @silivenusivutikalulu7633
    @silivenusivutikalulu7633 Год назад +24

    Now I understand why I have muscles pains. please people stop taking statins it's not good

  • @rohinihyde4766
    @rohinihyde4766 Год назад +35

    The muscle weakness I experienced after starting a statin was horrible. My dr initially said it was age but at my insistence did a blood test and found my CK levels were very elevated. Stopped the statin immediately and with help from a naturopath who prescribed a few supplements including COQ10 returned to feeling normal again.

    • @s.w2934
      @s.w2934 Год назад +1

      Hi Has your cholesterol gone done

    • @rohinihyde4766
      @rohinihyde4766 Год назад +4

      @@s.w2934 No it went back up again to where it was before but the new gp I started seeing said that in her opinion taking everything about my general health into account e.g. no diabetese, high blood pressure, obesity etc. she did not think I needed to go on a statin for my level of cholestrol. I decided to take her advice. Lots of factors about my health and family history were taken into account before this decision was made.

    • @JaneDoe-vv8vu
      @JaneDoe-vv8vu Год назад

      Statins are poison...a stubborn Mayo Doctor glorifying statins put my father on them, over 20 some years ago with no history of heart disease or diabetes. My Dad had problems from very start , muscle cramping and weakness. Mayo Clinic Doctor refused to take him off...just put him on different statins...20mg.
      My Dad has statin induced permanent hearing loss, dementia, can't speak full sentences, all over muscle atrophy, difficult breathing, can barely walk, frequent urinary infections & Gastrointestinal bleeding that land him in the hospital, shakes, fatigue, one non functioning kidney and now heart problems...Mayo Clinic Dr. refuses to take him off of atrovastain and my Mom even asked to take him off them, Mayo Clinic Dr said no. Statins are killing him and robbed him of 15 good years.
      They took a perfectly healthy non obese man with just pharmaceutical company determined high cholesterol levels, poisoned him, turned him into a frail old man and robbed him of 15 years of his life. By the way, his parents lived without statins Father 91 and Mother (over weight) 87 with diabetes and both could run circles around my frail Dad.
      Statins killed him and Drs need to wake the hell up!.
      Same goes for all Cholesterol lowering drugs....poisons.

    • @geoffdelderfield9248
      @geoffdelderfield9248 Год назад +3

      Hi, did you ever get a diagnosis? My CK went from 130 to over 10,000 along with having muscle pain and dramatic muscle loss. It turned out from muscle biopsies that I have "Statin Induced Necrotizing Autoimmune Myopathy" .....if you haven't found out what was wrong with you, it may be what I have!

    • @halinabemben9932
      @halinabemben9932 11 месяцев назад +1

      You sure that helps? Because I can't even walk that's how bad it made me feel . Low back pain is unbelievable. Muscles, headaches and I can't sleep without sleeping med. Clanapam wich is probably not good for me to take. Originally they proscribed this med. For heart palpation. Now I know whycI had heart palpation- elevated blood pressure. Don't we learn a lot just from interacting here .!!!

  • @garyradley5694
    @garyradley5694 11 месяцев назад +8

    Look for information about the former ABC ( Australian Broadcasting Commission ) medical investigational journalist Dr. Maryanne Demasi , who attempted from 2013 to initiate debate about the use of statins. She ended up being silenced by by her employer with a gag order, and her TV program "Catalyst" was cancelled, with all members from the executive producer down all sacked. Her very logical and extensive investigation showed that it was impossible to gain access to any of the statin research. She was continually told that the research shows that statins were safe and that you will just have to trust us on that. The only problem is that the authorities holding the statin research were financed by the pharmaceutical industries! No different to a drug carte saying that fentanyl is completely safe to use.

  • @MorningDove
    @MorningDove Год назад +8

    I have been on these meds for a long time and over time I developed pain so bad I couldn't get out of bed. I have been through every test imaginable. Last month my doctor told me to stop taking these meds for a month. Guess what??? It's the end of the month and I'm pain free. I'm so upset because I wasted 3 or 4 years with this horrible pain and now it's gone???

