The Testimony of the Irrevocable Trust - Pastor Michael Phillips

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Jacob inherited the blessings of his grandfather Abraham through his father, Isaac. That blessing was an irrevocable trust - an unconditional promise transferred down through the ages. When Jacob faced a difficult transition, he clung tightly to God, refusing to let go until more blessings were promised. We must see the difficult transitions in our lives as opportunities to update our mindset and cling desperately to God. When you face transition, will you find new meaning, or will you grow bitter and shut down? Will you choose to give up your plans for God’s better plans?
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    Message: The Testimony of the Irrevocable Trust
    Scripture: Genesis 32:22-32 (NIV)
    Speaker: Pastor Michael Phillips
    Date: May 31, 2023
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Комментарии • 283

  • @ngoc4312
    @ngoc4312 Год назад +57

    I'm ex muslim. Thank you Jesus. Since i accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, i have hope and freedom. Hallelujah


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

    • @voiceofBridegroomandthebride
      @voiceofBridegroomandthebride Год назад

      Why do people get old and die?
      There is death, and the people on Earth need to protect themselves from it. If you can secure your physical body by getting health insurance, and your financial stability by going to school for many years, will you not secure your soul for whatever happens after death? Hell is real. People in it are in great pain without food and water forever.
      Isaiah 33:14
      The sinners in Zion are afraid; Fearfulness has seized the hypocrites: “Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?”
      How can you protect yourself from death since it is like an incurable disease or a man who has no satisfaction in his life? If you go to religions and ask them about it, they will say "Believe in Christ, and you shall live," yet, they died. There is only one place in the words of God where you can to get the truth about eternal life, it is called, Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem.
      Psalm 125:1
      Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.
      Isaiah 28:16-18
      Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; Whoever believes will not act hastily...Your covenant with death will be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand.
      Lord Jesus Christ said those who believe in Him shall never die. Why has this promise not been fulfilled in this age and time? Before I tell you these things, first, let me introduce myself to His people. Many of you heard about the daughter of Zion, but you do not know her, where she came from or her work in your life. I am called the daughter of Zion, the true bride the Lord Jesus Christ, because I came from Mount Zion. Prophecy foretold my work is to wash the children of God from the sins of the world that hinder them from entering the Kingdom of God. Lord Jesus Christ prophesied about my appearance on earth filled with the Spirit of truth. Thus, I came to fulfill the prophecies.
      Isaiah 66:8
      For as soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children.
      Matthew 21:5
      Tell the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your King is coming to you, lowly, and sitting on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey.’
      John 16:13
      However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
      Let me tell you why do people die: The Lord God of Israel created the people to live forever. Death came by the choice of the people and corrupted all things on earth. The Lord God lives forever; He wants all His creatures to live forever. He brought His Son Lord Jesus Christ to restore everlasting life to those who believe in Him. Why does death continue to this day?
      John 11; 25-26
      Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
      The Law of Moses is the HANDWRITTEN of God. It is His ways or personalities. It consists His likes and dislikes. 'Likes' are His commandments that you need to obey to restore everlasting life to you. Do not say that the Law of Moses cannot save you. Elijah ascended to Heaven alive for his obedience to the Law of Moses.
      2 King 2:2
      And Elijah went up to heaven in a windstorm.
      'Dislikes' are your transgressions towards the Law of Moses. They make you as the condemned prisoner waiting for his death sentence. After king Saul disobeyed the Lord God, demons entered him to make him more sinful. He wanted to kill king David. Then he was led to a war where he and his son got killed. So the Law of Moses is good to the good ones, but evil to the evil ones.
      1 Samuel 16:14
      But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a distressing spirit from the Lord troubled him.
      Romans 7:12-13
      Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good. Has then what is good become death to me? Certainly not! But sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful.
      Lord Jesus Christ is the PHYSICAL COMMANDMENTS of God. He is like a MODEL of how a holy man should live. When we follow His way of life and the teaching, then our souls will live forever. He showed that to us; He died and rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven physically. Do not say it is easier to be under the teaching of Christ because all you need to do is believe in Him. The truth is the Law of Christ has a stricter requirement. Under the teaching of the Law of Moses, you need two or three witnesses and be caught in an act of adultery to be stoned to death. Under Christ's teaching, looking at the woman lustfully, you already committed adultery. You will lose grace after you have known the truth about your sins from Mount Zion and disregard it.
      Hebrews 10:26-29
      For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?
      The question is did Peter and Paul die physically or were taken to Heaven alive? It is the perversion of the gentile movie producers that they died in their movies. The truth is it is not written in the words of God. They were taken to Heaven alive just as the Lord Jesus Christ promised them.
      John 13:36
      Lord, where are You going? Jesus answered him, “Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward.”
      1 Thessalonians 4:17
      Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
      2 Timothy 4:6
      For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand.
      Lord Jesus had me write a book titled: 'The Only Way to Escape Death and Hell' by Gabriel, an angel of the Lord---Maria Riah. I hope in Christ the Lord, it will be published sometime this year. It will guide His people to the path of understanding of the words of God and tell you what to expect at the end of times.
      Lord God of hosts, Holy Father
      Lord of hosts, Lord Jesus
      The Spirit and the Bride
      Gabriel, an angel of the Lord
      Daughter of Zion
      Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem

