Resident Evil 4 Remake Review -видео.html Resident Evil 4 VR Review -видео.html Your right hand comes off? No thanks, bro. If you'd like to see more of my content, here's the Critical Nobody playlist -
@@Gruntvc I saw videos of Resident Evil village and it feels over the top on many aspects. However, certain scenes if it does give me that Resident Evil 4 vibe. In particular, the chase scene when you're running away from the Lady D. Not too crazy about the camera angles.
I remember playing the game as a kid, I thought the dialogue was badass and super serious. I'd beaten the game at least 5 times back in the day, yet when I replayed the game a couple years ago from an adult perspective, I finally realized just how campy and goofy this game's script really was. The dialogue is still badass regardless. 10/10 game.
Leon is a genius. He often jokes to keep his cool and sanity throughout his mission instead of taking them too seriously and let the crazy sh*t he is facing overwhelm him like it happened to Chris in RE 6.
*Ashley:* Hides behind Leon when there are enemies around and tries to keep out the way. *Sheva on ATTACK mode:* Runs *exactly* where a rocket launcher shot is going to land.
@@mrbig4514 that's what a game series is. A story based on the same characters, or in the same setting or place, they might change characters every game and then. Before you say, jill has had little games I know, but she has MANY movies, maybe too many.
I have no nostalgia blindness for this game; played it for the first time a few years ago as an adult, and have beaten it 3 times since. Definitely one of the few 10/10 games I've ever played
I’ve beaten this game probably 30 times at this point across almost every platform. It’s just so well put together, I love it. I love the OG resident evils too, it really just depends on what mood I’m in.
I miss the gruesome deaths you had to watch Leon suffer through in RE4. One could say that’s only been brought back in spirit in RE8 but nothing quite can match it. I think Dead Space takes the award for being the one game to outdo this one aspect of RE4. (That and walking/strafing while shooting is COOL)
It is one of those little things that turns down the campiness of the game. A massive wake up call that Leon is only as badass as you allow or play him to be and nothing is gonna save you from dumb decision making.
The flow of this game is just unmatched. It stays thrilling from front to back and you find yourself going “ah yes. this part” on just about every chapter of the game. I adore coming back to this game.
Probably the best word to describe this game. I remember my dad didn’t like how many shooters I was playing when I was little, so to try to scare me away from them he bought me RE4 for PS2 and unfortunately for him it had the complete opposite effect.
Yeah the boat areas, the fishing, merchant, treasures, and inventory all inspired by re4. Really made the game a lot more fun than re7 (not saying it was bad)
@@kikohogod5704 I enjoyed resident evil 7 but felt a little to slow for me considering i have played every resident evil game this one felt a little out of place with the franchise
I played this game 10+ years ago and the one very distinct thing I remember is that “LEON..HEEEEELLLP” I don’t know if I’ve exaggerated it but that is burned into my mind, me and my brother still joke about it to this day. Thought she was so annoying 😂😂
It’s insane how well this game holds up. Like divorcing myself completely of nostalgia, I still believe that this is one of the greatest games of all time.
Nah, it's not nostalgia, I've played it for the first time a few years back and had a blast, I even spent a whole week getting 5 stars with every character and stage in Mercenaries
@@ayrtonjoga i played the game for the first time ever recently (finished it today) and i completely agree! i was genuinely amazed by how well a game so old still holds up to this day.
There is no reason to use that shit in the first place unless you want to make it a boring experience or if you are a 10 year old kid that finds everything hard.
@@thousandyoung I mean you only get it after completing Professional mode. Why make your professional mode unlock a shit tier weapon that’s not worth the effort. *Cough* ROCKET PISTOL FROM RE8.
People bring it up and I try to think about a time in the game she is legitimately annoying. I guess that one time she being taken away in the castle and you need to snip a bit. Been a while could be misremembering.
I’ve personally not mad at the president’s daughter, I’ve willing to admit in some way she managed to eased the tension of playing in professional difficulty.
@@thefakebanette3483 Agreed, she has never been difficult to care for or annoying to me. As long as you’re taking care of yourself and keeping enemies away like normal, then then there is nothing to worry about. I guess the only time she is really annoying is the cutscene that was mentioned in the video lol
12:55 the Giggity caught me off guard and I'll admit, I laughed out loud in real life. So happy you've reached 100k, last I was here you were 90k :P Keep it up Critical!
The REmake better have Mike bringing Leon to a good bar. And a secret "overtime" ending. EDIT: Also, myself and my friends created a points system for "REathons" where we'd speedrun through RE 4 together with three TVs side by side beating it in one sitting. We did about 10 of those.
I think the puzzles were genius tbh. Not the puzzles themselves but the warioware-esque abundance of them to pace the gameplay in such a fluid way. The game is rarely frustrating and we have the 3rd grade level puzzles to thank for it
@@carljohan9265 for real. my first play through i remember the water room being easy then the second i preserved all my ammo almost never got touched and dominated until i got to the water room... i couldnt for the life of me figure out how i did it just fine my first playthrough but struggled on my second when i was clearly much much better at the game.
I’ve played this game countless times, I probably go through it once a year at this point. Classic asf. Also the Matilda is a nod to “Leon the Professional” some girl named Matilda in that movie, and that’s why there’s a difficulty called professional.
I have completed it probably over 30 times in different devices and over the course of almost 8 years Yes. I got the game in 2014, kinda. My brother got the GC game since idk probably 2008, but I just never played the game because I was still a kid and never felt interested in it. All I liked was Spiderman 3 and Sonic Adventure. But then in 2014, my brother bought Re4 for the ps3 and hell yeah I played it. I still play it, in the wii. My ps3 broke. And I have also played it In PC, the crappy iOS and Android version.
@@LonghornsLegend re4 and re5 arent much in the way of survival horror. sure there are survival horror aspects but those two games alone prove that resident evil isnt strictly survival horror in the same way re1 or 2 or really every other re aside from 4 and 5 are. personally i never liked re 1 or 2 for the same reason i still havent cared to play re7. re5 was pretty boring and only playable with coop but re4, for me, is an amazing game that i still play to this day.
@@FIREDAN075 i agree, it is a very nice blend. probably why its the most popular because it satisfies both styles to some degree but neither perfectly but also perfect in its own right.
I prefer the enemy feedback in resi 4 over resi 8. In 4 your bullets stagger the humanoid enemies with each hit, so even a shot to the head with a pistol can knock them off balance. But in resi 8 the enemies soak up bullets before being staggered, making them feel more bullet spongy.
