All their brain cells were officially dead by the time they were singing Scooby Doo in the Nether tunnel and that’s amazing. From there, they just descended into madness
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1616889906
18:48 "Four nations lived together in harmony..." Dream team acts out the intro to Avatar 15:40 "Theres a chicken roast him" 19:25 "Monsieur Bacteria" 21:50 "the GReatest MinECRAft Battle!" (giggles) 22:40 "bblpplbpbp" 16:23 “We’re going on a ship” Sapnap tries to insult your mom 22:23 “Can’t stop laughing” 6:36 “This witch has infinite health” - GeorgeNotFound
The three of them laughing together sound like a manic Dream: the long and dry laugher Sapnap: the giggle-ish laugher George: the choking for air laugher I love this video because I love all the laughs and jokes. Everyone’s laughs are amazing and make me happy🙃
2 years ago, Dream was about to hit 10 mil. Now, 2 years later, he's already conquered 30 mil. Dream, you should be very happy with your progress. It's awe inspiring, man.
18:48 "Four nations lived together in harmony..." Dream team acts out the intro to Avatar 15:40 "Theres a chicken roast him" 19:25 "Monsieur Bacteria" 21:50 "the GReatest MinECRAft Battle!" (giggles) 22:40 "bblpplbpbp"
"Roast it!" -They both begin throwing insults at the chicken -Takes George half a minute to stumble upon the brilliant idea to literally light the chicken on fire as part of roasting it.
This is the sweetest Minecraft video I've ever seen. It's just three grown men giggling at each other and making silly jokes while playing the block game. Bless their hearts.
This challenge is so simple yet so genius! 🔥 Watching Dream navigate and strategize with such a limited view made every move feel intense and unpredictable. 😱 The teamwork, clutches, and chaos were on point!Who else agrees that Dream can make even one chunk look like an entire world of action? 👏👏
I'm pretty sure they clutched it by Dream tossing his gapple to George because he didn't have it in the next scene. I wonder why they didn't put that in 🤔
All the funny moments in order 1:27 - "hehe hi😊" 2:36 - "There's animals! There's lunch!" 4:30 - Dream speaking minecraft enchantment table for 3 seconds 4:34 - DWEAM 6:08 - "I'm busy" "what are you doing" "your mom" 6:20 - "sapnap needs someone to hold his hand and it's not gonna be me" 6:34 - George tries to kill a witch while he has weakness" 7:53 - "If you sneeze you're gay" 8:27 - "I get it, your phat, you have options." 9:57 - "Slaughter the orphans!" 10:02 - "we're in a square of lava" "I'm colorblind so that's not my fault" 10:33 - "the magma cube just YEETED me into the lava!" 15:07 - ScOoBy DoO 15:18 - perfectly cut scream 15:39 - "There's a chicken, roast it" "Ur ugly, ur dumb, ur stoopid, ur smol!" 16:23 - 🎶Climb aboard, your mother is a-🎶 (cut) 16:37 - ROASTY TOASTY 17:41 - "What did the Explorers say when they found Sapnap's mom?" 18:33 - "I mAdE tHiS fOoD!" 18:49 - Avatar (live action) 19:39 - Monsuir Bacteria 21:30 - The greatest battle of all time
George- “Sapnap go mine your own tree!” Sapnap- “No we always have this problem, we have to share the trees!” *flashback* “Sapnap go mine a different tree!!” *giggle* “I’m helping you mine the blocks!”
The Monsier Bacteria thing killed me but when they reached the very end of the joke and were laughing and suddenly a beat drops and it’s a llama vs. skeleton, like back to back, that slaughtered me.