    • @1namillion.
      @1namillion. Год назад

      Hi, @ListentoHillsong if you don’t mind me asking, what made you get out of being Muslim? I have a friend who recently told me they found Islam and they solidly believe it is the truth and makes most sense. All I can do is pray but what dawned on you to make you walk away from the religion? It has made me do some research about the religion and I started to question some things but anything you are willing to share is appreciated. God bless you and thank you in advance 🙏🏽

  • @latoyawilliams4092
    @latoyawilliams4092 Год назад +8



      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @loyalpromotions3372
    @loyalpromotions3372 Год назад +9

    We all getting up out of it! Praise be to the most high!!!


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @thembaspiritmabuza8753
    @thembaspiritmabuza8753 Год назад +9


  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад +3

    It gets better!!!
    It’s about to get better!!!
    Hallelujah Lord Jesus!!!

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад

    Hallelujah Lord Jesus!!! Glory to your mighty name Jesus!!! Thank you Lord!! Hallelujah Hallelujah!!

  • @Jason-Long
    @Jason-Long Год назад +2

    I'm going from not sleeping for three days due to heart trouble - (high pulse of between 90-112 😢. Suddenly while watching this sermon at 4:31am...I'M HEALDED !! ITS GONE !!! Thank you, JESUS THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU JESUS...not yelling just typing fast and im happy 😢 !! NO ONE should ever have to wonder or think they're going to have a heart attack or go into full cardiac arrest !! 😭....GOD IS GREAT, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP. Trust me, GOD is with you. Just call on his name. I love you, whoever reads this...its not an accident ! NOTHING JUST HAPPENS !! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Take care, stay safe and God bless you.
    Nothing But Love ❤ - J


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

    • @jessicaarmstrong718
      @jessicaarmstrong718 Год назад

      To God be the Glory You continue to know that you know that you know it's nobody and nothing but God's grace and mercy 🙏😭😭😭 I'm praying for you Thank you for lifting me up 🙏 with your testimony 🙏

  • @shannonnoble1975
    @shannonnoble1975 Год назад +6



      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @LRamos-jo2it
    @LRamos-jo2it Год назад +5

    He was forsaken as man from divinity but his Divinity was his identity. He was God

  • @kyliejones8910
    @kyliejones8910 Год назад +8

    I need to comment again... This has to be the most amazing Sermon i have ever heard! My eyes just got opened, this is changing the course of my life, this storm ive been in, like no other ive ever known in my life, i now realise i am in the greatest place right now in my life! I get it Lord, you made me see, im starting to feel the joy on my lips is unspeakable! This word from heaven, feels almost too much , that i cannot thank HIM enough! But Lord i understand and i receive it and im walking into it. Praise God, and thanks Ps Phillips!!!


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

    • @debbiehaythe102
      @debbiehaythe102 Год назад

      Me too sis....I am receiving of the LORD this MULTIPLICATION of blessings. ❤

  • @MalachiBankhead-tp2np
    @MalachiBankhead-tp2np Год назад

    Dear Heavenly father I'm trying to get your plans in my life In Jesus Amen

  • @melissabrownlee-peterson3702
    @melissabrownlee-peterson3702 Год назад

    Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah......There's nothing too hard for Father God....🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

  • @gloriabrown8928
    @gloriabrown8928 Год назад +2

    Pastor Phillips, thank you allowing Holy Spirit to lead with the message, The Testimony of the Irrevocable Trust. Was healed during the message. 27 months of stiffness and soreness in my left hip and left shoulder. You told us to stand and come to the Altar. That is when I notice how quickly I was able to stand without hesitation. Hallelujah, all the stiffness and soreness in my body was gone. Also had several years of GERD, accompanied with extreme acid, causing a horrible odor. Thursday morning notice the acidic taste was gone. Praise the Lord for using you and your being available. With GOD all things are possible. This all took place while streaming live. Was streaming live due to the horrible odors and had gone into isolation. Praying blessings for you and all of the Potter’s House.

