"It's always darkest before the dawn.." | Sam Winchester


Комментарии • 264

  • @veronicaoconnor3638
    @veronicaoconnor3638 10 лет назад +75

    I don't understand how people can hate Sam. I mean, of course he's screwed up, he friggin let the devil out of hell, but he always picks himself up, does his penance (which is usually harsher than it has to be), and promises to change. YET PEOPLE STILL THINK THAT HE'S A SELFISH CHILD WHO ONLY THINKS OF HIMSELF. He literally let himself be tortured by the devil himself for an eternity to save the world. He is the strongest character I have ever seen, in every way imaginable. His family has turned their backs on him so many times, "If you walk out that door, don't you ever come back." "I'd want to hunt you." "He's a better brother than you ever were." and he forgives them twenty times over. Meanwhile, Dean is too busy wallowing in his own self-loathing and guilt that he doesn't even realize that Sam feels just the same. I'm glad Dean finally got through to Sam in 8x23 cuz I was ready to go full Hulk on Dean if he didn't give Sam some TLC like he deserves.
    Sorry for the rant. Carry on. I hope I didn't offend anyone...

    • @lonelybakagirl
      @lonelybakagirl 10 лет назад +3

      even if he screwed up a lot,we can't hate him, bc we feel how he feels bc of that,and he did a lot to change that, beside,at the very start..;if we think about it, its not really his fault ^^"

    • @iloveinu2death
      @iloveinu2death 10 лет назад +1

      Well I don't hate Sam. And he is a very strong character. It's just that he repeats his mistakes a lot and it gets old. Even after he apologizes, he does the same crap again. And sometimes he doesn't speak his mind like he should. And sometimes his self-righteousness gets in the way big time. And Sam is the one who has turned his back on Dean multiple times. Even when Dean has pleaded or cried to him. And then the one time Dean wants to run away, Sam keeps getting in his way (for obvious reasons).
      Dean said "if you walk out of that door, don't you've ever come back"...but ends up calling Sam, apologizing, and going after Sam anyway. And let's not forget, before that...Sam choked Dean and told him "you don't know me and you never will"..how do you think that made Dean feel? And he also chose Ruby over Dean. Dean's way of stopping Sam from going down his demon blood road was to tell him he'd hunt him...it was like reverse psychology (maybe not the best method though), lastly when he said that Benny was a better brother, he said that because Sam didn't look for him in Purgatory....and it's sad because Dean didn't mean that.

    • @iloveinu2death
      @iloveinu2death 10 лет назад +2

      ...I just feel like Sam should make up his mind and make it clear, do you want to be partners with Dean, partners with monsters, or go it alone? He seems to never decide. Like really, "we either have to be brothers or just workers"...Sam said something like that to Dean....like wtf? And yet Sam is crying his eyes out over how he feels that Dean doesn't see him as his number one brother anymore...like seriously? What does Sam want? I feel like Sam should be more assertive. Many times when Sam actually sits down with Dean and tells him seriously what he wants and how he feels (or uses his puppy dog eyes power..haha), Dean normally listens. But if you don't say anything...how do people know what's going on inside your head?

    • @iloveinu2death
      @iloveinu2death 10 лет назад +1

      ...And yeah he isn't a selfish child who only thinks of himself, but he does act like it sometimes.But sometimes selfishness isn't the problem. Wanting to do your own thing is not a bad thing automatically, but at least let people know about it. Don't just run off and be all secretive. I understand his fear and his yearning for Dean's approval (which is kind of an issue in itself), but instead of hiding all his crap with Ruby, he should have been more upfront with it. Told Dean point blank what he wanted to do and why he was doing it. Even if Dean didn't agree with it in the end, at least he could have understood it. Sam always assumes Dean doesn't get him, but he sometimes doesn't give Dean a chance to understand his side of things. Look at the whole Lucifer thing...Dean listened to Sam and Sam went in the cage and Dean did not say yes to Michael. Dean does listen to Sam on several occasions.

