"Похвална песен за Евангелист Лука" or eulogy to st. evangelist luke I was not able to find the Lyrics for it; I researched on the Web; I can find the Lyrics of the text in the book "Неофит Рилски Антология" I tried to buy it in England; I stucked; I need to go back to my mother Bulgaria; Then I can buy the book and do the video; My heart breaks and cries at this moment; Once I upload the Megaloschemos VII, I will be so happy! 😪 Thank you for the brilliant and informative question!
Thank You so much! Better improved version is in progress of this particular video with the 7th part of Megaloschemos being now included in it; It will be uploaded soon; May God bless you, your family and everyone around you. Amen
where is megaloschemos VII?
"Похвална песен за Евангелист Лука" or eulogy to st. evangelist luke
I was not able to find the Lyrics for it; I researched on the Web; I can find the Lyrics of the text in the book "Неофит Рилски Антология"
I tried to buy it in England; I stucked; I need to go back to my mother Bulgaria; Then I can buy the book and do the video;
My heart breaks and cries at this moment; Once I upload the Megaloschemos VII, I will be so happy! 😪
Thank you for the brilliant and informative question!
Слава и слава Господу нашему Иисусу Христу сыну Божиему!
i really enjoy this kind of music and some ambience with some bulgarian monks singing and chanting and with the space it fills
Thank You so much! Better improved version is in progress of this particular video with the 7th part of Megaloschemos being now included in it; It will be uploaded soon; May God bless you, your family and everyone around you. Amen
Muito obrigado.
Felicidades 😊
Thanks for combining and putting the subtitles! Although i miss the beautiful images of the monks, this is a video i didnt know i was waiting for.
special version will be done for you. thank You! more is coming