"He Looks... A Bit Of An Idiot!" Durham URGES Rashford To LEAVE Manchester Amid Off-Field Issues!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 69

  • @Rocky-w5r
    @Rocky-w5r 3 часа назад +30

    All these journalists and pundits are now changing their tune when they can see there is nobody else to blame. If tenhag was still incharge, we all know who hey would be attaking.

    • @stanleynaidoo5059
      @stanleynaidoo5059 Час назад

      Just as well united beat city otherwise Amorim would have been blamed and will be said Amorim doesn't what he is, doing

  • @seanscrew
    @seanscrew 3 часа назад +23

    Spot on.. rashford using kids for A postive news article.. guys a joker

  • @dovestones
    @dovestones 3 часа назад +19

    I wish they would make a few more Rashford videos

  • @Photosoflife
    @Photosoflife 3 часа назад +50

    TalkSport-I’ve been very critical of Rashford for years. And I was pointing out years ago that his basic lack of effort and terrible body language on the pitch were genuinely embarrassing for a professional footballer. But what’s even more embarrassing now is your station will not stop posting videos about Rashford. In all seriousness, media outlets like yours created this mess by hiring pundits who blindly backed Rashford for years. When it was objectively obvious he was making a mockery of wearing the United shirt by sulking on the pitch, not bothering to track back, and genuinely displaying possibly the worst work rate I’ve ever seen from a United player on the pitch. Your station doesn’t get to have it both ways. You are a massive part of why Rashford is so overhyped. Stop posting so many videos of Rashford. It’s beyond obnoxious now.

    • @stretfordender11
      @stretfordender11 3 часа назад +2

      Talksport have spoke about Rashford for years now like this. You are confusing it with other media companies and journalists who defended him for basically none football reasons but now Labour won the election, they don’t need to use him politically anymore. So what you’re not seeing is other people defend him. Talksport however have always been critical.

    • @1stand11
      @1stand11 3 часа назад +7

      @@stretfordender11I’ve listened to this station for years and that’s not remotely true. Virtually every pundit on here was hyping up Rashford well beyond his actual level and constantly giving him every excuse under the moon for years. I’ve never heard any other player’s off the field charity work, honorary degrees, and needing to have "a smile on his face" intertwined with any other player except Rashford. These lot have given him a massive free pass for years.

    • @livefromBremenMusicSM
      @livefromBremenMusicSM 3 часа назад

      Brother , in England United is FC Hollywood the crème de la Crème of football clubs , the biggest and the top of the top …. If as a player u get that ,u will comport urself ,Improve performances and put in effort when u wear the shirt ,coz whenever u wear that shirts ,all eyes on u … that’s why he is paid what he is paid ! If he does well they won’t hesitate to praise him like they made him look like a world class player even though he is average…That’s the gift and curse that comes along with being at United …

    • @stretfordender11
      @stretfordender11 3 часа назад +1

      @@1stand11you can search on RUclips from years ago and they have pundits criticising him. It’s people like Neville who put him in his team of the season when he was poor all season but now is going in on him. Why? He doesn’t need to push him for political reasons like he did back then. Some still won’t say he’s just not good enough though so I agree with a lot of what you said.

    • @robinbroady6596
      @robinbroady6596 3 часа назад +1

      Rashford for prime minister

  • @shannonnaicker4040
    @shannonnaicker4040 3 часа назад +11

    At last Adrian speak truth. Nice to hear. He scored 30 goals for a new contract and no one talks about that

    • @gregordrizzlewing7339
      @gregordrizzlewing7339 2 часа назад

      Go watch his talk about Southgate before he got sacked. Dude ain’t had a clue in years

    • @dondamon4669
      @dondamon4669 Час назад

      He hasn't spoken truth for years about Rashford it's just coz ten Haag is gone

  • @michaelandreou4996
    @michaelandreou4996 3 часа назад +15

    He is a clown. Just put effort in, thats all we ask. We as United fans wouldn't care if you had 3 goals and 2 assists in 20 games as long as you are running around and trying your hardest. That goes for any player at any club.