  • @afayia123
    @afayia123 Год назад +16

    He’s telling a DAMN LIE!

  • @CDtheMan
    @CDtheMan Год назад +16

    Modern allopathic medicine is great for emergencies and short term use to help us avoid urgencies. What most ppl including the majority of medical professionals fail to tell us is that we need to focus on diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices to help us be healthy for long term sake. The reason we're left in the dark? Because their profits are tied to prescribing and selling drugs, directly and/or indirectly.
    BTW, I love the way this so called expert just told everyone who has experienced this side effect that it wasn't true or from the drug. Ppl like him make me love science lol.

  • @MR-pr8tp
    @MR-pr8tp Год назад +16

    I cannot count the number of people I know that cannot tolerate the side effects of statins. And apparently many physicians are speaking out about how statins are "pharmacy driven". Being the most prescribed drug, plus new theories about the cholesterol test being outdated makes me want to pursue more information. Have read in journals about new tests that take in account of the lipid size in the bloodstream. I simply cannot tolerate any of them.

  • @bimmjim
    @bimmjim Год назад +12

    I couldn't walk after taking 3 Crestor pills. My legs locked straight with huge cramps.
    The pain was tremendous; not an ache. I've found other people with the identical experience.
    I've heard from PhDs that statins show no benefits, in properly done statistical studies.
    I'm looking for those studies. I'm an engineer so I can read and understand science.

    • @sandh6973
      @sandh6973 Год назад +1

      I had the same result from Crestor. I could not walk at all. That is no way to live!

    • @tamikahollis4123
      @tamikahollis4123 7 месяцев назад

      I’m currently experiencing the same thing.. how long did it take for you to go back to normal activities?

  • @Dogsnark
    @Dogsnark Год назад +37

    Rare? If muscle pain is so rare, why is this such a widely reported issue? Muscle pain due to statins is easy to show. If a patient is taking a statin and experiencing increased muscle pain, decreasing the dosage or stopping the drug will show whether the drug is the culprit. I have been taking atorvastatin for several years and also experiencing i creasing muscle pain throughout my body. I halved my dosage, and the pain almost immediately decreased. Subsequently, I tried stopping the drug and the pains disappeared nearly completely. No large scale medical studies will change my experience. Drug-related side effects are always individual, and should always be taken seriously. Statins make the drug companies a LOT of money and that should be considered when evaluating the efficacy of stories like one in this video.

    • @CDtheMan
      @CDtheMan Год назад +3

      His profits are tied to the drug, that's why it's rare lol

    • @geoffdelderfield9248
      @geoffdelderfield9248 Год назад

      I was on Atorvastatin after a heart attack in March 2018. Stopping the Atorvastatin did nothing to ease the muscle soreness. It turned out from muscle biopsies that I have "Statin Induced Necrotizing Autoimmune Myopathy" Stopping the drug makes no difference.....once the harm is done, it's done. Pfizer makes $214 million PER DAY from Atorvastatin alone! Do you think that has anything to do with it?

    • @sharpasacueball
      @sharpasacueball Год назад +3

      Because it is a very widely prescribed medication and only people with problems will tend to talk about it.

  • @mlady6564
    @mlady6564 Год назад +46

    My dad died an incredibly painful death from a statin. It caused acute pancreatitis, which destroyed the rest of his organs, his necrotized pancreas perforated his intestines, and he died painfully with his intestinal waste seeping into his abdomen. If this description doesn't make you run the other way from statins, then I don't know what will. Stay away from them at all costs.
    Note: He never had pancreatic issues, never had a heart attack, was prescribed the statin for cholesterol and family history of heart disease. He didn't want to be on a statin and didn't understand what he was taking was a statin, but his doctor failed to communicate that the drug was a generic for a name brand statin. If he had known this, he would have refused to take it. My dad would be alive today and would have walked me down the aisle at my wedding if it weren't for the malpractice of that doctor. My only comfort is knowing there's a special place in hell for the doctor who prescribed him that poison. This life is short, but eternity is long.

