Skeleton Crew has perfected this...

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 99

  • @madelinegarber7860
    @madelinegarber7860 21 час назад +116

    Underrated moment. I loved seeing her finally break down and admit she has no idea what she’s doing and Neil trying to comfort her.

    • @F0XD1E
      @F0XD1E 15 часов назад +16

      that was Wim

    • @brandoncoradi9557
      @brandoncoradi9557 15 часов назад

      @@madelinegarber7860 why do you think that was underrated? In my opinion it was dumb, obviously she’s going to be upset that they’re lost but the whole “you should’ve been captain” thing was really stupid, it’s not like “we’re having fun on an adventure!” Wim would’ve done anything better

    • @Unworshipediety
      @Unworshipediety 12 часов назад

      @@brandoncoradi9557 Um, I agree with the sentiment of what you're alluding to. But, in today's media for some reason be it sexism, racism, or whatever. You gotta put in the *button,* meaning if you have a female lead, she's gotta do something characteristically feminine at least once... or folks lose their minds. For me, it was written in such a way that someone in her position _boy or girl,_ would freak out a little bit once the moments finally caught up to them. The trick is trying to represent this without _taking_ agency away from said character. Here in this scene, we are 4 episodes in, so it makes sense that Fern is having a moment of doubt.
      To me, it plays like a young kid needing just a moment to get their stuff together. To a certain population of folks, it's a _Ok, she's acting more like a girl_ moment, to others it's _so she does have emotion besides being tough all the time._ I mean... it does suck we have to start including little things like this, but part of entertainment is you have to be sure to know what the audience is looking for and how to tailor your own ideas to fit into that matrix.
      I think this show is great and the writing is helping extremely to highlight the show's strengths.

    • @clementcastro9725
      @clementcastro9725 10 часов назад

      ​@@brandoncoradi9557 right
      Wim would've gotten them killed at the port

    • @WraithLK
      @WraithLK 10 часов назад +1

      @@brandoncoradi9557they’re kids acting like kids. Did you expect the kid characters to philosophize?

  • @CraitMerc
    @CraitMerc 21 час назад +85

    Phonomenal monent with Fern. Was hoping she would let her guard down and we got that.

    • @vhelixx
      @vhelixx 20 часов назад +4

      I agree. A lot of people didnt like Fern because of her bossy/rude attitude, but i feel like people are so quick to judge lol, proven with said scene. All of them including Fern ofc, will have great character development

    • @CraitMerc
      @CraitMerc 16 часов назад +3

      @vhelixx Yeah, this just adds character development. Hopefully, we get more with KB. She's the least developed I feel so far.

  • @thelittleal1212
    @thelittleal1212 14 часов назад +24

    What I like about skeleton crews characters is that they actually feel like kids, and their line delivery doesn’t feel as stale or forced as other kid characters in media or even in Star Wars.
    These kid actors did a very good job, and also props to the directors knowing how to direct kid characters

  • @jasonking3182
    @jasonking3182 17 часов назад +25

    I love how this show makes the Star Wars Galaxy seem so unimaginatively huge and old with mysteries around every nebula waiting to be discovered.This is something that Star Wars has been missing since the old Expanded Universe in the 90s.

  • @ewok40k
    @ewok40k 20 часов назад +33

    Fern had to shoulder the responsibility of being de facto leader. No wonder it weighs heavy on her. The show has become real gem now with great acting from kids, and of course mr Law. "Just shoot me" made me so laugh😂😂😂

  • @AR-io8fv
    @AR-io8fv 8 часов назад +7

    Only thing that would make it better is if I could binge it in one sitting.

  • @cane6074
    @cane6074 20 часов назад +34

    It not just the writing that great and production is great, the performances are great as well, especially from child actors. They must have worked really hard to cast the right child actors for the roles. Ferns moment of weakness was great, it won me over to the character. Its shows despite her confidant, aloof, bossy and at times bratty facade she just like rest of crew deep down. First two episodes drew me in, third won me over fourth got me sold.

    • @brandoncoradi9557
      @brandoncoradi9557 18 часов назад

      What about the child actors have you thought was good? Other than Neel who is CGI lol I’ve thought most of the child acting has been awful, I’m never a fan of child actors tbh but those scenes are holding the show back imo

    • @mattwellinc.8543
      @mattwellinc.8543 5 часов назад

      Wim gives the weakest performance of them all and still has a lot to learn in the acting business. He seems to be yet another DEI hire while Fern and the others are carrying the rest of the show.

