Just in case you weren't aware, there is a transistor/diode curve tracer in the tools on the right side of the screen that will plot the I-V curve family. At least there is in multisim 8.
how you determined the K'n(W/L) in the MOSFET? I need constant of 0.45 mA/V^2. I see in the parameters the W and the L, but the K'n I don't know where to put it in MULTISIM. Thanks
Just in case you weren't aware, there is a transistor/diode curve tracer in the tools on the right side of the screen that will plot the I-V curve family. At least there is in multisim 8.
how you determined the K'n(W/L) in the MOSFET? I need constant of 0.45 mA/V^2.
I see in the parameters the W and the L, but the K'n I don't know where to put it in MULTISIM. Thanks
thanks for making this video
Please share the link to download the free/cracked version of Multisim
Wht the fuck??? You are doing fast si how i can understand