Hi Blazenwolf. While yoursheep was tending to it's cult, I was at Sunday School & I also visited my friend's dad's grave to clean it up & put a little Christmas tree near it. It looks really nice now. So that's why I missed your stream. As I'm writing this fan mail, I just got handed a package from an Amazon driver who's making post Black Friday rounds & I'm about to wrap it up & place it under my Christmas tree. Before I do that however, I just wanted to say thanks for your streams this week & let you know that my office is reopening on Cyber Monday, so I will be less active here until Christmas vacation at the end of the month. In the meantime, I'll see you at the next Chaos Crew group stream!
Hi Blazenwolf. While yoursheep was tending to it's cult, I was at Sunday School & I also visited my friend's dad's grave to clean it up & put a little Christmas tree near it. It looks really nice now. So that's why I missed your stream.
As I'm writing this fan mail, I just got handed a package from an Amazon driver who's making post Black Friday rounds & I'm about to wrap it up & place it under my Christmas tree. Before I do that however, I just wanted to say thanks for your streams this week & let you know that my office is reopening on Cyber Monday, so I will be less active here until Christmas vacation at the end of the month. In the meantime, I'll see you at the next Chaos Crew group stream!