Warframe - Trib Pays Off His Debts: The Fortuna Experience

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 450

  • @TriburosOnline
    @TriburosOnline  6 лет назад +347

    Content drought is over my doods! ...... For atleast a month. Also, shoutouts to reddit user M68000 for the Lancer Nef Anyo that no one asked for at 5:20
    Have some glyphs to celebrate. And thanks for the near 40k subs! Once we hit 50k, we'll talk about getting a Universal Glyph Code so you no longer have to hunt for codes in comments. Partners who reach that milestone gain access to the option, so soon m8s.
    oh and soz for the unfunny video as always, have ur glyphs:

    • @m.c.i.d23
      @m.c.i.d23 6 лет назад +1

      Finish fishing spears pee baby

    • @hoovybird4167
      @hoovybird4167 6 лет назад +2

      Yeah rag dolled down one of the tallest mountains and hit nearly every thing cus I like tripped on a rock or something

    • @easyr5303
      @easyr5303 6 лет назад

      Trib wheres melissa?
      Edit:oh there she is

    • @ironintegral6631
      @ironintegral6631 6 лет назад

      Ol but wheres spears of destruction 3

    • @lnkrishnan
      @lnkrishnan 6 лет назад +1

      Hey Trib - how exactly did you do that flip at 8:35 into the video? This specific flip I seem to be unable to do - the flip along the short side of the K-Drive

  • @Warframe
    @Warframe 6 лет назад +1559

    What's so wrong with FLOOF? ;)

    • @elsyee3457
      @elsyee3457 6 лет назад +43


    • @kenwaycrusader7411
      @kenwaycrusader7411 6 лет назад +161

      Pls add walwuigi as a new warframe into the game

    • @CrystallizedBlackSkull
      @CrystallizedBlackSkull 6 лет назад +34

      Spider Milf

    • @birbman5186
      @birbman5186 6 лет назад +21

      It needs a buff -_-

    • @TriburosOnline
      @TriburosOnline  6 лет назад +359

      Oh I love it, I just can't imagine myself 3 years ago thinking that the term "Floof" would be used to an official capacity about a game involving space ninjas
      If he is the one that came up with the name, Steve is the ultimate human being

  • @langaurd
    @langaurd 6 лет назад +581

    Cherria’s voice is better than the rest of the video. She sounds like happiness incarnate.

  • @MrWarframeGuy
    @MrWarframeGuy 6 лет назад +544

    The real question is...Did you pay the singer console debt ?

    • @antonio5959
      @antonio5959 6 лет назад +10

      go to make videos :v

    • @TriburosOnline
      @TriburosOnline  6 лет назад +69

      I like them better as a console reminds me of the singing turrets in Portal 2

    • @92edoy
      @92edoy 6 лет назад +7

      Man, that guy got repo'd hard XD

    • @Xxpr_ninjiexx
      @Xxpr_ninjiexx 5 лет назад +1


    • @alexz6
      @alexz6 4 года назад +1

      And what did cost?

  • @haukilex
    @haukilex 6 лет назад +406

    Corpus: Hey did you hear what Nef Anyo said about fortuna?
    Corpus2: WAIT?!
    corpus: what?
    Corpus: WHERE!?!

    • @coenlim8696
      @coenlim8696 6 лет назад +19

      Goat: Fuck you

    • @CrystallizedBlackSkull
      @CrystallizedBlackSkull 6 лет назад +5

      @@jameswellington2362 Corpus: ....That was a wierd goat

    • @Hickabooboo
      @Hickabooboo 6 лет назад +7

      @@CrystallizedBlackSkull Secret Corpus file #NyA640. Operation Mountain Goat. Failure.

    • @oyshikaadi9631
      @oyshikaadi9631 6 лет назад

      I am imagining Ralsei riding a K-Drive.

