DICE IS AMAZING! Look at 0:32! Notice something? When the french narrator says "Ils ne passeront pas.", a German soldier falls on the red flower field, and the camera follows him. Look at the color pattern. It's France's flag!
@@jar8808 No, he talk about the WW2. But what he said is wrong. The real France during WW2 was the france behind Petain, the french resistance was a little part of the french. You weren't wrong, he doesn't talk about revolution.
people who hate France: Germany submitted you in 6 weeks. French people: Napoleon took only 19 days from launching his attack on Prussia to entering Berlin.
This is such a masterpiece. From the quotes of La Marseillaise to the artistic depiction of the flag at 0:32 - this still gives me shivers years later.
RiiKuDo battlefield and Ubisoft trailers are the best trailers but there is one difference.Battlefield what shows us in the trailer but Ubisoft will need to downgrade a lot on there games.But I still love and battlefield and Ubisoft.Nice trailer and good campaign,and good multiplayer,and good dlc.They shall not pass.
@@emmanuel.c1888 ehm le 13 battaglie del monti Gorizia ? Caporetto ? il generalissimo Cadorna con le sue tattiche arretrate ? abbiamo avuto molta fortuna
Jooj I will tell you what happened EA thinking more about Feminism and listening people that never played a battlefield game rather than us the Vets and the players
@@what3424 check history and documentation of BF5 development, EA wanted to have another BF1 Dice wanted to use the goodwill of BF1 to push an agenda EA is a soulless company that wants your money Dice is now something far worse
JJoe JJoe yeah Dice today only thinks about GOOD GRAPHICS= MORE SELLS and not hearing what the community wants but it’s a fact that EA is making bad decisions and Dice obviously have no choice in what to do.
boyajaka Right when the anthem ends, the colors of the sky, clouds, and poppy's from left to right makes the French flag. DICE continues to amaze me with these trailers.
LordScrubMaker TheSecond Allons, enfants de la patrie le jour de gloire est arrivé. Contre nous de la tyrannie, l'étendard sanglant est levé, l'étendard sanglant est levé, entendez-vous dans vos campagnes, mugir ces féroces soldat qui viennent jusque dans vos bras égorger vos fils et vos compagnes ? Aux armes citoyens, formez vos bataillons, marchons (or marchez), marchons (or marchez), qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons. Did you saw a only "ils ne passeront pas"?
Imagine a battlefield on the American Revolution, where the main faction is the French Forces of Lafayette and the American revolutionaries come with a DLC six months later lol.
DrelexGaming most of the map is on french soil, where frenchmen died, and the British, Italians and Americans died to push the germans from french soil that the germans invaded because they wanted to curb the power of the french. Most casualties on the western front where french, and the high command of the entente on the western front where french. So yeah on the western front at least it was a french war with support from the anglo and italian allies. French and Germany basicly where the biggest players of the war in terms of commitment
Je ne veux pas être méchant mais je pense que t'as famille à perdue beaucoup plus de proches pour notre pays . Pour ma part on avait trouvé trois personnes , j'ai continué les recherches et je suis à 9 personnes .
Pareil pour moi, un arrière arrière grand père paysan Auvergnat qui n'avait que 23ans, et un de ses frères.Je pense que pas une seule famille Française n'a pas été touchée durant cette guerre. Dans chaque village il y'a un monument au mort, souvent avec beaucoup de noms, c'est notre héritage on devrait en être fier, ils ont donnés leur vies pour leurs familles et donc pour nous
@@Sparrow.31 mais j'ai pas dis ou sous entendu que tes propos étaient négatifs mec tkt mdrr en vrai je répondais même pas à toi en particulier, juste au commentaire
@@Setiv1101 Mainly because of Belgium who refused to let the French finish their maginot line to the North. With the north safe the French could have focus their forces on the Ardennes and remove the german numerous advantage.
@@ajhiep4447 It made sense why they surrendered, the German Invasion of France was a meat grinder for allied forces. I mean over 2M casualties, and roughly only 170K Axis casualties.
@@danielwoods3896 Nah Mexico just got out of a civil war and America had the second best army. Mexico lost too much and when asked if they would join if Britain didn’t get it. Mexico said it wouldn’t join
@@supergamergrill7734 not too sure America had the second best army before they got involved, they had some volunteers trained with broomsticks and that's kinda it.
Every Frenchman can tie his roots to the first world war. Dozens of my ancestors fought in the name of the fatherland, 9 of which left their lives on the field of honor. The rest came back heroes, some in the medical corps, one in the artillery, and another in the distinguished cuirassier regiment. One earned the Legion of Honor, and several others received citations for bravery and honor in the face of battle. People can bash France all they want, but it wont change the fact that the people of France hold a heritage of thousands of years of dedicated military service unrivaled by any civilization in all of human history.
@@tbuxt3992 Indeed. Our French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte aka Master of Europe. He's known to be the Best Conquerer and General in History with 56 battles
It’s a shame when people think of Frances military they think of white flags and surrendering because of ww2. The French military demands more respect.
@Hans get ze Maschinengewehr 08 Wouldn't this make more sense; Ottomans took the largest hit in WW1 and France took the largest hit in WW2. I mean, sure you can argue that Russians had it rough in WW2, but they also quickly pushed back and conquered half of Germany. And Ottomans lost all of their lands. (Considering Republic of Turkey... Yea, they lost all of their lands)
I'm Russian. In my country many people like to joke about the fact that France always surrenders. And every time I tell people the opposite. France played a major role (along with Britain) in WW1. And the French resistance during the WW2 showed the world the Patriotic spirit of the French. Why am I writing this? I want to say that I am not one of those who likes to make fun of other countries and people. People (Americans, French, Russians, Germans, British and others)...Let's live together ))) P.S. Sorry for my english
You, bud' , I love you... No really sometimes it can be funny a lil' joke about surrender (I'm french so I've heard a lot) but when they are wrong it's annoying...Yeah France did surrendered, but because of generals who thought it would be another trench warfare or other shits...
Thank you for what you say. However, I am surprised Russians thing French military can be sum up in one word. Particularly if the word is "Surrender". I'm very deceived, I thought most Russians had some brains, some culture, and some respect.
you're Russian so you know the Normandie-Niemen company, French pilots sent to Russia to defend them against nazi's airforce. It was after the French defeat, the biggest friendship mark between Russia and France in all their history. So maybe government surrenders to save thousands people but a part of the army continues to fight until the end of the war.
A bigotic and antisemistic Pétain surrendered. Hundreds of thousands of French soldiers continued the war despite the country being occupied, while tens of thousand of civilians resisted. No other country displayed such a will to fight the Nazis despite the homeland being already lost.
No offense, but the best French soldiers in WW2 were in the Division Charlemagne. They fought like lions on the Eastern front and were the last defenders of Berlin. Loyal to the end.
1:00 Finally! a veteran soldier with a mustache. Please DICE, in the next update, make the soldier grow some facial hair, as well a new attire, every time the player level up (15, 25, 50, 75, 100) for each faction. Because it will make the game more authentic and to distinguish veteran players from the rookies ( newcomers ).
