Supernatural Prophet and Loss: We're the guys who saved the world, we don't just check out of it.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 60

  • @underscorenoah
    @underscorenoah 3 года назад +252

    this scene gave me a will to live. sam's my comfort character and hearing him talk dean out of his plan just hit home, y'know?

    • @parinikasharma317
      @parinikasharma317 Год назад +22

      Don't ever lose that will, man. You're worth it. Tomorrow will be better.

  • @lifestyle7936
    @lifestyle7936 Год назад +46

    See Dean, your little brother DOES love and care about you the same way you love and care about him. Actions speak louder than words! As a big sister who had a helping hand in raising her little brother.. I admire these two.

  • @knightrcer
    @knightrcer Год назад +91

    I remember Jared saying at one of the supernatural conventions how it took him a very long time to get the scene right because it required such an effort to get into the headspace, to say the lines with the right level of passion and emphasis on the right words. Jared left the set and rehearsed script several times in the late hours of the night. Jensen wanted to help him with it because of how difficult this scene was. The stuff that these guys had to go through to get these scenes to play out and make them as believable. To get it so perfect. It would be emotionally stressful draining for us. To do it on a constant basis...This was a powerful and emotional scene about never giving up. Saving this clip to my supernatural favorites playlist.

    • @alD-ws5vy
      @alD-ws5vy Год назад

      ,c 1:nß😂 F

    • @ОляКол-ы3л
      @ОляКол-ы3л Год назад +3

      It was difficult for Jared because of his illness, his emotions were not connected with words

    • @veronicabowles3633
      @veronicabowles3633 24 дня назад +2

      Yeah, Jared was having a panic attack I believe. He was having difficulty trying to remember parts of his lines and try to connect his emotions to the lines. And Jared said he felt he was spiraling, it was late, the crew wanted to go home, and he felt such immense anxiety because he couldn't act out the scene properly. Jensen said he grabbed him and told (jared) that he was fine, and to go walk it off, so Jared walked off the set and was pacing the parking lot looking at his script, trying to be in the moment. Eventually he was able to do the scene. And Jensen said that hug at the end was more him hugging Jared, than Dean hugging Sam. Jensen later told him at the con that jared kept telling saying: "this is like a bad dream I'm having, I'm having a bad dream right now." Poor guy. I suffer from anxiety disorder too and have had an event likre one thing wrong I did started spiraling. It was like I was watching myself from across the room, and I eventually broke down and cried because I didn't know what else to do. Luckily, I had good support and help. And I'm sp glad Jared had Jensen to ground him.

  • @sk8085-b
    @sk8085-b 28 дней назад +5

    My god, Jared's voice and tone...perfection

  • @ima4569
    @ima4569 Год назад +31

    No-one else could have delivered that speach better than Jared.

  • @ima4569
    @ima4569 Год назад +18

    The distress in Jared's eyes at 2:25
    Brilliant as always

  • @gabrielcoy
    @gabrielcoy 2 года назад +163

    Jared nailed this. One of his best scenes in the series.

    • @anonymoususer5688
      @anonymoususer5688 Год назад +5

      his season 8 episode 23 church scene was sadder

    • @aarondrake69
      @aarondrake69 Год назад +2

      @@anonymoususer5688 still good though. A downhill as the show went after season 11 it has a few gems. This Being one

    • @aronrozgonyi9764
      @aronrozgonyi9764 Год назад


    • @gabrielcoy
      @gabrielcoy Год назад

      @@anonymoususer5688 I love that scene too, one of my favourites.

  • @khrystalbarras6555
    @khrystalbarras6555 2 года назад +58

    This was such an emotional scene! Jared and Jensen are amazing!

  • @hayleym1997
    @hayleym1997 2 года назад +55

    You wouldn't know he had such a hard time getting the delivery right for this scene!!!! You can't tell at ALL! SUCH a powerful Sammy moment!

  • @beautifulone5509
    @beautifulone5509 Год назад +31

    Dean looked stunned.. like did my own brother just punch me!!

    • @devinbrown6650
      @devinbrown6650 26 дней назад

      Think that wasn't scripted either.. I know for a fact the hug wasn't. Sam was supposed to be the pudding guy, but Jared & Jensen felt like it was a Dean thing to do.

  • @anakinrodriguez9826
    @anakinrodriguez9826 3 года назад +116

    As a younger brother I speak for Sam when I say we will do whatever it takes to keep our older brothers with us no matter how much they're a pain in our ass.

    • @art23428
      @art23428 2 года назад +2

      Nobody's caring if you are

    • @21centurytitan39
      @21centurytitan39 Год назад +8

      @@art23428You sir, ur a bad man

    • @tmrnkan
      @tmrnkan Год назад +1

      @@art23428 Nobody's caring that you don't care, asshole.

    • @KakashHatak3
      @KakashHatak3 Год назад

      @@tmrnkan how you gonna have a profile named Castiel, and say asshole instead of assbutt?

    • @brianfiszman3179
      @brianfiszman3179 Год назад

      what if i told you that given the right circunstances, you make your own life without him because his presence was to much to bear?