My favorite moments- 0:59 “I don’t want to lose you guys 🥺” 1:24 they say hi, Dream doesn’t notice and proceeds to get jump scared by Sapnap’s existence 2:16 “oh there’s water- oH no no no nO NO!! 3:14 “we lost him, we lost him Dream, let’s go go go” 3:37 “it’s like... fish fish... biome....” 4:07 “moo moo meadows” x2 4:29 I have no idea how to describe that sound but it exists and here’s the time stamp 4:56 “I fell. I died.” 6:20 Sapnap just doesn’t wanna be alone 6:36 the witch that took 36 hits to kill 7:33 Dream brought home riches and they sound so happy 7:53 “if you sneeze you’re gay” “he didn’t sneeze” “I did” 8:46 “here, do you need blocks, Dream? Do your shoes need shining?” 9:56 Dream’s been spending too much time with Techno 11:37 **George mines into lava** “look out” “yeah, no.. no way, Dream. Thank you for the tip” 12:49 I genuinely have no clue what is being said here 13:23 “oh no Sapnap in jail, what will he do?” 13:43 Sapnap finally gets revenge for how often Dream calls him out for speaking poorly and instantly gets told to shut up 14:28 “can I make this with no sprint?” sir, anything is possible when you have 0 self preservation 14:51 this is my new favorite song even though it’s like four different songs 15:14 (narrator voice) some history is doomed to repeat itself 15:41 “roast him!” Sapnap and George had the exact same instinct and that is the dynamic we love to see 16:23 have I mentioned that Sapnap is an icon and I love him? 16:37 “~rOAsTy ToAstY~” 16:45 they take turns third wheeling each other for like a minute 18:04 they make several fungi jokes and they are unreasonable funny to me 18:37 Sapnap is iconic, I would say “once again” but is he ever not? 18:49 you know they’re good people because they’ve watched Avatar the Last Airbender 19:19 the origins of Monsieur Bacteria 21:31 epic music begins as we get ready to watch the *real* greatest MineCraft 1v1 of all time 23:11 “Sapnap you almost killed me” Sapnap: sorry, I’ll finish the job for ya
Dream: Oh there's a cave! Dream and George in unison: No, its just water Dream and George in unison again: We need iron Dream and George in unison AGAIN: IT'S MOO MOO MEADOWS!!
Dream during manhunt: *Displays 1000 IQ levels of warfare tactics, operates 5 steps ahead of everyone else, has a plethora of contingency plans in case one fails* Dream when playing normally with Sapnap and George: "wHat Did tHe ExPloreRs SaY whEn They SAw bill oN tHe MusHroom?"
George: “this witch has infinite health“ Also George: *doesn’t know that he has weakness* Omg thanks for all the likes this was just a meme I didn’t know it would get so much likes
*Dream VS. 4 friends: * 6900 IQ plays, kills them several times, survives for hours, literally a minecraft god** *Dream when playing with his friends: *dies of fall damage in the first 3 minutes**
10:12 "OH GOD! It's [Magma Cube] here! It can jump! Nononnonnounouno!" 10:18 "OH GOD OH GOD I'M DEAD! I'M DEAD" Wow wise words from the best Minecraft Player
Free cookies for u lol Ingredients for 12 cookies * ½ cup granulated sugar (100 g) * ¾ cup brown sugar, packed (165 g) * 1 teaspoon salt * ½ cup unsalted butter, melted (115 g) * 1 egg * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour (155 g) * ½ teaspoon baking soda * 4 oz milk or semi-sweet chocolate chunks (110 g) * 4 oz dark chocolate chunk, or your preference (110 g) Preparation * * 1 In a large bowl, whisk together the sugars, salt, and butter until a paste forms with no lumps. * * 2 Whisk in the egg and vanilla, beating until light ribbons fall off the whisk and remain for a short while before falling back into the mixture. * * 3 Sift in the flour and baking soda, then fold the mixture with a spatula (Be careful not to overmix, which would cause the gluten in the flour to toughen resulting in cakier cookies). * * 4 Fold in the chocolate chunks, then chill the dough for at least 30 minutes. For a more intense toffee-like flavor and deeper color, chill the dough overnight. The longer the dough rests, the more complex its flavor will be. * * 5 Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. * * 6 Scoop the dough with an ice-cream scoop onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet, leaving at least 4 inches (10 cm) of space between cookies and 2 inches (5 cm) of space from the edges of the pan so that the cookies can spread evenly. * * 7Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the edges have started to barely brown. * 8 Cool completely before serving. * Enjoy!!
Them when they play separately: 2000 IQ
Them when they play together: 1 IQ
Combined or each? XD
because they can share 1 braincell
*lamma vs skeleton go brrrr*
@@avalon_o3369 WTF- 😂
All their brain cells were officially dead by the time they were singing Scooby Doo in the Nether tunnel and that’s amazing. From there, they just descended into madness
That's what happens when you are trapped in a chunk
Omg 799th like
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1616889906
@@alexandergaya9039 can u not?
"Hey there is a chicken, roast It!"
George and Sapnap: "You're stupid, You're dumb, You're small!
Dream: *o k*
Time stamp?
@monsieur bacteria where's your baguette?
@@pandamonium23 damn bro you just got roasted
@@hastenggg ...
