No one deserves God's Grace. We deserve eternal damnation. God is good all the time. All praise and all glory be to God our Father. Thank you Jesus for your immeasurable sacrifice to save our wretched souls.
Thank you - ‘death in not the worst thing that can happen to you’! This fundamental fact is so critical to our world today and is the most profoundly freeing truth! A Christian friend of mine is fond of saying “You can’t threaten me with Jesus!”. 👍😁
That's why God is God. He is completely just in everything he does. We may think the things he has done are unjust but you have to remember God sees all things. Hard for us to comprehend because our sight is nothing compared to the most High
Another excellent vid highlighting what's in plain view, at least for those of us with discernment 🙏🙏.. Appreciate also, the way the vid was made, short and to the point.. Thanks and God bless you 🙏
Actually, they will be like "why did God allow any bad thing to happen." "Why didn't God do it another way," yet, This is how God is and there is nothing they can do about it except surrender or else it's a battle they've already lost. Most are headed to flames which i believe is everlasting conscious torment. Which, to me, makes the N.T scarier than the O.T. because i don't think people in the O.T know about Gehenna as shown in the gospels and Revelation. Perhaps the levels of judgement will be lighter for those in o.t. times than for those in n.t. times and, it will be heavier judgement especially in our time right now and before the beast is on the scene. What do you 🤔 think?
@@HolySpiritIsSatanOfSinDethHell same God for all eternity. Can't understand the new testament without the old, and you can't understand the old testament without the new.
@@HolySpiritIsSatanOfSinDethHell i love God and Jesus and beleive in the new testament accrding to Jesus and his decipes BUT, that whole levitacus thing with God condoning killing of children and even the animals sounds insane to me. It makes God look like a phycopathic lunatic killer ..... sorry but it truly does and for me at this time in point cannot in good consious agree with that AND i also think the human writer who jotted all that down was nuts !!! out for his OWN good or agenda (polictical or otherwise) and i do NOT adhere to it . Not at this time UNLESS someone can show me that it IS just and correct and IS the inspired true word of God ( who we also read is full of love and mercy...) very much an oxymoron here i think!!! Again, someone please correct me on this because i am very angry at all of this right now and i am sorry since i DO beleive in christ and his word but again, cannot wrap my head around such vileness. Yes the bible is Insprired by the lord...we all know this AND otherwise we would NOT be christians and probably reject 1/2 the bible because of it. BUt , on the other hand the bible was written by mere men....humans who are fallable and who have agendas especially back then in a time and land of persecution so it is REALLy the true word of God put down on papaer? please make a case for this for me, please. i have a very bad taste in my mouth at present.....
@@HolySpiritIsSatanOfSinDethHelljust like the new testament stated, what does it profit man to gain the whole world and loose their soul. The operative word here is "loose", if they still exist in consciousness then they still have a soul and know they do. They will LOOSE their soul by not having one anymore and seize to exist. Makes way more sense that God did things all through the OT if you consider there is no eternal burning in hell, otherwise men end up mere tools just to be fried forever in the end. Satan wants people to believe they're gonna burn forever to make God appear as a complete tyrant and wicked, or make people live in total fear to be controlled and neither one is beneficial in the slightest way. Guaranteed the fear part doesn't make people better, in most cases they end up worse and deep down hate God even though they live like they don't. They hide it well or don't hide it at all. The dead know nothing, referring to the unredeemed because they no longer exists. Jesus died to give us life, a life we would otherwise completely loose, not to prevent eternal hell fire. The forever hell fire teaching is actually way misunderstood and taken out of context, as souls that loose our burn out and it's eternal, as in they NEVER come back... eternal non-existent.
@@jdw-616 it’s crazy how Christians truly believe that. Without understanding the TRUTH which comes by the Son you can’t understand anything. His Truth reveals all that is FALSE. That’s why Christ speaks of eyes to see and ears to hear. John 9:39 And Jesus said, “For judgment I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.” He along with Daniel says the TRUTH comes out in the end which is now So only those Birn Again, Born of the Spirit and Converted like a child during these times will know the TRUTH that sets them free. God Bless🙏🏾
Well said. And additionally, people almost always presume upon God's grace, which no one deserves, arrogantly expecting Him to always be gracious. But grace cannot be obligated. Only justice can be, and God sometimes acts only in justice, which is good and righteous! Just as Jesus makes clear in His parable in Matthew 20:1-16, as long as He never acts unjustly, He can act graciously to some and not to others with whom He is merely being just, and anyone who opposes His generosity (grace) in this regard is looking at God with an "evil" or "envious eye" when in reality, He is truly being good and righteous in it (vv.13-15). We are clearly told that God both glorifies His justice and His grace, leaving some to their evil devices and reaping the just recompense of their sin, while others are treated with grace and mercy to become His workmanship in righteousness (Romans 9:18,22-23; 1:18-25,32; Eph-1:3-6; 2:5-10; I-Peter 2:7-9; Psalm 9:16-17). And both OT and NT saints are brought into salvation and having a heart for Him by His "election of grace" as God inspires faith within them, putting His word in their hearts by His Spirit (John 6:44-45; Rom-11:4-5; Heb-10:15-16; 12:2,5-11; I-Sam-16:13; Psalms 51:6-12; 65:4; 119:11,29,32,36,73; II-Sam-7:12-16).
Praise God Almighty ❤ Bless you Pastor and Brother. I have gotten that ? Many times from unbelievers. I even? That myself in the past. It took a deep dive into old scripture after asking for revelation. When people don't read his Holy Word daily they or we can not understand. Thank you for giving me/us Further revelation so I/we can be ready to answer with scripture😘📯🙏
Let’s not forget, the “ites” were descendants of those in the Genesis 6 account. There were still giants and tainted bloodlines in the days of the cleansing of the promised land.
@@3BadBostons I totally agree. Fortunately there are some great resources out there from folks not afraid to discuss this. The alien agenda and surmounting paranormal activity being seen is all part of the interdementional realm that traces back to the account in Genesis chapter 6. The “ites” were likely not even redeemable being not made in the image of God. I don’t think we will see the children in heaven.
Love Dr Barnett’s teachings, but he really rambles a lot on this gentleman’s question. @aaroncurry279 is right on target on this one. This time around (after the flood) God needed to keep the DNA bloodline for the Savior pure. The “ites” were not human. They were hybrids that Satan placed in the promised land in another attempt to impact the bloodline. God wanted to cleanse the land.
The sad truth is there were a lot of vile & evil people that had to be done away with , look at today's world it's the same thing , Sadly it will happen again !
Daniels 70th week is ending now along with the Tribulation of the days/years CHRIST speaks of in Matt 24. It’s end will start the final time of Jacobs trouble which is also the rescue of the Bride and the beginning of the final 42 months, 3.5 yrs and Time, Times and Half a Time.