    • @iloveinu2death
      @iloveinu2death 10 лет назад +1

      ...Now as for Dean..he is too hard on Sam I think and scolds him like John used to which never worked on Sam. Over the years..he has gotten more open and better at letting go of the reins a bit but it still needs work. He digs into Sam too much and always assumes that when Sam does something the opposite of him it automatically means that Sam doesn't love him back or love him back as much. "I thought it was you and me against the world."
      Dean should try to be on more equal ground with Sam and try to see eye to eye more and give Sam some breathing room. He smothers him too much and I understand that he's been in charge of Sam since they were kids and got in a buttload of trouble from his Dad if something happened to Sam, but for pete sakes they are adults now....Dean needs to let go a little. "I don't need to LET you do anything, you're a grown adult." And he shouldn't assume that Sam is experiencing the same things he is and thinks the same way...this isn't always the case. Dean needs to be needed because of how worthless he feels. :( But not so for Sam. Sam sees the light at the end of the tunnel that Dean does not. Sam is better at resilience than Dean is. And it's a very admirable trait of Sam's.

  • @Aza3883
    @Aza3883 10 лет назад +58

    Does anyone think Sam is stronger than Dean? Mentally, emotionally, physically? Sorry, I have run into many Dean fans that just slam Sam. I really see Sam as an idol. I feel as if I can relate more to him.

    • @joeyshuny5
      @joeyshuny5 10 лет назад +23

      You are one brave soul. First off yes I do agree with you. Don't get me wrong I adore all my boys but yes I do agree with you. I get so tired of the Sam bashing by Dean fans. You know you can love the guy without bashing the other one. Your dog won't die. Your house won't burn down. Nothing bad will happen if you just say "I love Dean Period" Not "I love Dean and Sam is just a selfish prick" They also love playing the blame game. Everything is Sam's fault. 9/11!! Sam's fault. George W. Bush Jr?? Sam's fault. Global warming?? Sam's fault. You name it it's Sam's fault. Never Dean just Sam. I actually read a comment where the person goes "Whatever happens *I blame Sam* Of course you do. Cause God knows you're not a good Dean fan unless you're bashing and blaming Sam for every damn thing. It gets old after a while. I've watched this show since scene 1 episode 1. I don't dilute myself into thinking one of the brothers is a damn saint. Ain't no saints in this family. That's what makes it awesome. Saints are boring. I just wish some of these Dean fans would pull their heads out of their collective asses so they could see that.

    • @Aza3883
      @Aza3883 10 лет назад +15

      I like Dean. He's awesome. I also dislike continuously hearing how he CAN'T DO WRONG and Sam KEEPS doing wrong. Sam deserves tons of love. He jumped into Hell, he suffered Lucifer for WEEKS, he was tormented by Demon Blood; one could argue that things were worse for Sam than Dean. I also feel like Sam deserves more of his story to be told. We see things from DEAN's point of view. Sam is the brother, the one we know about but don't always see his thought process. He deserves tons of respect for all his good. I also remembering hearing how one Dean fans says "Sam should not deserve Heaven after all he has done with Demon Blood and Lucifer. Dean is good for Heaven." I hate that so much.

    • @joeyshuny5
      @joeyshuny5 10 лет назад +10

      Aza3883 See crap like that last remark I won't even respond to. Once a person reaches that point to where they're saying shit like that they're as good as gone. I love Dean to death. I love ALL my boys including Cas. I kind of think of Cas as being the oldest brother. Anyway like I said I adore Dean. It's some (not all) of his fans that deserve a number 2 pencil in the neck. They seem to forget the show is about family. Family screws up. I have a little brother and he screws up. Hell I screw up. Guess what?? Dean screws up. Case in point taking Cain's mark. Cain is known as "the inventor of homicide" because he was the first murderer. I'm a lapsed Jew but I know that story. Dean screwed up but some of his fans (Again not all. One of my best friends is an awesome Dean girl. She doesn't feel this need to swear her love to Dean by insulting Sam) refuse to see that. He always has excuses. Thousands of them. If Sam screws up I'm more then happy to step up and say 'Sam really screwed up this time" I don't think of every excuse in the book. I don't say "Sam screwed up but he had a really bad childhood. His father expected too much of him" I admit when Sam screws up. Does it mean I love Sam any less? No. In fact it makes me love him more cause it makes him more human. They are in fact human. Nobody is perfect. Nobody is a damn saint. Nobody walks on water. They're all flawed. Even Cas and he's an angel. BTW if Sam is going to Hell for the demon blood wouldn't Cas be going to Hell for proclaiming himself as "the newer better God" That's blasphemy against God right?? If you go by the bible they're all going to Hell. It's not exactly a forgiving little book. Anyway again this is not a Dean bashing comment. I'm bashing some his so called "fans"