    • @mrcrazygamer6182
      @mrcrazygamer6182 6 лет назад +1


  • @blitzcha0s308
    @blitzcha0s308 6 лет назад +173

    I once wiped out on a ramp and it threw my ragdolled body all the way to the bounty location

  • @frustywitanegg
    @frustywitanegg 6 лет назад +269

    8:10 The hysterical laugh is back lmao im crying

  • @birubu
    @birubu 6 лет назад +384

    Warframe side story:
    A Solaris named Vocalo likes singing
    She like singing so much she stopped working to sing
    So the corpus repo squads took her and took all her cybernetics AND organics
    But Eudico managed to save her from brain shelving.
    They tried to save her.
    But Solaris United doesn't have enough money for a full cybernetic body.
    So they went with the next best thing.
    They stuck Vocalo's brain into a console.
    So today we have Vocalo, who sings to help brighten up the dark Halls of Fortuna.
    Her new nickname: the Singing Console.

    • @xalius_or_something
      @xalius_or_something 5 лет назад +10

      I read this at the right time

    • @speedyjolteon9957
      @speedyjolteon9957 5 лет назад +9

      This needs to be added

    • @zennyblades
      @zennyblades 3 года назад +14

      Why does this make sense in the lore? And why do i love it.

    • @thealchemistking4063
      @thealchemistking4063 2 года назад +10

      Honestly… why havnt the tenno launched an all out assault on the corpus higherups, the sentients are easy enough to deal with meanwhile we got a whole people suffering who the tenno could 100% liberate.

    • @fusrosandvich3738
      @fusrosandvich3738 2 года назад +11

      @@thealchemistking4063 Well, the tenno have also been described as basically just being extreme kleptomaniacs and looters by people in universe. we're basically bandits with a moral compass that's slightly above "normal human being" but still below "non-profit volunteer worker"

  • @jethronicdao9119
    @jethronicdao9119 6 лет назад +179

    8:12 that laugh is just pure gold.

  • @dragonriderabens9761
    @dragonriderabens9761 6 лет назад +92

    Gaining standing for a new hover board brings new meaning to the phrase “grinding rep”

  • @jorionedwards
    @jorionedwards 6 лет назад +155

    3:12 I see you've antiquated yourself with the corpus clown cars.

  • @dogo4198
    @dogo4198 6 лет назад +96

    7:57 the moment we all been waiting for

  • @lettuce388
    @lettuce388 6 лет назад +74

    ( g o a t s u i c i d e i s w r o n g )

    • @platinumgames1314
      @platinumgames1314 4 года назад +1

      You are right
      The right way for a goat to be dead is in the middle of a...
      Dining table

  • @yasenjekov901
    @yasenjekov901 6 лет назад +137

    Finally some real warframe fun!
    *No horse balls though*

  • @comradetachanka8872
    @comradetachanka8872 6 лет назад +84

    legs has the best origin story of any character

    • @cyruslupercal6087
      @cyruslupercal6087 6 лет назад +15

      But the best one in Fortuna is Ticker.

    • @cdgonepotatoes4219
      @cdgonepotatoes4219 6 лет назад +10

      The first place in this can be argued, but one thing for sure is he's got the best rhymes
      10/10 would invite to my party

    • @wolfgamer9647
      @wolfgamer9647 6 лет назад

      @@cyruslupercal6087 what is tickers story btw, he seems like a chick

    • @cypher2194
      @cypher2194 6 лет назад


    • @drascin
      @drascin 6 лет назад +4

      @Wolf Gamer She is in fact a chick.

  • @conwaysquest6961
    @conwaysquest6961 6 лет назад +32

    "My Arse is stuck on top of Nef Anyo. "
    -Triburos 2018.

    • @AxeAce
      @AxeAce 5 лет назад

      Ned Zukoski as soon as he said it i started going through comments to find this

  • @silverplussonic
    @silverplussonic 6 лет назад +15

    Ragdolling in Fortuna has brought us all so much joy.

