When the world fades away, Your light remains. In the darkest night, Your love sustains me. You are the light that shines even when the shadows surround me, the hope that pierces through my deepest fears. Through every storm, You calm my soul, Your grace has made me whole. You lift my burdens and carry my cares, and I know that in every high and every low, Your love is my foundation. Your love endures, forever strong. You lift me up, where I belong. In every season, You are near, and Your faithful love casts out my fear. No matter the valleys or mountains I face, Your love stays constant, and I have seen Your goodness through every trial. When I fall, You lift me high. Your mercy flows like the endless sky, and You welcome me time and time again, not holding my failures against me, but covering me with grace. In my weakness, You are strong, reminding me that Your power is perfect in my frailty. Your hand has led me all along, and You are my refuge, my hiding place. No fear can stand, no doubt remains because Your love, O Lord, forever reigns. Forever I'll sing of Your saving grace, declaring Your goodness. Your love endures, forever and always, never fading, never failing. It is stronger than anything I could ever imagine, deeper than the ocean and more powerful than any force. You lift me from despair and place me in the safety of Your arms. You are always near, and Your love covers me completely. This love is my song, my anthem of praise. Forever and always, Your love endures. I lost my husband, moved in with my aunt when things went bad for us Kelvin i owe all my gratitude to you for changing my life from being hoemless to owning a home. help me thank him in prayers info@Kelvinjpro,c0m this are the exact lyrics she sang to my kids every night.,,l
Christ freed me from suicidal ideation and the deepest depression I've ever known. I had hated Him for years but I finally came to the end of myself and begged Him to save me if He was really out there, knowing if He was real, that He could do it. My family suddenly started seeking God out in their own ways and I ended up at church for fear of being home alone with my thoughts. It took 6 months of listening and learning about Him for my heart to come around fully. That same night I gave my life to Christ, those thoughts and feelings disappeared and I could breathe again. The morning after I cried because after years of despair, no longer were the dark thoughts there to greet me as I opened my eyes. Now I'm married to a loving man who was a week away from eviction and homelessness when he met me and wanted the same light I had. Now we have a whole family. God is so very good 🙏
Please pray for my marriage 🙏🏻my husband struggles with alcohol and it's affecting our marriage 😭 I don't want to divorce but please pray that my husband will be set free in Jesus name 🙏🏻🙏🏻
You are so lucky to have found God at your age! Blessings to you! There is so any wonderful choices to make with God in your heart. I once was told Christianity is boring.....I told them to try it for awhile and see how much peaceful and joy he brings you. Peace,Joy and Love are something you can't buy. His Grace is given by his sacrifice on the cross. He loves you.Welcome!
Please kindly pray that God will heal and deliver me from this deep depression. It’s very paralyzing and disabling. May my spirit reconnect with God’s Spirit! God the Father, Jesus my Lord and Holy Spirit, help and rescue me!
I was v troubled as a child, I became an alcoholic, I asked God I can't drink anymore, I got delivered from the spirit of alcohol, I learnt guitar and worshipped God in church, only God can when you say you cant
I cry reading each comment because I see the Mighty God who cares for each one of us, through His Son and by the action of His Holy Spirit...I am from Brazil and I wish to have an encounter with God, not a supernatural experience, but to feel His Real Presence and fall prostrate at His feet.
It hurts my heart to see people actually dislike this song. The message is beautiful, we all need Jesus. Two of my children were addicted to heroin but in 2023 Jesus delivered them both! He is my hero 🍀🍀
my son Alexey and his wife Kristina were both born and raised in a family of believers and were baptized when they were adults. I don't know what clicked in their mind and hearts but both of them forgot the way to church, they believe more to evolution than to Bible. Please pray for renewal of their mind and hearts and revival of their faith. Time is short . Please pray for these two lost sheep to return to the loving arms of Jesus Christ
A friend who became family sent this to me to listen to help soothe me because my mom is slowly transitioning from this world to be reunited with God and my dad, sister and nephew who god called home along with other family members. Thank you so much Pam. It has helped to calm my fears and give me peace of losing mom after losing Dad a little over a year ago. ❤
My Mother went home two years ago. Doesn't seem like it's been that long. I miss her so much but I know that she's with The Lord and happier than she's ever been. I can't even imagine the Joy in Heaven.
To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.
Great way to start the day! 47 years with God now and even tho I spent 15 of those drifting, I am grateful for every day the Lord granted me on this planet! Be blessed guys!
I, too, have a lot of wasted years in my 47-year walk with the Lord. I wandered out of spiritual Caanan and into spiritual Babylon, where I got burned by the enemy of my soul. I am so grateful that He received me back into His Grace just like the prodigal son. I will never wander away again. Soon and very soon we are going to see the King!!!
One year before in july 2023 summer, I am and my 3 children have been in car. With us have been other 5 children And pregnant mother like a driver❤. And Big TIR car kicked us from left side in back door..and car was moving in right and left, and I cry Stop children to scream...And we feel, like Spirit Stoped our car. And everyone is good...and this woman borned for this year already next baby❤❤❤. Alilujah 🎉
Lord God please heal me Lord Im a dialysis patient Lord for 3 a week almost 4 ys. Now Lord I need your presence Lord restore my kidney disease Lord restore also my heart disease Lord God and my son Julius Bryan he is a low potassium please heal his potassium back in normal o Lord God . IN jesus mighty name Lord thank u and I Love u Lord Amen
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit❤ for my Dad's successful heart operation. heal him completely O Lord Jesus 🙏❤Christ ❤ . Thank You Holy Spirit❤ Amen .🙏
I have a problem with allergies and I've learnt to fully trust God in divine healing , that my body is His amd that He may take away anay discomfort in my body that i may serve Him well and ive found relieve
God bless you Don. I spent a decade in the despair of agnostic nihilism and, praise God, I’ve come back to the cross thanks to the transcendental experience of becoming a father. I’m something of a failed musician and secular music just kept becoming more and more of an abomination to me that I increasingly wanted no part in. Glory to God, now I understand that I’m here to worship and use my gift to lead others in doing so. These playlists have been instrumental in me building a repertoire and it won’t be long now before I officially join the worship team at church. I’ve already led the men’s ministry once on a last minute basis and got amazing feedback. It was a wonderful experience and I look forward to doing it again. Hallelujah! Thank you Don for bringing me all these beautiful pieces to learn and share!!!
