[안방1열/풀캠4K] 트윙클

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 359

  • @Nashwrlddd
    @Nashwrlddd 8 месяцев назад +8

    Nako and Yoona's Rap was So incredible

  • @hamstergamer4826
    @hamstergamer4826 9 месяцев назад +7

    The cameraman

    • @Chichicoco417
      @Chichicoco417 8 месяцев назад

      lmaoooo so much for full cam

  • @루브-j3q
    @루브-j3q 2 месяца назад

    채원 언니..ㅜ 언니가 이 무대에서 잴 빛났어 이미 9개월이나 지난 일이지만 아직도 언니가 많이 생각나..ㅜㅜ 언니 잴 빛났고 수고 했어!!

    • @루브-j3q
      @루브-j3q 2 месяца назад

      +윤아님도 엄청 수고 많으셧어요!! 렙도 엄청 잘하시네요
      +최혜린님 목소리 넘 이쁘세요..흑흑
      +나코 표정 넘 기여워 ㅜㅜ
      + 김수민님 3단 고음 ㅎㄷㄷ 멋지세요
      +코토코 금발머리 귀여웡... 어떡해에!!!

  • @zionreigo2593
    @zionreigo2593 9 месяцев назад +3

    I wish #UNIS will create a cover of this song. I like the vibes even though I can't understand Korean. The lyrics is also very meaningful after reading the English version. So Hoping 🤞✨

  • @shakthista6138
    @shakthista6138 10 месяцев назад +2

    Kwon chaewon just rocked and others too she just gave her best it was amazing ❤❤❤ 🎉

  • @sdfsdfsdfsdsdfsd
    @sdfsdfsdfsdsdfsd Год назад +8

    최혜린 김수민 권채원이 붙고 나머지 세명이 떨어졌어야했음

    • @하핑남매
      @하핑남매 2 месяца назад

      윤아 랩 겁나 잘했는데;

  • @EagleOne76
    @EagleOne76 Год назад +11

    Kwon Chaewon.😭

  • @A.rillvdes
    @A.rillvdes 11 месяцев назад


  • @Summer._.J-l
    @Summer._.J-l 10 месяцев назад +2

    뒷북이지만 권채원님 너무 열심히 노력하신 게 보였고 목소리 너무 개성있으시고 예쁘셨는데 유니콘분들이 너무 막 탈락시키신 것 같아서 아쉽네요 😢 투표 포함했으면 안 탈락하셨을 수도 있는데ㅜ

  • @Aleesirs_Diary101
    @Aleesirs_Diary101 11 месяцев назад +2

    Kwon Chaewon ate this performance up im so sad she got eliminated

  • @yuriviolinista
    @yuriviolinista 10 месяцев назад +2

    Why did they had to eliminate someone? Chaewon truly showed us her potential, Hyerin did a really great job and Nako, omg, I might be biased but msn, she was so captivating, I couldn't take my eyes off her, Sumin with her high notes were taking me high ti the heaven, Kotoko voice wasn't distracting as people say, and omg, Oh Yoona did a PERFECT job, I'm really sad Hyerin, Chaewon and Nako were eliminated 😢

    • @tavinjohnson
      @tavinjohnson 9 месяцев назад

      umm sumin's highnote was strained and drained she put all her power into the 1st note and the 2nd note was weak and the falsetto was not it it wasnt executed well at 2:27

    • @yuriviolinista
      @yuriviolinista 9 месяцев назад

      @@tavinjohnson i know, but i see the effort she has put into this high note, so this is the most important to me, but it's not to the judges, but thank god they didn't eliminate her

  • @heuniofied
    @heuniofied 6 месяцев назад +2

    Nako Chaewon and Oh Yoona saved by me

  • @chaa0s955
    @chaa0s955 10 месяцев назад +1

    chaewon shined so much ! this performance made me root for her despite how disapointed i was of her 1:1 battle ! she was so so good i'm so sad she got eliminated

  • @momantai_
    @momantai_ Год назад +127

    권채원 목소리 반했는데 이렇게 막 탈락시킬거면 투표는왜있는지.

    • @kiankaruro
      @kiankaruro 11 месяцев назад

      For those people who didnt get promoted nor didnt get eliminated.

  • @sunlightnkv
    @sunlightnkv Год назад +20

    Kwon Chaewon most stable voice but they eliminated her wth??? Obviously they want all new girls to debut a 5th gen group, not a 3rd gen gg member like Chaewon.

