I couldn't count how many times I used the words couch and design in this video LOL. Sorry about that. If you want to see more kinds of videos like this, please let me know. I was even thinking on doing a video like this, but for illegal building techniques or beds. I'm not sure, just give your feedback. Thanks for watching... My special little chickens. Teehee! XD
“I’ve been playing around with my parts for a bit and have come to this” bruh it’s like when they put a dirty joke in a disney movie that only the parents understand
Question, I want to make a couple couches specifically designed to look old, medieval style. Do you have any ideas or links to some cool looking ones that'd fit the time period?
Wauw - this is really great! I liked the third one a lot - big couches are cozy :-D The vintage red one was cool too! This was a great idea - great way to get a lot of inspiration in one video! Very cool! Thanks for sharing some great ideas - they are really great! :-D
Great job Ty! These look really accurate to some real ones. Very sleek in detail! I love number 4 because it's really great! Keep up the work Ty, you somehow never let us down with these builds =D
I couldn't count how many times I used the words couch and design in this video LOL. Sorry about that. If you want to see more kinds of videos like this, please let me know. I was even thinking on doing a video like this, but for illegal building techniques or beds. I'm not sure, just give your feedback. Thanks for watching...
My special little chickens. Teehee! XD
TD BRICKS can you do a video like this but it is about beds or refrigerators?
Or just anything in the kitchen
TD BRICKS sorry for lots of comments but i will add one..
Try to do a video like this but about drawers or closets!
TD BRICKS I counted. You said “design” 27 times. Someone else count the couches cuz my fingers are exhausted.
Oh, and nice couches!
Dude these are awesome! Super sleek and seemless! Love them all! Keep up the great work!
Thanks man!
I like how you used a variety of sofa designs from different time ages, like the modern ones and vintage ones, loved it!
Thank you! I definitely wanted to mix some things up here. ;)
Love the "outdoor" and the "not illegal" designs. Now, lets get the double decker versions built!
I forgot about those! XD
LOL I was going to work on a double decker couch, but I forgot. XD
@Black X YT yh
4:07 I LOVE IT.its perfect for any begginers like me(and i have trouble with simple small sets!)
2:53 enjoy
Just a thought but I think that you should show the veiwers all the peices that they will need for each sofa
But then the vid would take sooooo long
I strongly agree.
I didn’t need to do that I saw it
Flurry Sprinkles true
2:54 "I've been playing around with my parts for a little while now." - TD bricks
Omga- why
Noo why
We have the exact same couch as Couch #2! Same color, three cushions and then the footrest part. 😲😲😲
Him: I'm sorry if the video was a bit long!
Video: *5 mins*
Ok Yeah, 5 Minutes, Yeah Ok I Guess Thats Ok. BUT 10 SECONDS AS WELL? UNACCEPTABLE.
JK Productions r/woooosh
I love Lego to 😀😃🙆
The video it realy cool 👍🏽
I like the corner couches the most!
1:19 that looks exactly like my sofa
My Sofa is a “GRAY L couch
Thanks a bunch!!!
Cool these are very creative and original!
Thank you!
Thank you keep up the great work
Very inspiring! 🐧
Good! 🐧
Some of these are so simple but so effective! Great job :D
I'm glad you like them. Thanks for watching!
I would suggest a tutorial on all the couches
Ha ha ha. I commented on my own comment for fun.
I commented on your comment for fun
Love this!!!
Thank you!
thanks my broski😘
Oooooo that is so nice these are perfect for the new hotel I’m building for my RUclips channel
COOL couchs
I subbed!
Thanks for subbing!
Coooool 😊👍
This is really nice! I’m actually going to do something like this soon! But it was a viewer suggested thing so don’t worry I won’t copy you haha 😀
Thank you! No problem man!
