dosii (도시) - 샴푸의 요정(fairy of shampoo) (Official Visualizer)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 384

  • @pat8os
    @pat8os 3 года назад +1050

    this song sounds like a night drive home

    • @ginavoults1439
      @ginavoults1439 3 года назад +52

      Defff, a depressing and calm one with the windows rolled down

    • @hazlyiscool
      @hazlyiscool 3 года назад +5

      So true

    • @tis_29
      @tis_29 10 месяцев назад

      basically me:

  • @choiyuna9778
    @choiyuna9778 4 года назад +1490

    i discover this song while scroll on tik tok.. it is one of the beautiful songs i listen to. thank you ..

  • @dorcastouthang3604
    @dorcastouthang3604 3 года назад +1333

    this is sooo underrated
    people only talked about TXT's version which was good ofc but tbh for me i love dosii's version more
    hope it gets recognition 😭😭😭

    • @aj-wr5lg
      @aj-wr5lg 3 года назад +19

      Wait is TXT version a cover or something I'm so confused rn 👨🏻‍🦯

    • @dorcastouthang3604
      @dorcastouthang3604 3 года назад +81

      @@aj-wr5lg it's not a cover, it's just a remake (i think 💀)
      dosii's version is neither a cover nor original
      it's also a remake

    • @gomdolri2190
      @gomdolri2190 2 года назад +47

      The dosii and TXT is also a remake. The original singer "빛과소금"

    • @dorcastouthang3604
      @dorcastouthang3604 2 года назад +1

      @@gomdolri2190 yeah wbk

    • @sourrrr8
      @sourrrr8 Год назад +5

      I first found this song in pinterest and really liked it
      And as usual i listen to music in Spotify
      So i didn't even knew txt covered it until i searched it in youtube
      Txt's version might be good but i still like the original my dosii very much
      And currently this is my favourite song

  • @옹심이-x4g
    @옹심이-x4g 4 года назад +841

    샴푸의 요정 중에 이 사람이 부른게 젤 좋음

    • @ninauxkim9619
      @ninauxkim9619 3 года назад +9


    • @비월-i3b
      @비월-i3b 3 года назад +3


    • @janekim25
      @janekim25 3 года назад +4


    • @깨죽이
      @깨죽이 2 года назад +18

      원곡과 비등할정도로 좋음

    • @アキナ-e3r
      @アキナ-e3r 2 года назад +8

      ㄹㅇ이 버전 젤 분위기있고 좋음

  • 4 года назад +628

    everyone that listens to this passes the vibe check

  • @winu9398
    @winu9398 4 года назад +122

    네모난 화면 헤치며 살며시 다가와
    은빛의 환상 심어준 그녀는 나만의 작은 요정
    이른 아침 안개처럼 내게로 다가와
    너울거리는 긴 머리 부드런 미소로 속삭이네
    그녀만 보면 외롭지 않아
    슬픈 마음도 멀리 사라져
    그녀는 나의 샴푸의 요정
    이제는 너를 사랑 할꺼야
    이른 아침 안개처럼 내게로 다가와
    너울거리는 긴 머리 부드런 미소로 속삭이네
    그녀만 보면 외롭지 않아
    슬픈 마음도 멀리 사라져
    그녀는 나의 샴푸의 요정
    이제는 너를 사랑 할꺼야
    멀리서 나 홀로 바라보던
    그녀는 언제나 나의 꿈
    그녀만 보면 외롭지 않아
    슬픈 마음도 멀리 사라져
    그녀는 나의 샴푸의 요정
    이제는 너를 사랑 할꺼야

  • @euvet
    @euvet 4 года назад +787

    this cover is so good and unique, it has a nostalgic, dreamy and almost sad feeling, specially the part when it keeps repeating she's my fairy at the end

    • @Yv3entualli
      @Yv3entualli Год назад +3

      It's not a cover

    • @Exzhim
      @Exzhim Год назад +5

      ​@@Yv3entualliit is a cover..?

