KOTD - DNA / Charlie Clips vs Real Sikh / Lu Castro I

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 2 тыс.

  • @StopSnatchin
    @StopSnatchin Год назад +1887

    Hit the Like Button for Pat Stay 💯

    • @JamesGold-tc8zx
      @JamesGold-tc8zx Год назад +8

      As a pot head I'm greatfull to be the 420 like

    • @garro5543
      @garro5543 Год назад +2

      @@yahwehra1771 why do u think a black person said that its cleary a white man from canada what black person type nigga wrong lmfao

    • @DLoyaL902
      @DLoyaL902 Год назад +3


    • @kelibatpenciptatv9114
      @kelibatpenciptatv9114 Год назад

      ​@James Gold

    • @aarontate8656
      @aarontate8656 Год назад

      Nah kid

  • @Realsikh
    @Realsikh Год назад +168

    Was an honor being on KOTD!
    Appreciate ya'll!

    • @HS-dx1jm
      @HS-dx1jm Год назад +8

      Sikh Flair

    • @GhettoBrad
      @GhettoBrad Год назад +4


    • @hankdiggs5880
      @hankdiggs5880 Год назад +7

      That third made me tear up!!!

    • @marshall4252
      @marshall4252 Год назад +3

      Your pens improvement with every battle isnt incremental in the slightest! Good shit shik

    • @pEr5on4LLy
      @pEr5on4LLy Год назад +2

      You are one of a kind sir. Keep going!!

  • @blakewilliams-ur4jh
    @blakewilliams-ur4jh Год назад +496

    If you’re reading this nothing but peace and love to you

  • @tfromcali89
    @tfromcali89 Год назад +44

    Both teams were stellar. I saw this live. Real Sikh's heartfelt tribute to Pat in the third was the round of the battle and arguably round of the night. Overall great battle. RIP Pat Stay

  • @JustPierreMusic
    @JustPierreMusic Год назад +11

    “Idea off the ground like an entrepreneur” 🔥🔥🔥

  • @poezie6198
    @poezie6198 Год назад +35

    CLIPS: i cant i freestyled that😂😂😂😂

  • @BatherZx
    @BatherZx Год назад +34

    “Leave a space in DNA, that’s a generation gap”
    I know his pen caught on fire writing that bar.

  • @ralphbellamy4558
    @ralphbellamy4558 Год назад +51

    Real Sikh stood out intensely in this battle...you can tell he was in the zone for pat stay ...that's real spiritual

    • @triniyankee
      @triniyankee Год назад

      He was one of the last people to battle him so I can imagine the feeling. Great battle too

    • @jarradgipson4097
      @jarradgipson4097 2 месяца назад

      He going against clips & Dna he had to do sum

  • @muzikk2173
    @muzikk2173 Год назад +3

    Jesssus.... I cry every week man fr.... Thank you everyone....thank you

  • @elijahmartinez2510
    @elijahmartinez2510 2 месяца назад +5

    ive been a fan of king of the dot for almost a decade , RIP PAT STAY , you don`t how i appreciate and amaze to all of your battle. I still watch all your battle everytime i don`t have anything to do. I miss you my idol!

  • @heldermahumane1176
    @heldermahumane1176 Год назад +41

    Lu & Sikh the duo we never thought we needed!

  • @BMC11879
    @BMC11879 Год назад +18

    I hate that Pat is gone . I’ve cried so many times over this ugly and senseless situation. My sincerest condolences to everyone who has shed tears over The ONE AND ONLY PAT STAY. I want payback.
    That being said this was the best battle they’ve dropped or at least the most entertaining in my opinion.

  • @facesmelt9903
    @facesmelt9903 Год назад +8

    Truly one of the greatest live events in Battle Rap history. HUGE thanks to KOTD for making the event happen and putting on such a good show!

  • @SkeetWeezy
    @SkeetWeezy Год назад +19

    One thing I love about KOTD crowds is they appreciate rhyme patterns.

  • @zayySteez
    @zayySteez Год назад +11

    19:59 - 20:08 really sums up Charlie's mastery. Timing, wit, personality and delivery.

  • @CiRC7E
    @CiRC7E Год назад +24

    Now that real sikh and kotd have been formally introduced, that should be the start of a Beautiful relationship

  • @Crip52Crazy
    @Crip52Crazy Год назад +615

    Real Sikh Is Dope IDC What Nobody Say!!

