wish u a speedy recovery! I too experienced the agony of er eternity back in november when i fractured my shoulder. But i'm a little more fortunate, for my injury took place in the winter months.
@@KyleKamTaco Haha that was close. I do luv snowboarding but my new passion is EUC. Too bad my EUC has no suspension or else wife and I would luv to join u on ur trail rides.
Eagle Ridge is small, but already faster than other hospital, I wanted 12 hours in Burnaby Hospital. The staff at hospital are always great, just the service takes forever. And yes, parking is super expensive, so best to have a friend to drop you off and pick up, or even cheaper to ride uber or taxi.
I do MTB. Before executing any jumps, you MUST improve your technical riding skills as well as your bike handling. You don’t have much! You are damn fortunate that you did not strike your head and were able to walk away from it. Most off-road rides include carrying speed through tricky parts, ascending steep switchbacks, and navigating roots and rocks. You have a lot to learn!
Great analysis and a hard pill to swallow. However, I totally agree that I need to work on my body positions and technical riding skills! Are you in the area? Let's meet up and ride sometime😃😁
That is why there is such a long wait time - doctors wasted time in chatting nonsence. I am surprised why there is no oncall orthpedic surgeons. You are just lucky, because if the blood supply was cut off because of the fracture or because of compression by the hemorrhage, your fingers or your whole hand could be dead within an hour. Most hospitals would triage cases to prioritize urgent and non-urgent cases. Very bad service. You should not have to suffer such pain for so long. The nurses basically don't care about your situation. They have done a very bad job.
安省 OHIP 無需另外買 MSP。你嘅情況可能係非緊急,我當年中風喺救護車上已做晒所有 diagnosis ,到達急症室即直接入房,好快就打針降壓。我太太嚟到時我已經回復正常。之後住咗三日院 full recovery 。由 paramedic 嘅幾個年輕人,至所有醫護人員嘅專業及效率,令人讚嘆。
@@KyleKamTaco 好感恩
From: Alberta 景, 剛看到, 祝你早些康復, 盡量日後不要俾隻手受寒凍, 特別起風和天氣凍的時候, 從我媽多年來受過得知, take a good care of yourself, 祝你們各樣順利, 健康面對每一天.
而家已經好返好多 加上有去做物理治療同針灸🤝🫡
本身仲諗住去Whistler 而家冇得去啦😭😭
wish u a speedy recovery! I too experienced the agony of er eternity back in november when i fractured my shoulder. But i'm a little more fortunate, for my injury took place in the winter months.
It is such a bummer that the wait time in the ER is so damn long.
Let me guess, is it a sports-related injury? My money is on snowboarding. :)
@@KyleKamTaco Haha that was close. I do luv snowboarding but my new passion is EUC. Too bad my EUC has no suspension or else wife and I would luv to join u on ur trail rides.
Eagle Ridge is small, but already faster than other hospital, I wanted 12 hours in Burnaby Hospital. The staff at hospital are always great, just the service takes forever. And yes, parking is super expensive, so best to have a friend to drop you off and pick up, or even cheaper to ride uber or taxi.
12 hours wait time is insane 😮😮
有咁啱我細妹前幾日整親隻腳都係要打石膏, 至小要帶六個禮拜.
骨折要打石膏折骨,小心將來會有風濕尤其是溫哥華嘅氣候, 食嘢要戒口, 戒酸辣同生冷嘢直至到完全好番.祝你早日康復
知道 會戒口的🙏🏻
我今天下午先subscribe 你們,你們的片很好看,看片她跌到都覺得痛呀,沒事就好了,下次玩時小心些,對醫院泊車真的貴
Have a speedy recovery, Sophia!! 💐
Play hard but play safe too!!
Thank you for your kind words Xavier 🫡
Take care !好好發輝你好男人的魅力。
@@tangfukman thank you 街坊😆
早兩年我都炒單車都係斷左左手手腕😂 醫生都係建議打個鏍絲同plate固定係最好,做完手術之後最緊要盡快同勤力做physio hand exercise,可以快d消腫,越快消腫越好
Get well soon,加油💪🏻
師兄 你都係踩單車😬 係唔係都係mountain bike 🤣 多謝你嘅建議 希望隻手可以快啲好返😆
Thank you Ray 多謝你嘅祝福🙏🏻
五六個鐘算好彩,上年同仔在Langley Memorial Hospital前後9個鐘先走得,由夜晚七點去到凌晨四點,Langley醫院負荷支持唔到人口增幅
Langley 真係多咗好多人 大量新樓落成😢
I do MTB.