    • @houseofhale
      @houseofhale Год назад +6

      I stopped taking rosuvastatin because it gave me shortness of breath and I developed swallowing issues shortly after starting it. I took it for quite a while. I've been off of it for over a month and my breathing is so much better. Not completely back to normal, but getting better every day. Saying that side effects are overblown is insulting to the people that experience them

    • @howdydoodey3872
      @howdydoodey3872 9 месяцев назад +6

      Statins clearly did not kill your dad.

  • @gregnixon1296
    @gregnixon1296 Год назад +11

    After beginning statins, I had such muscular pain in my legs that I could not sit long enough to drive. When I stopped taking the pills, the leg pain vanished.

    • @juliettst5203
      @juliettst5203 6 месяцев назад

      My mum have been taking statin and she was prediabetics.
      She is having muscle pains on both legs & can’t even walk for 5 min
      She used to walk few hours before.
      Her blood sugar doesnt even go down.

  • @luv2bbq
    @luv2bbq 2 года назад +22

    Don’t avoid them try them, but after 10 of years of thinking I was getting old and bad knees and sore muscles I discovered statins caused this. I struggled to walk. Went off then cold turkey and was a new man in 2 weeks. It was just terrible. Fatigue was brutal. Who knew it was my meds?

    • @Iheartcatz
      @Iheartcatz 2 года назад +3

      I lost my memory really bad. it affected my new job performance. i stopped it 2 weeks ago. my muscle pain is still there. i couldnt climb stairs and it caused me confusion.

    • @shaq9361
      @shaq9361 Год назад

      so you took poison then stopped and you became healthy? shocking

    • @houseofhale
      @houseofhale Год назад +2

      I was on it for way too long. I didn't realize that what I was experiencing was bad side effects until I stopped about a month ago.

  • @juliehunt8884
    @juliehunt8884 Год назад +8

    I went through debilitating weakness and pain for 3 years. I always felt like I had the flu. I tried three different statins and they all did the same thing. They acted like it was all in my head psychosomatic. The new drugs that they are coming out with are about $14,000 a year. How can anyone afford this?. I know I can't!

  • @mickeyhead9770
    @mickeyhead9770 Год назад +8

    It’s not only leg or muscle pain that is being reported, it’s also memory loss which I had from taking statins. My neighbor was put on statins and she developed diabetes.

  • @dsanchezc3
    @dsanchezc3 9 месяцев назад +2

    It became an issue when unexpected and intolerable pain appeared to the low back or feet. Got off this medication asap.

  • @dianeattwell6294
    @dianeattwell6294 Год назад +6

    I have fibromyalgia and when I started statins it was excruciating painful.

    • @sheilalawrence54
      @sheilalawrence54 Год назад

      I have fibromyalgia and ostio arthritis and my doctor wants me to go on them because I have high cholesterol but I am worried about the muscle pain that you can get from the simvastatin medication

  • @parksal1981
    @parksal1981 Год назад +4

    After having a hole in my heart closed 3 months after turning 40 my VA primary care doctor put me on a statin. I had intense muscle and tendon pain with my statin usage. I couldn’t even extend my arms completely at some point. I tried stretching my arm and a tendon in my bicep tore and bled since I was also on blood thinners. It turned purple like I had been hit by something. I immediately stopped taking them and asked for an alternative cholesterol medication that wasn’t a statin and my doctor just wanted to lower my dosage. I told her no and never went back to see her.

  • @prof.5251
    @prof.5251 Год назад +6

    From Ben Fuchs (popular pharmacist), "The best "statin" is an egg"!!!

  • @dutchflats
    @dutchflats 6 месяцев назад +2

    BALONEY......I was taking a Statin and started getting SEVERE cramps in my thighs and hands that wouldn't give up! My wife started taking a Statin and now has very painful "Locked Shoulder Syndrome." A conincidence? I think NOT!

  • @jaym9846
    @jaym9846 9 месяцев назад +3

    At schools across the nation, the cardboard pizza goes down the gullet, the apple down the trash bin. No problem. All the protective nutrient can be simulated later with an endless supply of pills.