RE4 and RE6 have very different design philosophies. Saying they are the same because they are both over the shoulder action games is like saying Halo and Half Life are the same because they are both first person shooters which is absurd. RE6 doesn't put any emphasis on positioning which is basically the foundation of RE4's design. When Leon aims, he has to ground himself, this is key to everything in RE4's combat loop. Your only real way of dispatching threats forces you to be immobile while using it, and given that space is such a powerful dynamic in video games, the effect on gameplay is enormous. It forces the player to be mindful of their position and of where they choose to stop and fire. It creates meaningful decision-making because the wrong choice can have dire consequences on your ammo and/or your health. Say there're three enemies getting really close and you only have 3 rounds left in your pistol, what do you do? In any other TPS you could just back up and reload and then keep shooting, all in one motion. But in RE4, you can only do one at a time, so which action is the priority? and where should you execute them? You're constantly making decisions and plans. RE4 forces your to commit to your action because you can only do one thing at a time, that's precisely why you can't move while aiming. It forces you to think about when or where to do what. it creates a tug of war over the ground between Leon and the enemies (spatial dynamic). The player wants Leon to keep his distance, while the enemies attempt to close in on him. This push-pull relationship contributes to the inhale-exhale flow of the shoot-outs. The closer the enemies are to Leon, the easier they are to shoot, but the more likely they are to attack him (spatial dynamic and risk/reward). Leon can gain ground by stunning and then fly-kicking enemies, but they need to be close to him/he needs to run over to them to execute the attack (risk/reward). The cool down after the fly-kick, where the player has no control over Leon, balances the mechanic and extends the risk/reward. Even if we talk about two games that have similar design, that doesn't mean they are both of the same quality. We still need to decide which game is better designed overall. Just Look at RE1 remake and RE0. RE1 remake is way, WAY better designed than RE0. So you can still love RE1 remake and not enjoy RE0 even though both games are similar. Saying that you should love RE6 just because you love RE4 (or vice versa) is nonsensical.
@@ArabianFreedom they are but it doesnt change how it feels for certain individuals. even if they are different, a person would still feel like its the same thing
@@itsjustvin7630 it depend on the person. I think re4 has so much better quality than re5 or re6. People who understand about quality will know about this. There's so much meaningful shit in re4, compared to re5 or re6 which just a plain action game. Re5 and re6 don't even added to the GOTY list.
@@barackhusseinobama9593 had like 90000 remasters and ports BUT NONE OF THEM ARE WORTH IT! check out re4 wii. Not even widescreen mode. and ps2 has it. It's just a zoomed in 4:3 and stretched, looks blurry as heck. What about ultimate hd? Awesome 60fps, gamebreaking update. This game needs a real remaster. They did a good job at remastering textures, but it still has a lot of flaws. Not worth the money.
Bro I’m trying not have high expectations the developers was trying make it close to original but the changed the developers to make it more like 2 and 3 remake which suck ass
@@thevoidcorrupted7848 hope they make it like re1 remake. Remove nothing just add to it and improve it really hope they bring matt Mercer for voice of leon and have the original re4 face model
I'm more interested to play RE4 VR, but I'm not buying a Facebook VR to do it. Bring it to other VR headsets, especially PSVR. I could actually afford that 1 as they had a great bundle sale.
Damm after watching this video I ummm... I never thought I’d say this but I appreciate Ashley a lot more. You actually made a really good point as to why she’s far better than other AI character that get themselves killed left right and centre.
I feel like i need to play this game before i die cause like.. this is the perfect example of a game that seen as "YOU HAVE TO PLAY ONCE IN YOUR LIFE" kind of game
Play it. Beat it for the first time 6 months ago and have since beaten pro, and unlocked the hand cannon by 5 starring mercenaries. Then beat the game another time, getting the exclusive for the hand cannon. Then again for a victory lap. 0 regrets
When this game first came out on PS2 I picked up the collectors edition in the metal case with the collector card and bonus DVD. Still have it in mint condition and I’m currently playing this masterpiece on PS4 about 5 times a month. You were right...some of the new games can’t hold a candle to this badass work of art.
It never gets old! So true! As a lover of RE6, RE4 is nothing like RE6. Yes both have a more action focus but that is an extreme simplification of them!
RE4 stays in an odd middle ground between a modern action game and its survival horror heritage. That's the main reason I consider it to be rather bland. I started playing RE4 after I had completed original trilogy and RE6 (not mentioning RE5 but that one I had played as a child). Sorry, I tried to like it, maybe my expectations were too high, maybe my experience gathered in RE6 make the game too easy, but I was bored playing it. Maybe if fanboys were not trashing RE6 so much then I would enjoy it more. Yeah, lovers of RE4 are hypocrites, RE6 is the natural evolution of that game. After all The Evil Within by Shinji Mikami chooses the same direction.
@@Bodzio2M do you play on PC? If so, try the RE4 Tweaks 1.8 mod. It makes aiming and movement a lot more fluid, precise and intuitive. With it, there is no reason to play the garbage RE6, besides coop.
@@Bodzio2M I do not disagree. I don't like it (hence I calling it garbage). But thats a matter of opinion. You like it, thats why you say it does not deserve the hate. Many people hate it (specially RE purists) for many reasons, so it gets the hate. Some of these purists hate 4, the one I love, and its fine. But there is a reason it has a 96 score in metacritic. Some people say 6 deserves the hate, others like you say it does not. Its ok, we all have our taste and opinions, and I get you are sharing yours.
I’ve got a game over due to her in only one situation. In a n island chapter, i’ve beheaded some dudes with a shotgun. One of then had the plagas head. But somehow ashley stayed down as if i was still aiming at the enemies. The plaga hitkilled her then 🙄
I randomly decided to play this game again after a long time the same night that this video was uploaded. It’s like the universe is telling me to do another playthrough, which is inevitable since I do the same thing you described at 2:00 where I wind up blasting through the whole thing without even realizing it. This game never gets old. Edit: God the save room theme is so eerie yet comforting and all-around nostalgic, brings me right back to the mid-2000s.
Last summer I got my friend to buy this game on the switch when it was on sale, he's seen me play it a few times before and wasn't very impressed, but once he got used to the controls and finished the game in a couple weeks he told me RE4 was now one of his favorite games of all time, I'm sure you can imagine that made me really happy to hear
Any time you are beneath Ashley and use the aiming to try to look up her skirt this happens. If she’s standing on a platform she crouches and pulls the front of her skirt down as she calls you a pervert.
This game was ground breaking when released, was so different to the previous resident evils. Played it with my brother and cousin back in 2004 on my game cube and was totally blown away by the graphics and gameplay. After the 3rd game I didn’t think they could take the resi series anywhere else and honestly thought it was finished. How wrong was I!
Same, but at 10 years old. I used to lay under my bed (perks of being a kid) and watch my dad play RE4, and whenever the chainsaw guy showed up I'd hide my eyes afraid of him. Wasn't long tho till I played the game the first time myself so apparently I wasn't too scared.