  • @ВардотКапрелло
    @ВардотКапрелло Год назад +8

    Dean, everytime when "unstopable" situation appears:

  • @jamarredgerson4083
    @jamarredgerson4083 2 года назад +18

    I believe in us dean I believe in us

  • @indianfromindia
    @indianfromindia 2 года назад +14

    best scene indeed

  • @PersonalMint
    @PersonalMint 3 года назад +40

    Best scene no doubt

    • @marcradar24joubert
      @marcradar24joubert  3 года назад +5

      That's one reason why I used it a couple of times in the tribute video I put together.

  • @fionapower1319
    @fionapower1319 4 месяца назад

    That was so emotional I was crying 😢

  • @Dark2857
    @Dark2857 Год назад +5

    You know I cant for the life of me remember the name of the Prophet that was "awakened early" for this episode which is ironic since on my first time watching I fell asleep about 5-8min in and I woke up and everyone is talking about the guy and i'm just sitting there thinking "Who the heck is this guy, and how long was I asleep?", tbh was pretty funny to go through. XD
    Edit: I did re-watch it for all the context the next day when I wasn't so out of but still was funny to have happen.

  • @johnrhodes9717
    @johnrhodes9717 3 года назад +7

    does anyone know the name of the soundtrack that plays during 2:18

  • @marionanderson7059
    @marionanderson7059 Год назад +1

    It was Sam who didn't want to be alone

  • @fawadahmedshaikh9893
    @fawadahmedshaikh9893 Год назад +5

    Now Sam is walker

  • @evillove9125
    @evillove9125 Год назад

    High Mary

  • @jasonprice8455
    @jasonprice8455 Год назад

    You went easy on the rum then asked ror my help with these bloody pirates

  • @Ho_SSam
    @Ho_SSam Год назад +2

    can someone please reverse the time

  • @OneGaurdian
    @OneGaurdian 2 года назад +14

    It was a good speech. Too bad this led to a bunch of their friends getting butchered by Michael, which led to Jack burning up his soul to beat him, which led to him killing Mary.

    • @vuivraalbastra
      @vuivraalbastra 2 года назад +8

      Nah, none of that would have happened if they restrained unconscious Dean at all, like with angel cuffs, or if the writers didn't have Rowena randomly say "yes" to Michael (the explanation for it was so bad). The problem was pretending the only precaution they could use was the box despite them having lots of resources.

    • @deadpooldan9862
      @deadpooldan9862 Год назад +2

      @@vuivraalbastra to be fair, Billie literally told him there was no other option

    • @darknightgamer4795
      @darknightgamer4795 Год назад +1

      @@deadpooldan9862 it was the safest option

  • @edwinjusto5739
    @edwinjusto5739 Месяц назад

    Wait dean still had michael in him meaning he had his grace, couldn’t he just slowly deprive himself and therefore michael from that grace the way muchael did to lucifer?

  • @sethhornaday5943
    @sethhornaday5943 Год назад +1

    Well if we suppose to save the world, there were plenty of times when god could came through, so we could,aybe god wants to condemned it all?

  • @evillove9125
    @evillove9125 Год назад


  • @evillove9125
    @evillove9125 Год назад


  • @nataliee.parker2873
    @nataliee.parker2873 Год назад +3

    I will say that this whole go-in-a-box-to-the-bottom-of-the-ocean plan is no more desperate and horrible than the swan-song plan... But the thing is I thought they were PAST shit like that! And I guess so did Sam?

  • @dayvion8634
    @dayvion8634 Год назад +2

    Sam Have A Voice Because He Have A Plan He Is Growing up.

  • @sethhornaday5943
    @sethhornaday5943 Год назад +2

    The whole thing is a bad joke,
    Ive done everything,
    I dieing I don't have anything left,

    • @knightrcer
      @knightrcer Год назад +1

      Sorry I wrote the comment thinking you wrote dieting not dying in any case, just remember their campaign never give up and always keep fighting. These 2 guys even set up a call center for emotional support with misha. Jensen cried when he spoke to one of the counselors who had a certificate that worked for 40 hours of calls in a month just to try and comfort people who reached out over the phone who needed help. If you're truly in a bad state, please call.

  • @lycan-x1b
    @lycan-x1b Год назад +1

    which season?

  • @ReelTheJames
    @ReelTheJames Год назад +3

    I appreciate sam’s devotion to his brother but at this point he was being selfish

    • @lifestyle7936
      @lifestyle7936 Год назад +7

      I wouldn't say selfish. He's literally fighting for his brother's life. If the situation were to be reversed do you think Dean would lock his baby brother in a box and throw him to the bottom of the ocean? That's actually laughable. As a big sister I would NEVER EVER do that to my little brother ever. It's not selfish. It's called love. He loves his brother enough to not let him torture himself at the bottom of the ocean.

    • @sk8085-b
      @sk8085-b 22 дня назад

      Both of them have been selfish for each other, time and time again. That's codependency for you lol

  • @kevingreen9188
    @kevingreen9188 2 года назад +13

    some bro shit