Thank you Heavenly Father ❤,As long as I breathe, I will always praise and Worship your name. You have been faithful and am forever grateful for everything Lord. I love you Lord❤
Pray with me . I have been asking God to show me my purpose in life for many years now. I serve as a chaplain at a children’s foundation where I disciple children and adults.
It's easy in the modern culture to get caught up in "the doing." Doing isn't nearly as important as being. Can you imagine what your life might look like if you focused on being connected to Him, loving Him, and hearing from Him? After that your ministry will simply overflow from that relationship. Your purpose is to "be" His kid.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your perfect gift of forgiveness; Your love brings peace. In moments of striving for perfection, remind me that I am merely one of Your creations. Help me embrace my failures and see myself as good in Your eyes. Free me from the grip of perfectionism and let me find comfort in Your love. We are taught to value hard work, but it can bring stress and shame. No one is perfect except for You. Please help me find freedom in Your grace, in Jesus name i pray, Amen.
Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ ❤ Please pray for my sister Kimi God will heal her stage 4 breast cancer. Now she is in so much pain, God willing to be healed🙏 Thank you ❤️
is she believer in God ? maybe is it a test or trial ( excuse me for my english, i'm french) for her or family to get closer God. All pray and see a miracle from Jesus ? in case, she's in the hands of our God. God is waiting all of those who don't know him. Faith and sérenity, peace in your heart. In the holy name of Jesus may she be blessed. Amen, hallelu Yah. Shalom 🕊👑🪔
God rescued me, so many times along my life, and I was so dummie. Now, at 65, I've accepted Jesuschrist, and I regret don't do it long years ago, but the time of God, it is not a creature time. Soli Deo Gloria. Blessings to all.
I love it to be connected with brothers and sisters around the world! What a blessing to be part of gods family, to be part of the body of christ! May he fill you all with his strength and love and grace. May he use us all to proclaim Jesus Christ the savior and Lord! I pray that he opens the eyes of the lost and make his people to lights in the dark world!
I dont have a car right now, am enjoying the worship from my room. But i trust God to come back before this year ends to testify that am worshiping in my own car. Amen
What I’m saying is be careful not to always rely on him giving you a sign and just know that we worship a faithful God and a true God and he doesn’t always give you a sign. And always remember he is waiting for just one more so be patient.
God blesses and guides us on our journey through life. He not only protects us in times of trouble, but also brings peace and joy to our hearts. May everyone feel His unfailing love.
+ W Imię Ojca + i Syna, + i Ducha Świętego. Amen. 🙏💖🙏Ojcze Przedwieczny, Miłosierdzia! przez Krew Jezusa, Miłosierdzia! Wybaw nas od powodzi grzechów, jakoś wybawił Noego od powszechnego potopu. Ty zaś, o 🌸🌷🌿Maryjo, Arko przymierza, módl się za nami, uśmierz Gniew Boży i uproś nam Łaskę o którą błagamy. 🙏🏻Chwała Ojcu… 🙏💖🙏Okaż miłosierdzie swoje Panie… duszom czyśćcowym! 🙏Ze strasznych upałów ognia czyśćcowego Wznosi się jęk do miłosierdzia Twego. I doznają pocieszenia, ulgi i ochłody W strumieniu wylanym krwi i wody. 🙏💖🙏Jezu ufam Tobie 🙏💖🙏 Ufam, gdy nie rozumiem. Wierzę, gdy pojąć nie umiem. Choć wielkość Twoja niezmierzona, ukryj mnie Jezu w miłosierdzia ramionach. Amen. 🙏🏻 Dla Twego Syna bolesnej męki miej miłosierdzie Boże dla świata całego 🙏Twój krzyż Panie niech mnie uczy Miłosierdzia Nieskończone Miłosierdzie , przenikaj moją codzienność O Krwi i Wodo, któraś wytrysnęła z Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego, jako zdrój miłosierdzia dla nas - ufam Tobie (Dz 187). Szczęść Boże wszystkim. MODLITWA O POKÓJ NA ŚWIECIE to piękna modlitwa za świat przeznaczona do codziennego prywatnego odmawiania. Jest to jednocześnie modlitwa za rządzących, odpowiedzialnych za zbrojne konflikty, za przyszłe pokolenia i każdego z nas. Zawierza Bogu wszystkich cierpiących na całym świecie. Zapraszam 🙏💖🙏 Dobry Boże! Dziękuję Ci za to, że stworzyłeś cały świat, dziękuję za Twój wielki plan dla świata, pełen Dobra, Piękna i Szczęścia. Wybacz, że my ludzie, zepsuliśmy go swoim grzechem. Wybacz, że zdecydowaliśmy przeciwstawić się Tobie, wybrać drogę Złego, zapomnieć o Tobie i Twoich przykazaniach. Wybacz, że przez Grzech zrujnowaliśmy to wszystko, co miałeś dla nas przygotowane. Panie, codziennie wszyscy grzeszymy tak wiele, na świecie jest tyle zła, które wzajemnie sobie wyrządzamy. Wybacz, że swoimi grzechami doprowadziliśmy do katastrof, wojen i wielkich ludzkich tragedii. Błagam, ulituj się nad nami i nad całym światem. Wejrzyj na cierpienie najmniejszych, najuboższych, najbardziej cierpiących. Zmiłuj się nad wszystkimi, którzy doświadczają tragedii wojny, nad wszystkimi, kryjącymi się przed bombami, uciekającymi przed prześladowaniami i złymi ludźmi. Zmiłuj się nad rodzinami, które nie mają dokąd uciec, które nie mają czym wykarmić swoich dzieci, zmiłuj się nad sierotami, wszystkimi skrzywdzonymi, wszystkimi, którzy płaczą. 