I love Resident Evil 6, I can replay that game any day of the week. Same goes for 4... and 5... and 7.... and now 8. I think I just really like playing Resident Evil games
Same. Granted, I can see why people would dislike some of the other games, but everyone enjoys games differently. As for me, I've loved every one I've played up to now.
@19:24 Also if you equip Costume 2 (Knight Ashley) when Leon tries to catch Ashley (from Jump Down prompts), Leon will bend to his knees whilst catching Ashley and waking up touching his back (probably Leon's back is hurt). A very subtle detail that is easy to miss too.
It is a pretty fun game. I really like collecting a bunch of treasure and sharing resources but I remember one bit that I was not a fan of. Whoever is playing Sheva has to mash a button nonstop for like a minute at the end of the game, Whoever is Chris has to mash buttons too, but he doesn't have to be worried about falling in lava or Wesker slowly creeping up on you while you're mashing the buttons
Only problem RE3 Remake had was length, I was kinda shocked how short it was. I had a great time playing it but I felt like Nemesis encounters were rushed through.
They could have done to RE3 what they did to RE4 considering how damn linear it was. Unfortunately, RE3 was both linear and short that it stripped the game and ruined a potential masterpiece; had it had three or four more explorable areas, it probably would have a more respectable ranking.
Or you can just cheese the room by running back and opening the door you came from and vaulting over the windows on your left. They can't get you while you're over there giving you free shots to shoot them while they are airborne for an instant kill.
It scares me to think about how the game gonna be ruined in the remake- no castle, no island, no mercenaries. 2 hrs campaign. Please just remake the whole game or don’t remake at all
@@JessicaGarcia-xf9wr Well, just buy steam version and install HD project mod. ^^ RE4 is my favorite game. If we're getting a remake, I want some new stuff. If it sucks, well I'll just be playing original one again and again. Forever And ever. ;)
This could not be stated any better. You absolutely captured my feelings on this game perfectly. Not one word or feeling or even video clip of the game shown was out of place. I absolutely, unequivocally agree with this assessment.
One huge fault with the argument that RE4 caused the decline in the series is that it overlooks the fact that a lot of the old guard left Studio 4 for clover, including series lead Shinji Mikami. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the remake, because at this point not a single reviewer has had the gumption to point out the gameplay deficiencies.
If You try to say something bad about the remake, a lot of people will start to insult you and say that you should thank Capcom for selling you a "new" game that cut things
This game is something that I always find something new Last year, I had my kicks whiff and this year I dodge Krauser, but since I did the QTE too early, he actually hit me after I did the backflip This didn't bother me, I thought it was funny af
Love the "Crow" movie reference at 8:23 lol legit made me laugh harder than I know in my heart I should have. RE4 will forever be my favorite game and at 24 years old and having played it first when I was 11 I find myself crying like a little bitch longing to he 12 again locked in my room playing re4 with a coke and bag of hot cheetos without a care in the world. The nostalgia is so heavy and heartbreaking yet I'm thankful I got to experience this game like I did.
I've literally purchased this game on every console known to man, and beat it on every single one of those versions, and you know what, I can't wait for the remake as well as the VR version, this game is prolly my fave of all time!!!...
After almost ten years of saving the pup trapped in the woods I told myself, "you know I just RPG El Gigante anyways....I never even see the dog...". and I've been saving him till this day.
Funny timing; I was playing this game on GameCube this Thursday. Yes, it absolutely is still one of the best games ever made. Also, I love the GameCube controller layout for this game.
I played this game when it came out in 2005 on Gamecube and absolutely loved it. I didnt play it again until last year and I enjoyed it just as much as when I was 15, or even more. Complete masterpiece.
i was always unsure about res 4 however after watching this i have now bought and downloaed it and added the new hd graphics . im a little late to the party but im enjoying my first playthrough
RE4 was a very radical change for the series. It was great then and it's great now. The game walks that fine line between silly and cool. It's got just the right amount of both to always keep you engaged. I still laugh at the cheesy lines and still get into the action. It's a game that you can't just play for a bit, you just have to finish it.
Yes it is a masterpiece. Though I say the RE1 remake is the best RE game. And so far Village is also reminding me of RE4 like Biohazard (7) reminded me of RE1.
for inventory system, it's something i like the most out of resident evil 4 it feels real and natural to have this kind of inventory and you can't just pick everything without consequences you have to manage ur inventory space in the most efficient way as possible and it did feel satisfying i kinda want this system back in remake
6:10 "there's no enemies sprinting at you wildly swinging an axe". You're right, just a giant double bladed chainsaw in the case of super salvadore in mercenaries water world. And he's the hardest enemy in the game for it in my opinion lol. Also, that song you just barely snuck in at 24:15 made me laugh so hard, I wonder how many people noticed
Blows my mind that the game restarted development in only 2003 and was released in early 2005 considering the level of creativity going on. Either they reused buttloads of scrapped content from earlier iterations, or Mikami and his team are just that good.
Third person shooter games since RE4 still fall short of RE4's glory one way or another. Whether it be the encounter design, level design, gameplay loop, pacing, enemy variety, boss fights, replayability, etc. Some games may have surpassed it in certain aspects, but none of them deliver such a fun and complete package as RE4. I feel confident in saying that this game will continue to go unchallenged in its genre as modern design trends and the rigors of modern development put a ceiling on what's realistically possible. It's a special game from a special team.
Played it for the first time after so many years, and I guess younger me didn't even pick up on how silly Leon's one liners are, but adult me absolutely appreciates them haha. And Ashley's AI holds up really, really well for an older game. Hearing you break down the more technical parts of the game makes me appreciate and love it all the more--I didn't even really notice a lot of those things until I saw this video (like balance and the enemy movement). My only two big gripes about the game are lack of subtitle options and I can't adjust the audio for separate things.
My all time favorite game. Played through it over 100 times. I'm a big re4 collector. Have over 150 re4 pieces between clothes, games, collectable, etc.
Its a timeless classic. In my opinion, this game does not need a remake. Its like the godfather or back to the future of movies that does not need remakes.