I don't justify God, he is God.He can do whatever he pleases. Y should at the first place a human wants to justify God.God is God and whosoever wants to argue with God let him stand up.Who are we to justify God.Who made God? Or created him and say now I will.justify him no one.We honour and give glory and love and obey we don't question the Almighty
I never question anything God did in the Old Testament! Anybody who thinks that we should judge God by the godless society we live in now, isn’t a believer!
"Does God Condone All The Killing In The Old Testament?" Well that depends on if you go by the actual definition of killing and murdering. God certainly condoned much of the killing as it was God Himself who commanded his people to go to battle, but God never condoned murdering
Christ Father never commanded the slaughtering of other nations. That’s the Lies spoken about God by the Beast. Blasphemed God, his tabernacle and those who dwelled in Heaven. Christ said be aware of the LEAVEN(LIES). Christians still till this day do not know Christ nor HIS FATHER. Hosea 4:1 Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. Hosea 7:13 Woe unto them! for they have fled from me: destruction unto them! because they have transgressed against me: though I have redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against me. Christianity, Scholars and pastors have NO SPIRITUAL WISDOM of the TRUE WORD OF GOD. That’s why the son was sent as the Way and the Truth. John 6:32 Jesus then said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread out of heaven, but it is My Father who gives you the TRUE BREAD out of heaven. John 6:48 I am that bread of life. John 6:49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. John 6:50 This is the bread that comes down out of heaven, so that anyone may eat from it and not die. They ate the lies through deception in ancient times and history is repeating itself today as the lies are continually being eaten. ALL TRUTH IS THROUGH THE SON. Christians, JEWS and Muslims worship what they do not know. God Bless🙏🏾
Not even gonna watch this but provide a perspective that you won't get in church. Consider a computer programmer. They build a program, a game. Something goes wrong in the coding. Part of it becomes corrupted or interacts with the rest of program badly. To fix this the programmer removes that code or modifies it to fix the program. Another perspective. You have a flock of chickens. A disease gets into your flock that begins to spread and kill them. Do you allow the disease to spread and kill the whole flock or do you separate the healthy from the diseased and cull the diseased? This has been my TedTalk
I'm having a huge feeling the exiled crown prince of Iran is who we know comes on scene as the final AC!!!! Wow wow I really feel strong about this! Anyone else?? Have you seen Joel Rosenbergs video on him and his historic visit to Israel right now?? The tweets the crown prince has put out and his speech in Israel!? Wow I'm definitely watching this close! Among other Biblical things he's talking about, the most profound is Cyrus and the Temple!! And how Iranians want to make PEACE WITH ISRAEL
So called " Follower of Christ", Have you EVER actually read a Bible?? Or a Queran. Lying to promote Islam is called Tagiyya. It's O.K. to lie to infidels. ( That's ALL non muslems.) He's straight w real female wives. The Antichrist is a man of UN natural affections. Like gay Obama & his tranny man wife Michael. A liar & a murderer like Obama & not next in line to become the head of the U.N. like Obama is. No bud, he's not going to be the Antichrist. Prob will be Obastard. The world loves that evil " thing" & he does have Satan's power to deceive already.
After the Lord your God has driven them out before you, do not say to yourself, “The Lord has brought me here to take possession of this land because of my righteousness.” No, it is on account of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is going to drive them out before you. 5 It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the Lord your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 6 Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people. Deutoronomy 9:4-6
After reading the 1st 5 books of the Bible.. it was so obvious why God did what He did. After killing all the people of a certain tribe God wouldn't allow the Jews to take any of the spoils... not even a lump of dirt. It was all to plain that God was protecting His chosen from the pagans.. God knows what and why He does what He does..that's good enough for me.
As I reached the killing of the circumcised in payback to Rachel's daughter's dignity., I asked Why would God still bless them. I guess "do not repay evil for evil" mandate arrived in Moses time.
What I don’t understand is why ANYBODY questions God as to WHY he allowed and even ordered the kiiiling of entire tribes of people ?? Last time I looked into it ,God is the creator and giver of ALL life - HE can take , give , put a stop to any and ALL forms of life if HE decides to and he owes no explanation to anybody certainly not those of you who think abortion is perfectly normal and ought not be taken to task!!!?? God is a good righteous and gracious God but it is the epitome of pride to question him as to Hos decision to give or take life ??!!!!
It,s not god fault...humanity created ego(the devil) and then ego grew and ego grew bigger and then ego was fed up with other ego,s and start killing them ...Now tell me if all the killing is human drama inflicted op on themselfs... why does god have to play the babysitter???
The truth came to the whole world through Israel, they had to be established and protected and to be an example for our struggle with God. The bloodshed in this fallen world of the Old Testament was necessary so that Christ could come a day on the CROSS that the mission of God was accomplished. After Christ there is no prophet continuing in the Old Testament ways.... through Israel God has blessed all nations with the Gospel of Salvation. Amen!!! How many of the masses have been saved (by the knowledge of the Gospel of Christ) ever since the first coming of Christ? We can’t do the math but the coming of the knowledge was to be protected, and so to the people (Israel) which if came through. All those who’ve killed in the name of God since Christ’s coming done so without the authority of God or His New Covenant with mankind (you’re save by grace through faith, not by the fear of man’s weapons or numbers, not by the blood thirstiness of mankind, not by indoctrination or deception or lies or hate or war or any forcefulness of any kind -simply by God’s grace are we all called to partake in His Kingdom of Heaven ☝️)
I have a legitimate question. I'm not trying to come across as "snarky". Why didn't God cleans the land, rather than commanding man to do the exact thing He already told man not to do, which is to kill?
.. i do not think God or Christ would condone the killing of everyone including children., cant see it. Perhaps i am wrong and if so i am sorry BUT, remember the bible was written by MAN !!! and men get it wrong sometimes. Now, i beleive the bible and i beleive Christ, i truly do but again, can anyone with a good moral mind actually think that God would give the green light to kill when his message is love and do NOT kill? Truly i cannot wrap my head around this and if anyone out there has any answers that make sense please let me know. Otherwise i am going to rethink a lot on the old testament teachings. Finally, i am NOT disputing God but i cannot condone vioence like murder Again, i am torn here because i truly beleive in the bible ( the NEW testament only as of now) and i believe God is love but also just but just is not mindless-murderous violence that contradicts itself a few authors before. Kindsmill, i need your help here to figure this all out.... Becuase men wrote the bible is it possible someone edited all the hatred in there for political reasons??? i dont know but i need to find out. Think we need to pray upon this in a big way since my little mind cant comprehend this
He didn't tell them not to kill. He told them not to murder . Also why should humans expect God to do everything for them ? In many places God is angry at peoples inaction
@@truebeatlepeople I think the genesis 6 account is the explanation of the slaughter of men, woman, children and animals of some of those they dispossessed of the land. The Assyrian's were considered the cruelest of captors yet God sent to them Jonah because there were more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who couldn't discern between their right hand and their left (children I assume).
brenda weltner a wonderful online preacher just filled me in on the HOW and WHY God wanted those people destroyed in Levitacus in the old testament so NOW i understand. It would have been nice to actually hear back from you but i guess you do not have the time time to respond and i understand that with your busy schedule.... Anyway, i get it now and do understand that our God IS a loving and forgiving God and expects the same from us while at the same time.. In leviticus old testament their were giants and fallen angles who mingled with the human females and created an UNgodly DNA pool of evil hybrids and thus, the Lord had to destroy that lineage , especially before all bloodlines were corrupted in which our lord and saviour Jesus Christ could not have been born the way he was. Also, this is one of the main reasons i beleive the flood was sent upon the earth back then and only Noah and his family were spared along with two of every creature. Anyway, it truly ALL makes sense to me why God would smite such evil entities. take care.