18:48 "Four nations lived together in harmony..." Dream team acts out the intro to Avatar
15:40 "Theres a chicken roast him"
19:25 "Monsieur Bacteria"
21:50 "the GReatest MinECRAft Battle!" (giggles)
22:40 "bblpplbpbp"
16:23 “We’re going on a ship” Sapnap tries to insult your mom
22:23 “Can’t stop laughing”
6:36 “This witch has infinite health” - GeorgeNotFound
10:00 Dream- IM DEAAADD
1:26 "hi dream! h-hi" - sapnap
"'Sapnap tries to inslut your mom"' STAHP.
edit: 16:36 - ''roasty toasty :D''
7:52 “if I sNEEZe your gay.”
George: “Sapnap needs someone to hold his hand”
George: “And it’s not gonna be me”
Sapnap sounding heartbroken asf: “george..”
I love them sm they’re so funny🥺😂💕
Sapnap: "YOU'RE UGLY"
He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit
I was playing with dream in among us
@@carmydayon3970 no
@@carmydayon3970 I very much doubt that
@:) 15:42 I’m pretty sure
15:39 "roast him"
Snapnap: my moment has come
Snappy Mappy-
When you beat a kid in fortnite and his friends start making trash roast
“You’re ugly! You’re dumb! You’re stupid! You’re... small!”
The three of them laughing together sound like a manic
Dream: the long and dry laugher
Sapnap: the giggle-ish laugher
George: the choking for air laugher
I love this video because I love all the laughs and jokes. Everyone’s laughs are amazing and make me happy🙃
More like, Dream: the tea kettle laughter
Sapnaps laugh gives me fangirl
George: m-m mOnSiEuR bAcTeRia
Sapnap: WHAT?
Dream: *W H E E Z E*
The next 5 minutes: *uncontrollable laughing*
@@spiritofthemoon1917 19:38
They laughed for 3 Minutes only
@@spiritofthemoon1917 Haha 19:37, it was so funny!! 🤣
There is actually a channel called monsieur bacteria lol 🌚
@@fp6768 Omg! 🤣
George: “I fell. I died.”
*cant wait for that to be a remix because George was finally not screaming*
@@soldiermaanszn2744 No!!
I fell, i died.
I fell, i died.
I fell.
I fell.
I fell.
(Intensive Beat)
Lol he made the remix XD
@@bentleywalker9784 ur profile is B so its perfect for *B r u h*
George: "Someone needs to hold his hand."
Sapnap: "Exactly"
George: "And it's not gonna be me"
Sapnap: **Sad Sapnap Noises**
*DreamNotFound shippers have left the chat*
Don't read my username.
Don't read my naMe!
also how the heck do you have 118 likes in under 10 minutes
Time stamp?
2 years ago, Dream was about to hit 10 mil. Now, 2 years later, he's already conquered 30 mil. Dream, you should be very happy with your progress. It's awe inspiring, man.
31,2 already now
31.3 now
@@sxfiepaws lmao true
@@adriannapayne11 31.438
Sapnap: "I'm busy"
Dream: "You're not busy. What are you busy doing?"
Sapnap: *"Your mom."*
your goldfish
Imma post vids soon lets see how much subs I get now lol just like this guy up 👆
What if he said “ your George “ 😂
"come aboard. You're mother is a-" love that that just cut off like fAmIlY fRiEnDlY
I can hear him say it lmao
I know right
Family friendly? I never knew dream was family friendly, oh are you talking about just this specific channel? Xd
@@t0x1c.r35 yes lmao
18:48 "Four nations lived together in harmony..." Dream team acts out the intro to Avatar
15:40 "Theres a chicken roast him"
19:25 "Monsieur Bacteria"
21:50 "the GReatest MinECRAft Battle!" (giggles)
22:40 "bblpplbpbp"
Thank u
Appreciate you
Thank you 😂😂😂😂
When they roast the chicken i died XD
The way Dream gets just as excited whenever one of the boys pops into his chunk “Sapnap you’re here!” “George!”
Sapnap: “climb aboard, your mother is a who-“
Dream: 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙚
_Roasty toasty~~_
Skeleton vs Llama: Intense Music
Beating the Ender Dragon: Royalty free calming music
The skeleton vs Llama is way more epic
"Roast it!"
-They both begin throwing insults at the chicken
-Takes George half a minute to stumble upon the brilliant idea to literally light the chicken on fire as part of roasting it.
