To the comparisons noted in these comments, might I add resemblances to Harris, Ives and Copland, even, at 22:00, Nielsen, and, in its more ferocious moments, Jolivet and Revueltas? Rouse's 3rd Symphony has a winning lyricism along with its"sound and fury", and I think it is a more impressive work than his 4th which I've heard just previously. (And yes, Rouse does have his very individual voice.)
The spectre of the Prokofiev's second symphony haunts these places...
The symphony of Pterodactyls and Derivatives of 2011. Excellent work!
I just looked you up to see who he was, just found out that he died back in September of this year. Such a tragedy. May he rest in peace.
To the comparisons noted in these comments, might I add resemblances to Harris, Ives and Copland, even, at 22:00, Nielsen, and, in its more ferocious moments, Jolivet and Revueltas? Rouse's 3rd Symphony has a winning lyricism along with its"sound and fury", and I think it is a more impressive work than his 4th which I've heard just previously. (And yes, Rouse does have his very individual voice.)
very good