Bayocand like the new guys are well groomed their uniforms are clean and well kept but when you level up you character gets dirtier and dirtier and soon his uniform is cut burnt covered in dried mud and he has a very elegant mustache
one of my great grandfather fought in Verdun. One day, he had to deliver a message and it was a high risk mission. 3 messengers had already been killed. When he was running to the objective, a bullet hit him in the heart. Fortunately, he kept his wallet in a pocket just in front of his heart and a coin stopped the bullet. After the war, he kept this coin on him for the rest of his life.
Henry Kimberley nothing wrong with being English. I'm French myself and the last 100 years we have been more friends than enemies. I shall go visit your country someday. Weirdly enough I can speak proper english and never been there. Can't get rid off this god damn french accent though.
I'm not even French and still feel so patriotic for this country and start tearing up every time I watch it. Hell, I'm actually German so the only thing I can say is. Stop with the fighting, wir sind Kameraden und sind Brüder seit je her.
I am glad i was born in a world where France and Germany are at peace. I couldn't think otherwise of this relationship since one of my best friend is German. Liebesgrüße aus Frankreich, Camarade.
Ich lerne Deutsch, um unsere Freundschaft zu ehren. Total wichtig für mich, und sehr wichtiger als ein Krieg am Fuß unseres Europas stattfindet, müssen wir zusammen stärker sein, um den Feind unserer Freundschaft zu besiegen. Unsere Bürger müssen aufm Feldern hören, wenn es wilde Soldaten gibt, die sie brüllen... *SIE WERDEN NICHT DURCHKOMMEN !* Lorsqu'une guerre survient au pied de notre Europe, notre amitié doit prôner, être unis contre les menaces ennemies. Si nous entendons de ces soldats, mugir dans nos campagnes, *ILS NE PASSERONT PAS !* Long live our friendship, and may it make us stronger against threats to Europe. Vive la France et/und es lebe Deutschland ! Liebegrüße aus Frankreich an unsere deutschen Brüder und Kamaraden
keenumman1 JRR Tolkien fought for the British Empire, and didn't fight at Verdun. The Battle of Verdun was where the praise originated, and remained, and so it's doubtful Tolkien knew about the praise when in the war, maybe he discovered it when he was sent back to London because of, I believe Trench Fever, I may be wrong on that though.
"Ils ne passeront pas" was a French propaganda used to motivate the country, it worked very well, the whole world was looking at Verdun at that time, everybody knew this motto.
Levi Kim The goal of a soldier was to stay in the trenchs and charge when the officer ordered that, but in this game, you charge every time ! Also, twos of the most implicated army in the WW1 (the russian and the french army) are in DLC
Battlefield why you support globalization propaganda? Why? you no like a real history? where is the ww1 real game? ok to many blacks. ..become a SF game
They could have done it by including France (which was without contest the most important allied nation of the war) in the base game, but they purpotedly excluded France to put the spotlight on Britain It's very clear that DICE hates France
As a person from the U.K. I do not believe in the dumb stereotype about the French being cowards, they fought hard in ww1 and resisted even after their country fell in ww2 so much respect to our brothers across the channel your country does not deserve such an inaccurate reputation
Actually it feels good to see that not everybody in the comments (of a videogame trailer by the way) are shouting at each other things like "Hur ! Mah country did better during the wars !I" or " *Insert Country* sucks !".
The Battle of Verdun was so intense and brutal, that even to this day, 100 years later they are still finding unexploded ordinance and human remains in the fields, showing that the French stayed true to there battle cry, they did not pass.
Terfilis Not even. .. we had the best tanks /planes and overall war tech but not enough... the were very few produced because of the economic crisis. . and then yeah the governement was trash as well... but that count for every country involved as they didn t attack germany when they clearly saw it was creating an army once again while it didn t have the right too
Diesel France won more battle in history than other country (you can check it).. 2 millions people dead for France in ww1. Respect that and read some history book. that will be good for you
Everyone forgets what incredible badasses the French were in The Great War...and how they lost a hell of a lot of men and civilians. No wonder the fatigue of that war beat them down so much. Also, America's help to them in the Second World War was just paying back the favor to them for the French helping us gain our independence from the British Empire during our Revolutionary War. Just friends helping out our buddies.
I don't think there is no greater allies than USA, England and France. They all went to Hell and back hand in hand. From past to present, I cannot see their alliance being broken.
Yeah because why include one of the biggest players in World War I in the base release of a game about World War I when you could use them to squeeze some extra cash out of your customers instead? DICE has made a great game here, but EA can piss off with their fucked up marketing strategies.
Cthulhu the Omnipotent no, they included the base maps as usual and they're adding in more maps and countries in the DLC to make the game overall better in the future. It's less rushed this way and they have more time to put into their content
Can’t believe I’m here 4 years later. I recently got RE-addicted to BF1 and had to watch these masterpieces. I forgot how outstanding these trailers and the game is. In my opinion, Battlefield 1 is STILL better than Battlefield 5
I asked them over Facebook a while ago an comfirmed there wont be a new War Story in They Shall Not Pass but they said they might add some in the other DLCs
''French were not good at war'' Typical speech of a man who does not know the history and knows only the French defeat of 1940 ... France has known war more than anyone Respect my ancestors
Luca Poquet France was a powerful country in the old days but after the napoleonic war France lost a lot of military prestige they lost the Franco-Prussian war during the world war 1 France wouldn’t have not win without the help of Britain and USA they lost world war 2 (if you don’t count the free France) so basically I thinks I would say yes The French army after the napoleonic war was not really good but they are died for their country and I good a lot of respect for all this French who serve there country.
@@Rasmulk You are wrong on one point my friend ! In WW1, britains and allies like USA would'nt have not win without french army ! it's a fact that you can check in any history book and in resume of battle ! US hlep us only with materials, they make no difference in trench even if we have respect for some who fall against germany Britain are very bad in the 2 first years of the war, they began to make a difference from 1917 to 1918 And we have to never forget australians, canadians, new zelanders, portugues men etc they made a lot ! And you have to count the Free french army of WW2, 400 000 soldier is not a small number, we fought in africa, in our home, in germany, italy, in greece, and in many place around the world ! Our governement surrender to protect people not all our army ! It's sad that the world think the opposite, in particulary american and english men who thinks that they are only them during the war.... sad and stupid from our allies ! Sorry if my english is not well, i'm not really cunfortable with this language. amically
Psychoprose fr teinquette je parle français et je vien du Québec et je comprend ton point de vue mais les américains durant la première guerre mondiale on quand même avancer la chute de l’Allemagne puisque il sont venue avec des homme fraîchement entraîner et moraliser et il on inventer une nouvelle tactique dont je ne me souvient plus le nom mais en gros c’est une tactique qui vise à la stratégie plutôt que foncer dans le tas avec de l’artillerie mes bon j’ai mon point de vue et tu a le tien :) aller bises :) à et les américains n’ont pas que aider avec le matériel de 1917 à 1918 les Américains on envoyer 100k soldat après les français on quand même fait leur par je l’admets
@@Rasmulk “je ne me souvient plus le nom mais en gros c’est une tactique qui vise à la stratégie plutôt que foncer dans le tas avec de l’artillerie” C’est trop magnifique ce que tu dis, tu devrais devenir prof d'histoire. Plus sérieusement les américains étaient loin d’être entraînés, c’est les soldats français qui ont refait leur entraînement et les ¾ des soldats américains étant encore à l’arrière-garde (à l’entrainement) quand la guerre s’est finie.
john pardon nobody speak french? in africa ... every one and its one of the best language and beautiful not like the other language like muslim or its rrrr or raaaa
I write in french for you my little english :3. Ceci était un équipement que certains soldats possédent de plus cette tenue est correct et d'historique. (Yup i need want write in english) A oui j'oubliais "VIVE LA FRANCE !!!!!"
