No honor, playing kashtira and tenpai. Idc that the enemy played ancient gear but that’s better than playing tenpai kashtira and then also linking your other stuff like you just did something even though you just put one -100 iq deck with another-100 iq deck together and mainly used tenpai anyway. How about you play a different deck like idk lair of Darkness, or try something daring and just go into rogue decks over all. Like we don’t want to see meta deck videos we have them enough in our games. Be different or be irrelevant
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No honor, playing kashtira and tenpai.
Idc that the enemy played ancient gear but that’s better than playing tenpai kashtira and then also linking your other stuff like you just did something even though you just put one -100 iq deck with another-100 iq deck together and mainly used tenpai anyway.
How about you play a different deck like idk lair of Darkness, or try something daring and just go into rogue decks over all. Like we don’t want to see meta deck videos we have them enough in our games. Be different or be irrelevant
Thanks for watching 😁