FA-50: Block 10 a Block 20 - porównanie i różnice

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 70

  • @grzegorzkudirka6458
    @grzegorzkudirka6458 2 года назад +16

    Niezamówienie przez MON maksymalnie wypasionej wersji byłoby głupotą, bo skok mozliwości bojowych w tym przypadu jest ogromny. Generalnie Block 20 to taki nowszy F-5 czy Gripen C/D, czyli byłoby to potężne wzmocnienie polskich sił powietrznych.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад +2

      I'm sorry, but we gave up the FA-50, which will be operated by the Republic of Korea Air Force, to the Polish Air Force.
      The Republic of Korea Air Force is also in great need of the FA-50.
      I am a Korean who heard the speech of General Novak of the Polish Air Force. Korea has never failed. Of course it is a miracle.
      Now I think the Poles are in a fantasy. The Republic of Korea Air Force operates a very large number of fighter jets.
      You may not know why we developed the KF-21.
      The Korean Air Force, which operates the F-15K and KF-16V, also experienced a crisis.
      If the Polish Air Force could buy them from the US right now, how long do you think you could use them for? Lockheed Martin and Boeing will halt production of all fighter jets. Unfortunately, good 4th and 4.5th generation fighters don't exist right now.
      If you want a Eurofighter 2000, a Rafale or a Gripen, I want to ask the Polish government to buy the T-50, not the FA-50. Can the Polish Air Force operate all its fighters without the T-50?
      All 4th to 4.5th generation fighters around the world are heralding the end. you wouldn't have known Do you want a beautiful fashion show in the sky?
      "Now Poland has to wait."
      The Slovak Air Force will receive the first F-16Vs from Lockheed Martin at the end of 2023. They waited more than 5 years.
      However, the U.S. Air Force immediately decided to stop operating the F-16, and announced that it would be fully developed for another 20 years because of Taiwan.
      That doesn't mean Lockheed Martin will produce the F-16V for another 20 years.
      So how long will the Slovak Air Force keep their F-16Vs in service?
      Tell me please.

    • @witoldw1539
      @witoldw1539 2 года назад +3

      @@whiteelan7 spare parts and support for F-16 will be available in perspective 20-30 years. USAF has to use F-16 longer than they planned because of delay of F-35 production.
      And we chose FA-50 because it was only one option for us.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад

      @@witoldw1539 This era is very unfortunate. A good 4th or 4.5th generation fighter that we can choose from doesn't seem to exist in this world right now.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад +2

      @@witoldw1539 I have a question.
      Are there enough parts for the Polish Air Force's F-16? I can't trust it at all.
      Because the Republic of Korea Air Force's KF-16V is still unable to receive some parts. According to Korean media, some parts have already been discontinued.
      However, it is a miracle to maintain an utilization rate of 80% or more.

    • @grzegorzkudirka6458
      @grzegorzkudirka6458 2 года назад +2

      @@whiteelan7 I've never said Korea has failed. Maybe it's auto-translator fault?
      I'm in favour of FA-50 for Polish Air Force.
      I don't know much about parts for F-16. USA is shifting diametrically from the production of the F-16 to the production of the F-35. Maybe that's the problem.

  • @sius-ug5ls
    @sius-ug5ls 2 года назад +12

    A mi się wydaje że te FA 50 są bardzo nie docenione. Każdy trzeźwo myślący wie, że to nie maszyna, a umiejętności pilota grają dużą rolę w walce. A jak wiemy nasi piloci są jedni z najlepszych na świecie i już nie raz pokazała to historia. Oby zamówili jak najwięcej Block 20.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад

      You are right.

    • @witoldw1539
      @witoldw1539 2 года назад +2

      Możesz tymi jednymi z najlepszych na świecie to bym nie przesadzał, ale z tym nie doceniamiem FA-50 to prawda.