    • @sakurahayashi3512
      @sakurahayashi3512 10 лет назад +9

      I agree and if you are a true Dean fan you would also love Sam I mean sammy is Dean's brother. . Anyways I love the whole cast period this show is awesome.

    • @joeyshuny5
      @joeyshuny5 10 лет назад +10

      Sakura Hayashi Exactly. Like I said my friend is a Dean girl which is fine. However she doesn't feel this need to bash Sam or throw him under the damn bus at every turn. It's such a tired argument. It gets old after a while. He has made mistakes. He's done some crap I'm not happy with. The Purgatory thing is a great example. But give me a break on making Dean the perpetual victim. Dean is no victim. He has done and SAID some really horrible shit. The amulet he supposedly "loved" he just chucked in the trash without even blinking. Telling Sam Benny was a better brother then Sam ever was. I've been pissed at my little brother but I would NEVER say that shit. That's one of the main reasons Sam was so ready to die during the trails. None of our boys are perfect. They're flawed. Quit acting like one of them are perfect while the other is an ungrateful piece of shit.

  • @keirami21
    @keirami21 12 лет назад +1

    Because he is kind of underrated, you know.. and sometimes peolpe could be blindside and don't see how amazing and rich this character is. admire Sam , how strong he is, how he constantly fiought his fate to prove it wrong..that it can't define him. He may have made mistakes and have left multiple times.... but he has always comeback, doesn't he? and hey, he saved the world for his brother, that has to count.

  • @snowcherryleopard
    @snowcherryleopard 11 лет назад +29


  • @lokipax
    @lokipax 10 лет назад +27

    Sam Winchester is my favorite male television character and you have done a vid worthy of him

  • @xiashadow84
    @xiashadow84 12 лет назад +1

    I love Sam. It's incredibly hard to find such a pure character on any TV show nowadays:-]

  • @0lonepanther0
    @0lonepanther0 12 лет назад +1

    Yeah, say whatever you want to say about this show, or these two and their relationship, however you want to see it, but, yeah, this show: All about LOVE. Even when its difficult, you know that at the very bedrock of their beings, these two would die for each other. Soulmates. I don't think many people could handle a bond like that, and, I know I wouldn't want it for one, but, it certainly is beautiful. As is this stunning showclass, of a multifauceted persen, scars faws, LOVES, and all.

  • @annakl1226
    @annakl1226 11 лет назад +1

    Wow to this! I think so many people forget that while dean sold his soul for his brother, sam sold his for the world when he willing sacrificed himself to stop the apocalypse. All a lot of fans think about is that sam was addicted to demon blood, sam was soulless, etc. But he did the most heroic thing ever on the show and rarely gets credit for it. I will never understand that!

  • @themolzy
    @themolzy 11 лет назад +1

    HE'S NOT DEAD???? YEEEEEEEEES He was one of my fav characters!

  • @amberxv4777
    @amberxv4777 5 лет назад +5

    Love him so much. He's the greatest character on the show and has the best arc.

  • @minolinushara1121
    @minolinushara1121 9 лет назад +11

    sam is my favorite

    • @danyram8
      @danyram8 9 лет назад +3

      Sam all the way

  • @gillianhedden6805
    @gillianhedden6805 10 лет назад +15

    Wow this had me sobbing over things I had just gotten over, thanks.

