I appeared for my CKAD exam and had a question for api deprivation in which a deployment yaml with version 1.16 was given and I need to deploy the deployment in current K8s version. I tried with kubectl convert command to convert it but got an error kubectl convert command not found. What shall I have done to solve the question??
For the last question (pods failing liveness probe), I believe the expectation is to provide a more generic solution. E.g. Give me a command to find all pods that are restarting due to liveness probe failures.
In the exam if they do not ask to configure command, can we just use args commands instead of editing yaml file : like this: K run app1 --image=nginx:1.25.4 -o yaml -dry-run-client - - -R 7 -testgreen> /var/data/pod.yaml
For Cronjob Question.....
kubectl create cronjob hellocron --image=busybox --schedule="*/1 * * * *" -o yaml --dry-run=client > cronjob.yaml
vi cronjob.yaml
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
creationTimestamp: null
name: hellocron
creationTimestamp: null
name: hellocron
activeDeadlineSeconds: 28 # This is line added.
creationTimestamp: null
- image: busybox
name: hellocron
resources: {}
restartPolicy: OnFailure
schedule: '*/1 * * * *'
status: {}
kubectl apply -f cronjob.yaml
Also you need to run command “uname” as specified in the question
I appeared for my CKAD exam and had a question for api deprivation in which a deployment yaml with version 1.16 was given and I need to deploy the deployment in current K8s version.
I tried with kubectl convert command to convert it but got an error kubectl convert command not found.
What shall I have done to solve the question??
For the last question (pods failing liveness probe), I believe the expectation is to provide a more generic solution.
E.g. Give me a command to find all pods that are restarting due to liveness probe failures.
For crnjob question you need to add “activeDeadlineSeconds: 28” in yaml to terminate the process after 28 sec if not completed as asked in question
yes, you are right. Thanks, it will helps other too.
Sir baaki questions ke answers bhi chahiye?.How can we get them
I know only these. If you are aware of more questions then you can share with me. I will create a new video.....
For crnjob question you also forgot to add a command (command "uname") to execute in the yaml file
Hi, are these questions from killshell practice tests?
Patterns are the same but different questions
@@anishrana2001ful 🙏
In the exam if they do not ask to configure command, can we just use args commands instead of editing yaml file : like this:
K run app1 --image=nginx:1.25.4 -o yaml -dry-run-client - - -R 7 -testgreen> /var/data/pod.yaml
From which question dear... I have uploaded many questions...... Thanks for your understanding