    • @sius-ug5ls
      @sius-ug5ls 2 года назад +2

      @@witoldw1539 widzę że słabo wierzysz w naszych i chciałbym aby pokazali Ci w walce na co ich stać, ale jeszcze bardziej chce żeby nigdy do tego nie doszło i nie musieli nic udowadniać.

    • @devirand1298
      @devirand1298 2 года назад +2

      @@sius-ug5ls Panie,panie spokojnie pilot obecnie to jest około ponad max.30 procent misji bojowej.Reszta to samolot,wyposazenie i naprowadzanie w skali 100 procent.Samolot do działania taktycznego i wykorzystania z lotnisk z dróg lokalnych i oznacza to co zawsze podkreslało USA czyli F-16 I F-35 w razie ataku sasiada ze wschodu na Polskę jak najblizej stacjonowanie albo u Niemców albo granicy z Niemcami.Czyli FA-50 będzie mogło bez nacisków sojuszników bronić Polskiego Nieba swobodnie.

    • @witoldw1539
      @witoldw1539 2 года назад +2

      @@sius-ug5ls to nie kwestia wiary tylko realnej oceny poziomu wyszkolenia naszych pilotów na tle innych sił powietrznych. Jesteśmy o niebo wyżej niż Rosja czy Ukraina ale też jakoś nie błyszczymy patrząc na resztę NATO. Także not terrible not great, ale trzeba poziom stałe podnosić.

  • @grzegorzkaliszuk9472
    @grzegorzkaliszuk9472 2 года назад +1

    Cześć. Świetny materiał. Czy mógłbyś coś dodać o podziale zadań dla poszczególnych członków załogi?

  • @mrchnum2984
    @mrchnum2984 2 года назад +13

    W Polsce wybuchła panika że FA-50 zamiast F-16.
    A te samoloty wcale nie będą pełnić takich zadań.

    • @lovepitbull8940
      @lovepitbull8940 2 года назад

      A będą zamawiać f16te?

    • @artureszer7283
      @artureszer7283 2 года назад +2

      No oczywiście że nie bo to są samoloty szkoleniowe. Będą służyły jako latające taksówki dla pisowskich dygnitarzy.

  • @Markus-in6yi
    @Markus-in6yi 2 года назад +2

    Czytałem że fa50 blok 20 są prace nad modernizacja kabiny chodzi o 1 miejscowa co to da osiągi mniejsza waga , nie wiem czy Polacy kupują taką wersję ,taka ciekawostka odnośnie fa50

  • @zbigniewstefanski335
    @zbigniewstefanski335 2 года назад

    A co z nowym mocniejszym silnikiem napędowym do Block 20? Podobno były jakieś przymiarki? Bo z obecnym silnikiem, to dramat... nadaje się co najwyżej do patrolowania granicy i do nauki/treningu pilotów z ostrego strzelania na poligonie. Link 16 oczywiście to podstawa, piloci muszą być szkoleni w jego użyciu.

  • @oktawianukasik8576
    @oktawianukasik8576 2 года назад +1

    Zrób proszę odcinek o uzbrojeniu Polskich F-16

  • @pawelhuszcza9611
    @pawelhuszcza9611 2 года назад

    Jest bardzo wolny ... 1.5 Macha to bardzo malo

  • @michamalinowski3539
    @michamalinowski3539 2 года назад +1

    F 16 jest już przestarzały a te.Powtorka z 1939 się szykuje.

  • @kris01081979
    @kris01081979 2 года назад +3

    Przydało by się porównanie z gripenem oraz jf 17

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад

      What if the FA-50 Block 20 outperforms the Gripen?
      Do you think that is unlikely?
      Is the Polish Air Force richer than the Republic of Korea Air Force?
      I congratulate the Polish Air Force on the introduction of the F-35A.
      But do you want the Polish Air Force to hunt sparrows with the F-35A?
      The Republic of Korea Air Force never does such a stupid thing.