  • @clairrogers4824
    @clairrogers4824 12 лет назад +2

    This video is the one thing in the Supernatural fandom itself that can bring me to tears.
    Sam is such a heartbreaking character, and his story over time is so tragic. I love him so much though, and everything that happens to him and Dean feels like it's happening to a best friend.
    I love Supernatural; it kills me every time I watch it, but I love it.

  • @Morbid_Ishtar
    @Morbid_Ishtar 7 лет назад +4

    Sam is perfect to me, as he had it rough since he was a baby. Being given demon blood and all. He always tries to atone for anything wrong he has done. All he ever wanted was a normal life and it breaks my heart to know he will never have that.

  • @valorielobban
    @valorielobban 12 лет назад +2

    This song is perfect as it tells the story of Sam to perfection. Sam to me is the misunderstood hero, the brother that some fans love to hate when the going gets rough. And even though he has made mistakes he never fails to apologise and admit when he is wrong!! If most of us had the trials of Sam we would have given up years ago but he still keeps fighting, so if nothing else we have got to admire his fortitude!! Thanks for creating this work of art about my favourite Winchester!!

  • @thatwassuperamazing
    @thatwassuperamazing 11 лет назад +2

    sam is the best!!

  • @allie1540
    @allie1540 10 лет назад +3

    I'm in literal tears can I give Sammy a hug?

  • @akavioletcarson
    @akavioletcarson 11 лет назад

    Sometimes I forget just how much I FEEL about Sam Winchester, despite being mainly a Dean fangirl. And then things like this video happen and rip my soul apart.

  • @macavity7716
    @macavity7716 12 лет назад

    Stunning. I would never have thought of this song for Sam, but it works flawlessly.

  • @brendalee6168
    @brendalee6168 11 лет назад

    I've always had a soft spot for poor not so little Sammy Winchester. Everything horrible revolves around the kid. Lucifer chose him because they had so much in common, they were the under dog, second best, the runner ups, the little brother, the misguided. His story is sad but inspiring, pure and relative. It's easy to love Dean, its almost a given, but you have to try to love Sam, you have to want to know him, want to understand him. That's why he is so precious. You can't stay mad at him.

  • @ElenaEske
    @ElenaEske 11 лет назад

    You couldn't be more right! *hugs* Sam is like Frodo Baggins. He is not monster but the humaniest person in the world.

  • @ezequieluno
    @ezequieluno 11 лет назад

    Is totally true!! I loved and I love Sammy Winchester forever!!!

  • @anqqivastehst
    @anqqivastehst 11 лет назад

    this gave me my own OPT. 1,5 seconds before i started crying and i'm a devoted dean girl, but dean is nothing without sam. dean needs sam like the air he breaths. it's killing me inside over and over again to see them fighting and lying to each other all the time..

  • @BiPolarBeard
    @BiPolarBeard 10 лет назад +12

    I absolutely love this video :) Sam is y favourite character :D

  • @MartyT_90
    @MartyT_90 12 лет назад

    Una parola sola: STUPENDO!!! un bellissimo riassunto di tutte le disavventure e delle difficoltà affrontate da Sam insieme ai bei momenti passati con dean

  • @suryalinaten10
    @suryalinaten10 12 лет назад

    I love this!
    People are always blaming Sam for so many things (Dean's made mistakes too, but fandom just doesn't react same), but every single ''bad'' thing he did, he did it for Dean. He never set out to intentionally hurt anyone. Sam is a great character, he has evolved so much since S1.

  • @Jaime-dc3vj
    @Jaime-dc3vj 9 лет назад +1

    I am never going to be able to hear this song without thinking of Sammy again. This video is just straight up gorgeous.

  • @huascar66
    @huascar66 11 лет назад

    Sam. Dean. Two of the most fascinating characterizations ever on a television programme. This is an excellent video. Thanks for creating it and posting it. Mr. Padelecki has done an excellent piece of work in developing Sam Winchester's character over the years(!). Every year, Sam becomes more enigmatic. He breaks my heart with his yearning for love, for meaning, for "normal".

