Can I Overcall - Weekly Free

  • Опубликовано: 15 янв 2025

Комментарии • 21

  • @jamessedgwick344
    @jamessedgwick344 3 года назад +4

    I believed my partner's description on board 1, and raised to 4H. Even more fun 😊

  • @shostrock
    @shostrock 3 года назад

    Some fun ones this week!
    Board 1 I did what some others here have described and bid 4H over 3H, after which the robot put me in 6S.
    Board 5 I managed to play for one off - I ditched a heart on the second diamond, and then I also led the Queen of spades to the King and when they switched to hearts I won and then ditched another heart on a diamond, so I lost 3 clubs in the end to go with 2 spades and a diamond for down one.
    Board 6 I passed them out in 1Sx figuring if we could get 500 that would be better than our game, however I led a club and it made. If you lead spades and then switched to hearts it seems you can gain trump control and get your 500
    Board 8 I overcalled 1NT and played 3NT+2 from my side - I got a low heart lead, luckily the clubs split 2-2 and then I ran the Ten of spades, which was an error since I didn't need that extra spade trick - lucky me!
    How automatic do you think a support double is on board 3? I really wanted to play NT from my side (which did turn out to be the winner), but I chose the support double in the end

    • @shostrock
      @shostrock 3 года назад

      Also on board 7 I returned a club instead of the second diamond - I figured declarer had either 2=5=3=3 shape or 2=5=4=2 shape and therefore our diamond tricks weren't going anywhere, and maybe I could get a club ruff if declarer happened to be 2=5=3=3

  • @shopshopshop1
    @shopshopshop1 3 года назад +1

    I competed to 3S and West opened with Ace of Clubs, so no need to guess that you need to lead to the King. Not sure if it was correct to compete but it made it easier to play

  • @erickehr4475
    @erickehr4475 3 года назад

    Very pleased to see you had exactly the same disaster as I did on board 1! One infuriating thing about GIB is that it frequently fudges its bids but at the same time assumes you are always bidding exactly according to system

    • @BridgeWithPete
      @BridgeWithPete  3 года назад +1

      I think the descriptions are written to match the bids rather than the bids match the description. What this means is there is a unimaginable amount of potential auctions you can have so sometimes things slip through the cracks and the description is off by a bit.

    • @rainerherrmann7025
      @rainerherrmann7025 3 года назад

      @@BridgeWithPete: Speaking about GIB fudging its bid, if you raise 3 hearts to 4 hearts, GIB goes completely berserk. Next the robot will bid 5 diamonds and over your 5 hearts 6 spades, mercifully just 3 down undoubled as was 3 hearts for the same score.
      I can only interpret this nonsense as 3 hearts was a sort of game try in spades, 4 hearts interpreted as a cuebid, so 5 diamonds and 5 hearts were also considered cuebids.
      Of course this all makes no sense once you passed over 3 clubs. Apparently GIB does not always take into account your previous actions.

  • @Phill0old
    @Phill0old 3 года назад

    How do you stop the bots from overbidding? If you bid 3 they always go to 4.

    • @BridgeWithPete
      @BridgeWithPete  3 года назад

      Check the description of your bid. Sometimes that total points description is way off and that will cause the robots to overbid. If it is about right then it should be fine.

  • @dimitriosdanellakis9432
    @dimitriosdanellakis9432 3 года назад +1

    Peter, how could that trick with spades on board 6 fool the West defender? I mean, if you really had AJx of spades in hand, why on earth not finesse again after the Q holds the first trick?

  • @akewettergren1381
    @akewettergren1381 3 года назад

    Why do you prefer 4-4 over 5-3 fits? Wouldn't AKQ make up for that?

    • @hanoi5
      @hanoi5 3 года назад

      Usually you draw trumps in 3 rounds and have a trump on each side before using the 5 card suit for a couple of discards

  • @jyutzler
    @jyutzler 3 года назад

    I did not expect to beat you this week but the bots were terrible.
    #6 IDK somehow I made 4H=, solely on bot stupidity. Somewhere along the line I ducked a club and the bots allowed me to reverse the dummy. In the bots' defense, it is hard to see that E should lead a diamond and W should overtake to lead a trump.
    #8 Yes, I got 100% by leading a low heart from dummy on trick 7, again bot stupidity because I had a source of tricks.

  • @endthisnonsense7202
    @endthisnonsense7202 3 года назад +1

    Board 1: The annotation 6 Spades and 4 Hearts and 10/11 HCP is outright ridiculous if the Bots bid 3 Hearts on this hand. If the annotation is correct, of course you bid 4 hearts, Partner would need AKXX of hearts for 10 running tricks in the majors, and you'd have decent chances with something like T9XX and AKX in diamonds instead. When you bid 4 hearts partner cues 5 Diamonds, after which in my opinion you have an excellent hand for 6 spades, Partner should have roughly XXXXXX, AKXX, AXX, - and Diamond K will be at East normally. If partner has diamond K instead of Heart K 6 spades needs good heart spots. I don't mind Partner bidding twice, but surely not 3 Hearts. You cannot promise 10 card in two suits when you have 8 of them.
    Board 4: So you're the person to prefer the beer card over a squeeze that is unlikely to succeed, good! 😀
    Board 7: Agreed it's not the hand to compete, but it's the hand you'd expect to make 2 Spades as partner raised directly and not bid 1NT, also you have decent defensive values, so I doubled them as it's match points, I would never have done so at imps.

  • @Phill0old
    @Phill0old 3 года назад

    The AI is horrible when you tell them they pretend it follows the rules and blame you.

  • @goranselin
    @goranselin 3 года назад

    Board 6: Keep K9 in h in board

  • @richardfarrer5616
    @richardfarrer5616 3 года назад

    I did nearly as well overall. On the one hand, I played a blinder and ended on 73.66% thanks to playing in 3S on hand 1, 4S on hand 2 and 3NT on hand 6 (I passed, partner doubled, I cuebid, and partner bid clubs rather than hearts). On the other hand, I failed to make the beer card on hand 4.

  • @aldeanghofran8626
    @aldeanghofran8626 Год назад

    I don’t understand the point of blaming a machine for obvious mistakes we make playing with the machine🤔

  • @smallmetalowl3209
    @smallmetalowl3209 3 года назад

    Board 5 is a strange one. Whereas your mistake was not ruffing in and drawing trumps, at tables where South declares and gets the jack of spades lead ducked to the queen, it actually becomes vital NOT to continue trumps, even to the point where it is better to give East diamond ruffs while pitching round suit losers. I've tried going over the play several times and it still confuses me.