    • @MagicalGurl
      @MagicalGurl Год назад +2

      Absolutely a rigged show like they didn't even eliminated kotoko??? She can't even sing well and Chaewon improved so much

  • @아아-p7k6e
    @아아-p7k6e Год назад +17

    권채원이 젤 안정적이네

  • @iannelsonguelas5541
    @iannelsonguelas5541 8 месяцев назад

    i hate how there are 2 random guys standing there...

  • @dhea340
    @dhea340 Год назад +7

    Chaewon you are the best voice is good

  • @joyce-annetaloza4816
    @joyce-annetaloza4816 Год назад +43

    Chaewon nailed this!!

    • @MagicalGurl
      @MagicalGurl Год назад +3

      I'm so mad they ELIMINATED her after this

  • @ariway1010
    @ariway1010 Год назад +12

    Kwon chawon deserves better, she doesn't deserve to got eliminated

  • @hihi_0906
    @hihi_0906 Год назад +101

    Kim Sumin and Kwon Chaewon did so good. It's really disappointing Chaewon got eliminated when she's definitely one of best singers there.

    • @OhYoona_
      @OhYoona_ 9 месяцев назад +5

      the unicorns went hard on her since she debuted already. I don't get it why they would eliminate such an all-rounder.

    • @Seramicpot
      @Seramicpot 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@OhYoona_this show doesn't like older contestants.

    • @CharlesYoroshiku
      @CharlesYoroshiku 6 месяцев назад +2

      I hate how they re-recorded this and they didn’t show how Kotoko tripped at the other ver

    • @Seramicpot
      @Seramicpot 6 месяцев назад

      @@CharlesYoroshiku wait what version?

    • @Seramicpot
      @Seramicpot 6 месяцев назад

      @@CharlesYoroshiku ooo I see it ruclips.net/video/fqG5AgNxiRA/видео.htmlsi=WRcYn1tE2ZhAAQOw at 2:20 wow she should've been eliminated. But she's QIoYuOwA lol.

  • @Blacksapphire-zs1kk
    @Blacksapphire-zs1kk Год назад +25

    1:23 1:52 비음가득 불안한음정 하지만 가능성있다고 살아남게함
    2:16 0:15 살아남으려고 창법바꾸고 실수 안하고 안정적인 보컬실력 하지만 탈락

  • @흄-i8c
    @흄-i8c Год назад +8

    음 근데 여기 심사위원들이 다 각자 분야에서 대단한 사람들이긴 하나…아이돌전문가라는 생각은 전혀 안드는데… 프듀는 아예 아이돌 트레이너들로 배치했고 걸플과 방솔은 트레이너 + 아이돌 대선배님 또는 프로듀싱 잘하는 사람 조합이었음 여긴 무슨 기준으로 뽑은건지 그냥 코칭만 하는 것도 아니고 합불을 정하는 포지션이라면…

  • @브리키오-d9v
    @브리키오-d9v Год назад +88

    권채원 파트 때 안정감이 진짜 넘사야 눈에 확띄네

  • @KimYieun-i1n
    @KimYieun-i1n Год назад +7

    권채원은 잘했는데 왜 탈락했나?

  • @yoozaeden
    @yoozaeden Год назад +2

    Oh Yoona debut lets goo

  • @행복한꿈결
    @행복한꿈결 Год назад +33

    권채원 님이랑 최혜린 님은 여기서 탈락하기엔 너무 아까운데...
    탈락했다고 해서 포기하지 말고 그래도
    계속해서 꿈을 위해 도전해주셨으면 좋겠어요!

  • @choibeomgyusgirlfriend
    @choibeomgyusgirlfriend 10 месяцев назад

    I love this performance so much 🥹🩷

  • @mj2243
    @mj2243 Год назад +4

    they all did so well🥹 it's sad some had to get eliminated

    • @MagicalGurl
      @MagicalGurl Год назад +2

      I'm so mad cause they've been eliminating girls that had personality and talent

  • @CarNavidad
    @CarNavidad 11 месяцев назад +1

    when I first watched this performance, I really got teary-eyed on Chaewon's parts. She, Kotoko, and Oh Yoona had the most impact in this perf.

  • @claire0946
    @claire0946 Год назад +148

    Chaewon really did great they shouldn't eliminate her.

    • @Der-Roni
      @Der-Roni Год назад +8

      Well, guess what? She got eliminated.