It was not half a minute, it was 4 seconds or so
RoAsTiE tOaStIe
i dont think they meant literally lmao
Ay this roasted
This is one of my favorite Dream Team videos, and is one of the ones I go back and watch over and over. It always makes me grin/laugh!
Me: Hey look, there's a village!
Friend: Where?
His render distance:
@@user-ll8ht1ug3b no
@@user-ll8ht1ug3b I got you bro
soldiermaanSZN stop begging for likes. we all know you’re lying
I really want a pc
"That's the dumbest thing we've ever done"
"Now there's a forest fire, let's go."
September 2020 in a nutshell
we have the same profile picture lol
@@user-ll8ht1ug3b so you'd beg for likes rather than trying to buy your own pc. even I'm 13 and am saving for a pc
@@user-ll8ht1ug3b My uncle said if i hit 100 likes he will hit me 1000 times to make my suffering better. Let's go guys!
@@user-ll8ht1ug3b cool
soldiermaanSZN my mom said that if I get 100 likes on my recent video, I’ll be lucky for the rest of my life. So hurry and like!
"Let's kill him. What is he gonna do? Survive!?"
That was a lot funnier to me than it should've been lmao
Let's see how many subs can i get from this comment.
Currently: 232 subs.
Every Manhunt ever: *Yes.*
@@Whopify stfu
@@Whopify can I get a cupcake now? 👉👈
Stamp of time?
dream laughing makes me so happy
9:58 dream: slaughter the orphans!
techno: now this looks like a job for me
I was waiting for someone to comment that lol
Techno's been rubbing off on dream
Lol true
This is the sweetest Minecraft video I've ever seen. It's just three grown men giggling at each other and making silly jokes while playing the block game. Bless their hearts.
@Adam Young block game aka Minecraft
the “block game” lmao
this is such a wholesome comment :)
so sweet of you.
15:16 George: watch this
Dream: don’t do that last time
George:lalalala *falls*
*cuts to next scene
Sad for you but the bots are taking over the reply section
@@amaliamoreno2597 yeah u the only one thats not a bot
Hello guys
Edit: edit your comment to show you are not a bot
This is probably Dream's funniest video. There are so many nutty unexpected things that just happen because of not knowing what is right next to you.
They also just generally are goofier in this video than usual.
Mine is part 3 of the x-ray series. Dream was totally losing it when his friends start falling from a high place, then George says "My trap"
people: dream is running out of ideas
dream: Llama and Skeleton fight
Thats why dream is also called "Big Brain"
Llama and Skelton fight is what will get him to 10 million subscribers
He really is
Dream: Let's slaughter these orphans!
Technoblade has been rubbing off on him
Well what are they gonna do, tell their parents
@@bricewisener5970 *Something's wrong, I can feel it*
WhatIsTheDill Sure, what do you post?
Yea totally original
WhatIsTheDill nah bro
Meanwhile George has weakness and the Witch is drinking health potions
506 likes no reply
@@edia6855 it gained 100 likes in a day
@@emilyplayz4638 6:33
Oh lol rlly didn’t realize
This challenge is so simple yet so genius! 🔥 Watching Dream navigate and strategize with such a limited view made every move feel intense and unpredictable. 😱 The teamwork, clutches, and chaos were on point!Who else agrees that Dream can make even one chunk look like an entire world of action? 👏👏
:) :D
@@Yujis_Pimp Type of stand as Star Platinum
I'm pretty sure they clutched it by Dream tossing his gapple to George because he didn't have it in the next scene. I wonder why they didn't put that in 🤔
Im dying🤣… thank you
All the funny moments in order
1:27 - "hehe hi😊"
2:36 - "There's animals! There's lunch!"
4:30 - Dream speaking minecraft enchantment table for 3 seconds
4:34 - DWEAM
6:08 - "I'm busy" "what are you doing" "your mom"
6:20 - "sapnap needs someone to hold his hand and it's not gonna be me"
6:34 - George tries to kill a witch while he has weakness"
7:53 - "If you sneeze you're gay"
8:27 - "I get it, your phat, you have options."
9:57 - "Slaughter the orphans!"
10:02 - "we're in a square of lava" "I'm colorblind so that's not my fault"
10:33 - "the magma cube just YEETED me into the lava!"
15:07 - ScOoBy DoO
15:18 - perfectly cut scream
15:39 - "There's a chicken, roast it" "Ur ugly, ur dumb, ur stoopid, ur smol!"