Who are you to question God??? A man made from dust..... Besides that there is Hell reserved for unbelievers and they shall burn forever, yes and Its God thrusting them into the lake of Fire. Who are you to question God...just give me a place then will tend to your question.
@@anniemaymcneely2013 thank you for your reply, apreciate it very much. No, i have not decided that way in fact, i beleive in God and Jesus and would give my life for him. In fact, i have just recieved a message from an online preacher freind of min Brenda Weltner and she expained to me the how and why ect... and so now, it ALL makes sense i do not blame God for destroying those people in leviticus . There is a lot more to the story than what i suspected and i guess its my own fault for not researching it further. God would NEVER destroy a people he loved and created but rather a group of hybrids ( in those days giants walked upon the earth) the nephalim and fallen angles who had corrupted mans DNA to the point of God having to send the flood. This is a huge part of WHY God did what he did. i am very happy and pleased and can now move on with my faith as before. Again, thank you annie for you post to me. it is all a learning process and it starts with caring and taking the time to care as you have shown me
It may seem a nitpick but it is Luke not Jesus, in Luke 24, that calls "Moses and the prophets" scripture. It does matter tho when we are voting for "authority". 1). We are looking at 1st century words with 21st century eyes. Scripture or graphe, just meant writings. 2) Jesus made zero claims for any form of OT authority in Luke 24. What Jesus actually did is show certain passages in "in the law of Moses, in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me(Jesus).". 3) other than Psalms the hagiographia (Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastics, etc) e is not mentioned. 4) Luke calling these writings "scripture" conveys zero authority on them and certsinly not in the modern sense as the infallible, inerrant "Word of God" that YOU mean.
Until God issued the Ten Commandments, including the clause "Thou shalt not kill", drastic measures were needed to keep the tribe of humans, He had chosen to set the scene for His secret mission of redemption, on course towards achieving that goal. Up until the Laws of Moses God killed off any development that might distort His purpose. After all nobody was actually being annihilated from existence. God had a bunch of rebellious and disobedient fallen spirits that he had imprisoned in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms as well as the spiritual spheres (hades or Sheol) surrounding earth and below. In the simplest terms earth was a temporary dwelling for these spirits who returned from whence they came at the end of their lives. Flood a continent or two or even the whole world, and hey presto God could clear a corrupt board and start over again until He achieved the standard of development and behaviour that was satisfactory. After several attempts God achieved the desired result with Abraham. From that time on it was necessary to keep things clean and tidy with the occasional use of fiery brimstone and ensure that enemies who's sole purpose was to thwart the pathway to a Messiah were kept at bay or eliminated at all costs. All the evil resources in the world were at Lucifer's disposal and he suspected that he would one day be confronted and called to account.
You said the exodus was 1446 years BC. The pharaoh of that time was Thutmose III. If you do just a little research, you'll find out that it couldn't be the pharaoh of Exodus. He went to Israel, and captured slaves from Jerusalem. They even have a list of everything he got from that battle. It includes cattle, weapons, armor, chariots, and slaves. The Bible says the Hebrews were slaves for 400 years. That puts the Exodus around the 11th century BC. Also they found the mummy of Thutmose III in the tomb that was built for him. The Pharaoh of Exodus drowned in the sea. So they wouldn't have found his body. So the timeline is off about 400 years.
Because you don't question God, that's why. Don't question God about what he does, you just do what he tells you and believe. And don't dare to try and justify why you can question him. Don't question God it implies you doubt his Omnipotence. God bless
In Jesus day each of the books of the OT was its own scroll. Paul said "Holy" writings or scriptures simply to say he was not talking about The Greek myths or Herodias' history. The Timothy passage only refers to the OT not the New Testament that did not exist yet. Paul saying that the OT was inspired does NOT confer authority on them unless Paul has that kind of authority to do so by himself which he does not. No one else in the Bible says that the OT is Inspired or "God breathed". In fact Paul appears to have invented the word. Even Paul never says any such thing ever again. Basing a "central doctrine" on one misinterpreted verse is insane and very bad theology no matter how many people have been taught this lie.
If i were a king. Since i am a christian. Would it be a good law to stone gay/trans/adulters/fornicators or not. This is a christian in a position of worldly power.
In the Old Testament God was badass and liked a bit of action but as he got older he mellowed, got a bit more relaxed and forgiving so that by the time of the New Testament he became a friendly guy like the rest of us!
How can we explain all the killing in the Bible? Easily, actually, if you know the context in which it was all done. First, get it straight that as the Giver of all life, it's God's prerogative to take it away should He choose to. This is His world, His universe, and we are His creatures, thus, God is free at any time to take life as He sees fit. All of creation was cursed at the fall of Adam and Eve. Sin and death were now in the picture. Don't forget Satan and his scheming to try to thwart God's plan for humanity. Genesis 6 records the account of a race of people called "nephilim" who came about when some in the demonic realm took on human form and married human women and procreated with them, producing a "race" (for lack of a better word) of evil people. The people were not only immoral but cancerously immoral. God knew their hearts; there was no redemption. God decided they needed to die to excise the cancer (or at least some of it) from the human gene pool.
@@ForTLoveofDogs , That's easy. Evil must exist so we can freewill choose which side were going to follow. It's either God or Satan. No middle ground, no neutral areas. It's either one or the other.
God does not condone sin. Look at the children born blind, missing limbs, afflicted with Downes Syndrome, or one of the many other deformities. The souls born into those bodies are balancing up God's scales of justice for offences caused in a previous lifetime. The beauty of Gods method is in the fact that in most of those cases today those children grow up in loving care, and all animosity or hatred to former siblings or parents is cleansed from their souls on passing from this life. Even in the time of Jesus reincarnation in order to absolve sins in past lives was recognised. The disciples asked Jesus of the man blind from birth: "Master, what sin did this man or his parents commit that he must be born blind?" That was a glorious opportunity for Jesus to condemn the idea of reincarnation. Instead, unlike the idiots who hijacked Christianity 300 years later, he replied that that law did not apply in that particular case as the man had volunteered to be born blind in order to glorify the Son of Man - in other words to help Jesus demonstrate His Heavenly Authority over physical afflictions.
