Very nice and interesting video about hex! But one thing I would like to mention is that in 22:03 white j12 probably wouldn't help very much. Unless black would get and use a foldback by cutting into j10 in the future(and then j12 would probably block the ladder)but there is always enough space for black to generate a 4th row ladder heading to the left. And the 4-4 stone in that corner is already enough to help connecting either the 4th row ladder or black f7 to the bottom. Parhaps the only hope for white at this moment would be minimaxing at j3, which blocks h5 and creates a 4th row ladder escape at the same time. But looks like this doesn't work, either.
Very nice and interesting video about hex!
But one thing I would like to mention is that in 22:03 white j12 probably wouldn't help very much. Unless black would get and use a foldback by cutting into j10 in the future(and then j12 would probably block the ladder)but there is always enough space for black to generate a 4th row ladder heading to the left. And the 4-4 stone in that corner is already enough to help connecting either the 4th row ladder or black f7 to the bottom. Parhaps the only hope for white at this moment would be minimaxing at j3, which blocks h5 and creates a 4th row ladder escape at the same time. But looks like this doesn't work, either.