SIN ME IGNORIŠE 24 SATA Sin me ignoriše 24 sata (Son is ignoring me for 24 hours) is a video uploaded to RUclips by Bosnian RUclipsr Omco. It currently has 3 million views. Dzanan plans to get revenge on his father by ignoring him for 24 hours, afterward calling him "the fattest Bosnian peasant". Then the challenge starts. 1. Omer walks to his son eating pasta from a pot. He tells him that he is eating too much like he has anorexia, and to put down the pot and get 25 bureks so they can eat like real people. Dzanan doesn't respond though, leading Omer to asking the same question over and over, before he finally loses it, grabs the pot and pours the pasta all over Dzanan's head, as he smiles listening to his father yell "Jedi! Jedi!" (Eat! Eat!) 2. Omer is done pooping in the toilet, and as he turns to get the toilet paper, there is none! He then calls his son from the bathroom to get him some, but Dzanan is playing Minecraft in the other room and not paying attention to what his father is telling him (he's actually watching SerbianGamesBL according to one comment), before he gives up and uses a mop to clean his butt. 3. Omer walks to his son playing the phone on the couch, and starts praising him and calling him beautiful names. This continues until at one point, Omer says that he was "picking his butt" for a while and didn't wash his hands, disgusting Dzanan and forcing him out of the room as he yells "Fuj! FUJ!" (Ew! EW!) whilst running to the bathroom to throw up. The camera then zooms on to Omer as he laughs maniacally while Dzanan is heard crying in the background. 4. Omer tells Dzanan that he has to put some sausages in a pot, and that he has to watch them or else they will burn up. Then he leaves the house. Dzanan ignores him though, and the sausages burn up unfortunately. Omer rushes in, and he looks at the sausages and scolds his son angrily. He picks out a burnt sausage from the pot and calls him a jerk afterward. 5. Omer tells Dzanan to hold the hood of the car so he can fix something so it doesn't hit his head. Dzanan does so, but he slams the hood on Omer inside that he yells in pain. Omer gets out, his face covered in ashes, and he tells his son that he doesn't need to help him anymore. 6. Omer and Dzanan (on the phone) are playing catch with a basketball. Omer throws the ball, but it lands in the river, the son not focusing on the ball. Omer, on his way to get the ball, tells his son that kebabs and hamburgers ate his brain. Omer, since he is too fat, constantly keeps falling over while trying to get the ball. 7. Omer is painting the bridge, and he tells him to give him the paint can before complaining to him that they made him fat and lazy. Omer insists on getting the paint can himself, but it slips and the paint goes all over his head, covering him all in white. He then yells some insults to him, before saying that Dzanan made a snowman out of him. At the end of the video, Dzanan tells everyone to subscribe and like to him, before the video ends.
U 8 yang tidak dapat hadir ke 6 awi 223.022 yang ku wa nak tanya sikit pasal aku tak tahu nak kata aku mah mau ke rumah aku aja yang ada dalam hidup saya telah mencoba dan semoga sukses.
Vi ste mi jako zanimljivi jutjuberi na balkanu❤❤❤💖👍🔝🔝
Omco.Srecno do milion subscribera.Podrav iz Srbije🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
@@Gamer-jv3ru uvrijedio si me jako
@@Gamer-jv3ru bolje bit seljacina nego srbin
ᴍʀ.ᴇᴅᴍɪɪɴ a sta ti imas protiv srbije?
@@edmin6572 koji je tvoj problem? Mame se nikad ne psuju! Utuvi u tu tvoju glupavu glavu bez mozga!
@@edmin6572 koji je tvoj problem?
Svaka vama cast i vama i vasem sinu uvek se rasplacem od smeha
prolupala zenturaca
"ja ću sve ne moraš ti kile, neka ja ću" - svaki roditelj ikad
Najbolji RUclipsr na balkanu:
@@supermatija7039 da
ne znam kakvim zaostalim umovima je ovo zanimljivo a jos manje smijesno
Sljedeći klip Ignorišem mamu 24 H
Nikad nisam gore potrosio 3 minute u zivotu prvi i zadnji put da sam pogledao njegov video
Hahahaha Omčo ti i sin ste veliki kraljevi
Najlepši klip pozdrav iz Beograda,😂😂
0:51 Kao igra minecraft a gleda Serbiana i Djoleta kako igraju😂😂
Kao nesto opet sam na tracii
Ne igra nego gleda
Ja igram minecraft
@@riibog3455 , 9
Omco dodje do milliona svaka cast moze pozzz
Omco usrecujes me iz dana u dan hvala ti ❤
Omčo brate ti si največi kralj 👑💯💖🔥😀💪👌
Dzanan odlicno glumi, sladak djecak 🥰 Omco 🤴.