I played the game on release when I was 23. I honestly still think the game is scarier than it gets credit for. Not as much so as the first few games, but much more unsettling and creepy than people would have everyone believe. When it gets dark and it's raining, the only time you see things is when the lightning strikes and you see a demon dog's eyes right on front of you. That got me the first time
my brother played this literally nonstop and he is the reason why i even know about resident evil. although I couldn't play it as a child because i was scared out of my mind, the game still holds a special place in my heart along with re5 (hate me, I know) but re5 was the first game he bought me for my xbox 360 and the first one i could actually play through. Also I feel like we all have this love hate relationship with Ashley’s ai lol
0:30 These people are the ones that not understand what Resident Evil 4 is. This game is the last RE by Shinji Mikami. Yes, it is more action focused, but that doesn't mean it is not a classic RE game, RE never was that scary, RE1 and 2 were tense most of the time and with a couple of effective jump-scares that made you jump, but (in my opinion) the first Silent Hill is already way scarier than any RE game. Also, the classic Resident Evil games were very similar to B movies (specially RE1), and that's not necessarily a bad thing, RE1 reminds me of the first Night of the Living Dead, City of the Dead, Horror Express, Evil Dead and some Vincent Price movies. So, I think RE1, 2 are great because this, but RE4 is special because it is aware of being stupid, and takes advantage of that. Something RE5 and 6 didn't understand. I also think Resident Evil 4 is the best RE game. The game was less scarier, but almost everything else was better, and I think Resident Evil as a franchise is great as an introduction into survival horror, but I don't take RE as serious as other horror games. Also, maybe I'm the only one, but as a kid Resident Evil Dead Aim was the scarier RE game. I haven't finished it, but I want to replay it to see how scary it really is 😅
Resident Evil 4 Remake Review -видео.html
Resident Evil 4 VR Review -видео.html
Your right hand comes off? No thanks, bro.
If you'd like to see more of my content, here's the Critical Nobody playlist -
My leg comes off too, wait a minute
RE Village comes nowhere near being as great as RE4 2005. What the heck are all those reviewers smoking...
*You're right hand
so you going to play the VR edition when it comes on the quest?
@@Gruntvc I saw videos of Resident Evil village and it feels over the top on many aspects. However, certain scenes if it does give me that Resident Evil 4 vibe. In particular, the chase scene when you're running away from the Lady D. Not too crazy about the camera angles.
Just the fact that Leon can sit and pose in "the chair" is what makes this a definitive 10/10 for me
So I guess RE5 is also a 10/10 for you because you can do the same in that one.
@@JackOfen how dare you use logic against me, this is the internet sir xD
@@lucasmartin6335 imagine using logic😂
We know is not that. It's everything else with the addition of that.
Can't believe I never noticed Ashley's fist pump when you kill somebody
Me too
It's a mystery how you made it past Elementary.
@@thousandyoung It's a mystery how somebody did your mother to give birth to you
I think she only does that when you perform an headshot/instant kill on an enemy
I was thinking the same thing. I’ve beat this game countless times across 5 different systems since 2005 & I’ve never noticed that. 🤔
I love the silly jokes Leon makes, he says them so confidently that you just buy whatever he says
I remember playing the game as a kid, I thought the dialogue was badass and super serious. I'd beaten the game at least 5 times back in the day, yet when I replayed the game a couple years ago from an adult perspective, I finally realized just how campy and goofy this game's script really was. The dialogue is still badass regardless. 10/10 game.
@@jeffjefferson2853 RE as a series has pretty much always done it's own thing and it's part of the reason I like it.
true, at this point it's just like 'whatever you say Leon, sure, absolutely love it'
Leon is a genius. He often jokes to keep his cool and sanity throughout his mission instead of taking them too seriously and let the crazy sh*t he is facing overwhelm him like it happened to Chris in RE 6.
@@the_sam_strong Humor is a severely underestimated tool.
*Ashley:* Hides behind Leon when there are enemies around and tries to keep out the way.
*Sheva on ATTACK mode:* Runs *exactly* where a rocket launcher shot is going to land.
The co-op AI does that. It’s not the Sheva character🤣🤣🤣
"Where is everyone going, bingo?" Will forever be one of the best lines before a title card delivered in any piece of media.
Wasn't a best line for me cuz I hate Leon Capcom focuses on him tool much just like Chris too.
@@mrbig4514 kick your router hard enough so that you can never come online again to spew such dumbfounded opinions once more
@@mrbig4514 that's what a game series is. A story based on the same characters, or in the same setting or place, they might change characters every game and then. Before you say, jill has had little games I know, but she has MANY movies, maybe too many.
@@SuperMonkeyMaster87 Jill does not have many movies lol!
Is that when you peaked in life?
Me at the end of the first Werewolf siege at the beginning of Village: “Where’s everyone going, Bingo?”
That was the first thing I thought too! Especially after you meet duke and he goes “what’re ya buyin?” Lol
Same here
I said that out loud on my first playthrough. I’m going suspect that every single person who’s played RE4 and RE8 said the same.
@@randomteaguy I’m sure you’re probably right. It’s still fun when they put Easter eggs in though! :)
I have no nostalgia blindness for this game; played it for the first time a few years ago as an adult, and have beaten it 3 times since. Definitely one of the few 10/10 games I've ever played
Same. My first time ever playing it was last year and I think it's the best Resident Evil by far. Like, the others don't even come close.
I’ve beaten this game probably 30 times at this point across almost every platform. It’s just so well put together, I love it. I love the OG resident evils too, it really just depends on what mood I’m in.
@@Skrenja re2 remake is amazing too
@@MultiTYSON007 Yes it is, except for the boss fight with the crane lmao.
It is one of the best games ever imo
Seeing the regenerator with his leg blown off triples my blood pressure
I would purposefully shoot them in the legs and knife them to death. The knife is greatest weapon in the game
That monster scared the shit out of me when I was young. Never before or after have I had an encounter like that in a horror game.
@@arguechefs2998 That wouldnt work for me, these assholes grab quickly and dont get me started on the Iron Maiden with the spikes
The regenerator, the iron maiden The blind wolverine wannabe dude in the castle, they are the most dangerous enemies in the game
I miss the gruesome deaths you had to watch Leon suffer through in RE4. One could say that’s only been brought back in spirit in RE8 but nothing quite can match it. I think Dead Space takes the award for being the one game to outdo this one aspect of RE4. (That and walking/strafing while shooting is COOL)
The chainsaw guy death. Its probably the first you experience and it IS BRUTAL.
Man i feel sorry for Isaac because everytime i fight a new enemy i let them kill me so i can watch the death animations
That was one of my greatest disappointments in RE5.
It is one of those little things that turns down the campiness of the game. A massive wake up call that Leon is only as badass as you allow or play him to be and nothing is gonna save you from dumb decision making.
The flow of this game is just unmatched. It stays thrilling from front to back and you find yourself going “ah yes. this part” on just about every chapter of the game. I adore coming back to this game.
@@isaywhateveriwantandyougot7421 aCKtUaLlY 🤓🤓🤓
Probably the best word to describe this game. I remember my dad didn’t like how many shooters I was playing when I was little, so to try to scare me away from them he bought me RE4 for PS2 and unfortunately for him it had the complete opposite effect.
How did he miss that "rated M for Mature" on the box?
@@Circ00mspice no he knew, he was intentionally giving me something meant for an adult.
@@stevebutters306 But shooters aren't okay?
@@Circ00mspice I'm not saying the man's logic was flawless.
@@Circ00mspice those are more like suggestions nowadays bud.
I loved the little hidden “giggity” when Ashley said “don’t come” 😂
"Hey, take it easy."