    • @lk2352
      @lk2352 Год назад

      ​@@Yv3entualliit is

    • @chanisfoive1156
      @chanisfoive1156 25 дней назад

      @@Exzhimits not its the original

  • @imeatingaburgerful
    @imeatingaburgerful 3 года назад +255

    I like the OG and the covers, no need to fight when you could just choose what version fits the vibe of the day. This is for driving at night, txt’s version when laying in bed, the original for a chill party

    • @evi584
      @evi584 3 года назад +6


  • @viviptw
    @viviptw 6 месяцев назад +18

    Its been two years and I'm still obsessed with this song

  • @lizarome9250
    @lizarome9250 2 месяца назад +4

    I love this song both in the original and the TXT version, both have their own thing, each one transmits a feeling 💖💖💖😭

  • @aruzhannurkayeva
    @aruzhannurkayeva 4 года назад +405

    this cover is THE BEST

  • @colombianita4ever1
    @colombianita4ever1 3 года назад +152

    Found this song on Spotify, been playing it for months

    • @emilyroberson3389
      @emilyroberson3389 3 года назад +1

      The original is txt

    • @olveoz
      @olveoz 3 года назад +20

      @@emilyroberson3389 txt isn't the original,they're just remake

    • @yaemirko
      @yaemirko 3 года назад

      @@emilyroberson3389 this is the original😐

    • @yummybiscuit
      @yummybiscuit 2 года назад +7

      @@yaemirko this isn't the original. this is.видео.html

    • @yaemirko
      @yaemirko 2 года назад

      @@yummybiscuit i think i was writing under another comment i am so sorry. thanks for correcting me😁

  • @sabrina5814
    @sabrina5814 3 года назад +61

    must say koreans are probably proud of this song and all of the people related to this song...mix...remix...covers....of this song is so catchy....i will wait for new version of this song again and again for ages... after getting old...

  • @echoesofthenights
    @echoesofthenights Год назад +21

    Verse 1]
    You quietly approached me
    Stepping through the square screen
    Planting a silvery illusion
    She's my own small fairy
    [Verse 2]
    Coming towards me
    Like early morning fog
    With her long hair flowing
    Whispering to me with a soft smile
    I don't feel lonely when I see her
    Even my sad emotions disappear far away
    She's my fairy of shampoo
    I will love you now
    I don't feel lonely when I see her
    Even my sad emotions disappear far away
    She's my fairy of shampoo
    I will love you now
    She's my star
    She's my night
    She's my dream
    She's my eyes
    She's my star
    She's my night
    She's my dream
    Shе's my eyes
    She's my star
    Shе's my night
    She's my dream
    She's my eyes
    She's my star
    She's my night
    She's my dream
    She's my eyes
    When I see her

  • @eatherixtional
    @eatherixtional 4 года назад +97

    진짜 새벽에 담배 한대 피울때 이 노래들으면 세상에 나 혼자 남겨진 느낌...새벽감성 그 자체인 노래...도시사랑해...유명해지지말아줘ㅠㅠㅠ아니 유명해져줘 ㅠㅠㅠ

  • @Wayne-tm8wq
    @Wayne-tm8wq 4 года назад +54

    드디어 정식 음원으로 나왔네ㅠㅜㅜ 진짜진짜 엄청 기다렸습니다...ㅠㅜ

  • @tis_29
    @tis_29 10 месяцев назад +10

    found it on spotify and i love this version, we need more of the boy singing, im starting to stan dosii, baffles me how their so underrated....
    fun fact: dosii isn't k-pop, its k-indie

  • @serbukmomogi
    @serbukmomogi 10 месяцев назад +7

    i heard this one first so this is my definitive version. also this song feels like water, i love it it's so peaceful

  • @pixiedust6347
    @pixiedust6347 3 года назад +46

    ive never cried more to a song before

  • @usedinternet
    @usedinternet 4 года назад +85

    this song is the definition of perfect

  • @poopypants1776
    @poopypants1776 3 года назад +98

    This cover is literally just amazing

    • @johnnynguyen1270
      @johnnynguyen1270 3 года назад

      what song does this song cover?