Bajram Şerif Mubarek Ölsun ✌✌
Ee svaka ti čast pozzz za tebe ljudino
namjesteno i preofirno
Kako smijesno 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂
Cestitam na milionu
Bravo omčov sin je smiješan
Omco je najsmijesniji covjek na svijetu
Definitivno zasluzujes 1 milion suba za ovaj trud sto si ga ulagao u sve klipove
Vidi ti se da volis svoje fanove
Pozz iz slovenije
Omco ti si bog ❤
Super video Omčo 😂😁
Gacha Katja K. Subala sam te uzvrati 🐯
Os sub za sub
@@jovanacvetkovic246 Može
@@katja6000 ims sub od mene
Idemo omco da 1.000.000 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
BaJrAm SeRiF MubArEK oLSuN....
Omčo saćeš milion subscribera svaka čast👏
Like svi koji želimo da Omčo stigne do Milion subova prije kraja 8mijeseca.👍
@StefanYT nije problem uzvrati sub
@@dalmatinac9393 ja sam te subo mozes me subat i dat mi lajk na svaki video
Čuvajte se kad Omčo ogladni!
Inč super video
Svaka cast cestitam vi na 1M suba posteno zasluzeno
odlican klippp najjaci steee,snimaj skeceve sa mecomm
Definitivni je najboli video super je bravooo
0:06 a duša moja kako jede ko da anoreksiju ima🤣🤣🤣
@@kultra2652 gubitak apetita koliko ja znam, provjeri na internetu ☺️
@@kultra2652 Kada nemas dovoljno hrane u svom organizmu da se lakse kaze naj cesce we desava kod vegana :)
Mali je top👋👏👏👏👏
Bravo Omčo!!
Po prvi put da se nisam nasmijao u OMCINOM videu al sam LAJKO
Ajmo milion suba na omco like na komentar
Cestitam na 900+ SUbova
Nemoj da usran izlazim iz wc hahahahha kralj si omčo
Svaka cast sine!
Omčo kralj balkana👑👑
Ko se slaze like
Kakvi kraljevi
👞 Ovo je OMČO
1 lajk = 1 kila
Koliko ce omco imati kila za 3 dana
Za 1 mjesec 34
Treba da se ugoji🤣
67 kg😂
100 kila
A. Ovo. Mu. Je. Sin. 😋👘👖🎒👟🌂👓
Mali Omčo car treba imati svoj kanal kao Arslan 😂❤️
On se zove Dzenan
A jel mu sin
@@izetkarabegovic965 pa jes!
On ima svoj Instagram ali ne vidim sad da ima Instagram iskreno! Plus ima svoj Facebook isto iskreno!
Magicni video matrica 😂
road to 1M
Super jako je smiješno
Omco naj smesniji siii like ko misli isto
💖Još malo pa slavimo milion 💖
Od 0 do 10 koliko voliš omču?
2:40 svaki roditelj ikad😂
بالحسن الغول
Ajmo omco do miliona
2:38 jeste primetili da mi je majca na izvrat 😄
Ako hoces omcov broj pogledaj nije laz
Ako hoces omcov broj pogledaj nije laz
@@Anime0888 nije omcov nego omcin
@@wrathwavemusic ije i omcin nego omerov
Bajram Serif Mubarek Olsun
Omco: tajo malo cacko guzicu nisam ruke opro
Djete: fuj fuj *
Omco: hehhehehehehhehehebbeheheheheheh
Naslov otac me izludjuje
Jedva sam cekao novi video
Koji merc 👌👌
Sve je to namješteno,kao i skoro svi njegovi videi
mi bosanci smo ozbiljni i propali tako da nije namjesteno
Mozda jesu namjesteni videi ali je zapravo istinita stvarnost
Zar si ti mislio da je ovo stvarno...
@@markokrstic6629 Ne,zato sam to i napisao
Omčo ajde milion suskraybera
2:40 prdnuo je
Aha da
Ja mislia da mi se pričinjava
Zukkoukwkkqjejejjwkklwkkq p
Mozda je japanka
Japanka je
Imco jate gledam puno pozdrav od mene aca kragujrvac srbija
Volim bureke
Sin: Ignorisema tatu
Omco:A ja izludjujem sina
Najbolji jutjuber
Ride to 1000000 suba
Ti imaš lepog sina😄
De haj kupnam 25 bureka da jedemo ko ljudi hahahhaha😂😂😂
Volim omču ❤
Sine daj papir usran sam 😂😂
Omg iskreno!
Omco želim još ovakvih videa
Kolko lajkova tolko omčo ima kila
samo fali jos par nula
Kaka v otac taka v sin super ste
Duša moja kako jede kao da anoreksiju ima Lol xD
Omco srecno ti uzivaj u bureku NIĐE VEZE....