    • @crackpacker
      @crackpacker 2 года назад +1

      What kind of performance ? FA50 has 1/2 climb rate of Gripen it’s nearly 1000km/h slower also 3,5 tons payload of FA50 isn’t 5,3 tons in case of Gripen.

  • @robert3501
    @robert3501 2 года назад

    nie zapominajmy też o cenie ...i możliwościach naszego budżetu ...F35 są drogie ..nie mówiąc o Eurofigherach, Reafale ..jedyną konkurencją cenową to chyba Rosyjskie samoloty i Chińskie o podobnym parametrach bojowych ..no ale Rosyjskich to my nie kupimy ..Chińskich również ...zatem pozostały Koreanskie ..i ...? ...F16 to tak czy inaczej już mocno nadgnile jabłko ..swoje lata ma ...F18 super hornet ...tyle że cenowo też inna półka plus cały zestaw uzbrojenie ..itp ..F15 w nowej wersji ? droga zabawka i jak na polskę nie potrzebna ..to inny typ samolotów i do innych celów stworzony ..my musimy mieć samoloty które w razie Wu ..powstrzymają ...czasowo agresora ...dając czas by pozostałe kraje NATO mogły wejść pełną siłą swych sił powietrznych...mając F 16 ...F 35 i FA 50 w liczbie tych 48 maszyn ...hm...o ile kontrakt będzie wypełniony do końca ...to wygląda na to że będziemy mieli jedną z najsilniejszych flot sił powietrznych w NATO ...wyłaczając rzecz jasna USA i ich bazy w Europie , 32 F 35, 48 F16, 48 FA 50 ..ło panie ...jasne że nie wszystkie będą w pełnej gotowości bojowej ale ...ile np Rosja posiada maszyn w pełnej gotowości bojowej> ...tego chyba nawet oni sami nie wiedzą...do tego doliczmy zakupione ..zamówione Ah 64 Apache ...98 sztuk ..plus Ambramsy ...Czarne pantery ...a i jeszcze mamy wszak Leopardy 2 ..ło panie ...jak to wszystko już będzie na stanie polskich sił zbrojnych ...ło matko z córkom ...i nie ironizuję ...siła tego panie ...siła ...

  • @witoldw1539
    @witoldw1539 2 года назад +2

    Byloby super jeśli Block 20 będzie mieć wszystkie te ulepszenia we wskazanych terminach za pieniądze głównie Korei.
    Niestety ponoć integracja AIM-120 się oddala co mam nadzieję będzie tylko czarnym PR.
    Warto byłoby przy okazji zainwestować w belki wielozamkowe na uzbrojenie pow-pow. tak by można było zabierać 4-6x AIM-120 i 2-4x AIM-9X (w sumie do 8 rakiet obu typów). Broń stand-off mogłaby zniwelować część wad tego samolotu. Warto byłoby zintegrować ten samolot z NSM. Ciekawe będą te bomby szybujące KGGB. Tylko czy je kupimy bo nie są one zintegrowane z naszymi F-16. O KEPD-350 chyba możemy zapomnieć, bo nie są zintegrowane z F-16, my mamy analoga w postaci JASSM-ER no i produkują go Niemcy. Przydały by się też dwa dodatkowe pylony na uzbrojenie tak by zasobniki rozpoznawcze i WRE nie zabierały miejsca na uzbrojenie. Było to pokazywane na niektórych grafikach. No ale ponoć płatowca tykać nie mają.
    Trochę martwi mnie brak zwiększenia ilości paliwa wewnętrznego. Sam zbiornik dodatkowy 300 gal. i zdolność do tankowania w powietrzu to ciut mało. Przydał by się zbiornik konforemny i możliwość zamontowania dodatkowego zbiornika w tylnej kabinie jak Super Tucano.
    No i załoga. Czy serio potrzebujemy aż 2 pilotów do misji bliskiego wsparcia? No i jeśli tak to czy musi to być drugi pilot, którego wyszkolenie kosztuje krocie czy może lepiej żeby to był nawigator-operator systemów pokładowych, którego wyszkolenie jest o wiele tańsze.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад +1

