Just a couple of requests: 1) Please create a 10 hour version of this. I would love to be able to sleep to it all night. 2) Please include filming locations in the description of your videos. I like to know where I am. 😊
I often dream of the same. Unfortunately, it's getting harder and harder to do that. At this point, unless you purchase the land, it's either monitored, protected land, extremely hazardous, or both! 😓
Dont mind me, im moving into this cave. I need some simple peace. Im bringing my blanket and my kitty for cuddles. Goodnight ✌️🌧️
Can't say I'd blame you. I'd do the same in a heartbeat ^^
Lo uso cada noche para dormir, y en las siestas también ❤
I like this. One
I adore camp outside tents...This video takes me back to when I also camped out in a cave in the lake District u.k, awesome 🎉😊...
This is perfect ❤
Just a couple of requests:
1) Please create a 10 hour version of this. I would love to be able to sleep to it all night.
2) Please include filming locations in the description of your videos. I like to know where I am. 😊
Just loop the video.
@@somethingwicked5678 How do I do that? I don't see an option for that on my computer or my TV.
@charlieinfinite9434 create a play list, put this video in there 8 times. Bingo Bango bongo
@@nickleoni7241 How do I do that? It only lets me add (check) or remove (uncheck).
@@nickleoni7241 How do I do that? It only lets me add it to a list once by going to save > list > check.
Anyone else immediately see Wisconsin? ❤️
I see a cave entrance
@@zenotay such a Wisconsin thing to say
Sometimes I wonder if it would be possible for a group of people to create an alternative society in an uninhabited geographic space.
I often dream of the same. Unfortunately, it's getting harder and harder to do that. At this point, unless you purchase the land, it's either monitored, protected land, extremely hazardous, or both! 😓
30.11.2024 ✌🏻
I might be sharing the cave with a bear.
No thanks. Lol 😂