the key is not to monitor with cameras, it's making your home look normal when you are away - get a few of those timers, set a few desk lamps and floor lamps on different schedule. starting at 5pm, dining room sitting room are lighted up, then around 9 the bedroom is light up the, turn the sitting room off, and back on an hour later. make it look random , like someone is living here going up and down. you can also use a disco projector to mimic the lights from a TV, add a radio if your like. make sure all curtains are down.
😮真不幸。新移民難免一刧。當買經驗。人無安全無事就0K。地方本地人窮。用齊C0C0哥D方法以好安全。现今D防禦系统手機即時通知好放心。D警察就列行工課完。就了结。不用寄望有咩成果。呢D通常以给贼人成為目標。多D留意家居外有冇俾人做了記号。留D報紙 .雜物在屋外。幾日無人理。佢就入來爆屋。多D查下屋外。一枝煙頭都清走佢。怕第二個行家來幫襯你間屋。就烦。週不時唔同贼連還爆。柏民大厦最多。财物最好有留單。呢到D保險有單一定賠足。門窗破壞都赔。租人地方個業主要你赔仲多重傷害。小心D啦。天下無賊。米信。隨時隔離在右做。室内外都裝C a m。最大幫助。
We and our friends have lived in US for a long time. 1. We installed alarm and pay for monthly monitor service. 2. We installed camera inside n outside of our house. We have a habit of checking the camera daily when we are on vacation. 3. We always put the valued items in the safe, not in our house if we travel. The world is really crazy nowadays and we have to learn how to protect our assets. Hope that helps.
I am so sorry to hear about the break in to your friends house over the holiday period. I did write a detailed comment on this topic with warning at one of your episodes discussing about home security over a year ago, explaining how the criminals here select their targets and the steps they normally take to break into peoples' houses. This case happened exactly the way I described it just like many other cases. Not by any chance that your friends sent their kids to private schools or a reputable local schools? I won't go through the details again but the headache for your friends now is the insurance payment. UK insurance companies don't pay out cash, they will likely give your friends vouchers which are quite useless as they can only be used in the insurance listed stores and you will never get the same jewellery back. That is of course if the claim is successful with the insurance companies asking for proof of purchase.
用 AI 寫的 英文 I'm really sorry to hear about the break-in at your friend's house during the holiday period. It's unfortunate that this incident aligns with what I previously discussed in a detailed comment on your episode about home security over a year ago. I explained how criminals in our area choose their targets and the typical steps they take to break into homes. By any chance, did your friends send their kids to private schools or reputable local schools? I won't go into the details again, but it seems like this case unfolded exactly as I described before, similar to many other cases. The headache for your friends now lies in dealing with insurance payment. In the UK, insurance companies typically don't provide cash payouts. Instead, they often offer vouchers that can only be used at specific stores listed by the insurance company. Unfortunately, this means your friends may never be able to replace their stolen jewelry with the same items. Additionally, the success of their claim is dependent on providing proof of purchase as requested by the insurance companies.
Recently our neighbour has installed full security system, yet thief attempted to break into his house from the back, and his brother says they can see thief breaking in and alarm went on and a few neighbours stand at the street...and I can hear local white told his wife stand back in case thiefs come out. It took over 20 mins before police arrive. Even with alarm system still break in ....our area is Earley at Reading, Berkshire
It is common in canada to intall burglar alarm systems that connect to police or service providers. It is worth the money. Buy house insurance too. It is a must to protect the family, valuables and your investment. Have close connections and reslationships with your neighbors they may help do neighbor watch when you are away.
CoCo哥,最近我有D鄰居剛從英國放暑假返港渡假,我有問一下D細路佢哋都話在英國讀書很開心和軽鬆,早一個星期前已經返咗英國。我有極力推介CoCo RUclips 比我過咗去英國嘅所有朋友。亦祝福去咗英國嘅所有朋友及香港人🙏
2023-04-22-沙田火炭 3百萬 爆竊案. 外賊如何得知此單位沒人?
撐貪官, 害己害兒孫 !