  • @jonzeejonez4585
    @jonzeejonez4585 7 месяцев назад +2

    This is an absolutely BS... Atorvastatin totally gave me muscle, bone, and liver pain... I stopped this terrible drug after 5 years of many pains and issues and things got much better...

  • @mr.fluffy770
    @mr.fluffy770 Год назад +13

    Say no to drugs

  • @amers83
    @amers83 Год назад +5

    I thought I had just been overdoing it at work the last few years. Perhaps, driving the hour commute plus standing 8 hours with heavy lifting caused my every day lower back pain and the rough time getting out of my car after work. I also thought that perhaps it was my other medication. My estrogen blocker or the consequences of the chemo and radiation I received a few years back was surely the cause. I'd just assumed I'd have to live with the uncomfortable feeling forever. This is the second day off of my statin and the flu like muscle aches have subsided. It's like my brain is finally able to acknowledge where my body is hurting and can send pain killing endorphins. I wonder if this stuff was making my depression worse along with a slew of other issues. Time will tell. I Definitely will be looking for alternative ways of staying off atorvastatin. I like being able to stand a full shift without feeling like my hips are going to split.

    • @mballer
      @mballer Год назад

      How's it going?

  • @beachgal2023
    @beachgal2023 Месяц назад +1

    80 days into taking 20mg Atorvastatin, my BLOOD PLATELETS DROPPED FROM 160 TO 94 (59%) and I have myopathy. My cardio took me off the statin 7-1-2024 and going to run a battery of tests to see what damaged has been done. Will update

  • @KingPookienation
    @KingPookienation Год назад +3

    I don’t want to take cholesterol medicine and it’s addictive and there could be side effects?

  • @sumahomes8177
    @sumahomes8177 8 дней назад

    My cousin is pre diabeteic. Doctor gave METFPRMIN and also told to take Statin, stating it avoid heard stroke. Total confusion. Doctor said METFPRMIN will raise cholestroal in the body and so take Statin. Any doctors here in the group can guide us. If there are no heart issues, why one shoudl take Statin

  • @goldenlifelove7251
    @goldenlifelove7251 Год назад +2

    She's so pretty & her hair is beautiful ❤

  • @drjojo5551
    @drjojo5551 Год назад +5

    Says you doc!! When you can’t step out of bed in the morning, you too may chuck them statins!!

  • @stevemoore-nx8cq
    @stevemoore-nx8cq 2 месяца назад

    I stopped cause of the back thigh muscles in pain, rapid heart beat when sleep, double and blurry vision. My heart and eyes are no exceptions for side effects to damage.

  • @winicordova
    @winicordova 6 месяцев назад +1

    My pain was life altering!

  • @eddiea3782
    @eddiea3782 4 месяца назад

    Atorvastatin was killing me. It felt as if my muscles were shredding. I couldn't sleep at night for the horrible muscle cramps. I couldn't walk for days after having those cramps. I threw that medication away. I will never put that trash in my body again.

  • @jasonjohnson3082
    @jasonjohnson3082 Год назад +1

    So they’ve been around for decades and yet they can’t make a safer product for people with the profits they’ve made?

  • @greggoryrice7046
    @greggoryrice7046 4 дня назад

    Very skeptical Any time you interfere/ihibit the liver enzyme that produces cholesterol, it can have serious side effects. Even a natural supplement that does this can have a muscle related side effect, even muscle wasting.

  • @johneastwood4852
    @johneastwood4852 Год назад +1

    I have been using them for 2 weeks now.i can barely walk . I so frustrated

  • @howdydoodey3872
    @howdydoodey3872 9 месяцев назад +1

    Exactly - I've been on statins for no real reasons for 15 years, I'm 80, average lazy person, but I do cycle or walk to visit friends - I've experienced none of the doom-and-gloom so-called side-effects so what is going on? If statins really kill or hurt people, they would not be approved - 'sufferers' from my perspective should look elsewhere and seriously review lifestyle habits.