    • @Fabbydabby1
      @Fabbydabby1 2 часа назад

      Ok let’s look at it this way
      The guy has a contract until 2028 & is on over 300,000 a week.
      They want him off the wage bill & not Garnacho because he earns much less that’s ultimately what it’s about.
      Cost cutting all over the club now it’s the high earners let’s get them out

    • @hendismutandwa1409
      @hendismutandwa1409 Час назад

      Think Antony, does funny shxt every chance he get but he’s a hard worker and we’re not crucifying him

    • @michaelandreou4996
      @michaelandreou4996 27 минут назад

      @hendismutandwa1409 exactly 🤷🏻‍♂️. It's so easy to spot who is putting in effort and who isn't. Maguire another example who used to get slaughtered for making mistakes and now for the last few months has done nothing but work hard and play well and he's getting praise from everyone.

  • @southwestendz1022
    @southwestendz1022 3 часа назад +5

    Rashford simply aint good enough. I was hoping he would have been sold that season he scored 30 goals.. only because i knew this was going to happen because he was doing it for almost 2 years before ten hag and his new contract.

  • @weallfollowmanutd
    @weallfollowmanutd 3 часа назад +4

    You lot need to stop these Rashford videos. Getting absolutely ridiculous now

  • @StBlazeyModelWorld
    @StBlazeyModelWorld 2 часа назад +3

    As a footy fan of 50 years odd.....I think Rashford is a fake. Good player, no doubt but not a world superstar. I do not like the media statements, the posturing. Just get back to doing your job Rashford. You get paid enough.

  • @grahamtait8031
    @grahamtait8031 Час назад +2

    Now remember everyone, poor Marcus is the victim here. He has the world on his shoulders according to Micah Richards. Nurses, teachers, soldiers have it easy.

    • @dondamon4669
      @dondamon4669 Час назад

      When is the last time you had to see a nurse? They are not good

  • @principalskinner4633
    @principalskinner4633 2 часа назад +1

    Adrian Durham absolutely spitting facts here.

  • @eL--RaL
    @eL--RaL 3 часа назад +6

    They got a sign that United can go without Rashford and all of a sudden they're all rï ppïng into him they weren't doing that before that City game

    • @stretfordender11
      @stretfordender11 3 часа назад +4

      Rashford made the statement.

    • @sitaylor
      @sitaylor 2 часа назад

      Amorim doesn't need Rashford to school Pep. Time to move him on.

  • @dannyflynn9206
    @dannyflynn9206 2 часа назад +2

    I can't wait for the day we're over Rashford

  • @GazaWest
    @GazaWest 37 минут назад +1

    Thank god our new manager sees what we've all been seeing for the last 2 years, time he got called out..

  • @RandomVideosFirst
    @RandomVideosFirst 2 часа назад +1

    Im not a cynic but I would like to know how many times or often rashford visits the kids from his old school but more importantly was it planned to conduct a casual interviews there. Just seems like it used it so some positive PR spin. No one can ignore his poor effort, zero pressing and bad body language for the last few years now , in essence he’s leaving United because he gets too much Criticism and negativity off social media . Why not improve your deficiencies in your game and prove your worth and fight . Defo a weak mentality issue with him.

  • @lacey7025
    @lacey7025 2 часа назад +1

    Adrian always got his eyes shut

  • @Devypocalypse
    @Devypocalypse 3 часа назад +2

    Durham is an expert on this so it must be true.

  • @ThePiquet888
    @ThePiquet888 3 часа назад +3

    Goodbye Marcus. Turn off your phone and end your social media accounts. Go to the training track and start playing football.. maybe you will find yourself again.

  • @DX_2_words_4_ya
    @DX_2_words_4_ya 2 часа назад +1

    Enough videos already on Rashford and Conor Benn. Boring 💤

  • @CTFC44
    @CTFC44 2 часа назад +1

    I’m a Man United fan and I think Marcus Rashford is a shadow of his former self and needs to be moved on for the good of himself and the good of the club. His attitude and all round demeanor stinks. He has become so lazy, doesn’t press or track back. In general, he just looks like he isn’t arsed. Just go now mate.

    • @dondamon4669
      @dondamon4669 Час назад

      His former self?? When has he been great?

  • @dondamon4669
    @dondamon4669 Час назад +1

    All footballers go to schools!!!! Its just Rashford advertising it!!