    • @user--df3fwgsq8j
      @user--df3fwgsq8j Год назад


    • @user--df3fwgsq8j
      @user--df3fwgsq8j Год назад +12


    • @wellylim96
      @wellylim96 Год назад

      ​@@user--df3fwgsq8j she really did

    • @jinnilovely5573
      @jinnilovely5573 Год назад +2

      She will get eliminated she not commercials anymore she too old

  • @깍두-u5w
    @깍두-u5w Год назад +56

    권채원 파트때 눈 확가는거보소,,, 찰떡이다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • @흄-i8c
    @흄-i8c Год назад +28

    엥 방송 안 보고 무대만 본 사람으로서 댓 보고 권채원 떨어진거 알았네..충격이다 이 무대에서 눈에 진짜 띈다고 생각했는데…서사의 정점이자 목소리톤도 ㄹㅇ벅차오름

  • @goreinemau6504
    @goreinemau6504 Год назад +15

    As the episode goes by, I get too disappointed with the judges choice of eliminating good trainees.

    • @goreinemau6504
      @goreinemau6504 Год назад +11

      I feel like this show is rigged and one of the most disappointing idol survival shows that I watched.

    • @MagicalGurl
      @MagicalGurl Год назад

      Exactly. They've been only eliminating and putting down girls that ACTUALLY have personalities and talents. Like Chaewon, Mila, Vu linh and Gehlee???@@goreinemau6504

  • @evander5964
    @evander5964 3 месяца назад

    Still bitter about kwon chaewon on this performance she should have stayed 😢.

  • @wheq_._.
    @wheq_._. Год назад +22

    채원 이무대에서 충분히 어필한거같은데 왜 컨셉에 같힐거같다고 하는거지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 그러면 코토코 같은 친구는 귀여운컨셉만 할수있을거같은데 아닌가 .... 물론 코토코가 스타성은 잇어보이긴하는데 ...... 하 은채랑같이 채원도 같이응원했었는데 좀 그렇다 난 채원보다 다른애가 떨어질줄알았음 왜냐면 서브보컬로 중심잡아주는느낌이강해서 이번에 살겠다 무조건 확신함...근데 이게무슨일이야 ㅠㅠ

  • @Do_lt_Amazing
    @Do_lt_Amazing Год назад +60

    권채원 진짜 잘했어 ㅠㅠ 최고였고 항상 응원할게

  • @Kamchoo
    @Kamchoo Год назад +22

    코토코 쟨 뭔데 계속 살아남는데;;; 권채원 최혜린도 떨어졌는데
    이럴수록 반감만 더 생김..비주얼도 실력도떨어지는애 언제까지
    우쭈쭈 해줄거냐고ㅋㅋㅋ아이돌 뽑는거지 재롱잔치할 애기 뽑는거임? 귀엽다귀엽다하는데 이 프로에서 나오는 애들중에 나이도 어리지않음..ㅋㅋ

    • @moon-kf7jm
      @moon-kf7jm 11 месяцев назад +1

      Ikr she just shining because of her blond hair lol, if she didn't dye and having black hair for me nahh look as same as other member, the judges so blind with her cuteness maybe

  • @Eden-on6wm
    @Eden-on6wm Год назад +15

    I still can't believe that they chose kotoko over kweon chaewon?????

    • @Kamchoo
      @Kamchoo Год назад +11

      If you choose a loser on this stage, it is right that there must be a Kotoko. I don't know what criteria this is based on. I think it's really unfair for the judges to be cold to others and be cute only to Kotoko

    • @Ororostorm
      @Ororostorm Год назад +13

      Unfair for chaewon

    • @tako9260
      @tako9260 Год назад +7

      Kotoko need more practice in singing... And the judges choose her 😂

    • @Ororostorm
      @Ororostorm Год назад +6

      @@tako9260 those judges are blinds

    • @meowmeoowmeoww
      @meowmeoowmeoww Год назад +1

      they're probably choosing the ones who they think fit the group's concept the best. idk why don't people even think about that, obviously the judges have to consider that too. not just singing talent