It's so sad that everyone are disrespectful to germans! Germans fought, cried and died for their fatherland! They just wanted back to their loved ones! Give some Respect to Germany and their fallen soldiers goddammit!
Bhuvesh B no its not that its because us the french are on the war in 1914, 1918 the US army arrived for nothing... in 1917 its too late and the french army loose many man on the 1 St years of the war
I'm French and I remember this trailer when it came out. We all have friends, family who have fallen bravely defending our values and our soil. The team at DICE who made this trailer deserves lifetime recognition, will have my lifetime recognition. 0:47 "Pour la France !" 🫡 God, I'm shivering. Best video game trailer ever 🇫🇷🔥
I'm taking French 3-4 right now, and Vitalis S said that the commentators are very urgent (I think that is the translation) about France surrendering. It's atrocious. Also the onset of France surrendering because they were supposedly cowards - the French had no choice. The Germans proceeded to invade Belgium to avoid the Maginot Line, something that the French did not anticipate.
They should have put Great Britain, France, and Russia vs Germany, Austria-Hungary and the ottomans in the original game. Then they should have added an american dlc, and an italian dlc.
But if the United States was a DLC, then there wouldn't be much American sales of the game. They had to put the United States in the base game and save France and Russia for later, even though there would be much fan outrage.
its better that the french had their own dlc so they could focus soley on that faction. whereas with the base game the other factions have to share maps and what not. smart on DICE's part. same with russia
50% of the comments = 50 year old surrender/white flag french jokes 49% of the comments = people whining about black people in an army that had a considerable number of them 1% of the comments = actual dlc content discussion
No girl has ever said that lol. It’s more like Teacher: We’re going to France Girls: OMG it’s so romantic I hope I meet some cute boys there Boys: 0:49
Funny, it will never be "für Deutschland - for Germany" in BF1, even though the German Kaiserreich in WW1 wasn't Nazi Germany. Sad story that we will always be the bad guys in video games and movies, together with Russians.
To be fair, this is a DLC with a French theme, so they're gonna have to sell it with some French perspective. On the other hand, the overall them of the game itself is more humanitarian than ever before on this series, so they were more concerned with showing how terrible and real the war was than to pander to nationalism with "for England" or "for the USA!" or "for the Kaiser!".
DeadDove No offense but you did start two major wars, killed 6 million Jews, and were responsible for the death of some 40 million allied soldiers throughout the 20th century. Sounds like the bad guys to me
DeadDove I was expecting the prologue of the campaign to be The Kaiser's Assassination. It would have made the Central Powers in the game look even more human. Unfortunately most of the time the germans are portrayed as sadistic Stormtroopers. The game would have killed it with a German campaign.
Join us for the countdown to reveal of the next Battlefield, starting 7am PT June 9: ruclips.net/video/HP3wxNFnNbA/видео.html
Very nice how much?
@@maddefrost the usual
@@MM-xy4th its 8 but sideways
Vive la France 🟦⬜🟥💪🇫🇷👊🐓
@@maddefrost you still have a plan
If you look at 0:31 the sky + the poppy make the french flag
Konbini how the hell do people spot these??
Wow thanks nice one ;) Merci bien joué :p
Merci :d
Konbini bien trouvé ! :-)
did anyone else see the french flag at 0:29? Such good editing
Justin Medeiros holy shit. u r right
Oh, I see it. The sky is the blue, the horizon the white, and the flowers the red.
Woah nice eyes bro
Dude, you've just blown my mind...
omg, I see now
DICE IS AMAZING! Look at 0:32! Notice something?
When the french narrator says "Ils ne passeront pas.", a German soldier falls on the red flower field, and the camera follows him. Look at the color pattern. It's France's flag!
El Greeko Good eyes. Thanks for sharing this. I bet 90% of the viewers didn't notice this.
This has already been pointed out in one of the top comments..
El Greeko I didn't notice it the first time I watched this trailer and when I watch it the second time and noticed it. I was amazed by it :)
Yea man this DLC is going to be the shit
Mr. Miyagi no, Battlefront was rushed. I do agree, France was a main contender, but let's just enjoy it
When the French get tired of surrender memes.
We’re always tired of those jokes..
Hate to break it to you man but this is WW1.
French won the war.
Your surrender memes are from WW2.
@@jar8808 C'est la France de Petain qui s'est rendue, la vraie France a continué la Guerre avec la Résistance..
@@Val-pv3mp Oh, vous parliez de la Révolution française. Ma faute. (J'utilise un traducteur)
@@jar8808 No, he talk about the WW2. But what he said is wrong. The real France during WW2 was the france behind Petain, the french resistance was a little part of the french. You weren't wrong, he doesn't talk about revolution.
Welcome to the BF1 trailer comments, where everyone thinks that they are a high level history professor.
RadRecords true
I'm dead
Because they were educated the wrong way, propaganda style
Well, I have been studying World War 1 for 3 years, and I take it as a high level subject in school.
Yannick Oliveres Ok, shut up Einstein.
people who hate France: Germany submitted you in 6 weeks.
French people: Napoleon took only 19 days from launching his attack on Prussia to entering Berlin.
1871 flashbacks
well you have to admit that germany wasnt a country back then, when Napoleon attacked, in comparison to France in WW2
@@vs7984 Napoléon faced a coalition then...
Austria,UK,Russia and Prussia at least
@@darkcyb987 You forgot Spain
@Gabriel Beauharnais La France combattait tout le monde
0:31 Gives me chills even 3 years later
Better than bfv that’s for sure
Same bro
Need the music that starts right then
They shall not pass
Thats the flag in the backround
This is such a masterpiece. From the quotes of La Marseillaise to the artistic depiction of the flag at 0:32 - this still gives me shivers years later.
I just realized that, thank you.
Our French Tricolor Flag 🟦⬜🟥🇫🇷
I've seen this trailer several times before and hadn't noticed.... That's awesome.
@@jrsharker23 that's our French Tricolor Flag
Almost 6 years later and I've only just noticed that now!
Why this trailer is so awesome... French sounds so powerful in here, music and that voiceover is a killer!
Milos Milovanovic Because we are powerful
carlosduty 974
YEAH, even though im not french
Best trailer of bf1 after the first
Do you mean that France is useless af in the reality ?
Une Personne tg ?