      You seem to have a lot of knowledge. ^^ I understand your concerns.
      But now is a very unfortunate time.
      The Korean Air Force also faced a crisis.
      That is why Korea is developing a fighter like the KF-21.
      What fighter do you want now?
      You want to tell me which is the best fighter to support the fifth-generation F-35A.
      Currently, there are no 4th to 4.5th generation fighters in the world that the Republic of Korea Air Force can choose from.
      Now the Polish Air Force is very unlucky.
      What do you think are the 4th and 4.5th generation fighters that the Polish Air Force can choose now? I can answer all your questions.
      For example, even if you give the Eurofighter 2000 Trench 3 to the Republic of Korea Air Force for free, they will refuse.

    • @witoldw1539
      @witoldw1539 2 года назад +1

      @@whiteelan7 thank you for your answer.
      That is true we are in very inconvenient time. We planned to keep in line our MiG-29 and Su-22 till 2026-2030 and replace them with F-35. But russian invasion on Ukraine and war along our borders destroyed this plan.
      All post-soviet warplanes will be grounded soon because of lack of spare parts, armaments or they will be donated to Ukraine.
      Anyway we will grounded and lost half of our combat fighters and stay with just 48 F-16 Block 52+ Advanced. That's why we need 48 fighters ASAP. Our dream fighters are F-16V for now and additional F-35 for future (Poland ordered 32 F-35 with delivery in 2025-2030). Unfortunately both of them are not available before 2028-2030. There is no good second-hand fighters in such number and such time.
      That's why we decided to take FA-50. We hope KAI deliver ordered fighters as soon as they promised.
      Because FA-50 is not so good as F-16 we want to maximize combat power of that construction. Block 10 variant is not enough for war in Europe. Block 20 is minimum. KAI promised to deliver this variant since 2026 (what is not as quick as we were thinking). KAI also said that development of this variant is already paid by Korean Government. But now there are some rumours that Block 20 won't be so sophisticated as it was spoken. And probably Poland will be pushed to spend money for development of Block 20.
      We are very close watch for KF-21 development. We consider is as reinforcement for F-35 and replacement for F-16 and FA-50 in the future. But efficient, developed and proven variant of KF-21 will available for Poland in perspective of 10-15 years.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад +1

      @@witoldw1539 you're welcome.
      I know very well that you are a patriot. ^^
      Hope you read my other comments.
      The biggest issue is the fact that there are no good 4th to 4.5th generation fighters that can support the expensive 5th generation F-35A.
      Smart Poles probably don't want to see an air show with a Eurofighter 2000, a Rafale. It is too expensive and their future is very uncertain.
      The Luftwaffe operates more than 130 Eurofighter 2000s. However, when Germany is in crisis, there are only four Eurofighter 2000s that can immediately sortie for air-to-air missions.
      This is very shocking.
      Some parts suppliers have already disappeared. But how can they supply the Eurofighter 2000 to the Polish Air Force?
      Recently, there was a situation where the Luftwaffe had to make an emergency sortie. However, I have read the news that the Panavia Tornado, a ground attack aircraft, has made a sortie.
      Now Poland's arsenal is empty. Poland needed an emergency response, so it asked South Korea for help.
      I read the news of an interview with the president of KAI in Korea yesterday on the Internet. According to Korean news, if Poland can succeed in the FA-50 Block 20 program, he said he would like to invite Poland to partner in the KF-21 program. They won't be able to share the KF-21 with a partner who doesn't have basic skills. This is true.
      Indonesia is very nervous because of Poland recently. Now they feel a sense of crisis that they may lose their position. Another news is that Norway wants it too.
      It will not be possible to solve it with all of Korea's labor force and Korea will open up a lot to its partners.
      There are more large-scale defense partners like Poland now in Korea. They are Australia, Egypt, Norway and Saudi Arabia. We have to work with them.
      All defense companies in Korea are facing a state of emergency. They are adding and training all engineers in Korea.
      Above all, Poland's military vacancies must be filled quickly. And the Korean Army will invite the Polish Army to Korea. Like the Estonian army in the past, they will be trained in Korea. And starting this year, as soon as the K-2 Black Panther and K-9 Thunder arrive in the Polish ports, they will immediately operate them.
      We are very different from other developed countries.