    • @younc21
      @younc21 Год назад +29

      Dope as fuck

    • @jjkeim7374
      @jjkeim7374 Год назад +33

      He can rap with the best but he need to learn some performance

    • @TheFlyHighZone
      @TheFlyHighZone Год назад +33

      ​@@jjkeim7374 so do ya girl

    • @swanson7078
      @swanson7078 Год назад +9

      Well at least you DC what anybody thinks. 😂

    • @pEr5on4LLy
      @pEr5on4LLy Год назад +10

      I wholeheartedly agree

  • @airlinesdizzy7134
    @airlinesdizzy7134 Год назад +14

    Sikh 3rd round did it for me. My best friend just passed away. So I felt every word. Cried the whole round. Rip Jt and Pat Stay

  • @deburke321
    @deburke321 Год назад +10

    Real Sikh's third was beautiful, and the whole thing was done in the same rhyme scheme, Pat would of loved that.

  • @BoogieDash2
    @BoogieDash2 Год назад +28

    That "I'll run through DNA like a kekkai genkai" bar was straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @TheTheae06
      @TheTheae06 Год назад +3

      Buh-RUH! 😂 hard as Fvck

    • @jaytv9251
      @jaytv9251 Год назад +3

      Talk that Naruto shit

  • @byGABI.
    @byGABI. Год назад +8

    This was freaking wild bro

  • @OG-ARON
    @OG-ARON Год назад +16

    "Don't you talk pistol whip leave yo whole dome leakin, WOMP! WOMP! is what it sound like Charlie Brown a grown folk speakin!" FIRE!!!

  • @javonallen1760
    @javonallen1760 Год назад +7

    What a classic battle I think it should be more battles like this give them boys they flowers why they still here I wish pat was alive to see this God bless the world and stay safe my peoples

  • @FungiFlows
    @FungiFlows Год назад +5

    All these Pat memorial battles got me emotional by the end ... this is the best event in the history of battle rap period

  • @calebjohnson9740
    @calebjohnson9740 Год назад +8

    Yo these dudes BROUGHT IT for Pat!! You can tell how much they respected him and how much they wanted to honor his legacy. FIRE battle. And Sikh’s 3rd brought tears to my eyes

    @HAMORABIOFFICIAL 3 месяца назад +11

    Sikh is unbelievably unpredictable with that average swag

  • @stevenskill1225
    @stevenskill1225 Год назад +32

    That generation gap line was 🔥

  • @ProducedByMERC
    @ProducedByMERC Год назад +7

    This battle was so dope, Lu and Sikh are my favorite new 2on2, They had humor and bars and the energy was perfect, gotta love Lu Castro's ad-libs too that that shit is infectious

  • @ippolit4262
    @ippolit4262 Год назад +4

    Glad to see this battle doing so well on views! Absolute classic we need more new battles like this!!!

  • @bloodcousin3770
    @bloodcousin3770 Год назад +7

    There will never be another Pat Stay , he was one of a kind

  • @CleanPaper215
    @CleanPaper215 Год назад +14

    “Then get ya idea off the ground like a entrepreneur” that was hard 😂🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @michealpriext8985
    @michealpriext8985 Год назад +12

    I just pray Clips never quit battle rap cause the game would always miss that GOAT

  • @AsiaDanceScene
    @AsiaDanceScene Год назад +9

    31:41 Smack needs to upload that Real Sikh vs. Pat Stay battle to RUclips. It's Pat's last real battle and he has a fire performance too

  • @Deontiptop92
    @Deontiptop92 Год назад +14

    Sikh really would take over KOTD and could be somebody they really brand as they next top guy. He translate over there so well.

  • @thexntrikjay-mo2858
    @thexntrikjay-mo2858 Год назад +8

    I never really understood how much I really love this battle rap culture until I shed tears 4 a man that I never actually knew. RiP Pat Stay ☝️
    Real Sikh, thanks for putting in that heartfelt third

  • @saboorheath7769
    @saboorheath7769 Год назад +13

    Rest in Paradise Pat Stay.... this was a beautiful battle. Everyone got busy

  • @prettyeli8502
    @prettyeli8502 Год назад +25

    “It’s a charity event thirsty fuck take it easy” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 took me out

  • @kobraklutch7484
    @kobraklutch7484 Год назад +12

    I love Castro's energy! When Lu & Sikh tighten up they're gonna be unstoppable

  • @tonytouch145
    @tonytouch145 Год назад +7

    Sikh has been my favorite for years now. People don’t respect immaculate rapping like they used to

  • @guilitotorres9777
    @guilitotorres9777 Год назад +9

    Showing Pat Stay at the end joking caught me off guard. It's crazy how an artist like Pat can create great feelings in people that never even personally met him. Rest in paradise!

    • @thismybid
      @thismybid Год назад

      Cuz he eas sacrificed n celebrated r i p he didnt see it coming

    • @joegurt2957
      @joegurt2957 Год назад

      @@thismybid shut up… smh

  • @emekakalu6355
    @emekakalu6355 Год назад +15

    Anytime i see is Charlie clips I'm most def watching till the end. RIP Pat Stay.