Ashley: (muffled) Not yet. 🤬
RE8 almost felt like a first person remake of RE4, so much influence, got me excited for the upcoming RE4 remake
Are you talking about the vr remake?
@@crazilyryan6274 no. the real remake. not the vr version
Yeah the boat areas, the fishing, merchant, treasures, and inventory all inspired by re4. Really made the game a lot more fun than re7 (not saying it was bad)
@@kikohogod5704 I enjoyed resident evil 7 but felt a little to slow for me considering i have played every resident evil game this one felt a little out of place with the franchise
@@kikohogod5704 (the village too maybe idk im dumb)
for the ashley section, i have to say *THANK YOU*
I felt like ashley was unfairly hated, didnt even annoy me that much in when i first played it
Same and I started playing and finished it a week ago
Same, she's a girl, we need to protect her. She even help you in the dark room, opening doors, etc. I don't understand why so many people hated her.
I think most people hate her because they were either bad or trying to follow a trend thinking it makes them cool re fans
@@MalikRockie00 based
I played this game 10+ years ago and the one very distinct thing I remember is that “LEON..HEEEEELLLP” I don’t know if I’ve exaggerated it but that is burned into my mind, me and my brother still joke about it to this day. Thought she was so annoying 😂😂
It’s insane how well this game holds up. Like divorcing myself completely of nostalgia, I still believe that this is one of the greatest games of all time.
I'm excited for the remake
Nah, it's not nostalgia, I've played it for the first time a few years back and had a blast, I even spent a whole week getting 5 stars with every character and stage in Mercenaries
@@ayrtonjoga i played the game for the first time ever recently (finished it today) and i completely agree! i was genuinely amazed by how well a game so old still holds up to this day.
@@ayrtonjoga deadass. Never played it when I was younger only re5 played it 2018 and about once a year since and it’s fucking amazing
As someone who just played and finished re4 today for the first time, I can confirm it's not nostalgia.
"Don't come!"
i lost it lol
I love it when girls say that
@@emekaasiegbu3697 me too. They don't realize that hearing them saying that it's what actually make us come in that moment 😂
is quagmire on dis game?
@@yourregularpants7278 hoo nos?
WTH?! i dont remember the P.R.L being soo overpowered in the ps2 version
guess they buffed it for later incarnations of the game?
Quicker charge and multithreaded homing lasers at full charge, introduced in the wii version of the game.
IMO it makes it less fun to use. Just clears the room without aiming and that is that just boring.
Yeah they did, it made it more boring tho, the "Super weapon" that is really fun to use is the handcannon
There is no reason to use that shit in the first place unless you want to make it a boring experience or if you are a 10 year old kid that finds everything hard.
@@thousandyoung I mean you only get it after completing Professional mode. Why make your professional mode unlock a shit tier weapon that’s not worth the effort. *Cough* ROCKET PISTOL FROM RE8.
I WANT TO KISS YOU for being one of the few people who understand that Ashley is a well-designed Escort NPC instead of slamming her for existing
People bring it up and I try to think about a time in the game she is legitimately annoying. I guess that one time she being taken away in the castle and you need to snip a bit. Been a while could be misremembering.
Even that I can excuse. She's great at keeping calm, I'll give her a bye for one moment of panic.
I’ve personally not mad at the president’s daughter, I’ve willing to admit in some way she managed to eased the tension of playing in professional difficulty.
@@thefakebanette3483 Agreed, she has never been difficult to care for or annoying to me. As long as you’re taking care of yourself and keeping enemies away like normal, then then there is nothing to worry about. I guess the only time she is really annoying is the cutscene that was mentioned in the video lol
im with you man i always loved her, she made me feel like a presidents agent
RE4 may be the only game I can play through literally 100 times and never remotely get bored of it xD
12:55 the Giggity caught me off guard and I'll admit, I laughed out loud in real life. So happy you've reached 100k, last I was here you were 90k :P Keep it up Critical!
Resident Evil 4 has something that most games fail at. And that's REPLAY VALUE! That what's makes it great
Absolutely. It's probably the only game that I start to replay directly after I finish the game.
RE4 is just the perfect balance of action horror and campiness!
The REmake better have Mike bringing Leon to a good bar. And a secret "overtime" ending. EDIT: Also, myself and my friends created a points system for "REathons" where we'd speedrun through RE 4 together with three TVs side by side beating it in one sitting. We did about 10 of those.
That's a righteous amount of nerdism my good sir
@Dusty late but you were wrong
I think the puzzles were genius tbh. Not the puzzles themselves but the warioware-esque abundance of them to pace the gameplay in such a fluid way. The game is rarely frustrating and we have the 3rd grade level puzzles to thank for it
How on earth have I played this game to completetion at least 8 times and not realize Ashley fist pump when you kill something?!
I'm still learning new things too and I've beat the game probably a dozen times.
The way it does adaptive difficulty is still one of my favourite things about RE4! The skill ceiling is crazy high but so enjoyable to reach.
some rooms are eternally memorable, like Water Hall on Pro difficulty.
@@carljohan9265 for real. my first play through i remember the water room being easy then the second i preserved all my ammo almost never got touched and dominated until i got to the water room... i couldnt for the life of me figure out how i did it just fine my first playthrough but struggled on my second when i was clearly much much better at the game.
I feel you man. I was in the hospital playing this for the first time at 14 years old. Will never forget.
in hospital?
@The tricky tick 😰
@The tricky tick Spencer Memorial
I’ve played this game countless times, I probably go through it once a year at this point. Classic asf. Also the Matilda is a nod to “Leon the Professional” some girl named Matilda in that movie, and that’s why there’s a difficulty called professional.
I have completed it probably over 30 times in different devices and over the course of almost 8 years
Yes. I got the game in 2014, kinda.
My brother got the GC game since idk probably 2008, but I just never played the game because I was still a kid and never felt interested in it. All I liked was Spiderman 3 and Sonic Adventure.
But then in 2014, my brother bought Re4 for the ps3 and hell yeah I played it.
I still play it, in the wii. My ps3 broke. And I have also played it In PC, the crappy iOS and Android version.
Oh shit wtf
Just played RE4 for the first time. It holds up incredibly well, and the inspiration Village took from it is plain to see
People always seem to neglect to mention Dead Space being a result of Resident Evil 4, which is consider an all time horror classic
Hands down my favorite title in the series. No other RE comes close to this gem.
@Dagoth Ur "as survival horrors" i mean if you want to relegate your favorite to something so specific then i get where you are coming from.
@@godw1ll99 resident evill itself considers itself survival horror game and ways has since day one. And nothing will ever be done as well as RE2
@@LonghornsLegend re4 and re5 arent much in the way of survival horror. sure there are survival horror aspects but those two games alone prove that resident evil isnt strictly survival horror in the same way re1 or 2 or really every other re aside from 4 and 5 are. personally i never liked re 1 or 2 for the same reason i still havent cared to play re7. re5 was pretty boring and only playable with coop but re4, for me, is an amazing game that i still play to this day.