🙏💖🙏Proszę Panie, obdarz ten świat pokojem, pomóż zakończyć wojny, nie pozwól, by polityczne napięcia doprowadzały do najgorszego. Błagam, odmień serca wszystkich rządzących. Daj, by zrozumieli, że wojna jest pomysłem Złego, by odstąpili od przemocy, by zawsze dążyli do zgody, by szukali porozumienia pokojowo. Panie, pomóż nam wierzącym umacniać w swych sercach miłość i wiarę, pielęgnować w sobie dobro, byśmy potrafili uczyć nasze dzieci pokoju i wszystkiego, co potrzebne, by odmienić ten świat. Błagam Boże, miej nad nami miłosierdzie Amen.🙏 Poniedziałek 🙏💖🙏Panie, Zwycięzco śmierci, piekła i szatana, dając udział wszystkim w Twoim szczęściu wiecznym, w każdym złożyłeś zalążek wieczności. Prosimy dziś o Twoje miłosierdzie dla tych, którzy odeszli z tego świata bez pojednania z Tobą i ludźmi. Niech ofiary i modlitwa Kościoła przyniosą im pomoc w uzyskaniu świętości koniecznej do wejścia w bramy raju,🙏 Okaż im miłosierdzie proszę. Wieczny odpoczynek racz Im dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj Im świeci teraz i na zawsze wieki wieków 🙏 Amen 🙏💜🙏 Panie, Boże Wszechmogący, błagam Cię przez Najdroższą Krew, którą Boski Twój Syn, Jezus Chrystus, wylał za nas podczas okrutnego biczowania, racz wybawić dusze z czyśćca, a szczególnie tę, która jest już najbliższa wejścia do Twojej chwały, aby jak najprędzej mogła Cię wielbić i błogosławić na wieki. Amen. 🙏Ojcze nasz... 🙏Zdrowaś Maryjo... 🙏💜🙏Wieczny odpoczynek racz IM dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj IM świeci, niech odpoczywają w pokoju wiecznym🙏 Amen Oto jest dzień☀ który dał nam Pan 🙏 Błogosławionego poniedziałku oraz całego nowego tygodnia ♥ Z Maryją i Jezusem w sercu ♥🌹♥ Szczęść Boże wszystkim.
Praise God for your unending love and care for us. Thank you may not be enough but it's the only word that your lowly child can express....I love you Lord!
Lost my son in 2013 he was 23, lost my husband just 4 weeks ago. Please pray for me to feel Gods presence in my soul. I prayed he would save them, I prayed for them to be apart of my life longer but hear I am. I was award of the state as a kid so I always felt so alone, until o met my husband and he helped me learn to drive and everything I needed to know. I just turned 55 5 days ago. I am to young to be a widow. I am trying to see God in this. I can’t and I am afraid. How do I hold on to the home we worked hard to get? It wasn’t paid for yet. I wasn’t working now. Because I taking care of my grand baby. I am a formal Dental assistant. When I lost my son it shuffled my mind. I can’t hold down a job anymore for my forgetfulness. This never happened in my 20 yrs of work. Not sure what to do. I pray I can hear Gods voice. I pray he will give me wisdom
Oh, dear Renee... you're an Angel Mom and now an Angel Spouse. I genuinely grieve for you and know God is capturing every single tear you shed. As a fellow Angel Mom, (19 year old daughter murdered May 2019), there are times we can hold onto our faith, but in times of such deep pain and loss, this is when we must do just as you've done by saying "I'm trying to see God in this," for that is when God steps in between us and the enemy and holds our faith secure. As deep as our pain is and as much as we cry and hurt, I believe the grief would be far more unbearable to the point where you and I could not even speak or write if not for God holding our heart's broken, shattered pieces in His hands. When we have no words.... when we find ourselves sitting in the darkness and overcome with the ache in our heart...when the tears come so abruptly...when people undeliberately say insensitive things because they don't know what it is like to walk in this valley of loss, I am convinced Jesus is sitting with us and the Holy Spirit is wrapping His arms all around us. Surrender your faith to Him, moment by moment, and don't put too much hope in getting all of your "why's" answered - it will drive your pain even deeper when you wait endlessly for answers that don't come. What I've found is that there are many reasons why our loved ones are gone. I dare not speak for God as only He can reveal answers as He chooses.I have to remind myself, if I am to go on in this life and help my other six children carry on in their own faith journey, I have to not focus on asking why.. I have to try my best to honor the memory of my daughter; I have to try to bring help and hope to those who are in danger like she was. Instead of saying, "Keep the faith," to you.... I'm going to say, "Keep asking God to protect your faith." All the love to you, in Jesus Name.