    • @abdrox2
      @abdrox2 3 года назад

      @holy hobi Junggigo also has a nice cover of this song, but it's a very different vibe. It was the first version of this song I heard ^^

    • @shinryuu5639
      @shinryuu5639 3 года назад

      @@iga4592 no, it's by the mellow pop band light and salt 빛과소금видео.html

    • @yuemi_xoxo
      @yuemi_xoxo 2 года назад

      @@iga4592 TXTs version is also a cover

    • @stayonezy5570
      @stayonezy5570 2 года назад

      @@iga4592 no its by light and salt, fairy of shampoo came by txt came after this ver

  • @pppt56
    @pppt56 3 года назад +20

    한소희님 인스타스토리 보고 왔어요♡

  • @P덩쿨홈
    @P덩쿨홈 4 года назад +21

    여직 리메이크 된것 중에 이게 젤 좋음
    중독성 갑이야

  • @_codying
    @_codying 3 года назад +14

    I'm addicted to this cover

  • @jeanxoxo
    @jeanxoxo 2 года назад +19


  • @Ieunggg7
    @Ieunggg7 2 года назад +8

    도시님이 리메이크 한 노래들은 다 레전드인 것 같아요...진짜 사랑합니다😭

  • @harry7832
    @harry7832 3 года назад +13

    개인적으로 커버곡중 최고

  • @taehyunstaedungie4117
    @taehyunstaedungie4117 3 года назад +27

    this is so beautiful

  • @rachel9644
    @rachel9644 3 года назад +508

    Dosii has the best version. Better than even the original one. And thats sick. U can't tell me otherwise. The feels just hits different

    • @rachel9644
      @rachel9644 3 года назад +23

      @예쁜~소민 かわいい 🍒 dosii is a duo group with a guy and a girl

    • @ummdal
      @ummdal 3 года назад +15

      eh... I'd say this and the original are about tied

    • @emilyroberson3389
      @emilyroberson3389 3 года назад +17

      Okay first dont compare it to txt its different vibes

    • @sofia-rp4yz
      @sofia-rp4yz 3 года назад +106

      @@emilyroberson3389 txt isn’t the original one. txt is a remake. the original is light & salt. but txt did add a rap verse :)

    • @dorcastouthang3604
      @dorcastouthang3604 3 года назад +37

      out of all the versions I heard including the original
      i love dosii's version the most😭
      so underrated

  • @koonshia
    @koonshia 3 года назад +30

    this cover takes me to a whole different universe

  • @-a-b-c-d-
    @-a-b-c-d- 3 года назад +7

    전주 개미친다 왜이리 오묘해
    새벽에 살랑한 느낌

  • @abcdefg-en6dn
    @abcdefg-en6dn 3 года назад +41

    This song is so underrated. As for me I love this more than the original one!

  • @jh4ne
    @jh4ne 3 года назад +19

    ive been obsessed w this version of the song holy i cant stop listening 😩

  • @jxlxyxz
    @jxlxyxz 3 года назад +22

    found the song on tiktok and this is reaally nice!! amazing!!!

  • @jebalifyouplz
    @jebalifyouplz 3 года назад +17

    Found this on tiktok didn't even realize it was a cover of a song I know. So good.

  • @hoshlayy
    @hoshlayy Месяц назад +1

    it's so cool listening with earphones!! very recommended!

  • @dandilasy9135
    @dandilasy9135 2 года назад +2

    fall in love completely

  • @mrymcholy
    @mrymcholy 2 года назад +9

    their voice makes me feel like i’m like floating in the sky

  • @cristian_glow
    @cristian_glow 3 года назад +36

    tu comentario en español que estabas buscando 💜 Esto es tan relajante y adictivo!