''even the noobs''
i approve this
and the models are better than any couch that i made
(and they manage to be more complex than this)
That cool keep it up 🤘🏽👍🏽🔥
I love your videos
A little simple but good for beginners
Definitely. ;)
Nice video it will help me with my next house
I'm glad it will. ;)
I watch lego videos not because I’m a noob it gives me ideas for my lego home
“I’ve been playing around with my parts for a bit and have come to this” bruh it’s like when they put a dirty joke in a disney movie that only the parents understand
I like them all dude
Thank you!
You should go on a LEGO show on tv
Tutorial on the corner couch please
very good sofas
AWESOME Tips TY i will try to use these :)
Thank you!
TD BRICKS The last one would be illigal if you sticked it down on something because the tiles would go in between studs and thats illigal.
Yeah where do you get the pieces from huh
Nicky Gwenny the store
Nice Ideas! I can’t wait to build these and then put them is my house’s, thank you again!
Thank you! I'm glad you found this useful.
So cool lego
These couches looks long but most of them can barely hold two minifigs. It's still cool, though
Yes I would like one
You said 3 couches there are you favorite so which on is it🤔
can you show us how to make them????? im struggling to make number one.please take this into consideration.
Question, I want to make a couple couches specifically designed to look old, medieval style. Do you have any ideas or links to some cool looking ones that'd fit the time period?
Wauw - this is really great! I liked the third one a lot - big couches are cozy :-D The vintage red one was cool too! This was a great idea - great way to get a lot of inspiration in one video! Very cool! Thanks for sharing some great ideas - they are really great! :-D
Thank you for the feedback! I agree with you. I'm glad you found this video helpful! :)
No problem :-)
Really cool ideas for a couch..... Definitely going to try some of them in my mocs ....Love ittt !!! :))
Thank you so much!
Bro TD BRICKS I Made All of Them My Brother Told Me That They Are Awsome
-------------- Tyler
Making for my lego millennium falcon. (If you like family guy then you'll get it)
TD bricks can you make another harry potter video please
Can you show us how to make them?
I want the first ones tutorial
I felt it was more than 10.
Pls make a video about one or all pls make totorial!
Good video tho 👌🏽
A couch mansion built out of couches.
i want to know how to build them!!!!!!!!!!!
Show us how to make
You are best
Thanks man!
Yo was gonna watch it when came out but to busy playing Fortnite lmao sorry watching now!
LOL It's ok. Thanks for watching!
I would love to build theses but I have to get different pieces
You should build #legomoderngardenhouse
I am not a noob!! I made a hole color white house
Great job Ty! These look really accurate to some real ones. Very sleek in detail! I love number 4 because it's really great! Keep up the work Ty, you somehow never let us down with these builds =D
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked this. I like number 4 too.
First veiw,first like, and first comment.....
But Nice couch designs! Love it!
Maybe I'll copy it and put it in my lego apartment..
Congrats! Thank you! Hopefully you found these useful.
How can i do these🥺
Thanks for the tip
Where not a noob where just a starter
Not trying to be mean, we all make mistakes but the “corner couch” is called a sectional, I support your channel and I subscribed about 8 months ago
Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for being a loyal supporter. ;)
Thank you
Good but i dont have lot of bricks
Wow but you realy can show us how we can make it!
it said anyone can make me:i dont have the the right legos.
Clive this👇 you will see more video
Him. Sorry if this video is a little bit long 😢. Me This video is 5 minutes long 😂😂😂😂
many couch
Do a tutorial
Do dressers, wardrobes, or drawers! Maybe even shelves
Ok, that may be a good idea. Maybe I can have a video for all four of those combined. Maybe a storage compilation.
How are there legal and illegal techniques???? What are the illegal ones????
Why are some building techniques illegal?
I like this look my chaîne
there is no noobs
I'm a new builder
Tutorial objet
Hi hi
I don't have the color as you have
This was very tricky I did not like it. #feedback
Shut up
Can I have them if so mail them to me text me to ask for my address
because you are english and spanish
bro predicted the future😮
Now I can stop building crappy couch’s
You đ.