France had one energy policy. Became the first nuclear power of europe. Makes own missiles. Makes own fighter jets. Makes own warships. Even the president of france promotes european countries to invest and buy european weapons instead of buying US weapons.
@@raidensergi2378 France wants to become the first weapon builder in europe, this will probably be the case over the years, cause german weapon industry is kinda falling while france keeps innovating much more in all sectors, despite president macron and his government incompetence on economy subject they at least managed to make france take better positions in europe politics, the government that will take power will be much more nationalists which will probably increase france spending in the military even more
@@AgentK-im8keIt already is. Second largest weapons maker in the world after the US. Germany? Germany wasn't even in the game. Well it is but not in the same league.
I totaly agree with you. In 2003 France refused to follow US and attack in Iraq. US claimed at that time that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which was not true and France knew it. As a result, the United States decided to stop selling American components needed for certain French weapons. For example spare parts for the aircraft catapult of the French aircraft carrier. The consequence for France was the impossibility to have an aircraft carrier operational. This is why France don't want to rely on american components.This is also why many countries prefer to buy French weapons rather than American ones because we do not impose these kinds of sanctions. And most of our weapons are fully developed and produced by France with french components when it is a strategic components. At least not with american component for strategic components. Greetings from France
Very right. When russia bully with gaz, america do it with tech and economy. But before that, the reason original why France wanted autonomy over USA was also due to america. During the Suez Crisis, USA threatened the british and french to redrew from there interests. The result was the politic of self sufficiency in the military domain for the french.
I completely agree with William. The embargo on spare parts for the aircraft carrier catapult has shown the limits of the alliance with the USA. We need independence if we are not to be obliged to follow stupidly (I'm French).
C'est pour ça que le démantèlement de l'armée a été une connerie sans nom. Trop de gens pense que la paix est éternelle. On supprime plein de poste exécutifs : policiers, militaires, professeurs, soignants, etc ... Mais on crée plein de ministères, de cabinets inutiles pour caser les copains. Quand il faut se serrer la ceinture, tout de suite ça va être de taper sur les contribuables, les vieux et le service public au lieu de supprimer les cabinets, ministères et commissions inutiles, arrêter les chantiers stupides qu'on ne mènera pas à bout. J'entendais, en début d'année que la Manufacture d'Armes de St Etienne avait des problèmes. Sans aller jusqu'à la nationalisation, certaines industries et sociétés doivent rester sous contrôle de l'état. Pour leur survie, parce que toutes ne sont pas rentables, mais nécessaires stratégiquement et politiquement.
Exact, c est exactement pour ça que macron vient de vendre Latecoere et sa nouvelle technologie Li-fi, qui faisait de nous les leaders dans ce domaine, aux ricains...
Et il faut ajouter à ça les éléments bien moins technologiques et bien plus basiques : nourriture (donc agriculture), vêtements (donc industrie textile), fusil mitrailleur et munitions (ce qui n'est plus le cas aujourd'hui). Parce que sans ça, tu tiens pas une semaine. Tu peux avoir les plus beaux avions modernes du monde, si tes pilotes sont affamés et en slip, tu n'en feras rien. Enfin reste le problème central : l'énergie. Si la France à opté judicieusement pour le nucléaire pour le civil afin de ne pas dépendre des autres, elle reste un pays (comme quasiment toute l'Europe) sans ressources fossiles. C'est comme ça. A part un peu de charbon, et quelques gisements quasi-épuisés en mer du Nord, le continent européen ne possède aucune matières premières énergétiques. Dans ces conditions, enfermer la France dans le "club" des pays européens à la démographie vieillissante, sans aucune matière première, à la remorque des USA, tout en se brouillant de plus en plus avec ceux qui en possèdent et qui émergent... c'est une erreur stratégique fondamentale. Parce que la seule solution à terme si on continue avec faire la morale à certains pays du monde qui ne supportent plus l'Occident, ça sera soit de s'éffondrer, soit d'aller s'approprier ces ressources par la force et par des guerres de rapine, néo-coloniales. Ou alors inventer une nouvelle technologie qui fonctionne bien sans dépendre de ressources fossiles. Mais on semble en être très loin.
@@Caporal_BlutchEntre le fait d'avoir dû vendre Alstom, la délocalisation, la privatisation d'EDF/ENGIE/Véolia, l'ARPAC et les traités de libres échanges, c'est pas demain que nous serons résilient et auto-suffisant !
@@Trods911L’OTAN est un grand avantage militaire pour la France regarde l’Ukraine elle ne voulait pas rejoindre et ce fait envahir. Maintenant elle veut rejoindre l’OTAN
@@cestmoifr la France et l'Ukraine ne sont pas comparables. L'Ukraine partage une frontière avec la Russie, pas la France. L'Ukraine n'a pas l'arme nucléaire, la France si. La France ne risque pas de se faire envahir par la Russie sous prétexte qu'elle n'est plus dans l'OTAN, c'est même à cause de L'OTAN qu'on rentrerait en guerre si l'Ukraine était un état membre
@le_rat_moneur je call un bot pro russe, mais jvais quand meme répondre: Si l'ukraine a envie de rejoindre l'OTAN, la russie a absolument pas son mot a dire. Qu'ils s'en inquietent tant qu'ils veulent, rien ne justifie une invasion sous pretexte de se "sentir vaguement menacé". l'Ukraine se sentait, elle, bien menacée, et l'invasion de la crimée leur avait bien montré qu'ils avaient completement raison de rechercher une protection contre la Russie! Essayer de rejetter la faute de l'invasion russe sur les US ou sur des soit disant groupes nazis dont personne ne trouve aucune trace ni explications a leur existence, c'est soit le signe d'un compte de propagande, soit d'un idiot congénital. je parie sur les deux en meme temps
hey french here ! The rafale and most of the french's army equipement are considered the most versatile in one things, the rafale can do CAS, Air superiority, naval strikes, carrier takeoff, dodge, stealth missions and way more ! but France are the option for countries that doesn't want to be american side or in the russian side, France is more a "neutral" side
@@ludo5327 enfaite ceux qui ne veulent ni s’aligner américains et donc suivre leurs politique, ni les russes choisissent les français car a la différence des US et de la Russie la France regarde rarement ce que les pays font avec les armes il y a comme un « secret professionnel » 🤣
Honestly you could put 6 Rafales vs 1 F22 Raptor and it would be over in seconds. They would have no chance…that’s why it’s an air superiority fighter!
@@luckyFrenchy Oui. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Avant l'Ukraine, vous vous souvenez à quelle occasion on avait entendu parler des Césars ? (indice: il y avait des civils...)
C'est quoi le rapport ? J'en ai marre que tout le monde utilise cette info à droite et à gauche pour rien, le gars veut juste en savoir plus sur notre armée, je suis sûr qu'il a aussi regarder des vidéos sur d'autre armée. C'est juste vaniteux de dire "nous avons gagné le plus de victoires au monde" ou un équivalent
@@delphinelherondelle5693 c’est pour juste rabattre le caquet aux adeptes du French bashing. Et quel est le mal à s’enorgueillir d’une réalité factuelle alors qu’on nous rappelle en permanence la défaite de 40 ? Il est bon de rappeler aux autres et à nos compatriotes étroits d’esprit que notre histoire n’est pas limitée à l’époque contemporaine.
Comme on dit, les français sont de superbes ingénieurs et inventeurs, mais de piètres commerçants et business men...😅😂 Mais on se débrouille pas si mal, en particulier en armement (sous marins, avions, chars, navires...tout sauf les fusils qu'on doit acheter aux Allemands pour montrer qu'on participe à l'esprit européen !😅😂)
You have analyzed things well, indeed France and India have signed defense partnerships, moreover the first Indian minister was the guest of honor during July 14, what you call "the Bastille day" and the French Pdt had the reciprocal a few weeks ago. The independence of France allowed it to say NO during the second war against Iraq in 2003, this war which was a lie of Bush Jr. and Tony Blair and which killed thousands of brave Western soldiers who did not had nothing to do there.
Allies is the key word. France is the oldest ally of the USA that helps them for Independence and recognition. But when you look at some stories like AUKUS when the US came behind France and make Australia cancel his submarines order to France allowing US and GB to sell their submarines... any smart person can wonder what kind of ally is that! Same story with the Netherlands that were ready to buy Rafales - that got 300 positive military tests out of 300 with Amsterdam - but the US put pressure on them: you want the US shield in case of war, buy our F35. Hmmm ... Ally? As we say in France: don't do to other what you would not like they do to you.
The Dutch had bids from NAVANTIA Spain, NAVAL France and HDW Germant. They decided to buy from NAVAL, 4 in total nuclear powered submarines, the ones the French Navy is currently replacing, the old Rubis class, for the new Barracuda class. Bravo to the Dutch
French weapons are very effective on the battlefield, as we have seen in Ukraine and Africa. Furthermore, France is a nuclear power with nuclear weapons and should never be underestimated because it has not signed the no-first-use pact.
Our nuclear doctrine is straightforward: no first strike. We will never initiate the use of nuclear weapons. However, any nation foolish enough to attack us with nuclear weapons will face an overwhelming retaliatory response. Our submarine-based nuclear force ensures we can respond from anywhere in the world, at any time.
let´s put it that way, France and US are close Allies, but US has its own interests which are different from the french ones. France did not give away its defence to the US like germany did for example. France is able to intervene for the defense of its interest everywhere in the world when necessary. and it happened several times in Africa over the last decades. Also France has been able to tell the US that it would not follow in IRAQ in 2001, because the reasons put up by the US were proper lies and everybody knew it. A combat aircraft is a complicated machine, whether it is a US one, a french one, a russian one or a chinese one. there are a few differemces in teh dapabilities and in the operationnal maintining but they are all complicated to fly and require complex logistics to maintain trhe operationnal capability. One of the big strings of US is ITAR, most of the french systems are specifically designed to be ITAR free. on an F-35, some data are completely out of your hands and flow directly to the US, that is nopt acceptable for some countries. One of the big issue of whole europe is the lack of natural ressources, whether it is oil or minerals, that puts europe under a hige pressure that the US, China or Russia do not have. I do not know for India.
@@johndoe-cd9vtFrance is about the wealth of California and we operate the fastest and safest HSR. I stand the point french engineers with american budget would build the xwing and even the death star
@@CaptainDangeaxGDP for countries and regions or here US states aren't calculated the same. Apples and oranges. And California doesn't have a military budget. It receives military funds from the Congress.
@@xtophgerard1169 except that we never left NATO as in the mutual defense treaty of the North Atlantic De Gaulle even said it himself in his speech February 21, 1966 : the goal is not to leave the Atlantic Alliance, but to not be a simple subordinate of the US. And thus, leave the strategic command part of NATO, to be able to 1/ not be obligated to participate in wars we didn't want to take part in (as in, aggressive wars, taking examples of the vietnam, cuba, and korea wars / problems) 2/ be independant with our nukes and army. The goal was to be able to still have independance from the US politics, to be "usefull to ourselves and others", that was incompatible with being a "subordinate"
Easy maintenance is one of the qualities that American have failed to take into consideration. Their wepons are too fancy for a lot of the world and break down too easily.