  • @whiteelan7
    @whiteelan7 2 года назад +2

    Sorry, but I think the Poles have some fantasies.
    What do you think the 4th to 4.5th generation fighters can be chosen for the Polish Air Force right now?
    The Republic of Korea Air Force has the largest number of F-15Ks and KF-16Vs. The Republic of Korea Air Force is now facing a crisis.
    The F-15K and KF-16V will now be the last.
    If Poland can buy them now, how long do you think they can operate?
    In particular, Boeing has discontinued all production of the FA-18 and the F-15EX is the last aircraft, but there are few orders. All production of the F-15 was discontinued in the early 2000s. However, it was produced by a joint effort between Korea and some countries to restart Boeing's factories. And they lured Korea with the Silent Eagle prototype, saying they were making a stealth fighter. But we were not fooled. Of course, the Silent Eagle was never produced. And now Boeing's last card is the EX.
    Lockheed Martin's maximum is to produce four F-16Vs per month. During normal times, one or two F-16Vs are produced per month.
    In particular, the U.S. Air Force decided to suspend all F-16s in favor of the F-35s. However, the US Air Force has extended the F-16's operation for the next 20 years in favor of Taiwan. If so, that doesn't mean Lockheed Martin will be producing the F-16V for 20 years. If so, their parts will also be discontinued. The Republic of Korea Air Force experienced the crisis of supply disruption very often.
    Poland's neighbor, Slovakia, has been waiting for their F-16V for more than five years, and Lockheed Martin has made a final promise to deliver the first aircraft at the end of 2023. So, how long will the Slovak Air Force be able to operate the F-16V? The lifespan of a fighter jet in Korea is 40 years.
    This is a very unfortunate time.
    The Republic of Korea Air Force will reject Germany's offer of the Eurofighter 2000 Trench 3 for free. we are not stupid Some parts companies have already gone bankrupt. Why would the ROK Air Force pay twice the hourly operating cost of the F-35A for the Eurofighter 2000? That's crazy.
    Now Rafale is a very good fighter. They had been defeated in South Korean bids in the past. They lied about the performance of the Rafale, which exists only in the catalog, and was discovered by the Korean government. Dassault sometimes takes orders for very small quantities of Rafale, and if they don't, they shut down all production lines. And when a small amount of orders are placed from abroad, both the cost of restarting the production facility and the cost of past investment are required. That is why Rafale was very expensive.
    And because of the principle that they are now developing a next-generation fighter and only operate one multi-role fighter, it would not be surprising if the Rafale ceased production without notice.
    So now, what will Poland choose as the 4th to 4.5th generation fighters to support the Polish Air Force's F-35A?
    But the Republic of Korea Air Force would never do the stupid thing to hunt sparrows with the F-35A. All of North Korea's old sparrows can be hunted with the FA-50.
    However, the ROK Air Force also needs Block 20 very much. The ROK Air Force has to wait a very long time for their Block 20 because Poland suddenly visited Korea.
    But we are very lucky. From now on, We will no longer suffer because of KF-21.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад +1