  • @lemonn6073
    @lemonn6073 3 года назад +31

    I have my exams but here I am vibing to this song whole day TvT

  • @itsjustallfine
    @itsjustallfine 9 месяцев назад +2

    i love this version

  • @ursocomolhodemaca5836
    @ursocomolhodemaca5836 4 года назад +36

    How someone can dislike this song?

  • @hudasyed2844
    @hudasyed2844 3 года назад +28

    "You had this expression on your face , like you weren't quite sure you were supposed to be on Earth."
    -lain s. Thomas , I wrote this for you

  • @nyangwonzz1
    @nyangwonzz1 2 месяца назад +1

    literal goosebumpss

  • @neotanz
    @neotanz 9 месяцев назад +2

    0:55 is the most addicting part

  • @overdsbish4637
    @overdsbish4637 3 года назад +11

    beautiful ...

  • @조호진-l2m
    @조호진-l2m 4 года назад +9

    도시만의 감성 너무 좋다

  • @Cafedoona
    @Cafedoona 11 месяцев назад +2

    이 노래가 내 머릿속에 있어요

  • @wonirangna
    @wonirangna 26 дней назад

    노래가사랑 음악분위기는 이곡이 찰떡이네요. 빛과소금 분들 소싯적부르시던게 기억이나면서 아련해지네용😊

  • @savirariswana
    @savirariswana 2 года назад +4

    Nemonan hwamyeon hechimyeo
    Salmyeosi dagawa
    Eunbichui hwansang simeojun
    Geunyeoneun namanui jageun yojeong
    Ireun achim angaecheoreom
    Naegero dagawa
    Neoulgeorineun gin meori
    Budeureon misoro soksagine
    Geunyeoman bomyeon oeropji ana
    Seulpeun maeumdo meolli sarajyeo
    Geunyeoneun naui syampuui yojeong
    Ijeneun neoreul saranghal geoya
    Geujeo neon jonjaehaneun julloman in a fairytale
    Nemonan hwamyeon hechimyeo salmyeosi naege
    Dagaon neoraneun yojeong
    Waenji mal geonneneun geonman gata
    Malloneun seolmyeong an doeneun neukkim
    Geonneun geonman gateun gibun jeogi gureum wireul
    Eoneusaengabuteo naui maeumsoge
    Jarihago inneun geoya neon machi
    Ireun achim angaecheoreom
    Naegero dagawa
    Neoulgeorineun gin meori
    Budeureon misoro soksagine
    Geunyeoman bomyeon oeropji ana
    Seulpeun maeumdo meolli sarajyeo
    Geunyeoneun naui syampuui yojeong
    Ijeneun neoreul saranghal geoya
    Meolliseo na hollo barabodeon
    Geunyeoneun eonjena naui kkum
    Geunyeoman bomyeon oeropji ana
    Seulpeun maeumdo meolli sarajyeo
    Geunyeoneun naui syampuui yojeong
    Ijeneun neoreul saranghal geoya

  • @biangmylvv
    @biangmylvv 2 года назад +4

    This is the best version for me

  • @lilja5151
    @lilja5151 2 года назад +4

    this is one of the best songs ever

  • @tohmin7857
    @tohmin7857 3 года назад +10

    i just hope everyone who listens to dosii a good night and a lot of virtual hugs. ily guys sm

  • @TahiyaNawer-er2ir
    @TahiyaNawer-er2ir Год назад +7

    0:55 this part>>>

  • @shfctr
    @shfctr 2 года назад +3

    this Dosii ver sound like 90s city pop but in slowed, my fav genre of a song 🤍

  • @scnzcx
    @scnzcx 2 года назад +2

    ngl choosing a random song send me here this is beyond beautiful omg

  • @hiraimomo5123
    @hiraimomo5123 4 года назад +12

    i love this song

    • @v10marshy96
      @v10marshy96 3 года назад +1

      Same here, it's so good 😌

  • @tania-ci4hh
    @tania-ci4hh 3 года назад +13

    Eh¿ No sabía que es un cover, que es preciosa esta canción de verdad, se escucha tan única, me encanta.