Yeah, US has advanced logistics and big professional military. Big professional military, along with budget is really what allows for using this complex equipment. If you have big army, like conscription army, that rules out some of more complex stuff. Or if you have relatively small professional army, you can't afford to waste tons of resources and manpower for one system since it would actually deplete people that can do combat, or say if you lose those personnel and they have to be replaced, it would take too long. And you don't get benefit of economics of scale. Depends a bit on system ofc, countries are often willing to pour a lot of resources for stuff like main fighter plane. But that has always been the case.
I am French and I want to thank you for what you are saying about my country and for having understood what was De Gaulle’s thinking. As Americans, you must know that the US government has always hated De Gaulle and try to prevent us from becoming a military and nuclear power. Also, why do other European countries buy US stuff instead of French whereas we are all in the European Union ? Just because EU is just the organization that make European countries pupets of the US. De Gaulle has always struggled against this form of soft domination, and May 68 crisis was highly manipulated by the US. France politics are still a lot dependent on this conflict, between « Atlantists » and « Nationalists ».
uk nukes are a bit obsolete, but who one wants to invade UK, or France... ONLY US don't understand that nukes are just deterence, not weapons...
i m happy to hear an opinion like that since i was under the impression that France had very bad reputation among Americans in part for the reasons aborded in this video (the fact that France sometimes choose her own military politic independently from the U.S). It's refreshing to see that not all Americans think like this.
Connor, I think you missed the point. The subject is not about France being strong enough to go to war with whomever, but about how its know-how in producing arms and in tying up diplomatico-commercial relationships whith potential buyers are placing the country as a leader in the world's arms trade. That being said, as a "Peace & Love" individual, I'm torn between some pride in my country's ability to be reckoned as an expert in that field, and ... I wish that field weren't that of producing material meant to kill.
In a perfect world where war did not exist this would indeed be immoral, unfortunately this world does not exist and these sales contribute to the increase in France's defenses. When this world of peace and love between peoples exists (I have serious doubts about this), I can only agree with you.
I agree with you and we all have to be torn because nothing is absolute. It's normal and good sign of intelligence, not a problem. Particularly with this field. "It is this eternal dance that separates human beings from angels, from demons, from god And I must not forget, we must not forget, that we are human beings". Ren - Hi Ren
In a way french weapons help garantee peace because of their lethality. On the other hand it is still selling tools of death and destruction to sketchy regimes sometimes( egypt, saudi arabia and UAE) .
@@CROM-on1bz I'd like to agree with you but this stands until we notice that our arms end up being used in Yemen civil for example (which was one of the topics of the 2017 presidential campaign)
@@noefillon1749 n any case there is no way to effectively repress the sales or re-sales of weapons on parallel markets, thinking that it is possible is as illusory as wanting to eradicate all the scammers and thieves from the earth. The world of Care Bears is not for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
5:30 You respect countries that value their strategic autonomy is what i think you meant. Glad i found an American that understand and respects our perspective. Have my own respect for your great geopolitical culture :)
The last version of the Rafale, the "F4 Standard" can detect and track any plane with very small signature, that means, any 5th gen fighter... This was on the top of the list of the roadmap of this version. Its SPECTRA auto defense system uses alternate means to detect and track the stealth planes, like using infrared radars, so basically the stealth shape of the opponent becomes almost useless.
@@Lol-rx7sx parceque c est simplement devenu un standard, il vaut mieux l avoir que ne pas l avoir, mais l avoir ne te rend absolument pas invisible, face aux avions qui sont eux aussi avancés. Furtif n a jamais voulu dire invisible, et en matiere de savoir faire, le concurrent direct de Locked Martin, c est Dassault Aviation ... Le Neuron, le drone de Dassault est de 5eme generation, pourquoi ils ont pas acceleré ce projet et en ont pas fait un avion avec pilote? ca sert strictement a rien quand on a le Rafale ...
@@Lol-rx7sx La furtivité de nos jours = distance de détection plus faible. Peut etre que quand le F 22 est sorti il était réellement invisible sur les radars, aujourd'hui être furtif = se faire détecter + tard, c'est tout. La technologie des radars a une longueur d'avance sur celle de la furtivité
Stealth fighter or stealth bomber? The American stealth bombers have far less of a cross-section than the fighters. By more than an order of magnitude.
In France, politicians often talk about "national sovereignty" as a fundamental principle for this country. For them and for the French people, it means being independent in all strategic aspects, with a strong military, self-sufficient energy production, major international industries such as Total or LVMH, and even its own space centre... It's a guarantee that the country will remain strongly independent even in difficult times. And if it can make cash with it's own expertises that's a win-win 😉
Il faut dire qu'on fait fort depuis quelques années, on a une armée et un équipement moderne qui pourraient nous mettre en compétition féroce avec les géants militaires (US, Chine, Russie), on produit nos propres véhicules, avions, bateaux et sous-marins, et si on ne va évidemment pas vendre des portes-avions, c'est aussi un moyen de montrer notre savoir-faire et de dire "Coucou les gars, on sais toujours faire des portes-avions à propulsion nucléaire et sous-marins, mais mieux que la dernière fois!", et ca fait plaisir de voir que l'équipement Français commence enfin à être reconnu mondialement
France has always had an interest in having a good relationship with Russia. It’s independent of the U.S policies. The two countries are the two ends of the European continent. One to the west, one to the east. And for centuries, these two countries have always had an interest in joining forces, to counterbalance the power of the "Mitteleuropa" (german word to talk about union of central Europe, generally under German domination). As the French writer Mauriac, a close friend of De Gaulle, said : "I love Germany so much that I prefer that there are two" As De Gaulle recalled : "Every time France has been on a good relationship with Russia, it has been a beautiful period in french history. Every time France has had bad relationship with Russia, it has been a bad period in french history" And this rule is still true today.
@@othmanlibra1887même plus, on a plus rien de gaulois au-delà du territoire partagé, encore, une partie de ce territoire fait partie de la Belgique actuelle, du Luxembourg actuel et de la Suisse actuel
@@delphinelherondelle5693 plus rien* j'irai pas jusque là, mais probablement un petit pourcentage oui ^^ t'façon toute l'Europe occidentale est un bouillon de culture, y a eu un mixage énorme ^^
France was supposed to sell several submarines to Australia but with no warning they cancelled it. The US actually pushed off France in this sell at the last moment...
f-35 can also store less weapons than the rafale, as they have to be contained inside the hull to keep their stealth ability, which isn't the case for the rafale. so you can also add extra tanks, on top of a shit ton of weaponry. the rafale is also considered the best "omni-role" fighter aircraft in the wold
oui mais nous n avons pas la puissance politique de l amerique , elle ,elle n a pas besoin d amis elle se suffi a elle meme nous par contre pour survivre il faut ce lever les doits du c...
F-35 is great at what it was designed to do for who it was designed for. Rafale was designed to be cheaper while covering a larger range of mission. They are both great, but one is a fork, the other a spatula. Both useful in their own domains.
@@clnetrooper Rafale was not designed to be cheaper it was designed to work at all times just like Mirage 2000, F-35 was designed to be an undesirable money sink that doesn't even work without build quality and technical accidents.
28:30 I think the word you're looking for is "doctrine". The M1 is perfectly fitting the US Military Doctrine, while the French Leclerc is doing the same for France.
Generally speaking every tank underperformed in the Ukraine war, its not the fault of the Abrams per say. Against modern drone warfare and stingers, tanks took a secondary place and can be too easily taken down. Not even talking about all the mines, which makes tanks unusable for proper assault.
They said its about the approach of doing war/battle who's different, not only the "level" of formation. The Abrams is made to do his job in his way, and the Leclerc have his own. Its about tactics, not about "woaw our weapons are so sophisticated that they need to be in good hands". Thinking like that is underestimating foreign soldiers.
Fun fact. France or rather the "Gaulle" at Charlemagne era (800AD) was already exporting weapons everywhere in Europe. Their swords were consider the best one. Obviously a long tradition.
i ll take the exemple of the russian tank. Who wants a tank that is ammo is cooking when hit and sent 90% of the time his crew to heaven?. Ukrain war showed that to all the customers of russian s products. I dont say that tank crews in western battle tanks ll survive 100% time when they are hit but the % of survival is to an other level compared to russian. Concerning differences between american mbt and french mbt, one of the most easy to understand is that french mbt have an auto loader. American mbt use a crew member to load ammo. Concerning the french mbt auto loader, it ll not explode like russian tank if ammo is hit, because like american mbt, ammo are stocked in a secured box.
Military might doesn't equate to industrial or economic might . which Germany is way superior to France sorry to tell you Sir . Germany is constrained by world leaders from having a big military after WW II . Désolé monsieur !
@@gregorygant4242Germany Bundeswehr is in shamble and has to restructure it’s been on the news for the past year. Es tut mir leid, Sir, aber Sie liegen falsch
fyi, at 2:23 , he says that the french leave NATO for a time, but no, the french only leave the unified NATO command, still in NATO but acting independently (it's more complex than that)
in general, this not a great documentary, the main reason of India decreased in purchasing russian army, is that the russian tank are not operable in high altitude (where a lot of skirmish happened with china). also all the pronunciation of french weapon system are wrong, it take very few effort to check : the Leclerc (the last c is silent), and the Rafale (he pronounced it Rafalé, and again the e at the end is silent), and if you can't find the pronunciation of the only 2 weapon system you repeat over and over, i am very doubtful of the quality of the rest of your research. The original video is not great but it's not bad either, and it's true that in the international weapon market, the most important thing is the geopolitical impact not so much the cost (the quality and most importantly the reliability that matter) To resume the video in a short : the country who bought russian weapon don't want to be under too much US influence , but the french are a more reliable source and of better quality with less diplomatic impact
There were very few Abrams delivered to Ukraine, the vast majority of these western tanks are German leopards. I don’t know how well the Abrams is doing, but the leopards are very appreciated.
3:00 I just want to add one tiny thing. French tech mostly relies on ITAR free tech, hence non American (and usually French). But contrary to Germany, for example, it’s not a 2 way thing. Notably the American buy a lot of vital components from France, such as the thermal imagers of most modern US vehicles (abrams, Bradley, striker…)
1st word you were searching for : "AUTONOME" . And 2nd word : "TIBET" ! 😜 Always good comments and smart reflexions in your videos. 👍 P.S. : sorry for the commentator but in French we NEVER pronounce the last letter of words, no more than that of people. Our tank therefore bears the name of General LECLER(C) and not "LECLERK". And so, our plane is not the "RAFALE", but the RAFAL(E).
Bigger superpower than Russia ? As a French I don't think so. Maybe bigger weapons exporter but the french ground forces are just 120 000 active personnel and 60 000-80 soldiers
si tu fait ce qu'il font en ukraine contre l'armée Française, tu tiens pas 5 jours. même les états unis ce méfient de nous. ça paraît pas mais en vrai notre armée est surentrainée et ça, ça fait toute la différence.