Battlefield 1 trailers > Hollywood movies
Battlefield 3 trailers were better
RiiKuDo battlefield and Ubisoft trailers are the best trailers but there is one difference.Battlefield what shows us in the trailer but Ubisoft will need to downgrade a lot on there games.But I still love and battlefield and Ubisoft.Nice trailer and good campaign,and good multiplayer,and good dlc.They shall not pass.
+RiiKuDo You're so stupid it hurts
Solaxe S what did you mean there? care to explain?
'French patriotism intensifies'
Love ur face
@@emmanuel.c1888 vero
@@emmanuel.c1888 ta gueule longue vie à la France 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷
Ahah, bien dit Soldat !@@charlesdecharleville6287
@@emmanuel.c1888 ehm le 13 battaglie del monti Gorizia ? Caporetto ? il generalissimo Cadorna con le sue tattiche arretrate ?
abbiamo avuto molta fortuna
French Soldier: "On ne passe pas!"
German Soldier: "I thought French was the language of love?"
French Soldier: "I am expressing my love of FRANCE!!!"
Nope you write the dialogue in french my little America because the french in 1914 it the mondiale language
Guy, thank you from France !
Ils ne passeront pas
most of the fighting takes place in France *Makes the French Army a DLC*
Dr.Hugo Strange most of the game's campaign took place in France
Not true.. please chech the facts... It was the eastern front
Yes so 50% of the war was in France
Until the Russians signed the treaty of Brest-Livotsk.
But if the French were in the base game, they wouldn't get any attention or their own trailer...
0:31 The scene is the French flag :o
CaptainTwente woah, nice catch man.
Holy shit!
You've got an eagle's eye, mate!
CaptainTwente shit that's ridiculously deep in detail, they sorely missed out on including war stories in the DLCs
Good Eye!
During the Battle of Verdun, the French adopted a new battle cry:
Nous devrions être dans le jeu pour commencer
Oui. Ils devraient etre dans le jeu
TheResidentReaper translate to engli pls
"They Should Have Been In The Base Game"
Y'avait aussi le Cri de guerre : On est pas dans le Jeu, Allons le Boycoter
Kiknac cool au moins ya un dlc
How did EA go from making masterpieces like this to BFV? Really sad.
Jooj I will tell you what happened EA thinking more about Feminism and listening people that never played a battlefield game rather than us the Vets and the players
Not EA.
It's DICE.
丹尼 EA is the boss and It tells DOCE what to do
@@what3424 check history and documentation of BF5 development,
EA wanted to have another BF1
Dice wanted to use the goodwill of BF1 to push an agenda
EA is a soulless company that wants your money
Dice is now something far worse
JJoe JJoe yeah Dice today only thinks about GOOD GRAPHICS= MORE SELLS and not hearing what the community wants but it’s a fact that EA is making bad decisions and Dice obviously have no choice in what to do.
0:18 - 0:30 are the first words of the French national anthem. If that isn't enough to make it epic, I don't know what does.
boyajaka Right when the anthem ends, the colors of the sky, clouds, and poppy's from left to right makes the French flag. DICE continues to amaze me with these trailers.
I just realised the "speech" is actually a small part of the French National Anthem
+ Party like it's 1941
yep, they are lines from "La Marseillase"
LordScrubMaker TheSecond oh
LordScrubMaker TheSecond Allons, enfants de la patrie le jour de gloire est arrivé. Contre nous de la tyrannie, l'étendard sanglant est levé, l'étendard sanglant est levé, entendez-vous dans vos campagnes, mugir ces féroces soldat qui viennent jusque dans vos bras égorger vos fils et vos compagnes ? Aux armes citoyens, formez vos bataillons, marchons (or marchez), marchons (or marchez), qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons. Did you saw a only "ils ne passeront pas"?
Køvel Ah merci de l’info je savais pas
Imagine a battlefield on the American Revolution, where the main faction is the French Forces of Lafayette and the American revolutionaries come with a DLC six months later lol.
Rez it's not called French War 1
DrelexGaming dumb as fuck
DrelexGaming dumb as fuck
Ragnar Lothbrok lol how? I'm being honest, it's shitty that they make the French a DLC but his analogy kinda made sense but was off entirely
DrelexGaming most of the map is on french soil, where frenchmen died, and the British, Italians and Americans died to push the germans from french soil that the germans invaded because they wanted to curb the power of the french. Most casualties on the western front where french, and the high command of the entente on the western front where french. So yeah on the western front at least it was a french war with support from the anglo and italian allies. French and Germany basicly where the biggest players of the war in terms of commitment
This was Peak Battlefield
Still is
Vive la France 🟦⬜🟥💪🇫🇷👊🐓
I was blessed to be a participant.
Bf3 and 4 were, it started going downhill after that
I wish you had made a campaign with that DLC even if it was like a 4 hour one
Yea it would of been a nice touch
Every DLC should have featured a new war story cause the single player was very short atleast for me.
The campaign in Battlefield 1 is garbage. Operations mode feels like a better campaign than the ACTUAL missions.
Andrew Heard I know right
Pablo ruins m8 I agree
The French voice actor is amazing❤️🔥
It the voice of the french Mister and "POUR LA FRANCE" ce cri de guerre me fait frémir car ses notre nation !!!!
Dylan Gelder its me
J'ai eu les frissons tout le long de la bande annonce...
@@Raisonnance. Vive La France!
@@cirloctus6333 vive la France
I'm french and two members of my family were killed in WW1... A little tribute for them
Solaufen respect mec 😉
Je ne veux pas être méchant mais je pense que t'as famille à perdue beaucoup plus de proches pour notre pays . Pour ma part on avait trouvé trois personnes , j'ai continué les recherches et je suis à 9 personnes .
Pareil pour moi, un arrière arrière grand père paysan Auvergnat qui n'avait que 23ans, et un de ses frères.Je pense que pas une seule famille Française n'a pas été touchée durant cette guerre. Dans chaque village il y'a un monument au mort, souvent avec beaucoup de noms, c'est notre héritage on devrait en être fier, ils ont donnés leur vies pour leurs familles et donc pour nous
@@SuperThompson63 il n'y avait rien de négatif dans mes propos....
@@Sparrow.31 mais j'ai pas dis ou sous entendu que tes propos étaient négatifs mec tkt mdrr en vrai je répondais même pas à toi en particulier, juste au commentaire
Idiot: Why do the French always surrender
Me: 1,151 battles won and the longest member of the Allies
Lmfao it was just that one time france surrendered. Now everyone thinks your all cowards.
Silver Zach as an American I respect the French I’ve never thought they were cowards. 🤷♂️
They lose WW2 because of UK and Chamberlain...
@@Setiv1101 Mainly because of Belgium who refused to let the French finish their maginot line to the North.
With the north safe the French could have focus their forces on the Ardennes and remove the german numerous advantage.
@@ajhiep4447 It made sense why they surrendered, the German Invasion of France was a meat grinder for allied forces. I mean over 2M casualties, and roughly only 170K Axis casualties.