Listen to Chad Conzales. Satan steals, kills, destroys then wants to blame it on God. Like Sarah, become fully pursueded of God's goodness and faithfulness. Get into the Word, get His Word into you! Trust Him, He is faithful faithful faithful! DO NOT fear. ONLY believe!
❤ AMEN HALELUYAH, GLORY TOO GOD, ALELUYAH 🙏 ALELUYAH, thanks you my lord, ALELUYAH AMEN God bless you all, shlom everyone ❤❤❤❤❤ so-so wanderful, enjoy with God everyday for all ❤❤❤❤❤💝💝💝💝💝🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁
You're doing a great job my Sis. I'm so blessed to have found you. I have watched about 5 messages today. This is my first time leaving a message. Yes, you do have a good heart for God. Keep evangelizing for our Lord God & blessing the people. Do not let any insecurities creep in. Keep running your race. You are doing a great job & God & I are so proud of you. I love you. 💜 🙌🏾👏🏾🙏🏾☺️😇
Worship music has a special power to help us connect with God in our most sacred moments. When the lyrics are sung, our souls are led closer to Him, feeling His boundless love and protection. These songs are not only prayers but also a way for us to express our gratitude, awe and absolute trust in God... thank you so much channel
Lord, bless this woman, in every way, with abundant life, as you promised your children, healing, and every need met as you reveal your love to her heart in Jesus name.
Please pray for good health for my loved ones and Juan Carlos Gonzalez as well for my own and children, I have an Autistic child (Faith) and Genesis suffers from depression, skitzophrenia, and anemia
I don't know if anyone reads my comments, but I want God to fill your heart with love and fill your soul with joy and peace. God is always perfect
AMEN ❤✨️🙌🤗🙏🤗
Yes HE IS!
I was an ex Muslim and I converted to Christianity a week go, I feel more happier in my life
Glory be to God❤
God Bless you dear. In Jesus wonderful Holy name, Amen 🙏 🙌 ✨️ Love in Christ, Ellen
Wow praise God ❤ He is amazing!!!
Never let Jesus go. Welcome to the kingdom. Bless you 💜🙏
I don,t know if anyone will read this but i hope god will answer your prayers❤❤
When the world fades away, Your light remains. In the darkest night, Your love sustains me. You are the light that shines even when the shadows surround me, the hope that pierces through my deepest fears. Through every storm, You calm my soul, Your grace has made me whole. You lift my burdens and carry my cares, and I know that in every high and every low, Your love is my foundation. Your love endures, forever strong. You lift me up, where I belong. In every season, You are near, and Your faithful love casts out my fear. No matter the valleys or mountains I face, Your love stays constant, and I have seen Your goodness through every trial. When I fall, You lift me high. Your mercy flows like the endless sky, and You welcome me time and time again, not holding my failures against me, but covering me with grace. In my weakness, You are strong, reminding me that Your power is perfect in my frailty. Your hand has led me all along, and You are my refuge, my hiding place. No fear can stand, no doubt remains because Your love, O Lord, forever reigns. Forever I'll sing of Your saving grace, declaring Your goodness. Your love endures, forever and always, never fading, never failing. It is stronger than anything I could ever imagine, deeper than the ocean and more powerful than any force. You lift me from despair and place me in the safety of Your arms. You are always near, and Your love covers me completely. This love is my song, my anthem of praise. Forever and always, Your love endures. I lost my husband, moved in with my aunt when things went bad for us Kelvin i owe all my gratitude to you for changing my life from being hoemless to owning a home. help me thank him in prayers info@Kelvinjpro,c0m this are the exact lyrics she sang to my kids every night.,,l
Christ freed me from suicidal ideation and the deepest depression I've ever known. I had hated Him for years but I finally came to the end of myself and begged Him to save me if He was really out there, knowing if He was real, that He could do it. My family suddenly started seeking God out in their own ways and I ended up at church for fear of being home alone with my thoughts. It took 6 months of listening and learning about Him for my heart to come around fully. That same night I gave my life to Christ, those thoughts and feelings disappeared and I could breathe again. The morning after I cried because after years of despair, no longer were the dark thoughts there to greet me as I opened my eyes. Now I'm married to a loving man who was a week away from eviction and homelessness when he met me and wanted the same light I had. Now we have a whole family. God is so very good 🙏
Beautiful testimony. May you and your family continue in God's Blessings and Grace.
🎉Christ is life you are loved more than you can know ❤
God is so patient...so kind, and so forgiving. He saw you. Don't ever think He's unaware of our struggles. ❤❤
Amen! God bless you🙏🏽
Please pray for my marriage 🙏🏻my husband struggles with alcohol and it's affecting our marriage 😭 I don't want to divorce but please pray that my husband will be set free in Jesus name 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I'm praying for you. God will work it out for Hiis good and I believe that He will set your Husband free. Keep up the faith, God bless you ❤
If you find this, may you be filled with the love of Jesus, may God bless you and keep you safe. God is so awesome 🙌. Know you are never alone 🙏
Today I gave my life to Jesus while listening to this song. I am saved, AMEN! God bless whoever is watching this video! .....
Welcome home
@@DanielOrtiz-dl8eo AMEN & AMEN
Thank you JESUS 🛐
May God bless your family ❤
Hey, you. whoever’s reading this, this is your sign. everything’s gonna be okay. you did not come this far to give up. I believe in you. 🤍
Yesterday I got baptized and with me 95 more people it was amazing to see god calling his children home 🙏🙏🙏
im a bit late but im 14 and ive been a christian my whole life but i never rlly cared but now im starting to chamge my life around for the way of god💗
You are so lucky to have found God at your age! Blessings to you! There is so any wonderful choices to make with God in your heart. I once was told Christianity is boring.....I told them to try it for awhile and see how much peaceful and joy he brings you. Peace,Joy and Love are something you can't buy. His Grace is given by his sacrifice on the cross. He loves you.Welcome!