@@hornplayer1228 , Oh Shut Up w your new age bullgarbage. There is NO reincarnation. What God does with HIS clay is HIS business & non of yours especially with your reincarnation LIES. We get 1 shot bud, THIS assigned lifetime. And Abba Daddy Dosent care what YOU, a mere man of dust, thinks. When Jesus healed the man born blind it was to show God's glory. Nothing else. Not the sin of his parents nor any reincarnated punishment. You better watch your LYING words bud. All unrepented liars go to hell & you've already got 1 foot in the pit & the other on a banana peel.
So why not teach the truth... Much easier to explain and understand.God was killing the seed of the fallen angels. Giants. Search the ancestral links all these people's right back to them. Truth will prevail in the end.
Yahweh is not the Father of Jesus. Yahweh, by his own words is a god of Egypt, and that is where the earliest inscription of his name is found in Sudan. Look at the Israeli flag and then look up the star of remphan (Remphan is Satan Acts 7:43, clearly Stephen didn’t worship their god). Jesus said His Father is from above and their father is from below. 1 Chronicles 21:1-2 KJV Says Satan had David number israel, 2 Samuel 24:1-2 KJV says Yahweh did, they are one in the same. If the Bible is the inerrant word of God there is no dispute in what it says. Yahweh further describes himself as a a god of Egypt, and then describes himself as a lion, a leopard, and a bear in Hosea 13:7-8, then in revelation 13 the beast is described as a lion, a leopard and a bear. Yahweh wants an eye for an eye, Father wants you to turn the other cheek. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever then they can’t be the same God. Everyone is waiting and watching to make sure they don’t worship the beast but they’ve been doing it for thousands of years. Including myself up until a couple of months ago when the Holy Spirit showed me these verses, and while initially I was very upset and taken aback that I had been deceived, I was so grateful that Father’s promises and Jesus’s promises that “if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived “, and “I will not lose one that the Father has given me.” Were fulfilled and He did not let me continue to be deceived before it was too late to repent and ask for forgiveness. The attributes of Father and Jesus when compared to Yahweh are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Jesus told them they were of their father the devil, he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, and Jesus meant every word literally. Nothing has changed in 2000 years. Wake up sleepers.
From what I found online, Yahweh is a guess name. They don't know God's name they just have the consonants in Hebrew which transliterated into English is YHWH. I just pronounce the sounds of the letters and say Yuhuwuhu but, i know that is not God's name. Blessings!
That is quite a statement and to unpack would require much study in better understand all the scripture you are so confident you know, you feel as though all listening to this quick overview is incorrect. Also, would you be able to
A lot to unpack in your statement and and I’m sure you can fully explain along with multiple scriptures we might read ourselves that would see, better understand at least
Look, I know it’s a shock to the system and causes recoil when you first hear that. The same thing happened to me when the Holy Spirit showed it to me. Since then I’ve done much research and all is not what it appeared to be as far as what we’re traditionally taught. Ah, traditions of men. If you want proof that what I said is true then I suggest you first start with the 4 scriptures I listed and compare them. If you believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and you’re honest with yourself about what those scriptures say, you will at the very least come away saying “How can the same event be done by yhwh and Satan unless they are the same person?” When you read Hosea 13 and Revelation 13, you will at the very least say “why would yhwh say he’s a prowling lion looking to devour his own people? Why would he call himself a god of Egypt? Why would he describe himself as all of the animals that make up the beast of revelation that we were told not to worship?” Those are the questions I had. Then I started researching the archaeological side to see when the earliest inscription and use of the name yhwh was. Then I looked up the star of remphan and researched that. And then there’s the book of Job, why are yhwh and Satan so friendly, when Jesus warns us about him all the time, including Peter saying he’s a prowling lion looking for someone to devour. The thing is, even though I was in shock and angry about what I was seeing and the implications of it at first, this actually makes everything in the Bible make more sense when you look at how different Jesus’s preaching was compared to the Old Testament. There’s clues to this all over both the old and New Testament, it’s just that it’s been explained away or covered up as coincidence or my all time favorite “who are you to question god?”. Who I am is a blood bought born again child of The Most High God The Father, and He wants me to worship in spirit and truth. Jesus said when you search for me with all your heart you will find me. Go read Ezekiel 37 carefully, even though the Israelis claim this has been fulfilled with their current state, it has not, that land is a fraction of what was promised to them by yhwh. I don’t know about you, but I’m not willing to gamble my eternity in hell for worshiping a god called yhwh/Satan. Interestingly enough the star of remphan that is on the Israeli flag 🇮🇱 is a mark in the forehead of molech/Satan. Not me brother. Kind of makes that verse “depart from me, I never knew you, you workers of iniquity “ take on a whole new meaning. Also explains why they took the names out of the Bible over 6000 times and replaced them with God or Lord, so we couldn’t tell who was who and which one was doing what. Melchizedek predates the Aaron priesthood. Abraham paid tithes to him. Jesus is a king and priest of the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek was a priest to The Most High God, El Elyon. The Most High is shown in psalms 82, presiding over the divine council of the sons of God, the ones that are over the 70 nations and he is very displeased with them because they are wicked, they will all be destroyed and die like men as punishment. BTW, Jesus never called his Father yhwh, not one time. The best advice I have for you is to do your own research and take it to Father in prayer. May God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have mercy on us all.
Appreciate the teachings. However, The Crusaders did not go to the Middle East to kill Jews. They went to drive Islam out of the promised land. Check your sources. These details are important. It’s not a small matter.
No one deserves God's Grace. We deserve eternal damnation. God is good all the time. All praise and all glory be to God our Father. Thank you Jesus for your immeasurable sacrifice to save our wretched souls.
Thank you, Pastor! Your teachings are so thorough, but yet you make them simple to understand! God continue to bless you and your ministry 🙏🏾
Thank you - ‘death in not the worst thing that can happen to you’! This fundamental fact is so critical to our world today and is the most profoundly freeing truth! A Christian friend of mine is fond of saying “You can’t threaten me with Jesus!”. 👍😁
That's why God is God. He is completely just in everything he does. We may think the things he has done are unjust but you have to remember God sees all things.
Hard for us to comprehend because our sight is nothing compared to the most High
I enjoyed this video so much 😃. Thank you for the insight into the Word of God👍🏾.
Another excellent vid highlighting what's in plain view, at least for those of us with discernment 🙏🙏.. Appreciate also, the way the vid was made, short and to the point.. Thanks and God bless you 🙏
If people knew what these people did,for at minimum, 600 years,they would then ask ,"God,what took you so long. "
Actually, they will be like "why did God allow any bad thing to happen." "Why didn't God do it another way," yet, This is how God is and there is nothing they can do about it except surrender or else it's a battle they've already lost.