I’m Mexican but this makes me feel patriotic for France
It's hard to imagine that if Britain didn't intercept the zimmerman telegram mexico might have joined the war
@@danielwoods3896 Nah Mexico just got out of a civil war and America had the second best army. Mexico lost too much and when asked if they would join if Britain didn’t get it. Mexico said it wouldn’t join
@@supergamergrill7734 not too sure America had the second best army before they got involved, they had some volunteers trained with broomsticks and that's kinda it.
@@danielwoods3896 seguramente lo hubiera rechazado, los políticos en México son estúpidos pero no pendejos 🧐👍🏻
Hasta que llega el 5 de Mayo entonces viva México Kbrones XD
Every Frenchman can tie his roots to the first world war. Dozens of my ancestors fought in the name of the fatherland, 9 of which left their lives on the field of honor. The rest came back heroes, some in the medical corps, one in the artillery, and another in the distinguished cuirassier regiment. One earned the Legion of Honor, and several others received citations for bravery and honor in the face of battle.
People can bash France all they want, but it wont change the fact that the people of France hold a heritage of thousands of years of dedicated military service unrivaled by any civilization in all of human history.
Rome wants to know your location.
@@wingsoffreedom3589 Napoleon has more battlefield victories than Julius Caesar himself
@@tbuxt3992 Indeed. Our French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte aka Master of Europe. He's known to be the Best Conquerer and General in History with 56 battles
It’s a shame when people think of Frances military they think of white flags and surrendering because of ww2. The French military demands more respect.
@@firstname3382 Facts. France has more military victories than any country or civilization in history.
2018 update : During the battle in Russia, the French adopted a new battlecry...
Du génie le dozit
what does this mean ?
@@riichobamin7612 /watch?v=3VC8eBcNUOY&ab_channel=FrenetiK_Lens
🇫🇷Ils ne passeront pas🇫🇷!!! With big respect from Russia 🇷🇺
And they never passed
@@noedurand-roger542 wait what, I thought they did.
Edit: I see what you mean, but "never" is a brave word, don't you think?
@Hans get ze Maschinengewehr 08
Wouldn't this make more sense;
Ottomans took the largest hit in WW1 and France took the largest hit in WW2.
I mean, sure you can argue that Russians had it rough in WW2, but they also quickly pushed back and conquered half of Germany.
And Ottomans lost all of their lands.
(Considering Republic of Turkey... Yea, they lost all of their lands)
@Fritz grab ze Maschinengewehr 08 you got it backwards
petition to add baguette as melee weapon
s’il vous plaît
With a bipod.
Everybody90 plus rapid fire
Everybody90 and an acog scope on top of it.
and croissant for light melee!
Also duel wielded
I'm Russian. In my country many people like to joke about the fact that France always surrenders. And every time I tell people the opposite. France played a major role (along with Britain) in WW1. And the French resistance during the WW2 showed the world the Patriotic spirit of the French. Why am I writing this? I want to say that I am not one of those who likes to make fun of other countries and people. People (Americans, French, Russians, Germans, British and others)...Let's live together )))
P.S. Sorry for my english
You, bud' , I love you...
No really sometimes it can be funny a lil' joke about surrender (I'm french so I've heard a lot) but when they are wrong it's annoying...Yeah France did surrendered, but because of generals who thought it would be another trench warfare or other shits...
Thank you for what you say. However, I am surprised Russians thing French military can be sum up in one word. Particularly if the word is "Surrender". I'm very deceived, I thought most Russians had some brains, some culture, and some respect.
you're Russian so you know the Normandie-Niemen company, French pilots sent to Russia to defend them against nazi's airforce. It was after the French defeat, the biggest friendship mark between Russia and France in all their history. So maybe government surrenders to save thousands people but a part of the army continues to fight until the end of the war.
A bigotic and antisemistic Pétain surrendered. Hundreds of thousands of French soldiers continued the war despite the country being occupied, while tens of thousand of civilians resisted. No other country displayed such a will to fight the Nazis despite the homeland being already lost.
No offense, but the best French soldiers in WW2 were in the Division Charlemagne. They fought like lions on the Eastern front and were the last defenders of Berlin. Loyal to the end.
1:00 Finally! a veteran soldier with a mustache.
Please DICE, in the next update, make the soldier grow some facial hair, as well a new attire, every time the player level up (15, 25, 50, 75, 100) for each faction. Because it will make the game more authentic and to distinguish veteran players from the rookies ( newcomers ).
Bayocand I wish. Imagine knifing someone and see a full chest of ribbons and medals.
Bayocand Fuckin ayes they should
Bayocand final level better be an old dude with a white beard
Bayocand Great idea mate.
Bayocand like the new guys are well groomed their uniforms are clean and well kept but when you level up you character gets dirtier and dirtier and soon his uniform is cut burnt covered in dried mud and he has a very elegant mustache
I miss when this was still fresh. Still play this game to this day. Such a masterpiece.
I have so much regret I didn't play it in its prime
@@Beef7599 man bud you for sure missed out 2016 launch day of bf1 was amazingly nostalgic even more so was the beta launch day also
Best battlefield ever!
I like the way they portrayed the french flag at 0:31
Stop copy from someone else
Matheus Alois good eye
Good eyes Mr. Artist
I guess having the same opinions or sharing the same fact is stolen
The French at the end look like they bout to drop the hottest mixtape of 1916
sorry that joke is way over used man
Not his joke. That "Bout to drop the hottest mixtape of 1917" came from an old meme that was when the Closed Alpha was released.
SupremePineapple oh wow didn't expect that to be its origin
Straight outta Verdun?
Meanwhile in COD you're firing laser at robots.
I can do that in fallout 4.
Fallout 4 > Cod
PUTIN'S NEIGHBOR And in bf1 you're using one of a kind prototyoe weapons that couldn't eat up half the ammo you gave em.
still pretty cool but not the way cod made it out to be lol
+CookieTrooper HP Triggered CoD fanboy huh?
CookieTrooper HP At least BF1 provides quality content instead of shitty DLC's in COD.
one of my great grandfather fought in Verdun. One day, he had to deliver a message and it was a high risk mission. 3 messengers had already been killed. When he was running to the objective, a bullet hit him in the heart. Fortunately, he kept his wallet in a pocket just in front of his heart and a coin stopped the bullet. After the war, he kept this coin on him for the rest of his life.
Wow that’s an incredible story
even a dlc trailer looks way better than COD
Selcuk Kaynak Get off the internet grandpaps
Selcuk Kaynak COD can't even compare. This is a whole another league.
+CookieTrooper HP Triggered CoD fanboy huh?
Why do we always have to mention COD seems like BF fans are obsessed with it.
Every shot it's battlefields competition
the map with the flowers looks beautiful.
Diontay Battles The Great war should not give you beautiful views.
Diontay Battles I know. Haven't played it, but I assume it will be my favorite.
