Federico Cerva what is the point of an iphone with that much space, its useless, android would be a better choice since it will be used for better stuff.
Here is when a person shows how humble he is, by mentioning those who helped him and not taking all the credits as many others would. The simple fact of mentioning Fernando Tapia shows that you are humble. Federico a great boy congratulations and continue giving more joy to your family. Your colleague and friend Armando Lopez
Federico Cerva hey are you able to take a broken iPhone that has a ton of photos and take that memory from the broken iPhone and put it into a new iPhone? I know the internal parts are still Salvagable. If you could please get back to me that would be great!
hey man message me on my instagram with pictures of the phone . has a shop told you that the phone has a motherboard issue? instagram.com/federicocerva
@@FedericoCerva I have mailed you my request to get my phone fixed which got dead while i got into an accident... the data is very important to me please get back to brother I'm just waiting for your reply
Great! @federico cerva, you didn't told us the real story behind all your hard work... i mean finding that chip, programming and how long did you work on this etc. please share with us. Thanks
The project itself is really intuitive and creative. One should have had great patience and dedication to completing the whole project. And I also like the nobility of the person as he would be donating some of the share to a noble cause. Keep Up The Great Work, guys..!!
Dude, I tapped the 👍 button... ...and subscribed to your Channel. Not only did you _give credit where credit is due;_ but you also *showed* that with some collaborative exchange of information, a _handful_ of *hardware hackers* could do some great things which big corporations _deliberately suppressed_ to be _non-existent_ in the market as it could hurt their *profitability.*
The person that did a thumbs down probably works for Apple 😆 Great job Rico you are a Legend! Keep pushing the boundaries, you inspire many with your genius ability around the globe! Much respect ✊🏽
need to explain when you add the new pcie the iphone no on need restore to work again because in your video add the pcie and on the phone with firmware, many people can do and think have a bad process when the iphone no on
TGF thats for harddrives they use a different memory capacity it would be like thinking grams and pounds were identical in quantity. Flash memory defaults to 1024 while hdd use 1000 as the standard No formatting uses 24gb
Well you're in luck as he is selling this very phone, but somehow I don't think you're going to like the price lol www.ebay.co.uk/itm/112777606861?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
I have a question that some how iPhone accept tha 512 gd chip .....but what about the software.....from where the apple software came into the new 512 chip?????????
Do you have a step by step video of this? Is this also possible for an iPhone 5C? Is this possible for someone like me to do this on my own in the comfort of my own home? I'd like to upgrade my iPhone 5C from 16GB to maybe a 512GB, if it's possible.
I didn't come here from everything apple pro... what's wrong with everyone with everyone, appreciate this guy more for his amazing work. Not fan girl about your favourite channel!
Hi! I have a nexus 5x that's entered in boot-loop. When i hot the cmmc chip, the phone comes back to life. When is cooled down, is dead. Can make a video when you repair the lg nexus 5x? (You need just to stick the cmmc chip back, couse is a factory problem: they don't stick these chips well..) i want a response please! I want to know if i can do something with my nexus 5x. Have a wanderful day! Awsome video! :-D
Hello Federico, what you've done is truly amazing, I was wondering if I can feature your footage in one of my future video where I talk about what you did? My channel is tech related and most of them are about smartphones. Thanks in advance.
Hi Man sure! please link my youtube video and my instagram account. instagram.com/federicocerva Message me the link to your youtube video when its ready :)
Slap the headphone jack in there and you have the ultimate phone. I envy your skills. A surface mount chip is incredibly difficult to work with. You make it look easy!
Ivan Jed Balmes yes this true but Federico Cerva don’t use original apple chip right ? So when he use different chip how can he programming this chip ?
I know how.. he did mention someone "thankyou for programming the nand chip".. iam also a cellphone technician and i know how to program a nand, and i have a programmer. And yes the chip is not a from apple itself, he did mentioned that also..
Here is the link for a Brand New iPhone 7 plus modified by me with 512gb
Federico Verbs "brand new" and "diy replaced chip" are 2 very different things
i purchased the iphone 7 plus brand new from apple then modified it.