1:20 taj hinjski smijeh 😆
predobar video burek si snimio
0:51 gleda serbiana a kao igra ahahha
Edit: Hvala na 40 lajkova puno!!!
Hahah dobri stari dani 🤧😢😢
Hahahah da
@@zagorskapirotehnika8359 Majner moze sub za sub brate
@@ognjenstojkovic248 uzvrati
@@urosvasiljevic808 uzvratio sam
Bosanski hudini ko se slaze lajk
Like ko se slaze da Omcin sin otvori svoj kanal
Kad dodes do100000 subova objavi film youtube ratovi ko se slaze nek ostavi 👍
2:22 hahahahah
Jos malo pa milion 😋😋
Uskoro milionce
Sin me ignoriše 24 sata (Son is ignoring me for 24 hours) is a video uploaded to RUclips by Bosnian RUclipsr Omco. It currently has 3 million views.
Dzanan plans to get revenge on his father by ignoring him for 24 hours, afterward calling him "the fattest Bosnian peasant". Then the challenge starts.
1. Omer walks to his son eating pasta from a pot. He tells him that he is eating too much like he has anorexia, and to put down the pot and get 25 bureks so they can eat like real people. Dzanan doesn't respond though, leading Omer to asking the same question over and over, before he finally loses it, grabs the pot and pours the pasta all over Dzanan's head, as he smiles listening to his father yell "Jedi! Jedi!" (Eat! Eat!)
2. Omer is done pooping in the toilet, and as he turns to get the toilet paper, there is none! He then calls his son from the bathroom to get him some, but Dzanan is playing Minecraft in the other room and not paying attention to what his father is telling him (he's actually watching SerbianGamesBL according to one comment), before he gives up and uses a mop to clean his butt.
3. Omer walks to his son playing the phone on the couch, and starts praising him and calling him beautiful names. This continues until at one point, Omer says that he was "picking his butt" for a while and didn't wash his hands, disgusting Dzanan and forcing him out of the room as he yells "Fuj! FUJ!" (Ew! EW!) whilst running to the bathroom to throw up. The camera then zooms on to Omer as he laughs maniacally while Dzanan is heard crying in the background.
4. Omer tells Dzanan that he has to put some sausages in a pot, and that he has to watch them or else they will burn up. Then he leaves the house. Dzanan ignores him though, and the sausages burn up unfortunately. Omer rushes in, and he looks at the sausages and scolds his son angrily. He picks out a burnt sausage from the pot and calls him a jerk afterward.
5. Omer tells Dzanan to hold the hood of the car so he can fix something so it doesn't hit his head. Dzanan does so, but he slams the hood on Omer inside that he yells in pain. Omer gets out, his face covered in ashes, and he tells his son that he doesn't need to help him anymore.
6. Omer and Dzanan (on the phone) are playing catch with a basketball. Omer throws the ball, but it lands in the river, the son not focusing on the ball. Omer, on his way to get the ball, tells his son that kebabs and hamburgers ate his brain. Omer, since he is too fat, constantly keeps falling over while trying to get the ball.
7. Omer is painting the bridge, and he tells him to give him the paint can before complaining to him that they made him fat and lazy. Omer insists on getting the paint can himself, but it slips and the paint goes all over his head, covering him all in white. He then yells some insults to him, before saying that Dzanan made a snowman out of him.
At the end of the video, Dzanan tells everyone to subscribe and like to him, before the video ends.
@Tijana Zec Ok.
Zamislite da imate ovakvog oca kupi 25 bureka 😂
Do miliona ajmooo
0:58 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jos malo pa milion Omco
Ovo je Omčo
Omčo ima 0 kg 1 Like 1 kg za Omču
Znam da neću dobit ni 1 Like 😂
najjaci prank na balkanu na mom zadnjem klipu, salim se nie najjaci al brat se rasplako i usro, zvao tatuu❤🤣😂 pogledajte da ude u recommende
Odličan. Video
Dzanky ima 0kg 1 like 1kg
Koliko ce Dzanky imati kg za 24h?😂
Jeste teski sa tim forama.
NE SNIMAM VISE Da te cujemo matematicaru, koliko ce imat? koliko ces ti jadnik imat lajkova za 24 sata?
@@Elvel-yj1mr Moze sub 😂❤😊
@@DigitalCatnipDesigns. moze sub
@@ExplorationNationyt ja te subo uzv i daj mi lajk na svaki video
Mali je legenda
Srbija:Baka prase i sebian
Bosna:Omco i Braco gajic
U 8 yang tidak dapat hadir ke 6 awi 223.022 yang ku wa nak tanya sikit pasal aku tak tahu nak kata aku mah mau ke rumah aku aja yang ada dalam hidup saya telah mencoba dan semoga sukses.