Diontay Battles ikr
Diontay Battles ayyy
Verdun was a beautiful place before the Germans shelled it.
who else thinks this makes u feel patriotic for france?
artyom sokolov Me!..for some reason
Me as well, which feels VERY weird
Henry Kimberley nothing wrong with being English. I'm French myself and the last 100 years we have been more friends than enemies. I shall go visit your country someday. Weirdly enough I can speak proper english and never been there. Can't get rid off this god damn french accent though.
why would you want to get rid of your accent?
idk why but me too, and i even weren't 1 time in france
0:31 love how a fench flag appears on the screen with the sky and the field. Really cool detail!
Jezz just noticed that
Honor to the french army during their battle.
Cali_King 235 Thanks you from France
KNIGHT 762 salut* :-*
Cali_King 235 Merci ;)
Wonder who coming back to this game since watching “all quiet on the western front”
I returned after remember the fort battle
@@JR7noir Ils ne passeront pas !🟦
I did!
I'm not even French and still feel so patriotic for this country and start tearing up every time I watch it. Hell, I'm actually German so the only thing I can say is. Stop with the fighting, wir sind Kameraden und sind Brüder seit je her.
I am glad i was born in a world where France and Germany are at peace. I couldn't think otherwise of this relationship since one of my best friend is German.
Liebesgrüße aus Frankreich, Camarade.
Apart Bavarians, the other parts of germany are barbars, from this days !
Ich lerne Deutsch, um unsere Freundschaft zu ehren. Total wichtig für mich, und sehr wichtiger als ein Krieg am Fuß unseres Europas stattfindet, müssen wir zusammen stärker sein, um den Feind unserer Freundschaft zu besiegen.
Unsere Bürger müssen aufm Feldern hören,
wenn es wilde Soldaten gibt, die sie brüllen...
Lorsqu'une guerre survient au pied de notre Europe, notre amitié doit prôner, être unis contre les menaces ennemies. Si nous entendons de ces soldats, mugir dans nos campagnes, *ILS NE PASSERONT PAS !*
Long live our friendship, and may it make us stronger against threats to Europe. Vive la France et/und es lebe Deutschland ! Liebegrüße aus Frankreich an unsere deutschen Brüder und Kamaraden
When you're not even french but you still scream from the top of your lungs:
Well the author of the lord of the rings was in ww1. so maybe this is where he got the famous "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
keenumman1 JRR Tolkien fought for the British Empire, and didn't fight at Verdun. The Battle of Verdun was where the praise originated, and remained, and so it's doubtful Tolkien knew about the praise when in the war, maybe he discovered it when he was sent back to London because of, I believe Trench Fever, I may be wrong on that though.
"Ils ne passeront pas" was a French propaganda used to motivate the country, it worked very well, the whole world was looking at Verdun at that time, everybody knew this motto.
Actually the real sentence is "On ne passe pas" wich means "Nobody can pass/It's impossible to pass" this game is not very historical.
@@rogerroger5553 Actually it kinda is...
Levi Kim The goal of a soldier was to stay in the trenchs and charge when the officer ordered that, but in this game, you charge every time ! Also, twos of the most implicated army in the WW1 (the russian and the french army) are in DLC
Available March 14 with Battlefield 1 Premium Pass. Details here: x.ea.com/29736
Battlefield thx
Battlefield why you support globalization propaganda? Why? you no like a real history? where is the ww1 real game? ok to many blacks. ..become a SF game
Battlefield I am so glad I switched to battlefield instead of call of duty years ago.
Better buy premium now
You get what you pay for
Who is playing BF1? :D
Having the french and russian army in a WW1 game as a DLC is like having Nazi Germany and Britain as a DLC in a WW2 game
NikoBellic1300 They would not forgive the Nazis, for what the Americans would fight then ?
NikoBellic1300 Ah fuck off already, it's done, whining about it ain't gonna do shit.
NikoBellic1300 even in a Uzbekistan vs Mongolia war they will put in american soldiers
British army was a DLC for Company and Heroes 2 actually
Japan and Italy?
2020: during the war the french adopted a new battle cry
135€ d'amende
oh bordel de merde
Bien trouver 🤣
Dice coming to remind us that the French were in fact badasses.
They could have done it by including France (which was without contest the most important allied nation of the war) in the base game, but they purpotedly excluded France to put the spotlight on Britain
It's very clear that DICE hates France
LeHappiste no not Britain. More America. We helped France from day 1. America only helped half way threw the war
LeHappiste hate is a bit much. And it's unlikely they dislike the french
LeHappiste dice doesn't hate France, they thought France was so good we should pay an extra 15$ for it
isn't interesting that after world War two Europe became severely cucked
As a person from the U.K. I do not believe in the dumb stereotype about the French being cowards, they fought hard in ww1 and resisted even after their country fell in ww2 so much respect to our brothers across the channel your country does not deserve such an inaccurate reputation
Thanks man, really appreciated your comment, especially coming from our oldest rival!
Jack White They fought hard in WW1 but it was a humiliating defeat and easy surrender in WW2
@@putinsneighbor8351 The south didnt surrender
Enigma What? I’m talking about the French when they surrendered in WW2.
@@putinsneighbor8351 Yes , and the south of France didnt surrender during WWII
@@emmanuel.c1888 lol
Raging Reindeer wow, you’re mega dumb
@@emmanuel.c1888 Pizza power intesifies
I'm from France and it's pour la France
0:49 When you walk in French class.
Even I am not french but 0:49 still give me chill
Kent Pun why are you so far down in the comments, Im not French too but that line gives me goosebumb everytime..
Kent Pun same
Kent Pun 10/10 best part of the trailer
That whole speech gives me chills.
Actually it feels good to see that not everybody in the comments (of a videogame trailer by the way) are shouting at each other things like "Hur ! Mah country did better during the wars !I" or " *Insert Country* sucks !".
The Battle of Verdun was so intense and brutal, that even to this day, 100 years later they are still finding unexploded ordinance and human remains in the fields, showing that the French stayed true to there battle cry, they did not pass.
as russian, the only thing i can say : "my favourite trailer". also i think french is the most beautiful language in the world
The French Language is probably the most beautiful language ever! Fearsome in battle and soothing to the ears.
Et merci l'amis vient la que je t'embrasse/ he thx friends come for kiss you :3
Suishxus dijse wish jaja ridbsa
Though we have our opinions, how is a language beautiful?
I like the Germans accent the most
AlternateAlternative u didnt heard the romanian
This is by far the best Trailer that Dice has made since the lauche of the game.
I'm so proud to be French.
Trap Magic yes... indeed. WW2. oops
In WW2 the french army has a great army. But they have a bad organization
Terfilis Not even. .. we had the best tanks /planes and overall war tech but not enough... the were very few produced because of the economic crisis. . and then yeah the governement was trash as well... but that count for every country involved as they didn t attack germany when they clearly saw it was creating an army once again while it didn t have the right too
Yep be proud of your surrendering history lol
Diesel France won more battle in history than other country (you can check it).. 2 millions people dead for France in ww1. Respect that and read some history book. that will be good for you
when you have no money, but you watch this :(
Get a job then
Everyone forgets what incredible badasses the French were in The Great War...and how they lost a hell of a lot of men and civilians. No wonder the fatigue of that war beat them down so much. Also, America's help to them in the Second World War was just paying back the favor to them for the French helping us gain our independence from the British Empire during our Revolutionary War. Just friends helping out our buddies.
