Great video guys! But why do they do this!? It makes it so much harder for English speakers in Japan and Japanese people who go abroad! I’m in the comments today because literally 2hours ago I was at work and one of the Japanese staff who insists on speaking English to me, even though my Japanese is better than his English used some of this 和製英語 on me today. I was asked “Is there superumisu at here?”. Of course I didn’t understand so we had the whole awkward “I’m speaking English to you damn it” and the “what language is he speaking? It’s not English and it’s not Japanese!” For a while then it hit me….. スペルミス…. Superu comes from spelling and misu comes from mistake! Why is it like this? Just pick one language! English or Japanese… Both are totally fine. But this not quite Japanese and not quite English thing just confuses everyone!
office lady が OL なのはまだ納得できても、日本語発音で「オーエル」と言われたら外国の方はさっぱりわからなくなりますねw
Great video guys! But why do they do this!? It makes it so much harder for English speakers in Japan and Japanese people who go abroad!
I’m in the comments today because literally 2hours ago I was at work and one of the Japanese staff who insists on speaking English to me, even though my Japanese is better than his English used some of this 和製英語 on me today. I was asked “Is there superumisu at here?”. Of course I didn’t understand so we had the whole awkward “I’m speaking English to you damn it” and the “what language is he speaking? It’s not English and it’s not Japanese!” For a while then it hit me….. スペルミス…. Superu comes from spelling and misu comes from mistake! Why is it like this? Just pick one language! English or Japanese… Both are totally fine. But this not quite Japanese and not quite English thing just confuses everyone!