@@hordeforever2482 oui mais on a quand même moins de la moitié de leur effectif donc même si ça peut faire du 1 contre 4 ça reste compliqué. Et en plus notre armée à été plutôt spécialisée sur de l'expéditionnaire et du combat à forces "inégales" donc en haute intensité ce n'est pas la même chose. Cependant ça n'empêche pas que je pense qu'on a parmi les meilleurs soldats du monde (si ce n'est les meilleurs) et qu'on a de très très bon véhicules et armements.
@@theohuon5221 l'armée tablé sur du 1vs6. oui le 5 jours viennent du fait qu'aprés on a pu rien^^ donc faut gagner vite. bon j'éxagére mais au dela de 5 semaines on serait dans le caca en cas de conflit. pas de masse, pas assez de matos, et complexe militaro industriel qui ne suivrait pas. mais question "panache" pardon.
@@hordeforever2482 Ah oui je suis d'accord on est invincible sur notre propre sol, mais le seul pays qui a le budget pour tenir une ligne de front (ou une partie) si loin de chez soi c'est les USA. Même les Russes n'en sont pas capables. Par contre si il fallait envoyer un corps expéditionnaire pour prendre n'importe quelle ville russe c'est largement possible, mais ça signifierait une guerre totale et ça la France ne peut, et ne veut pas. Je pense que si on voulait, hypothétiquement évidemment; envahir un petit pays ça nous prendrait une journée pas plus.
@@hordeforever2482 1vs6 c'est pas mal effectivement mais comme tu le dis le problème derrière ça reste encore les munitions et le matériel insuffisants
Si vis pacem,para bellum...If you wont peace, prepare war (Not le général de Gaulle but Jules César I thinks). Even if americans thinks they are the soldiers of the free World,their failures were more importants than their "victories"...and the rest of the World don't really need them to fight for them,. Excuse me if there is mistakes on my writting but i'm just a little frenchie girl who sincerely fed up of the american superiority complex. Happy weekend to everyone
Il y a pas mal de guerre perdue politiquement côté USA mais pas réellement perdue militairement dans le sens où les pertes jouent clairement en leur faveur (Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc)
32:40 Respecting people because of the respect they have for themselves also inspires respect. *Respect from others cannot be without respect for yourself.* This explains the different loves and hatreds for your country around the world.
Hey, to clarify the abrahams perfomance in Ukraine, it's easy to understand. The era of tanks is coming to an end. In the near future engaging non light armored vehicule without air superiority would be consider straight up sacrifice of men and material. Heavy tanks can't keep getting more layers of protection while the variety of weapons available to destroy them is insane, but even if you equip a tank with defense system to intercept rockets, missiles and drones, there's nothing you can do against an accurate artillery shot, and 155mm shell has close to 100% chance of destruction on any tank in the world if it hit. Future of tank reside in smaller vehicule like the bradley, because only mobility can help against artillery, if you ask a tanker from both side in Ukraine, they'd probably told you that staying still for more than 5 minutes straight sounds more terrifying than crossing a minefield.
"The era of tanks is coming to an end." People have been saying this forever. "Armor and shield will become useless because bullet can bypass them" The things is we made armor better than it was in the past, and they had the capacity to protect from bullet. Then we made better weapon that killed these armor, then we made better armor. Tank will not disapear, they will change, like armor always did.
@@alkazarjkdghjdThank you. Armored warfare is not going anywhere. You still need a mobile platform to carry heavy weapons, launch missiles, do direct-fire support for ground troops ( may they be organic or not ), control the ground, deny access, etc. You *need* armored platforms, this cannot be overlooked. Aerials platforms can't control and hold ground. Ground ones, can. Will it evolve ? Yes, obviously, like everything else. But the idea of tanks and AFV disappearing is just wrong. It may not be directly operated by humans in the future, but it'll still be a somewhat large platform to do all the things mentioned above.
Rafale is the most versatile figther of the world : It can have more bombs ( 15 metric tons ) than all other figthers, he is between 4 and 5 generation but he can be better in fight than F 22 ( the F-22 is the only plane who have a pasitive ratio victory/defeat in simulation against Rafale ) and it is the best naval figther
What's good with the Leclerc and India is that if they pick it, it would lower the cost because it would entice France to modernize its fleet and expand it, as well as offer upgrades to the countries already using it.
M1a1 are doing pretty good in Ukraine, the "problem" is that they are so good at protecting the crew that they're sent without support Also concerning the Leclerc, its a mutch more advanced and technological/sofisticated tank than the m1 , it was the tank with the best NATO grade , which makes sense when you consider its 10 year younger, sadly tho the production lines are stoped right now, but a lot of artillery pices and IFSs are exported
We are a superpower because we have almost the entire spectrum of modern military equipment but very little of each of these pieces of equipment. We have 3 to 5 days of ammunition, 200,000 to 300,000 committed soldiers deployable on the ground. Only 1 aircraft carrier but not enough frigates to escort it. 200 or 250 Leclerc tanks of which 40 or 50 are usable. We need 220 Rafale or Mirage 2000 type aircraft but we are missing at least 40. Our army as a whole is designed to intervene against small countries in Africa or the Middle East in coalition with NATO to maintain control of the oil, gas, uranium, gold, iron, copper and other strategic raw materials deposits of our former colonies essential for our economy but cannot defend the borders of France as was seen during the 2 world wars or 1870!!!.
Les guerres mondiales c'est surtout à cause du haut commandement de l'époque qui ont fait de la merde. Nous n'aurions pas dû être battu ou presque battu dans le cas de la WW1 aussi facilement. Pour la guerre franco-prussienne je connais pas assez les détails pour en parler
France is militarily huge because France did not let the USA control France too long after WW2. France is one of the countries in the world without any american military base on his soil since the reconstruction of the country. De Gaulle clearly opposed the USA. And excepted after the 2 world wars, France has always been a military superpower, thats why we could handled that much wars. And today, our last real war is the Algerian war in the 1960s, so we stacked a lot of weapons since then and we became leaders in the aircraft and weapon business.
You have clearly captured the spirit of independence, we understood it during wars and during covid. Germany about receiving gas from Russia said nothing.These are the conflicts that we have experienced even with very advanced technology, we have seen wars drag on and we still see it. To fight in the mud or in the desert or in the stones, you have to be I think that France has been on the African continent for a very long time, it knows how war works on the African continent. And covid and the war in Ukraine really planned everything to say you really have to be independent. In the operation of health and border protection.
6:10 So how would you as supreme ruler of Croatia do that? Smaller countries can fend of similar threats but if Russia comes... because of the budget nukes are not even an option. You have to ally yourself with stronger partners as part of geopolitical strategy, preferably ones that support your sovereignty.
Yes but even if you are a small country, the fact that you would bring sophisticated weapons to the table makes you a notable addition to any alliances. For instance, it becomes possible to have joined attacks with countries which are on par with your own technology. 10 planes might not be sufficient to fight a Russian attack off, but combined with ally forces, your 10 planes might become a real asset.
hello, very good video but 2 explanations are missing. The Russian planes were equipped with technology from a French company "Thales". Sanctions banned Thales for the Russians and their planes became much less efficient. Today the performances of the “rafales” aircraft are recognized, certainly one of the best in the world. But other European countries still buy American since they are still under nuclear protection by the United States. Like Australia, which bought French submarines and canceled the sale under American pressure. thank you and hello from France to our American friends!
Fun fact, the hunters community in France buy their munitions from US. But since few months now, US armes dealers refuse to sell them. I let you make your own conclusions.
A few remarks. Not on your commentary, limited, but mostly pertinent, but on the original video, which featured quite a few mistakes ( aside from pronounciation ) or omissions. -De Gaulle didn't take France out of NATO, only out of the command structure. When the US was attacked in 9/11 and article 5 was, for the first time, triggered, the french carrier groups and french troops were amongst the first to fight alongside americans in Afghanistan. -Russia didn't retain most of the weapon producing capabilities, in face many of them were lost with the independance of Ukraine; Proper maintenance of their Carrier, the Kustnetzov and cruisers like the Moskva required drydocks...They don't have anymore, nor any equivalent. And didn't build new ones. Plus, that's not just production: some main design bureaus were ukrainian as well. -The Leclerc wasn't developed as a partnership with the Emirates, only the tropicalised version was. -The Egyptians and indians didn't cancel their Sukhoï order out of nowhere: they tested their first Rafales against their SU30s. The Rafales completely dominated in combat, on top of better reliability, maintenance time and costs, only being inferior in original buying cost. Sidenote, the Rafale's sales started to increase after the war in Libya. While during the two first days of the US operations, US crafts would methodically destroy radar and anti air installations and only then switch to ground support, the day before, french Rafales were operating reconnaissance, strategic bombing and air support missions in the same runs in a libyan airspace featuring an intact air defense and air force: russian equipment. Now, for the part you got wrong, the Western tanks aren't doing bad in Ukraine; Not only do crews have better situationnal awareness than russian tanks do ( russian military equipment use french thermal sights, for instance, which, sold on the international market, aren't the latest gen found on western vehicles ); but they also have better survivability. Leo 2s, Abrams & Leclercs ( which aren't numerous enough to be sent to Ukraine ) all have the ammo in an isolated rack with blow out panels; in russian tanks, the ammo is run in a carousel around the turret, in the crew compartment. A penetration in the mass of the tank will in all likelihood detonate ammunition, killing the entire crew. So even if armor, the fire control system, and the shells weren't as good than on russian tanks ( they are ), the tanks not being invulnerable and taking losses don't mean they do not do better than russian armor. The only western armored vehicle not doing great to protect its crew was the modernised AMX10RC, a reconnaissance armored car/wheeled light tank, with excellent fire control and antitank capabilities for its class, but completely unsuited for breakthrough attempts on fortified lines like the ukrainians ended up using them for.
I mean... from what I remember the term "puppet" is pretty accurate as Roosevelt literally wanted to abolish French sovereignty and place it under US&UK rule. 😬
You just can say France is not a vassal (i don't know the english word) of anibody. Thanks to de Gaulle for sure. But it's also the French spirit. May be we are too proud of ourself to accept somthing or somebody who give us order. Look our Olympique games, 2,4 billion invest. And in the same time we are in récession. French way of life. Like it was said by a ship comander to a english who said "you fight for money, we fight for honor". The french respond: " good, everybody fight for what he don't have". Sorry for my poor english.
We like to tell ourselves that our American friends liberated France for our beautiful eyes... but the truth is much more pragmatic. The USA simply wanted to do like Germany or Japan in France by setting up their authorities. De Gaulle did everything to appoint prefects and put them in place as quickly as possible upon liberation.
I like very much your content and your openness to other's points of view. "protectorate" is the word you were looking I think as opposed to "strategically independent". @15:20 Can you imagine it is working the other way around: you do not sell anymore and still need to produce to keep people employed. then, you need to use these weapons to get something from them. you start to finance rebels in your lost markets in Africa and, as it is not enough... Ukraine!