  • @GrooveHillStudio
    @GrooveHillStudio 19 часов назад +6

    The show is brilliant! The story is well crafted so far... and yes the acting/directing is GREAT!

  • @grubhubguy9629
    @grubhubguy9629 14 часов назад +4

    Need has so much heart. Please, PROTECT HIM ALL COSTS!!!!

  • @jamiewhitney4724
    @jamiewhitney4724 2 часа назад +1

    There is absolutely no doubt about it Fern is a Amazing actress✨✨✨😊!! she smashed it showing it’s tough at the top it even made me😭🥹💙👏👏👏!! K,B shooting is like bad batch sniper cross hair! Pow,Pow,Pow pow! 4/4!!🤘🏻🤘🏻🤩😁😁🔥🔥🔥✨✨✨!! Critics can hush 🤫🤫🤫!!!

  • @Peregrine57
    @Peregrine57 15 часов назад +5

    That was absolutely *the* moment of the episode, and they pulled it off perfectly. I don't think Fern being the most confident character was ever going to bother me. Because she was seldom really *over* confident, or undeservedly overconfident, like early Ahsoka. She's the only one of the kids with both a keen sense of the gravity of their situation, and the maturity to take responsibility. Expressing self-doubt, particularly to Wim, who has arguably been her polar opposite in that regard, really is a moment of grounding for the both of them.

  • @jeffreycarman2185
    @jeffreycarman2185 2 часа назад

    This show has been great thanks for the video.

  • @TheCornishStallion
    @TheCornishStallion 16 часов назад +5

    I love how over the years since the sequels fans have complained about heroes being Mary and Gary Sue's, yet this show goes to show the characters as vulnerable and out of their depth more than once. It's like the writers took fan feedback into account.

    • @jdrewlayton
      @jdrewlayton 16 часов назад

      Or they just got some decent writers that understand characterization.

  • @tonyn1628
    @tonyn1628 5 часов назад

    ep 4 is heartbeat ep. this one episode is all about the feeling you get from neel and fern.

  • @jhonylg4045
    @jhonylg4045 16 часов назад +1

    Amasing so far the entire show!! I love it!!

  • @TheBingBang77
    @TheBingBang77 6 часов назад +2

    This show is absolutely brilliant. I get such ET meets Stranger Things vibes in Star Wars, and I freakin' LOVE it.

    • @TheBingBang77
      @TheBingBang77 6 часов назад

      And Neel is my boy! There's something awesome about all the kids, but Neel just roped me in during this last episode.

  • @craigwebb9318
    @craigwebb9318 6 часов назад +1

    This show has heart🥲

  • @fourthhorseman4531
    @fourthhorseman4531 12 часов назад +2

    Yup, ep.4 gave us some nice character development. Really enjoying this show!

  • @deltawolf8636
    @deltawolf8636 15 часов назад +3

    Neel is reminding me a lot Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter. Anyone else?

  • @naman5033
    @naman5033 21 час назад +4

    That is so cool

  • @FatGuyInSpace
    @FatGuyInSpace 4 часа назад

    I found the main kid really grating, but that scene was some great emotional growth for him. Sometimes I fear a character is dislikable for reasons that outside of the writing, but Im glad to say I think him being dislikable is part of his character development

  • @spartastic4
    @spartastic4 5 часов назад

    This is a good show for what it is and I love the fact that they people who are trying to start controversy with it are failing

  • @Unworshipediety
    @Unworshipediety 12 часов назад

    That scene of Fern made sense to me, I mean... we're 4 episodes in and it's about time for moments to catch up with certain characters. It just from like it was time for Fern to _feel_ the pressure and have a moment of doubt. Star Wars is all about that stuff. It doesn't make her seem weaker, even Wim is like... _"Yo, you're pretty good at this actually.."_ basically... without making him seem weak either. Just a great piece of writing there. Plus, that moment where she doubts leads to a revelation which is something we've all experienced in one way or another. I liken it to the keys moment, you lose your keys... you give up... then all of a sudden... they were in your pocket the entire time or something like that. lol

  • @NickOsborne-g3w
    @NickOsborne-g3w 13 часов назад

    Yes I did.❤

  • @thefightoffaith
    @thefightoffaith 11 часов назад

    And the fact that there are now playgrounds in SW is quite interesting

  • @Rezan01
    @Rezan01 12 часов назад

    I was thinking the same yestarday

  • @KD-Lewis
    @KD-Lewis 15 часов назад +2

    It’s weird seeing the fanbase agreeing on something

  • @mkhud50n
    @mkhud50n 17 часов назад

    I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Fern acts just like Han Solo yet.