  • @anonakayamopaba9898
    @anonakayamopaba9898 Год назад +11


  • @usegvxfcugyvihbj
    @usegvxfcugyvihbj Год назад +1


  • @서연-m5h3u
    @서연-m5h3u Год назад +33

    권채원 너무 잘했어 너무 사랑해 항상 응원할게

  • @juan-1214
    @juan-1214 Год назад +33

    채원언니 오늘 제일 빛났어요 수고했어요❤

  • @adelhazuri1741
    @adelhazuri1741 11 месяцев назад

    Salfok kameramennyaa😂😂😂😂

  • @흄-i8c
    @흄-i8c Год назад +37

    권채원 창법이 올드하다는데 적어도 이 곡에서만큼은 권채원 음색이 중심을 잡아주고 곡 느낌을 완전 살렸다…
    그리고 솔직히 누구 누구 띄워줘야겠다가 이렇게까지 투명하게 보이는 서바이벌은 처음이다ㅋㅋㅜㅜ

    • @Xiao700
      @Xiao700 Год назад +5

      Chaewon better than Kotoko

  • @안봐도비디오-o9r
    @안봐도비디오-o9r Год назад +17

    아니 다 떨구고 투표하라는건 뭔 심보여ㅡㅡ

  • @penerusluckyarul23n
    @penerusluckyarul23n Год назад

    Jewelry ❤

  • @jinh5943
    @jinh5943 Год назад +18

    권채원이 이전 소속사에서 얻은 쿠세때문에 창법이나 스타일이 약간 올드해보이지만 권채원이 화면에 잡힐 때마다 왜 연예인인지 알 수 있었는데.. 왜 떨어졌는지 .. 기본 실력이 좋아서 스타일만 바꾸면 됐을텐데 ㅠㅠ 아쉽네요

  • @idealtypegirl
    @idealtypegirl Год назад +93

    Kwon Chaewon & Kim Sumin were definitely the MVPs of this performance! They are so good!! It's such a shame that Chaewon got eliminated though... So far, the eliminations have felt so unfair to the point it makes me hate the show.

    • @NekoNyan
      @NekoNyan Год назад +23

      This is one of the worst shows I've ever had the chance of watching, or maybe it is the worst. May it be the judges or the voters, the quality of those they pick are so low I'm asking myself if they're even taking this seriously

    • @pdc7227
      @pdc7227 Год назад +15

      ​@@NekoNyanthe show has a weird voting timeline too. and elimination happens so fast. they shouldnt invite 80 or something from the audition and only get 30 if they dont have budget to keep 80 trainess for more than a week.

    • @PurpleHaze4me
      @PurpleHaze4me Год назад +3

      So they eliminate first before showing the video?

    • @CozyBunni
      @CozyBunni Год назад +3


    • @jinnilovely5573
      @jinnilovely5573 Год назад +4

      Chaewon not comerial anymore , she too old

  • @다현-v8j
    @다현-v8j Год назад +11

    채원이 너무 아쉬워ㅠㅠ진짜 잘했는데

  • @duckyoong
    @duckyoong Год назад +63

    이렇게 보니까 역시 채원이가 무대에서 표정을 제일 잘쓴다.. 제일 활기차고 컨셉이랑 곡해석을 젤 잘한듯ㅜ 다른애들은 열심히 하는 느낌이라면 채원이는 무대를 즐기는 느낌.. 혜린이도 노래 잘하고ㅜ

  • @HahaHa-bb8ts
    @HahaHa-bb8ts Год назад +39

    혜린이가 진짜 보석인데.. 여기서 적당히 인지도 얻고 좋은 소속사 가서 데뷔했음 좋겠다

    • @Hsupingyuanlovekpop
      @Hsupingyuanlovekpop Год назад


  • @지구가자
    @지구가자 Год назад +20

    권채원 찢었디!!!!!

  • @tnsxod
    @tnsxod Год назад +57

    권채원 파트 존나 안정적이야ㅜㅠ

  • @jiriwang
    @jiriwang Год назад +54

    실력으로만 따지면
    누가 떨어져야할지 모든 시청자가 다 알텐데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    진짜 너무한다
    최혜린, 권채원은 무조건 살렸어야지… ㅠㅠㅠ

    • @what2605
      @what2605 Год назад +1

      데뷔조 오디션이다보니 심사위원 입장에선 실력보단 매력으로 선발하는게 합리적이긴 함..

    • @Stay_32581_I.N
      @Stay_32581_I.N Год назад +3

      이 댓글 올립시다 ㅜㅜ

  • @JM-uc2me
    @JM-uc2me Год назад +5

    Wtf hyerin and chaewon eliminated????

