This man conned my friend of a lot groceries and the whole three months pay totalling 3.9k. We saw them eating some of the items but we could mot do anything.
Baba ava vari kuti hre ma judge akapusa zvekusvika pakupa munhu mutongo nenhau ye description: hanzi mupfupi mutete ungava pedze hre vanhu vapfupi vatete in our country.
This man conned my friend of a lot groceries and the whole three months pay totalling 3.9k. We saw them eating some of the items but we could mot do anything.
Nhema dzake maJudges are professional...hakuna kutongwa kwekut munhu mupfupi ndiye wobva watoemda kuJeri shit yake ngaagaremo
Corn man ma1.Ndakambozviitwa Mu Capetown Parow rimwe Gore ndichitsvaka Basa.luckly Murume wangu akazokurumidza kuonera😂😂 vanhu ava
Poor Sound quality
I believe him about chess because obviously he is a conman
kkkkkkk ndaseka hangu ini
Taura hako
Shotie haana kusvira ba asi imbavha
Mbavha yese inoti Varikunditi ndakaba
Aivhara vanhu sei and examples is why we watch.
Ndipei nguva naye paChess
Kana age yake anyepa mdara uyu ari over 50
Kkkk matsotsi
Kana ini ndatosvishama ndisati ndaona comment yako. Ndaona kuti anofanira ava kuma late 50s
Mupurisa ngaasungwewo
Interviewer you should improve your questioning. Mibvunzo yakakosha hausi kuibvunza, tirikusara tine a lot of questions.
Munhu wose ari kujeri anongoti ndakapomerwa.
Hapana anobvuma mosva hake
Vanoda kuti isu vanhu rione sekuti majeei azere vanhu vasina mhosva.
Avasi vese havo
Vanodaa laptop dzavaibaaa here 😅
Ndiri kuda match namudhara uyu...Carlos ita ndivaone please
Mudhara akuda ku Conner laptop futi ari mujeri
Hatisarara nekamunhu aka Beston garako wakatishungurudza nguwa yakareba
gara ikoko tseke mupei toothbrush fut anonyepa
Questions to ask
Crime committed
Sentence given
Then events and other staff
Hoo sry laptop yandanga ndichida kukubatsira nayo ndiyo yawakaba paya
Hooooo vakuru vanoti ukadya chebanga unofa nebanga.Mushonga chaiwo wakabikwa handiti manzwa wachiti wanobvepi Malawi chitori chigure
Kkkk baba bhibhidho legend
Arikuda kutiza jeri achiita zve Chess
you deserve kugara ikoko zimbavha
Age ya baba ava ndeye nhema .he is over 55 years so why arikuri 46 years.
46 dzekubhora su?
Ko asi camera haifambe here kuti tione chess iyo
Taura hako Patie,urisei
Anonyepa iyo imbavha inotoba zvisingaite kunga munhu akatemerwa mushonga wekuba tino muzivisa ndiye aipfeka mask achitibira kuno ngaagareko tambofema kuno
Prawn i piece ipi nhai mkoma😂😂
Wakamama mudhara urikuripa mhaka dzako
He looks 60yrs apa mukanwa mavo munetsvina
Kkkkkkkkkk zvakaoma
Kanonyepa fani sekuru ava 😂
He looks over 55 and not 46. Maybe he was not taking care of himself.
Aibira vanhu sei. Hu conman whacho has not been explained.
46 akusi kunyepa ere
kamudhara kanokuvadza vanhu nemanyebo😅
Kanonyepa aka
apa hu conman hwatotanga nekunyepa makore ake chaiwo. ummmmmmm anoda mbama uyu
Mupurisa kana aiziva kuti maphone akabiwa then pakaipa. Asi futi kababa aka kanonyepa, he is not a credible witness
Baba ava vari kuti hre ma judge akapusa zvekusvika pakupa munhu mutongo nenhau ye description: hanzi mupfupi mutete ungava pedze hre vanhu vapfupi vatete in our country.
Ma prawn 😊
Conman anonyepa zvese zvaanotaura
Tsotsi rese hrtadzi draft or chess
Conman anonyepa akazviita akatsotsa munhi beans.
tenga equipment sha. Your videos have poor sound
Hhhmm mode laptop😂
Kamudhara aka
Urirombe garamo ubude wafa, wakarwadzisa vakawanda, musoro uzere dhodhi
mdhara uyu itsotsi
Not honesty
Ndicoman zvesure he can market himself very well.
Age i am sure haatoziv gore rake
Youbstill need to be in jail. You were a con man who robbed a lot of people. Stay there.
😂....this one is full of lies