Abrams doing "bad" is mostly a propaganda snip. There has been just handful of them transferred, they have been used in hardest offensive scenario without the system they are supposed to be used. They should be compared to french AMX - just few of them, used in a way they were not designed for and all cameras pointed at them
@@ludo5327 The thing is that the emirati leclerc is lower in quality than the french one as well as the saudi Abrahms is lower than US Abrahms... BUT in Yemen, Saudi engaged about 250 to 300 abrahms and Saudi have known few dozens of damaged and/or destroyed Abrahms. The emirati engaged about 220 Leclercs, and a single one was damaged and killing only one member of the crew of 3... and this Leclerc has already be reparied to go back to fight. I know it's commonly accepted to do french bashing in US/Uk (anglosphere) world when it comes about military... The fact is that Leclerc is a very capable tank and the rafale jet is the alone in the world to have done draw with the F22 raptor in red flag exercices (even 1 kill for US, 4 draw and 1 kill for french)... Before the 5th gen era, french Mirage 2000 and F1 had beaten regularly the F16 (sometimes painfully, 4 to 1 or 5 to 1, and french pilots are not that better than US ones, they are flying three times less than US ones)... Stealth advantage of the F22 (and of the F35) has been reduced by the French radar system of Spectra, also, the meteor missile is actually slightly better than his american coutnerpart with a slightly better range and accuracy, since the Spectra system give now a better radar able to detect or to jam the F22 and the F35, the advantage of the stealth is not truly decisive. The limit of the French weapons industry is that France hasn't the diplomatic weight of USA which is putting pressure on EU countries and other common allies to both Fraance and USA... If USA were doing the things fairly, not sure that many western countries would buy US weaponry instead of french ones... Globally French engineers are very capable, but french industry lacks money and diplomatic support by the french gov compared to USA. And honestly, F22 raptor is the best fighter in the world but not by far which means that if the pilot in the rafale or the typhoon is better, he can but the F35 is truly not a success, hundreds (more than a thousand even) of problems on it and it costs far more with less time in the air compared to Rafale and Typhoon.
@@jean-Pierre-bt8xw I don't know if we can say it is of lesser quality, but it is certain that the countries selling arms ensure that the weapons sold do not turn against them and do not equip them with all the offensive capabilities. for the F22, it is a very good plane I think even better than the Raphale in close combat but does not have that omnirole capacity the F35 for me is overvalued, I do not question its stealthiness but its weight and its cost price, I am not a specialist in aviation so this only concerns me
Also even when destroyed, western tanks prioritize the survival of the crew with armored ammo storage and other protective systems whereas when Russian tank are destroyed the ammos inside cook and explode killing the crew with it, it's why the turret get ejected.
Be careful, for many countries, like Russia, China or India, quantity does not make quality!! A French 155 mm CAESAR sent to Ukraine fires a conventional ammunition up to 42 km, there are certainly few, but it fires far and it is ultra precise, the Russians use 152 mm cannons but the range is only 22 km, and the worst, not very precise! In Afghanistan, a shot to check the aiming, the shell fell right at the selected location, it was so precise that the American military thought that we had fired a GPS ammunition of the Katana type in France or Excalibur in the USA! and no, we had fired a conventional shell, which proves the high precision of the CAESAR! for the Rafale, our fighter plane, it remains undefeated against this poor Eurofighter (18 fights = 16 to 2 for the Rafale), against the F22, against the F16, against the F15, against the F18 and against the F16 CJ in its own field of competence (detection of ground targets, and their bombing, the Rafale having detected ground targets at 35/40 km that the F16 had not detected!! in Asia, a country did tests in order to buy their new fighter plane, 5 criteria, the Rafale is the only one to have checked the 5 boxes (5 out of 5), the F15 = 3 out of 5 and the Russian SU35, 0 out of 5, declared obsolete in the face of the more modern Rafale!
Thank you very much for your video. I learned a lot as a French man. I am extremely proud of my country to be creative. Independent as what we did in the French revolution. We were not happy with America going in war in Iraq so we didn’t America was pissed, but we didn’t care we love America, my ancestors as battle in the war of Chesapeake to save Americans from the English, so I respect very much your country and I am proud to be part of a family That was in the army since the 1100s Personally, now I am doing special-effects in the movie industry and I’m not kidding. Anybody just to say I’m proud that France is independent. It makes me feel safe. Thank you again for your video I will subscribe
France is a bigger military power than Russia ??!! Wait ! That guy smoked some very strong weed !! (from a former french military, who went several times in Russia)
France is already a military superpower. We have the bomb, we were engage and lead several anti-EI mission in Africa, within the support of african countries and european allies. Our troops were a lots engaged and now we are kind of happy that Poland start to be a superpower as well on the eastern.
The French have been freed from the burden of maintaining expensive military cooperation treaties all over Africa. You can bet that they won't be renewed, even if it's requested.
In Europe, France remains the most independent military force from the USA, but not everything is perfect... We have the know-how, the technologies, the industries (less and less), but several strategic sectors are not or no longer “made in France”: catapults on the Charles de Gaulle and the next aircraft carrier, air surveillance with the AWACS, Alstom/GE management for nuclear propulsion, military combat drones, army rifles, munitions...
im french and what he say about gaz is false we are in trouble since we didnt buy russian gaz ....gaz electricity and petyrole prices are sky limit at the moment and continue to rize
C'est a cause des règles absurdes de l'Europe sur l'énergie dont la France ne s'est pas affranchie, merci Macron. Certains s'en mettent plein les poches(et le nez) avec des jeux d'écritures et la France se prend des xxxx milliards de dettes avec le bouclier tarifaire qui n'aurait pas lieu d'être si les règles mises en place n'étaient pas aussi corrompues
the french army actually as one ennemy and it's the french gouvernement, the budget of our army is so thin we can't affort many unit, don't have a lot of production eitheir, and they have constantly cut the budget for the last 30 years..... And the best part is they send help to Ukraine without remplacing what they give or don't make futher long term plan 🙃
The M1 Abrams? There are about 10 or so of them in Ukraine. There's a huge amount of minefields, artillery and drones. The Ukrainians love the western tanks. It's not that tanks are supposed to be invulnerable... look up tanks losses in WW2. Only when there is a huge disparity in tech levels is it possible to invade a country and lose next to no tanks. Western tanks are far more ergonomic and hold crew safety in higher regards.
Germany's actually quite a big arms exporter, but the great majority is within Europe. Ref the vid featured here's comment re French arms sales being poor in Europe due to a big, high tech US arms export presence. Exactly the same point could've been made re high tech/high quality intra-European German arms exports.
that's why the submarines affair with Australia was so baffling... Want 8 submarines, sure. But we keep the nuclear one for yourself, are you cool with that ? No ? Well, the non nuclear one would yours without strings. A deal it is then... Some time later : What do you mean you prefer US nuclear submarines with US officers in them to make them work ?
" Countries have no friends, only interests" Charles de Gaulle 😂
Who fled when his country surrendered. He stopped in England until france was liberated ,then turned on the British, typical French coward.
So true.
France had one energy policy. Became the first nuclear power of europe.
Makes own missiles.
Makes own fighter jets.
Makes own warships.
Even the president of france promotes european countries to invest and buy european weapons instead of buying US weapons.
@@raidensergi2378 France wants to become the first weapon builder in europe, this will probably be the case over the years, cause german weapon industry is kinda falling while france keeps innovating much more in all sectors, despite president macron and his government incompetence on economy subject they at least managed to make france take better positions in europe politics, the government that will take power will be much more nationalists which will probably increase france spending in the military even more
@@AgentK-im8keIt already is. Second largest weapons maker in the world after the US. Germany? Germany wasn't even in the game. Well it is but not in the same league.
I totaly agree with you.
In 2003 France refused to follow US and attack in Iraq. US claimed at that time that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which was not true and France knew it.
As a result, the United States decided to stop selling American components needed for certain French weapons. For example spare parts for the aircraft catapult of the French aircraft carrier. The consequence for France was the impossibility to have an aircraft carrier operational.
This is why France don't want to rely on american components.This is also why many countries prefer to buy French weapons rather than American ones because we do not impose these kinds of sanctions.
And most of our weapons are fully developed and produced by France with french components when it is a strategic components. At least not with american component for strategic components.
Greetings from France
Exactement !
Very right. When russia bully with gaz, america do it with tech and economy. But before that, the reason original why France wanted autonomy over USA was also due to america. During the Suez Crisis, USA threatened the british and french to redrew from there interests. The result was the politic of self sufficiency in the military domain for the french.
I totally agree with this! (And I'm Belgian so I'm not biased :p )
La politique de la Russie et des Usa sont un fleo pour le monde depuis près d'un siècle
I completely agree with William.
The embargo on spare parts for the aircraft carrier catapult has shown the limits of the alliance with the USA. We need independence if we are not to be obliged to follow stupidly (I'm French).
Ne jamais perdre ces compétences (aviation, sous-marin, radar, fusée)parce que sa propre protection est un élément essentiel pour un pays libre !
C'est pour ça que le démantèlement de l'armée a été une connerie sans nom.
Trop de gens pense que la paix est éternelle.
On supprime plein de poste exécutifs : policiers, militaires, professeurs, soignants, etc ... Mais on crée plein de ministères, de cabinets inutiles pour caser les copains.
Quand il faut se serrer la ceinture, tout de suite ça va être de taper sur les contribuables, les vieux et le service public au lieu de supprimer les cabinets, ministères et commissions inutiles, arrêter les chantiers stupides qu'on ne mènera pas à bout.
J'entendais, en début d'année que la Manufacture d'Armes de St Etienne avait des problèmes.
Sans aller jusqu'à la nationalisation, certaines industries et sociétés doivent rester sous contrôle de l'état. Pour leur survie, parce que toutes ne sont pas rentables, mais nécessaires stratégiquement et politiquement.
Exact, c est exactement pour ça que macron vient de vendre Latecoere et sa nouvelle technologie Li-fi, qui faisait de nous les leaders dans ce domaine, aux ricains...
exactement !
Et il faut ajouter à ça les éléments bien moins technologiques et bien plus basiques : nourriture (donc agriculture), vêtements (donc industrie textile), fusil mitrailleur et munitions (ce qui n'est plus le cas aujourd'hui).
Parce que sans ça, tu tiens pas une semaine.
Tu peux avoir les plus beaux avions modernes du monde, si tes pilotes sont affamés et en slip, tu n'en feras rien.
Enfin reste le problème central : l'énergie.
Si la France à opté judicieusement pour le nucléaire pour le civil afin de ne pas dépendre des autres, elle reste un pays (comme quasiment toute l'Europe) sans ressources fossiles.
C'est comme ça. A part un peu de charbon, et quelques gisements quasi-épuisés en mer du Nord, le continent européen ne possède aucune matières premières énergétiques.
Dans ces conditions, enfermer la France dans le "club" des pays européens à la démographie vieillissante, sans aucune matière première, à la remorque des USA, tout en se brouillant de plus en plus avec ceux qui en possèdent et qui émergent... c'est une erreur stratégique fondamentale.
Parce que la seule solution à terme si on continue avec faire la morale à certains pays du monde qui ne supportent plus l'Occident, ça sera soit de s'éffondrer, soit d'aller s'approprier ces ressources par la force et par des guerres de rapine, néo-coloniales.
