Pls someone needs to answer this. I used the service.dnsname and it didn't work. What are we supposed to use for the app env to connect to db and other apis?
Hello, my backend is configured with ECS Service connect.. my service and task definition health status is healthy but my discovery instance status is unknown. So I am not able to communicate from frontend to backend
My web 2 container running at port 300 and 2 api container running at Port 3009 how load balancer between them in ecr and communication done betten them
This really helped me find a problem I sat on for four weeks, thank you very much!
Great stream with explanation and demos, it became very handful in case of realizing things in practice (besides documentation)
Thank you all.
What should i put in the Environment Variables in the Task Definition for the app Task in order to connect to the db service?
Pls someone needs to answer this. I used the service.dnsname and it didn't work. What are we supposed to use for the app env to connect to db and other apis?
Does the service connect agent support tls communications between two service’s
Hello, my backend is configured with ECS Service connect.. my service and task definition health status is healthy but my discovery instance status is unknown. So I am not able to communicate from frontend to backend
What's the reason for not providing the github code?
My web 2 container running at port 300 and 2 api container running at Port 3009 how load balancer between them in ecr and communication done betten them
can we configure to check the health of apis from cloud map
where can I find the yml files you use in this video.
Good Question. Is there any source code available?
Too complicated, i'm still using the old UI, why clientAliases only to be discovered by other containers ?
does aws ecs service connect support Fargate spot?
Yes it is does.
how to use service connect with ec2?
I have the same question too.