Amanda Johnson you ever take a history class bud?
france and the us will always be allies they have been in the past and still will in the future
I don't think there is no greater allies than USA, England and France. They all went to Hell and back hand in hand. From past to present, I cannot see their alliance being broken.
Amanda Johnson Not exactly, there was a dramatic regime change between the monarchy that funded the American Revolution and that of the War.
Amanda Johnson being french, even though I wasnt there at that time, It means a lot
Anyone notice that if you pause at 0:32, it’s the French flag made out of the red flowers, the smoke and the sky?
such a cool detail
Wow didn’t realised that easter egg so cool
Yeah because why include one of the biggest players in World War I in the base release of a game about World War I when you could use them to squeeze some extra cash out of your customers instead?
DICE has made a great game here, but EA can piss off with their fucked up marketing strategies.
yeah why give them 2 maps and a couple guns when you can give them 4 maps, more vehicles, and more guns and extend the life of the game
Or you could include all of that in the base game. I can almost guarantee that this content was at least mostly completed when the base game came out.
What are you talking about? The DLC won't be free in 14 days, where did you get that from?
Cthulhu the Omnipotent no, they included the base maps as usual and they're adding in more maps and countries in the DLC to make the game overall better in the future. It's less rushed this way and they have more time to put into their content
Cthulhu the Omnipotent are you people gonna complain about this shit everytime? This happened in BF4 as well. Jesus Christ let it go
The French army should have been the major one in the first place
I spotted a baguette
Straya lol ! I am french and you are so funny 😂
Straya I just wan't to say your English isn't ;)
Straya its real I like baguette and fromage a le fromage..
Can’t believe I’m here 4 years later. I recently got RE-addicted to BF1 and had to watch these masterpieces. I forgot how outstanding these trailers and the game is. In my opinion, Battlefield 1 is STILL better than Battlefield 5
I love Battlefield 1 so much, it's definitely one of my favorite games of all time. It's so well crafted!
come on don't hate BFV that much. we have a new enemy to hate at now. *points at BF2042*
are they going to add a french war story?? pls that be a good idea each dlc gets a campaine war story
probably not but it would be cool
A Snazzy koala A man was mostly features in the video, the man in front of the closing shot. He may be the guy you play as in the DLC
I so agree with you. I mean, they are one of main faction during ww1.
A Snazzy koala Thats a fucking amazing idea
I asked them over Facebook a while ago an comfirmed there wont be a new War Story in They Shall Not Pass but they said they might add some in the other DLCs
0:03 Behold the new elite class,the Tusken Raider
Gokuhaten The surrenderer
Did these guys missed the joke ?
Gokuhaten Exactly what I was thinking
Gokuhaten lol
Flakfire ayyyyyyyy
Flakfire Ok my Fire time to show how clever you are by analysing this trailer.
Baffles me how the two main allied factions of WW1 who did more fighting than the UK or USA were only added later through paid DLCS
I jizzed everywhere. Thanks Dice I need a new keyboard, new pants, and to repaint my ceiling.
Tibialstone7 unless if your ceiling was white then you don't need to repaint. :)
Tibialstone7 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
woah how did you make it reach the ceiling? teach me masta
Tibialstone7 spit n shine
This trailer makes me proud to be French and I'm Irish
''French were not good at war''
Typical speech of a man who does not know the history and knows only the French defeat of 1940 ...
France has known war more than anyone
Respect my ancestors
France is the country with the biggest number of victory in the world
Luca Poquet France was a powerful country in the old days but after the napoleonic war France lost a lot of military prestige they lost the Franco-Prussian war during the world war 1 France wouldn’t have not win without the help of Britain and USA they lost world war 2 (if you don’t count the free France) so basically I thinks I would say yes The French army after the napoleonic war was not really good but they are died for their country and I good a lot of respect for all this French who serve there country.
@@Rasmulk You are wrong on one point my friend ! In WW1, britains and allies like USA would'nt have not win without french army ! it's a fact that you can check in any history book and in resume of battle !
US hlep us only with materials, they make no difference in trench even if we have respect for some who fall against germany
Britain are very bad in the 2 first years of the war, they began to make a difference from 1917 to 1918
And we have to never forget australians, canadians, new zelanders, portugues men etc they made a lot !
And you have to count the Free french army of WW2, 400 000 soldier is not a small number, we fought in africa, in our home, in germany, italy, in greece, and in many place around the world ! Our governement surrender to protect people not all our army ! It's sad that the world think the opposite, in particulary american and english men who thinks that they are only them during the war.... sad and stupid from our allies !
Sorry if my english is not well, i'm not really cunfortable with this language.
Psychoprose fr teinquette je parle français et je vien du Québec et je comprend ton point de vue mais les américains durant la première guerre mondiale on quand même avancer la chute de l’Allemagne puisque il sont venue avec des homme fraîchement entraîner et moraliser et il on inventer une nouvelle tactique dont je ne me souvient plus le nom mais en gros c’est une tactique qui vise à la stratégie plutôt que foncer dans le tas avec de l’artillerie mes bon j’ai mon point de vue et tu a le tien :) aller bises :) à et les américains n’ont pas que aider avec le matériel de 1917 à 1918 les Américains on envoyer 100k soldat après les français on quand même fait leur par je l’admets
@@Rasmulk “je ne me souvient plus le nom mais en gros c’est une tactique qui vise à la stratégie plutôt que foncer dans le tas avec de l’artillerie” C’est trop magnifique ce que tu dis, tu devrais devenir prof d'histoire.
Plus sérieusement les américains étaient loin d’être entraînés, c’est les soldats français qui ont refait leur entraînement et les ¾ des soldats américains étant encore à l’arrière-garde (à l’entrainement) quand la guerre s’est finie.
0:49 Great scene
بدون اسم Meh.
بدون اسمis better 0:31
Vittorio Vaglio
I find 0:29-0:32 the best
1:14 is the best one
I think this is one of the best trailers the Dice team has even been able to put out. It’s beautiful, it’s intense, and it’s sad. 10/10.
Man, the french language is .. EPIC
they actually said "the Germans can stick in my little finger" but nobody speaks french so its not a problem
rahmat25 25 thx u its a beautiful languague and i think go look the traduction of the marseillaise😃 its a song of war
john pardon nobody speak french? in africa ... every one and its one of the best language and beautiful not like the other language like muslim or its rrrr or raaaa
Snipinghe not gonna say i'm triggered, but since u said muslim is a language, i gotta say something about it lol....muslim is not a language :)
Anyone else still get the chills at 0:51
No just me.....ok
I get the chills at the initial french speech
gui biruta agreed
I write in french for you my little english :3.
Ceci était un équipement que certains soldats possédent de plus cette tenue est correct et d'historique.
(Yup i need want write in english)
A oui j'oubliais "VIVE LA FRANCE !!!!!"
Except for the gun who got smacked in the face
DICE will forever be the king of epic, heartpounding game trailers. And say what you will about the French, but those uniforms are badass.