16:23 - 🎶Climb aboard, your mother is a-🎶 (cut)
17:41 - "What did the Explorers say when they found Sapnap's mom?"
18:33 - "I mAdE tHiS fOoD!"
18:49 - Avatar (live action)
19:39 - Monsuir Bacteria
21:30 - The greatest battle of all time
Where's the greatest battle of all time
Yay! Thank you. 🥰🥰
21:30 - Greatest battle of all time
4:30 = OMG OMG OMG
@@nobodysfriend8421 you speak galactic :O
George- “Sapnap go mine your own tree!”
Sapnap- “No we always have this problem, we have to share the trees!”
“Sapnap go mine a different tree!!”
“I’m helping you mine the blocks!”
let me reply so i can get alot of likes jk
We need to share trees. Sharing is caring as I always say
Dream at 9:58 : Slaughter the babes now, slaughter the Orphans
Technoblade : Visible Satistification
I love how half way through they just lose their minds at Monsieur Bacteria
Put playback speed on 0.25 and go to 4:08
You can see George’s eyes 😭
@@8pmSharpish hahhahahaa
@@8pmSharpish *oh noo 😭*
And later, they're all losing it at the llama vs. skeleton fight. This one was definitely making them crazy. Well, crazier than usual.
They lost their minds right at the beginning in the first cave when they got the achievement [Stone Age].
15:40 Dream: "THERES A CHICKEN!?! ROAST HIM!!!"
Sapnap and George: *Literally Roasting The Chicken with words*
@g_girlsmith "your sammaaalll"
The Monsier Bacteria thing killed me but when they reached the very end of the joke and were laughing and suddenly a beat drops and it’s a llama vs. skeleton, like back to back, that slaughtered me.
WAIT WHAT- you haven’t seen my two videos, How To Edit Like Dream OR How to Edit Like TommyInnit? Check them out, they’re really funny.
@@GenericGamer @Grace Holland wtf does that mean
Like, both of you
it's just some of the moments from the video.
Who has awoken me
I love dream’s laugh.
*it sounds like a tea kettle.*
Sapnap: "YOU'RE UGLY"
Peta is quaking
*george lights chicken on fire*
Dream team trash.
PETA is quacking
Ya sapnap ugly
@Nisa._ UwU nah furry.
Dream: theres a chicken ROasT hIM!!!
Sapnap: I’m about to end this mans whole career
George: What career
Thats the funniest moment in the who le video
yOu’re fAT!!1!
Yt is drunk it’s says there’s one reply....again
Me watching this: “This can’t be too hard...”
*Remembers nether exists*
Sex bot alert!
@@annuitcptis1447 what
TKA-11O73 what
Excited for my mom to come to my moms house
TKA-11O73 pardon? 😀
1:28 The little giggle and hi from Sapnap is so cute
My favorite moments-
0:59 “I don’t want to lose you guys 🥺”
1:24 they say hi, Dream doesn’t notice and proceeds to get jump scared by Sapnap’s existence
2:16 “oh there’s water- oH no no no nO NO!!
3:14 “we lost him, we lost him Dream, let’s go go go”
3:37 “it’s like... fish fish... biome....”
4:07 “moo moo meadows” x2
4:29 I have no idea how to describe that sound but it exists and here’s the time stamp
4:56 “I fell. I died.”
6:20 Sapnap just doesn’t wanna be alone
6:36 the witch that took 36 hits to kill
7:33 Dream brought home riches and they sound so happy
7:53 “if you sneeze you’re gay” “he didn’t sneeze” “I did”
8:46 “here, do you need blocks, Dream? Do your shoes need shining?”
9:56 Dream’s been spending too much time with Techno
11:37 **George mines into lava** “look out” “yeah, no.. no way, Dream. Thank you for the tip”
12:49 I genuinely have no clue what is being said here
13:23 “oh no Sapnap in jail, what will he do?”
13:43 Sapnap finally gets revenge for how often Dream calls him out for speaking poorly and instantly gets told to shut up
14:28 “can I make this with no sprint?” sir, anything is possible when you have 0 self preservation
14:51 this is my new favorite song even though it’s like four different songs
15:14 (narrator voice) some history is doomed to repeat itself
15:41 “roast him!” Sapnap and George had the exact same instinct and that is the dynamic we love to see
16:23 have I mentioned that Sapnap is an icon and I love him?
16:37 “~rOAsTy ToAstY~”
16:45 they take turns third wheeling each other for like a minute
18:04 they make several fungi jokes and they are unreasonable funny to me
18:37 Sapnap is iconic, I would say “once again” but is he ever not?
