Window on the Atoll, Kwajalein TV: Kosrae Island, FSM

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 5

  • @microkosrae
    @microkosrae 12 лет назад +3


    • @sauloaraujo5030
      @sauloaraujo5030 2 года назад

      MYSTERY in the beginning in Genesis 1with God.🤔
      16 - And without controversy great is the MYSTERY of Godliness: GOD was manifest in the FLESH, justified in the SPIRIT, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1st Timothy 3:16
      JESUS(YESHUA HAMASHIACH) came preaching " REPENT, the kingdom of Heaven is at hand". Matthew 4:17.
      He offered himself as a sacrifice on the CROSS at calvary, He shedd his blood to pay for your sin and my.
      John 3:16.🤔
      Call upon the LORD GOD(YHWH) BELIEVE Jesus the Messiah that he SENT and he will be merciful to your Soul. Acts 2:38/5:31,32..
      Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, the Son of God.
      Matthew 1:1/Proverbs 30:4.
      1st Chronicles 17:12-14.
      Isaiah 11:1,10.
      Genesis 18:18.

  • @makaeve4244
    @makaeve4244 11 лет назад

    REALLY "love " this video and hope and wish that all of my friends and family that lives OFF the island ( Hawaii , Guam , Saipan and the Mainland) can do something about it. We all came out here to work, some are in the military (respect you guys) and most are working as customer service like in the resorts , hotels , restaurants and etc. We all working for tourism. we can help our government to bring more tourist to Kosrae. We need more tourist attraction like Golf courses. lets do it. Kulo !

    • @sauloaraujo5030
      @sauloaraujo5030 2 года назад +1

      Dear Brother
      7 - And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground. 1 - Body
      and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, 2 - Spirit
      and man became a living soul.
      Genesis 2:7 3 - Soul
      Body + Spirit + Soul = 1 MAN
      26 - And G-d said, let us make MAN in our image, after our likeness:
      Genesis 1:26
      John 1:1,2,14
      John 17.
      Secrets of the Soul.
      8 - Cain rose and slew Abel.
      9 - the LORD said: where is Abel thy brother?
      10- the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground
      Genesis 4:8-10
      18 - And it came to pass, as her Soul was in departing,(for she died).
      Genesis 35:18
      21 - O LORD my God, I pray thee, let this child's Soul come into him again.
      22 - The LORD heard the voice of Elijah. 1st Kings 17:21,22.
      33 - Elisha PRAYED unto the LORD.
      34 - Stretched himself on child.
      35 - the Soul returned, revived.
      2nd Kings 4:33-35
      2 - Transfigured face shine as the sun, raiment white as the light.
      3 - Appeared Moses & Elijah talking with him. )Saints of God, Souls go to Heaven). who said Moses and Elijah is dead? Body dust to dust, Soul lives 4 all eternity. Heaven or hell.
      transfiguratio of Jesus witness by 3 Jewish Disciples Peter, James and John.
      😢And the rich man cried in torment in the hell flame, fire torment. Luke 16:22,23(19-31)
      🤔And the Souls of the Saints on the altar of God in Heaven. Revelation 6:9,10❤
      Where is going your Soul after you die?
      JESUS(Yeshua)CHRIST(Hamashiach offered himself as a living sacrifice to purchase the salvation of your Soul. He shedd his blood on the cross at calvary for the forgiveness of your sin and my. John 3:16.Acts 2:38.

  • @808rexy
    @808rexy 11 лет назад

    Don't you know that there is demeans there