Data formatting isn't really necessary for any math program, but it makes research/experimental programs much more useful because there are visual indications of numerical patterns that might be strange or hard to see otherwise
To alleviate the corruption issue, make a macro so that everytime you use setf, define in the repl it it places a copy of the previous definition, maybe with serialization if its an object or with the quoted list if its not in a history list along with the module path name so it won't get garbage collected then define undo and redo commands that increment and decrement the counter for the history. To save space you might try only storing the diff of previously placed objects.
Data formatting isn't really necessary for any math program, but it makes research/experimental programs much more useful because there are visual indications of numerical patterns that might be strange or hard to see otherwise
To alleviate the corruption issue, make a macro so that everytime you use setf, define in the repl it it places a copy of the previous definition, maybe with serialization if its an object or with the quoted list if its not in a history list along with the module path name so it won't get garbage collected then define undo and redo commands that increment and decrement the counter for the history. To save space you might try only storing the diff of previously placed objects.
It’s a good video to help me understanding lisp
He said he had a blog, but I couldn't catch the name. Can you write it down please?
He hasn't posted anything there in a while. He is active on twitter though (same handle).
Thanks! The archives will be useful anyways
Also, there is some more stuff on the blog he shows at the end around 1:37:00.
(should redirect you to a wayback archive)