The Legend of Saint Nicholas in French - Christmas song for kids with lyrics !

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024
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    Lyrics translation :
    Chorus :
    Ils étaient trois petits enfants
    (There were three little children)
    Qui s'en allaient glaner aux champs.
    (Who went a-gathering in the fields.)
    Tant sont allés tant sont venus,
    (They went so much to, and so much fro,)
    Que sur le soir se sont perdus.
    (That by the evening they had gotten lost.)
    S'en sont allés chez le boucher.
    (They went to the butcher's house.)
    "Boucher voudrais-tu nous loger ?"
    ("Butcher, would you give us lodging?")
    Ils n'étaient pas sitôt entrés
    (No sooner had they come in,)
    Que le boucher les a tués
    (Then the butcher killed them.)
    Les a coupés en p'tits morceaux,
    (He cut them into small pieces,)
    Mis au saloir comme pourceaux.
    (Put them in the salting-tub as piglets.)
    Saint Nicolas au bout d' sept ans
    (After seven years passed, Saint Nicholas)
    Vint à passer dedans ce champ,
    (Happened to cross that field.)
    Alla frapper chez le boucher.
    (He went to knock on the butcher's door,)
    "Boucher voudrais-tu me loger ?"
    ("Butcher, would you give me lodging?")
    Entrez, entrez, Saint Nicolas,
    ("Come in, come in, Saint Nicholas.)
    Il y a d' la place, il n'en manqu' pas."
    (There's room, no shortage of it.")
    Il n'était pas sitôt entré
    (No sooner had he come in,)
    Qu'il a demandé à souper.
    (Then he requested supper.)
    "Du p'tit salé je veux avoir,
    ("I want some of the salted meat)
    Qu'il y a sept ans qu'est au saloir".
    (That's been in the salting-tub for seven years.")
    Quand le boucher entendit ça,
    (When the butcher heard that)
    Hors de sa porte il s'enfuya
    (He ran away from his house.)
    "Boucher, boucher, ne t'enfuis pas !
    ("Butcher, butcher, don't run away!)
    Repens-toi, Dieu te pardonnera".
    (Repent, God will forgive you.")
    Saint Nicolas alla s'asseoir
    (Saint Nicholas went to sit down)
    Dessus le bord de ce saloir
    (On the edge of the salting-tub.)
    "Petits enfants qui dormez là,
    ("Little children who are sleeping here)
    Je suis le grand Saint Nicolas."
    (I am the great Saint Nicholas.")
    Le grand saint étendit trois doigts,
    (The great saint stretched out three fingers.)
    Les p'tits se levèrent tous les trois.
    (The little ones got up, all three of them.)
    Le premier dit: "J'ai bien dormi".
    (The first one said "I slept well.")
    Le second dit:" Et moi aussi".
    (The second one said "And I did too.")
    A ajouté le plus petit:
    (The youngest one added)
    "Je me croyais au paradis !"
    ("I thought I was in paradise!")

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