    • @magicaces13
      @magicaces13 4 минуты назад

      He's a saint.... apparently

  • @agronkasolli1259
    @agronkasolli1259 4 минуты назад

    Durham that’s why you are the best😍

  • @morriswaithaka776
    @morriswaithaka776 3 часа назад +2

    Rashford should follow the jadon Sancho route by man UTD letting him go on loan to Dortmund. When he comes back after his loan spell maybe a premier league rival club like Arsenal, Man City or Liverpool can take him on loan with an obligation to buy.

    • @barrybutter6906
      @barrybutter6906 2 часа назад

      He will never play for city or Liverpool he’s a die hard red … Arsenal I can see it though

  • @gregordrizzlewing7339
    @gregordrizzlewing7339 2 часа назад

    Durham has been a looser for a minute. Who the hell are you 😂😂

  • @adventuresofa9jaguy322
    @adventuresofa9jaguy322 2 часа назад

    LOL Should have been sold at least 4 years ago. His progress and development was stunted cos he didnt go on loan like amad did. We are making the exact same mistake with Garnacho and Malacia who should have been sent on loan for at least 2 yrs to develop well outside the PL. Both can be sent on loan to sunderland or somewhere in the championship.
    Rashford is just another welbeck / lingard who has been overhyped for too long on useless PR.
    i hope you guys also pile on jack grealish too cos he has been also very poor

  • @nsd_respect
    @nsd_respect 4 часа назад +1


  • @magicaces13
    @magicaces13 34 минуты назад

    Overrated, always has been. He's a PR company dream and is used as such. A decent footballer with a world class PR team and the medai all behind him but nothing more.

  • @StephenPritchard-f9j
    @StephenPritchard-f9j 2 часа назад

    i watch him from the stretford end and fans are so angry how lazy he his the club will be miles better without him

  • @kutlomahole7301
    @kutlomahole7301 2 часа назад


  • @rickyleyland-my4is
    @rickyleyland-my4is 33 минуты назад

    Marc's rashford is prime example of getting to much to soon, Manchester united time after time,have him big contracts for a best an average player 😂😂😂😂.

  • @randomvideos7309
    @randomvideos7309 4 часа назад +7

    Football fans are the most idiots in the world,calling footballers you don’t know them personally idiots is another level of delusion.

    • @noone-qg1od
      @noone-qg1od 3 часа назад +6

      This is such a stupid statement

    • @dumitriuradu8481
      @dumitriuradu8481 3 часа назад +3

      Yeah, cause all footballers are certified geniuses

    • @KekwRofl
      @KekwRofl 3 часа назад

      Idiot as "profesional footballer" not as person. get a grip😊

    • @ss-lz4me
      @ss-lz4me 2 часа назад +1

      So fans should not be mad at a player who earns 300.000 a week...you do realize fans are paying him right?

    • @randomvideos7309
      @randomvideos7309 2 часа назад

      @@dumitriuradu8481 I ain’t say that but can’t judge a person from yr tele,football is their job and have whole another life and different personality outside the game.

  • @truthseeker3503
    @truthseeker3503 3 часа назад

    Garnacho is a scrub!

    • @morriswaithaka776
      @morriswaithaka776 3 часа назад

      He should go back to Atletico Madrid where he can regain his form under Diego Simeone. This is a brilliant idea.

  • @Fabbydabby1
    @Fabbydabby1 3 часа назад

    This is weird the club have put it out there all week that rashford is for sale & want 40 million for him yet the minute rashford comes out & says ok I will leave he’s now getting abuse
    So it’s one rule for one & a different rule for another

  • @railvidz
    @railvidz 3 часа назад

    Leave Marcus alone, so much media attention totally uncalled for. I mean if he decides to move on it is good for all the parties. Media coverage on him is not required for any player be it Man Utd player or from any club

  • @steveking2139
    @steveking2139 3 часа назад

    It's so funny that Garnacho is so loved. He's so so so overrated it's unreal!

  • @Benchmark243
    @Benchmark243 3 часа назад

    Continue your hate campaign against Rashford talksport. Sancho was their problem recently and he left.

  • @kite2surf
    @kite2surf 3 часа назад

    Hang in there Rashford, 350k a week until 2028 that's what around 72 million quid,
    do a Phil Jones and sit the contract out. hahahaha

    • @ss-lz4me
      @ss-lz4me 2 часа назад

      He probably will