SwordBreaker925 Amen.
this trailer amazing, but you can`t compare it to the Blizzard cinematic trailers :P If Dice is the king of epic , then Blizzard is a god
SwordBreaker925 pretty sure that badass uniform will let the enemy spot you more easily
so badass that they changed them after 1916 so they would stop getting shot so easily
they also lead to the death of likely millions.
Those uniforms were so obvious, snipers had a field day.
POUR LA FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These trailers are ten times better than battlefields v. It captures the hopeless of the war while V tries to wow you like transformers.
Jan Michael Vincent this comment has not aged well
Cman no, BFV still makes war look happy and fun.
0:31 such a cool detail the sky and roses make the french flag🇫🇷
Vive la France les gars !!
Tom Multigaming 🇫🇷🇫🇷
Emmanuelfire 02 L'Italie a retourné sa veste lorsque la triple-alliance était au plus mal
Tom Multigaming ouais
Emmanuelfire 02 italia????? On ww2 you are with nazis
Emmanuelfire 02 Go back makes pizzas and lets us hold Verdun for months like machines u nazis suckers.
0:42 thought that was a lego head on a tank
Idiot Guy 😄 that was good
It's so sad that everyone are disrespectful to germans! Germans fought, cried and died for their fatherland! They just wanted back to their loved ones! Give some Respect to Germany and their fallen soldiers goddammit!
BLaacK and WhitE Yeah your right man
BLaacK and WhitE No comment...
BLaacK and WhitE Me as a american I'm really sorry to hear that
fight for fatherland? fight for loved one? oh i see. so, what about rape of belgium in ww1??
Didnt belgium rape germany XD
the charge is...
i've never heard a french laughing that way (do you know if it comes from a movie or something?)
"with metal cover"
zis is the end
chibani Miep o__o
capitan soos Jajajajaja You made my Day xDDD
I don't get it
It's a stereotypical French laugh.
Still waiting for a German or Austrian campaign...
JJAB91 still waiting for a Iceland campaign)
Still waiting for an Ottoman campaign
You mean like Kaiserschlacht? A German campaign?
JJAB91 dude once we got close at all to Germany they surrendered. they held their lines and that was about it.
JJAB91 They probably won't add campaigns anymore.
Fast fact
France loose more soldier in this war then the american in their entire millitary history
MAD Fiction04 because America has better trained personnels
nowadays ?
Bhuvesh B im French and I know in a French Family we have 1 or 2 ancester whi die in this war...
Bhuvesh B no its not that its because us the french are on the war in 1914, 1918 the US army arrived for nothing... in 1917 its too late and the french army loose many man on the 1 St years of the war
Snipinghe I'm part french, I understand
I'm French and I remember this trailer when it came out. We all have friends, family who have fallen bravely defending our values and our soil. The team at DICE who made this trailer deserves lifetime recognition, will have my lifetime recognition. 0:47 "Pour la France !" 🫡 God, I'm shivering. Best video game trailer ever 🇫🇷🔥
Fields of execution, turned to wasteland from the grass...
Thou shalt go no further, it was said, "They shall not pass!"
Fields of execution, turned into wastelands without grass, they shall remain were they are, the french said... Ils ne passeront pas!
Fier de ma nation.
Les commentaires sont tellement violents sur "France surrender". C'est navrant.
Vitalis S I only read france surrender.Im satisfied
Super Kartoffel you're an idiot who doesn't know shit about history or for you history begins at 1940
I'm taking French 3-4 right now, and Vitalis S said that the commentators are very urgent (I think that is the translation) about France surrendering. It's atrocious.
Also the onset of France surrendering because they were supposedly cowards - the French had no choice. The Germans proceeded to invade Belgium to avoid the Maginot Line, something that the French did not anticipate.
Damn le trailer est just badass
They should have put Great Britain, France, and Russia vs Germany, Austria-Hungary and the ottomans in the original game. Then they should have added an american dlc, and an italian dlc.
But if the United States was a DLC, then there wouldn't be much American sales of the game. They had to put the United States in the base game and save France and Russia for later, even though there would be much fan outrage.
Ray Plays Video Games Americans I understand, but Italy had no place in the base game
Tobias von Kesselstatt The base game's weapons and maps reflect the end of the war; which Russia wasn't in.
its better that the french had their own dlc so they could focus soley on that faction. whereas with the base game the other factions have to share maps and what not. smart on DICE's part. same with russia
I agree. Than they thought originally
Anyone back after “Fields of Verdun”
50% of the comments = 50 year old surrender/white flag french jokes
49% of the comments = people whining about black people in an army that had a considerable number of them
1% of the comments = actual dlc content discussion
nah, the surrender joke isn't 50 years old. It comes from 2003 and Irak war.
But you got the % right :)
" in an army that had a considerable number of them"
4% isn't a considerable number, it's negligible
Its the most of any nation in ww1
So its considerable
Are you saying blacks were basically useless?
I don't think you know what "considerable" means.
no they didn't have a considerable amount of black troops
Gandalf approves
Ptn g pété de rire en lisan se com (deso jecri vite alors l'orthographe est mal fait
you know I literally expected someone like you to this joke XD
Cote Gámez mais ptdrrrrrrr
Thought so
One thing for the dlc can you add more story
I agree
Teacher: We're Going To France
Girls: Ew They Eat Snails
Boys: 0:49
No girl has ever said that lol. It’s more like
Teacher: We’re going to France
Girls: OMG it’s so romantic I hope I meet some cute boys there
Boys: 0:49
Escargot is good
Avec votre accent ça donnerait POR LE FOURANCE 🤣
Funny, it will never be "für Deutschland - for Germany" in BF1, even though the German Kaiserreich in WW1 wasn't Nazi Germany.
Sad story that we will always be the bad guys in video games and movies, together with Russians.
To be fair, this is a DLC with a French theme, so they're gonna have to sell it with some French perspective. On the other hand, the overall them of the game itself is more humanitarian than ever before on this series, so they were more concerned with showing how terrible and real the war was than to pander to nationalism with "for England" or "for the USA!" or "for the Kaiser!".
DeadDove No offense but you did start two major wars, killed 6 million Jews, and were responsible for the death of some 40 million allied soldiers throughout the 20th century. Sounds like the bad guys to me
DeadDove I was expecting the prologue of the campaign to be The Kaiser's Assassination. It would have made the Central Powers in the game look even more human.
Unfortunately most of the time the germans are portrayed as sadistic Stormtroopers. The game would have killed it with a German campaign.
DeadDove i agree, und ich bin französisch ;)
DeadDove Well,the germans are already in the game,so...
This was a masterpiece. Bf1 will go down as one of the greatest games of all time, and this as one it’s most prized expansions
Now we might learn some good French unlike that basic stuff in school xD
Gamings top5s I've been teaching one of my friends quite a lot of German through this game. It's wonderful!
Gamings top5s You should learn the word "bite"
la merde, putain, my basic words uh and bonjour
xxYvan974xx Something about the sahara desert xD
The orchestra mixed with charging soldiers still gets me ti this day, such good days of battlefield