  • @Asabidou
    @Asabidou Месяц назад +2

    I want Kim Minjeong (Aespa) to sing this

  • @rutadarulaaaa
    @rutadarulaaaa Год назад +1

    years have gone by and this song is still just as beautiful as when it came out

  • @meowmeow1oo4
    @meowmeow1oo4 4 года назад +3

    도시 감성 개조와 좋은 노래 앞으로도 많이 들려주세요 💓

  • @supercoolyoutubeuser00
    @supercoolyoutubeuser00 Год назад +1

    i always come back to this song

  • @aquarinesims
    @aquarinesims 7 месяцев назад +1

    OMG i love this song and its lyrics 😭

  • @galimgim
    @galimgim 3 года назад +5

    thank you jueun i will listen tothis while I'm shampooing

  • @minsoochoi2668
    @minsoochoi2668 2 месяца назад +1

    도시 city 시티팝. 좋다.

  • @eyrafilm
    @eyrafilm 4 года назад +4

    my favourite song 😽

  • @9426-k5z
    @9426-k5z 4 года назад +6

    헐, 드디어 정식으로 나왔구나 ㅠㅠㅠ

  • @number1soobinstan
    @number1soobinstan Год назад +2

    Istg this hits so different

  • @pierce_r6
    @pierce_r6 3 года назад +7

    This is so underrated

  • @hikari2292
    @hikari2292 5 месяцев назад +1

    found this song on spotify last year. It has been my fav song ever since

  • @ximenarojas5955
    @ximenarojas5955 Год назад +4

    네모난 화면 헤치며
    살며시 다가와
    은빛의 환상 심어준
    그녀는 나만의 작은 요정
    이른 아침 안개처럼
    내게로 다가와
    너울거리는 긴 머리
    부드런 미소로 속삭이네
    그녀만 보면 외롭지 않아
    슬픈 마음도 멀리 사라져
    그녀는 나의 샴푸의 요정
    이제는 너를 사랑할꺼야
    그녀만 보면 외롭지 않아
    슬픈 마음도 멀리 사라져
    그녀는 나의 샴푸의 요정
    이제는 너를 사랑할꺼야
    그녀는 나의 별 그녀는 나의 밤
    그녀는 나의 꿈 그녀는 나의 눈
    그녀는 나의 별 그녀는 나의 밤
    그녀는 나의 꿈 그녀는 나의 눈
    그녀는 나의 별 그녀는 나의 밤
    그녀는 나의 꿈 그녀는 나의 눈
    그녀는 나의 별 그녀는 나의 밤
    그녀는 나의 꿈 그녀는 나의 눈
    그녀만 보면