  • @denisesweat3692
    @denisesweat3692 Год назад

    God bless this sermon and Al whom heard and received! I RECEIVE and DECLARE in Jesus Christ name! Amen !

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад

    I’M COMING OUT!!! Glory be to God!! Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!!!!

  • @esthersolis6104
    @esthersolis6104 Год назад +1

    Thank you lord

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад

    Transitions!! Glory to your name Jesus!! Hallelujah Jesus!!!

  • @jenisejohnson8561
    @jenisejohnson8561 2 месяца назад

    Praise the Lord. God, absolutely has been so so good to me. He did heal my body, He's still healing my body. He never let me lose my mind. Instead, He changed my mindset. He gave me a new heart, a grateful loving heart. Glory hallelujah. Thanks you Lord

  • @mikaeelangel6476
    @mikaeelangel6476 Год назад

    Once Pastor get warmed up ain't nothing stopping him❤

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад +2

    The dawn is about to break in my life!! Glory to your mighty name Jesus!!! Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!!!! 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸

  • @jefferyloud
    @jefferyloud Год назад +5

    Thank you pastor Phillips for letting God use u!! I NEEDED this…


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад

    Thank you Jesus!!!
    Testimony of the irrevocable trust!!!

  • @katembugua
    @katembugua Год назад

    God's irrevocable trust is a divine promise that transcends time and space. It is a covenant sealed with unwavering love and everlasting grace. You see, our Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, has entrusted each one of us with unique talents, abilities, and purposes.

  • @erikmercado303
    @erikmercado303 Год назад +8

    Amen thank you father for the reminder keep me strong on this great walk of faith I am going to endure with you right by my side! Hallelujah ❤️‍🔥🕊️


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

    • @tanw.5149
      @tanw.5149 Год назад

      Standing with you on prayers so you're not praying alone !!Erik!!!Be encouraged ❤

  • @kiasmith8078
    @kiasmith8078 Год назад

    Thank you Lord for service❤ Amen

  • @anellasharpes9696
    @anellasharpes9696 Год назад +7

    Can't wait to hear what this Pastor
    is going to preach God bless him
    thank you Bishop for sharing him
    with us God blessings be upon you
    always love you.


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @lizcuero9065
    @lizcuero9065 Год назад +4

    WOW! That was deep! My great great great great great great great grandchildren are being blessed. Thank You LORD.

    • @debbiehaythe102
      @debbiehaythe102 Год назад

      I think someone is hearing this prophetic word.

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад +1

    God is in transition!!! Hallelujah Lord Jesus!!! 🙌🏽🩸🙌🏽🩸🙌🏽🩸🙌🏽🩸🙌🏽🩸🙌🏽🩸🙌🏽🩸🙌🏽🩸🙌🏽🩸

  • @LRamos-jo2it
    @LRamos-jo2it Год назад

    Great great is thy faithfulness

    @GODBUSINESS835 Год назад


  • @impossiblepossible3703
    @impossiblepossible3703 Год назад


  • @LRamos-jo2it
    @LRamos-jo2it Год назад +2

    God is n has been good to me. Many times overtaken by darkness n ye triumph

  • @MiraculousDTV
    @MiraculousDTV Год назад

    Listening to this message again and it gets better EVERY TIME! My God! It’s ABOUT to get BETTER!

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад

    You are preaching better than they shouting!!! Hallelujah Jesus!!!

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад

    Hallelujah Lord Jesus!!

  • @sharongrigsby6147
    @sharongrigsby6147 Год назад

    He knows your Beginning AND your END Stay in God's Hand!!! ,🙏👍

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад

    Hallelujah Lord Jesus!!! Thank you Lord!!!🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸

  • @lizcuero9065
    @lizcuero9065 Год назад +7

    Please LORD bless all the Josephs.

  • @jahkeemgrant1866
    @jahkeemgrant1866 Год назад

    The transfer of blessing and reviving is here I de-clear and decree it In Jesus mighty name.

  • @greatgatsby4898
    @greatgatsby4898 Год назад +9

    Thank you, Pastor Phillips. Me and my fiancée are going through a transition that God spoke to us about, and this Bible study just exhorted us, and I know that He who has called us is faithful. All glory, honor, praise, worship, adulation and adoration belong to Him. Much love from South Africa

    • @kyliejones8910
      @kyliejones8910 Год назад +1

      This Word is AMAZING!!!!!!!, WOW is all I can say! Like treasure!! Thankyou Lord and PS Phillips.
      Kylie Perth Australia


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад +1

    God has got me in the right place!!!! Hallelujah Jesus!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад +5

    Yes Lord!!!