Federico Cerva what is the point of an iphone with that much space, its useless, android would be a better choice since it will be used for better stuff.
JoseSkyhunter its actually the best phone if you want to sell...with all the apple fanboys willing to overpay shitty phones...
Federico Cerva 2000 dollars for just 512GB more ? It is just useless because nobody needs that much memory.Not worth it at all.
Here is when a person shows how humble he is, by mentioning those who helped him and not taking all the credits as many others would. The simple fact of mentioning Fernando Tapia shows that you are humble. Federico a great boy congratulations and continue giving more joy to your family. Your colleague and friend Armando Lopez
Federico Cerva hey are you able to take a broken iPhone that has a ton of photos and take that memory from the broken iPhone and put it into a new iPhone? I know the internal parts are still Salvagable. If you could please get back to me that would be great!
They probably waived the price of the chip in return for a advertising their name
hey man message me on my instagram with pictures of the phone . has a shop told you that the phone has a motherboard issue? instagram.com/federicocerva
@@FedericoCerva I have mailed you my request to get my phone fixed which got dead while i got into an accident... the data is very important to me please get back to brother I'm just waiting for your reply
I hate how this video is 5:11 and not 512;(
Rias Akeno oh yeah😅
Rias Akeno 😭🔫😂😂
Rias gremory😂😂
Yeah that is f*cked
Formatting ;-)
EverythingApplePro Anyone?
Oh yeah..
Me to
iAdvancedU 👋🏼
Ebay Link to an iPhone 7 plus 512gb in the description. The same chip in this video was transferred to a brand new 7 plus.
Federico Cerva can you replace iPhone 7 plus A10 chip into A11 Bionic chip?
clickbait god
Mate, wheres the link?!?!?
I don't want it, i just want to see it on eBay!
Federico Cerva cool
Put iPhone 8 hardware in the 6s shell.
I just got done modifying a 6S with a 512GB and it worked.
Great! @federico cerva, you didn't told us the real story behind all your hard work... i mean finding that chip, programming and how long did you work on this etc. please share with us. Thanks
Hi saw your vid from everythingapplepro:)
Wow! Nice work. Hope this paves the way for a 1TB upgraded iPhone someday!
We have 1 tb iPhones now
I actually hope Apple releases a 512Gb variant for its next iPhone, I have HUGE games/music/photos libraries on my iPhone 7 it's almost full :(
Hey where can I buy the same 512gb chip I need it so I can upgrade a iPhone SE 2016 1st gen
What about the touch id ?
It is binded together with the MB while factory assembling... stored in the memory or in another chip?
Giacomo Tontini stored in the secure enclave of the A10 Fusion chip
The project itself is really intuitive and creative. One should have had great patience and dedication to completing the whole project. And I also like the nobility of the person as he would be donating some of the share to a noble cause. Keep Up The Great Work, guys..!!
Dude, I tapped the 👍 button...
...and subscribed to your Channel.
Not only did you _give credit where credit is due;_ but you also *showed* that with some collaborative exchange of information, a _handful_ of *hardware hackers* could do some great things which big corporations _deliberately suppressed_ to be _non-existent_ in the market as it could hurt their *profitability.*
Brilliant video bro. Loving the vibe. Keeping doing your thing. Loved those employees reactions
And back in 1998, tinkers used to upgrade their hp48(g/s) to 128ko internal storage and 4mb external. Things never change.
The person that did a thumbs down probably works for Apple 😆 Great job Rico you are a Legend! Keep pushing the boundaries, you inspire many with your genius ability around the globe! Much respect ✊🏽
Looks like you are humble. I'm respect you sir.
you’re a talented guy , do more things like these in the future
Federico no tienes cursos online cuanto sale si tienes gracias por tus aportes
4:37 iPad Pro (2018) 😮😮 how?
need to explain when you add the new pcie the iphone no on need restore to work again because in your video add the pcie and on the phone with firmware, many people can do and think have a bad process when the iphone no on
But will you brick the device if you update the phone? Like replacing fingerprint scanner?
so dope dude! overall the whole thing was very cool to watch, not get a 1024 please :)
HDD Recovery Services you basically can get any size then
Just say 1tb 24gb
Trey Tcg 1TB is actually 1024GB technically. However, due to formatting it usually ends up being a little under 1000.