Before executing any jumps, you MUST improve your technical riding skills as well as your bike handling. You don’t have much! You are damn fortunate that you did not strike your head and were able to walk away from it.
Most off-road rides include carrying speed through tricky parts, ascending steep switchbacks, and navigating roots and rocks. You have a lot to learn!
Great analysis and a hard pill to swallow. However, I totally agree that I need to work on my body positions and technical riding skills! Are you in the area? Let's meet up and ride sometime😃😁
多謝Rita 🥰
知道 冇問題🙌🏻🙌🏻
Speedy recovery Sophia!
Thank you for your kind words Roberto
Get well soon.
Thank you ✌🏻
Hope you will get well soon!
Thank you 🙌🏻
be careful . but you are doing good .😀🤟
Thank you Jason 🤣😬
今次醫藥費洗咗幾多錢? 如果喺美國冇保險自己畀,一個小手術分分鐘都要差唔多一萬蚊美金。
$0 😅 不過喺美國其實如果有工返正常都會有保險
咦!好小可有香港女仔 mountain biker. 有機會 Mount Fromme 踩播轉 😎
我地成日上fromme 😁😁
Sophia 好鍾意踩Bobsled 🤣🤣
@@KyleKamTaco 我多數禮拜四, 放工時候都會踩 Bobsled 同 Floopy Bunny 🤣
@@vibeofadventure 搵次一齊踩🤝 真係好少香港玩mtb
@@KyleKamTaco weekend 通常都可以。Let me know 😎
吾好玩d咁危險既活動啦, 畢竟人在北美, 冇事好地地,有事真係冇香港咁方便架, 尤其冬天上雪山滑雪,好玩係好玩,但萬事小心啦
我老媽曾經試過 跌親 膝頭哥同大腿骨脫離 入急症室後做接駁手術 由於年事已高 康復期要三至六個月 他們的跟進復康療程超好 我媽媽大概四個月完全康復 感謝溫哥華醫療系統 讓我媽媽得到專業最佳治療
Get well soon! 🙏🥹
Thank you 🥰🙏🏻
Call white car, wait time might be shorter.
Not a right thing to do 😅
之前跳過十次都冇事,就係第十一次有鏡頭對住先至炒車。咁你話係咪整定?!成功果啲我哋就冇份睇嘅。 炒車嗰次呢就注定一定要擺上RUclips。
按照急救的原則是不要動, 叫救護車
如果沒有傷及脊椎/ 頸部或者頭 應該都可以郁 同埋都唔使call白車🤔
Just becareful of those medication. Those are opioids and can get addictive.
Only taking it before bed time but thanks for your heads up 🙏🏻
全部都係急症 醫生睇
Canada Life
@@KyleKamTaco 多谢你們影片,祝她早日康復
沒想到騎單車摔下去會這麼嚴重😢,Eagle Ridge醫生都很好,但急診等候時間實在太長了,曾經有晚上去,出來時已是清晨. 停車場收費機器還是有選擇性時段的,通常會選多點時間比較便宜些.
祝福妳早日康復快樂出遊 !🎉🎉
有無MSP 全名
Medical Services Plan
公立醫院,no choice
@@KyleKamTaco 我也体會過,上年旅遊,曾留 AE 4 個鐘
That is why there is such a long wait time - doctors wasted time in chatting nonsence. I am surprised why there is no oncall orthpedic surgeons. You are just lucky, because if the blood supply was cut off because of the fracture or because of compression by the hemorrhage, your fingers or your whole hand could be dead within an hour. Most hospitals would triage cases to prioritize urgent and non-urgent cases. Very bad service. You should not have to suffer such pain for so long. The nurses basically don't care about your situation. They have done a very bad job.
就算有流血 都一定要等🥵