18:49 you know they’re good people because they’ve watched Avatar the Last Airbender
19:19 the origins of Monsieur Bacteria
21:31 epic music begins as we get ready to watch the *real* greatest MineCraft 1v1 of all time
23:11 “Sapnap you almost killed me” Sapnap: sorry, I’ll finish the job for ya
Thank you kind sir
When Goerge said "i fell. I died" that was the best the way that he said it ,it was like "you see .. i dont care :)"
I'll give you a like and reply for the effort 😂
Yeah Sapnap is an icon 🤣
16:30 "Climb abord, *your mother is a-* " THAT CUT
*That actually made me spit my drink out and wheeze so hard*
That made me cry of laughter 😂
Does any one know what he said?
Pookie S. it’s the innocence for me anyways i’m like 90% sure he said “climb aboard ur mother is a whore”
Dream: *falls* Oh my god there’s like a mountain!!
Sapnap: what the heck *jumps down and takes damage*
Also Sapnap: *surprised pikachu face*
Time stamp?
@@Unknown-kp1tf near the beginning
@Unknown 1234 0:50 ish
I love it when George used being colorblind as an excuse it’s so funny 🤣
"Let me kill this orphan real quick."
_technoblade is that you?_
Techno’s villain
@@kil491lerr3 PVP GOD YOU MEAN
That's so what techno would say
“Yeah it’s me, I was voice acting for dream because he went to the end for a minute”
Dream: "There's a chicken! Roast him!"
Sapnap: *yeah, it's big brain time*
My mom agreed to buy me a New PC if I hit 100 Likes on my recent video. All I ask is for your help, Please and thank you🙏
@MineYoBeezWack ur like the best human ever
El OfManyLoves 15:40 lol
1:27 that "hi" sounded so wholesome but simultaneously like goofy from mickey mouse
Lol yeah it does
It kind of sounds like it but it sounds kind a different
The Dream Team in this video is literally my last 3 brain cells at 4 AM
1:27 sapnaps laugh- “haha hi” was so cute omfg
a d o w a b l e
Adowable c:
On 10:41 george laughs :D
@@hauntinqghost c:
Dream: Oh there's a cave!
Dream and George in unison: No, its just water
Dream and George in unison again: We need iron
Dream and George in unison AGAIN: IT'S MOO MOO MEADOWS!!
Time stamp please?
That was sap nap
soulmates ❤️ /j
Look who’s done it
welp were screwed
Please bring back my brother's arm. He regrets his decision. He wants his leg off instead
@@thegmredditor1573 no he gets what he gets and doesn’t get upset
@@Kebwawb yes you are 😈
what the actually duck
Bro roasted that chicken mentally, emotionally, and physically 😂😂😂
"Slaughter the orphans!"
-Dream 2020.
Dream for president, here we go
hes taking after techno
@@brigid1161 yeah
Techno approves
Dream must of watched techno
"Master Dream! It's too many of them! What are we supposed to do?!"
18:23 : Dream and Sapnap laughing normally
George: Cleaning a window noises
Dude my real laugh sounds exactly like that lol
i choked on my jello from this comment 😭
that made me w he e z e
Dream* 1v4 his friends no worries
help me defeat nightbot
Thats cos the magma cube is a threat and has actual skill lmao gottem
Loaf of Bread Studios nice
What the heck is your pfp
here after the face reveal, why does his change how I hear him😭 beautiful man
"Slaughter the babies now, slaughter the orphans."
-Dream 2020
He is slowly transforming into technoblade...
@Еmmа [f.u.с.к мe] ТАР 0N МY РIC Screw off. I dont care if you're a bot or not but I'm a minor, and I am 100% sure that is illegal.
It's a bot, I've seen it before in other comment sections.
@@juicedapple9449 uhhh...what happened?
@@goobins_jr Look at the user he @'d
*proceeds to insult its whole existence*
That pfp is very disturbing...
Timestamp -- 15:41
mrpotatochips 17 15:40
Akatsuya Tobichi pls sub to Jay Gaming123
Dream during manhunt: *Displays 1000 IQ levels of warfare tactics, operates 5 steps ahead of everyone else, has a plethora of contingency plans in case one fails*
Dream when playing normally with Sapnap and George: "wHat Did tHe ExPloreRs SaY whEn They SAw bill oN tHe MusHroom?"