Ou alors inventer une nouvelle technologie qui fonctionne bien sans dépendre de ressources fossiles. Mais on semble en être très loin.
@@Caporal_BlutchEntre le fait d'avoir dû vendre Alstom, la délocalisation, la privatisation d'EDF/ENGIE/Véolia, l'ARPAC et les traités de libres échanges, c'est pas demain que nous serons résilient et auto-suffisant !
Hearing "rafaley" over and over hurts me
so am i...
So grow up and relax.
visiblement Pointillax est pointilleux 😂(mais effectivement c'était chiant que ça soit mal prononcé)
@@mathuix1183 this! it's very immature to comment everything!
It's because it's an AI voice. It also pronounced the final "c" in leclerc.
France never quit NATO. Just the integrated command.
Just the military structure. It joined back in 09
@@emiliospowerballer1441 contre l'avis des français en plus, Sarkozy le pourri
@@Trods911L’OTAN est un grand avantage militaire pour la France regarde l’Ukraine elle ne voulait pas rejoindre et ce fait envahir. Maintenant elle veut rejoindre l’OTAN
@@cestmoifr la France et l'Ukraine ne sont pas comparables. L'Ukraine partage une frontière avec la Russie, pas la France. L'Ukraine n'a pas l'arme nucléaire, la France si.
La France ne risque pas de se faire envahir par la Russie sous prétexte qu'elle n'est plus dans l'OTAN, c'est même à cause de L'OTAN qu'on rentrerait en guerre si l'Ukraine était un état membre
@le_rat_moneur je call un bot pro russe, mais jvais quand meme répondre:
Si l'ukraine a envie de rejoindre l'OTAN, la russie a absolument pas son mot a dire. Qu'ils s'en inquietent tant qu'ils veulent, rien ne justifie une invasion sous pretexte de se "sentir vaguement menacé". l'Ukraine se sentait, elle, bien menacée, et l'invasion de la crimée leur avait bien montré qu'ils avaient completement raison de rechercher une protection contre la Russie!
Essayer de rejetter la faute de l'invasion russe sur les US ou sur des soit disant groupes nazis dont personne ne trouve aucune trace ni explications a leur existence, c'est soit le signe d'un compte de propagande, soit d'un idiot congénital. je parie sur les deux en meme temps
La France est le seul pays d'Europe qui n'a pas de base américaine sur son sol , et c'est plutôt cool 🇨🇵❤
c'est aussi le seul pays à avoir été battu par les allemands 3 fois en moins de 70 ans. (1870,1914 et 1939)...beau record
@@olivierolivier6080 nous sommes le pays avec le plus grand nombre de victoires militaires ,
Tu n'as pas tort pour ces défaites .
@@olivierolivier6080Nous avons gagné la première guerre mondiale, jusqu'à preuve du contraire.
@@royaliste3844j'aurai pu ajouter 1815, mais c't aller chercher loin. En réalité, la France disparait depuis 1815
@@olivierolivier6080 1914 on a gagné frerot qu'est-ce que tu racontes et puis comment ça 1870 c'était y' moins de 70ans ?
hey french here ! The rafale and most of the french's army equipement are considered the most versatile in one things, the rafale can do CAS, Air superiority, naval strikes, carrier takeoff, dodge, stealth missions and way more ! but France are the option for countries that doesn't want to be american side or in the russian side, France is more a "neutral" side
je doute que la france soit la suisse de l armement ( suisse = neutralitée )
@@ludo5327 enfaite ceux qui ne veulent ni s’aligner américains et donc suivre leurs politique, ni les russes choisissent les français car a la différence des US et de la Russie la France regarde rarement ce que les pays font avec les armes il y a comme un « secret professionnel » 🤣
Not neutral but INDÉPENDANT NOT marionnettes
Honestly you could put 6 Rafales vs 1 F22 Raptor and it would be over in seconds. They would have no chance…that’s why it’s an air superiority fighter!
@@luckyFrenchy Oui. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Avant l'Ukraine, vous vous souvenez à quelle occasion on avait entendu parler des Césars ? (indice: il y avait des civils...)
Mmmh so you want to talk about the country who won the most war battle of the world ever ? Intéressant
C'est quoi le rapport ? J'en ai marre que tout le monde utilise cette info à droite et à gauche pour rien, le gars veut juste en savoir plus sur notre armée, je suis sûr qu'il a aussi regarder des vidéos sur d'autre armée.
C'est juste vaniteux de dire "nous avons gagné le plus de victoires au monde" ou un équivalent
@@delphinelherondelle5693 c’est pour juste rabattre le caquet aux adeptes du French bashing. Et quel est le mal à s’enorgueillir d’une réalité factuelle alors qu’on nous rappelle en permanence la défaite de 40 ? Il est bon de rappeler aux autres et à nos compatriotes étroits d’esprit que notre histoire n’est pas limitée à l’époque contemporaine.
French industry of armement is realy good and the production is technologic, realy good armement and equipment
Comme on dit, les français sont de superbes ingénieurs et inventeurs, mais de piètres commerçants et business men...😅😂
Mais on se débrouille pas si mal, en particulier en armement (sous marins, avions, chars, navires...tout sauf les fusils qu'on doit acheter aux Allemands pour montrer qu'on participe à l'esprit européen !😅😂)
Sounds like an amazon review comment 😂
@@deoliveiradamien7192 ....normal I work in the arms industry, it's probably a professional deformation^^
@@gandigooglegandigoogle7202 Don't take me wrong, I love it :D
You have analyzed things well, indeed France and India have signed defense partnerships, moreover the first Indian minister was the guest of honor during July 14, what you call "the Bastille day" and the French Pdt had the reciprocal a few weeks ago. The independence of France allowed it to say NO during the second war against Iraq in 2003, this war which was a lie of Bush Jr. and Tony Blair and which killed thousands of brave Western soldiers who did not had nothing to do there.
It killed 100.000's of innocent Iraqis as well.
@@Be-Es---___ In any case innocent of holding weapons of mass destruction, that's certain.
Defence is spelt with a c. We are not American.
@@valeriedavidson2785 En tant que Français je peux vous assurer que défense s'écrit avec un s.
@@CROM-on1bzUK : defence US : defense
It is only if you use the french language that you use défense with the s and the é.
Allies is the key word. France is the oldest ally of the USA that helps them for Independence and recognition. But when you look at some stories like AUKUS when the US came behind France and make Australia cancel his submarines order to France allowing US and GB to sell their submarines... any smart person can wonder what kind of ally is that! Same story with the Netherlands that were ready to buy Rafales - that got 300 positive military tests out of 300 with Amsterdam - but the US put pressure on them: you want the US shield in case of war, buy our F35. Hmmm ... Ally? As we say in France: don't do to other what you would not like they do to you.
France has just sold four submarines to Holland🎉
Really? What class?
Great news
The Dutch had bids from NAVANTIA Spain, NAVAL France and HDW Germant. They decided to buy from NAVAL, 4 in total nuclear powered submarines, the ones the French Navy is currently replacing, the old Rubis class, for the new Barracuda class.
Bravo to the Dutch
Good News
Désolé en français c’est mieux
Bonne nouvelle aha
"Rafalé" everytime I swear 😭
McJibbin Lots of love from France !
🇫🇷 🤝🇺🇸
French weapons are very effective on the battlefield, as we have seen in Ukraine and Africa. Furthermore, France is a nuclear power with nuclear weapons and should never be underestimated because it has not signed the no-first-use pact.
Our nuclear doctrine is straightforward: no first strike. We will never initiate the use of nuclear weapons. However, any nation foolish enough to attack us with nuclear weapons will face an overwhelming retaliatory response. Our submarine-based nuclear force ensures we can respond from anywhere in the world, at any time.
And the video, doesn't talk about the CAESAR cannons.
They have become the dread of Russian soldiers.
let´s put it that way, France and US are close Allies, but US has its own interests which are different from the french ones. France did not give away its defence to the US like germany did for example. France is able to intervene for the defense of its interest everywhere in the world when necessary. and it happened several times in Africa over the last decades. Also France has been able to tell the US that it would not follow in IRAQ in 2001, because the reasons put up by the US were proper lies and everybody knew it.
A combat aircraft is a complicated machine, whether it is a US one, a french one, a russian one or a chinese one. there are a few differemces in teh dapabilities and in the operationnal maintining but they are all complicated to fly and require complex logistics to maintain trhe operationnal capability.
One of the big strings of US is ITAR, most of the french systems are specifically designed to be ITAR free. on an F-35, some data are completely out of your hands and flow directly to the US, that is nopt acceptable for some countries.
One of the big issue of whole europe is the lack of natural ressources, whether it is oil or minerals, that puts europe under a hige pressure that the US, China or Russia do not have. I do not know for India.
remenber, france is the dimention of texas!!!! if we could have le military budget of USA we could build X-WING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
that's not true, France has the largest sea domain in the world... France is not only "in France", french territories are everywhere in the world...
@@johndoe-cd9vtFrance is about the wealth of California and we operate the fastest and safest HSR. I stand the point french engineers with american budget would build the xwing and even the death star
@@CaptainDangeax California is full of french entrepreneurs specially at the top of the big companies...
@@CaptainDangeaxGDP for countries and regions or here US states aren't calculated the same. Apples and oranges. And California doesn't have a military budget. It receives military funds from the Congress.
They didn't talked about submarines... Btw, are the Aussies still waiting for their diesel submarines?? 😅
Nah, they waited for their nuclears submarines filled with US overseers ^^.
2:22 De Gaulle didn't leave NATO. France was still in NATO, but not in command because France wanted to keep her control over her nukes.
Did you just assume france's gender ? Kidding ;p
@@raphaelfillos6120 Because in french, France is a feminine word
@@durandil Oh, you are french then i guess (so am i) that's why you applied french rules to english language :D
Ton anglais est bon.
Wrong. Look it up even if you may need to read French. Anyone who claims otherwise is biased and does it because of some personal agenda.
@@xtophgerard1169 except that we never left NATO as in the mutual defense treaty of the North Atlantic
De Gaulle even said it himself in his speech February 21, 1966 : the goal is not to leave the Atlantic Alliance, but to not be a simple subordinate of the US. And thus, leave the strategic command part of NATO, to be able to 1/ not be obligated to participate in wars we didn't want to take part in (as in, aggressive wars, taking examples of the vietnam, cuba, and korea wars / problems) 2/ be independant with our nukes and army. The goal was to be able to still have independance from the US politics, to be "usefull to ourselves and others", that was incompatible with being a "subordinate"
Easy maintenance is one of the qualities that American have failed to take into consideration. Their wepons are too fancy for a lot of the world and break down too easily.
Yeah, US has advanced logistics and big professional military. Big professional military, along with budget is really what allows for using this complex equipment. If you have big army, like conscription army, that rules out some of more complex stuff. Or if you have relatively small professional army, you can't afford to waste tons of resources and manpower for one system since it would actually deplete people that can do combat, or say if you lose those personnel and they have to be replaced, it would take too long. And you don't get benefit of economics of scale.