@@godw1ll99 re4 is blend of that with perfect atmosphere, and remake could even increase that, and Re5 is just action
@@FIREDAN075 i agree, it is a very nice blend. probably why its the most popular because it satisfies both styles to some degree but neither perfectly but also perfect in its own right.
Resident Evil Villages inventory and Duke merchant system made me very happy and the line duke said when going into the shop was priceless
I prefer the enemy feedback in resi 4 over resi 8. In 4 your bullets stagger the humanoid enemies with each hit, so even a shot to the head with a pistol can knock them off balance. But in resi 8 the enemies soak up bullets before being staggered, making them feel more bullet spongy.
That's because RE4 was an over the top action game so you have to be able to kill more enemies
@@vctoothpick1455 ironic seeing current action games go for the bullet sponge motif
RE8 has terrible game design and the RE developers truly don't know where to take the series. They should have stayed on the action path.
This is the best game ever. Ive beaten it nearly 200 times. I own it on 5 consoles. It holds up incredibly well
My greatest memories are me and my dad playing re4 on the ps2 back in 2006... hard to believe that was 15 years ago🥲
RE4 and RE6 have very different design philosophies. Saying they are the same because they are both over the shoulder action games is like saying Halo and Half Life are the same because they are both first person shooters which is absurd. RE6 doesn't put any emphasis on positioning which is basically the foundation of RE4's design.
When Leon aims, he has to ground himself, this is key to everything in RE4's combat loop. Your only real way of dispatching threats forces you to be immobile while using it, and given that space is such a powerful dynamic in video games, the effect on gameplay is enormous. It forces the player to be mindful of their position and of where they choose to stop and fire. It creates meaningful decision-making because the wrong choice can have dire consequences on your ammo and/or your health.
Say there're three enemies getting really close and you only have 3 rounds left in your pistol, what do you do? In any other TPS you could just back up and reload and then keep shooting, all in one motion. But in RE4, you can only do one at a time, so which action is the priority? and where should you execute them? You're constantly making decisions and plans. RE4 forces your to commit to your action because you can only do one thing at a time, that's precisely why you can't move while aiming. It forces you to think about when or where to do what.
it creates a tug of war over the ground between Leon and the enemies (spatial dynamic). The player wants Leon to keep his distance, while the enemies attempt to close in on him. This push-pull relationship contributes to the inhale-exhale flow of the shoot-outs. The closer the enemies are to Leon, the easier they are to shoot, but the more likely they are to attack him (spatial dynamic and risk/reward). Leon can gain ground by stunning and then fly-kicking enemies, but they need to be close to him/he needs to run over to them to execute the attack (risk/reward). The cool down after the fly-kick, where the player has no control over Leon, balances the mechanic and extends the risk/reward.
Even if we talk about two games that have similar design, that doesn't mean they are both of the same quality. We still need to decide which game is better designed overall. Just Look at RE1 remake and RE0. RE1 remake is way, WAY better designed than RE0. So you can still love RE1 remake and not enjoy RE0 even though both games are similar. Saying that you should love RE6 just because you love RE4 (or vice versa) is nonsensical.
This comment is straight facts.
Have you even read the guys comment?
4 and 6 are so different.
@@ArabianFreedom they are but it doesnt change how it feels for certain individuals. even if they are different, a person would still feel like its the same thing
@@itsjustvin7630 it depend on the person. I think re4 has so much better quality than re5 or re6. People who understand about quality will know about this. There's so much meaningful shit in re4, compared to re5 or re6 which just a plain action game. Re5 and re6 don't even added to the GOTY list.
Couldn't agree more.
Resident evil 4 is just plain fun and never gets old.
Yeah. Never.
Needs a remaster.
@@barackhusseinobama9593 had like 90000 remasters and ports
check out re4 wii. Not even widescreen mode. and ps2 has it. It's just a zoomed in 4:3 and stretched, looks blurry as heck.
What about ultimate hd? Awesome 60fps, gamebreaking update.
This game needs a real remaster. They did a good job at remastering textures, but it still has a lot of flaws. Not worth the money.
We just hope that we won't get disappointed in the Remake right Craig?
Bro I’m trying not have high expectations the developers was trying make it close to original but the changed the developers to make it more like 2 and 3 remake which suck ass
@@ZiggyZawg let's just hope that they don't remove key elements of the game like they did RE 2 Zapping system and RE 3 Nemesis choices
@@thevoidcorrupted7848 hope they make it like re1 remake. Remove nothing just add to it and improve it really hope they bring matt Mercer for voice of leon and have the original re4 face model
I'm more interested to play RE4 VR, but I'm not buying a Facebook VR to do it.
Bring it to other VR headsets, especially PSVR. I could actually afford that 1 as they had a great bundle sale.
No matter how good the remake is (if there even is a remake), it will be inferior.
Damm after watching this video I ummm... I never thought I’d say this but I appreciate Ashley a lot more.
You actually made a really good point as to why she’s far better than other AI character that get themselves killed left right and centre.
I feel like i need to play this game before i die cause like.. this is the perfect example of a game that seen as "YOU HAVE TO PLAY ONCE IN YOUR LIFE" kind of game
It def is.
So, did you play it? I'm on the fence
Play it. Beat it for the first time 6 months ago and have since beaten pro, and unlocked the hand cannon by 5 starring mercenaries. Then beat the game another time, getting the exclusive for the hand cannon. Then again for a victory lap. 0 regrets
@@Luca_Talissorry for the late reply but yeh. Played it more than 2 times lol it's such a fun game
When this game first came out on PS2 I picked up the collectors edition in the metal case with the collector card and bonus DVD. Still have it in mint condition and I’m currently playing this masterpiece on PS4 about 5 times a month. You were right...some of the new games can’t hold a candle to this badass work of art.
It never gets old! So true!
As a lover of RE6, RE4 is nothing like RE6. Yes both have a more action focus but that is an extreme simplification of them!
RE4 stays in an odd middle ground between a modern action game and its survival horror heritage. That's the main reason I consider it to be rather bland. I started playing RE4 after I had completed original trilogy and RE6 (not mentioning RE5 but that one I had played as a child). Sorry, I tried to like it, maybe my expectations were too high, maybe my experience gathered in RE6 make the game too easy, but I was bored playing it.
Maybe if fanboys were not trashing RE6 so much then I would enjoy it more. Yeah, lovers of RE4 are hypocrites, RE6 is the natural evolution of that game. After all The Evil Within by Shinji Mikami chooses the same direction.
@@Bodzio2M do you play on PC? If so, try the RE4 Tweaks 1.8 mod. It makes aiming and movement a lot more fluid, precise and intuitive. With it, there is no reason to play the garbage RE6, besides coop.