Most are headed to flames which i believe is everlasting conscious torment. Which, to me, makes the N.T scarier than the O.T. because i don't think people in the O.T know about Gehenna as shown in the gospels and Revelation.
Perhaps the levels of judgement will be lighter for those in o.t. times than for those in n.t. times and, it will be heavier judgement especially in our time right now and before the beast is on the scene.
What do you 🤔 think?
@@HolySpiritIsSatanOfSinDethHell same God for all eternity. Can't understand the new testament without the old, and you can't understand the old testament without the new.
@@HolySpiritIsSatanOfSinDethHell i love God and Jesus and beleive in the new testament accrding to Jesus and his decipes BUT, that whole levitacus thing with God condoning killing of children and even the animals sounds insane to me. It makes God look like a phycopathic lunatic killer ..... sorry but it truly does and for me at this time in point cannot in good consious agree with that AND i also think the human writer who jotted all that down was nuts !!! out for his OWN good or agenda (polictical or otherwise) and i do NOT adhere to it . Not at this time UNLESS someone can show me that it IS just and correct and IS the inspired true word of God ( who we also read is full of love and mercy...) very much an oxymoron here i think!!! Again, someone please correct me on this because i am very angry at all of this right now and i am sorry since i DO beleive in christ and his word but again, cannot wrap my head around such vileness. Yes the bible is Insprired by the lord...we all know this AND otherwise we would NOT be christians and probably reject 1/2 the bible because of it. BUt , on the other hand the bible was written by mere men....humans who are fallable and who have agendas especially back then in a time and land of persecution so it is REALLy the true word of God put down on papaer? please make a case for this for me, please. i have a very bad taste in my mouth at present.....
@@HolySpiritIsSatanOfSinDethHelljust like the new testament stated, what does it profit man to gain the whole world and loose their soul. The operative word here is "loose", if they still exist in consciousness then they still have a soul and know they do. They will LOOSE their soul by not having one anymore and seize to exist. Makes way more sense that God did things all through the OT if you consider there is no eternal burning in hell, otherwise men end up mere tools just to be fried forever in the end. Satan wants people to believe they're gonna burn forever to make God appear as a complete tyrant and wicked, or make people live in total fear to be controlled and neither one is beneficial in the slightest way. Guaranteed the fear part doesn't make people better, in most cases they end up worse and deep down hate God even though they live like they don't. They hide it well or don't hide it at all. The dead know nothing, referring to the unredeemed because they no longer exists. Jesus died to give us life, a life we would otherwise completely loose, not to prevent eternal hell fire. The forever hell fire teaching is actually way misunderstood and taken out of context, as souls that loose our burn out and it's eternal, as in they NEVER come back... eternal non-existent.
@@jdw-616 it’s crazy how Christians truly believe that. Without understanding the TRUTH which comes by the Son you can’t understand anything. His Truth reveals all that is FALSE. That’s why Christ speaks of eyes to see and ears to hear.
John 9:39
And Jesus said, “For judgment I came into this world, so that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.”
He along with Daniel says the TRUTH comes out in the end which is now So only those Birn Again, Born of the Spirit and Converted like a child during these times will know the TRUTH that sets them free.
God Bless🙏🏾
Bible scoffers are really hammering on the Old Testament concerning Leviticus, etc.
Well said. And additionally, people almost always presume upon God's grace, which no one deserves, arrogantly expecting Him to always be gracious. But grace cannot be obligated. Only justice can be, and God sometimes acts only in justice, which is good and righteous! Just as Jesus makes clear in His parable in Matthew 20:1-16, as long as He never acts unjustly, He can act graciously to some and not to others with whom He is merely being just, and anyone who opposes His generosity (grace) in this regard is looking at God with an "evil" or "envious eye" when in reality, He is truly being good and righteous in it (vv.13-15).
We are clearly told that God both glorifies His justice and His grace, leaving some to their evil devices and reaping the just recompense of their sin, while others are treated with grace and mercy to become His workmanship in righteousness (Romans 9:18,22-23; 1:18-25,32; Eph-1:3-6; 2:5-10; I-Peter 2:7-9; Psalm 9:16-17). And both OT and NT saints are brought into salvation and having a heart for Him by His "election of grace" as God inspires faith within them, putting His word in their hearts by His Spirit (John 6:44-45; Rom-11:4-5; Heb-10:15-16; 12:2,5-11; I-Sam-16:13; Psalms 51:6-12; 65:4; 119:11,29,32,36,73; II-Sam-7:12-16).
Praise God Almighty ❤ Bless you Pastor and Brother. I have gotten that ? Many times from unbelievers. I even? That myself in the past. It took a deep dive into old scripture after asking for revelation. When people don't read his Holy Word daily they or we can not understand. Thank you for giving me/us Further revelation so I/we can be ready to answer with scripture😘📯🙏
Let’s not forget, the “ites” were descendants of those in the Genesis 6 account. There were still giants and tainted bloodlines in the days of the cleansing of the promised land.
This is the whole answer, I don't know why preachers don't address this issue...
@@3BadBostons I totally agree. Fortunately there are some great resources out there from folks not afraid to discuss this. The alien agenda and surmounting paranormal activity being seen is all part of the interdementional realm that traces back to the account in Genesis chapter 6. The “ites” were likely not even redeemable being not made in the image of God. I don’t think we will see the children in heaven.
These people can not handle that . They need a softer answer
Absolutely !!!
Love Dr Barnett’s teachings, but he really rambles a lot on this gentleman’s question. @aaroncurry279 is right on target on this one. This time around (after the flood) God needed to keep the DNA bloodline for the Savior pure. The “ites” were not human. They were hybrids that Satan placed in the promised land in another attempt to impact the bloodline. God wanted to cleanse the land.
The sad truth is there were a lot of vile & evil people that had to be done away with , look at today's world it's the same thing , Sadly it will happen again !
How does God explain all the killing in the Bible: Within the Book of Job
If you think the OT is bloody, just wait until Daniel's 70th week and when Jesus returns at the end of it... ☠
Great comment
Jesus is coming, all praise the Lamb of God!
@@zackross5896 🙌🏽
Yes Yeshua will rule the whole world with ‘a rod of iron’…..
Daniels 70th week is ending now along with the Tribulation of the days/years CHRIST speaks of in Matt 24. It’s end will start the final time of Jacobs trouble which is also the rescue of the Bride and the beginning of the final 42 months, 3.5 yrs and Time, Times and Half a Time.
An eye for an eye,tooth for a tooth,a life for a life
I don't justify God, he is God.He can do whatever he pleases. Y should at the first place a human wants to justify God.God is God and whosoever wants to argue with God let him stand up.Who are we to justify God.Who made God? Or created him and say now I will.justify him no one.We honour and give glory and love and obey we don't question the Almighty
I never question anything God did in the Old Testament! Anybody who thinks that we should judge God by the godless society we live in now, isn’t a believer!
"Does God Condone All The Killing In The Old Testament?"