  • @MumOfAll
    @MumOfAll 11 лет назад

    Sam is an awesome character, with a story arc that spans so many feelings and actions. Talk about being downtrodden and working with what you've got. I think Sam is misunderstood by many, and loved by few. Jared does the character justice too. Probably why I love both the actor and the character so much. Great video! :D

  • @MsKabar
    @MsKabar 11 лет назад +2

    Agreed. Dean is awesome, yeah, but Sam- he just fights so hard against all the things telling him to be evil, and in the end he loved his brother more than Satan hated the world. That's gotta count for something.

  • @Fireheartgirl
    @Fireheartgirl 11 лет назад

    I love Sammy!! Sometimes my love for Dean overshadows him, which is sad because he's also such a fucking amazing character!!!

  • @geordiegirl1967
    @geordiegirl1967 12 лет назад +1

    Just a wonderful video. My heart is breaking for Sam at the moment. He has been through so much. That he is still even vaguely vertical and functioning is testament to his strength of character.
    Thank you

  • @AryTrue
    @AryTrue 11 лет назад

    Everytime i watch this, i feel a lump in my throat. Expecially on the "i've been a fool and i've been blind, i could never leave the past behind". It's really an incredible work. Thank you :)

  • @TheGeminiSage89
    @TheGeminiSage89 12 лет назад

    Thanks to this video, every time I even hear this song I get misty.

  • @ashli674
    @ashli674 12 лет назад

    Wow, this blew me away. The song fits Sam perfectly. WHat a brilliant job.

  • @Setsire
    @Setsire 12 лет назад

    God I missed s1 & 2 sam so much. He started going dark and I was like 'this isn't Sammy' and then I was being pulled apart by the tension between the brothers. Then I got busy and missed a whole season, but I hear he's back to being the guy we all know and love again. Awesome video reminding me that Sam is still Sam and will always be loveable and need a hug but still able to kick your ass and beat you in poker.

  • @fishfingersndcustard
    @fishfingersndcustard 12 лет назад

    Excuse me while I cry tears of blood and feels. I'm only on Season 1, but Tumblr has got me feeling all of these THINGS towards this show.

  • @endorataylor
    @endorataylor 11 лет назад

    wow this is beautiful! i've watched this countless times and i'm still finding new depths, news ways to appreciate sam's journey. very well done!

  • @nonamejustx
    @nonamejustx 9 лет назад

    a time when supernatural was a really great show

  • @OwlWithNoTree
    @OwlWithNoTree 12 лет назад

    I started crying twenty-four seconds in, and had to pause it after about a minute and a half, because I couldn't watch it through my tears.
    This is beautiful :')

  • @pinkladies66
    @pinkladies66 11 лет назад

    never realized how perfectly this song applies to this show..great video!!

  • @Veiledwitch
    @Veiledwitch 12 лет назад

    this is one of my favorite songs, and my favorite show. Loved it!!! Thank you!

  • @0lonepanther0
    @0lonepanther0 12 лет назад

    Thank you, for that, as ever, LonePanther.
    Oh, and, on the flip side, love how even when its a tribute to them, persenally, the other is always there, in the background, cause, you can't have Sam without a Dean, and, vice versa.

  • @ccmrose
    @ccmrose 12 лет назад

    Still can't stop watching this Ash. Perfection omggggg

  • @CammieBlueSky
    @CammieBlueSky 12 лет назад

    Beautiful video and I LOVE what you wrote. Every part of it. What Sam Winchester has taught me is to never give up, keep fighting because it matters. No matter how hopeless it seems never stop fighting. What Dean Winchester has taught me is to love. Someone else else with everything you are and everything you have. They may hurt you but in the end that love will also save you. I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH.

  • @Tarisaher
    @Tarisaher 12 лет назад

    Sam is a beautiful human being

  • @stephaniegrunwald5605
    @stephaniegrunwald5605 11 лет назад

    it breaks my heart the pain that sammy is in. if i could i would hold him and tell him that it isn't his fault that lucifer chose you i think that you are an awsome person and i would take your pain away if i could

  • @NeoApha
    @NeoApha 12 лет назад

    Great Job, you put two great pieces of art together, florence and Supernatural. Thanks for sharing!!!