Please kindly pray that God will heal and deliver me from this deep depression. It’s very paralyzing and disabling. May my spirit reconnect with God’s Spirit! God the Father, Jesus my Lord and Holy Spirit, help and rescue
Prayers for you
The Word is medicine
Open up the KJV and read it aloud
Thank God for all He is
He is the lifter of your head❤
Praying for you! Jesus Lopes you and he came to heal our bordéis and spirits
Yeshua won the victory over our spiritual enemies ❤. Amen.
Depression is horrible 😢Derek Prince used to suffer from it, he took God’s medicine 3 times a day (God’s word) and the Lord healed him.
I was v troubled as a child, I became an alcoholic, I asked God I can't drink anymore, I got delivered from the spirit of alcohol, I learnt guitar and worshipped God in church, only God can when you say you cant
It’s been 24 years for me. Jesus is amazing and can do all things. God is so good.
Yes God us good all the time
My days without my God is hopeless!!!
I cry reading each comment because I see the Mighty God who cares for each one of us, through His Son and by the action of His Holy Spirit...I am from Brazil and I wish to have an encounter with God, not a supernatural experience, but to feel His Real Presence and fall prostrate at His feet.
Same here! 🙏 🤲 ❤
Reading from Red Deer, Alberta Canada 🇨🇦
Listening 👂 from a fan here in Ghana 🇬🇭 ❤
My circumstances won't dictate my worship✝️🛐🙏
It hurts my heart to see people actually dislike this song. The message is beautiful, we all need Jesus. Two of my children were addicted to heroin but in 2023 Jesus delivered them both! He is my hero 🍀🍀
my son Alexey and his wife Kristina were both born and raised in a family of believers and were baptized when they were adults.
I don't know what clicked in their mind and hearts but both of them forgot the way to church, they believe more to evolution than to Bible.
Please pray for renewal of their mind and hearts and revival of their faith. Time is short . Please pray for these two lost sheep to return to the loving arms of Jesus Christ
A friend who became family sent this to me to listen to help soothe me because my mom is slowly transitioning from this world to be reunited with God and my dad, sister and nephew who god called home along with other family members. Thank you so much Pam. It has helped to calm my fears and give me peace of losing mom after losing Dad a little over a year ago. ❤
My Mother went home two years ago. Doesn't seem like it's been that long. I miss her so much but I know that she's with The Lord and happier than she's ever been. I can't even imagine the Joy in Heaven.
1 Tessalonicenses 4:13 a 18. 💐
To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.
Amen. I am healed in Jesus name.
I am healed as well. He is my strength. Praising God today!
Great way to start the day! 47 years with God now and even tho I spent 15 of those drifting, I am grateful for every day the Lord granted me on this planet!
Be blessed guys!
Me too! 53 years born from above.15 wasted..but God restored those 15 years
I, too, have a lot of wasted years in my 47-year walk with the Lord. I wandered out of spiritual Caanan and into spiritual Babylon, where I got burned by the enemy of my soul. I am so grateful that He received me back into His Grace just like the prodigal son. I will never wander away again. Soon and very soon we are going to see the King!!!
One year before in july 2023 summer, I am and my 3 children have been in car. With us have been other 5 children And pregnant mother like a driver❤. And Big TIR car kicked us from left side in back door..and car was moving in right and left, and I cry Stop children to scream...And we feel, like Spirit Stoped our car. And everyone is good...and this woman borned for this year already next baby❤❤❤. Alilujah 🎉
Lord God please heal me Lord Im a dialysis patient Lord for 3 a week almost 4 ys. Now Lord I need your presence Lord restore my kidney disease Lord restore also my heart disease Lord God and my son Julius Bryan he is a low potassium please heal his potassium back in normal o Lord God . IN jesus mighty name Lord thank u and I Love u Lord Amen
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit❤ for my Dad's successful heart operation. heal him completely O Lord Jesus 🙏❤Christ ❤ . Thank You Holy Spirit❤ Amen .🙏
Thank you LORD JESUS for your faithfulness I love you o LORD my strength ❤
God bless you pastor Don moen and your ministry 🙏
Thank You Lord for healing me and keep on touching me with your miraculous hands
I have a problem with allergies and I've learnt to fully trust God in divine healing , that my body is His amd that He may take away anay discomfort in my body that i may serve Him well and ive found relieve
Thank u Lord for Blessing my dad heal him completely.. ❤
I am nothing with out Jesus o ĺord i love ❤️ ❤❤you so much and it feels so good
God bless you Don. I spent a decade in the despair of agnostic nihilism and, praise God, I’ve come back to the cross thanks to the transcendental experience of becoming a father. I’m something of a failed musician and secular music just kept becoming more and more of an abomination to me that I increasingly wanted no part in. Glory to God, now I understand that I’m here to worship and use my gift to lead others in doing so. These playlists have been instrumental in me building a repertoire and it won’t be long now before I officially join the worship team at church. I’ve already led the men’s ministry once on a last minute basis and got amazing feedback. It was a wonderful experience and I look forward to doing it again.
Hallelujah! Thank you Don for bringing me all these beautiful pieces to learn and share!!!
I fell that l always never prais to jesus but when i heard this song ❤
Thank you Heavenly Father ❤,As long as I breathe, I will always praise and Worship your name. You have been faithful and am forever grateful for everything Lord. I love you Lord❤
Pray with me . I have been asking God to show me my purpose in life for many years now. I serve as a chaplain at a children’s foundation where I disciple children and adults.