  • @비비-z2w6u
    @비비-z2w6u Год назад +18

    권채원 수고했어👍👍

  • @nasyamillatulfaza2821
    @nasyamillatulfaza2821 Год назад


  • @holayu826
    @holayu826 Год назад +12

    Chaewon ❤ the best 🎉❤

    • @MagicalGurl
      @MagicalGurl Год назад +1

      Can't believe they eliminated her.

  • @juan-1214
    @juan-1214 Год назад +46

    대체 심사기준이 뭘까..? 실력보다 매력이 더 중요한 오디션이라니..

  • @빠삐용-n7q
    @빠삐용-n7q Год назад +8

    아니 노래가 올드한데 창법을 요즘처럼 하니깐 진짜 안어울림 보컬이 굉장히 강한 노래인데 이상한 댄스랑 퍼포먼스 넣으니깐 망함 아니 웃긴게 심사위원들이 데뷔하기 전에 나온 노래임 윤하는 일본에 2004년에 데뷔했지만 한국에 2007년임 근데 이 노래가 2005년임 장난하냐 편곡하지 말고 그냥 원곡 그대로 해야지 되지도 않는 프로듀싱으로 무슨 평가를 함?? 아니 평가를 무대로 해야되는데 그냥 여태까지 모습으로 보니깐 실력 보다 그냥 가능성이랑 스타성?? 객관성 보다 그냥 주관적임 이럴거면 그룹 말고 개인 무대 세워서 해라 아니 탈락한 멤버가 납득이 안되는게 코토코 남기고 나코 떨어지는게 말이 됨?? 그냥 무대 보고 평가를 안한거임 김수민도 메인보컬인데 음정 불안하고 애드리브도 흔들렸는데 무대가 의미가 있음?? 권채원이 걸그룹 출신이라 평가잣대 높은 것은 알겠는데 객관성은 있어야지 노래는 안보고 그냥 춤만 보는거 같음

    • @aka-wo9cw
      @aka-wo9cw Год назад

      너 이 프로 안보나보다ㅋㅋ 코토코 계속 분량챙겨주고 실수해도 귀엽다고 밀고 있잖아ㅋㅋ 편하게생각해

  • @oreobanana8617
    @oreobanana8617 Год назад +30


    • @MagicalGurl
      @MagicalGurl Год назад +1

      I'm so mad they eliminated her

  • @tnsxod
    @tnsxod Год назад +28

    권채원 개 잘해ㅠㅠ

  • @RenzzoNicolas
    @RenzzoNicolas Год назад +7

    Bring back her

  • @Ororostorm
    @Ororostorm Год назад +8

    Justice for chaewon

  • @jjwoo317
    @jjwoo317 Год назад +11

    아니 이 오디션은 왜 자꾸 갈수록 옛날 곡으로 경연하지???;;;; 아니 솔직히 쥬얼리는 너무 갔잖아... 그때 태어나거나 태어나지도 않는 참가자들이 대부분인데 좀 4세대 곡으로 해라...

    • @Asqw111-s3z
      @Asqw111-s3z Год назад +2

      나만 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이생각한게 아니었네 ㅋㅋㅋ 아니 쥬얼리 40대다 왜 요즘 아이돌곡으로 프로듀싱 해도 될텐데... ㅎ

    • @jjwoo317
      @jjwoo317 Год назад +4

      @@Asqw111-s3z 사실 소녀시대 다만세는 걸그룹 교과서 같은 곡이라서 이해했는데 오늘은 보아의 걸스온탑도 나오고 쥬얼리의 슈퍼스타도 나오고 참 어이가 없네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @ahuman762
    @ahuman762 Год назад +56

    I love Universe Ticket but for the elimination of this team it's seriously so unfair, it's so disappointing as I feel that Chaewon and Hyerin are performing quite ok. Oh Yoona did really well in this performance and also kudos to Kim Sumin who sang the high note.

    • @stelatte8406
      @stelatte8406 Год назад +23

      Real. Kotoko shouldn't even be here in mid. She's low on vocals and on dancing

    • @auliariezqi6494
      @auliariezqi6494 Год назад +19

      @@stelatte8406yes,make me soooo confused with how the elimination work. i literally dont get the vibe from kotoko vocals even in dolphin perform, but yaa let see 😂

    • @TwighlightDawn-mp2ep
      @TwighlightDawn-mp2ep Год назад

      @@auliariezqi6494 Where r u guys watching?