2021-12-16- 世貿中心同時間又會沒警鐘, 花灑沒水, 火警又會在這時發生 ?
污狗入屋破壞電器 (引發家居失火) ... 港人小心 !
( 2019-12-27 - 一屋苑4單, 被爆竊 ! 賊人知哪單位無人 ... 誰通知 ) ?
業主/住戶 ... 何時外出 ... 何時回家, 物業看更完全知曉掌握 ...
所以能做出以下非法事件 ... 市民生命財產無保障 ....
- - 入屋破壞喉管 (家居水浸) ...
- - 入屋破壞電器 (引發家居失火) ...
- - 破壞門鎖 ( 滋擾住戶 ) ...
- - 入屋偷取財物 , ...
- - 自導自演製造事件 ( 滋擾屈住戶 索取維修費 ) ...
- - 借題維修 ( 大肆破壞目標單位 ) ...
- - 破壞大廈設施 , 製造事故 , 自訂工程 ( 取盡儲備金 ) ...
更多犯法手段傷害業主/住戶 ....
退休公僕 ( 警隊, 房署 , 政府部門高層 )/籐瓜族 ... 自家公司包辦全港物業管理行業, 無本生巨利 ... 無視法律,大貪特貪 ... 法治包庇, 巿民個個有機會被害 !
撐貪官, 害己害兒孫 !
the key is not to monitor with cameras, it's making your home look normal when you are away - get a few of those timers, set a few desk lamps and floor lamps on different schedule. starting at 5pm, dining room sitting room are lighted up, then around 9 the bedroom is light up the, turn the sitting room off, and back on an hour later. make it look random , like someone is living here going up and down. you can also use a disco projector to mimic the lights from a TV, add a radio if your like. make sure all curtains are down.
😮真不幸。新移民難免一刧。當買經驗。人無安全無事就0K。地方本地人窮。用齊C0C0哥D方法以好安全。现今D防禦系统手機即時通知好放心。D警察就列行工課完。就了结。不用寄望有咩成果。呢D通常以给贼人成為目標。多D留意家居外有冇俾人做了記号。留D報紙 .雜物在屋外。幾日無人理。佢就入來爆屋。多D查下屋外。一枝煙頭都清走佢。怕第二個行家來幫襯你間屋。就烦。週不時唔同贼連還爆。柏民大厦最多。财物最好有留單。呢到D保險有單一定賠足。門窗破壞都赔。租人地方個業主要你赔仲多重傷害。小心D啦。天下無賊。米信。隨時隔離在右做。室内外都裝C a m。最大幫助。
@@sysopr 宜家啲賊好醒架,仲會做一啲記號例如夾一塊樹葉系道門框上,如果兩三日都仲係到即係無人開過大門啦,然後再試下撳鐘。
@@sysopr 有啲會觀查信箱,地下有無包裹無人攞等,再踩點爆格。道高一尺,魔高一丈。防不勝防。
@@sysopr 另外就係啲賊係渣住車周圍兜,總會見到一啲人帶住行李出門,咁咪即係出遠門,夜晚就黎試下架啦。
Thank you for sharing not only your friend’s unfortunate encounter, but also sharing tips and assistance 👏.
You sharing means you care 👍!
我每年都去維珍尼亞州探我個仔兩次,每次去個半月,我屋企有三 度玻璃趟門,每度趟門嘅門框底,我都用一條長木頂住,除非打爛玻璃,就算撬爛把鎖都入唔到嚟.又在外國買保險除非你指定個人財物 加保外, 通常都唔會保大數目,仲要有買入單據,要求很嚴格才有得賠.好多時保險公司都要求你不要放太貴重的物品 在家,好似我家姐咁都租咗銀行保險箱廿幾年有多.佢都試過畀人 入屋暴竊.
We and our friends have lived in US for a long time. 1. We installed alarm and pay for monthly monitor service. 2. We installed camera inside n outside of our house. We have a habit of checking the camera daily when we are on vacation. 3. We always put the valued items in the safe, not in our house if we travel. The world is really crazy nowadays and we have to learn how to protect our assets. Hope that helps.
