Assembly took about 10 minutes. Tried the stroller with our grandson, and he loved it! It wheels effortlessly and folds simply. Length folded is about 48“ x 4“. Not sure why other reviewers are having difficulty with the canopy staying attached, but I have not had this problem. Would definitely recommend it.
I got the baby trend stroller for under 120 a year and a half ago. Not 165. I had been tracking it for 4-6 months and it hadn't changed price by more then $10
Having my 2nd in January and have been looking at 2 seater options. I still have my Graco Infant Snugride carseat so this review sealed the deal on which option I can get.
We borrowed the Baby Trend for an inpromtu Aquarium trip when we had only brought our single (my older kid walks most of the time, but theme parks, zoos, aquariums and the like she wants the option to ride) and it felt so different to my Graco. The Graco felt sturdier to me, had better storage, and my older kid said it was more comfortable to ride in than the borrowed Baby Trend was. I'm tall, and the Baby Trend was nicer to push though. The handle bar sticking out farther helped with my long legs, but the handle also sits just slightly higher. You wouldn't think that inch and a half or so would make much difference, but it really does. I do wish the Graco stood on it's own though. We thrifted a wooden box that I guess was for firewood that we set ours in when we aren't using it. I do hate how long both of them are, it's a super tight fit in the back of our Acadia, and we drive one of the bigger model ones. I had thought of getting the Graco Roomfortwo, and kinda wish I had now that I see how little my oldest likes to ride anymore, but I wanted a stroller with a proper seat for her. We are debating on a third kid here soon, so maybe it will get more use out of it then.
Jodi Davis I’ve been debating between the Graco room for 2, Graco ready to grow, and baby trends sit n stand. I have a 2 year old an soon to be newborn. I also want something my 2 year old will be comfortable in and possibly sleep in but at the same time I want something smaller and compact. I’m also on the shorter side (5’3) and don’t want something huge. Uhh so hard!
This video is so great, I just bought baby trend for Disneyland . Hope this works. If my older child wants to sleep tho putting that seat back on to recline is gonna be hell
I used the Ready²Grow for a couple of years. Very bulky, and hard to turn, but that could have been a flaw for my specific unit. One difference in curious about is whether BabyTrend snaps the carseat into place with the carseat attachment, like the Graco does with the parent tray? We had a BT years ago but I can't remember whether the carseat clicked or rested. We recently got a Joovy Caboose which has better turning than the R2G, but the tray doesn't swing away like we've become accustomed to with Graco, and the infant seat will have to be buckled down to be secure with the infant seat attachment.
this was so helpful, especially the tag to find the time of the "similarities" and the "differences"
Assembly took about 10 minutes. Tried the stroller with our grandson, and he loved it! It wheels effortlessly and folds simply. Length folded is about 48“ x 4“. Not sure why other reviewers are having difficulty with the canopy staying attached, but I have not had this problem. Would definitely recommend it.
I got the baby trend stroller for under 120 a year and a half ago. Not 165. I had been tracking it for 4-6 months and it hadn't changed price by more then $10
The baby Trend strollers is too big for a typical sedan's truck?
Having my 2nd in January and have been looking at 2 seater options. I still have my Graco Infant Snugride carseat so this review sealed the deal on which option I can get.
Holy cow thank you for the comprehensive comparison!!!
Glad it helped!
We borrowed the Baby Trend for an inpromtu Aquarium trip when we had only brought our single (my older kid walks most of the time, but theme parks, zoos, aquariums and the like she wants the option to ride) and it felt so different to my Graco. The Graco felt sturdier to me, had better storage, and my older kid said it was more comfortable to ride in than the borrowed Baby Trend was. I'm tall, and the Baby Trend was nicer to push though. The handle bar sticking out farther helped with my long legs, but the handle also sits just slightly higher. You wouldn't think that inch and a half or so would make much difference, but it really does. I do wish the Graco stood on it's own though. We thrifted a wooden box that I guess was for firewood that we set ours in when we aren't using it. I do hate how long both of them are, it's a super tight fit in the back of our Acadia, and we drive one of the bigger model ones. I had thought of getting the Graco Roomfortwo, and kinda wish I had now that I see how little my oldest likes to ride anymore, but I wanted a stroller with a proper seat for her. We are debating on a third kid here soon, so maybe it will get more use out of it then.
Graco does stand on its own
Jodi Davis I’ve been debating between the Graco room for 2, Graco ready to grow, and baby trends sit n stand. I have a 2 year old an soon to be newborn. I also want something my 2 year old will be comfortable in and possibly sleep in but at the same time I want something smaller and compact. I’m also on the shorter side (5’3) and don’t want something huge. Uhh so hard!
The graco actually can stand up that’s why those two annoying things are sticking out the rear of the graco!
The Graco stroller stands up too
Thanks for the review it saved me time on what I was going to decide. Baby trend sounds what I need.
This video is so great, I just bought baby trend for Disneyland . Hope this works. If my older child wants to sleep tho putting that seat back on to recline is gonna be hell
I have a baby trend EZ lift 35 plus car seat and can’t find a double stroller that it’s compatible with. Any suggestions?
Great review. You showed every aspect I was thinking of thank you
I used the Ready²Grow for a couple of years. Very bulky, and hard to turn, but that could have been a flaw for my specific unit. One difference in curious about is whether BabyTrend snaps the carseat into place with the carseat attachment, like the Graco does with the parent tray? We had a BT years ago but I can't remember whether the carseat clicked or rested. We recently got a Joovy Caboose which has better turning than the R2G, but the tray doesn't swing away like we've become accustomed to with Graco, and the infant seat will have to be buckled down to be secure with the infant seat attachment.
Yes it snaps into tray. I have BT stroller single and double.
Does the graco ready2grow would fit the trunk of a Subaru Impreza hatchback?
Im sure… it fits my Nissan Altima
thank you for doing this video comparison... appreciate it so much. Ill be having a 5 yo and an infant soon. we might go for Baby trend
Did u end up buyin one wit an 5 yo and baby
You deserve the world ❤️
The Graco is also self standing.
Thanks,you are pretty.