Depends a bit on system ofc, countries are often willing to pour a lot of resources for stuff like main fighter plane. But that has always been the case.
I am French and I want to thank you for what you are saying about my country and for having understood what was De Gaulle’s thinking.
As Americans, you must know that the US government has always hated De Gaulle and try to prevent us from becoming a military and nuclear power.
Also, why do other European countries buy US stuff instead of French whereas we are all in the European Union ?
Just because EU is just the organization that make European countries pupets of the US.
De Gaulle has always struggled against this form of soft domination, and May 68 crisis was highly manipulated by the US.
France politics are still a lot dependent on this conflict, between « Atlantists » and « Nationalists ».
Tu parles comme un bot russe.
@@miniamaba6963 et toi comme un troll us !
Mai 68 était manipulé par les communistes pas les USA.
Since brexit, France is the last nuclear power of the European Union, they forgot that, but we don't export them lol
uk nukes are a bit obsolete, but who one wants to invade UK, or France...
ONLY US don't understand that nukes are just deterence, not weapons...
i m happy to hear an opinion like that since i was under the impression that France had very bad reputation among Americans in part for the reasons aborded in this video (the fact that France sometimes choose her own military politic independently from the U.S). It's refreshing to see that not all Americans think like this.
Connor, I think you missed the point. The subject is not about France being strong enough to go to war with whomever, but about how its know-how in producing arms and in tying up diplomatico-commercial relationships whith potential buyers are placing the country as a leader in the world's arms trade.
That being said, as a "Peace & Love" individual, I'm torn between some pride in my country's ability to be reckoned as an expert in that field, and ... I wish that field weren't that of producing material meant to kill.
In a perfect world where war did not exist this would indeed be immoral, unfortunately this world does not exist and these sales contribute to the increase in France's defenses. When this world of peace and love between peoples exists (I have serious doubts about this), I can only agree with you.
I agree with you and we all have to be torn because nothing is absolute. It's normal and good sign of intelligence, not a problem. Particularly with this field.
"It is this eternal dance that separates human beings from angels, from demons, from god
And I must not forget, we must not forget, that we are human beings".
Ren - Hi Ren
In a way french weapons help garantee peace because of their lethality. On the other hand it is still selling tools of death and destruction to sketchy regimes sometimes( egypt, saudi arabia and UAE) .
@@CROM-on1bz I'd like to agree with you but this stands until we notice that our arms end up being used in Yemen civil for example (which was one of the topics of the 2017 presidential campaign)
@@noefillon1749 n any case there is no way to effectively repress the sales or re-sales of weapons on parallel markets, thinking that it is possible is as illusory as wanting to eradicate all the scammers and thieves from the earth. The world of Care Bears is not for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
5:30 You respect countries that value their strategic autonomy is what i think you meant. Glad i found an American that understand and respects our perspective. Have my own respect for your great geopolitical culture :)
The last version of the Rafale, the "F4 Standard" can detect and track any plane with very small signature, that means, any 5th gen fighter... This was on the top of the list of the roadmap of this version. Its SPECTRA auto defense system uses alternate means to detect and track the stealth planes, like using infrared radars, so basically the stealth shape of the opponent becomes almost useless.
Oui, bon, si la furtivite est une technologie facultative, pourquoi les deux futurs avions NG européens, dont celui de Dassault ,seront furtif ...?
@@Lol-rx7sx parceque c est simplement devenu un standard, il vaut mieux l avoir que ne pas l avoir, mais l avoir ne te rend absolument pas invisible, face aux avions qui sont eux aussi avancés.
Furtif n a jamais voulu dire invisible, et en matiere de savoir faire, le concurrent direct de Locked Martin, c est Dassault Aviation ... Le Neuron, le drone de Dassault est de 5eme generation, pourquoi ils ont pas acceleré ce projet et en ont pas fait un avion avec pilote? ca sert strictement a rien quand on a le Rafale ...
@@Lol-rx7sx La furtivité de nos jours = distance de détection plus faible. Peut etre que quand le F 22 est sorti il était réellement invisible sur les radars, aujourd'hui être furtif = se faire détecter + tard, c'est tout. La technologie des radars a une longueur d'avance sur celle de la furtivité
Stealth fighter or stealth bomber? The American stealth bombers have far less of a cross-section than the fighters. By more than an order of magnitude.
@@FrancisFjordCupola apparently the F-22 is stealer than the B-2 Spirit
In France, politicians often talk about "national sovereignty" as a fundamental principle for this country. For them and for the French people, it means being independent in all strategic aspects, with a strong military, self-sufficient energy production, major international industries such as Total or LVMH, and even its own space centre... It's a guarantee that the country will remain strongly independent even in difficult times. And if it can make cash with it's own expertises that's a win-win 😉
Il faut dire qu'on fait fort depuis quelques années, on a une armée et un équipement moderne qui pourraient nous mettre en compétition féroce avec les géants militaires (US, Chine, Russie), on produit nos propres véhicules, avions, bateaux et sous-marins, et si on ne va évidemment pas vendre des portes-avions, c'est aussi un moyen de montrer notre savoir-faire et de dire "Coucou les gars, on sais toujours faire des portes-avions à propulsion nucléaire et sous-marins, mais mieux que la dernière fois!", et ca fait plaisir de voir que l'équipement Français commence enfin à être reconnu mondialement
France has always had an interest in having a good relationship with Russia. It’s independent of the U.S policies.
The two countries are the two ends of the European continent. One to the west, one to the east.
And for centuries, these two countries have always had an interest in joining forces, to counterbalance the power of the "Mitteleuropa" (german word to talk about union of central Europe, generally under German domination).
As the French writer Mauriac, a close friend of De Gaulle, said : "I love Germany so much that I prefer that there are two"
As De Gaulle recalled :
"Every time France has been on a good relationship with Russia, it has been a beautiful period in french history. Every time France has had bad relationship with Russia, it has been a bad period in french history"
And this rule is still true today.
I like german name for the Central Europe
France 🇫🇷 was and still is a European power with ups and downs and thats since 1000 years
Des milliers d’années ahah 😅 meme à l’époque gauloise les romains on galéré à nous tuer ahha et ils nous pas réussi
@@Minijust23 bon les romains ont gagné quand même, et au final nous sommes autant les descendants de ces derniers que des gaulois.. ;)
@@othmanlibra1887même plus, on a plus rien de gaulois au-delà du territoire partagé, encore, une partie de ce territoire fait partie de la Belgique actuelle, du Luxembourg actuel et de la Suisse actuel
@@delphinelherondelle5693 plus rien* j'irai pas jusque là, mais probablement un petit pourcentage oui ^^ t'façon toute l'Europe occidentale est un bouillon de culture, y a eu un mixage énorme ^^
France was supposed to sell several submarines to Australia but with no warning they cancelled it. The US actually pushed off France in this sell at the last moment...
And at the end of the day US did not sold it to Australia 😂
f-35 can also store less weapons than the rafale, as they have to be contained inside the hull to keep their stealth ability, which isn't the case for the rafale. so you can also add extra tanks, on top of a shit ton of weaponry.
the rafale is also considered the best "omni-role" fighter aircraft in the wold
oui mais nous n avons pas la puissance politique de l amerique , elle ,elle n a pas besoin d amis elle se suffi a elle meme nous par contre pour survivre il faut ce lever les doits du c...
F-35 is great at what it was designed to do for who it was designed for.
Rafale was designed to be cheaper while covering a larger range of mission.
They are both great, but one is a fork, the other a spatula. Both useful in their own domains.
@@clnetrooper Rafale was not designed to be cheaper it was designed to work at all times just like Mirage 2000, F-35 was designed to be an undesirable money sink that doesn't even work without build quality and technical accidents.
28:30 I think the word you're looking for is "doctrine". The M1 is perfectly fitting the US Military Doctrine, while the French Leclerc is doing the same for France.
Generally speaking every tank underperformed in the Ukraine war, its not the fault of the Abrams per say. Against modern drone warfare and stingers, tanks took a secondary place and can be too easily taken down. Not even talking about all the mines, which makes tanks unusable for proper assault.
The complex motorization of American tanks and the too heavy design is not adapted to the conditions of the Ukrainian plains
They said its about the approach of doing war/battle who's different, not only the "level" of formation. The Abrams is made to do his job in his way, and the Leclerc have his own. Its about tactics, not about "woaw our weapons are so sophisticated that they need to be in good hands". Thinking like that is underestimating foreign soldiers.
Fun fact. France or rather the "Gaulle" at Charlemagne era (800AD) was already exporting weapons everywhere in Europe. Their swords were consider the best one. Obviously a long tradition.
Don't forgot the caesar canon that is actually buy by lots of country in Europe because of the performance of the ceasar on the front
i ll take the exemple of the russian tank. Who wants a tank that is ammo is cooking when hit and sent 90% of the time his crew to heaven?. Ukrain war showed that to all the customers of russian s products. I dont say that tank crews in western battle tanks ll survive 100% time when they are hit but the % of survival is to an other level compared to russian. Concerning differences between american mbt and french mbt, one of the most easy to understand is that french mbt have an auto loader. American mbt use a crew member to load ammo. Concerning the french mbt auto loader, it ll not explode like russian tank if ammo is hit, because like american mbt, ammo are stocked in a secured box.
Great analysis. From France
Military might doesn't equate to industrial or economic might . which Germany is way superior to France sorry to tell you Sir .
Germany is constrained by world leaders from having a big military after WW II .
Désolé monsieur !
@@gregorygant4242Your lack of knowledge is as hopeless as your opinion...
@@Solveig.Tissot Not my opinion it's facts and some facts are brutal and hurt , still true though even if you don't like them.
@@gregorygant4242 As I said earlier,your lack of knowledge is as hopeless as your opinion !
@@gregorygant4242Germany Bundeswehr is in shamble and has to restructure it’s been on the news for the past year.
Es tut mir leid, Sir, aber Sie liegen falsch
fyi, at 2:23 , he says that the french leave NATO for a time, but no, the french only leave the unified NATO command, still in NATO but acting independently (it's more complex than that)
in general, this not a great documentary, the main reason of India decreased in purchasing russian army, is that the russian tank are not operable in high altitude (where a lot of skirmish happened with china). also all the pronunciation of french weapon system are wrong, it take very few effort to check : the Leclerc (the last c is silent), and the Rafale (he pronounced it Rafalé, and again the e at the end is silent), and if you can't find the pronunciation of the only 2 weapon system you repeat over and over, i am very doubtful of the quality of the rest of your research.
The original video is not great but it's not bad either, and it's true that in the international weapon market, the most important thing is the geopolitical impact not so much the cost (the quality and most importantly the reliability that matter)
To resume the video in a short : the country who bought russian weapon don't want to be under too much US influence , but the french are a more reliable source and of better quality with less diplomatic impact
Very mature for your age. 👍 I would vote for your if you were a candidate for presidency. The world need people level headed like you. Take care
Great video. Very interesting. And I like to listen to your comments. 👍🏻
There were very few Abrams delivered to Ukraine, the vast majority of these western tanks are German leopards. I don’t know how well the Abrams is doing, but the leopards are very appreciated.