  • @Angelo20093
    @Angelo20093 9 часов назад

    Am I the only one who sees a lot of Anakin in her? Like their personality is literally the same .

  • @dr.chalmers7923
    @dr.chalmers7923 13 часов назад


  • @Narco42
    @Narco42 7 часов назад +1

    This show + Andor/Mando S1 & 2/Rogue One/Siege of Mandalor arc of Clone Wars show there are people in disney who do know how to make good stories. Why the fuck didn't disney let them work on the main trilogy they fucked away.

  • @ryanburke4641
    @ryanburke4641 14 часов назад +1

    I feel like ever since andor came out there has been a sliver of hope for Star Wars, this is growing that feeling

  • @m.aydogmus5834
    @m.aydogmus5834 20 часов назад +15

    This show is much better than Obi-wan

    • @LiKeMiKe103
      @LiKeMiKe103 18 часов назад

      It's probably the 2nd best Disney+ Star Wars show behind Andor. I'm not ready to put it ahead of Mando S1 yet, but it's close...Definitely Top 3.

    • @johnbaldridge1303
      @johnbaldridge1303 17 часов назад +1


    • @LuchtLeiderNederland
      @LuchtLeiderNederland 12 часов назад +2

      That’s quite easy to achieve though lol

    • @skylararsenault3443
      @skylararsenault3443 5 часов назад

      Rebels is better for sure

    • @m.aydogmus5834
      @m.aydogmus5834 4 часа назад

      @@LuchtLeiderNederland Yep :D:D:D

  • @ItsJae_37
    @ItsJae_37 3 часа назад

    one of my biggest pet peeves with movies/shows is bad child actors... like just hire a kid thats good at acting, otherwise its just going to be annoying anytime said kid actor is on screen. so that's why i'm SO glad this show has casted GOOD child actors

  • @omarreyes7626
    @omarreyes7626 21 час назад +18

    you know, I hate DEI, forced inclusion and the like, and this show has proven something to me, that anyone that says that they're on the side of fans is just using that as a gate way to gain simpatizers for their true agenda, case in point youtubers like Dr Disaster whom I usually agree on these subjects has given this show unnessesary hate simply because it's a lucas film production, it's now even more crystal clear (been clear for me for a year) that all these channels that claim to be "on side of fans" are just as much agenda pushers as the woke crowd they're against, and yes the woke crowd is also real, but true fans should be happy we're finally getting something truly unique set in the star wars universe without connecting it to past projects, both sides of the "cultural wars" are seriously rotten to the core at this point.

    • @backyardfilmz6526
      @backyardfilmz6526 18 часов назад

      It’s funny how this all started by the “woke” crowd over analyzing everything that came out through the lens of race and gender, and now it’s at the point where the “anti-woke” crowd is over analyzing everything that comes out through the lens of race and gender.

    • @RlVlN
      @RlVlN 18 часов назад +1


    • @LiKeMiKe103
      @LiKeMiKe103 18 часов назад +3

      Could've been a flawless statement without the misuse of the word woke.

    • @talaniel
      @talaniel 18 часов назад +3

      Well, I do not like the term "true fan" :-) But yes, critics are too critical sometimes, and woke mob is also hard to accept :-) I think Skeleton Crew is good so far. Yeah, I would have done some things dfferently, but well, I am no movie maker :-)

    • @markmenter2047
      @markmenter2047 16 часов назад +1

      Well said, but that is one loooooooooooooong sentence 😁😆😊

  • @Real_RPGgaming
    @Real_RPGgaming 20 часов назад +3

    1:01 what lightsaber fights?

    • @seabass1872
      @seabass1872 20 часов назад +16

      He is referring to Star Wars in general, not just skeleton crew.

    • @malfeitor1349
      @malfeitor1349 20 часов назад +3

      Try to follow along buddy. You’re probably multitasking or just tired or something….