Never stop doing what is good. You are right where you need to be. Renew your strength in God for God is always good and true.
It sounds like that you are serving in His purpose for your life.
It's easy in the modern culture to get caught up in "the doing." Doing isn't nearly as important as being. Can you imagine what your life might look like if you focused on being connected to Him, loving Him, and hearing from Him? After that your ministry will simply overflow from that relationship. Your purpose is to "be" His kid.
I ask prayer for my right foot. I have complications from a wound, and im a Type 1 diabetic so I need a miracle to heal my foot in Jesus name.
May your foot be healed and no more complications from that illness in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus. Be healed as you asked.
Carnivore lifestyle heals! 🙏 🤲 ❤ Look into this
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your perfect gift of forgiveness; Your love brings peace. In moments of striving for perfection, remind me that I am merely one of Your creations. Help me embrace my failures and see myself as good in Your eyes. Free me from the grip of perfectionism and let me find comfort in Your love. We are taught to value hard work, but it can bring stress and shame. No one is perfect except for You. Please help me find freedom in Your grace, in Jesus name i pray, Amen.
Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ ❤
Please pray for my sister Kimi God will heal her stage 4 breast cancer. Now she is in so much pain, God willing to be healed🙏
Thank you ❤️
is she believer in God ? maybe is it a test or trial ( excuse me for my english, i'm french) for her or family to get closer God. All pray and see a miracle from Jesus ? in case, she's in the hands of our God. God is waiting all of those who don't know him. Faith and sérenity, peace in your heart. In the holy name of Jesus may she be blessed. Amen, hallelu Yah. Shalom 🕊👑🪔
Amen 🙏 yes. she is a believer
Thank you so much for your prayers🙏
In Jesus name.....Amin 🙏
Be HIS wounds we are healed. Praying for her.
God rescued me, so many times along my life, and I was so dummie.
Now, at 65, I've accepted Jesuschrist, and I regret don't do it long years ago, but the time of God, it is not a creature time.
Soli Deo Gloria.
Blessings to all.
Halleluja! Great is the Lord! Be blessed!
Our God is so good and incredible that none of us can have any conception of it to speak of in the big picture
Actually I take some of that back because we can if we seek him
God bless you all with all of his heart and mind I love you brothers and sisters in Christ
Maybe seek and pray with all of our hearts minds and soul
From Trinidad 🇹🇹 ♥️ loving the worship all glory to God almighty
From a criminal to Christ in the mighty name of Jesus Christ lord of lords and the king of kings ❤️✝️🩸🩸🩸❤️✝️🙏🤜🤛amen 🏴🎶🎵🎶🎵🙌🙌🙌🙌🫶
I love it to be connected with brothers and sisters around the world! What a blessing to be part of gods family, to be part of the body of christ! May he fill you all with his strength and love and grace. May he use us all to proclaim Jesus Christ the savior and Lord! I pray that he opens the eyes of the lost and make his people to lights in the dark world!
I dont have a car right now, am enjoying the worship from my room. But i trust God to come back before this year ends to testify that am worshiping in my own car. Amen
I don't have too. But i always happy to hear this song inside train. Event i stand inside train and sing the song in my heart. Thank Lord Jesus.
lol, no car , but listening on the train 🛤️
Hey brother look inside scripture about looking for a sign. And always having to have a sign.
What I’m saying is be careful not to always rely on him giving you a sign and just know that we worship a faithful God and a true God and he doesn’t always give you a sign. And always remember he is waiting for just one more so be patient.
God blesses and guides us on our journey through life. He not only protects us in times of trouble, but also brings peace and joy to our hearts. May everyone feel His unfailing love.
Thank you for these worship songs for those long car rides, Don!
Yes, God is so good and Faithful to me. I Love You Lord.❤
God has been faithful to me every day of my life, even when I had been unfaithful
+ W Imię Ojca + i Syna, + i Ducha Świętego. Amen.
🙏💖🙏Ojcze Przedwieczny, Miłosierdzia! przez Krew Jezusa, Miłosierdzia! Wybaw nas od powodzi grzechów, jakoś wybawił Noego od powszechnego potopu. Ty zaś, o 🌸🌷🌿Maryjo, Arko przymierza, módl się za nami, uśmierz Gniew Boży i uproś nam Łaskę o którą błagamy. 🙏🏻Chwała Ojcu…
🙏💖🙏Okaż miłosierdzie swoje Panie… duszom czyśćcowym!
🙏Ze strasznych upałów ognia czyśćcowego
Wznosi się jęk do miłosierdzia Twego.
I doznają pocieszenia, ulgi i ochłody
W strumieniu wylanym krwi i wody.
🙏💖🙏Jezu ufam Tobie 🙏💖🙏 Ufam, gdy nie rozumiem.
Wierzę, gdy pojąć nie umiem. Choć wielkość Twoja niezmierzona,
ukryj mnie Jezu w miłosierdzia ramionach. Amen. 🙏🏻
Dla Twego Syna bolesnej męki miej miłosierdzie Boże dla świata całego 🙏Twój krzyż Panie niech mnie uczy Miłosierdzia
Nieskończone Miłosierdzie , przenikaj moją codzienność
O Krwi i Wodo, któraś wytrysnęła z Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego, jako zdrój miłosierdzia dla nas - ufam Tobie (Dz 187).
Szczęść Boże wszystkim.