I just want to add one tiny thing.
French tech mostly relies on ITAR free tech, hence non American (and usually French).
But contrary to Germany, for example, it’s not a 2 way thing.
Notably the American buy a lot of vital components from France, such as the thermal imagers of most modern US vehicles (abrams, Bradley, striker…)
"Rafaley" triggered me so much ! :D
@@iskiiwizz536why bro 😂 ? What’s the deal if I would say the « abrooms » would you be happy ? 😂
@@Derp12348 what are you yappin about
@@iskiiwizz536 ok, you just proof that you’re not the kind of guy that anyone should encounter. bye have a nice day
@@Derp12348 yeah like im a terrorist or smth. U crazy guy
1st word you were searching for : "AUTONOME" . And 2nd word : "TIBET" ! 😜
Always good comments and smart reflexions in your videos. 👍
P.S. : sorry for the commentator but in French we NEVER pronounce the last letter of words, no more than that of people. Our tank therefore bears the name of General LECLER(C) and not "LECLERK". And so, our plane is not the "RAFALE", but the RAFAL(E).
the video got one part wrong, De gaulle didnt leave NATO it only left the NATO integrated command
Bigger superpower than Russia ? As a French I don't think so. Maybe bigger weapons exporter but the french ground forces are just 120 000 active personnel and 60 000-80 soldiers
si tu fait ce qu'il font en ukraine contre l'armée Française, tu tiens pas 5 jours. même les états unis ce méfient de nous. ça paraît pas mais en vrai notre armée est surentrainée et ça, ça fait toute la différence.
@@hordeforever2482 oui mais on a quand même moins de la moitié de leur effectif donc même si ça peut faire du 1 contre 4 ça reste compliqué. Et en plus notre armée à été plutôt spécialisée sur de l'expéditionnaire et du combat à forces "inégales" donc en haute intensité ce n'est pas la même chose. Cependant ça n'empêche pas que je pense qu'on a parmi les meilleurs soldats du monde (si ce n'est les meilleurs) et qu'on a de très très bon véhicules et armements.
@@theohuon5221 l'armée tablé sur du 1vs6. oui le 5 jours viennent du fait qu'aprés on a pu rien^^ donc faut gagner vite. bon j'éxagére mais au dela de 5 semaines on serait dans le caca en cas de conflit. pas de masse, pas assez de matos, et complexe militaro industriel qui ne suivrait pas. mais question "panache" pardon.
@@hordeforever2482 Ah oui je suis d'accord on est invincible sur notre propre sol, mais le seul pays qui a le budget pour tenir une ligne de front (ou une partie) si loin de chez soi c'est les USA. Même les Russes n'en sont pas capables. Par contre si il fallait envoyer un corps expéditionnaire pour prendre n'importe quelle ville russe c'est largement possible, mais ça signifierait une guerre totale et ça la France ne peut, et ne veut pas.
Je pense que si on voulait, hypothétiquement évidemment; envahir un petit pays ça nous prendrait une journée pas plus.
@@hordeforever2482 1vs6 c'est pas mal effectivement mais comme tu le dis le problème derrière ça reste encore les munitions et le matériel insuffisants
Rafale is the best in every aspects
better is every tests between aircrafts...
Si vis pacem,para bellum...If you wont peace, prepare war (Not le général de Gaulle but Jules César I thinks). Even if americans thinks they are the soldiers of the free World,their failures were more importants than their "victories"...and the rest of the World don't really need them to fight for them,. Excuse me if there is mistakes on my writting but i'm just a little frenchie girl who sincerely fed up of the american superiority complex. Happy weekend to everyone
Il y a pas mal de guerre perdue politiquement côté USA mais pas réellement perdue militairement dans le sens où les pertes jouent clairement en leur faveur (Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc)
32:40 Respecting people because of the respect they have for themselves also inspires respect. *Respect from others cannot be without respect for yourself.* This explains the different loves and hatreds for your country around the world.
Hey, to clarify the abrahams perfomance in Ukraine, it's easy to understand.
The era of tanks is coming to an end. In the near future engaging non light armored vehicule without air superiority would be consider straight up sacrifice of men and material.
Heavy tanks can't keep getting more layers of protection while the variety of weapons available to destroy them is insane, but even if you equip a tank with defense system to intercept rockets, missiles and drones, there's nothing you can do against an accurate artillery shot, and 155mm shell has close to 100% chance of destruction on any tank in the world if it hit.
Future of tank reside in smaller vehicule like the bradley, because only mobility can help against artillery, if you ask a tanker from both side in Ukraine, they'd probably told you that staying still for more than 5 minutes straight sounds more terrifying than crossing a minefield.
still a heavy armored vehicle like a tank is still needed for the infantry to move in urban environment for protection and support heavy firepower
"The era of tanks is coming to an end."
People have been saying this forever. "Armor and shield will become useless because bullet can bypass them"
The things is we made armor better than it was in the past, and they had the capacity to protect from bullet. Then we made better weapon that killed these armor, then we made better armor.
Tank will not disapear, they will change, like armor always did.
@@alkazarjkdghjdThank you.
Armored warfare is not going anywhere.
You still need a mobile platform to carry heavy weapons, launch missiles, do direct-fire support for ground troops ( may they be organic or not ), control the ground, deny access, etc.
You *need* armored platforms, this cannot be overlooked.
Aerials platforms can't control and hold ground.
Ground ones, can.
Will it evolve ?
Yes, obviously, like everything else.
But the idea of tanks and AFV disappearing is just wrong.
It may not be directly operated by humans in the future, but it'll still be a somewhat large platform to do all the things mentioned above.
Leclerc tank is very mobile more than any of it's concurrent
@@Domoneur And it have the best precision when firing on the move.
It's also capable of precise fire at a highter speed than any other MBT.
Very interesting approach and intelligent commentary
Rafale is the most versatile figther of the world : It can have more bombs ( 15 metric tons ) than all other figthers, he is between 4 and 5 generation but he can be better in fight than F 22 ( the F-22 is the only plane who have a pasitive ratio victory/defeat in simulation against Rafale ) and it is the best naval figther
What's good with the Leclerc and India is that if they pick it, it would lower the cost because it would entice France to modernize its fleet and expand it, as well as offer upgrades to the countries already using it.
One thing, is that we are open to sell more than the weapon. We can agree (regarding the country) to sell our technology at the same time.
Love your reactions . You are so clever !!
Interesting video, smart take on your part. The world is going to be full of surprises in the near future.
Great video mate!
As a sidenote, hearing "lerclerKH" at least 10 times made my ears bleed. We say "lecler" without pronouncing the final c.
And RAFALE final E isn't pronunced as well. He thought it was a spanish or italian jet? lmao
M1a1 are doing pretty good in Ukraine, the "problem" is that they are so good at protecting the crew that they're sent without support
Also concerning the Leclerc, its a mutch more advanced and technological/sofisticated tank than the m1 , it was the tank with the best NATO grade , which makes sense when you consider its 10 year younger, sadly tho the production lines are stoped right now, but a lot of artillery pices and IFSs are exported
We are a superpower because we have almost the entire spectrum of modern military equipment but very little of each of these pieces of equipment.
We have 3 to 5 days of ammunition, 200,000 to 300,000 committed soldiers deployable on the ground. Only 1 aircraft carrier but not enough frigates to escort it. 200 or 250 Leclerc tanks of which 40 or 50 are usable. We need 220 Rafale or Mirage 2000 type aircraft but we are missing at least 40.
Our army as a whole is designed to intervene against small countries in Africa or the Middle East in coalition with NATO to maintain control of the oil, gas, uranium, gold, iron, copper and other strategic raw materials deposits of our former colonies essential for our economy but cannot defend the borders of France as was seen during the 2 world wars or 1870!!!.
Les guerres mondiales c'est surtout à cause du haut commandement de l'époque qui ont fait de la merde.
Nous n'aurions pas dû être battu ou presque battu dans le cas de la WW1 aussi facilement.
Pour la guerre franco-prussienne je connais pas assez les détails pour en parler
France is militarily huge because France did not let the USA control France too long after WW2. France is one of the countries in the world without any american military base on his soil since the reconstruction of the country. De Gaulle clearly opposed the USA. And excepted after the 2 world wars, France has always been a military superpower, thats why we could handled that much wars. And today, our last real war is the Algerian war in the 1960s, so we stacked a lot of weapons since then and we became leaders in the aircraft and weapon business.
France was the most powerfull country in Europe for a millennium
no they werent
If only we could bring forward global warming very quickly to some countries, I mean hot hot global warming.
You have clearly captured the spirit of independence, we understood it during wars and during covid. Germany about receiving gas from Russia said nothing.These are the conflicts that we have experienced even with very advanced technology, we have seen wars drag on and we still see it. To fight in the mud or in the desert or in the stones, you have to be I think that France has been on the African continent for a very long time, it knows how war works on the African continent. And covid and the war in Ukraine really planned everything to say you really have to be independent. In the operation of health and border protection.
Literally, rafale means gust or burst. A gust of wind or a burst of machine-gun fire
Man you absolutly need to see Lazerpig video if you good explication of the material
6:10 So how would you as supreme ruler of Croatia do that? Smaller countries can fend of similar threats but if Russia comes... because of the budget nukes are not even an option. You have to ally yourself with stronger partners as part of geopolitical strategy, preferably ones that support your sovereignty.
Yes but even if you are a small country, the fact that you would bring sophisticated weapons to the table makes you a notable addition to any alliances. For instance, it becomes possible to have joined attacks with countries which are on par with your own technology. 10 planes might not be sufficient to fight a Russian attack off, but combined with ally forces, your 10 planes might become a real asset.
@@lesfreresdelaquote1176 Croatia invested in 12 Rafale planes and first ones came from France few weeks ago. It is not much but it is honest work.
hello, very good video but 2 explanations are missing.
The Russian planes were equipped with technology from a French company "Thales". Sanctions banned Thales for the Russians and their planes became much less efficient.
Today the performances of the “rafales” aircraft are recognized, certainly one of the best in the world. But other European countries still buy American since they are still under nuclear protection by the United States. Like Australia, which bought French submarines and canceled the sale under American pressure. thank you and hello from France to our American friends!
Why English speaker can't pronounce Rafale properly ? it's not that hard
why can't you pronounce all english words correctly? it's not that hard
who cares? why nitpicking french pronunciation? that's the kind of stuff which makes us look arrogant
@@iskiiwizz536 it's not Rafel, nor Raphael, simply "Rafal"
@@geekosa63 va te faire soigner
@@iskiiwizz536 tu peux garder tes remarques inutiles et passer ton chemin, merci 😚
Fun fact, the hunters community in France buy their munitions from US. But since few months now, US armes dealers refuse to sell them.
I let you make your own conclusions.
“Being beholden to another country’ - truer words never spoken….and yes india is a sleeping giant. 🇦🇺
A few remarks. Not on your commentary, limited, but mostly pertinent, but on the original video, which featured quite a few mistakes ( aside from pronounciation ) or omissions.