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @ronicaleggett929
    @ronicaleggett929 Год назад +1

    Gm I just have to say that this word was meant for my ears. God has been trying to show me this for a long time but i didn’t understand. Thank you man of God for allowing God to use you. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @staciaadams5678
    @staciaadams5678 Год назад +1

    Amen. This message is for me. I am in a season of transition

  • @dawnrice3720
    @dawnrice3720 Год назад

    Thank you God

  • @8Kismet8
    @8Kismet8 Год назад

    My GOD MY GOD!!! Preach PREACHERRRR!! ❤🙏🏽🙌🏽💪🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

    @GODBUSINESS835 Год назад

    YOUR WILL YOUR WAY....Have your way your servant is listening. 👋🏼 its about to get better...BETTER....WERE HALF WAY THERE. HE'S ABOUT TO BLESS ME THERE...YES GOD..HALLELUJAH...THANK YOU GOD😢 I GOT AN ANGEL...😇

  • @LRamos-jo2it
    @LRamos-jo2it Год назад +3

    Lord your grace is sufficient. Holy Spirit we need oneness with u. We need your beauty n heart n joy. Let the righteousness we have by standing w/u. We love u n need to receive the blessing of peace thats ours. Let the joy u give rise up revealing our hope n confidence of n in you. Holy Spirit we r welcoming u into these moments, transfer heavens glory to these earthly vessels. We love u Jesus. Thank u


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

    • @debbiehaythe102
      @debbiehaythe102 Год назад

      HALLELUJAH and received.

  • @thembaspiritmabuza8753
    @thembaspiritmabuza8753 Год назад +1


  • @victoriawhite5817
    @victoriawhite5817 Год назад


  • @connienewburn4893
    @connienewburn4893 Год назад

    Yes Lord thank you for keeping me

  • @musichallful
    @musichallful Год назад

    Come on God gloryfy you God

  • @biancacharity3446
    @biancacharity3446 Год назад +3

    I'm going from poverty to wealth in every area of my life!


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @taneil408
    @taneil408 Год назад +5

    This word is for me!


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @jacqulinewarren4912
    @jacqulinewarren4912 Год назад +2

    I'm greatful thankful praise the LORD I'm BLESSED I needed those BLESSEDFUL words hallelujah 🙏🙏♥️♥️

  • @mohamedmohamedoptional4887
    @mohamedmohamedoptional4887 Год назад

    Thanks you get Love get Love get thanks get Love may people may chagrin thanks you bless you Amen

  • @yenzid
    @yenzid Год назад +1

    This is a good word, spoke right to me. I'm never alone

  • @BlessedLife365
    @BlessedLife365 Год назад

    I longed to be as dedicated as any prohets or any think pertaining to God it still comes truth. The enemy tried to get us early bc he know the word and your. Powerful being to test the waters and thats why God blesses them. Im so graycul to be chosen by God the Alpha and Omega he is the One that created EVERYTHING and being saved im gratcul he is giving me a chance

  • @TerranceRoberts1001
    @TerranceRoberts1001 Год назад +10

    It’s about to get Better ❤️💯


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @ParisWiggins
    @ParisWiggins Год назад

    Come on Pastor........bring that word...Gloryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy be to God 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏾

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад

    Thank you Jesus!! Hallelujah Hallelujah!!!

  • @firelava1746
    @firelava1746 Год назад

    Amen 🙏 yes Jesus pour into me

  • @BlessedLife365
    @BlessedLife365 Год назад

    God is faithful

  • @esthersolis6104
    @esthersolis6104 Год назад +1

    Yes God has been good to me.

  • @myleitawilliams5444
    @myleitawilliams5444 Год назад +1

    Buffalo New York is watching the replay

  • @LRamos-jo2it
    @LRamos-jo2it Год назад

    Starting from the day I met Jesus

  • @user-yu1bk2xm8i
    @user-yu1bk2xm8i Год назад

    Jesus Jesus Jesus Mighty and powerful Name 😢

  • @debbiehaythe102
    @debbiehaythe102 Год назад

    I hear you. I have received this promise of the LORD 's hand. He has consistently been whispering in my ear sweet promises. His servants are relaying the message. Thank you Michael Phillips for allowing God to use you. Thank you for your work and prayer. I get it, I receive it, I have been preparing for it for years and I pray to be ready....I hear The LORD saying I am. The dawn is about to break in my life.