  • @IseulYT
    @IseulYT 12 лет назад


  • @Me0wley
    @Me0wley 12 лет назад

    This song always reminds me of Sam Winchester, especially the lines "And it's hard to dance with the devil on your back, so shake him off."
    You've made such a beautiful video to accompany this song and I hope you continue to make such beauty.

  • @fniazi4799
    @fniazi4799 9 лет назад +4


  • @joeyshuny5
    @joeyshuny5 12 лет назад

    Seriously perfect!!!! I loved it!!!! My God where to start with poor Sammy?? He went through a dark time but he's so sweet now and constantly getting kicked all to hell. I'm not sure how the boy hold's it together without whining like a spoiled little girl but he does. His life pretty much sucks and at times I feel he has nobody. I've been a fan of show and all it's crazy characters since the pilot but my heart really bleed's for this poor young man. Brilliant job!!!

  • @Killjoy524
    @Killjoy524 11 лет назад

    This is my favorite Sam montage video I have ever had the pleasure of watching. Thanks you for creating this.

  • @adabellaronchez
    @adabellaronchez 12 лет назад

    OH MY GOD. This was so amazing. That song is created for him obviously.

  • @KiyokaMakibi
    @KiyokaMakibi 10 лет назад +1

    *appluads* Brilliant. The scenes shift with the beat, and the scenes merge with the words (most of the time). I felt inspired just by watching this. ITs going in my favourites :)

  • @sophiemcglade256
    @sophiemcglade256 11 лет назад

    Oh My Gosh, I was already crying when I saw the video, then I read your comment and I was just like so true, it's beautiful!!!! But I've ALWAY'S loved Sam, ALWAY'S!!!!!!

  • @KerriCz
    @KerriCz 12 лет назад

    This is amazing.

  • @erudicke2899
    @erudicke2899 9 лет назад +1

    I know that Elene Eske said it like 2 years ago deep down in the comment section but I'm just so glad another person sees that Sam is just like Frodo (book Frodo, tbh.) I paid more attention to Sam right from the start because Frodo is my favorite character in LotR and I could see their similarities right off the bat.

    • @trevordohlman7431
      @trevordohlman7431 9 лет назад +1

      +Tiffany Dickenson It's ironic because Sam is so much taller than Frodo xD

    • @erudicke2899
      @erudicke2899 9 лет назад

      +Trevor Dohlman yeah, the 3'6" guy reflects the 6'4" guy. I want to see them meet each other to be honest. If Jared wasn't so talk, he would have made an excellent Frodo.

    • @trevordohlman7431
      @trevordohlman7431 9 лет назад +1

      Tiffany Dickenson no doubt xD

  • @RedGlassDoves
    @RedGlassDoves 12 лет назад

    BEST Sam video everrrrrrr! I love him so much. My love for him and Dean go hand in hand, but the good guy, the one with the biggest heart holds a special place in my heart. Love this!!!

  • @mzcherry2u
    @mzcherry2u 12 лет назад

    The 2 people who disliked this need to be smited because this was perfection. What an in depth and awesome character study of Sam. Really bb you did an excellent job with this, from the pacing to the clips to the whole lighting of it was just right. I never would of thought of a Florence and the Machine song for Sam but it works so well.

  • @PhantomDragon77
    @PhantomDragon77 11 лет назад

    Dang it, I'm about to cry. Thank you for this amazing video. Just...ugh.

  • @suryalinaten10
    @suryalinaten10 12 лет назад

    I love this vid.. I can never tolerate Sam hate because it's ridiculous. His character arc is just so beautiful and tragic at the same time. Haters need to understand that he's done the best he can given his situation.

  • @sleepyxhollow
    @sleepyxhollow 12 лет назад

    Great video I absolutely love your description for it I also love the song choice. One of the things that I have always admired about Sam is his unwavering faith it's because of that I have never stopped believing in Sam even when he did things that others didn't approve of.