Well that depends on if you go by the actual definition of killing and murdering. God certainly condoned much of the killing as it was God Himself who commanded his people to go to battle, but God never condoned murdering
Which is the correct interpretation of the sixth commandment. Murder, not kill
Christ Father never commanded the slaughtering of other nations. That’s the Lies spoken about God by the Beast. Blasphemed God, his tabernacle and those who dwelled in Heaven. Christ said be aware of the LEAVEN(LIES). Christians still till this day do not know Christ nor HIS FATHER.
Hosea 4:1
Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
Hosea 7:13
Woe unto them! for they have fled from me: destruction unto them! because they have transgressed against me: though I have redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against me.
Christianity, Scholars and pastors have NO SPIRITUAL WISDOM of the TRUE WORD OF GOD. That’s why the son was sent as the Way and the Truth.
John 6:32
Jesus then said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread out of heaven, but it is My Father who gives you the TRUE BREAD out of heaven.
John 6:48
I am that bread of life.
John 6:49
Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died.
John 6:50
This is the bread that comes down out of heaven, so that anyone may eat from it and not die.
They ate the lies through deception in ancient times and history is repeating itself today as the lies are continually being eaten.
ALL TRUTH IS THROUGH THE SON. Christians, JEWS and Muslims worship what they do not know.
God Bless🙏🏾
Not even gonna watch this but provide a perspective that you won't get in church.
Consider a computer programmer. They build a program, a game. Something goes wrong in the coding. Part of it becomes corrupted or interacts with the rest of program badly. To fix this the programmer removes that code or modifies it to fix the program.
Another perspective.
You have a flock of chickens. A disease gets into your flock that begins to spread and kill them.
Do you allow the disease to spread and kill the whole flock or do you separate the healthy from the diseased and cull the diseased?
This has been my TedTalk
Im reading the old testament. Oh my goodness it's so violent. I am scared of him now. Lol
I'm having a huge feeling the exiled crown prince of Iran is who we know comes on scene as the final AC!!!! Wow wow I really feel strong about this! Anyone else?? Have you seen Joel Rosenbergs video on him and his historic visit to Israel right now?? The tweets the crown prince has put out and his speech in Israel!? Wow I'm definitely watching this close! Among other Biblical things he's talking about, the most profound is Cyrus and the Temple!! And how Iranians want to make PEACE WITH ISRAEL
So called " Follower of Christ", Have you EVER actually read a Bible?? Or a Queran. Lying to promote Islam is called Tagiyya. It's O.K. to lie to infidels. ( That's ALL non muslems.) He's straight w real female wives. The Antichrist is a man of UN natural affections. Like gay Obama & his tranny man wife Michael. A liar & a murderer like Obama & not next in line to become the head of the U.N. like Obama is. No bud, he's not going to be the Antichrist. Prob will be Obastard. The world loves that evil " thing" & he does have Satan's power to deceive already.
In the beginning was the WORD, replace the W with a L, LORD,
In the beginning was the word and the word became LORD,
After the Lord your God has driven them out before you, do not say to yourself, “The Lord has brought me here to take possession of this land because of my righteousness.” No, it is on account of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is going to drive them out before you. 5 It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land; but on account of the wickedness of these nations, the Lord your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 6 Understand, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people.
Deutoronomy 9:4-6
Because, God the Lord judged those pagans for their vile unrepentant sinning.
After reading the 1st 5 books of the Bible.. it was so obvious why God did what He did. After killing all the people of a certain tribe God wouldn't allow the Jews to take any of the spoils... not even a lump of dirt. It was all to plain that God was protecting His chosen from the pagans.. God knows what and why He does what He does..that's good enough for me.
As I reached the killing of the circumcised in payback to Rachel's daughter's dignity., I asked Why would God still bless them. I guess "do not repay evil for evil" mandate arrived in Moses time.
Are you talking about dinah? That was a condemnation of miscegenation (the real meaning of the word adultery) see phineas for another example
What I don’t understand is why ANYBODY questions God as to WHY he allowed and even ordered the kiiiling of entire tribes of people ?? Last time I looked into it ,God is the creator and giver of ALL life - HE can take , give , put a stop to any and ALL forms of life if HE decides to and he owes no explanation to anybody certainly not those of you who think abortion is perfectly normal and ought not be taken to task!!!?? God is a good righteous and gracious God but it is the epitome of pride to question him as to Hos decision to give or take life ??!!!!
It,s not god fault...humanity created ego(the devil) and then ego grew and ego grew bigger and then ego was fed up with other ego,s and start killing them
...Now tell me if all the killing is human drama inflicted op on themselfs... why does god have to play the babysitter???
The truth came to the whole world through Israel, they had to be established and protected and to be an example for our struggle with God.
The bloodshed in this fallen world of the Old Testament was necessary so that Christ could come a day on the CROSS that the mission of God was accomplished. After Christ there is no prophet continuing in the Old Testament ways.... through Israel God has blessed all nations with the Gospel of Salvation. Amen!!!
How many of the masses have been saved (by the knowledge of the Gospel of Christ) ever since the first coming of Christ? We can’t do the math but the coming of the knowledge was to be protected, and so to the people (Israel) which if came through.
All those who’ve killed in the name of God since Christ’s coming done so without the authority of God or His New Covenant with mankind (you’re save by grace through faith, not by the fear of man’s weapons or numbers, not by the blood thirstiness of mankind, not by indoctrination or deception or lies or hate or war or any forcefulness of any kind -simply by God’s grace are we all called to partake in His Kingdom of Heaven ☝️)
I have a legitimate question. I'm not trying to come across as "snarky".
Why didn't God cleans the land, rather than commanding man to do the exact thing He already told man not to do, which is to kill?
.. i do not think God or Christ would condone the killing of everyone including children., cant see it. Perhaps i am wrong and if so i am sorry BUT, remember the bible was written by MAN !!! and men get it wrong sometimes. Now, i beleive the bible and i beleive Christ, i truly do but again, can anyone with a good moral mind actually think that God would give the green light to kill when his message is love and do NOT kill? Truly i cannot wrap my head around this and if anyone out there has any answers that make sense please let me know. Otherwise i am going to rethink a lot on the old testament teachings. Finally, i am NOT disputing God but i cannot condone vioence like murder Again, i am torn here because i truly beleive in the bible ( the NEW testament only as of now) and i believe God is love but also just but just is not mindless-murderous violence that contradicts itself a few authors before. Kindsmill, i need your help here to figure this all out.... Becuase men wrote the bible is it possible someone edited all the hatred in there for political reasons??? i dont know but i need to find out. Think we need to pray upon this in a big way since my little mind cant comprehend this
Why even try to question the most high when you do not bother to question Satan and his minions?
He didn't tell them not to kill. He told them not to murder . Also why should humans expect God to do everything for them ? In many places God is angry at peoples inaction
@@truebeatlepeople I think the genesis 6 account is the explanation of the slaughter of men, woman, children and animals of some of those they dispossessed of the land.