    • @andrewchapman2024
      @andrewchapman2024 19 часов назад

      I personally was thinking of the lightsaber dual in season 1 episode 1 of skeleton crew. XD

    • @Real_RPGgaming
      @Real_RPGgaming 18 часов назад +1

      @@andrewchapman2024 yes I thought that too but was like nah he wouldn’t say it cause of that

    • @andrewchapman2024
      @andrewchapman2024 18 часов назад

      @@Real_RPGgaming XD

  • @michaelandreipalon359
    @michaelandreipalon359 11 часов назад

    ...With quality stuff like this wading around an irredeemable mess of a universe, I really hope Disney Star Wars does a James Gunn's DCU and try salvaging the good stuff like The Clone Wars 2008 and Rebels (grudgingly admit that they're good in their own rights, no matter their numerous flaws), Rogue One and Andor, the Jedi games, The Mandalorian Seasons 1 and 2, the Darth Vader comics, and maybe this show in a matter similar to how the DCEU's "Task Force X" 2020 film and Peacemaker Season 1 are staying for that nu-continuity.
    Still, we can only truly prove if this show's a gem if it can stick its season/series finale's landing. If it suddenly starts falling down a la The Book of Boba Fett... *we'll have words.*

  • @robertk6503
    @robertk6503 8 часов назад

    Are people just saying this is good to give KK a win so she retires?

    • @ItsJae_37
      @ItsJae_37 3 часа назад

      no its a genuinely good show....

  • @fnumbuh
    @fnumbuh 7 часов назад +2

    So ironic that the razzies nominated the fern girl for worst actress but later promised never to nominate a minor because they lambasted on the internet

    • @ItsJae_37
      @ItsJae_37 3 часа назад

      why would they do that to her specifically? has she ever been bad in any of her previous projects? i'm curious bc skeleton crew is the first time i've seen this actor (she's good at acting btw). also why would they think its ok to nominate a CHILD for worst actor/actress????? they barely have any experience, and thats just so cruel to them and their future career

    • @jamiewhitney4724
      @jamiewhitney4724 3 часа назад

      Seriously?😯😠! That’s just cruel and so wrong!! She is a AMAZING ACTRESS!

  • @TheJkks2000
    @TheJkks2000 21 час назад +2

    Ngl did have to pause halfway through and resume again tomorrow during the scene with neil and that girl just was cringing

    • @ItsJae_37
      @ItsJae_37 3 часа назад

      lmao yea that has been the only scene in this show i havn't liked... it was too cringe. Tbh neil was pretty cringe/unbearable this episode and i don't really like that the ep. centers around him but ig it had to happen eventually. but there was legit DISGUST on my face during that scene

  • @RH1812
    @RH1812 17 часов назад

    I’m happy wem, wim ? Isn’t the lead kid. The others are great

    • @ItsJae_37
      @ItsJae_37 3 часа назад

      i thought he was the lead kid. i mean, in the first episode he was literally the first kid to be shown, and that episode really focused on him and his dad's relationship more than the other kids. i think him and fern are more the main kids

  • @brandoncoradi9557
    @brandoncoradi9557 18 часов назад

    Maybe I’m just too old for this show but I find the child actors unbearable (other than Neel who’s the GOAT) Jod has easily been my favorite character so far

    • @talaniel
      @talaniel 18 часов назад +3

      My fav. is KB :-) But I think it is ok to not like the performance of the kids. No problem there I believe.

    • @currahee1782
      @currahee1782 17 часов назад +1

      @@talaniel The kids performance though a bit annoying at times. Though, my concern is the kids might get bullied online cause of their performance and we might end up with another Jake Lloyd situation.

    • @brandoncoradi9557
      @brandoncoradi9557 15 часов назад

      @@currahee1782 tbh I find Wim SOOOO annoying, the first episode they all want to get out of the ship and he’s like “but guys we’re on an adventure!!!” And fern is very annoying as well so in my opinion Star Wars needs to do a better job with writing, that’s been apparent with almost all of their shows

  • @lukeallen4398
    @lukeallen4398 19 часов назад

    Perfect vomit 🤢

  • @Freeday-ui5mp
    @Freeday-ui5mp 21 час назад +3

    Worst Star Wars ever

    • @neil3265
      @neil3265 21 час назад

      Piss off bozo

    • @jens6210
      @jens6210 21 час назад +37

      so much unnecesarry hate😂

    • @CristianoSetmus
      @CristianoSetmus 21 час назад +25

      hahahahaha you dont watch this ahahahaha dont talk what you dont see

    • @max_kirchi_fca
      @max_kirchi_fca 21 час назад +25


    • @kart4413
      @kart4413 21 час назад +18

      No one agrees with u lil bro