Always be the person who offers something good. What others offer back is not about you, but rather a reflection of who they are... Love health and success always, Yang Zi looked beautiful in the PRADA advertisement, Xiao Zhan Daytoy today posted a photo covering one of her eyes and two images, love, complicity is like this ... Happy Chinese New Year ZhanZi and all Chinese ♥️💜🐰🐵🌛 ☀ 🌻🌻🌻🎎💍
Xiao Zhan has never shown any personal interest in YZ nor has he been seen with her in private in 5+ years, Not buying what this channel is trying to sell. They are only a cp through this channel's active imagination. They were never a cp in real life. Stop harassing Xiao Zhan and constantly link him to an ex-colleague whom he never shown interest.
戰歌祝大家北小年歲時可親,美好將至👍✌️😇! 小年夜燈火明,春節之開端,願新的一年,家人和朋友們安康喜樂,有情人每一刻都被幸福緊緊相隨💞🤗!楊紫的國色風華在2025全方位破圈,斗音播放量破億,五大女刋淮滿貫👍✌️✌️✌️!如果蹭肖戰就可以得到這些待遇,可以拿個King 和Queen 就易如反掌😊,不用鵝廠認証娛樂圈最優秀的頂流"男肖戰女楊紫,頂峰相見"💪👍😍!每個人能夠走到那一步都是注定,所以命運是對手永不低頭,成功只有堅守信心,用每一滴汗水換每一個成就💪✌️🤩!
肖戰祝大家蛇年“好運旺旺、喜事連連” 1.24肖戰王一博攜手加盟2025网络视听盛典🦁🐰歡迎收看😚😚
還有今年King & Queen 是男沈騰女趙麗穎☺️☺️
2024 微博之夜肖战 宁可得罪金主拿掉自身代言的珠宝都不願意让楊紫蹭到
Always be the person who offers something good.
What others offer back is not about you, but rather a reflection of who they are...
Love health and success always, Yang Zi looked beautiful in the PRADA advertisement, Xiao Zhan Daytoy today posted a photo covering one of her eyes and two images, love, complicity is like this ...
Happy Chinese New Year ZhanZi and all Chinese ♥️💜🐰🐵🌛 ☀ 🌻🌻🌻🎎💍
你又搞錯訊息了喔😑和楊紫相同是Prada代言人的是李現☺️今日李現楊紫還同步發了大婚的 好消息💕💛💜💕
??? Xiao Zhan has reposted some info regarding his upcoming movie The Condor Heroes only.
楊女接二連三和賀x/x俊x/xx義/交往分合合作男女CP組合何其多樂在其中 年終和馮金主友好關係內外皆知 誰要?祝你們百年好合。 肖戰不要!
Xiao Zhan has never shown any personal interest in YZ nor has he been seen with her in private in 5+ years, Not buying what this channel is trying to sell. They are only a cp through this channel's active imagination. They were never a cp in real life. Stop harassing Xiao Zhan and constantly link him to an ex-colleague whom he never shown interest.
小編病得 4:41 不輕該看醫生吃藥了,一直在蹭肖戰的熱度,肖戰不是環保回收站。
肖战工作室狀告有狐 战紫绯闻谣言肖战以维權的方式与楊紫划清界限