  • @catkimchi168
    @catkimchi168 Год назад +3

    dosii version >>>>>>>>

  • @anjaluna5323
    @anjaluna5323 3 года назад +3

    This is the best cover of this song

    @KEVINSMH 3 года назад +1

    새벽에 이유없이 가슴이 두근거리고 흥분인지 차분인지 모를 그 묘함이 그대로 묻어있는 노래

  • @ihssansej
    @ihssansej 2 года назад +2

    i found this on my spotify recommendations and im totally in lovee

  • @racketxyz
    @racketxyz Год назад +2

    Nemonan hwamyeon hechimyeo
    Salmyeosi dagawa
    Eunbichui hwansang simeojun
    Geunyeoneun namanui jageun yojeong
    Ireun achim angaecheoreom
    Naegero dagawa
    Neoulgeorineun gin meori
    Budeureon misoro soksagine
    Geunyeoman bomyeon oeropji ana
    Seulpeun maeumdo meolli sarajyeo
    Geunyeoneun naui syampuui yojeong
    Ijeneun neoreul saranghalkkeoya
    Geunyeoman bomyeon oeropji ana
    Seulpeun maeumdo meolli sarajyeo
    Geunyeoneun naui syampuui yojeong
    Ijeneun neoreul saranghalkkeoya
    Geunyeoneun naui byeol
    Geunyeoneun naui bam
    Geunyeoneun naui kkum
    Geunyeoneun naui nun
    Geunyeoneun naui byeol
    Geunyeoneun naui bam
    Geunyeoneun naui kkum
    Geunyeoneun naui nun
    Geunyeoneun naui byeol
    Geunyeoneun naui bam
    Geunyeoneun naui kkum
    Geunyeoneun naui nun
    Geunyeoneun naui byeol
    Geunyeoneun naui bam
    Geunyeoneun naui kkum
    Geunyeoneun naui nun
    Geunyeoman bomyeon

  • @Sofia-tb2ts
    @Sofia-tb2ts Год назад +1

    omg I luv this so muchhh

  • @beaverkim129
    @beaverkim129 3 года назад +1


  • @YourIngrownToenail
    @YourIngrownToenail Год назад +1

    i love this version more cuz it sounds like he's actually completely fallen in love with her

  • @Wave_to_earth
    @Wave_to_earth Год назад

    I love dosii 💞💗

  • @amaneable9127
    @amaneable9127 Год назад +1

    my fav version actually

  • @april_withnw
    @april_withnw Месяц назад

    I love this version so much

  • @lovellrakhi6400
    @lovellrakhi6400 3 года назад +3

    this song is so beautiful

  • @onigiri164
    @onigiri164 2 года назад +1

    vibe check

  • @yuemi_xoxo
    @yuemi_xoxo 2 года назад +1

    I've been listening to this for the past 1 and a half year IT'S AMAZING

  • @D7.0000
    @D7.0000 Год назад +1

    this song gives off a distant, dreamy vibe, it sure knows how to be stuck in my mind everyday without an explanation, from the overplayed cover by txt, I admire this cover better, there's something the person who made this put it, this version is my style.

  • @hellomo4712
    @hellomo4712 2 года назад +2

    나는 누가 뭐라고 하든 상관없어요. 이것은 지금까지 최고의 커버입니다

  • @onigiri164
    @onigiri164 2 года назад +1


  • @typophiX
    @typophiX 4 года назад +2

    운동 할 때 꼭 듣는 노래..

  • @MyGoMaS
    @MyGoMaS 3 года назад +2

    Thanks to Spotify I found this amazing band. This versión of Fairy of shampoo is the best ❤️❤️❤️

  • @jungrlv
    @jungrlv Год назад +1

    pls this is so underrated 😔

  • @yummisun
    @yummisun 2 года назад +1

    i will never stop listening to this song

  • @emilynella4793
    @emilynella4793 2 года назад +2

    I only knew the original song but now that I discovered dosii as an artist and found this masterpiece, I have it on repeat. And of course, this visualizer is so aesthetically pleasing.

  • @aishaalbalooshi8820
    @aishaalbalooshi8820 3 года назад +2

    This cover is so underrated it deserves more appreciation

  • @user-wc9fu4zp2c
    @user-wc9fu4zp2c Год назад +1

    와 좋다

  • @yuemi_xoxo
    @yuemi_xoxo 2 года назад +1

    This still needs more recognition!!

  • @iitsamii
    @iitsamii 3 года назад +109

    I imagine myself alone in a metro in cloudy weather, then going to a convenience store. I buy a mango drink with pocky sticks and go home. I really like this song

  • @imymengyu
    @imymengyu 4 года назад +4

    진짜 개좋다

  • @Keurlock
    @Keurlock Год назад +1

    I learned this song from dosii

  • @bloomingdaays
    @bloomingdaays 2 года назад +1

    The girl is so pretty