MODLITWA O POKÓJ NA ŚWIECIE to piękna modlitwa za świat przeznaczona do codziennego prywatnego odmawiania. Jest to jednocześnie modlitwa za rządzących, odpowiedzialnych za zbrojne konflikty, za przyszłe pokolenia i każdego z nas. Zawierza Bogu wszystkich cierpiących na całym świecie. Zapraszam
Dobry Boże! Dziękuję Ci za to, że stworzyłeś cały świat, dziękuję za Twój wielki plan dla świata, pełen Dobra, Piękna i Szczęścia. Wybacz, że my ludzie, zepsuliśmy go swoim grzechem. Wybacz, że zdecydowaliśmy przeciwstawić się Tobie, wybrać drogę Złego, zapomnieć o Tobie i Twoich przykazaniach. Wybacz, że przez Grzech zrujnowaliśmy to wszystko, co miałeś dla nas przygotowane.
Panie, codziennie wszyscy grzeszymy tak wiele, na świecie jest tyle zła, które wzajemnie sobie wyrządzamy. Wybacz, że swoimi grzechami doprowadziliśmy do katastrof, wojen i wielkich ludzkich tragedii.
Błagam, ulituj się nad nami i nad całym światem. Wejrzyj na cierpienie najmniejszych, najuboższych, najbardziej cierpiących. Zmiłuj się nad wszystkimi, którzy doświadczają tragedii wojny, nad wszystkimi, kryjącymi się przed bombami, uciekającymi przed prześladowaniami i złymi ludźmi. Zmiłuj się nad rodzinami, które nie mają dokąd uciec, które nie mają czym wykarmić swoich dzieci, zmiłuj się nad sierotami, wszystkimi skrzywdzonymi, wszystkimi, którzy płaczą.
🙏💖🙏Proszę Panie, obdarz ten świat pokojem, pomóż zakończyć wojny, nie pozwól, by polityczne napięcia doprowadzały do najgorszego. Błagam, odmień serca wszystkich rządzących. Daj, by zrozumieli, że wojna jest pomysłem Złego, by odstąpili od przemocy, by zawsze dążyli do zgody, by szukali porozumienia pokojowo.
Panie, pomóż nam wierzącym umacniać w swych sercach miłość i wiarę, pielęgnować w sobie dobro, byśmy potrafili uczyć nasze dzieci pokoju i wszystkiego, co potrzebne, by odmienić ten świat. Błagam Boże, miej nad nami miłosierdzie Amen.🙏
🙏💖🙏Panie, Zwycięzco śmierci, piekła i szatana, dając udział wszystkim w Twoim szczęściu wiecznym, w każdym złożyłeś zalążek wieczności. Prosimy dziś o Twoje miłosierdzie dla tych, którzy odeszli z tego świata bez pojednania z Tobą i ludźmi. Niech ofiary i modlitwa Kościoła przyniosą im pomoc w uzyskaniu świętości koniecznej do wejścia w bramy raju,🙏 Okaż im miłosierdzie proszę.
Wieczny odpoczynek racz Im dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj Im świeci teraz i na zawsze wieki wieków 🙏 Amen
Panie, Boże Wszechmogący, błagam Cię przez Najdroższą Krew, którą Boski Twój Syn, Jezus Chrystus, wylał za nas podczas okrutnego biczowania, racz wybawić dusze z czyśćca, a szczególnie tę, która jest już najbliższa wejścia do Twojej chwały, aby jak najprędzej mogła Cię wielbić i błogosławić na wieki. Amen.
🙏Ojcze nasz...
🙏Zdrowaś Maryjo...
🙏💜🙏Wieczny odpoczynek racz IM dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj IM świeci, niech odpoczywają w pokoju wiecznym🙏 Amen
Oto jest dzień☀ który dał nam Pan 🙏
Błogosławionego poniedziałku oraz całego nowego tygodnia ♥
Z Maryją i Jezusem w sercu ♥🌹♥
Szczęść Boże wszystkim.
I received Jesus as my Savior over 50 years ago. He is so wonderful! Please don’t wait to believe in Him.
Thank you Don….simply what a faithful heart needs to hear….worship of our King, King Jesus. King Eternal, forever and ever…the same. He IS!
Praise God for your unending love and care for us. Thank you may not be enough but it's the only word that your lowly child can express....I love you Lord!
I was addicted to alcohol for many years and God broke those chains for me instantly
All of us bear a different cross lets all pray for each other. Jesus tells us my Yoke is easy my Burden is light. Thank You Jesus.
Praise God for the bubble of protection God placed around them to save their lives!
Pray for our angels that protect us
Lost my son in 2013 he was 23, lost my husband just 4 weeks ago. Please pray for me to feel Gods presence in my soul. I prayed he would save them, I prayed for them to be apart of my life longer but hear I am. I was award of the state as a kid so I always felt so alone, until o met my husband and he helped me learn to drive and everything I needed to know. I just turned 55 5 days ago. I am to young to be a widow. I am trying to see God in this. I can’t and I am afraid. How do I hold on to the home we worked hard to get? It wasn’t paid for yet. I wasn’t working now. Because I taking care of my grand baby. I am a formal Dental assistant. When I lost my son it shuffled my mind. I can’t hold down a job anymore for my forgetfulness. This never happened in my 20 yrs of work. Not sure what to do. I pray I can hear Gods voice. I pray he will give me wisdom
I'm praying that GOD gives you peace in all you are going through. Hold on friend we will be reunited one day with those who went before us.