  • @Naru_Payne
    @Naru_Payne 6 лет назад +25

    Singing console is best character ever

  • @VinchenAdenca
    @VinchenAdenca 6 лет назад +18

    Yes, I'm so happy to see you breaking the game in the best ways! The poor vent kid tho, RIP. OWO

  • @LovelyCenturibear
    @LovelyCenturibear 6 лет назад +13

    "what did I do" - the real Warframe experience

  • @4g3nt06
    @4g3nt06 3 года назад +1

    that missing item is because it was taken for the scene was the acual box in still there

  • @shadethehellhound5559
    @shadethehellhound5559 6 лет назад +4

    1:29 the console is singing...this will never leave my mind...EVER

  • @techticianlarsproductions6180
    @techticianlarsproductions6180 6 лет назад +4

    Was not expecting for Goat Boy to lose the fight to gravity and his determination being lost

  • @GothKazu
    @GothKazu 6 лет назад +20

    "is that a goat on a skateboard" I cried
    I haven't used Oberon in Orb Vallis yet but now I have to

  • @bambam5064
    @bambam5064 6 лет назад +2

    I just wanna say that I love your content, and your the reason why I started playing warframe and whenever I watch your videos my day just gets better. Thank you for you for making life that much easier to handle :D

  • @Santiago-ke7yj
    @Santiago-ke7yj 6 лет назад +29

    8:07 LMFAO this is why i play this game

  • @easyr5303
    @easyr5303 6 лет назад +39

    Youre using [DE]fault settings?

  • @sean7167
    @sean7167 6 лет назад +9

    Trib: You know what I like about this update, rag dolling off Nef.

  • @OtrTrash
    @OtrTrash 4 года назад +2

    Came back to Warframe and started doing Fortuna. The bit starting at 2:30 is my entire experience.

  • @Al-Pal02
    @Al-Pal02 6 лет назад +6

    “Arch-wang?!” I love it!!

  • @Crimsomreaf5555
    @Crimsomreaf5555 6 лет назад +15

    " can I grind on nefdaddy" lol man lol

  • @thecrookedlaberrs
    @thecrookedlaberrs 6 лет назад +1

    Your laughter is contagious xD thanks for laughs!

  • @colebloodrose6062
    @colebloodrose6062 6 лет назад +1

    I just love that intro ‘anticipated update update fails “You What!!!”. So funny

  • @twistedH3L1X
    @twistedH3L1X 6 лет назад +1

    Trib! Love what you do, bro. Always a great time. Keep up the 'tude.

  • @boogeylad5312
    @boogeylad5312 6 лет назад +3

    After watching your Fortuna experience, all I can Remember is your damn Curious George Laugh, and it will not leave my head for a long time.
    Your such a fucking George - I Love It

  • @artiequick3583
    @artiequick3583 4 года назад +1

    XD I just noticed the console sings wtf, did that happen in the trailer!?

  • @austingarrett3334
    @austingarrett3334 5 лет назад

    The editing is fantastic for these videos

  • @hinh4808
    @hinh4808 6 лет назад +1

    me: *radgolling from a high place*
    my warframe: *fucking dies*
    me: (suprised pikachu meme)

  • @dirtyharry0191
    @dirtyharry0191 6 лет назад +6

    Trib's laugh cures anxiety

  • @mr.h9916
    @mr.h9916 6 лет назад +1

    That's it I'm subscribing !
    GJ on this video , especially that 8:09 XD

  • @scottdavis3611
    @scottdavis3611 6 лет назад +3

    I remember first using the k-drive and launching my board while ragdolling then I stood up and my board landed on me and killed me. It was great

  • @prochicken1939
    @prochicken1939 6 лет назад +14

    RIP Thursday

  • @jcd9456
    @jcd9456 6 лет назад +1

    Man you are so funny to watch playing warframe.
    Happy New Year!
    Keep up the great vids :D

  • @kovanova9409
    @kovanova9409 6 лет назад +21


  • @h2o848
    @h2o848 6 лет назад +1

    I noticed the console singing and figured he was the DJ.

  • @daturafairburn
    @daturafairburn 4 года назад

    Out of all the videos I’ve seen from this channel, this vid has trib laughing the hardest I’ve ever heard him

  • @DarkState2
    @DarkState2 6 лет назад

    Man your editing always gets me laughing with the old memes and shit

  • @TheMarlz2
    @TheMarlz2 6 лет назад +2

    “Solaris. This disaster is your bumbling.”
    “bumbling” sure sounds a lot like “fuckery”.