  • @lawanireuben3284
    @lawanireuben3284 7 месяцев назад +4

    This battle was everything, the atmosphere was filled with love. Rip to Pat Stay. Respect to all 'em rappers out there.

  • @rudemaestas105
    @rudemaestas105 Год назад +3

    Great to see legends and the new wave show love to Pat Stay way to put in guys

  • @mtravon29
    @mtravon29 Год назад +9

    “Have to get your idea off the ground like an entrepreneur” 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @HS-dx1jm
    @HS-dx1jm Год назад +16

    Clips and Dna got this lyrically but lu and Sikh got this performance wise and in the building

  • @RK-ok1fl
    @RK-ok1fl Год назад +9

    This is my introduction to Real Sikh and Lu Castro 🔥

  • @Kearnsy09
    @Kearnsy09 2 месяца назад +5

    That storytelling in Rd3 was lethal r.i.p to one of my favourites he was truly an inspiration in the battle rap game! 🇮🇪

  • @robertbennett6801
    @robertbennett6801 Год назад +16

    Clips went crazy, that "Ima God fearing man, idgaf if Sikh 6'6"" was supa dupa dupa 🔥🔥🔥🔥!
    Bring It Back!!! "I can't, I freestyled that" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @guilitotorres9777
    @guilitotorres9777 Год назад +14

    This is my favorite battle of that event. Sikh and Lu went bananas. Makes me happy to see how KOTD's crowd embraced everyone. This is 🔥

    • @lukesteltenpool8878
      @lukesteltenpool8878 Год назад

      Agreed. Arguably the best battle of the event. Heard something the other day on GTX about an upcoming Blackout event. Fingers crossed. The Blackout series has a pretty impressive catalogue 💯

  • @Shady413
    @Shady413 Год назад +14

    Clips/DNA schemes
    Castro/Sikh energy
    3-0 Pat

  • @aintnoway6688
    @aintnoway6688 Год назад +10

    Man Lou entertaining af, this battle was fun to watch
    R.I.Paradise Pat

  • @RushNZ
    @RushNZ Год назад +6

    Rest in peace to one of the greats, your name and legacy lives on Pat, these guys did him proud, respect.

  • @aadesanya1158
    @aadesanya1158 Год назад +6

    Great battle, totally touching and lovely tribute to Pat Stay RIP. God bless him DNA & Sikh got me teary😭

  • @shanesmith7633
    @shanesmith7633 Год назад +27

    “It’s a charity event Mf’s Take It Easy 😭”

  • @ggreyshade
    @ggreyshade Год назад +7

    this entire battle is so crazy good. everyone killed it.

  • @J-Rob23kk
    @J-Rob23kk Год назад +7

    Wise words from Pat Stay “Real shit will always hit harder than anything else. Realness over everything!” That being said, what Real Sikh was rapping in the 3rd was God Tier. 🫡💯
    Shout out to all 4 bc this is a great battle and everyone was 🔥
    🕊️🕊️PAT STAY FOREVER🕊️🕊️

  • @neibur
    @neibur Год назад +6

    Rest In Paradise Pat 🙏🏽, this battle a classic I’m happy to witness history again 🔥

  • @p1n3apple21
    @p1n3apple21 Год назад +4

    Bars, jokes, wordplay, chemistry, everything was on point on both sides and I like how they're all cool with each other but nobody let up. This is real battle rap and I think Pat Stay would've been dumb proud. RIP to one of the greats!

  • @thegodofpez
    @thegodofpez Год назад +9

    Real Sikh’s 3rd was amazing. I’m really shell shocked. 2-1 to their team. Great battle. 🔥

  • @mxkrvgr
    @mxkrvgr Год назад +8

    Rest easy Pat 🙏🏾🕊️ This was for you! FIRE BATTLE! 🔥

  • @DQHampton254TX
    @DQHampton254TX Год назад +8

    I literally dropped tears listening to Sikh 3rd...shit was heart felt LLPAT

  • @freddyulmer6136
    @freddyulmer6136 Год назад +5

    This shit had me moved to tears on several occasions. Damn. Well done, and rest in peace the legend.

  • @MrZay11
    @MrZay11 Год назад +4

    Fire battle!!! RIP PAT man. Smh. This sucks man. Can’t believe the legend is gone.

  • @chriscoleman5238
    @chriscoleman5238 Год назад +17

    "It's a charity event you fuckas, take it easy"

  • @kobraklutch7484
    @kobraklutch7484 Год назад +12

    Clips rebuttal in the 3rd was crazy! DNA went off

  • @pierrewells8839
    @pierrewells8839 Год назад +9

    The fact that he told them to take it easy cus it’s a charity event. MAD WILD! Cus they didn’t understand

  • @Djwunmoshen
    @Djwunmoshen Год назад +6

    King of the Dot Crowd the real ones. Listen to both sides and enjoy.