-De Gaulle didn't take France out of NATO, only out of the command structure. When the US was attacked in 9/11 and article 5 was, for the first time, triggered, the french carrier groups and french troops were amongst the first to fight alongside americans in Afghanistan.
-Russia didn't retain most of the weapon producing capabilities, in face many of them were lost with the independance of Ukraine; Proper maintenance of their Carrier, the Kustnetzov and cruisers like the Moskva required drydocks...They don't have anymore, nor any equivalent. And didn't build new ones. Plus, that's not just production: some main design bureaus were ukrainian as well.
-The Leclerc wasn't developed as a partnership with the Emirates, only the tropicalised version was.
-The Egyptians and indians didn't cancel their Sukhoï order out of nowhere: they tested their first Rafales against their SU30s. The Rafales completely dominated in combat, on top of better reliability, maintenance time and costs, only being inferior in original buying cost.
Sidenote, the Rafale's sales started to increase after the war in Libya. While during the two first days of the US operations, US crafts would methodically destroy radar and anti air installations and only then switch to ground support, the day before, french Rafales were operating reconnaissance, strategic bombing and air support missions in the same runs in a libyan airspace featuring an intact air defense and air force: russian equipment.
Now, for the part you got wrong, the Western tanks aren't doing bad in Ukraine; Not only do crews have better situationnal awareness than russian tanks do ( russian military equipment use french thermal sights, for instance, which, sold on the international market, aren't the latest gen found on western vehicles ); but they also have better survivability. Leo 2s, Abrams & Leclercs ( which aren't numerous enough to be sent to Ukraine ) all have the ammo in an isolated rack with blow out panels; in russian tanks, the ammo is run in a carousel around the turret, in the crew compartment. A penetration in the mass of the tank will in all likelihood detonate ammunition, killing the entire crew.
So even if armor, the fire control system, and the shells weren't as good than on russian tanks ( they are ), the tanks not being invulnerable and taking losses don't mean they do not do better than russian armor.
The only western armored vehicle not doing great to protect its crew was the modernised AMX10RC, a reconnaissance armored car/wheeled light tank, with excellent fire control and antitank capabilities for its class, but completely unsuited for breakthrough attempts on fortified lines like the ukrainians ended up using them for.
I mean... from what I remember the term "puppet" is pretty accurate as Roosevelt literally wanted to abolish French sovereignty and place it under US&UK rule. 😬
You just can say France is not a vassal (i don't know the english word) of anibody. Thanks to de Gaulle for sure. But it's also the French spirit. May be we are too proud of ourself to accept somthing or somebody who give us order. Look our Olympique games, 2,4 billion invest. And in the same time we are in récession. French way of life. Like it was said by a ship comander to a english who said "you fight for money, we fight for honor". The french respond: " good, everybody fight for what he don't have". Sorry for my poor english.
We like to tell ourselves that our American friends liberated France for our beautiful eyes... but the truth is much more pragmatic. The USA simply wanted to do like Germany or Japan in France by setting up their authorities. De Gaulle did everything to appoint prefects and put them in place as quickly as possible upon liberation.
I like very much your content and your openness to other's points of view. "protectorate" is the word you were looking I think as opposed to "strategically independent". @15:20 Can you imagine it is working the other way around: you do not sell anymore and still need to produce to keep people employed. then, you need to use these weapons to get something from them. you start to finance rebels in your lost markets in Africa and, as it is not enough... Ukraine!
Abrams doing "bad" is mostly a propaganda snip. There has been just handful of them transferred, they have been used in hardest offensive scenario without the system they are supposed to be used. They should be compared to french AMX - just few of them, used in a way they were not designed for and all cameras pointed at them
I totally agree with you, poorly used equipment is destroyed and can damage its commercial value
@@ludo5327 The thing is that the emirati leclerc is lower in quality than the french one as well as the saudi Abrahms is lower than US Abrahms... BUT in Yemen, Saudi engaged about 250 to 300 abrahms and Saudi have known few dozens of damaged and/or destroyed Abrahms. The emirati engaged about 220 Leclercs, and a single one was damaged and killing only one member of the crew of 3... and this Leclerc has already be reparied to go back to fight.
I know it's commonly accepted to do french bashing in US/Uk (anglosphere) world when it comes about military... The fact is that Leclerc is a very capable tank and the rafale jet is the alone in the world to have done draw with the F22 raptor in red flag exercices (even 1 kill for US, 4 draw and 1 kill for french)... Before the 5th gen era, french Mirage 2000 and F1 had beaten regularly the F16 (sometimes painfully, 4 to 1 or 5 to 1, and french pilots are not that better than US ones, they are flying three times less than US ones)... Stealth advantage of the F22 (and of the F35) has been reduced by the French radar system of Spectra, also, the meteor missile is actually slightly better than his american coutnerpart with a slightly better range and accuracy, since the Spectra system give now a better radar able to detect or to jam the F22 and the F35, the advantage of the stealth is not truly decisive.
The limit of the French weapons industry is that France hasn't the diplomatic weight of USA which is putting pressure on EU countries and other common allies to both Fraance and USA... If USA were doing the things fairly, not sure that many western countries would buy US weaponry instead of french ones...
Globally French engineers are very capable, but french industry lacks money and diplomatic support by the french gov compared to USA.
And honestly, F22 raptor is the best fighter in the world but not by far which means that if the pilot in the rafale or the typhoon is better, he can but the F35 is truly not a success, hundreds (more than a thousand even) of problems on it and it costs far more with less time in the air compared to Rafale and Typhoon.
@@jean-Pierre-bt8xw I don't know if we can say it is of lesser quality, but it is certain that the countries selling arms ensure that the weapons sold do not turn against them and do not equip them with all the offensive capabilities.
for the F22, it is a very good plane I think even better than the Raphale in close combat but does not have that omnirole capacity
the F35 for me is overvalued, I do not question its stealthiness but its weight and its cost price, I am not a specialist in aviation so this only concerns me
Also even when destroyed, western tanks prioritize the survival of the crew with armored ammo storage and other protective systems whereas when Russian tank are destroyed the ammos inside cook and explode killing the crew with it, it's why the turret get ejected.
@@ludo5327 Totally agree.
🐸🇫🇷 here ! Je voudrais pas casser l’ambiance but i live in Poland 🇵🇱 …They’re not joking over here ! It will be a bad idea to mess with Poland Krwa !
Be careful, for many countries, like Russia, China or India, quantity does not make quality!! A French 155 mm CAESAR sent to Ukraine fires a conventional ammunition up to 42 km, there are certainly few, but it fires far and it is ultra precise, the Russians use 152 mm cannons but the range is only 22 km, and the worst, not very precise! In Afghanistan, a shot to check the aiming, the shell fell right at the selected location, it was so precise that the American military thought that we had fired a GPS ammunition of the Katana type in France or Excalibur in the USA! and no, we had fired a conventional shell, which proves the high precision of the CAESAR! for the Rafale, our fighter plane, it remains undefeated against this poor Eurofighter (18 fights = 16 to 2 for the Rafale), against the F22, against the F16, against the F15, against the F18 and against the F16 CJ in its own field of competence (detection of ground targets, and their bombing, the Rafale having detected ground targets at 35/40 km that the F16 had not detected!! in Asia, a country did tests in order to buy their new fighter plane, 5 criteria, the Rafale is the only one to have checked the 5 boxes (5 out of 5), the F15 = 3 out of 5 and the Russian SU35, 0 out of 5, declared obsolete in the face of the more modern Rafale!
France's independence from the US at the cost of social international credit is a good bargain
Thank you very much for your video. I learned a lot as a French man. I am extremely proud of my country to be creative. Independent as what we did in the French revolution. We were not happy with America going in war in Iraq so we didn’t America was pissed, but we didn’t care we love America, my ancestors as battle in the war of Chesapeake to save Americans from the English, so I respect very much your country and I am proud to be part of a family That was in the army since the 1100s
Personally, now I am doing special-effects in the movie industry and I’m not kidding. Anybody just to say I’m proud that France is independent. It makes me feel safe.
Thank you again for your video I will subscribe
I've enjoyed watching your video tonight good night
France is a bigger military power than Russia ??!!
Wait ! That guy smoked some very strong weed !!
(from a former french military, who went several times in Russia)
France is already a military superpower. We have the bomb, we were engage and lead several anti-EI mission in Africa, within the support of african countries and european allies. Our troops were a lots engaged and now we are kind of happy that Poland start to be a superpower as well on the eastern.
That's not make it a military superpower
Just a very good military power
The French have been kicked out of Africa by the Russian through Wagner
Time for retributions.
The French have been freed from the burden of maintaining expensive military cooperation treaties all over Africa. You can bet that they won't be renewed, even if it's requested.
England test never relied on any country to help in life and the French is doing the same
In Europe, France remains the most independent military force from the USA, but not everything is perfect... We have the know-how, the technologies, the industries (less and less), but several strategic sectors are not or no longer “made in France”: catapults on the Charles de Gaulle and the next aircraft carrier, air surveillance with the AWACS, Alstom/GE management for nuclear propulsion, military combat drones, army rifles, munitions...
im french and what he say about gaz is false we are in trouble since we didnt buy russian gaz ....gaz electricity and petyrole prices are sky limit at the moment and continue to rize
C'est a cause des règles absurdes de l'Europe sur l'énergie dont la France ne s'est pas affranchie, merci Macron. Certains s'en mettent plein les poches(et le nez) avec des jeux d'écritures et la France se prend des xxxx milliards de dettes avec le bouclier tarifaire qui n'aurait pas lieu d'être si les règles mises en place n'étaient pas aussi corrompues
the french army actually as one ennemy and it's the french gouvernement, the budget of our army is so thin we can't affort many unit, don't have a lot of production eitheir, and they have constantly cut the budget for the last 30 years..... And the best part is they send help to Ukraine without remplacing what they give or don't make futher long term plan 🙃
''Vassal'' is the word you are looking for.
The M1 Abrams? There are about 10 or so of them in Ukraine. There's a huge amount of minefields, artillery and drones. The Ukrainians love the western tanks. It's not that tanks are supposed to be invulnerable... look up tanks losses in WW2. Only when there is a huge disparity in tech levels is it possible to invade a country and lose next to no tanks. Western tanks are far more ergonomic and hold crew safety in higher regards.
Germany's actually quite a big arms exporter, but the great majority is within Europe. Ref the vid featured here's comment re French arms sales being poor in Europe due to a big, high tech US arms export presence. Exactly the same point could've been made re high tech/high quality intra-European German arms exports.
You've never said not wrong I still like you
Your question : Cashemire, between Pakistan and India
8:14 Cashmeer
1:00 puppet wasnt a strong word, its the exact word
that's why the submarines affair with Australia was so baffling... Want 8 submarines, sure. But we keep the nuclear one for yourself, are you cool with that ? No ? Well, the non nuclear one would yours without strings. A deal it is then...
Some time later : What do you mean you prefer US nuclear submarines with US officers in them to make them work ?