  • @LordPsych420
    @LordPsych420 6 лет назад +1

    12:19 "You are filled with... DETERMINATION"

  • @BingusCheese133
    @BingusCheese133 4 года назад

    why does nobody talk about the donald duck impression trib did at 5:40?

  • @xxbeatleadxx
    @xxbeatleadxx 6 лет назад

    Just saw a clip from this on my IG as a warframe advertisement. Pretty cool

  • @Oni-oh5ty
    @Oni-oh5ty 6 лет назад +1

    Love your work and memes keep it up please

  • @yellowtrickster69
    @yellowtrickster69 6 лет назад +2

    with luck, later on we'll be able to take over the tron bikes like the cetus dargyns

  • @livingalife8879
    @livingalife8879 10 месяцев назад

    5 years later and this is still the fortuna experience

  • @sakura368
    @sakura368 4 года назад +1

    here's something that "it just works"
    sometimes when you hop on the k-drive, the floor stops working

  • @chloekaftan
    @chloekaftan 5 лет назад +1

    2:57 lol that pose was perfectly timed

  • @senyksia
    @senyksia 6 лет назад +7


  • @Fiishe
    @Fiishe 6 лет назад +1

    Leave to Trib to bring Goat Simulator back into the world with Oberon and ragdoll physics

  • @Inkastar-tz8yd
    @Inkastar-tz8yd 3 года назад +1

    5:40 merlock triberous doesn't exist. merlock triberous

  • @wackypenguin94
    @wackypenguin94 6 лет назад

    Fortuna: we all lift together
    Triburos: wait, is that console in the back si-

  • @patrickschooley731
    @patrickschooley731 5 лет назад

    So glad he didn’t notice, but if you look at the scarf, it did work

  • @pineythecosmonaut1679
    @pineythecosmonaut1679 6 лет назад

    Glad to know that I’m not the only one who noticed the console singing.

  • @bloodysugarcube9844
    @bloodysugarcube9844 5 лет назад

    I’ve just started to work for all that Cetus and poe has to give, and now Fortuna comes out

  • @matthewfox4124
    @matthewfox4124 6 лет назад +3

    I haven't laughed so hard in my life, I'll be enjoying fortuna when it releases on console

  • @comicallycorrect4042
    @comicallycorrect4042 4 года назад +1

    11:50 top 5 Most intense Anime Deaths 2018

  • @nekrosumbra2174
    @nekrosumbra2174 6 лет назад +3

    *cries in we still have to wait a month for the tuna*

  • @Hoontor
    @Hoontor 6 лет назад

    On the Plains in one of the deep mines I had the fall though the world bug like Trib did here and I ejected my to the surface instantly.

  • @Tonatsi
    @Tonatsi 6 лет назад +1

    I can't tell you why, but your laughter made me laugh much more than the actual ragdolling.

  • @wizardcat7654
    @wizardcat7654 6 лет назад +2

    Turned my anistropic filtering down last night and the terrain for all of fortuna(except for foliage and some rocks) completely disappeared after reloading hahaha lol xD

  • @Angel_Underscore
    @Angel_Underscore 6 лет назад

    The tools light up along their user, if you see ppl talking in fortuna while holding weapons you can see it.

  • @JadenTSlime
    @JadenTSlime 6 лет назад

    Y'know the singing console takes on a whole darker aspect once you think about the reality of brain-shelving.

  • @patrickschooley731
    @patrickschooley731 6 лет назад

    You pointing out the singing console earned you another subscriber

  • @johnbentley6900
    @johnbentley6900 6 лет назад

    This made me smile. Good on you

  • @thestormai449
    @thestormai449 5 лет назад

    That console singing at 1:33 must be a brain shelf, meaning some of the solaris are inside, alive but not experiencing anything except time.