      @@AJ5526 The FA-50 is not the best fighter.
      In your opinion, Poland is better off giving up the FA-50 and choosing the T-50. And it is an additional purchase of the JAS39 Gripen. If this is the best option Poland wants, prepare more money and Poland should do it.
      It's okay if Poland doesn't choose the T-50 and chooses another trainer.
      The Republic of Korea Air Force and other countries are also waiting for the FA-50.
      In Korea, all projects start from a very conservative point of view.
      Most Korean engineers say that for a project that takes 7 years, they say it takes 10 years. But in the end they complete it in 5 years. This was our way. All weapons projects were very fast.
      One of them is the AESA radar you mentioned. This was not given to Korea by the United States or other countries, but was made by Korea alone.
      But can't we use Meteor missiles? So, are we all fools? But if we can use Meteor missiles, can you take responsibility for what you say? ^^ Sorry, the KF-21 is already capable of using Meteor missiles.
      We wanted a fifth-generation fighter with low hourly operating and maintenance costs.
      And the SU-75 will not be born. never. sorry. This is the common opinion of military experts in the United States, South Korea, and Western countries.
      Is it possible to stealth with one vertical tail? I am very curious if you have any scientific thinking. And the US, South Korea, and all Western countries have already cut off all semiconductor supplies to Russia.
      I could often read the opinions of some Poles who had worked with Koreans in Korean companies. They knew the Korean corporate system very well. So they trust us very much.
      Your opinion is right.
      It would be nice if we too became rich like Poland. ^^

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад

      @@AJ5526 We are very worried.
      The ROK Air Force will be able to freely adopt and use Meteor missiles. Can I say this to you? Korean defense contractors and the Defense Acquisition Program Administration have a lot of work to do and some very secretive projects. Clearly, they are developing a Korean air-to-air missile for the KF-21.
      All weapons exist in Korea except nuclear weapons. Hypersonic missiles, laser cannons, rail guns, joint torpedoes, etc... However, they were not deployed in the South Korean military. They are researching everything more and trying to make it smaller.
      The Republic of Korea Air Force operates the F-15K. But they too have been advised of the EX upgrade program by Boeing.
      The Republic of Korea Air Force is also very well aware that it is now the last upgrade program for the F-15K.
      But I felt very sorry for the Poles. Production of Boeing's FA-18 has already been discontinued. Countries that have ordered the new F-15EX are the United States, Indonesia, Qatar, etc. It is in very small quantities. Boeing would then stop producing all fighters. Qatar is a wealthy country, so it's very easy to run a little F-15 and give up. What will happen to the Indonesian Air Force and the South Korean Air Force when their production ends? Even ordering parts from Boeing now can take more than 400 days, but now we are in crisis. So, how long can the Indonesian Air Force fly the F-15EX? But now, the Poles seem to think very easily about the introduction of 4.5th generation fighters that can support 5th generation fighters.
      So I was very surprised.
      The Republic of Korea Air Force considers the life of a fighter jet to be 40 years. However, Slovakia has not yet received the F-16V, and the US Air Force has announced that it will retire all F-16s within 20 years. That doesn't mean Lockheed Martin will be producing the F-16V for 20 years. So how long can the Slovak Air Force operate their F-16Vs?
      Do you know the Iraqi Air Force's F-16V? None of the Iraqi Air Force's F-16Vs can sortie right now. They also operate the FA-50, and KAI's maintenance team visited Iraq to support the FA-50's flight.
      The Polish Air Force cannot operate with the F-35A alone. Currently, there are countries that have retired all F-16s and only operate F-35As. They are the Norwegian Air Force. The Norwegian Air Force also needs new 4.5th-generation fighters to support their fifth-generation fighters. But why wouldn't they buy a 4.5th generation fighter? This is because there is no good 4.5th generation fighter in the global fighter market. So they supported KAI's KF-21 program partner country and now they are in talks with the Korean government.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад +1