    • @Corkfish1
      @Corkfish1 9 месяцев назад

      My dad is 90 and he's been taking 20mg every day for 30 years. I went over to his house last week and he was doing pushups

  • @d.arthur6032
    @d.arthur6032 4 месяца назад

    My doctor placed me on statins for high cholesterol. I went from running 22 miles a week to barely able to walk up three steps of stairs. I ask this doctor about the pain I was having and he treated my like I was seeking painkillers. He stated that he didn't have time for pain and that he had a meeting to go to. I never went back to that so call doctor.

  • @standdown4929
    @standdown4929 2 месяца назад

    I must be at the top of the rare list. I literally could not walk anymore, and I couldn't breathe either. I stopped taking them and am fine. I am an athlete and would rather have a quality of life for a shorter period of time, then live longer like an invalid.

  • @iloveTRUMP
    @iloveTRUMP 5 месяцев назад

    I don't think they're extremely rare...I started rosuvastatin this past summer right before knee surgery and pre knee surgery in June 2023 I had no muscle pain... post surgery I threw the statin away because I've always been against them but in Oct 23 after shoulder surgery my doctor convinced me to take it because my chol was up a little over 200 so I in April 24 the pain is almost unbearable!!!! I'm convknced I should have stuck to my guns!! Oh and let me also say that my bloodwork has ALWAYS come back normal but this past time my kidney results show damage...another side effect!!!!!

  • @sharonandrews9687
    @sharonandrews9687 3 месяца назад

    Statins caused my aunty to get dementia. Stay away from this crap. Eat well, enjoy life

  • @leapinlizard2
    @leapinlizard2 3 месяца назад

    It's not the muscle pain, but joint pain that caused me to stop using statins. These people would prefer I walk with the assistance of a cane or walker and have low LDL cholesterol! . . . NOT!

  • @Gromobran
    @Gromobran 6 месяцев назад +1

    What???? I’m in my 50s and can’t walk, having pain in legs for years. I feel like i am 90 yo. Shut up liars!!!!

  • @williamharvey4732
    @williamharvey4732 2 месяца назад

    I had a stroke have high C but refuse statins .period . Better chech out effects more !!

  • @williamvaughan1218
    @williamvaughan1218 3 месяца назад

    When I took these my back went out and usually a good night's rest would be enough to repair it. No until I quit taking those meds. Exercise and the sun is better for me than statins

  • @yavuzc927
    @yavuzc927 Год назад +1

    These old TV channels have a horrible way of presenting news. Aside from what the medical information, the background imagery (actors acting pain) is just useless and misleading.

  • @brianmorgan3659
    @brianmorgan3659 4 месяца назад


  • @mahmoodhariri5239
    @mahmoodhariri5239 9 месяцев назад +1

    Rubbish medical industry 101

  • @jameslong5139
    @jameslong5139 2 месяца назад

    That's BS Doc ! I've had terrible muscle pain since being on Atorvastatin !!!!

  • @Corkfish1
    @Corkfish1 9 месяцев назад

    I took low dose statins for a couple of years when my calcium score was 90. I decided to go off them and ten years later my calcium score tripled.

    • @janlange3839
      @janlange3839 5 месяцев назад

      Statins will raise your calcium score by "stabilizing" the soft plaque. They don't tell you that when you're starting them. Look into that.

    • @Corkfish1
      @Corkfish1 5 месяцев назад

      @@janlange3839 That's the point. Stable plaque is less dangerous

    • @janlange3839
      @janlange3839 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@Corkfish1 Understood. Just putting that note here for people that expected to see that score drop after statins. Not every doctor will set the expectations appropriately for their patients.

  • @jkovert
    @jkovert 5 месяцев назад

    So much gaslighting.

  • @philiplow2134
    @philiplow2134 4 месяца назад

    Statin affect those with gout

  • @froglambert6570
    @froglambert6570 5 месяцев назад

    You obviously have not taken the medication. I know what I feel. Also bone pain in shins, hands,fingers and such.