I am so sorry to hear about the break in to your friends house over the holiday period. I did write a detailed comment on this topic with warning at one of your episodes discussing about home security over a year ago, explaining how the criminals here select their targets and the steps they normally take to break into peoples' houses. This case happened exactly the way I described it just like many other cases. Not by any chance that your friends sent their kids to private schools or a reputable local schools? I won't go through the details again but the headache for your friends now is the insurance payment. UK insurance companies don't pay out cash, they will likely give your friends vouchers which are quite useless as they can only be used in the insurance listed stores and you will never get the same jewellery back. That is of course if the claim is successful with the insurance companies asking for proof of purchase.
用 AI 寫的 英文 I'm really sorry to hear about the break-in at your friend's house during the holiday period. It's unfortunate that this incident aligns with what I previously discussed in a detailed comment on your episode about home security over a year ago. I explained how criminals in our area choose their targets and the typical steps they take to break into homes. By any chance, did your friends send their kids to private schools or reputable local schools? I won't go into the details again, but it seems like this case unfolded exactly as I described before, similar to many other cases. The headache for your friends now lies in dealing with insurance payment. In the UK, insurance companies typically don't provide cash payouts. Instead, they often offer vouchers that can only be used at specific stores listed by the insurance company. Unfortunately, this means your friends may never be able to replace their stolen jewelry with the same items. Additionally, the success of their claim is dependent on providing proof of purchase as requested by the insurance companies.
其實保險有用過cam好多。如果要保安系統就裝alarm, sensor, cam,仲有加裝遙控辣椒噴霧,就有機會影到賊個樣。但喺最好都仲喺有遠程保安服務。😊
多謝coco 哥 & 事主分享❣️
香港我住村屋都要分層唔同位置有時間掣著燈!門口、露台、廳 校到好夜先至熄!
外國住house , 賊人打破玻璃入屋, 就可以打刧了, 大家應要請教一些科技人士, 確保家居和家人安全, 要買家居保險, 多謝Coco哥, 提供朋友個案提醒大家要注意。🙏🙏🙏🙏
我裝左4個cam-室外加一個室內, 4個前後花園wifi motion sensor, 一有人即刻通知。 3個wifi 燈,wifi remote T俾TV. 雖然無乜用, 但都得個知字。
記住, 最安全地區最多賊 , 的士司機都會接完你去旅行就爆你屋, 坐車唔好係屋企門口上車。
標題黨coco哥 😂
後園sliding door 用條木頂住
Coco哥你一定要加強保安 有非常高機會到你間屋 賊佬一下就用曬D錢 又想辦法去入第二間 亞洲人住的屋係非常危險
Put the sign up “do not enter “😂
末整到CCTV 都貼張有CCTV 嘅 warning 係門口附近。😉
So sorry for the loss of your friend!
Coco 哥,你太紅了,記得下次去完返嚟先update片吧!人冇事最重要,保重😊
擺兩隻有GPS嘅勞力丹頓畀佢攞囉, 一網打盡🤣🤣
多謝Coco哥分享寶貴心得🙏錢財身外物,最緊要個人冇事。南無阿彌陀佛 善哉善哉🙏
Recently our neighbour has installed full security system, yet thief attempted to break into his house from the back, and his brother says they can see thief breaking in and alarm went on and a few neighbours stand at the street...and I can hear local white told his wife stand back in case thiefs come out. It took over 20 mins before police arrive. Even with alarm system still break in ....our area is Earley at Reading, Berkshire
啲賊都會揀啲易爆嘅屋,其實真係要裝晒cam同alarm system先得
嗰時喺澳洲讀書, backyard 後門唔lock都冇事.... 歐洲太多非法移民
Glad the kids and family are alright.. that's the most important thing
CO CO 哥真有料👍👍
自從移英後, coco gor好似蒼老左好多, 唔知係未頭髮問題
英國這alarm 系統算平了,在香港曾經在小店舖裝了這種有call centre幫手報警的服務要$700-$800蚊一個月
睇下遇到咩鄰居,有啲聽到人哋alarm 係咁響都唔理
多謝被打刧的鄰舍分享,聽到之後知道最安全放物品的地方🙏🏻感謝Coco gor 節目👍🏻 最緊要人安全
請教, 紅外線熱能鏡頭 和 盜聽器材?
