Kingdomino Review - with Zee Garcia

  • Опубликовано: 10 дек 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @onlythistube
    @onlythistube 8 лет назад +12

    Elegance and clarity of design is what makes Bruno C. one of my most favourite designers as well...

  • @AmateurBoardgamer
    @AmateurBoardgamer 5 лет назад +3

    It has very smart choice mechanics where the stronger/better tile is accompanied with moving later (or simply having no choice).
    Very easy to pick it up when facing new boardgamers. The colour and the artwork is attractive enough to make people interested..

  • @jaxommm
    @jaxommm 8 лет назад +46

    The title is about as clever as it could be.

    • @mydemon
      @mydemon 4 года назад +1

      I've watched this video 3 times already but my mind keeps going KING-domino. I probably have a problem.

  • @adamheeley285
    @adamheeley285 5 лет назад +1

    great review zee, very concise.

  • @morpmat3833
    @morpmat3833 8 лет назад +2

    Das sieht sehr gut aus.Macht mich neugierig. Danke für den Tipp

  • @bobgabriels8456
    @bobgabriels8456 8 лет назад +7

    that game feels like it fits in the pack-o-game series

  • @patrickbailey7988
    @patrickbailey7988 Год назад +1

    This is a great example of an excellent review that would be made worse with a numerical rank or score.

  • @djAnakin
    @djAnakin 7 лет назад +21

    Just won Spiel des Jahres

  • @Steve-L
    @Steve-L 8 лет назад +6

    Reminds me of a simplified version of Isle of Skye, which is my 28th favorite game. I probably will love it.

  • @agwtaw2
    @agwtaw2 7 лет назад +6

    The title for the game is excellent, otherwise good review.

  • @arosa_mg
    @arosa_mg 6 месяцев назад

    I don’t get the relevance of sorting the dominoes in descending order. It either doesn’t seem to make a difference in the end or just gives advantage to the first player the entire game. What am I missing?

  • @adamheeley285
    @adamheeley285 5 лет назад +1

    Is there an option to play with just one kingdom so that there is more competition. Each players is using the same building area like.

    • @swhellweg
      @swhellweg 5 лет назад


    • @JaiTee86
      @JaiTee86 5 лет назад

      You could probably play a variant where you score as you place crown cards, otherwise it might be interesting to try it with 4 players and they each get one of the cardinal directions, so player 1 gets any tiles north of the castle and player 2 gets any east, 3 south, and 4 west. Cards to the diagonals of the castle are shared so any to the northeast are shared by player 1 and 2, any to the southeast shared between 2 and 3 and so on. Adds another layer of strategy where you'll want to try block a neighbour that is scoring high while earning as many points as possible in the other neighbours area while also ensuring you don't give them enough to win.

  • @dailychloe3533
    @dailychloe3533 3 года назад

    How to know who's the winner?

  • @nanorider426
    @nanorider426 7 лет назад +1

    Nice review. ^^

  • @unbreakablemustang6694
    @unbreakablemustang6694 8 лет назад

    Zee random question, but it applies to you, is Onirim being reprinted this year?

  • @clumsydad7158
    @clumsydad7158 8 лет назад

    I can dig it. I just kinda wish you didn't have to flip them each time to see the numbers. Good family game.

    • @Patronux
      @Patronux 8 лет назад +4

      you don't have to if you always lay the tiles, say, lowest on the left, highest on the right.

    • @clumsydad7158
      @clumsydad7158 8 лет назад +2

      yeah, thanks... i finally got it an hour after my comment, ty (-:

  • @urgenbugurgen9534
    @urgenbugurgen9534 7 лет назад +1


    • @imwearingcons1137
      @imwearingcons1137 7 лет назад +1

      Urgen Bugurgen , I've never played Patchwork, but the difference I see is this can play up to 4.

  • @mikesouthwell3657
    @mikesouthwell3657 7 лет назад +1

    Just won Spiel des Jahres . . . so I just bought it . . .

  • @beemex01
    @beemex01 7 лет назад +4

    hm. not entirely convinced. too luck dependant for my taste and after three or four plays probably a bit repetitive. why is this a "Spiel des Jahres" nominee?

    • @SzyMen
      @SzyMen 7 лет назад +4

      it seems that it just won.

  • @mikejonesnoreally
    @mikejonesnoreally 7 лет назад

    I'm looking for something more, I dunno', I guess "attractive" to people who are new to games? This seems to go too far the other way. Is this what Carcassone is like? My friends know my uh, "tastes" and I just don't want to lay something out that has a big flashing sign on it that says "We have this here just for special people like *you."* I might as well pat them on the head at that point. :3

    • @joannawareluk3939
      @joannawareluk3939 7 лет назад +2

      I had a similar concern - is it another Carcassonne type of game? Because we already have Carcassonne at home. And after buying Kingdomino and playing it several times I have to say - no, this game feels very different than Carcassonne. Yes, you place tiles and build a map, and then you score points. But these are the only similarities. The tile drafting mechanics of the game are totally different, the scoring system is totally different, tile placement rules are different. The game is much quicker to play which makes it slightly different segment of the games - you can play it anytime, even start it late in the evening. I don’t think anyone should be offended that you offer to play it as the rules are simple - it’s simple but not dumb. It’s a pleasure to play. I recommend it!

    • @mikejonesnoreally
      @mikejonesnoreally 7 лет назад

      Thanks, that's an angle I hadn't thought of before, we aren't playing a game so obviously different from all the others because of them but because it's a *quick* way to show them what gaming is all about. That's a great idea, I appreciate that! I've since found out about Queendomino as well and that doesn't seem to add too much lengthwise, but I like the new mechanisms it adds without giving you really all that much more to introduce to new players. :)

    • @jeffreyflorence3711
      @jeffreyflorence3711 11 месяцев назад

      Carcassone has far more strategy. Both great games just different.

  • @justinrrizzo
    @justinrrizzo 7 лет назад +4

    I'd rather play Carc.

    • @joannawareluk3939
      @joannawareluk3939 7 лет назад +5

      I own both Carcassonne and Kingdomino, and they’re 2 very different games. Very different rules, also different play time. They should not really be compared.

    • @Schardt12
      @Schardt12 6 лет назад +3

      Cool story bro.

  • @kdhlkjhdlk
    @kdhlkjhdlk 7 лет назад

    The Spiel Des Jahres for this? What a joke!

    • @imwearingcons1137
      @imwearingcons1137 7 лет назад

      kdhlkjhdlk As a gaming family, this game is amazing! I am already playing it with my 6yo without coaching his decisions. Flashy? No. Crazy innovative? No. But the replay value for a family is higher than I thought when it was gifted to us.

    • @evanstanek5838
      @evanstanek5838 6 лет назад

      I picked this up for my 7 year old nephew and family. I have to agree...with both of you! Seems like an underwhelming choice for Spiel, but also finding for my life, 15-20 minutes and getting to include a few kids in it at family gatherings while enjoying it for myself is a big win!

    • @fuenchen5947
      @fuenchen5947 6 лет назад +5

      Spiel des Jahres = Boardgames for new Players
      Kennerspiel des Jahres = Boardgames for advanced Players