@@named746 *nou*
@@euferii9548 *nobody was talking to you tho*
@@memoryexists1131 *but I am stupid so I came in*
lmao I got duckrolled
3 professional Minecrafters and not a single braincell among them
I love this so much
George’s intros: I coded it so that...
Dream’s intros: We coded it so that...
*Soviet Anthem Plays*
and sapnap’s are my favorite bc he usually says “dream coded so that...”
Because george often finishes it for dream because he's lazy. He said it in a Q&A around minute 17
we like
yes we
Monsieur Bacteria: Ordering a pizza and stealing the delivery man’s house
The exact opposite of what mrbeast would do 😂
also chops down 20 million trees
He wouldn't order a pizza, he would drive up to the store and take his house in from of all the other minimum -wage employees.
George: “this witch has infinite health“
Also George: *doesn’t know that he has weakness*
Omg thanks for all the likes this was just a meme I didn’t know it would get so much likes
oooh now it makes sense
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh....... That explains
I thought it was because the witch was drinking health potions
Trident Boy11 😂😂😂
Dream: *almost dies from falling off a cliff*
Also Dream: *constantly getting jump-scared by George and Sapnap*
Sapnap: "Come aboard, your mother is a... "
Sapnap was slain by Dream.
(Edit: The timestamp, requested in the comments)
read my name
We all know what he's about to say right
micz Emflorgo yes 💀
micz Emflorgo yep🤣
Video cuts*
Dream: “there’s a chicken, roast him”
Sapnap: “you’re ugly, you’re dumb, you’re stupid, your small” 🤣🤣🤣
Uhhmmm l think he said suck not small :/
@@II-Epic-II lol george said the “you suck” not sapnap, Sapnap Said “Your Small”
@@II-Epic-II it's 2021 and you still have "playz" name
My user is from 2018 ill never change it, its part of my memory
Dream: “there’s a chicken.. ROAST HIM”
Sapnap and George: *foolish chicken*
@DONT LOOK AT MY PROFILE PICTURE! Okay i wasn't going to anyways
@DONT LOOK AT MY PROFILE PICTURE! I fallowed the line OMG best thing I've seen all day
You stole my comm- jk you probably didn't know
Dream: There’s a chicken roast him
Sapnap: You’re ugly, you’re dumb, your stupid, you’re smoall
Orphan Hoglin: Master Dream, there's too many of them, what are we gonna do?
Dream: **ignites lightsaber**
I understood that reference
*Y E S*
* - *
21:41 *Its over Skeleton! I have the high ground!*
NotMccreeMain general kenobi
Whenever there’s a video of just the 3 of them it’s always so chaotically adorable-
*Bad, Ant, and Sam would like to know your location*
are you saying
@@morrowseer9969 oh no- wait I didn’t mean it like that-
@@ShaneTheCrazyArtist *too late. Pray that le egg haz mercy*
Yea, they're a good trio
*Dream VS. 4 friends: * 6900 IQ plays, kills them several times, survives for hours, literally a minecraft god**
*Dream when playing with his friends: *dies of fall damage in the first 3 minutes**
26 likes in 4cmin
@@bluenoob1067 ye
Whenever they do these kinds of videos they all share one brain cell.
Anyone else here after the face rev reliving memories? Ive been here for 2 years now. So proud of you dream
100th like ;)
MaseW1N Georgefound
200th like
@@zombi1e you want a cookie??
A whole bunch of like in 20 minutes
15:40 - Dream: "There is a chicken, roast him!"
SapNap: *Starts insulting*
im crying XDD
That was so funny!
Best scene
Sleepy Goose no theres better
im actually crying over the “theres a chicken!!! ROAST HIM!!” and sapnap and greorge start calling the chicken dumb and ugly
ahahahahaha what's the time stamp?
Ahahaha I died at that part😂
Elia Park 15:40
@@eliapark9887 15:39 :))
ikr i can’t stop laughing at this!
Dieser kampf zwischen lama und skelett war legendär😂😂
Sapnap + Dream: "We're never gonna find Goerge"
Me: Well yeah his name is litterally GOERGE *NOT* FOUND
@UC1vyYHBj85Ww81h8r6F9ghw go away bot
Rebecca Mcwilliams George not goerge
I like how George states the obvious in his situations; “I fell, I died” “It’s attacking me”
//in the stronghold// “why is it so hard to find the portal room?”