The Assyrian's were considered the cruelest of captors yet God sent to them Jonah because there were more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who couldn't discern between their right hand and their left (children I assume).
The actual door to Sin was crossed over then in the first age
brenda weltner a wonderful online preacher just filled me in on the HOW and WHY God wanted those people destroyed in Levitacus in the old testament so NOW i understand. It would have been nice to actually hear back from you but i guess you do not have the time time to respond and i understand that with your busy schedule.... Anyway, i get it now and do understand that our God IS a loving and forgiving God and expects the same from us while at the same time.. In leviticus old testament their were giants and fallen angles who mingled with the human females and created an UNgodly DNA pool of evil hybrids and thus, the Lord had to destroy that lineage , especially before all bloodlines were corrupted in which our lord and saviour Jesus Christ could not have been born the way he was. Also, this is one of the main reasons i beleive the flood was sent upon the earth back then and only Noah and his family were spared along with two of every creature. Anyway, it truly ALL makes sense to me why God would smite such evil entities. take care.
Who are you to question God??? A man made from dust.....
Besides that there is Hell reserved for unbelievers and they shall burn forever, yes and Its God thrusting them into the lake of Fire.
Who are you to question God...just give me a place then will tend to your question.
It sounds like you have already decided to not believe because you want God to be one dimensional and always nice
@@anniemaymcneely2013 thank you for your reply, apreciate it very much. No, i have not decided that way in fact, i beleive in God and Jesus and would give my life for him. In fact, i have just recieved a message from an online preacher freind of min Brenda Weltner and she expained to me the how and why ect... and so now, it ALL makes sense i do not blame God for destroying those people in leviticus . There is a lot more to the story than what i suspected and i guess its my own fault for not researching it further. God would NEVER destroy a people he loved and created but rather a group of hybrids ( in those days giants walked upon the earth) the nephalim and fallen angles who had corrupted mans DNA to the point of God having to send the flood. This is a huge part of WHY God did what he did. i am very happy and pleased and can now move on with my faith as before. Again, thank you annie for you post to me. it is all a learning process and it starts with caring and taking the time to care as you have shown me
It may seem a nitpick but it is Luke not Jesus, in Luke 24, that calls "Moses and the prophets" scripture. It does matter tho when we are voting for "authority".
1). We are looking at 1st century words with 21st century eyes. Scripture or graphe, just meant writings.
2) Jesus made zero claims for any form of OT authority in Luke 24. What Jesus actually did is show certain passages in "in the law of Moses, in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me(Jesus).".
3) other than Psalms the hagiographia (Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastics, etc) e is not mentioned.
4) Luke calling these writings "scripture" conveys zero authority on them and certsinly not in the modern sense as the infallible, inerrant "Word of God" that YOU mean.
If this is true, then the woke movement is only surviving by God's mercy 🥺. Seriously we needto warn them, be coragous.
Those people were all considered Rephaim.
Until God issued the Ten Commandments, including the clause "Thou shalt not kill", drastic measures were needed to keep the tribe of humans, He had chosen to set the scene for His secret mission of redemption, on course towards achieving that goal. Up until the Laws of Moses God killed off any development that might distort His purpose. After all nobody was actually being annihilated from existence. God had a bunch of rebellious and disobedient fallen spirits that he had imprisoned in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms as well as the spiritual spheres (hades or Sheol) surrounding earth and below. In the simplest terms earth was a temporary dwelling for these spirits who returned from whence they came at the end of their lives. Flood a continent or two or even the whole world, and hey presto God could clear a corrupt board and start over again until He achieved the standard of development and behaviour that was satisfactory. After several attempts God achieved the desired result with Abraham. From that time on it was necessary to keep things clean and tidy with the occasional use of fiery brimstone and ensure that enemies who's sole purpose was to thwart the pathway to a Messiah were kept at bay or eliminated at all costs. All the evil resources in the world were at Lucifer's disposal and he suspected that he would one day be confronted and called to account.
Bible never said " Thou shall not kill." That's a mistransliteration. Original text is " Thou shall not MURDER." Big difference & often misquoted.
@Tristan Timothy Was about to say that. "Thou shalt not murder" is the correct translation.
It was already wrong to murder. It was wrong from the first murder. The simple fact is there are whole races of people God hates
All the killing in the old testament has not happened yet.
Leviticus 20:13
You said the exodus was 1446 years BC. The pharaoh of that time was Thutmose III. If you do just a little research, you'll find out that it couldn't be the pharaoh of Exodus. He went to Israel, and captured slaves from Jerusalem. They even have a list of everything he got from that battle. It includes cattle, weapons, armor, chariots, and slaves. The Bible says the Hebrews were slaves for 400 years. That puts the Exodus around the 11th century BC. Also they found the mummy of Thutmose III in the tomb that was built for him. The Pharaoh of Exodus drowned in the sea. So they wouldn't have found his body. So the timeline is off about 400 years.
Because you don't question God, that's why. Don't question God about what he does, you just do what he tells you and believe. And don't dare to try and justify why you can question him. Don't question God it implies you doubt his Omnipotence. God bless
You have to really bend your mind to not see the old testament for what it is .
In Jesus day each of the books of the OT was its own scroll. Paul said "Holy" writings or scriptures simply to say he was not talking about The Greek myths or Herodias' history. The Timothy passage only refers to the OT not the New Testament that did not exist yet. Paul saying that the OT was inspired does NOT confer authority on them unless Paul has that kind of authority to do so by himself which he does not. No one else in the Bible says that the OT is Inspired or "God breathed". In fact Paul appears to have invented the word. Even Paul never says any such thing ever again. Basing a "central doctrine" on one misinterpreted verse is insane and very bad theology no matter how many people have been taught this lie.
If i were a king. Since i am a christian. Would it be a good law to stone gay/trans/adulters/fornicators or not. This is a christian in a position of worldly power.
It just seems like you are saying the church (corprately) does not do police work.
But a christian as a policeman/policy maker still can.
In the Old Testament God was badass and liked a bit of action but as he got older he mellowed, got a bit more relaxed and forgiving so that by the time of the New Testament he became a friendly guy like the rest of us!
How can we explain all the killing in the Bible? Easily, actually, if you know the context in which it was all done. First, get it straight that as the Giver of all life, it's God's prerogative to take it away should He choose to. This is His world, His universe, and we are His creatures, thus, God is free at any time to take life as He sees fit.
All of creation was cursed at the fall of Adam and Eve. Sin and death were now in the picture. Don't forget Satan and his scheming to try to thwart God's plan for humanity. Genesis 6 records the account of a race of people called "nephilim" who came about when some in the demonic realm took on human form and married human women and procreated with them, producing a "race" (for lack of a better word) of evil people. The people were not only immoral but cancerously immoral. God knew their hearts; there was no redemption. God decided they needed to die to excise the cancer (or at least some of it) from the human gene pool.