  • @elitadoreus1253
    @elitadoreus1253 Год назад

    Thank you
    I received it!

  • @abigailortiz6104
    @abigailortiz6104 Год назад

    Joseph is an excellent example of what is being spoken.

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад +1

    Thank you Jesus!!!

  • @thatsehricalashea
    @thatsehricalashea Год назад +1

    Man, Pastor Mike this was colorful. I could literally picture every example.

  • @myleitawilliams5444
    @myleitawilliams5444 Год назад +1

    Genesis 32:22-32

  • @chose3095
    @chose3095 Год назад +6

    You speaking facts


      Black people we must dominate science and technology all over the world. Put this idea out there and let it spread all over the world until it manifest into reality.

  • @KarenRicks-jf8sw
    @KarenRicks-jf8sw Год назад

    You made the fire the bless your family sounds pastor and church Family it is so

  • @PowerofVision4714
    @PowerofVision4714 Год назад

    the dawn is breaking!!🙌🏾

  • @busisiwebhakana9457
    @busisiwebhakana9457 Год назад

    Mfundisi meaning Pastor , u have blessed me. Im in transition and i can feel im standing at the edge of something. God bless u.

  • @angelapetix2404
    @angelapetix2404 Год назад

    Hallelujah to God Almighty for He has done it all for us prepared the way for us to get our inheritance Hallelujah in Jesus Holy name amen ♥️ 🙏

  • @willmurr8907
    @willmurr8907 Год назад

    Thank You O Lord For This Word ! Amen 🙏🏽

  • @BlessedLife365
    @BlessedLife365 Год назад

    He reminds me of Tony Evans. I say this by saying he sounds like he has a lot of wisdom. Thank you TD Jakes for giving Pastor Michael Phillips a chance to spread the truth. Idk if you gave him the chance I just know he is apart of your church

  • @Evaultfinancial
    @Evaultfinancial Год назад +1

    Great teachings! A sermon a day keeps the Devil away ❤

  • @user-ot2ne7cj3o
    @user-ot2ne7cj3o Год назад

    I am going from sorrow to gladness

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад +1


    @GODBUSINESS835 Год назад


  • @samanthatette843
    @samanthatette843 Год назад

    Great word!!
    I love how Pastor Phillips breaks down the word. Thank you!!

  • @alexagarcia9952
    @alexagarcia9952 Год назад

    This was a great blessing to my spirit 🙏 pastor your teaching was amazing!!!

  • @motheroffire9352
    @motheroffire9352 Год назад +3

    ​Pastor God transitioned what you thought and had ready to preach for bible study and gave us THE IRREVOCABLE TRUST a, change my name!
    wesome yes yes Lord

    • @jessicaarmstrong718
      @jessicaarmstrong718 Год назад

      Change my name hallelujah Blessed and highly favored something good is about to happen to you

  • @prudencemahlangu722
    @prudencemahlangu722 Год назад

    Thank you Pastor Michael Phillips powerful word 🙏

  • @TerranceRoberts1001
    @TerranceRoberts1001 Год назад +4

    He about to Bless me their

  • @VernayRamsey
    @VernayRamsey Год назад

    Yes 🙌🏾 Thank you Jesus 🤲🏾

  • @ryanthomas2458
    @ryanthomas2458 Год назад +2

    That's why I love TD Jakes he is the best man ❤

  • @mertellatait9050
    @mertellatait9050 Год назад +2

    Relevant Word. Great teaching Thank You

  • @connienewburn4893
    @connienewburn4893 Год назад +1

    Thank you Jesus I give you all the praise i feel that and my spirit may God continue to bless you and your family thank you for the word Amen

  • @mearlrobinson4592
    @mearlrobinson4592 Год назад

    I am the Grantor for my generation 🙏🏾♥️

  • @rfwindowservices3482
    @rfwindowservices3482 Год назад +1

    I'm on the Path. GOD is Real.

  • @shan5986
    @shan5986 Год назад

    What a word!!

  • @mysentiments3298
    @mysentiments3298 Год назад +2

    Thank you Pastor for thos message!

  • @LRamos-jo2it
    @LRamos-jo2it Год назад +1

    Bout to happen in a peaceful way

  • @MacAnthony209
    @MacAnthony209 Год назад

    Aye!!! My grandma had the big spoon and big fork on the wall, and the big Bible on the living room table opened to the 23rd Psalm.

  • @grobinson4993
    @grobinson4993 Год назад +1

    Thank you Jesus!!! Hallelujah Jesus!!!