Stop scamming
Technoblade: He’s all grown up 😊
400th like
Sapnap Roasting the chicken legit had me crying I was laughing so hard. Legit was not ready for it
Dream: tells a scary story
George: nervous eating
You poor poor man.. you have bots in your comments
@@Soapia99th lol
whats the time stamp?
Oh 18:48
Dream: “ I fear no man...but that THING...*looks at magma cube* It scares me.”
Lmao u failed
@ewqxy he did this. *5* with the things and not this *test*
Anyone when they're in danger: *"DRErEEeEeaaM"*
Edit: While I'm here I wanted to say, maybe a Manhunt on only one chunk would be fun!
@F*СК МЕ - СНЕСК МY РR0FILЕ stop trying to get people's attention
Dream when he’s in danger; IM DEAD
I wouldn't be surprised if dream started screaming because minecraft manhunt
10:12 "OH GOD! It's [Magma Cube] here! It can jump! Nononnonnounouno!"
Wow wise words from the best Minecraft Player
SapNap: If you sneeze ur gay
George: he didn't sneeze
Dream: Dying of laughter
What was he dyeing? And what color?
Jordan I think green?
Omgg Time stamp??
@@joshsg4338 robot alert
_Normal people when they see animals:_ Oh cool animals
Dream when he sees animals: *l u n c h*
Bruh if you dont shut the heck up
Minute Flag lol
That's everybody
“Scooby Dooby doo, were coming after you, we gotta solve that mystery”
*Literally ten milliseconds later*
10 seconds later "climb aboard your mother is a"
@@deathkillshoot 0.1 seconds later, scene change
I Died At The Monsieur Bacteria part 😂😂😂
@@maggiejslg we have the same name ;0
Dream and George always finds their way back together
When they play separately: 1000IQ
When they play together: 10IQ
Exactly lol
Exactly lol
Exactly lol
Exactly lol
15:43 “roast him”
**legitimately roasts the chicken-**
Free cookies for u lol
for 12 cookies
* ½ cup granulated sugar (100 g)
* ¾ cup brown sugar, packed (165 g)
* 1 teaspoon salt
* ½ cup unsalted butter, melted (115 g)
* 1 egg
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1 ¼ cups all-purpose flour (155 g)
* ½ teaspoon baking soda
* 4 oz milk or semi-sweet chocolate chunks (110 g)
* 4 oz dark chocolate chunk, or your preference (110 g)
* 1 In a large bowl, whisk together the sugars, salt, and butter until a paste forms with no lumps.
* 2 Whisk in the egg and vanilla, beating until light ribbons fall off the whisk and remain for a short while before falling back into the mixture.
* 3 Sift in the flour and baking soda, then fold the mixture with a spatula (Be careful not to overmix, which would cause the gluten in the flour to toughen resulting in cakier cookies).
* 4 Fold in the chocolate chunks, then chill the dough for at least 30 minutes. For a more intense toffee-like flavor and deeper color, chill the dough overnight. The longer the dough rests, the more complex its flavor will be.
* 5 Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
* 6 Scoop the dough with an ice-cream scoop onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet, leaving at least 4 inches (10 cm) of space between cookies and 2 inches (5 cm) of space from the edges of the pan so that the cookies can spread evenly.
* 7Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the edges have started to barely brown.
* 8 Cool completely before serving.
* Enjoy!!
haha ikr
Yeah that's what happened..
Josh McClure this is Tasty their recipe I already use it LoL
Josh McClure ty for cookie :)
“Slaughter the orphans”
-Dream 2020
“Climb aboard, your mother is a-“
-Sapnap 2020
It’s not dream that’s technoblade
@@beffyjeffy21 I didn't know Technoblade's IGN was Dream...
Dream be learning from Technoblade with the Orphan thing lmao
the greatest battle of all time: The llama vs the skeleton 🤣🤣😂😂
Alt title: Minecraft, but we almost forget to beat the game
fr fr, instead i was created
Monsieur Bacteria omg 😂
They did forget, and then they remembered.
Monsieur Bacteria I guess you were made by mistake
I thought they were not gonna finish the game lmao
Imagine how many villages they could’ve walked by
Yup all of them
Catherine Kwon yassss
Anime Boiii 🔦🛢🌿💐
And diamonds
Alternate title: 3 friends being surprised to see each other for 25 minutes straight
Don't forget the 49 seconds
Sounds like Lockdown
It isn’t 25 min straight- it’s 25:49 min straight
No it's 25:49 *gay*
A manhunt like this would be CRAZYY and chaotic lol 😂