TGF if you buy anything that says “1t” you’ll actually have like 750gb to spend
TGF thats for harddrives they use a different memory capacity it would be like thinking grams and pounds were identical in quantity. Flash memory defaults to 1024 while hdd use 1000 as the standard
No formatting uses 24gb
This is incredible Federico. Very impressed and super awesome
It works and shows 512GB on the phone but can you use the full 500GB?
Impressive solder work
This needs to be on trending.
What are the coins for? Heat absorption so the other chips don’t get as hot as the one you’re working is what comes to my mind, but not sure
I'm curious whether you can update and restore the phone as per normal after doing this mod?
Would you be making these to sell at all? I would buy one
Cinamon Roll You don't sound like you know what you're talking about.
Cinamon Roll he could legally modify other people’s devices for a fee though right? I don’t think he would but he always could.
Well you're in luck as he is selling this very phone, but somehow I don't think you're going to like the price lol
Good lord 100,000??
I’d rather pay for a school corse to learn how to do this
Please can you tell me that when you install new iOS in new memory chip..??
Can you tell me how did u do it ?
which chip ?
which software to mod the chip ?
A guide ?
I searched for this but the only thing is this video.....
This is really awesome man, keep up the spectacular work man.
I have a question that some how iPhone accept tha 512 gd chip .....but what about the software.....from where the apple software came into the new 512 chip?????????
Ashish Pahariya He said that a guy in Mexico put the software on the 512GB chip
A NAND flash IC programmer would backup all the data of the original chip and write into the new chip, so all the software are there.
Can you do something similar for my iPad Pro from 64GB to 512GB or 1TB?
why don't you try putting the A11 bionic chip to the iPhone 5SE and the same time make it 512gb too?
Thanks for giving credits to the peoples who helped you
You're a nice guy
Did you have to install OS after replacing the chip?
So this mean if you have a old phone you can buy a newer phone for parts, take the processor and replace it with your old phone ?
Can this be done with a 1tb nand and an iphone 8 plus?
Whats the software you used to program the chip?
Man those Apple Store employees were super chill, usually they’d be freaking out about being filmed or something
know if you can do one for the 8 plus models that would be cool
How is it possible to have the OS in the new flash storage?
Can you give us the link of that chip plz-ease from Ebay because is not in the description
wish i can upgrade my 6s and send it to you. i pay for it.
Onarf Vyacheslav this process is extremely long and hard and he might not even do it. Might as well get a new phone.
Onarf Vyacheslav sync your iPhone and back up your photos then delete them and you'll get all the space back.
Jess Barnett the point is to have all your media in your phone. Its about bringing convenience to the consumer, not inconvenience
I did it in china, costs 80 bucks. Definitely worth it
Onarf Vyacheslav good luck paying 1000 euros more lmao
Insane soldering skills!!!
Can I use touch id recognition even after upgrading?
did it have the same read and write speeds?
Great vid but why does the settings show 512 gig when the phone boots up, normally it would show a bit less after the iOS is installed
Adrian Symister 3:21
God level skill bro .......Awesome......😎
That was just EPIC!!!!
Great work dude👍👍👍
Here from everythingapplepro. Great vid dude!
Had u taken backup of all firmware ??or only put memory chip & it's ready to use...
Do you have a step by step video of this? Is this also possible for an iPhone 5C? Is this possible for someone like me to do this on my own in the comfort of my own home?
I'd like to upgrade my iPhone 5C from 16GB to maybe a 512GB, if it's possible.
Where is the system (ios) installed?
MMPablo same question
Did you drop the iphone at the end there?
Excellent work man! Does iOS 11 effect NAND replacement?
Good job bro!
Penso di aver capito che sei italiano, complimenti davvero, un lavoro certosino, complimenti davvero
Excellent tech guy, I am proud of you :)
Do you think you could maybe do this to my iPhone se??