因為電腦電話,有追蹤紀錄,貴錶有號碼查到物主。應該去旅行前 租 - 個 月 銀行保險箱,Vincent 有 介 紹 過 邊 間 銀 行 有。
我去旅遊日本2個月、兩間屋都裝左防盜系統每間屋8個鏡頭,用Hi-Fi控制,一有影馬上出現在自己iPhone ,家人每個電話都有安裝,有乜風吹草動都會知道,夜晚有Raccoon經過iPhone 馬上有通知
@@sysopr 係呀,全屋都有開燈熄燈時間制
請問通常英國中小學生在暑假期間有什麼活動? 有什麼計劃? 對於居英的港人家庭, 你們又有什麼建議?
在英國和香港BBQ的方式有大不同, 可以分享當中的工具嗎?
請問英國家庭對於兒女的零用錢的看法, 你們又有什麼建議?
所以下次去旅行, 記得要將貴重物品放小朋友房/廚房/廁所啦!
Thanks for sharing!
Home insurance comes handy at time like this!!! But still scary.
It is common in canada to intall burglar alarm systems that connect to police or service providers. It is worth the money. Buy house insurance too. It is a must to protect the family, valuables and your investment. Have close connections and reslationships with your neighbors they may help do neighbor watch when you are away.
Coco 哥:你都要小心💖💖
I have installed alarms and cameras in my house. At the backyard the camera fires siren if motion detected at midnight
好奇問,點解全屋唔裝Cam呢?而家啲Cam有Alarm,有motion capture,有message即時通知喎?
no worries, claim the home content insurance, no loss except paying for the excess...
Sucks. Sorry to hear the sad news. All the best.
it's not happened to Coco cor,but his friend😮
Coco哥你去完旅行返嚟,一聽到咁嘅消息, 你都擔心自己。震一震,心都寒。
Coco 哥問有冇熄燈😂嗰賊咁好手尾
Coco 哥的朋友,明白你的感受,因為我返到屋企見到度門虛掩,當時冇咩感覺,但是之後,發咗成個月惡夢😞
Usually there is a police service for any home vacant for a period of time like going out for holiday. They will patrol more often in your area
Alos applies to Canada?
Coco哥,你屋燈自動開apps 和 device 係邊到買架?
我們都係行後花園, 我們這區好安全, 常常打開大門, 尤其是這幾天天氣很熱, 所時常打開玻璃門
銀行有保險箱服務 !
保險賠償必須出示購買收據進行估算賠償金額數量 !
外國住屋不論single house 或 apartment 只要個賊夠力踢爛木門即可入屋(有更好嘅鎖都冇用),唔會咁蠢爆玻璃門或窗口因為唔小心真係爆玻璃!以前外國警察的同事話我知,屋內唔好放貴重物品、cash、家庭照片&限量版飾物怕返兜及危險
@@cwso7030 會俾賊人target
以前聽朋友講過租保險箱裝貴重野, 如果唔介意俾年費, 英國某些銀行都有這種safety deposit box服務
搖控燈及Alarm 正!
iPad 電話吾會偷,怕追蹤到
睇標題以為係coco gor出事, 原來係coco gor朋友。
在英美加澳紐生活,住house必須安裝室外室內full set防盜,家中亦不應該擺放名貴物品。仲有,平時打扮唔好周身名牌,揸名貴房車更加唔建議。出遠門要搵人幫手剪草,收信。間屋set wifi control 不定時照明開關及電視或收音機開關(扮有人在家)。所有窗戶要鎖好落簾。
Don’t let people know you are on vacation.
成家人call 車去機埸,不要用屋企地址作上車點。有handyman 入屋,名貴裝飾不要露眼。留架車在driveway. 長開一、兩火燈。
OMG 😱. 希望快D settle 😢 Take care.