@@binho2224 As I've written I do consider RE6 to be a good game not deserving the hate it received.
@@Bodzio2M I do not disagree. I don't like it (hence I calling it garbage). But thats a matter of opinion. You like it, thats why you say it does not deserve the hate. Many people hate it (specially RE purists) for many reasons, so it gets the hate. Some of these purists hate 4, the one I love, and its fine. But there is a reason it has a 96 score in metacritic. Some people say 6 deserves the hate, others like you say it does not. Its ok, we all have our taste and opinions, and I get you are sharing yours.
(Imagine this in the narrator voice) R E S I D E N T E V I L 4
This is what I miss about post-6 REs. I wish they kept this arcadey intro. At least Devil May Cry 5 kept it
Leon has the legs, but Chris would’ve just punched through those lasers.
Glad you cleared up the Ashley issue. She's not bad at all
I’ve got a game over due to her in only one situation. In a n island chapter, i’ve beheaded some dudes with a shotgun. One of then had the plagas head. But somehow ashley stayed down as if i was still aiming at the enemies. The plaga hitkilled her then 🙄
I randomly decided to play this game again after a long time the same night that this video was uploaded. It’s like the universe is telling me to do another playthrough, which is inevitable since I do the same thing you described at 2:00 where I wind up blasting through the whole thing without even realizing it. This game never gets old.
Edit: God the save room theme is so eerie yet comforting and all-around nostalgic, brings me right back to the mid-2000s.
Last summer I got my friend to buy this game on the switch when it was on sale, he's seen me play it a few times before and wasn't very impressed, but once he got used to the controls and finished the game in a couple weeks he told me RE4 was now one of his favorite games of all time, I'm sure you can imagine that made me really happy to hear
There's a scene in the game where Ashley is climbing down a ladder and if you look up her skirt she will call you a pervert, hee hee
What scene is it?
@@mf_nano She does it every time you drop down a ladder and then aim up while she's standing at the top waiting for you to catch her.
She's climbing UP the ladder. She doesn't climb down ladders. Leon has to catch her when she jumps.
Tee hee
Any time you are beneath Ashley and use the aiming to try to look up her skirt this happens. If she’s standing on a platform she crouches and pulls the front of her skirt down as she calls you a pervert.
This game was ground breaking when released, was so different to the previous resident evils. Played it with my brother and cousin back in 2004 on my game cube and was totally blown away by the graphics and gameplay. After the 3rd game I didn’t think they could take the resi series anywhere else and honestly thought it was finished. How wrong was I!
Played it through probably 20 times. Will forever be my favorite game of all time!
I remember playing this when I was 6 and being sh*t scared of the chainsaw guys 🤣
They still scare me 😂
Finally people who get it
lmao same
Same, but at 10 years old. I used to lay under my bed (perks of being a kid) and watch my dad play RE4, and whenever the chainsaw guy showed up I'd hide my eyes afraid of him. Wasn't long tho till I played the game the first time myself so apparently I wasn't too scared.
I love Resident Evil 6, I can replay that game any day of the week. Same goes for 4... and 5... and 7.... and now 8. I think I just really like playing Resident Evil games
Same. Granted, I can see why people would dislike some of the other games, but everyone enjoys games differently. As for me, I've loved every one I've played up to now.
Thank you i thought i was the only who loved ashley
@19:24 Also if you equip Costume 2 (Knight Ashley) when Leon tries to catch Ashley (from Jump Down prompts), Leon will bend to his knees whilst catching Ashley and waking up touching his back (probably Leon's back is hurt). A very subtle detail that is easy to miss too.
Makes me cry on how important this game was to me growing up.
Also resident evil 5 is actually pretty good when played in co op mode
True. Sheeva is a lowkey awful partner
It is a pretty fun game. I really like collecting a bunch of treasure and sharing resources but I remember one bit that I was not a fan of.
Whoever is playing Sheva has to mash a button nonstop for like a minute at the end of the game,
Whoever is Chris has to mash buttons too, but he doesn't have to be worried about falling in lava or Wesker slowly creeping up on you while you're mashing the buttons
Only problem RE3 Remake had was length, I was kinda shocked how short it was. I had a great time playing it but I felt like Nemesis encounters were rushed through.
They could have done to RE3 what they did to RE4 considering how damn linear it was. Unfortunately, RE3 was both linear and short that it stripped the game and ruined a potential masterpiece; had it had three or four more explorable areas, it probably would have a more respectable ranking.
8:07 Bro I knew it was coming and I've played this game for over a decade and I still got scared by the goddamn Regenerators
Playing Re4 remake made me appreciate original Ashley so much more. She's so dumb in the new one. 😂
19:51 SAME. I do love finding the jacket in separate ways though.
9:39 Fun fact. You can kill those guys instantly with flashbang grenades
I believe that only applies if they are in the air. One hit from anything while airborne is an instant kill to them.
Or you can just cheese the room by running back and opening the door you came from and vaulting over the windows on your left. They can't get you while you're over there giving you free shots to shoot them while they are airborne for an instant kill.
It scares me to think about how the game gonna be ruined in the remake- no castle, no island, no mercenaries. 2 hrs campaign. Please just remake the whole game or don’t remake at all
You and me both
Link to this info
From start to finish like RE0 remake! Nothing change at all.. would definitely buy the game if it’s exactly the same
Well, just buy steam version and install HD project mod. ^^
RE4 is my favorite game.
If we're getting a remake, I want some new stuff. If it sucks, well I'll just be playing original one again and again. Forever
And ever. ;)
Yes it holds up and yes its a masterpiece
This could not be stated any better. You absolutely captured my feelings on this game perfectly. Not one word or feeling or even video clip of the game shown was out of place. I absolutely, unequivocally agree with this assessment.
One huge fault with the argument that RE4 caused the decline in the series is that it overlooks the fact that a lot of the old guard left Studio 4 for clover, including series lead Shinji Mikami. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the remake, because at this point not a single reviewer has had the gumption to point out the gameplay deficiencies.
If You try to say something bad about the remake, a lot of people will start to insult you and say that you should thank Capcom for selling you a "new" game that cut things
@@mateoreyes6921 They will all unfailingly accuse you of being “nostalgia blind.”
Love those quiet moments in resi 4, oddly meditative
Can't thank you enough for recommending the Ultimate HD project. This is my new definitive way of playing this gem
This game is something that I always find something new
Last year, I had my kicks whiff and this year I dodge Krauser, but since I did the QTE too early, he actually hit me after I did the backflip
This didn't bother me, I thought it was funny af
Love the "Crow" movie reference at 8:23 lol legit made me laugh harder than I know in my heart I should have. RE4 will forever be my favorite game and at 24 years old and having played it first when I was 11 I find myself crying like a little bitch longing to he 12 again locked in my room playing re4 with a coke and bag of hot cheetos without a care in the world. The nostalgia is so heavy and heartbreaking yet I'm thankful I got to experience this game like I did.
