I get what Easyhoon means when he says the S2 team is better than S1. Mata is better and more communicative than MadLife, but MaRin needs a babysitter and constantly called for KaKAO's help. And KaKAO hadn't been good in a long while, so... CuVee is much more selfless in lane and Ambition seems to play the game way more than KaKAO so it's a more balanced team. Btw in the first episode the production asked for player suggestions and they mentioned Smeb and imp. That would be so fun, hope they're chosen for S3!
yeah, i wonder how Imp's doing tbh. read some time back he was a depressed on stream, hope he's doing better and if that would give him a bit more happiness i hope he joins s3
@@Pitapat819I believe I read some time ago that he hit challenger and there are also some new vods of (allegedly) him playing and absolutely stomping everyone
@kirenswilbury6777 he was on Top 15 in CH and Top 20 in KR before the last Worlds, he also talked about Dade, Deft and was very happy i think, joked about the meta rn, hope he can make in S3
Really good to see retired player play together again. Hopefully, this will grow to somekind of annual global event. Soccer superstar could gather and play friendly charity match, E-sport next in line.
Not gonna lie, Cpt Jack is consistently losing in lane across all the Replay episodes. The old SSG boys are clearly the strong parts of the team. Easyhoon is always good in lane but someone else needs to shotcall mid to late.
Cpt jack needs a pat on the back. Bro is really down in the dumps even tho it's only a warm up he felt like his the weak link.
This team is serious. They are so calm despite it’s their first game together
I get what Easyhoon means when he says the S2 team is better than S1. Mata is better and more communicative than MadLife, but MaRin needs a babysitter and constantly called for KaKAO's help. And KaKAO hadn't been good in a long while, so... CuVee is much more selfless in lane and Ambition seems to play the game way more than KaKAO so it's a more balanced team. Btw in the first episode the production asked for player suggestions and they mentioned Smeb and imp. That would be so fun, hope they're chosen for S3!
yeah, i wonder how Imp's doing tbh. read some time back he was a depressed on stream, hope he's doing better and if that would give him a bit more happiness i hope he joins s3
@@Pitapat819I believe I read some time ago that he hit challenger and there are also some new vods of (allegedly) him playing and absolutely stomping everyone
@kirenswilbury6777 he was on Top 15 in CH and Top 20 in KR before the last Worlds, he also talked about Dade, Deft and was very happy i think, joked about the meta rn, hope he can make in S3
Really good to see retired player play together again. Hopefully, this will grow to somekind of annual global event.
Soccer superstar could gather and play friendly charity match, E-sport next in line.
Not gonna lie, Cpt Jack is consistently losing in lane across all the Replay episodes. The old SSG boys are clearly the strong parts of the team. Easyhoon is always good in lane but someone else needs to shotcall mid to late.
I think it will be awesome if they fight the current members of their old teams 😂 T1, GenG, Hanhwa etc. Hahahahahaha
Faker coming to RE:play as the current T1 midlaner while everyone else has been retired like 3+ years
CuVee and Ambition ❤
love to see the old SSG/Gen.G boys here, I really miss them in LCK
Lol the ultimate troll team
can someone link Team Nara, their opponents here I can't find them in the internet
this is fun