  • @mrsstrawberryluv1
    @mrsstrawberryluv1 3 месяца назад

    Dont forget server muscle pain its a concern it have you crying 😢 where you have to take pain med not only that !!!! Rash itching skin hair loss nope keep it or come up eith with something more easier i got different bottle two different brand they hurting me

  • @CarlCutts
    @CarlCutts 4 месяца назад

    It works fine for me

  • @RaadDaniel-t4c
    @RaadDaniel-t4c Месяц назад +1

    You shouldn’t ask a doctor for advice if he hasn’t had personal experience, they’re just gonna tell you what they’ve read

  • @Dixiebigfoot67
    @Dixiebigfoot67 2 месяца назад

    Hell yes it almost cripples you

  • @joynicholls1997
    @joynicholls1997 Год назад +1

    Telling a lie!!

  • @poewitx
    @poewitx Год назад

    45 super negative comments trump one “doctor” on the pharmaceutical doll🤭

  • @Robin-ud2kx
    @Robin-ud2kx 4 месяца назад

    Stop Lying to people!

  • @mballer
    @mballer Год назад

    To be clear, BS.

  • @SergioLopez-zc5bv
    @SergioLopez-zc5bv Год назад +1

    Why would I trust doctors that are trained to treat and never to cure? I would take my chances with a more strict diet first before considering a doctor's medication prescribed.

  • @Rod-bp8ow
    @Rod-bp8ow Год назад +1

    Simvastatin drug is known for its effects in giving patients relief for their Cholesterol problems, fast acting. Yet, these types of NON-Compounds are controlled, based on its administration. Patients height, age, weight are to be listed, in order to administer accordingly and not adversely. The adverse effects of this drug are mostly to the lower extremities, it can can cause problems such as excretory problems due to the high amounts of both non-compounds active ingredients, as well as damage the internal organs. Monitoring and administration of its contraindication is recommended. ePLDT/PLDT/Subsidiaries/SMC-Telecommunications and partner Industries are well incorporated regarding practices of security, protection, as well as evaluation of active ingredients based on DX as well as RX as prescribed. This is Tierage Exception:Reason:Adverse effects can be derived/experienced prior to Administration IV of the dispensing limits based on federal drug and controlled agents. MDO, MCO, RN, MCR, Neuro Surgeon, General Practice, General Manager(s) Gastroenterologist, Internist, Cardiologist, Radiologist, for our statistics to account its adverse effects, prevention, as well as as DX and RX indicates. Date 2006-dated 2089 to date 2023. *****IMPORTANT*******

  • @sherrysimpleeats
    @sherrysimpleeats Год назад +6

    Not true! Atorvastatin 20mg can cause severe muscle pain

  • @hellynnwheels6819
    @hellynnwheels6819 2 года назад +21

    They’re terrible. I get crippling pain from them. Of course big pharma paid this study.

    • @JohnJohnson-fi6ol
      @JohnJohnson-fi6ol 2 года назад +2

      Then don't take them duh

    • @Iheartcatz
      @Iheartcatz 2 года назад

      me too. see my comment above.

    • @beannamated
      @beannamated Год назад

      Have you stopped them? Please look into groups about statins. They are very dangerous drugs and can cause extremely dangerous effects. Temporary Global Amnesia is a common one. Very scary. Suicidal depression. Alzheimer's. Parkinson's.
      Most importantly, the body and brain NEED cholesterol. The whole thing is based on bad science and the #CholesterolMyth.

    • @beannamated
      @beannamated Год назад +5

      @@JohnJohnson-fi6ol no need to be a jerk.

    • @bimmjim
      @bimmjim Год назад +2

      @Hellynn Wheels --> I couldn't walk after taking 3 Crestor pills. My legs locked straight with huge cramps.
      The pain was tremendous; not an ache. I've found other people with the identical experience.

  • @chereejohnson2400
    @chereejohnson2400 Год назад +10

    This doctor works for Henry Ford medical, enough said! Leave they're medication and murderous hearts alone and go natural PRAYERFULLY IN JESUS CHRIST'S SWEET AND MIGHTY NAME!

  • @MagnoliaMuse
    @MagnoliaMuse Год назад +5

    I have a huge knot over my elbow that wasn’t there before, unbearable fatigue, pain up the wahzoo. I stopped the Statin and never looking back!!