Have faith in God
Oh, dear Renee... you're an Angel Mom and now an Angel Spouse. I genuinely grieve for you and know God is capturing every single tear you shed. As a fellow Angel Mom, (19 year old daughter murdered May 2019), there are times we can hold onto our faith, but in times of such deep pain and loss, this is when we must do just as you've done by saying "I'm trying to see God in this," for that is when God steps in between us and the enemy and holds our faith secure. As deep as our pain is and as much as we cry and hurt, I believe the grief would be far more unbearable to the point where you and I could not even speak or write if not for God holding our heart's broken, shattered pieces in His hands. When we have no words.... when we find ourselves sitting in the darkness and overcome with the ache in our heart...when the tears come so abruptly...when people undeliberately say insensitive things because they don't know what it is like to walk in this valley of loss, I am convinced Jesus is sitting with us and the Holy Spirit is wrapping His arms all around us. Surrender your faith to Him, moment by moment, and don't put too much hope in getting all of your "why's" answered - it will drive your pain even deeper when you wait endlessly for answers that don't come. What I've found is that there are many reasons why our loved ones are gone. I dare not speak for God as only He can reveal answers as He chooses.I have to remind myself, if I am to go on in this life and help my other six children carry on in their own faith journey, I have to not focus on asking why.. I have to try my best to honor the memory of my daughter; I have to try to bring help and hope to those who are in danger like she was. Instead of saying, "Keep the faith," to you.... I'm going to say, "Keep asking God to protect your faith." All the love to you, in Jesus Name.
Listen to Chad Conzales. Satan steals, kills, destroys then wants to blame it on God. Like Sarah, become fully pursueded of God's goodness and faithfulness. Get into the Word, get His Word into you! Trust Him, He is faithful faithful faithful! DO NOT fear. ONLY believe!
Πιστεύω σέ Εσένα θεέ μου.Η δύναμη μου, ή περικεφαλαία ή ελπίδα μου, το κάστρο μου και η πανοπλία μου είσαι εσύ.Ελευθερωσεμας
❤ AMEN HALELUYAH, GLORY TOO GOD, ALELUYAH 🙏 ALELUYAH, thanks you my lord, ALELUYAH AMEN God bless you all, shlom everyone ❤❤❤❤❤ so-so wanderful, enjoy with God everyday for all ❤❤❤❤❤💝💝💝💝💝🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁
Thank you Lord for your grace and forgiveness. I love tou.❤
Lord Jesus Christ Bless us with a beautiful house 🏠❤
Je me joins à votre prière et je prie Jesus de vous donner une belle maison. Depuis Nosy Be in Madagascar 🇲🇬
Dear Don Moen, I want to tell you that I love your worshipsongs. You have really helped me during tough times. May God bless you. 🙏❤️
I will see the goodness of God 👍👌🙏
Jesus asks us to walk in His footsteps... Jesus showed us the way of Love...
Soul inspiring music while going home
thank you God for an ending love in my life, amen
Praise the Jesus! In Jesus' name. Amen
Terrific! The gold around the outside sealed it! Can't wait to play with this one! My cat is bored with the flowers! 😂❤
Worship songs to glorify the Lord 🙏🙏🙏
That's great I'm hoping I can compose also many songs for the Lord.
God bless you Don. You are a blessing in my life. Elizabeth Medcraft. Patos, Paraiba, BRASIL.
Whoever made this needs a raise.
You're doing a great job my Sis. I'm so blessed to have found you. I have watched about 5 messages today. This is my first time leaving a message. Yes, you do have a good heart for God. Keep evangelizing for our Lord God & blessing the people. Do not let any insecurities creep in. Keep running your race. You are doing a great job & God & I are so proud of you. I love you. 💜 🙌🏾👏🏾🙏🏾☺️😇
Forever grateful and thankful for everything ❤🙏💯
Lord of all Power help me in my needs.
Such a good worship Thank God for everything 🙏🏻
I lov you lord
God bless youuu the minsterio. ❤ pray for my family amen
We rejoice with you!!! God is good all the time!!! Glad all are safe!!!
👍👌🙏 I will see the goodness of God
Great!! U will not regret!
Our God is real and I can testify that. God Bless You
Thanks for the songs, it encoutaging to be in God s presence.
Enjoyable rendition of goodness of God that helped me tune in
Pls pray for.my family as we are drifting away from each other because of his infedility..I trust my Lord and my God..
Thank you Lord 🙏
💖💖 YES and AMEN 💖💖
Praise GOD
Great play list 👏 God Bless all fellow listeners! And may anyone that needs to hear this music find it
🙏 🙏 Amen l ❤️ Love Lord
Thank You Pastor Don.
❤❤❤Amen ❤️❤️❤️
Blessed is the Lord Forever❤🙏😇
I wish to thank you for sharing this awesome music video with me . Amen
Amen God bless you a lot,and nothing will never stop worship the Lord Amen ❤❤❤
Beautifull worship. Universal church . Un día estaremos cantando todos juntos al Señor
Worship music has a special power to help us connect with God in our most sacred moments. When the lyrics are sung, our souls are led closer to Him, feeling His boundless love and protection. These songs are not only prayers but also a way for us to express our gratitude, awe and absolute trust in God...
thank you so much channel
Music is peaceful
Okay community is the first time I asked for anything from you could you please pray for me
Lord, bless this woman, in every way, with abundant life, as you promised your children, healing, and every need met as you reveal your love to her heart in Jesus name.
Thank you so much, so comforting, listening from Auckland NZ 🇳🇿
Prayers pray pray pray God is good 💯😅
Please pray for good health for my loved ones and Juan Carlos Gonzalez as well for my own and children, I have an Autistic child (Faith) and Genesis suffers from depression, skitzophrenia, and anemia
Glória à Deus Jesus.....❤