Teach me, N O W
This was wonderful!! Amazing video Federico :D
Awesome Great stuff mate. Inspiration for all techs.
I didn't come here from everything apple pro... what's wrong with everyone with everyone, appreciate this guy more for his amazing work. Not fan girl about your favourite channel!
How did you installed the iOS in the chip?
Does it have the same speed as the normal chips?
I'm curious! How will it work if you use all of its capacity?
Buen trabajo Federico!
Hi! I have a nexus 5x that's entered in boot-loop. When i hot the cmmc chip, the phone comes back to life. When is cooled down, is dead. Can make a video when you repair the lg nexus 5x? (You need just to stick the cmmc chip back, couse is a factory problem: they don't stick these chips well..) i want a response please! I want to know if i can do something with my nexus 5x. Have a wanderful day! Awsome video! :-D
do you know if is possible for an iPod touch 6?
Hi Federico .. A question , You can this in a Iphone 5 ? My Iphone is 16 Gb you can convert to 32 Gb o more ?
Is this a service you do would love my phone to have 512g but don’t have the skill to do it .
Hey can you do it to my iPhone 7 plus
I can for 400 USD. I have the nand ready to go. I'll seal it back up just like it came from the factory.
Hello Federico, what you've done is truly amazing, I was wondering if I can feature your footage in one of my future video where I talk about what you did? My channel is tech related and most of them are about smartphones. Thanks in advance.
Hi Man sure! please link my youtube video and my instagram account. instagram.com/federicocerva
Message me the link to your youtube video when its ready :)
You got it. Keep up the quality contents!
Man, honestly you deserve way more subscribers than EverythingApplePro.
Can this be done the same way with an iPhone X? Anything different?
cool video! Is there a reason you did it with an Iphone 7 instead of an Iphone X?
what is the hardware Price for the flash chip allone?
Great video bro, u are the best! Grettings from venezuela!!
I came from everythingapplepro! Awesome video man! Greetings from DR.
Ciao Federico quanto costa l’operazione per farlo??
GREAT ! Federico cerva
You are intelligent hardworker
Thank you.
Slap the headphone jack in there and you have the ultimate phone.
I envy your skills. A surface mount chip is incredibly difficult to work with. You make it look easy!
Is there a way to have more than 512gb of storage in a MODDED IPhone 8 Plus
Wish u would do that for me on my 6s Plus
Is the new chip not slower ???
Could you repair an iPhone 6 Camera IC?
Any hint on where to get the chip?
Love how you go into the 'genius' at the apple store and ask for the 512GB iPhone LOL
Is it possible to take an iphone 2g and get ios 1 on a new phone by moving the storage across?
Ibraheem i wonder what would happen if you did this, and then tried to update ios?
Would you get the biggest ios update ever? From ios 1 to ios 11
Wow may you should help me do this to my iPhone 📱
how do you not burn of the tiny capacitors
All this hard work and he gets 5k views
Illuminarty Confirmed Δ he'll get more for sure
And a 512 g iphone
Over 50k now , less than 24 hours later
Illuminarty Confirmed Δ yea
Illuminarty Confirmed Δ m
How did you solved imei number, serial number and software ?
Alperen Turgan nand chip needs to be programmed using the original imei serial using nand programmer..
Ivan Jed Balmes yes this true but Federico Cerva don’t use original apple chip right ? So when he use different chip how can he programming this chip ?
I know how.. he did mention someone "thankyou for programming the nand chip".. iam also a cellphone technician and i know how to program a nand, and i have a programmer. And yes the chip is not a from apple itself, he did mentioned that also..
Ivan Jed Balmes thank you for your reply bro 😊
You need a band flash programmer. They are about $600 on eBay. You also have to be vary skilled at BGA rework and micro soldering.
The next day store fires the only guy with beard and an in top hair pony .
I would totally buy one from you, are you making more of these??
I can mod your phone 512gb for 400 USD as long as its a 7, 8 or X
Would be great to see the whole process of getting the chip to work, etc. Like Strange Parts did
Would 1TB work in the iPhone as you have done it with 512GB??
Of course it would, granted you have the right chip and you have reprogrammed it with an IOS image on it