    • @wn17777
      @wn17777 Год назад +21

      ​@@stelatte8406Agreed. If Kotoko is mid level, then Gehlee should also be mid. Based on the judges feedback, they placed Gehlee on low level because she only has charisma but not so great skills. Lol then it's the same as Kotoko.

    • @Kamchoo
      @Kamchoo Год назад +12

      코토코는 무슨 빽으로 계속 합격하는지 모르겠네요. 심사위원들도 다른멤버들한텐 냉정하면서 코토코한테는 못해도 아기마냥 귀여워만하네요.

  • @퍼프
    @퍼프 Год назад +62

    매력도 실력이 뒷받침 되어야 보이지… 언제까지 매력타령 할련지………

    • @juan-1214
      @juan-1214 Год назад +12


    • @jjwoo317
      @jjwoo317 Год назад +21

      심사위원이 너무 이상하게 심사함... 딱 봐도 별로인데 저게 칭찬할 정도인가 싶음....

    • @모부기-p2s
      @모부기-p2s Год назад +3

      ㄹㅇ 뭔 매력이 있다는건지 하나도 모르겠다 그만좀 내보내셈 ㅅㅂ 뭐 기업회장딸임? 실력안되면 그만좀 짤라라

    • @Kamchoo
      @Kamchoo Год назад +11

      그러니까요 코토코 ㅈㄴ 반감생김 노래도 못하는게

    • @user--df3fwgsq8j
      @user--df3fwgsq8j Год назад +10

      코토코 근데 뭐가 좋다고 자꾸그러는거임?

  • @shackshack1589
    @shackshack1589 Год назад +20

    권채원 고생했어 최고야🫶🏻

  • @hyoseokahn5155
    @hyoseokahn5155 Год назад +11

    편곡 개판이네 멜로디라인 어설프게 바꾸고 되도않는 랩 끼워넣고 뭐하는 짓임;;; 이건 편곡싸움에서부터 지고 들어갔는데 뭘 이기냐

  • @서나-q7h
    @서나-q7h Год назад +14

    코토코는 넘 애기같고 권채원이 훨낮는데ㅜㅜ

  • @JesusBaezM
    @JesusBaezM Год назад +6


  • @nancywaleedd
    @nancywaleedd Год назад +42

    KIM SUMIN!! she's the best at preforming she never looks awkward while preforming!! Her clean moves and everything looks so right!! And her visual omg she got everything an idol needs

  • @gyulgogi
    @gyulgogi Год назад +19

    my chaewon they dont deserve you in that middle schoolers group anyways👏👏

  • @charmbitten6878
    @charmbitten6878 Год назад +17

    exactly kwon chaewon great vocalist

  • @soo-t7x
    @soo-t7x Год назад +10

    여기 서바이벌 노래 너무 옛날이야..요즘 노래도 많은데 왜..

  • @marluve942
    @marluve942 Год назад +4

    kim suminnnn letss debutt also kotoko babe shes so charming ❤

  • @jellypudding3013
    @jellypudding3013 Год назад +5

    Idk why Kotoko isn’t eliminated yet

    • @moon-kf7jm
      @moon-kf7jm 11 месяцев назад +3

      Ikr she just shining because of her blonde hair, other than that she just not really that amazing 😢

  • @ayuw.p.4512
    @ayuw.p.4512 Год назад

    Kamera man nya seru bangett😂

  • @Kimmanism
    @Kimmanism Год назад +5

    Why make girlgrup competition if the debut line already decided? Its so obvious, worst program

  • @aiahkinssss
    @aiahkinssss Год назад +34

    Chaewon did so good here. I get it, her first solo performance in the show was kinda bad but among the six of them, I think she had the most improvement. Her supporters should have voted and voted for her. The show clearly doesnt like 18 years old above to debut. They'll be debuting kids 12-16👀

    • @CozyBunni
      @CozyBunni Год назад +4

      theres only that one 12 yr old that they love

    • @aiahkinssss
      @aiahkinssss Год назад +7

      @@CozyBunni FR. We all know she'll be debuting no matter what but 12 is just too young. Yes, she's very talented but she's just too young to experience the toxicity of some fans. She had too many screentime while others would get only seconds👀

    • @CozyBunni
      @CozyBunni Год назад

      any age should not experience the toxicity of some fans@@aiahkinssss

  • @jeanxxxix
    @jeanxxxix Год назад +27

    I like yoona’s rap. She’s really good.