      @@AJ5526 you are right.
      The ROK Air Force can hunt all the fighters the North Korean Air Force has with the FA-50. South Korean military experts estimate that the Block 20's capabilities will surpass that of the JAS39 Gripen NG. And for a more powerful engine, Hanwha Aerospace continues to research and develop now. The reason we want a high-quality Fighter Jet is because of China and Japan.
      The Poles can't think of yet, but the ROKA infantry are going into missions with robots. Because Korea's population will drop sharply, we are developing an unmanned combat system. The company that makes combat robots is Hyundai Rotem, which makes K-2. I recommend you to visit Hyundai Rotem's website.
      And the company that makes all UAVs in Korea is Korean Air, which runs the airliner you know well and at the same time is a defense company.
      Of course, Russia would be very scary to Poland. Modern air forces also carry out intercepting missions against Russian bombers. Among the air forces in the modern world, the Republic of Korea Air Force is the only air force to use a weapon against a Russian TU-95 Bear bomber in an intercept mission. And there is no dogfighting in modern dogfights. Dog fighting is a combat method used only when intercepting large aircraft such as bombers. It responds with BVR with electronic warfare, high-performance radar and long-range air-to-air missiles.
      No matter how much new fighters Russia uses, I am very happy. Koreans who saw their SU-35 in this war in Ukraine shouted and laughed. First of all, the radar of all Russian fighters is no longer than the radar detection range of the F-35A. If you have a good weapon, you can win if you see the FA-50 first and shoot first. And Russian fighters will be shot down without knowing where the missiles came from.
      It could be shot down by an F-16, especially if the F-35A is in danger of dogfighting. Also, the F-35A is not fully multi-role and is optimized for BVR combat, night combat, and penetration. In particular, the F-35A became very fat because all weapons and equipment had to be put inside the aircraft, and the drag increased, so it was not very maneuverable in a dog fighting situation. The Polish Air Force's way of winning air battles is with high-performance radars and air-to-air missiles with a very long range. It's best to shoot first in a fire-and-forget method and quickly escape from the battlefield. Since the FA-50 is also armed with the AIM-9X, most Koreans speculate that a helmet aiming linkage will be applied.
      Rafale, Eurofighter 2000, and F-16 also have records of hunting F-22A raptors in virtual battles. We are never afraid of Russian and Chinese stealth fighters. It is true that their performance is over exaggerated.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад

      @@AJ5526 I will add Koreans are very well aware of the Polish crisis. Are Poles Afraid of Russia? We are in contact with China. But Japan is very easy for us. Hahaha
      If Japan touches Korea, the Korean army will erase Japan from the world map. We are not afraid of them. Korea ranks sixth in the world for GFP. However, it was not included in the GFP because South Korea's "ballistic missile force" is a very high level of security. We do not know much about South Korea's ballistic missiles, but the South Korean military is truly crazy about missiles. As the ROKA cannot operate the ballistic missiles that continue to be produced, the South Korean navy and air force are also being filled with missiles with a range of at least 500km. However, we do not know for sure what the maximum missile range of the South Korean military is. The fact is that the Korean military's ballistic missiles can destroy a country, but their missiles remain.
      The South Korean military has an operation called "Steel Rain". It means that when an enemy touches Korea, rain made of iron (South Korean military's ballistic missiles and long-range self-propelled artillery) falls from the enemy's sky. for a very long time. until the enemy is destroyed.
      The South Korean military's strategy is "the sting of a wasp". It means that even if Korea is destroyed by the enemy's attack, we will surely attack and kill the invading enemy army like wasps, and we will all die.
      I'm sorry, but the European army is too weak right now. From a Korean point of view, the European army sometimes looks like a baby, I'm sorry. But it is true. Of course, there is no crisis with our alliance, but according to the opinions of US military experts, even if Britain, France, Germany, and Spain unite, they could never defeat the Korean Army. We don't compete with anyone. We always grew up alone in a lonely position, and we grew up just for ourselves.
      You will not believe it. But I will tell you about the history of Korea. Korea was the first country in the world to develop and use multiple rocket launchers in battle. The weapon's name is "Shingijeon". It was around 1400, the Middle Ages of Korea. The hero of the Korean Navy, Chungmugong Yi Sun-sin, had already been fighting the Japanese Navy from battleships to warships since the 1500s. And at that time, we were the first in the world to use a battleship made of iron.
      "Shingijeon", it is the grandfather of HIMARS in the United States, and now Korea has a weapon with twice the performance of HIMARS called "K-239 Cheonmu". However, recently Poland's Deputy Prime Minister Marius Bułashchak is very interested in the "K-239".
      Currently, the K-9 is very popular. but do you know? The ROK Army operates a K-9 club event once a year. K-9 countries from around the world are invited to exchange operating technologies and hold academic conferences. If the Poles also gave up the crabs, they would be invited to the K-9 club. The munitions company that manufactures British turrets will soon cease production, because the British have decided to purchase the self-propelled artillery rather than develop it. And they invited the Korean K-9A2.
      However, the Egyptian army operates the K-9 by the navy. This is very special. Because they already knew that the K-9 could precisely hunt enemy ships approaching from the shore.