  • @DarkState2
    @DarkState2 6 лет назад

    The singing console! never noticed that and never heard anyone point it out

  • @Krasnikgavsharik
    @Krasnikgavsharik 6 лет назад +3

    "My Arse is stuck on Nef Anyo"

  • @Zaxten
    @Zaxten 4 года назад +1

    90% of the time im in fortunea im just rag-dolling my self off the hover board the 9% is me dieing while ragdolling and the 1% is actually doing the quests

  • @damonponcet5831
    @damonponcet5831 6 лет назад

    I just shot ramen out my nose when you said he's been repod that really hurt

  • @sadjhin103
    @sadjhin103 6 лет назад

    Did anyone else lose their shit when you realized the highspeed ragdoll effect on your Warframe can happen just by clipping a pebble

  • @deathkorpsofkrieg8555
    @deathkorpsofkrieg8555 5 лет назад

    The cow grows inpasint. LET ME OUT OF THIS ELEVATOR PLEASE.

  • @Addi-O
    @Addi-O 6 лет назад

    If you really wanna see ragdill, then fully charge the jump on the hoverboard and make an exodus knock you off. You wont be dissapointed

  • @deathblite9806
    @deathblite9806 4 года назад

    Fun fact: cysts also sang when the intro for fortuna was played

  • @BunBros
    @BunBros 6 лет назад

    This patch has the most hilarious glitches. I somehow managed to glitched myself into the k-drive. So I was just the board. Best 1 hour of my life.

  • @FilmAcolyteReturns
    @FilmAcolyteReturns 6 лет назад

    I ragdolled straight up and over a mountain yesterday. It was awesome.

  • @LemanRussx
    @LemanRussx 6 лет назад

    Trust me mate snow is blinding, it's as bright as my potential future

  • @dubborino979
    @dubborino979 6 лет назад

    Imagine patrolling with your buds and suddenly a fuckin warframe crashes into the snow next to you and it gets up, see it lift its leg and make that bone chilling roar and stops time itself

  • @kjaked39
    @kjaked39 6 лет назад

    1 month late, but when I had to defend Fortuna, no enemies were there. As well the Spider.

  • @LovelyCenturibear
    @LovelyCenturibear 6 лет назад +1

    "I was gonna make it white cuz, you know. I'm an adult." 😂

  • @quantumblauthor7300
    @quantumblauthor7300 4 года назад

    That ventkid's missing head was arlo foreshadowing

  • @AustraStronk
    @AustraStronk 6 лет назад +8

    Rip Thursday

  • @Xsoskeleton
    @Xsoskeleton 6 лет назад

    btw, if u use operator, umbra, and a pet with armor attachment and shiny visible energy patterns on their accessories (yes 3 of them), they will also "sing"

    • @Xsoskeleton
      @Xsoskeleton 6 лет назад

      use operator and visit the hammering dudes to replay the song, and they will stuck there in the cutscene

  • @DrVella
    @DrVella 4 года назад

    huh Trib's soul is kindness...
    who would'a thought

  • @ponivi
    @ponivi 3 года назад

    God I forget how new Fortuna is in the long run.

  • @maxdagesse127
    @maxdagesse127 5 лет назад +1

    Foreshadowing for Grendel?

  • @wizardcat7654
    @wizardcat7654 6 лет назад

    You're lucky I had to completely re-install my game to get the update to go through.

  • @ArcticGaming133
    @ArcticGaming133 6 лет назад +2

    If you put subtitles on, the start is [Music]

  • @Gudda16
    @Gudda16 6 лет назад

    That ragdolling though, just beautiful

  • @alshiangamecrazy9469
    @alshiangamecrazy9469 6 лет назад

    Apparently being rag dolled with the spider shooting its juice beam makes you shoot off to space. No regrets were made XD
    Fortuna is a buggy mess but hell most of those bugs were fun to experience.

  • @gunneroyster4062
    @gunneroyster4062 5 лет назад

    The goat grows impatient. *demonic goat screaming*

  • @SlashRfnR
    @SlashRfnR 6 лет назад

    If DE puts elevator music, I will never get bored to stay in that loading zone