  • @drdose01
    @drdose01 Год назад +5

    This was so amazing to watch . RIP Pat Stay

  • @marcusrim8688
    @marcusrim8688 Год назад +14

    Real Sikh is Real Sikh 😂 this dude is super talented and always gives me the jazz face

  • @awoseawose
    @awoseawose Год назад +13

    Lou and Sikh came with that energy

  • @TalkingToAWall
    @TalkingToAWall Год назад +9

    “Pick his ideas off the ground like an entrepreneur” 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨

  • @AlJosephShow
    @AlJosephShow Год назад +3

    One of the best battles of the year. RIP Pat but hopefully there doesn't have to be another passing of one of these battlers for a big card like this to become fruition

  • @onlygodcan30
    @onlygodcan30 Год назад +2

    Ah man great tribute !!brings out the best in these guys

  • @BXTsmash
    @BXTsmash Год назад +16

    Leave a space in DNA that's a generation gap....... Holy shit that was fire

  • @325654
    @325654 Год назад +10

    This battle was crazy, real Sikh is REAL SICK

  • @aarionjones8226
    @aarionjones8226 Год назад +13

    “Talk to his tooth” is crazy 😂😂😂😂

  • @cheddar76k
    @cheddar76k Год назад +5

    One of the greatest 2x2 matches of all time. Straight up classic.

  • @FYGUnkleUrple
    @FYGUnkleUrple Год назад +1

    The corona broke over here bar was crazy. I'm just glad to see people putting forth All-Star appearances for Pat. God bless y'all.

  • @ThirstE999
    @ThirstE999 Год назад +14

    “A Diesel Indian With Good Hair One Of The Softest Look” Jesus man 😅😂

  • @cooldaniel6
    @cooldaniel6 Год назад +23

    It’s a charity event take it easy is the funniest line I’ve heard in a while

  • @tyheembrooks6787
    @tyheembrooks6787 6 месяцев назад +10

    The aggressive, pissed off, uncertain if he's winning DNA is unbeatable

  • @OLDBChannel
    @OLDBChannel Год назад +6

    Incredible Battle, always happy to see DNA Batting. Real Sikh I've never heard and I'm locked in now 😎💯

  • @lifeizrealtv
    @lifeizrealtv Год назад +6

    That man said, "Get your idea off the ground like an entrepreneur".
    That gotta be bar of the year

  • @DonJaga737
    @DonJaga737 Год назад +17

    Who would of thought Lou and Sikh was the combo we needed to hear 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @ashleydelva7321
    @ashleydelva7321 Год назад +10

    This gave me chills 🔥🔥🔥

  • @palmtreemojo5878
    @palmtreemojo5878 Год назад +15

    Clips and DNA really fucking LEGENDS BRO🙌🏽

  • @jaelubberink8296
    @jaelubberink8296 Год назад +7

    Real Sikh's 3rd is absolutely beautiful and perfect execution. Encapsulated humility, grief, gravitas, humour, celebration and tribute effortlessly on a difficult scheme. Bravo 🥲🕊 LLPS

  • @cjprice22
    @cjprice22 Год назад +5

    Soooooooo glad they didn't approached this like they were doing it for free. They put in some time and effort showing some real love and respect for Pat!!!!

  • @fashionforty
    @fashionforty Год назад +3

    Everytime I watch this battle I can't help but smile. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 RIP Pat

  • @Ripperstack
    @Ripperstack Год назад +12

    RUN IT BACK "" I can't, I freestyled that sh*t"" that was tough lol

  • @luckylefty9735
    @luckylefty9735 Год назад +9

    KOTD and SMACK Should give the fans at lease one mega card together like all star weekend for battle rap

  • @normtrulee_1980
    @normtrulee_1980 Год назад +19

    Charlie Clips & DNA cold ass combo

  • @bryantwalker7870
    @bryantwalker7870 Год назад +7

    Them boyz put that work in.. salute all them guyz .Rest in peace Pat 🕊️

  • @SirSwaggs90
    @SirSwaggs90 Год назад +3

    That was a fun battle! Probably my favorite to date!

  • @tayvonwilson9297
    @tayvonwilson9297 Год назад +13

    Take a shot everytime Smack said “know what I’m saying” 😂😭

  • @lilkashkidd
    @lilkashkidd Год назад +8

    22:28 “Ima squat to lift it, cus even if I’m down, ima still aim high like I’m optimistic” 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @Princecharisma111
    @Princecharisma111 Год назад +21

    That kekkai genkai bar was too slept on

    @ARTBYBIG Год назад +2

    The production is always 🔥 on KOTD

  • @PaktNisely
    @PaktNisely Год назад +4

    Great battle. Loved this all

  • @Potentrealm
    @Potentrealm Год назад +20

    Llama and a desert I'm living up to my streotype 😮