    • @whiteelan7
      @whiteelan7 2 года назад

      @@AJ5526 AJ? Can I call you like this?
      Have you ever heard of the term "minus option"?
      Developed countries such as the United States and the G7 never export weapons that exceed the capabilities of the weapons they use.
      Do you think the Polish Air Force F-16s are the same ones used by the American Air Force?
      AJ! You seem like a really innocent person. So I like you.
      Koreans know it very well, and we know very well the arrogant and evil ways of Korea's neighbor Japan.
      Japan is the only country that has applied Meteor to the F-35A.
      Were they high tech?
      They always lobby with their money.
      They have already been overtaken by Korea.
      Only they are a nation that maintains pride.
      The pride of being a country superior to Korea.
      That is the national goal they want.
      And even now, they will have the image that Japan is a wealthy country, and they will also be interfering with Korea in Poland.
      Japan is like Poland's Germany to Korea, and they are more evil than Germany.
      How long do you think the fighting power of this exceptional nation can last?
      Do you think the Polish F-16's capabilities are better than the Korean ones?
      By the way, South Korea also has the US Air Force's F-16. The Korean Air Force's F-16 will never overtake them!
      Germany, France and Britain exported their weapons to other countries in the same way as the United States.
      Did you really not know?
      If the Polish Air Force fights the American F-16, you are sure to be wiped out.
      It's the same with us.
      But we are looking for a way to win quietly and we are not threatening.
      National defense is not your pride, but your efforts. I'm not comparing myself to anyone. A country that walks so quietly is what the aggressors fear the most. It is not important to show off your fighting power.
      I'm sorry, but as Koreans, your fighting power is like a baby.
      And be humble than the scale of Poland's fighting power.
      A true warrior does not take out his sword recklessly.
      If you quietly practice strength and walk quietly, no one thinks of you easily. Such a country is Korea.

  • @KiloWBravo
    @KiloWBravo 2 года назад +1

    i pyk! 25 sekund filmu i już było pierwsze zdanie typu "nie wiem ale se pogadam"...

  • @avegromek
    @avegromek Год назад

    Pewnie na block 20 bedziemy czekac tyle co bysmy czekali na nowe f16. A i tak jak juz bedzie dostepne to tak bedzie odbiegal osiagami od najnowszych f16

  • @antonikrawczyk1399
    @antonikrawczyk1399 2 года назад +1

    Zakup bez sensu. Wyrzuca ie pieniędzy w błoto. Możliwości bojowe tych samolotów sa bezobjawowe , czyli żadne.

  • @dawidkarta1260
    @dawidkarta1260 Год назад

    FA50 vs Gripen poproszę

  • @crackpacker
    @crackpacker 2 года назад +2

    Jaja sobie robicie z tym samolocikiem szkoleniowym…żenada jak wszystko w tym państwie z popeliny pod stołem hajse poszły to przyklepali ten „szit przestworzy” może lepiej wrócić do negocjacji z Saabem i nabyć poważny samolot a nie tą „atrapę”.