I've literally purchased this game on every console known to man, and beat it on every single one of those versions, and you know what, I can't wait for the remake as well as the VR version, this game is prolly my fave of all time!!!...
After almost ten years of saving the pup trapped in the woods I told myself, "you know I just RPG El Gigante anyways....I never even see the dog...". and I've been saving him till this day.
RPG or no, I just can't leave that poor little guy in that bear trap. Only a heartless monster would do that.
@@peabuddie ikr
Funny timing; I was playing this game on GameCube this Thursday. Yes, it absolutely is still one of the best games ever made. Also, I love the GameCube controller layout for this game.
I played this game when it came out in 2005 on Gamecube and absolutely loved it. I didnt play it again until last year and I enjoyed it just as much as when I was 15, or even more. Complete masterpiece.
@15:14 "The faster you save her, the faster she''ll shut the fuck up" 😆😂😂
its been 9 years since the last time, time to revisit it once again
No arguments from me, RE4 is one of the finest if not the finest in the Resi series... 💯🎮🤩
Couldn't agree more
THE finest
i was always unsure about res 4 however after watching this i have now bought and downloaed it and added the new hd graphics . im a little late to the party but im enjoying my first playthrough
2:40 Not to mention it made the system shock team develop the first Dead Space!
RE4 was a very radical change for the series. It was great then and it's great now. The game walks that fine line between silly and cool. It's got just the right amount of both to always keep you engaged. I still laugh at the cheesy lines and still get into the action. It's a game that you can't just play for a bit, you just have to finish it.
15:45 Steve sounds like somebody doing an impression of Steve and trying to make him sound really annoying.
Makes me appreciate Darkside Chronicles' version more every day.
The virgin Bl*cktail user Vs. The Chad Red9 Acquirer
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well
If you think Damage Per Shot is most important factor for a handgun, you're not a chad, you just want to be.
@@GrandArchPriestOfTheAlgorithm You will never be a woman
@@ilovethefederalgovernment All your base are belong to us. See, I can also say random things.
Love the red9
Yes it is a masterpiece. Though I say the RE1 remake is the best RE game. And so far Village is also reminding me of RE4 like Biohazard (7) reminded me of RE1.
RE8 has a lot of elements of RE4 and RE 3.5 in it
20:25 The fact that the Chicago Typewriter is easier to get than the Handcannon
You nailed it about Ashley. She is the gold standard for scort mission
“It can’t get any more realistic then this!” We said, “these graphics are realistic!” We said, we were all wrong and we know it
This game still looks great years later what you meannnnn ??
4 just honestly got the formula PERFECT! I know this remake "looks" good but to me there just ain't no topping perfection.
Hey there, Craig.
How likely is it that you are going to make a video on MGS games, similar to your Splinter Cell and Hitman reviews?
for inventory system, it's something i like the most out of resident evil 4
it feels real and natural to have this kind of inventory and you can't just pick everything without consequences
you have to manage ur inventory space in the most efficient way as possible and it did feel satisfying
i kinda want this system back in remake
6:10 "there's no enemies sprinting at you wildly swinging an axe". You're right, just a giant double bladed chainsaw in the case of super salvadore in mercenaries water world. And he's the hardest enemy in the game for it in my opinion lol.
Also, that song you just barely snuck in at 24:15 made me laugh so hard, I wonder how many people noticed
Blows my mind that the game restarted development in only 2003 and was released in early 2005 considering the level of creativity going on. Either they reused buttloads of scrapped content from earlier iterations, or Mikami and his team are just that good.
Third person shooter games since RE4 still fall short of RE4's glory one way or another. Whether it be the encounter design, level design, gameplay loop, pacing, enemy variety, boss fights, replayability, etc. Some games may have surpassed it in certain aspects, but none of them deliver such a fun and complete package as RE4. I feel confident in saying that this game will continue to go unchallenged in its genre as modern design trends and the rigors of modern development put a ceiling on what's realistically possible. It's a special game from a special team.
Getting all 5 stars in Mercenaries was my most rewarding moment
Played it for the first time after so many years, and I guess younger me didn't even pick up on how silly Leon's one liners are, but adult me absolutely appreciates them haha. And Ashley's AI holds up really, really well for an older game.
Hearing you break down the more technical parts of the game makes me appreciate and love it all the more--I didn't even really notice a lot of those things until I saw this video (like balance and the enemy movement).
My only two big gripes about the game are lack of subtitle options and I can't adjust the audio for separate things.
The fact that luis is not even mentioned, makes me again appreciate his take in re4r
I've finished this game like 15 times, definitely the best game of all time!
My all time favorite game. Played through it over 100 times. I'm a big re4 collector. Have over 150 re4 pieces between clothes, games, collectable, etc.
@@Kestila I complete this game 50 times and never get boring lol
Its a timeless classic. In my opinion, this game does not need a remake. Its like the godfather or back to the future of movies that does not need remakes.
I played the game on release when I was 23. I honestly still think the game is scarier than it gets credit for. Not as much so as the first few games, but much more unsettling and creepy than people would have everyone believe. When it gets dark and it's raining, the only time you see things is when the lightning strikes and you see a demon dog's eyes right on front of you. That got me the first time
my brother played this literally nonstop and he is the reason why i even know about resident evil. although I couldn't play it as a child because i was scared out of my mind, the game still holds a special place in my heart along with re5 (hate me, I know) but re5 was the first game he bought me for my xbox 360 and the first one i could actually play through. Also I feel like we all have this love hate relationship with Ashley’s ai lol
0:30 These people are the ones that not understand what Resident Evil 4 is.
This game is the last RE by Shinji Mikami. Yes, it is more action focused, but that doesn't mean it is not a classic RE game, RE never was that scary, RE1 and 2 were tense most of the time and with a couple of effective jump-scares that made you jump, but (in my opinion) the first Silent Hill is already way scarier than any RE game.
Also, the classic Resident Evil games were very similar to B movies (specially RE1), and that's not necessarily a bad thing, RE1 reminds me of the first Night of the Living Dead, City of the Dead, Horror Express, Evil Dead and some Vincent Price movies. So, I think RE1, 2 are great because this, but RE4 is special because it is aware of being stupid, and takes advantage of that. Something RE5 and 6 didn't understand.
I also think Resident Evil 4 is the best RE game. The game was less scarier, but almost everything else was better, and I think Resident Evil as a franchise is great as an introduction into survival horror, but I don't take RE as serious as other horror games.
Also, maybe I'm the only one, but as a kid Resident Evil Dead Aim was the scarier RE game. I haven't finished it, but I want to replay it to see how scary it really is 😅
5 6 too serious they can’t be that stupid as RE4 (except that boulder punching scene)