बुखार व दर्दें दूर करती है, आयुर्वेद की यह दवा / AYURVEDIC DRUG FOR FEVER & PAIN RELIEF

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • • बुखार व दर्दें दूर करत...
    बुखार व दर्द दूर करती है, आयुर्वेद की यह दवा
    Dr. Brijbala Vasishth
    Dr. Sunil Vasishth
    As a patient suffering from pain and fever, consults a doctor for treatment, most of the doctors think of lowering the raised body temperature and relieving pains and aches, by using paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac, etc.
    But, here we tell you about a unique drug of ayurveda, that is quite effective in lowering temperature in fever and relieving pain and aches.
    That drug is - *GOJIHVA (गोजिह्वा)*, commonly called as Gavjaban, and whose Botanical name is Onosma bracteatum.
    Let's discuss in detail...
    About Gojihva
    Gojihva, is a small plant, with 1-2 ft height, that grows as a wild plant in Himalayas, upto 11,000 ft, from Kashmir to Kumaon.
    Gojihva has long, yellow flowers. The whole plant is covered with fine hairs. For medicinal purposes, its leaves and flowers are used.
    Scientific research tells that Gojihva has many potent Bioactive compounds, like Phenolic compounds, Flavonoids, and Glycosides, that make this drug highly useful in the management of many diseases, including -
    - Fever and Pain;
    - Tachycardia and Palpitation; and
    - Cancer, especially in the Prostate, Lung, and Breast.
    Gojihva - Unique Analgesic & Antipyretic
    Gojihva has been used for thousands of years for lowering raised body temperature and relieving pains and aches.
    It seemingly acts, both centrally (on the brain) and peripherally (on the affected tissues).
    In order to bring down the raised body temperature in fever, Gojihva resets the the Temperature Regulating Center (TRC) in the Hypothalamus, at the normal level (37⁰C), and thereby induces heat loss by sweating and relaxing the muscles.
    Whereas, for alleviating pain, Gojihva acts centrally on the Thalamus, and blocks the pain signals. In addition, it acts on the pain nerve endings (Nociceptors) in the affected organ/tissue, and inhibits their stimulation.
    Both of these actions in Gojihva result in lowering the raised body temperature in fevers and relieving pain.
    Six More Drugs to Lower the Feve & Relieve Pain
    Ayurveda has many drugs that lower the raised body temperature in fevers and relieve pain. Out of these, 6 effective drugs are -
    • Harmal (Ghan Tab);
    • Sahdevi (Ghan Tab);
    • Vatsanabh (Tribhuvan Kirti rasa, Dolid Tab);
    • Parijata (Ghan Tab);
    • Nirgundi (Ghan Tab);
    • Sapta-parna (Ghan Tab).
    You can use Gojihva as below -
    1.*Gojihva Churna* - 3-6 gm, 3-6 times a day, plain water.
    2.*Gojihva Ghan Tab* - 1-2 tabs, 3-6 times a day. Each Tablet contains 600 mg ghan (extract) derived from is 3 gm powder of dried Leaves and flowers of Gojihva.
    3.*Gavjaban Ark* - 5-10 ml in a cup of water, 3-6 times a day.
    Conclusions (निष्कर्ष):
    1. Fever and pains are two common complaints requiring fast attention and relief;
    2. Ayurveda has many drugs that lower the raised body temperature in fever and relieve pains and aches, like - Gojihva, Harmal, Vatsanabh, Sahdevi, Parijata, Sapta-parna, and Nirgundi; and
    3. Gojihva is a highly useful drug for lowering raised temperature in fever and relieving pains and aches.
    बुखार व दर्द दूर करती है, आयुर्वेद की यह दवा
    Dr. Brijbala Vasishth
    Dr. Sunil Vasishth
    जैसे ही, बुखार (Fever) व दर्दों (Pain) से पीड़ित कोई रोगी, इलाज के लिए डॉक्टर से परामर्श लेता है, तो अधिकाँश डॉक्टर्स, पेरासिटामोल (Paracetamol), आइबुप्रोफेन (Ibuprofen), डाइक्लोफेनाक (Diclofenac) आदि दवाओं का प्रयोग करके, दर्द से राहत देने और बुखार उतारने के बारे में सोचते हैं।
    लेकिन, यहां हम आपको आयुर्वेद की एक ऐसी अद्वितीय औषधि के बारे में बताने जी रहे हैं, जो दर्द से राहत दिलाने (Pain relief) और बुखार उतारने (Lowering fever) में काफी कारगर रहती है।
    वह औषधी है - *गोजिह्वा (Gojihva)*, जिसे आम तौर पर गावजबान कहा जाता है, और जिसका वानस्पतिक नाम है - ओनोस्मा ब्रैक्टिएटम (Onosma bracteatum)।
    आइए विस्तार से चर्चा करें...
    गोजिह्वा के बारे में (About Gojihva):
    गोजिह्वा, 1-2 फुट ऊँचाई वाला एक छोटा पौधा है, जो कश्मीर से कुमाऊँ तक 11,000 फुट की ऊँचाई पर, हिमालय में जंगली पौधे के रूप में उगता है।
    गोजिह्वा में लम्बे, पीले फूल होते हैं। यह पूरा पौधा, अतिसूक्ष्म बालों से ढका हुआ है। औषधीय प्रयोजन के लिए इसकी पत्तियों और फूलों का उपयोग किया जाता है।
    वैज्ञानिक शोध बताते हैं कि गोजिह्वा में फेनोलिक यौगिक (Phenolic compounds), फ्लैवोनोइड्स (Flavonoids), और ग्लाइकोसाइड्स (Glycosides) जैसे कई शक्तिशाली बायोएक्टिव यौगिक (Bioactive compounds) मौजूद रहते हैं, जो इस दवा को कई बीमारियों के इलाज में काफी अधिक उपयोगी बनाते हैं।
    Shared for the information of ayush doctors, by:
    Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies
    डॉ.वसिष्ठ'स आयुरैमॅडीज
    Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Bharat
    M. 94192 05439, 70430 03374
    Email: drvasishth@drvasishths.com
    Web: www.drvasishths.com

Комментарии • 5

  • @DrJitenderAYUSH
    @DrJitenderAYUSH 5 месяцев назад

    Very informative 👏👍

  • @maqdoommohi1154
    @maqdoommohi1154 2 месяца назад

    Fever keliye gojhiva theek rahega ya harmal ?

  • @muhammadahmedkhan4590
    @muhammadahmedkhan4590 13 дней назад

    ❤Dr sahib ma Pakistan Karachi sa ho ma Raat KO kameez uttar Ka soorahay thaa mujhay bhee pahlay mujahy cheekan zukkam howa ..phir kamar or tangoon ma dard shoroo hogegaa or phir thand lag Kar 104 bukhar hogeyya.doctor na panadol tikka bukhar utarnay Ka or risek 40 mg likh dee ha

  • @adnanakhter2694
    @adnanakhter2694 5 месяцев назад

    Dr sab sahi name gaozaban