They were all hybrids!
All are born in sin yet we are born innocent in relation to God's judgment.
I wonder the same.
The Devil is responsible, and Jesus is coming soon. All praise the Lamb of God!
@@ForTLoveofDogs , That's easy. Evil must exist so we can freewill choose which side were going to follow. It's either God or Satan. No middle ground, no neutral areas. It's either one or the other.
God does not condone sin. Look at the children born blind, missing limbs, afflicted with Downes Syndrome, or one of the many other deformities. The souls born into those bodies are balancing up God's scales of justice for offences caused in a previous lifetime. The beauty of Gods method is in the fact that in most of those cases today those children grow up in loving care, and all animosity or hatred to former siblings or parents is cleansed from their souls on passing from this life. Even in the time of Jesus reincarnation in order to absolve sins in past lives was recognised. The disciples asked Jesus of the man blind from birth: "Master, what sin did this man or his parents commit that he must be born blind?" That was a glorious opportunity for Jesus to condemn the idea of reincarnation. Instead, unlike the idiots who hijacked Christianity 300 years later, he replied that that law did not apply in that particular case as the man had volunteered to be born blind in order to glorify the Son of Man - in other words to help Jesus demonstrate His Heavenly Authority over physical afflictions.
@@hornplayer1228 , Oh Shut Up w your new age bullgarbage. There is NO reincarnation. What God does with HIS clay is HIS business & non of yours especially with your reincarnation LIES. We get 1 shot bud, THIS assigned lifetime. And Abba Daddy Dosent care what YOU, a mere man of dust, thinks. When Jesus healed the man born blind it was to show God's glory. Nothing else. Not the sin of his parents nor any reincarnated punishment. You better watch your LYING words bud. All unrepented liars go to hell & you've already got 1 foot in the pit & the other on a banana peel.
So why not teach the truth... Much easier to explain and understand.God was killing the seed of the fallen angels. Giants. Search the ancestral links all these people's right back to them. Truth will prevail in the end.
Yahweh is not the Father of Jesus. Yahweh, by his own words is a god of Egypt, and that is where the earliest inscription of his name is found in Sudan. Look at the Israeli flag and then look up the star of remphan (Remphan is Satan Acts 7:43, clearly Stephen didn’t worship their god). Jesus said His Father is from above and their father is from below. 1 Chronicles 21:1-2 KJV Says Satan had David number israel, 2 Samuel 24:1-2 KJV says Yahweh did, they are one in the same. If the Bible is the inerrant word of God there is no dispute in what it says. Yahweh further describes himself as a a god of Egypt, and then describes himself as a lion, a leopard, and a bear in Hosea 13:7-8, then in revelation 13 the beast is described as a lion, a leopard and a bear. Yahweh wants an eye for an eye, Father wants you to turn the other cheek. If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever then they can’t be the same God. Everyone is waiting and watching to make sure they don’t worship the beast but they’ve been doing it for thousands of years. Including myself up until a couple of months ago when the Holy Spirit showed me these verses, and while initially I was very upset and taken aback that I had been deceived, I was so grateful that Father’s promises and Jesus’s promises that “if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived “, and “I will not lose one that the Father has given me.” Were fulfilled and He did not let me continue to be deceived before it was too late to repent and ask for forgiveness. The attributes of Father and Jesus when compared to Yahweh are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Jesus told them they were of their father the devil, he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, and Jesus meant every word literally. Nothing has changed in 2000 years. Wake up sleepers.
From what I found online, Yahweh is a guess name. They don't know God's name they just have the consonants in Hebrew which transliterated into English is YHWH. I just pronounce the sounds of the letters and say Yuhuwuhu but, i know that is not God's name. Blessings!
@@HolySpiritIsSatanOfSinDethHell , I thought it was YHVH. Dosent matter. We still don't know God's name, prob never will until the Rapture. 😁
That is quite a statement and to unpack would require much study in better understand all the scripture you are so confident you know, you feel as though all listening to this quick overview is incorrect. Also, would you be able to
A lot to unpack in your statement and and I’m sure you can fully explain along with multiple scriptures we might read ourselves that would see, better understand at least
Look, I know it’s a shock to the system and causes recoil when you first hear that. The same thing happened to me when the Holy Spirit showed it to me. Since then I’ve done much research and all is not what it appeared to be as far as what we’re traditionally taught. Ah, traditions of men.
If you want proof that what I said is true then I suggest you first start with the 4 scriptures I listed and compare them. If you believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and you’re honest with yourself about what those scriptures say, you will at the very least come away saying “How can the same event be done by yhwh and Satan unless they are the same person?” When you read Hosea 13 and Revelation 13, you will at the very least say “why would yhwh say he’s a prowling lion looking to devour his own people? Why would he call himself a god of Egypt? Why would he describe himself as all of the animals that make up the beast of revelation that we were told not to worship?” Those are the questions I had. Then I started researching the archaeological side to see when the earliest inscription and use of the name yhwh was. Then I looked up the star of remphan and researched that. And then there’s the book of Job, why are yhwh and Satan so friendly, when Jesus warns us about him all the time, including Peter saying he’s a prowling lion looking for someone to devour. The thing is, even though I was in shock and angry about what I was seeing and the implications of it at first, this actually makes everything in the Bible make more sense when you look at how different Jesus’s preaching was compared to the Old Testament. There’s clues to this all over both the old and New Testament, it’s just that it’s been explained away or covered up as coincidence or my all time favorite “who are you to question god?”. Who I am is a blood bought born again child of The Most High God The Father, and He wants me to worship in spirit and truth. Jesus said when you search for me with all your heart you will find me. Go read Ezekiel 37 carefully, even though the Israelis claim this has been fulfilled with their current state, it has not, that land is a fraction of what was promised to them by yhwh.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not willing to gamble my eternity in hell for worshiping a god called yhwh/Satan. Interestingly enough the star of remphan that is on the Israeli flag 🇮🇱 is a mark in the forehead of molech/Satan. Not me brother. Kind of makes that verse “depart from me, I never knew you, you workers of iniquity “ take on a whole new meaning. Also explains why they took the names out of the Bible over 6000 times and replaced them with God or Lord, so we couldn’t tell who was who and which one was doing what. Melchizedek predates the Aaron priesthood. Abraham paid tithes to him. Jesus is a king and priest of the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek was a priest to The Most High God, El Elyon. The Most High is shown in psalms 82, presiding over the divine council of the sons of God, the ones that are over the 70 nations and he is very displeased with them because they are wicked, they will all be destroyed and die like men as punishment.
BTW, Jesus never called his Father yhwh, not one time.
The best advice I have for you is to do your own research and take it to Father in prayer. May God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have mercy on us all.
Appreciate the teachings. However, The Crusaders did not go to the Middle East to kill Jews. They went to drive Islam out of the promised land. Check your sources. These details are important. It’s not a small matter.