  • @TimeAngelxx
    @TimeAngelxx 12 лет назад

    This is probably the best Sam video I've ever seen

  • @sophiemcglade256
    @sophiemcglade256 11 лет назад

    I'm crying so much over here!! This is just beautiful!! The song is perfect and ......and.... and just everything!! *sobbing* D':
    'And it's hard to dance with devil on your back,so shake it off'

  • @faege89
    @faege89 12 лет назад

    I LOVE this tribute to Sam. LOVE it.

  • @sammyscougar9
    @sammyscougar9 12 лет назад

    OMFG what can I say but OMFG... The vid ROCKS... Sam ROCKS... & You ROCK... Supernaturalholic for ever....

  • @GuardianAngelGirl13
    @GuardianAngelGirl13 12 лет назад

    This made me cry. It is so perfect in so many ways. There was phenomenal editing, perfect timing, and perfect song. The story tells Sam's story so well and shows his many relationships, and did especially well showcasing his relationship with his brother as well as with Jo, Ellen, and Ash. You also were fantastic in showing how many troubles, trials, and tribulations he's been put through and survived. Amazing video for an amazing character. :)

  • @MumOfAll
    @MumOfAll 12 лет назад

    Great video! Between the song and the clips, you did a wonderful job of showing what Sam is made of. It's no wonder his soul shone so bright when Death put it back in, because it is so pure, always trying to overcome his 'destiny'. Awesome tribute! :)

  • @LouBable
    @LouBable 12 лет назад

    Just simple beautiful amazing to watch flawless editing, effects and the perfect song choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @lightsallfading
    @lightsallfading 12 лет назад

    Amazing. Your description is beautiful too. Poor Sammy. I love his strength in the face of great. great adversity.

  • @iluvstarskyandhutch
    @iluvstarskyandhutch 12 лет назад

    Awesome as always!! I am in love with this song & Sam hardcore. And this: His love for Dean saved the world. Is the best sentence ever. Just sayin

  • @MoonlightShadowRise
    @MoonlightShadowRise 12 лет назад

    I think this has to be my favorite video based off my favorite supernatural character. Amazing video with a perfect song choice. Wonderful job, I just can't stop watching it. :DD

  • @celinenaville
    @celinenaville 8 лет назад

    I love this video. I've watched it like 5 times over the last few days. Great job.

  • @Angelasbasicvideos
    @Angelasbasicvideos 12 лет назад

    I'm in the middle of doing something exactly like this...just yours comes out 100000000000xs better than most fan made videos

  • @lollypop2414
    @lollypop2414 12 лет назад

    Gorgeous vid as always!! Such a great interpretation of our Sammy (because ya know we all like to think the Winchesters belong to us)!

  • @strawberrygarden713
    @strawberrygarden713 11 лет назад

    Perfect Song
    Perfect Character
    Perfect Video
    Thank You!

  • @HopeIsNotOnFire
    @HopeIsNotOnFire 11 лет назад

    This is the best sam video I have ever watched, better than any other, amazing

  • @banannabean1
    @banannabean1 11 лет назад

    WOAH. That was amazing. You're sense of visual timing is incredible. Thank you!

  • @thornoftheroses
    @thornoftheroses 12 лет назад

    Beautiful video! I loved the hopeful tone. A seriously fitting tribute to Sam. :)

  • @kurzkreis
    @kurzkreis 12 лет назад

    OH MY GOODNESS. How do you do this every time!? Absolutely amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  • @BlairWaldorfQueenB
    @BlairWaldorfQueenB 12 лет назад

    There are no words to describe how beautiful this video is, even though i'm more a dean girl, i absolutely love sammy, and this was the best tribute i've seen to him :D

  • @FireflyFanatic3
    @FireflyFanatic3 12 лет назад

    Oh my life! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Sam is such an AWESOME character! He was my favourite in the first season or two cos he was just so sweet! (and other things obviously :P lol)
    I absolutely LOVE him though, he's amazing. SPN just rules the world!!!
    Seriously ... this video is AMAZING!

