I finished that book a few days ago and I have to say that Star Wars: Rebel Rising is a pretty solid read throughout. It really does go into detail of the backstory of the book's main character, Jyn Erso. It is a surprise to be sure but, in comparison to some of the current canon novels I read thus far, it is a welcome one. Like the Rogue One film novelization by Alexander Freed, I really got a better sense of her as a character than from what we were given with the film by itself, at least in my opinion, and like Catalyst by James Luceno, it is a pretty good prequel (or in Rebel Rising's case, technically speaking, an interquel) to the Rogue One film. I would even go and say that it is the best of the Star Wars current canon YA novels...............so far. So yeah, definitely recommended for Rogue One fans especially if you love Jyn Erso as a character. Next up, the Force is with me, and I am one with the Force; and I fear nothing, because all is as the Force wills it with Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus's own spotlight novel with Guardians of the Whills. After that, it's *exasperated breath* Aftermath: Life Debt. I still hope the Force is still with me by this point.
+GuardianAngel871 All well said! Good luck with GotW, it was not what I expected it to be! And Aftermath: Life Debt, in my opinion was better than Aftermath!
Thanks. I'm already a little more than halfway through Guardians of the Whills. I should be able to finish it either sometime today or tomorrow. As for Aftermath: Life Debt, I heard that it is supposedly a bit better than Aftermath and granted it most likely isn't much given the author and the writing style among other issues but still. Guess we'll have to wait and see on how that goes.
#GuardianAngel971 I agree with your and Matt's thoughts. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and as it is a YA novel it was very easy to read but I do not think it took anything away for me. I really like Rogue One and the character of Jyn, she as a character has been very well developed and I think the novelisation of RO explained her passivity in the first Act of the film (eg. Jyn is not a lead character she has things done to her not her leading or initiating them) and this book really ties in with why that is yet still able to help the helpless eg. little girl on Jedha City. I do not think I will read GotW, as the film TLJ showed me that unless I am really interested in a character, or if the book is about a major character the book is essentially pointless. Besides I still have quite a few more SW books to read before I need to go on another book haul.
A character called Saw? Sorry I don't know how to spell his name. I just want to look him up because Star Wars characters that consistiently show up in expanded media interest me 😂
Dino Wiz if you watch star wars clone wars you will know saw gerrera his not a character made by an author or someone in the internet he is created by George Lucas in star wars the clone wars
Great review. Loved how brutal saw was in this and how it links to inferno squad!
Man, your reviews are awesome.
+Edmond Dantes well, thank you!
Do you have to read Catalyst before this?
+windwhisper0234 you don't have to. It would just be bits of her childhood before Being taken by Saw.
+windwhisper0234 but you should def check it out. I really really liked that book.
Thank you
It's about time!
+StupidChainsawProductions Haha, yeah I know.
I finished that book a few days ago and I have to say that Star Wars: Rebel Rising is a pretty solid read throughout. It really does go into detail of the backstory of the book's main character, Jyn Erso. It is a surprise to be sure but, in comparison to some of the current canon novels I read thus far, it is a welcome one. Like the Rogue One film novelization by Alexander Freed, I really got a better sense of her as a character than from what we were given with the film by itself, at least in my opinion, and like Catalyst by James Luceno, it is a pretty good prequel (or in Rebel Rising's case, technically speaking, an interquel) to the Rogue One film. I would even go and say that it is the best of the Star Wars current canon YA novels...............so far. So yeah, definitely recommended for Rogue One fans especially if you love Jyn Erso as a character. Next up, the Force is with me, and I am one with the Force; and I fear nothing, because all is as the Force wills it with Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus's own spotlight novel with Guardians of the Whills. After that, it's *exasperated breath* Aftermath: Life Debt. I still hope the Force is still with me by this point.
+GuardianAngel871 All well said! Good luck with GotW, it was not what I expected it to be! And Aftermath: Life Debt, in my opinion was better than Aftermath!
Thanks. I'm already a little more than halfway through Guardians of the Whills. I should be able to finish it either sometime today or tomorrow. As for Aftermath: Life Debt, I heard that it is supposedly a bit better than Aftermath and granted it most likely isn't much given the author and the writing style among other issues but still. Guess we'll have to wait and see on how that goes.
+GuardianAngel871 looking forward to your thoughts!!
#GuardianAngel971 I agree with your and Matt's thoughts. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and as it is a YA novel it was very easy to read but I do not think it took anything away for me. I really like Rogue One and the character of Jyn, she as a character has been very well developed and I think the novelisation of RO explained her passivity in the first Act of the film (eg. Jyn is not a lead character she has things done to her not her leading or initiating them) and this book really ties in with why that is yet still able to help the helpless eg. little girl on Jedha City. I do not think I will read GotW, as the film TLJ showed me that unless I am really interested in a character, or if the book is about a major character the book is essentially pointless. Besides I still have quite a few more SW books to read before I need to go on another book haul.
A character called Saw? Sorry I don't know how to spell his name. I just want to look him up because Star Wars characters that consistiently show up in expanded media interest me 😂
Dino Wiz if you watch star wars clone wars you will know saw gerrera his not a character made by an author or someone in the internet he is created by George Lucas in star wars the clone wars
Plo Koon Oh cool, that's great! Thank you very much master Plo Koon!
Review Heir to the Empire
+Luke Petronella one of these days, I have a plan.