    • @titiagoou
      @titiagoou Год назад +3

      she is an all rounder

  • @Kamchoo
    @Kamchoo Год назад +16

    Even though Kotoko's skills are really poor, the judges are not cool-headed and just cute like babies. I don't hate or like Kwon Chae-won, but I don't think it's enough to fall off this stage. In terms of skills, you all know who should fall off this stage.

    • @Moonlight298ergh
      @Moonlight298ergh Год назад +5

      True, i never root for Chaewon,(never thought to vote her even once, but i do vote kotoko in the 2nd round vote twice) but her elimination here really unfair.

    • @meowmeoowmeoww
      @meowmeoowmeoww Год назад +1

      they're probably choosing the ones who they think fit the group's concept the best. idk why don't people even think about that, obviously the judges have to consider that too. not just singing talent

  • @tsukiverse
    @tsukiverse Год назад +17

    how did they eliminate eunchae bro….

  • @rsyaa7
    @rsyaa7 Год назад +4

    so good yoona❤

  • @sulheeslay
    @sulheeslay Год назад +22

    chaewon did so well WE NEED HER BACK 🗣🗣🗣

  • @HYUN.-A
    @HYUN.-A Год назад +12

    채원아… 다이아 때부터 좋아했는데 유티 나온다고 해서 응원했었는데 이렇게 탈락할 줄은 몰랐어😢😢 그래도 나중에 유티가 아니어도 다른 곳에서 볼 수 있었음 좋겠다 응원할게❤

  • @Mary-mm8gv
    @Mary-mm8gv Год назад +12

    let's go yoona!!!!!! ❤❤❤

  • @mathildasitompul9928
    @mathildasitompul9928 Год назад +31


  • @elfanafilah
    @elfanafilah Год назад +4

    Kotoko what are u doing

    • @moon-kf7jm
      @moon-kf7jm 11 месяцев назад +1

      She really not really to debut😢

  • @かり-q2j
    @かり-q2j Год назад +1


  • @userdidinin
    @userdidinin Год назад +28

    김수민 보컬도 탄탄하고 춤도 깔끔하고 비율도 좋아서 제일 시선이 감

  • @wn17777
    @wn17777 Год назад +22

    How is Kotoko better than Chaewon? 😅😅

    • @Ororostorm
      @Ororostorm Год назад +3


    • @irish_is_me_
      @irish_is_me_ Год назад +8

      While I prefer Chaewon than Kotoko, I must admit Kotoko shine in this performance. She may not be better than Chaewon skills-wise, but her over-all performance here is a tad bit better than Chaewon. Its so sad to see her go though 😓

    • @meowmeoowmeoww
      @meowmeoowmeoww Год назад +3

      they're probably choosing the ones who they think fit the group's concept the best. idk why don't people even think about that, obviously the judges have to consider that too. not just singing talent

    • @moon-kf7jm
      @moon-kf7jm 11 месяцев назад +1

      Ikr she just shining because of her blond hair lol, if she didn't dye and having black hair for me nahh look as same as other member, the judges so blind with her cuteness maybe

    • @Ororostorm
      @Ororostorm 11 месяцев назад

      @@moon-kf7jm agree

  • @NekoNyan
    @NekoNyan Год назад +10

    I knew this team was gonna lose from the wardrobe alone. It looked like a middle school busking group doing an audition. It had no impact, as well as the song choice itself. They set these girls up for disaster. I also don't know why tf they eliminated Chaewon. Like why??? She was the best singer in this performance

  • @aiahkinssss
    @aiahkinssss Год назад +6

    Clearly, this show won't debut 18 year old above👀💀

  • @nancywaleedd
    @nancywaleedd Год назад +25

    I really hope kimsumin debut she has full package of visual, talent and a bubbly fun personality

  • @armybanacaratmoaxobliss00
    @armybanacaratmoaxobliss00 Год назад +2

    Oh yoona fighting!^^

  • @하루아-i2y
    @하루아-i2y 10 месяцев назад

    저렇게 촬영하구나 기계로 하는줄 알았네

  • @emmakavanagh5371
    @emmakavanagh5371 Год назад

    is there anywhere we can listen to this version of the song plsss its so good

  • @stelly3910
    @stelly3910 11 месяцев назад +2

    i feel like it shouldve been yoona kotoko and nako eliminated here, hyerin and chaewon seems so unfair yoona just seems so emotionless and kotoko just has a weird voice