  • @ccmrose
    @ccmrose 12 лет назад

    all of my sammy feels. UGH THIS IS AMAZING. of the Winchesters, Dean is my favorite but I love Sam so much too and for ALL OF THE REASONS IN THIS VIDEO. You did so well portraying his amazing qualities and just ugh. SO. GOOD. and I love how you worked with this song, the pacing was flawless omg. And I just have so much love for Sam right now, i loved your description as well. Amazing as alwaysssss

  • @Lita64
    @Lita64 12 лет назад

    This song works so well for him! Great job!

  • @keirami21
    @keirami21 12 лет назад

    OK, so i'm still kind of flipping out by the way you vid this song, because was so dreamy,and perfect...the pacing, all the beats, i'm freaking in love with this video, alright? Like i saw it and passed out! Honestly! Its going straight to my top 5 from you! I just adore ADOREEEEEEEE every second of this! Your scenes, couldn't not be better, i can't imagine better ones to each part and I just love you becuase you vid our Sammy!

  • @elfka77
    @elfka77 12 лет назад

    This song is so perfect... but now I have my eyes full of tears. This show is going to kill me someday T___T

  • @binababy113
    @binababy113 12 лет назад

    what a very beautiful video! The song choice and the way you edited everything is so powerful! Wonderful!! Liked and faved ;)

  • @BookTurtle123
    @BookTurtle123 11 лет назад

    Basically. Like, Sam's not my favorite character, nor is he my second favorite, but he's a great guy and his character arcs are always really amazing. He's a poster child for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  • @caityholland7530
    @caityholland7530 10 лет назад +1

    This is flawless work!

  • @LikielandCo
    @LikielandCo 12 лет назад

    Hon, This is perfect. Nothing less than perfect. You rock, seriously.

  • @EditsByLyra
    @EditsByLyra 12 лет назад


  • @xxSaraVideos
    @xxSaraVideos 12 лет назад

    oh my.. that was just.. incredible!
    brought out so many emotions.. this was amazing..

  • @TheJahlani
    @TheJahlani 12 лет назад

    This is beautiful because I used to dislike Sam alot. I thought about it logically and asked myself why? He's not the "perfect hero" that Dean is, written as a monster, so maybe that was it? But it's his struggles that remind me of myself since I wasn't always as strong as I could've been. But seeing Sam able to move forward helps me and makes me love him. Also, the writers need to get back to the core of the story which is 'the epic love story of Sam and Dean', of course. More brotherly love.

  • @FancyFury
    @FancyFury 12 лет назад

    The song, the clips, everything about this is perfect! xo

  • @PerfectAmbiguity
    @PerfectAmbiguity 12 лет назад

    Your description is beautiful. Sam is such a great character. Absolutely love how fitting this song is for him. Gorgeous job sweetie

  • @FireflyFanatic3
    @FireflyFanatic3 11 лет назад +1

    Sam is the character who did all the wrong things for all the right reasons. He's the one who tried he's damned hardest to do what was right, but went in the wrong direction. His entire life has been manipulated by Heaven and Hell alike, but when the end of the world was at his fingertips, he said a massive 'fuck you' to destiny and the great plan and to Satan himself, just to save his brother, and WILLINGLY jumped into the pit... if you don't like Sam I really don't know what's wrong with you!!

  • @7KellProductions
    @7KellProductions 12 лет назад

    OOOOOOO!!!!! Omg I can't tell you how much I needed this! I've stopped watching SPN because I felt the quality had slipped so dramatically and was ruining my love for the show...but this video! OMG IT IS PERFECTION! Sam's journey is truly the heart of the show for me! I'll always be rooting for Sam in the end. Plus this song and YOUR flawless editing = 2:37 of pure magic. I never wanted it to end!!!!!!!!!! You have me wanting to vid SPN again! :D

  • @C180985
    @C180985 12 лет назад

    i love what you wrote: ALSO: His love for dean saved the world. BYE! :). But people seems to forgot it -.- Great video:D

  • @IDontKnoWhaThatMeans
    @IDontKnoWhaThatMeans 12 лет назад

    MY GOD WOMAN, this is actually perfect and you've done it yet again, just... GAH, it's SAM and it's gorgeous and I'm a little bit in love. Also? Florence and the machine. All the awards for this vid!!!